The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, December 12, 1895, Image 1

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Colorado gold mining stock is having
a boom.
George Augustus Sala, the great journ
alist, is dead.
There is an Apache uprising on the
Arizona frontier.
They are talking of raising the level of
Lake Erie by means of a dam at Buffalo.
Lord Dunraven is coming over to prove
his charges against the American yacht
men. Boston is the only part of New England
that ia represented in congress by a Dem
ocrat. There are about one million pensioners
on the rolls drawing support from the
Prof. Herrou last month delivered a
large number of addresses in Boston and
adjacent towns.
Chicago and New York are now linked
together and within speaking distance of
each other by telephone.
Twenty-five states out of forty-five
have not one Democrat representative in
the lower house of congress.
The Chicago Gas Trust won a victory,
Judge Showalter deciding that compan
ies can combine when and where they
It is estimated that 250,000 Armenians
whose homes have been plundered and
destroyed by their Mohammedan neigh
bors will die of starvation this winter,
unless kept alive by charity.
St. Augustine Peak in New Mexico, is
in a state of eruption. The bursting
forth of the crater thought long since
to have become extinct, has produced
great excitement in the territory.
Nearly all the rich strikes or finds in
gold or other mines are now made by
hired men in the employ of the corpora
tions. So the poor have less and less
chance to become enriched bv the mining
A visitor in the gallery of the national
House of Deputies, France, fired two
shots across toward the diplomatic gal
lery last week. No one hurt. The man,
Gilbert Lenoir, was apprehended, but no
explanation is given.
In the Times-Herald moto-cycle con
test Thanksgiving day the carriage of
the Duryea Motor Wagon company of
Springfield, Mass., won the first prize of
2,000. H. Mueller's carriage; a Decatur
111., inventor, won second prize.
Dr. Ablwardt, the Austrian anti-semi-tic
agitator, is in America on a lecturing
tour against the Jews. A Christian
(falsely so-called) who takes usury, or in
terest as it is now called, is no whit
better than the Jew who does the same.
The situation at Constantinople has
changed for the worse during the past
week. In twenty-five days preceding
Nov. 15 it is estimated that 15,000
Armenians were massacred and 200,000
robbed and rendered homeless. The Sul
tan is thonght to have instigated the
lawlessness and massacres.
A negro named Isom Kearse and his
aged mother were beaten to death in
Colleton county, S. C, by a mob Dec.
2d. The alleged crime of Kearse was the
stealing of a Bible and some pulpit fur
niture from the church. The mother was
killed because she could not testify
against her son. The charge was not
proven. It must be the people of South
Carolina greatly appreciate their Bibles.
There were 272 bi'ls and 16 resolutions
introduced in Congress Dec. 3d. Among
them are free coinage bills by Senators
Peffer and Stewart and a resolution by
Senator Allen for the immediate recogni
tion of the Cuban insurgents.the annexa
tion of all islands proximate to the
United States, the upholding of theMun
roe doctriue and a firmer foreign policy
respecting the protection of American
citizens abroad. Senators Cullom and
Lodge also offered resolutions enunciat
ing and supporting the Munroe doctrine.
A Cnrloni Transformation.
A fashionable audience in Paris re
ently listened to a lecture on chemis
try by a celebrated chemist. At the
conclusion of the lecture a lady and
gentleman who were among the first to
leave the hall had reached the open air,
when the lady caught her escort staring
at her. "What is the matter?" asked
the madame, in surprise. "Pardon me,
but you are Quite blue!" The lady re
turned to the hall and approached a
mirror. She started back in horror.
The rouge upon her cheeks had been
-converted into a beautiful blue by the
chemical decomposition which had
taken place under the influence of the
gases which had been generated dur
ing the lecture. The majority of the
women in the audience had suffered in
a similar manner. There were all sorts
of colors blue, yellow, violet and
black. Some whose vanity had in
duced them to put ivory on the skin,
coral on the lips, rouge on the cheeks
and black on the eye-brows had under
gone a ludicrous transformation. New
York Tribune.
Love labor, for, if thou dost not want
It for food, thou mayst for physic.
. i
I I I . . . ....finnmi riAiin
Published Without remission
Nebraska City, Neb., Dec. 2, 1805.
G. II. Gibson,
Lincoln, Neb.,
Deaii Fiuend: You have asked me so
often to send you some news, and I so
often have failed to do so. that T am
ashamed to offer you this article by an
other; but the novelty Gf an article by
one of our blind girls will I hope induce
you to give it space in The Wealth
I gave the subject, "Duties of a Citizen,'
to the class in political economy and got
this result from Clara Owens, a blind girl
from Fillmore county.
It seems to me that the sentiment is
most excellent, and remarkable when you
know that the State Journal has been
heretofore the text book on this subject.
We are getting along nicely, have lots
of work to do, but you know that I like
to work.
Mrs. Dawes joins me in sending regards
to yourself and family. I shall try to
give you the history of the condition of
things when we came here as soon as I
can find time to do so.
In Prof. Johnson we have a most su
perior head to the administratiom of
affairs here, and a man that does his
work with the single purpose of doing
good to those in his care; the pupils all
respect and love him for the interest he
tnkftH in them.
The governor should be complimented
on his wise choice tor the neaa oi tins in
stitution. Yours,
, H.E.Dawes.
In Sweden the Price of Service Is Left
with the Patient.
Sweden has doctors, but . no doctors'
bills. If you have occasion to call in
physician you will find him not only
skillful in his nrofession but a highly
educated and most honorable gentle
man. You will also have another proof
of the honesty of the Swedes ana ineir
friendly confidence in each other.
Swedish doctors send no bills to their
natients. What you shall pay your
physician is left entirely to your own
choice. The rich pay him liberally
whether they have need of his services
or not, if he has been once retained by
them. The poor Day him a small sum
and the very ooor Day him nothing. Yet
be visits the poor as faithfully as he
does the rich. On the last day oi tne
vear vou nut into an envelope, ad
dressed to your physician, a sum of
money which you think not only sum
cient to compensate him, but in accord
flnca with vour Dosition in life, and in
closing your card with the money, send
the enveloDe by a servant to your doc
tor. The servant returns with the card
of the doctor in a sealed envelope di
rented to vou. This shows that he has
received your money and no word about
the matter ever passes between you.
Should you send him nothing he will
come and prescribe for you all the next
year and as long as you live, and he is
too dignified ever to say a word about
Royal Brothera Who Played to a Traglo
New York World: There is some
thing particularly sad about the news
that a villa has been leased in Nice for
the use of the Russian czarowitz dur
ing the coming winter. For if he lives
to make a trip to the south of France it
is well nigh certain that he will return
thence a corpse, in the same way as
that other czarowitz, the elder brother
of Alexander III., who was likewise
taken to Nice only to die. By a strange
coincidence both czarowitzes will have
succumbed to the same malady con
sumption, produced by the same cause
namely, a blow in the chest in
Aided during a rough and tumble play
by a brother.
In the case of the Czarowitz Nicholas,
the blow was struck by his younger
brother, Alexander, who not only took
his place as heir to the throne, but also
married his betrothed, the now wid
owed czarina; while in the case of
Czarowitz George, the blow was deliv
ered by the present czar and not, as
has been stated, by that young Anak.
Prince George of Greece. Only a few
months have elapsed since another
Russian grand duke, Alexis by name,
the 21-year-old son of old Grand Duke
Michael, breathed his last at Nice, a
victim of consumption, and the consort
of Alexander II, likewise succumbed at
Nice to the same fell diease, which had
been permitted to progress beyond all
remedy owing to her absolute refusal
on the score of prudery to permit the
physicians to examine her chest and
back. When Dr. Botklne, the father of
the young diplomat, recently secretary.
of the Russian legation at Washington,
finally induced her to submit to a
proper examination, it was already too
late to do anything else than merely;
retard the fatal Issue.
. - f v- I
Brother Maiben'H I,RHt Words I 1111 v II 1 MI I'lML"
The following letter was written only a
few days before Mr. Maiben met with the
sad accident which caused his death.
Editor Wealth Makehs.
In walking through the state fair held
in Lincoln in 1891, I saw a beautiful
showing of the bee industry, and in ex
amining into the forms of the hives, it
amused me to see how nicely the bee
fancier got an insight into the working
of those industrious little insects; for by
placing a small class in the hive box, he
could see how they were progressing in
the manufacture of honey, so that he
would know whether ha could rob them
and leave them enough to just winter
over. It reminds me of some members of
the human family who travel over our
grand prairie states, such as Illinois,
Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and they
report to their wholesale firms and board
of trade men, how the industrious farm
ers are doing in their labor to raise big
crops, so that these gentle, kindhearted
members of the board ot trade can specu
late on our labor, aud fix the prices up
or dowu just enough to winter over. If
a good rain falls on our corn, it is over
production; if the winds are a little
scorching, why it must raise the prices
a little, so on it goes.
Now it does seem to me we farmers
ought to learn another lesson of these
industrious little insects. It is described
as follows, by a writer in the last century.
He says:
"About autumn the indolent arones,
(lawyers, bankers, usurers and board of
trade men. etc..) who have not added
anything to the common stock, either
wax or honey, are led out from tne nives
and deprived of their wings to prevent
them from returning to the hives, lest
they should consume the stored up pro
visions which working bees have taken
pains and labor to collect."
Now is not this a good lesson to tne
farming community, to enter into their
Alliances and devise some scheme to clip
the wings of these harpies who just feast
and live by the toil of our farming com
This may sound rather anarchical, oat
it does seem to me ridiculous to see our
farmers going up to these grain men, and
asking the price of grain that they have
toiled to raise. Why not ascertain their
own Drices. and do as other members of
society do, say, our goods are so and so,
and not be dependent on a gang oi
gamblers? Yours for equivalency.
Palmyra, Neb., John S. Maiben.
Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and
Throat diseases, over Rock Island
ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets.
Glasses accurately adjusted.
How the President of Switzerland
. Camped Oat.
An amusing story Is told of the late
ex-President Schenk of Switzerland,
Unlike other potentates of Europe, he
has been known for years past to spend
his annual vacations in tramping
among the Alps with one or more ot
his sons. Thus during the year of his
last presidency(1893) he started off with
two sons upon a tramp through one ot
the adjacent mountain provinces of
France, and, as he was wont to do,
took along the requisite camping ma
terial, such as is used by the army of
Switzerland when engaged in annual
Arriving late one evening in the sub
urbs of a village, they proceeded to
put up their tent and prepare for sup
per, when the gendarme of the place
came up and ordered them away, or
first proceed to the mayor under arrest
and secure a permit. President Schenk,
although somewhat fatigued, at once
strapped on his knapsack and accom
panied the officer to the mayor, rather
amused than vexed by the turn things
had taken. Upon being confronted by
the mayor, Fresldent Schenk presented
his passport, signed by himself, and
duly authenticated by the French am
bassador at Berne, Count Laufrey,
which referred to the hearer as "his
excellency, the president of the Swiss
At first the mayor seemed quite dum
founded, but recovering himself, at
once, in the most obsequious manner.
begged the president to excuse the aC'
tion of the police officer, and fairly
pleaded to nave him accept the hos
pitality of the town, lest it might be
said his corporation had failed to be
comingly honor so distinguished a
guest. But President Schenk, in his
habitual good humor, soon quieted the
agitated mayor, and assured the high
est honor that could be offered to him
would be to let him do as he pleased,
and it would please him most to be al
lowed to camp out with his party, as
had all along been his practice, when
upon his annual vacation tramps. Pres
ident Schenk, as usual, slept in his tent
that night upon an open field.
L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Island
MMrnf nfflna cor. 11th find O streets.
Bridge and. Crown Work a specialty.
Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat diseases, over Rock Island
ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets.
Glasses accurately aaiogtea.
I ill i mwm wm
Synopsis J a Practical Sermon by the Eev.
IS; B-0. Hardin
The Divine Lawgiver Commands Repent
ance and That We by Repentance
Change the Selfish System
All Good Depend on Obedience
i' '
TiXTfThj will be done on earth ai It Is In
heaven. ;
The first word that Jesus uttered when
he began his public ministry is positive
proof of the evil of , the then existing
social and moral conditions, and of the
necessity of reform. He says to his hear
ers "Repent I" "Turn your back upon the
existing order that has brought you to
the very verge of political, social and
moral ruin, and accept the new order, for
the kingdom of heaven is at hand." We
do not need to go to the musty records
of profane history to learn that the
social and moral conditions of the people
at that day were at war with the social
and moral welfare of society and had in
curred the displeasure of God. The
words of the greatest of all reformers
will convince you of that.
Neither do we need to search the musty
records of the past to understand the
nature of the reformation introduced by
Jesus and carried forward by his apostles.
Now he has told us in language not to be
misunderstood "The kingdom of heaven
id at land." A new sociology, of divine
origin and birth, was to take theplace of
the old order a sociology wherein the
will of the Father might be done in earth
as in heaven.
Cut, the objector to our view of the
meaning of Christ in his announcement
of the near approach of the coming king
dom will say: "Ah, this was wholly a
spiritual kingdom and would b set up
in the hearts and would affect only the
spiritual and religious life of the nation,
and would hav9 nothing whatever to do
with the political and sociul life of the
I answer: Certainly the kingdom o'
heaven set up in the earth, would, doubt"
less, greatly affect the religious or spirit"
ual life of the people, but can a people be
morally right and at the same time poli
tically and teocially wrong? To my way
of thinking there can be but one kind of
right, and a people cannot be right and
wrong both at the same time. You can
not be socially wrong, or in wrongsocial
relations with your fellows, and at the
same time be religiously right in your re
lations with God. You must not only
love God, but you must love your neigh
bor as yourself. Neither can you be poli
tically wrong and be soeially right.
There is so close a relation existing be
tween our political duties that we dare
not say we may go on from day to day
in a life of political wrong doing, and yet
have the approval of our social con
science. Hence, I agree that the coming
kingdom of heaven whose near approach
Jesus has heralded forth, calling upon
the people to repent and turn away from
present customs and environment, was
to affect and completely change not alone
the religious life of that nation, but the
social and political life as well. That, in
its effects, the kingdom of heaven in earth
was to do away, forever, with the indus
trial, political, social and moral condi
tions that had robbed th nation of its
life and brought it to poverty and ruin,
and was to build up such political, indus
trial, social and moral conditions as are
named, "the kingdom of heaven," in
which the will of God should be done in
earth as in heaven.
But what are we to understand by the
"will" of God? Why the mind or inten
tion of God expressed in the form of law.
We call the ten commandments the law
of God, hut the real law existed before
the writing of the commandments, the
writing being simply the expression of
liis will or intent. Really God has but
one law. As there is only one kind of
right, so, also, there is but one law. All
otherstatutesare but precepts of the one
great law, and that is the law of love.
Thou shalt love God. Thou shalt love
thy neighbor. Hence, His will done in
earth means nothing more nor less than
that his love should rule on earth as in
Not much has been revealed to us of
conditions in heaven, butenough toshow
us that all is harmony there; that there is
no sorrow nor tears, no breaking up of
families, no wounded hearts, no weary
and aching heads; that its inhabitants
live in perfect accord. And their principal
occupation might be described in the
sentence. "They are constantly doing
the will of God."
Now His will, done in earth as in heaven,
would be replacing our present social and
moral relations in which we are prompt
ed by a spirit of individualism, with
those social and moral relations prompt
ed and emphasised by t he spirit or law of
love. Ant this was what was in tlia
mind of Jesus to accomplish when he bo
gan his public ministry.
The angelic announcement of his ad
veut into our world was "Peace on earth
and good will, or God's will love to
man;" hence when we pray, "Thy will be
done in earth as in heaven," we pray for
the accomplishment of God's purpose to
ward men in the establishment of those
social, political, industrial and moral
conditions expressed in Jesus' words,
"The kingdom of heaven is at hand." It
is praying for the abolition of those self
seeking conditions that have bred our
present competitive strife, strife that has
brought us as a nation to the verge of
political, social and moral ruin, and for
the establishment of that divine civiliza
tion based on God's one aud only law of
Are the conditions under which we con
tinue to exist as a nation in accord with
this great law ot God. Are we, socially,
morally or. politically, actuated in our
conduct toward each other by the law
of love? If so, we do not need to pray
this prayer. But it is not so. Take np
any department of our national or social
life, and the spirit of competitive indivi
dualism will be fonnd to be the inspira
tion of our national or social actions. In
one form or another the same selfish,
competitive, industrial system under
which we at present live, has existed since
the history of men began. We have
never had any other system, and what
ever of industrial wrong exists, and what
ever is socially wrong innst be charged
to that same industrial system which it
was the mission of Jesus to overthrow.
Since there is but one kind of right, and
lacking the principal of moral right, or,
in other words, living in disobedience to
the one great law, our moral sense must
pronounce against the civilization of the
past and present the verdict wholly
wrong. It is a part of the same system
that destroyed the national life of the
Jews; that overthrew the Roman govern
ment; that brought forth the terrors of
the French revolution; that twice drench
ed our own land in blood, and that fur
nished the incentive for the crucifixion ol
the Son of God.
I have no sympathy with that class of
preachers who counsel submission to the
evils from which we today are suffering,
with our only hope of reward in the life
eternal. Jesus exhorted his desciples to
say, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand"
-not a far away thing, to the view of
which distance lends enchantment, but
close by, near at hand. And he tells
them,"YVhen you pray.say, 'Our Father,
thy will be done in earth' not elsewhere
'as it is done in heaven.'"
It is evident to me that the only thing
that stands in the way of the coming in
of that time is our own wills. He said
to the Jew, Repent He says to us, Re
pent; the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
But why must our present industrial
and social system be abolished before we
can expect the will of God to be done in
earth as in heaven?
For the reason that there is but one
kind of right. Before men will obey the
law the will ot Uod they must rspent,
must turn away from that which is
wholly selfish and which arrays brother
against brother. As individuals and as
a nation we are socially and industrially
wrong and therefore morally wrong. We
stand upon the verge of ruin. Being
socially and industrially wrong we can
not be morally right; and being morally
wrong we are in no condition to yield up
our self love the love of the Ego to the
unselfish love or will of God. Before the
coming of the kingdom of heaven to
earth, there must be a great moral and
social awakening. I here must be a na'
tional revival of religion on lines that
embrace the material welfare of the hu
man race in this world, as well as its
spiritual welfare in the next. There must
be born within us a desire to see the will
of God done in the earth as in heaven,
that expresses itself not only in the form
of words, but in social actions as well.
To little purpose do we pray. "Thy will
be done on earth as in heaven," unless
we also work for that end. Our part of
the work that must be done before that
much desired time shall come, is as im
portant as God's part. God works
through human instrumentalities, and if
the human part fails, His part will not
be done.
What part have we to perform in usher
ing in the new heaven and the newearth.
Looking back along the stream of our
own time, we can see the agencies that
have been at work In solving the problem
of national ruin. We can discover those
political policies that have brought the
curse of bankruptcy upon our nation
and extreme poverty and destitution up
on those who nave always been its brain
and brawn. We can trace the bearing of
these policies upon our nation's progress
and prosperity. We can search out those
policies that have dethroned the rights of
a large class of our citizens to life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. And we
can declare solemnly in the sight of God
that we will not longer support these
policies. If each of us who are here to
day would begin to do the will of God
here as it is done in heaven, we would
soon see such a revival of the religion of
love as would transform our part of the
earth into a garden of H,den. And the
influence of the Spirit would not stop
with ns, but would spread its benign and
life giving power to other communities
until our state and nation might beset
on fire with a zeal whose outcome would
be a new heaven and a new earth.
voruaiiiorniaana ruget oonna points
quick get ticket 117 So. 10.
. k
NO. 27
The Duties of a Citizen
TThe followinir excellent composition by
Clara Owens of the Nebraska Institute
for the Blind, a member of Mr. Dawes'
political economy class, we gladly pub
lish. Lpitou Wealth Makehs.
It is the duty of every citizen to abide
by the laws that govern the country in
niliiph rouirluH InHn tliia tin IllllMt, make
a careful study of the constitution and
everything pertaining to the laws, n ne
lives in the United States, whore all men
have a voice in the government, he, at
time of election, should be well informed
as to the character and ability of all the
candidates aud cast his vote for the one
who is the most likely to work for the
upbuilding oi the nation.
With our system of public schools, it is
t ha rlnttr nt avurv trim. Invn.1 citizen to
bUW HH VJ VM ' J - -1 J
send his children where they can obtain
the education wnicn is necessary to mane
thnm fit for tha time when the.V shall
have the right to vote.
If a man is in omce, it is nis amy not
to work alone for the interests of the
nnnf innlnr nnrftr whinh RAftlirHd lor him
the office, but for all those who are in
any way connected witn nis line oi worn.
. . - . . . . , ... a . if I 1
tie should do nonesc wuu nimseu, loytu
in hU .mm rpv maintain tha nrinp.inln
. V U.V I.UU1I V. J , u.w.uw.h I " - 1
right in all his dealings, and above all,
love nis neignDor as mmseii.
Prof. Johnson, the Superintendent of
the Blind Institute is making a most ex
cellent official and endearing himself to
the students and their friends. The gov-
ernor made an excellent choice in placing
him in charge of the school.
Origin ot Some of Those Molt Common
' If TJtad. ' .
Sam Weller did cot originate the ex
pression "wheels within wheels," ai
many supposed; he used it, truly, bul
the Idea is from the Bible (Ezeklel x.
10), says Chambers' Journal. Anothei
Biblical expression, which would hard
ly be recognized as such at first sight
la "the skin of my teeth" (Job xlx., 20
We are indebted to Cervantes for tat
proverb "Honesty is the best policy."
while the familiar phrase "diamond
cut diamond" Is due to Ford, the
author of "The Lover's Melancholy .
Although Sheridan's well-konwn char
acter Mrs. Malaprop did "own the soft
Impeachment," we must credit Shakes
peare with the origin of the saying
that "comparisons are odorous" (so
frequently attributed to that estimable
lady), as he puts these words in the
mouth of Dogberry. Ben JonBon ("The
Tale of a Tub," act lv., scene ill.) and
Butler ("Hudibras," part 1, canto 1, line
821) both "smell a rat," and to Tusser,
the author of "Five Hundred Points of
Good Husbandry," the truism, "Better
late than never," is due. The great Na
poleon may sneeringly have called us a
"nation of shopkeepers" ("una nation
boutiquerie"), and have expressed the
opinion that Providence is on the side
of the big battalions; but the first Is
borrowed from Adam Smith ("Wealth
of Nations," Vol. 2, published in 1775,
when Napoleon was a child), and the
second is a plagiarism from Voltaire's
letter to M. le Rlche, lated Feb. 6, 1770,
("Dleu est toujours pours les gros batll
lons." "Though I say Is as shouldn't,"
Is used in slightly altered form by
Beaumont and Fletcher and afterward
quoted by Colley Clbber and Fielding.
King Charles II. was of opinion that a
parliamentary debate in his time was
"as good as a play." For "murder will
out" we must turn to Geoffrey Chaucer,
who, In his quaint spelling, tells
us "Mordre wol out" ("The Nonnes
Preestes Tale," line 15,058). When we
say we will "leave no stone unturned,"
we are quoting the answer of the Del
phic oracle to the inquiry of Polycrates
as to the best means of discovering the
treasure burled on the field of Plataea
by Mardonius. To "make a virtue ot
necessity" Is from Chaucer ("Knight's
Tale"), but the phrase is used also In
Rabelais, Shakespeare and Dryden.
Done at Ocean Grove.
The tabulated results of Rev. C. H.
Yatman's Ocean Grove meetings dur
ing the summer, so far as figures can
represent spiritual work, are as fol
lows; Conversions, upward of 600;
backsliders reclaimed, 350; persons in
spiritual difficulty specially helped,
ver 2,000. Mr. Yatman received a cor
dial welcome on his arrival at Hono
lulu. What an admirable recipe for happi
ness to know how to do without things.
Holiday Excursion Hates via the
On Dec. 24 and 25, and also on Dec. 31
and January 1, 1896, the Burlington
will sell Round Trip Excursion Tickets
at one and one-third fare to points not
over 200 miles distant on its own lines.
All tickets sood for return until January
1, 1896. For further information and
tickets apply at B. & M. depot or city
office, cor 10th and 0 St.
G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A.
I viuiubh vr nuv y
I ,and t,cket offlce cor 11 and 0
Brldira iT-rfri ii V n
L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Is-