The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, December 05, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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December 5, 1895
New Series
Consolidation of the
Turner Alliance and Neb. Independent.
Iks Wsalth Makers Publishing Company,
list U St, Lincoln. Ncbrmkn.
6koioi Howaid Oihoh Editor
1. 8. Hyatt... Daaineu Uaoautt
IT. I. P. A.
"It any man must fall for me to rise.
Then Mk I not to climb. Another'! pain
I ebooM not for my good. A golden obaln,
A rob of bonor, 1 too good a prist
To tempt my hasty hand to do a wrong
Unto a fellow man. Thlt life bath wo
Sufficient, wrought by man' tatanlc foe;
And who that bath a heart wonld dare prolong
Or add a sorrow to a stricken eonl
That seek a healing balm to mak It whole?
My bosom own the brotherhood of man."
Publishers' Announcement.
The subscription prlo of Tn Wealth Mii
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Free of Cost.
The newspapers seem to think the mass
of their readers are more interested in
foot ball struggles than anything else,
judging from the space they devote to
Now congress plays its part, and the
Amorican public will hear much talk in
tended to deceive it while its rights and
interests are being bartered to the cor
porations. St. Jerome, who died in A. D. 420, still
held to the teachings of Christ and
preached what the churches now are not
prepared to hear. He declared that:
"Opulenco is always the product of theft
committed, if not by the actual possessor
by his ancestors."
All the gratification the rich can get
out of life comes to them through hired
service, which contaius no love. They
live by forcing tribute from the poor, aud
the poor are coining to look upon them
as despots, to be despised and hated for
their brutal selfishness.
Thb Emperor of Germany is mad over
the growth and power and demands of
the Socialists. They are known as Social
Democrats and in their demands are con
stantly encroaching on the houry pre
rogatives of the imperoial autocrat, aris
tocrats and plutocrats. They want the
President Cleveland's principal re
commendation to the country, is that we
retire the greenbacks, burn them, pay in
terest on bonds to borrow gold of the
bankers to buy them, and then borrow
bankers' notes at 10 per ceut or more to
replace them. G rover might better have
remained a hoiigmun, or been hung him
himself. Eleven workers in an iron and coal
mine in Brewster, N. Y., were crushed by
falling rock, Nov. 29. They exposed
their lives for wages and died, in order
that the stockholders might live in lux
ury, safety and idleness from the profits
(plunder) of their toil. All who live from
the labor of others probubly believe that
the present day workers were- miide to
live and die to build for them (the mono
polists) princely mansions in this world,
and that theGalilean carpenter died that
they might live in mansions. He has
been preparing for them in the next
world. They were born to provide labor
and vicarious suffering for the working
classes, don't you see?
The Transcontinental Passenger asso
ciation agreement just signed, is doing
between Chicago and the Pacific Coast
what the great R. R. combination which
we reported last week does in destroying
all competition betweeu the west and the
Atlantic coast. So we now have two
great railway pools or trusts that by
consolidation do away with competition
and gain power to raise and hold up
rates, to benefltstockholders by plunder
ing the public without natural or legal
restraint. We are thus brought under a
gang of public highwaymen who have
power to rob everybody; or, if the term
is offensive, call them commercial kings,
self-enthroned, who grasp tho right to
tax the people unmercifully for their own
private enrichment. Will the peopls re
bel? What do you think? Do they love
liberty et? k
At the meeting of the State Canvassing
Board Inst Friday, Republican partisan
ship put on a brazen front and voted
straight for party interests, in the face
of evidence that ought to have been re
garded, evidence that the will of the peo
ple was for the Popnlist candidate. The
history of the disputed count in Furnas
county was brought out brielly by Gov
ernor Jlolcomb in language which we
give below. The Republican party seems
to think it can be a law unto itself and
set aside the people's will whenever by so
doing there are any spoils of office in
One man present when the speeches
wore tnude before the Canvassing Board,
himself not a Populist or Democrat, said
he was tempted to tell Norris that 'He
would be a man, before he would be a
Republican.' Governor Holcomb said in
his speech that such acts as were pro
posed were enough to make the Goddess
of Liberty bow her head in shame.
Attorney General Churchill introduced
a resolution so worded as to seat Norris,
which of course received the votes of all
the Republican members of the State
Board of Canvassers.
Governor Holcomb in opposing the
resolution said:
"I vote no on the resolution because I
believe that the certificate is uncertain
and equivocal and not such a certificate
as the court ordered; that it does not
show with certainty the vote cast for the
different candidates for district judge in
Furnas county, and especially do I object
to the first part of the certificate, showing
what purports to be a copy of the total
of the tally sheets fof the different poll
books, for the reason that I blieve in
that tally sheet is one vote from Union
precinct which, according to the evidence
taken in the proceedings of the supreme
court and the judgmentrendered thereon
is a fraudulent and forged vote and
should not be counted, and that four
other tallies going to make up the entire
number, according to the tally sheet
credited to G. V. Norris were from Beaver
City precinct, and were, ns I believe, in
terpolated upon the tally sheet after the
county canvassing board had canvassed
the returns of the election in Furuas
county; and because each member of the
canvassing board has, in an affidavit
tiled in the proceedings in the supreme
court involving the same case, sworn
that he believed thecauvass ns originally
made, giving to the candidate G. V.
Morris but 1,370 votes, as given in the
latter part of the supplemental certifi
cate, and according to the footings in the
different poll books, gives the true and
correct vote in Furnas county for G. W.
Norris, and that he has not received
1,375 votes, as shown in the supplemen
tal certificate by a purported copy of the
tallies in the poll books, but only 1,370
as first found by the couuty canvassing
board and as now shown by the certifi
cate of the footings in the different poll
books, and that the latter part of the
certificate should be taken as the accu
rate vote for district judge in said county.
This action on the part of the Republi
can Board forces Judge Welty to fight
his way to the office given him upon the
face of the returns, aud Norris simply
has to defend his seat.
When we stop to think of it, is it not
an amazing thing that there is so much
misery, want aud anxiety in the world
among people who are willing to work
and capable of producing with their labor
all sorts of wealth to satisfy their needs?
How muny there are all about us, here,
there aud everywhere, who are in need of
good, well-furuiohed homes! And the
carpenters, masons, producers of all
sorts of building materials, painters,
decorators, carpet weavers, furniture
makers, artists, authors, publishers,
printers, and the rest, would gludly
build, beautify and furnish luxuriously
homes for all. They could do it easily if
kept at work. The farmers could feed
all, the factories could clothe all, and the
workers could all be rich, with every
legitimate want supplied, if all the able-
bodied were kept at work eight hours a
day, six days in the week, 300 days in
the year for a period of ten years. Mod
ern machinery and natural motive power
have so multiplied the results of labor in
almost every branch of industry that
need should be unknown. But machinery
steam and electricity, have not benefited
the poor. Invention and tireless motive
power have not done away with poverty.
The percentage of landless, homeless,
dependent people is even steadily increas
ing. Great numbers of sober, capable
men aud women cannot obtain regular
employment, cannot exchange services
with one another aud so meet their mu
tual wants.
It is true of the different classes that
the rich are growing richer, the people
with small means are growing poorer,
the numbers who cannot find regular em
ployment are increasing, and the strug
gle between competing workers for the
iusuffeient places and wages decreed to
them by the landlords and capitalists, is
growing more desperate, degrading and
destructive. In the degree that wealth
is concentrating the world is growing
worse, more selfish, more miserable.
"The rich man's wealth is his strong city;
the destruction of the poor is their
poverty." "The rich ruleth over the
poor, aud the borrower is servant unto
the lender." Capitalists are organized
and organizing to increase their power
and exactions; the wage-workers are
organizing to resist wage reductions; and
between these two commercial forces re
lentless, wasteful, terrible war is deter
mined. Between contract and contract
truces are observed, but there is no such
thing as settled peace. On the one side
the capitalists, never satisfied, out of the
profit from under-paid labor are buy-
ins no and monopolizing more aid mors
of the natural resources, the increasing'
ly valuable land, mines, oil wells, lumber
regions, municipal monopolies, costly
machinery, the necessary means of pro-
duction and exchange, and are so in
creasing yearly the sum total of their
tribute; and on the other side the wage
workers are organizing to fight for
enough to live on, and they will never
cease demanding more and more, until
we have industrial equality as well as
political equality, or until, starved to
desperation, the bomb and torch shall be
resorted to by the maddened masses
The great consolidating corporations
and the class called monopolists, with
the law and customs of the centuries be
hind them, will not force less from the
workers than they have obtained power
to, and the workers will not endure de
pendence and destitution as their perma
nent place and part in society. It is also
true that the knowledge of injustice is
spreading, and an explosion upward can
not be long prevented by force or
subtlety. An industrial despot, when
men are enlightened, will be seen to be as
oppressive a tyrant as a political despot.
A monopolist is as much a king as if
crowned and publicly proclaimed such.
But monopolists cannot be condemned,
save as we condemn the business system
which has made them. And have we not
all plunged into it and lived by its law,
or rule? In view of the results of the
business struggle it is forced upon us to
ask, is it right? is it Christian? are the
commercial transactions which all en
gage in, the acts of trade commonly re
garded as legitimate, moral?
From an edit orial in an Omuha daily
we clipped a few years ago the plain
statement following, written in answer
to a query of a correspondent. That
paper said:
"It is the law of the business world and
the law of the industrial world that the
buyer and seller, whether labor or ma
terial be bought or cold, stand for the
time being in antagonism to each other.
Each gets as much as he can and gives
as little as he must, buys cheap and sells
dear, if he can do so, and considers it
practical wisdom and necessary business
sato do. It matters not how much
kindness of heart and sympathy indivi
duals may possess, it is not allowed to
nterfere to any appreciable extent with
the business struggle. "Business is busi
ness," we say.
But this struggle for gain one of
another, which we call "business," is anti
Christian, is exactly contrary to the
moral law, "Thou shalt love thy neigh
bor as thyself." And it ia this selfish
struggle which has divided men and pro
duced all the innumernble.immeasurable,
Indescribable evils which flow out of sel
fishness. Let this statement sink down
Into your minds and receive careful con
sideration, that the business system of
selfish force which fixes all prices and
wages and distributes the rewards of
labor, is auti-Christian, immoral, aud we
must separate ourselves from it. We
must come out of this Babylon, whose
doom foretold approaches, or we shall
continue to suffer her plagues and go
down with her into final destruction.
"For her sins have reached unto heaven
aud God hath remembered heriniquities.'
Tellmk. Do you as individuals find
anyone who guards and cares for your
interests as he does his own? Is not all
business,' so fur as can be seen, a selfish
thing? And was not the poet Lanier
right when he said:
The poor, the poor, the poor! they stnnd .
Wedged by the pressing ol Trade's hand.
Against an Inward-opening door.
That pressure tightens evermore;
They sigh a monstrous, foul-atr sigh
For tbe outside leagues of liberty,
Where art, sweet lark, translates the sky
Into a heavenly melody.
"Each day, all day (these poor folks sny)
"In the same old year-long, drear-long way,
We weave In the mills and heave In the kilns,
We sieve mine-meshes under tbe hills,
To relieve, 0, God, what manner ol Ills?
The beasts, they hunger, and eat and die;
And so do we, and the world's a sty."
"Silence fellow-swine; why nnzzle and cry?
Swlnehood hath no remedy"
Say many men, and hasten by.
But who said once, in a lordly tone,
"Man shall not live by bread alone.
But all that cometh from the Throne?"
Hath God said so?
But Trade salth "No;"
And the kilns and tbe curt-tongued mills say
There's plenty that can If you can't, we know;
Move out If you think you're underpaid,
The poor are proline; we're not afraid:
Trade is trade,"
It is not possible to escape partnership
in the moral obliquity of the selfish busi
ness system if we buy and sell in the
markets. We may be very careful not to
lie or misrepresent, not to violate the
customs of the respectably B3lfish, and
those we buy of may be willing to have
us pay merely what is established as the
market or going price for their goods or
services; but this does not clear us.
How are the market wages and prices
By force. By need on one side and
greed on the other. By mouopoly and
misery. By subtlety dealing with ignor
ance. By class legislation. By wrongs
enthroned. By introducing modern ma
chinery and steam and electricity to serve
the capitalists, bo throwing out of em
ployment great numbers of the working
class, to make competition for employ
ment more fierce between them and labor
organization more difficult and weak.
Wages and prices are to some degree
affected by organized labor, by strikes;
but organized capital is stronger, and
generally starves out the strikers.
Bovel says: "In former times war was
a business, now business is war." Until
the rise of modern capitalism each stood
alone and battled or haggled with hit;
equals over the terms of exchange for
hand made goods. Now we are facing
the waste, desolations and distress oi
organized selfishness, of war between cor
porations that have no souls and work
ers that have no liberties, i. e., no laud,
no homes.
Frederic Harrison, speaking before tbe
Industrial Remuneration Conference
which met in England in 1886, said.
"If the cause of industrial misery bf
traced to the passion of self-interest, and
to a low sense of social duty, there might
seem to be no more to be said. We
should have to wait for a general im
provement in civilization. But there is
more, to be said. Industry has mauaged
to develop a moral code of its own. In
politics, philosophy, art, or manners, in
domestic or social life, self-interest is not
cauionized as the principal social duty of
man. In industry it is otherwise, tor
all industrial matters, in modern Europe
and Amerjca, a moral code has been
evolved, which makes the unlimited in
dulgence of self-interest, pushed to the
very verge of liability to law, the su
preme social duty of the industrious citi
zen. To buy cheap and sell dear, to ex
haust the arts of competition, to under
sell rivals, to extend busiuess, to develop
trade, to lend on the best security and
at the highest rates, to introduce every
novelty, to double aud halve business at
every turn in the market in a word to
create the biggest business in the least
time, and to accumulate the greatest
wealth with the smallest capital this is
seriously taught as the first duty of the
trading man. Economists, politicians,
moralists, and even preachers urge on
the enterprising capitalist that the in
dustrialist does best his duty by society
who does best his duty by himself. Bank
er, merchant, manufacturer, proprietor,
tradesman and workman alike submit
to this strange moral law. It is assumed
as beyond proof that the rapid increase
of business, the great accumulation ol
wealth, is a good per se good for the
capitalist, good for society. No account
is taken of the business ruined, of the
workmen thrown out of employment, ol
the over-production, of the useless, mis
chievous, rctten trade created, and of all
the manifold evils scattered broadcast
amongst the producers and everyone
within range of the work. It is enough
to have made business, to have accumu
lated wealth, without coming within the
grasp of the law.
"Here, then, is the all-sufficient source
of industrial maladies. We have come,
in matters industrial, to treat duty tc
others, and duty to society, as only tc
be fouud in duty to self,
The solution of the industrial problem if
a moral, social, and religious question
Industry must be moralized infused witt
a spirit of bocial duty from top to bob
In our next issue we shall discuss whal
is required to moralize or Christianize in
dustry, what each must do to escape th
immorality of busiuess selfishness.
Wymore. Neb., Nov. 27, 1895.
George Howard Gibson, Esq. ,
Dear Sir: In your next issue of Thi
Wealth Makers will you please discusi
as to "Whether labor saving inventioni
are a benefit to the common mass of
If this is too late for this week's issue,
please treat this subject on the following
week. I am respectfully yours,
Hattie Fink.
Prior to the nineteenth century almost
all products were made and raised by
hand, or by horse aud cattle power, sim
ple, inexpensive tools being the only in
struments used. All workers who did not
have to pay rent were free and indepen
dent. But the invention of the steam
engine by Watt, the cotton gin by Whit
ney, and the power loom by a number of
men, each of which helped to increase its
efficiency, began to displace the handi
craft Rystem of production, and early in
this century in England what is called
the capitalistic system of production had
its rise. Water and steam power were
used and goods were manufactured in
factories by machinery, instead of by
hand in the homes and small shops of the
people. The building of factories and
the introduction of machinery and
mechanical power required a large out
lay of money, which the poor did not
have; they were, therefore, when unable
to produce ns cheaply by hand as goods
could be made by machinery, compelled
to give up home aud handicraft produc"
tiou, and seek employ ineut at wages in
the factories and mills of the capitalists,
in order to live. But the capitalists, who
thus had the masses at their mercy,
would hire them only on inequitable
terms of profit to themselves, the em
ployers. And the employers would only
keep the workers employed so long and
at such times as goods could be sold
above the cost (to the employers) of pro
duction. The capitalistic system of pro
duction, for profit, cannot possibly keep
the woge earners constantly at work
producing, because the capitalists can
not find a market for the goods. The
markets under this system invariably be
come periodically glutted, prices fall and
the mills must run on part time or cease
altogether until the demand catches up
with the supply. The cause of this is the
desire of the capitalists to accumulate
money, land, income-commanding in
vestmentsand the wage-earners cannot
buy out of the markets only the per
centage of goods, sold at a capitalistic
profit, that their wages represent. If
goods were sold at labor cost there
would be no over-production, because
labor of every kind would have in hand
a money equivalent, and could buy the
market empty as fast as the desire for
labor products caused it to be filled.
England greatly developed her trade
with the non-manufacturing nations of
the world after the rise and development
of the capitalistic system of production.
But her millions of mines and factory
operatives not only received no benefit:
they were ground down by long hours,
insufficient wages and women and child
labor until mortality among the work
ers undeniably increased, the average
height and chest measurements were
found, when examining recruits for war,
to be startingly less, and parliamentary
committees of investigation revealed in
the '40s and afterward, as the result of
the machinery that was saving labor
(wages) for the capitalists, that the com
mon people, the wage-earners and farm
laborers, were being destroyed physically
mentally and morally. The ranks of tbe
poor and dependent are constantly re
cruited and swelled by it out of what we
call the middle class, the class with small
or moderate meuns.
The capitalistic system of production
tends always to make therich richer and
to reduce all the rest, or all except men
of extraordinary talent, to abject.slavish
dependence upon them. Mechanical mo
tive power and labor saving inventions
should prevent want, should shorten the
hours of labor alike of all workers; but
controlled by the few, to profit them
alone, they become the means of concen
trating in their hands all wealth, all na
tural means of subsistence and all
power, the power of life and death. The
author of the great work, "The Coming
Revolution" which we have been publish
ing a review of, says:
"Machinery, which adds so greatly to
the labor power of the world and swells
its wealth, dispenses with labor is labor
saving. But labor receives no part of
the benefits; capital is the owner of ma
chinery and ulso the employer of labor,
and having found m machinery a new
and more valuable servant, can dispense
with labor which is turned out of em
ployment, while capital adds to its
hoards, from the gain of mechanical
power. Thus the same means wnicn in
crease the wealth of the world makes
more wretched the condition of the poor.
Jwery dollar added to the possessions of
the rich but increases the power of capital
over labor; and every labor-saving in
vention which adds to the labor power
of the world, but renders more desperate
the condition of the toiling masses.
The pnst six weeks has witnessed the
failure of an unusually large number of
firms engaged in the cloaking aud cloth
ing trade, and indications point to addi
tional embarrassments before the close
of the present month. The collapses
have also extended to a few large dry
goods jobbing houses. Wool and Cotton
Caused by underconsumption of cloth
ing by the poor and the unemployed.
Hundreds of thousands, yes millions, of
the middle class are economizing in cloth
ing at this season, owing to reduced in
comes, low prices and wages. An injury
to one, limiting the power of consump
tion, injures all who work by reducing
his demand for goods and services. See?
There is a Persian proverb which says:
"The power that is not founded on love
is always the power that has failed."
Representative Baker and others of
his party have camped on the trail of J.
Sterling and will make an effort to im
peach him for sundry and divers offenses,
such as shutting off the free distribution
of seeds to the farmers and making a
general ass of himself in his efforts to
serve the monopolists instead of the
agricultural class.
Dr. I'AitKiiunsTsays 'brains and greed
are the stock in trade' of the great daily
papers, and that in New York they are
guilty of treason, in instigating for poli
tical purposes violation of the exciae
law. "Clear to the innermost vitals of the
performance it is treason, and involves,
lfke any other act of treason, a grim
menace to the stability and permanence
of our institutions."
"Ambeu," writiug in last Sunday's
Times-Herald, begins her article thus:
"All day long I have been looking into
a black hole. A hole that has no
measured circumference, nor which any
plummet devised by man has ever sound
ed. A hole that that is as deep as hell
indeed I urn not so certain but that it is
hell." She had spent the day looking
directly into the fearful poverty and
wretchedness of the places called homes,
the homes of the enslaved working class
of that city.
They are way ahead of us in France.
A majority of the Chamber of Deputies
has voted for progressive taxation of
inheritances, the government tax on in
heritances to increase correlatively with
sizeof fortune bequeathed. Here our cor
poration owned Supreme Court would
knock us all down if we made such a law,
by declaring it unconstitutional. Social
istic ideas are in the ascendancy in
France, and gaining fast in Germany
and Great Britain.
'The richest gold deposits ever discover
ed are reported in Canada, Alaska, Utah
and other places. Even the snud in Ne
braska farms is declared to be gold, and
there is apparently no limit to the so
called "iutriusic," unfluctuating value (?)
stuff. Suppose, then, it be ireely coined
and each gets his pockets full of eagles,
and the batiks and U. S. Treasury vaults
are filled to overflowing with yellowgold
and we pay nil our debts with it and
buy the markets empty, and so set all
wheels to humming and all the unem
ployed to produciug, in order that we
may buy all the good things we need.
In other words, let us coin our labor in
to money and set every one at work to
pay his debts and produce wealth for his
needs. But greenback legal lenders will
do all this and we can save ourselves the
labor of diggingand separating and coin
ing the gold said to have been found.
Whv tint economize labor?
Clubbing List.
THE WEALTH MAKERS' Clubbing Ltst for
this season has been carefully culled, and only the
best publications are used
Our readers can make considerable savins; by
ordering ail of their reading matter for the coin
ing year, through us.
Cash must accompany all orders: and remit
tances must be made by Bank Draft. Postofflce
Money Order, or Express Order. Where checks
upon local Banks are sent, there must be 10 cents
added for exchange.
SThe prioes quoted below inolude one
year's subscription to The Wealth Makers.
Address all orders to
Lincoln, Neb.
Old subscribers may take advantage of these
offers as well as new subscribers.
t. Price. Including one year's
or Paper. .nhscriptlon to The W. M.
Nonconformist. Indianapolis w $1 60
Advocate, Topeka w 1 60
Southern Mercury, Dallas : w 1 50
Appeal To Reason, Kansas City w ,1 20
Coming Nation, lennessee City w 1 20
Prairie Farnier, Chicago - w 1 60
Missouri World, Chilllcothe w 1 25
Farm, Field & Fireside, Chicago w 1 50
Representative(Donnelly'spaper)St.Paul w 1 60
Farmers' Tribune, Des Moines w 1 60
Advance, Chicago w 2 85
American Agrlcultuialist, New York w 2 00
American Bee Journal, Chicago w 1 85
American Gardening, Chicago w 1 85
American Poultry Journal, Chicago m 1 45
American Swineherd, Chicago m 1 SO
American Sheep Breeder, Chicago in 1 85
Arkansaw Traveler, Little Rock 4 Chicago m 1 40
1 1 -. 1 . - I M V 1- ... 1 (ill
llabyland, Boston m 1 45
Christian Work, New York w 8 70
Cosmopolitan, New York m 2 10
Demorest's Magazine, New York m 2 60
Family Story Paper w 8 70
Fireside Companion, New York w 3 85
Forum, New York ru 3 60
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, N. Y m 8 60
Gleanings in Dee Culture, Medina, Ohio.s-m 1 85
Hood Housekeeping, Springfield, MaBS m 2 70
Oolden Days, Philadelphia w 3 85
Harper's Bazaar, New York w 4 30
Harper's Magazine, New York m 4 10
Harper's Weekly, New York w 4 80
Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. Atkinton, Wis w 2 00
Housekeeper, Minneapolis, Minn s-m 1 60
Horseman, Chicago w 3 10
Judge, New York w 6 10
Life, New York w 5 35
Llpplncott's Magazine, Philadelphia m 3 10
McClure's Magazine, New York m 1 90
National Stockman and Farnier w 2 25
North American Review, New York m 5 10
Our Little Men and Women, Boston m 1 85
Our Little Ones and The Nursery, Boston m 1 90
Outlook, New York w 3 60
Outing. New York 8 85
Phrenological Journal, New York m 2 35
Poultry Chum, De Kalb, 111 m 1 25
Puck, New York w 6 10
Ham's Horn, Chicago w 2 10
Review of Reviews, New York m 3 10
St. Nicholas, New York m 8 60
Scientific American, New York w 8 60
Scrilmer's Mngazine, New York ; m 3 60
Swine Breeder's Journal, Indianapolis, Ind
s-m 1 60
Texas Sittings, New York w 8 60
The Kingdom, Minneapolis w 1 90
The Arena, Boston m 3 60
Witness, New York w 1 90
Youth's Companion, Boston w 2 50
Socialism Has Passed the Stage of Ridicule
and Mast Be Cilven a Hearing.
Anent socialism, the San Francisco
Daily Examiner of September 25, says
"Socialism can no longer be dis
missed with contempt; it has numbers
and intelligence in its service, and it
must be heard. It has two million
disciples in Germany; it has secured
the majority in some German and
French cities, and it is not impossible
that it may obtain control of some
European governments. It is in prac
tical politics, and its arguments are
entitled to as much consideration as is
given to those of protectionists and
free traders."
This is quite an advance for the big
gest daily on this coast with its over
75,000 daily circulation. It indexes a
great change in public sentiment So
intelligent and successful has been the
propaganda of socialism that at last it
commands respect. Sneers and invec
tive are no longer considered good an
swers to the arguments of its advo
cates. Confounding socialism with
anarchism gets a man credit in these
days for being an ignoramus or a bigot.
Many of the brainiest men and women
of the times are avowedly socialists.
None who make pretense of being pro
gressive dare refuse a consideration of
its claims. New Charter.
The Metallic Fallacy.
The supposition that nothing can be
money which gold
or silver still clings to our civilization
despite the fact that it is disproved
every day in our transactions. The
money that is "sound" is money that
is redeemable for everything. This is
demonstrated daily over every counter
in Evansville and in the United States.
The silver certificates, for instance,
which are redeemable only in silver on
lliflii. -forto n m o rl 'Sanal xra 111 a f rr oil
customs, taxes and all public dues,"
that is they are legal tender for all
public obligations, and they are pre
ferred to silver itself because any
money that is receivable for taxes is
accepted for bread and meat and rent
and clothing and all the necessities and
luxuries of life. The only mark of
barbarism left in this enlightened cen
tury is that currency, to have the
qualities of money, must be redeem
able in gold or silver only. This bar
barism still exists because the people
although they disapprove the theory,
permit a few interested bankers and
usurers to keep up the practice by the
aid of laws that are a disgrace to Chris
tian civilization. Evansville Courier
"Otd Slippery Elm."
Indications point strongly to the
nomination of Allison by the republic
ans. He just about fills the bill. The
republicans will adopt a silver plank
which will be open to construction so
that it will satisfy the gold -bugs and
at the same time give silver republic
ans a chance to so interpret it as to
squint at bimetallism, says an Omaha
paper. It would not do to nominate
an eastern man, because that would
awaken suspicion. They must find a
western man with eastern ideas, and
Allison is just the man. lie can be
trusted by the gold-bugs of Wall street
as implicitly as Senator Sherman him
self, but he can slide around and be
non-committal with more grace than
Sherman, senator Allison, otherwise
known as "Old Slippery Elm," is grow
ing in republican favor. Chicago Dis
Voters, let go of party names and
take hold of the problems of govern
ment, that your sons and daughters
may enjoy the precious heritage of
freedom which you are criminally and
heedlessly allowing to slip away from
you. Midland Journal.