4 (J vol. vn. SO MOVES THE WORLD. The Berlin Cabinet is reported shaky. Business ia reported not holding its own. "Alexander Dumas, the French author, is dead. Count Von Taffe, the Austrian states man, is dead. Reed wants the Republican convention to meet in Chicago. Senator Palmer of Blinois is opposed to Cleveland for a third term. Fire in St. Louis destroyed $500,000 worth of property last week. The Cuban insurgents have begun to use dynamite, with terrible effect. Chicago was cut off from the outside world by a big snow storm last week. Another terrible massacre is reported at Marasli, in Turkey. Hundreds were killed. Spain has sent another army of 30,000 soldiers to subdue the Cuban fighters for liberty. The rag sorters of Great Britain are paid 2 pence (4 cents) per hour, or $2.40 per week. The Chicago Gas Trust has bean at tacked in court and a perpetual injunc tion asked. A five and a half foot vein of coal has been bored through at Friend, Neb., it 8 reported. Depth, 200 feet. The Chicago Grand Jury is after Pin kerton, head of the private detective agency. He will be indicted for sweat box methods of extorting confessions. Nov. 29, gold to the amount of $1,- 240,000 went out from under us. When it all goes nothing cansaveus from sink ins; into perdition, so the 'gold power teaches. Mining stocks are going up at a sky' rocket rate in Denver. Nov. 29. the min ingexchangein Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek became veritable lunatic asylums, with all the guards missing. Mayor Pingree has won the case in the Supreme Court against the Mutual Gas company of Detroit, for exceeding con tracts charging for gas from 1887 to 1892. Hundreds of other like cases hinge on this decision. The Illinois Central Railway is about to adopt electricity as the motive power on suburban trains. The chief engineer of the road says electric motors have been so cheapened that they can now be bought for one-fourtn their cost two years ago. Child labor is the confessed foundation of the prosperity of the city of Alton, Illinois. It is a city of 20,000 inhabi tants. Ihe Illinois Glass company fur nishes the principal industry. The com pany evades and resists the state law prohibiting child labor, and the cry of the poor little ones goes up unheeded. What John Raskin Said Of all the wastes, says Rusk in, the greatest waste that you can commit is the waste of labor. You, perhaps, think to waste the labor of men is not to kill them. Is it not? I should like to know how you could kill them more utterly kill them with second death? It is the lightest way of killing to stop a man's breath. At the worst you do but shorten his life. But if you put him to base labor, if you bind his thoughts, if you blind his eyes, if you blunt bis hopes, if you steal his joys, if you stunt his body and blast his soul, and at last leave him not so much as to reap the poor fruit of his degradation, but gather that for yourself, and dismiss him to the grave when you have done with him, having, so far as in you lay, made the walls of that grave everlasting (though, indeed, 1 fancy, the goodly bricks of some of our family vaults will hold closer in the resurrection day than the sod over the laborer's head), this you think is no waste and no sin. Another Coming Nation Special Following up its splendid success with a Liberty edition, commemorating the release of Eugene Debs from Woodstock, the Coming Nation now promises a special Direct Legislation edition of the paper, Saturday, January 4, 1895. The C. N. reported last week that 140,000 copies of the Libeity edition had already, been sold, with orders still coming in. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O street. Glasses accurately adjusted. New Lincoln-Sioux City Train Service The Elkhorn Line Northwestern now provides additional to the regular after noon trains to Sioux City a morning train by which passengers reach that place at 1:35 p. m., thus enabling them to reach many points beyond the same day. In the St. Pnul service a dining car has been added which servessupper north bound and breakfast south bound. S. A. Mosher, Genl. Agt. S. A. Fielding .City ticket agent, 117 So. 10th St. For California and Puget Sound points quick get tickets 117 So. 10. Official Vote of Nebraska For Supreme Judge. Norval 79,156; Maxwell, 70,566; Mahouey (goldbug Democrat) 18.63G; Phelps (silver Demo crat 10,214; Wolfeubarger (Prohibition ist) 4,344. For Regents. Morrill (Rep.), 80,962; Goold (Rep.), 81,847, Mrs.Peattie (Ind), 53,351; Prof. Bayston (Ind.), 53,268, One of the Best Situated Stoddard, Neb., Nov. 20, 1895 Editor Wealth Makehs: We would have been glad to renew our subscription to The Wealth Makehs in June, but we did not have the money. We have a good farm, as fine as "any in Thayer county, but we are not paying expenses, let alone paying any debts. We owe a little, not much, if crops were good and worth anything after they were raised. We are not worse off than our neighbors. The crops in this vicinity have been almost a failure for three years, and yet corn is only 15 and 12 cents ger bushel. There is positively no sale at all lor horses. Hogs are low and cattle are scarce, and yet so low in price that no one wants them. Many have died from eating stalks. There are no cobs, and coal is just as high as when crops were good and money plentiful There is nothing hopeful in the outlook. 1 armers have lost faith. We are not discouraged by the election. We endorse The Wealth Makers and find comfort in it every week. The only hope for us is in the principles of the Umalia platlorm. We rejoice to note that Francis Willard has not only endorsed the Omaha plat form, but goes even farther and says the land should belong to those who till it. She is a great teacher and will spread the new gospel. We enclose $1.40 which renews our subscription for one year. May This Health makers prosper. Very truly yours, E- B- LEGAL TENDER LAWS. Some Points of General Information Given an Inquirer. Will you kindly inform me through your columns as follows: Are silver dollars a legal tender for any amount? Is fractional silver a legal tender, and to what amount each, of halves, quarters and dimes? Are nickels a legal tender? " Can a creditor be made to take bank notes or treasury notes in payment of a debt? T. R. H. Reply: Standard silver dollars are legal tender to unlimited amount. Half-dollars to the extent of ten dol lars; quarter-dollars to the same ex tent, and likewise dimes. The five cent nickel piece is legal tender for twenty-five cents. Treasury notes are legal tender, but not bank notes. American Banker. That ItlK Corn Crop. A republican informed the writer a few days aga that populism was dying Dut in Kansas, and this year would Qnish the party in that state, "be ;ause," said he "they have an immense jorn crop out there." This caused us to let go a very audible smile, which seemed to perplex our republican friend, who inquired the cause of our hilarity. We then reminded him of the political tidal wave that swept Kansas in 1890 knocked the 85,000 re publican majority into smithereens ind turned Kansas over to the popu lists. He remembered that very well, but when we told him that the im mense corn crop of 1889, more than one-half of which went into the mar ket at 12 cents or less millions of bushels being sold for 10 cents and go ing as low as 8 cents a bushel, and this was the cause of the revolution of 1890, his face assumed a peculiar ex pression that indicated clearly that big corn crops in Kansas with low prices for the same are not particular ly conducive to republican success if the crop of 1889 and results following are to be taken as a sample. Sound Money. The Public Buuinenn. Have you ever thought how smooth ly the business of public management of the people's business works in the postal department Just give it a lit tle attention; it won't hurt you. No tice how seldom the people have to complain about its operation. How little friction there is in its working. How free from fluctuation the price of postage stamps. How sure the service; whether in the next block or the next state. Then don't fail to see how gen uinely democratic, in a good sense, a department of government is that serves a child or a corporation on the same terms of equality. Why not make all other departments like it? That is what the populists want in the business of trausportation and telegra phy and banking. Coming Nation. Dr. Madden. Eye. Ear. Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, a. w. cor. 11 and 0 street. Glasses accurately adjusted. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1895. REJECTING CHRIST A Paper Read by Dr. O. Wtrlh at the Y. P. S. C. K. B-!llevu, Iowa November 17. 1805 1. We may reject Christ personally. We may do so by denying his existence, by not believing in him. But there is another form of rejection of which, alas, too many of us are unwittingly guilty, viz: (2) We may nominally believe in him, grant his existence, accept him as our Savior but reject his doctrines and refuse to follow his teachings. The first to reject Christ were the Jews and the Romans. The Jews rejected thediviuity of his person and his divine mission. But the Jews did not crucify him. He was personally rejected aud crucified under the Roman Law and by Roman soldiers This was clearly a civil question with the Romans as it is known that in the Ro man Empire no man was persecuted be cause of his religious beliefs, for we see in the city of Jerusalem believers of all kinds dwellirig together without molesta tion. But Jesus was accused of being a dis turber of the public peace, of seeking to succeed Roman government by proclaim ing himself the King of the Jews. This apparent usurpation of political power and the social eruption in which his teachings and practice resulted were the immediate provocation that led the rul ers to take counsel and conspire against him. His denunciation of the rich, his sympathy with the humble, the lowly, the downtrodden, his being a friend of publicans and sinners, all incurred the enmity of the Scribes and Pharisees and they sought for an excuse to bring him before a civil tribunal and have him exe cuted. This they succeeded in doing. But remember that Christ was not cruci fied because of his religious teachings directly, but because it was apparent that his doctrines if carried out and ap plied to thesocial aud political life would upset existing conditions. This the Scribes and Pharisees well knew, hence they stirred up the enmity of the people against him. The Romans likewise saw in him a dangerous character and feared the loss of political power over the Jews at the hands of this usurper, as they re garded him. How antagonistic his teach ings were to the practices of that age as well as the present one is readily seen. He taught "peace on earth good will to ward men" in contradiction to the prac tice of Roman rule, which was war, con quest and brute force. His teaching was "love your enemies," not to hate and persecute! He taught kindness and peace, and hence was called the 'Prince of 1'euce.' Christ taught the equality and brother hood of man in the sight of a common Father. He tauirht that we are alike' sinners,for there is none thntdoeth good, for all have sinned and some short of the glory of God. He taught the principle of human equality in creation, condition and right. He taught the doctrine of non-resistance to evil, by rewarding or overcoming evil with good, lie said if a man smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him also theleft. lletaught.in essence, that brotherhood was impossible under extreme social conditions, and under a system of society in which the many are held in industrial and physical servitude to the lew. lie pronounced strongly against the rich, the amassing of riches, and the selfishness, the covet- uosness of man which prompts him to overreach his brothers us well with a ong head as with a long arm. to devour widows' houses, and accumulate things, the lack of which keeps mil lions of fellow- beings in poverty and hunger, filling the world with want and crime and human wrecks. Hence, the early disciples and followers of Christ gave up the selfish, competitive mode of life and ndopted the mutual, co-operative method, helping one another, by selling what they had and holding all things in common. These are some of the teachings and results of the practice of Christ which aroused the enmity, hatred and persecution of, not the poor, tor we read they heard him gladly, but of the rich, the Scribes and Pharisees, the rulers of the people who saw their dominion was on the wane. For Christ did come to earth as a King to reign and he means to reign yet. Not in a personal way but as a Divine princi ple in the hearts of men which will lead them to give up their barbaric, cannibal- like, dog eat dog system of living and live like brothers, sons of a common Father. Remembering that life, liberty. and happiness, and the opportunity to get them, which means air, land and water, should be within the reach of all equally, we rend in scripture: "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness there of." His by creation. For whom did he create it? See Genesis. Does it say for a few, a class of men? Or for all mankind, the beast, of the field, the fowl of the air. and the fish qf the sea. And if ho made it for these are they not all equally entit led to it by divine right, which is higher than any humuu di-cree, lawof conquest, or law of property? This is the social ism of the Bible and such were the anar chical (?) teachings of Christ for which he was "despised and rejected of men. And these teachings are fought and rejected toduy just as vehemently and by the same clas that rejected our Savior 1900 years ago. And is our social system in deed a preparation lor Heaven? A heaven in which all shall be alike free and happy, "shall neither hunger any more nor thirst any more?" Such conditions cannot exist as long as the many lack and the few have in excess. Thesamemnn that wants the earth here will want all of Heaven when he gets there, if lie does? And do you for a moment believe he will get as big a share of it as he may have succeeded in accumulating of earth? If the same 10 per cent of earth's inhabi tants who practically own it were given all of Heaven likewise, where would you, I, and Lazarusand the poor whom Christ blessed and of whom he said, "they shall inherit the Kingdom," where would we find a place? This system which converts earth into a hell and man into a beast would do the same in Heaven, aud we revolt at the very idea of such an arrange ment yonder. Yet wepractice.eucourage live in it, and perpetuate it here, while professing to accept Christ's teachings and the Bible for our guide in faith and practice. As a tree falleth so it fieth. Rev. 22, 11 and 12 says, "He thut is un just let him be unjust still; he thut is filthy let him be filthy still and he that ia righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy let him be holy still. And behold I come quickly aud my reward is with me, to give every man according as bis work shall be." Are we preparing for a life of holiness beyond? If so, some of the characteristics of this life should shine out here on earth. It was so in the case of Christ. And he commanded: "Let your light shine." Unselfishness, kinduess, love of ueighbor, good will to ward men, mutual, helpful co-operation instead of hateful, wasteful competition in social aud business affairs should manifest the Christ spirit which is in us, and evidence the fact that we have fully accepted Christ. "For not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord, but he that doetb the will of the Father, shall enter in." Yes, friends, there is a great and terrible reality in the religion of Jesus Christ. It means peace on earth in stead of violence aud war. Arbitration in the settlement of affairs between na tions. Peaceful co-operation as between individuals in business affairs, instead of competition, which is war. It means justice (not charity) to the poor and in place of injustice and usury. It means that if, as is the caso, one-tenth of the people of the United States own nine tenths of the wealth theyshould pay nine tenths of the taxes, instead of as now that nine-tenths of the population who only own one-tenth and pay three-fourths of the taxes. It means industrial as well as political democracy. It means that a nation whose God is the Lord should protect the weak against the rapacity of the strong and rich, and see that every creature of God has the necessities of life, and opportunity to maintain life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It means, in short, national, social and individual righteousness which would exist if Christ's precepts and example were fol lowed. The consequences of the rejection of Christs' teuchings are everywhere ap parent. The national and social rejec tion results in millions of unemployed, starving, povertystricken in a land of plenty, criminals and suicides. Menduily attest by their actions that thy prefer to commit suicide and go straight to hell rather t han live on an earth covered with church-spires and filled with believers who coolly stand by and see them driven to thfs resort. Individual rejection of Christ and his teachings results in shut ting the bowels of compassion agaiust our fellowmen, in upholding, perpetuat ing the present vicious social system by our votes nud voices; in each going mad in the scramble for wealth, forgetting that we are our "brother's keeper." 1 tell you frankly I believe no oneenn sanc tion the present arrangement of society and lay claim to accepting Christ and his teachings. Let us work and pray that "thy king dom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven," and act in accordance with our prayer. Our influence if we ac cept Christ, should ever be in the direc tion of having his teachings accepted and enacted by society, to the end that poverty and crime may finally disappear from the earth, and the sun of righteous ness may rise. Individual, social and national righteousness is the demand of the hour, aud will be the final result if we truly accept and apply Christ to our every day life. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets. Glasses accurately adjusted. Free Silver Resolutions The Trans-Mississippi Congress, presid ed over by Mr. Bryan, passed the follow ing resolutions at Omaha last week: "Whereas, An appreciating money tandard impairs all contracts, bank rupts enterprises, makes idle money pro fitable by increasing its purchasing power and suspends productive powers of our people, and liereus, 1 he spoliation, consequent upon the outlawry of silver in the inter est of the creditor cluss by constantly increasing the value of gold is under mining all industrial society, therefore "Resolved, 1 hat we demand the im mediate restoration of the free und un limited coinage of gold and silver at the present rntio of 16 to 1, without waiting fortheaidorconsentof any other nation. such gold and silvercoin to be alike a full legal tender for all debts, public and pri vate." L. P. Davis. Dentist over Rock In land ticket office, cor. 11 and 0 street. Bridge and crown work a specialty Ihe Editor of "The Arena" Discusses Mr. Call's Book INEQUALITY OF 0PP0BTTJNITIEB Plutocracy the Product of Bpaolal Privi lege The Fallacy of the Survival of the Fittest Things when Applied to Soolal Conditione-The Well-springe of Colossal Fortunes round in Privi lege Obtained through (1) Inheritance; (3) Monopoly In Land) (3) Monopoly in Money; (4) Monopoly in Transporta tion! (5) Monopoly In Commodities, or Corporate Control of Industry The Plea of Prlvilege-The Fruit ot Privi legeThe Law of Freedom-A Critical Examination of the Main Factors in the Froduotlon of Plutocrat and Proleta riatThe Sew Republic (continued fhom last wkek.) privilege the creator of capital. In a chapter on "The Fruits of Privi lege," the legitimate working of the in justice due to privilege is forced home in a manner at once startling and un answerable. The farmer, the wage-laborer, and those actively engaged in produc tlve work become the victims of the few who hold the earth, the tools of produc tion, the medium of exchange, a 1 the facilities of transportation. . "Not on!y do these privileges thus;, press labor in all forms, but in auoi f sense, and as deeply, they affect every member of society as a consumer. The wages or profits of all productive labor are determined by two conditions; First, the actual money wages or returns re ceived; aud secondly, the cost of living. The object of the whole struggle of the masses is for subsistence for existence'; when the farmer receives so many cents per bushel or per pound for his products, when the manufacturer so much for his goods, the business man so many cents or dollars profits upon his sales, or when the laborer receives his day's wage, the paramount consideration with each is, how much of the necessaries or comforts of life this money will procure. Now these privileges, while they reduce the actual money reward of productive lubor also, in turn, increase the price of all articles of use to the consumers; produc tion ulone is not able to bear their bur den. "Sometimes the burden is greater upon production, sometimes upon con sumption; but the candle of living is burnt at both ends. The debt-burden entailed upon production by inheritance, its increase by land monopoly, and the interest upon it due to the bunking sys tem, compels production of all kinds to raise the price of its products to support these, and itmust shiftsomeof these bur dens upon the consumer, else it cannot even struggle under their weight. So, too while exorbitant transportation charges nd the plunder of markets reduce the price received by the purchaser, they also enhance the price charged the consumer "In order to understand how greatly and vexatiously prices are affected by these privileges, we must follow the his tory of each article of consumption and see at how many points and from how many directions even the simplest of these is made to contribute to their ex tortions". Take the coat on the farmer's or the laborer's back; the price of the wool is made higher by the load of debt the grower must incur for the use of wealth in the raising of sheep, the price or rent of land, the interest charge upon his debt, taxation levied to build rail roads, the exorbitant rates demanded by these for carrying the wool to the manufacturer, and the plunder by specu lators or trusts on its way. The manu facturer, too, must add to the price of the cloth in order to support the debt he must incur in its manufacture, together with the interest upon that debt, the rent or price of land upon which his fac tory is situated, exorbitant transporta tion charges for the bringing of the wool to his factory, and the plunder, of specu lators and trusts. The same process of addition must be continued by the cloth ing manufacturer, the jobber, the whole sale merchant aud the retail dealer, as the cloth or the finished product pusses in turn into the hands of each on its way to the consumer; and the greater the plunder or privilege, the nioreexorbitant must be the price charged at each step. The final price paid by the consumer -is thus out of all proportion to what it should or would be, were industry not in this manner, at every step, the prey of privilege. Trace aoy article of food, or clothing, or other use, through its pass age from the raw to the final consumable shape, the result will be the same; and it tun at once be seen how wide is the field operation, how fruitful is the field of plunder for privilege. NO. 26 "Can we, then, wonder why labor fails to procure subsistence, or why vast for tunes are mysteriously accumulated in the midst of growing poverty? Privi lege stands over all production and roba labor of its money reward; it stanls, too, over consumption, and by increas ing the cost of living, lessens the value of labor's earnings in procuring subsistence. Thus, and by this means it amasses its fortunes, while labor, with all its grind, is a beggar in the marts of life. ' The millionaire does not create, but appro priates his millions of wealth. It is, in deed, utterly impossible that any man's services to society, except he be a genius of the rarest order, should procure him a million dollars in a lifetime; much less, then, should the service of those whose sole object is private gain, entitle them to their hundreds of millions. But when these privileges mean to society the ruin of industry and business, the loss of farms and homes under mortgage, and the pauperism of labor, surely the struggling and despoiled masses may be excused for inquiring whether these con ditions be necessary and just. "These conditions constitute the tyranny of capital, so much complained of, and before which labor stands shiver ing and Sullen, in dread and in revolt. Privilege is the creator of capital; it takes the wealth of the world from the body of society where it properly belongs and concentrates this wealth in the bands of the few, depriving labor of its use, thus setting capital and labor in oppo site camps, at war with each other, at war in a contest necessarily, inevitably unequal. Capital owns the world, its machinery, and its material; labor, too, it owns, for it owns the means of labor and of lile. And the cry of labor every where is that this mastery is too abso lute, too oppressive, in that itis a power over life and death, dealing more and more, as capital, selfish and secure, has found a new and more profitable servant in machinery, and can therefore dispense with the commodity, labor, now every where tramping and begging for charity, for life." Our author next considers ''The Plea of Privilege." This chapter challenges the attention of all thoughtful people who set truth and justice above prejudice. It very effectively destroys the cardhouseof the apologists for plutocracy, and will probably call down upon the author a torrent of violent invectives and insult ing epithets, as this method is usually employed by the sophists of capitalism when the fallacy of their more or less in genious theories is mercilessly exposed. Equally important is the scholarly chapter on "The Law of Freedom," in which Mr. Call proves the inconsistency of our social theories and conditions. Indeed we are absolutely without any consistent political doctrines. Theory is opposed to practice, and theory to theory. Confusion aud antagonism exist , upon every political question so much so, that it is no exaggeration to say that politics as well as society is in a pro found anarchical condition. - Th chapters dealing with the "Signs ol theTimes," "The Struggle for Existence" "The Fruits of Privilege," "The Plea of Privilege," and "The Law of Freedom," form the groundwork of this work, after which the author devotes a chapter to a culm, clear, aud able discussion of each of the great feeders of plutocracy, viz., "The Institution of Inheritance." "The Monopoly of Land," "The Banking Sys tem," "The Transportation System." "The Plunder of Trade," and "The Cor porate Abuse." I will not attempt to summarize or outline these chapters. They are so strong, clear, and convincing that, could they be read by the industrial millions of America, 1 believe the doom of industrial slavery would be assured, and that at an early day. THE NEW REPUBLIC. Following these thoughtful discussions appears a chapter entitled "The New Re public," in which are discussed the condi tions which would prevail if an equality of opportunity was present. " When tlw world shall be the property of man, and man no longer the subject and servant of property, then will men beat last free, and a new republic will have been ushered in. "This new republic, great and sweeping as must be its benefits, will yet be found ed on no other ordifferent principle than that upon which our liberties even now rest. It does not, like nihilism, demand the destruction of all institutions, for it holds that government is necessary to establish aud determine the relations of men in society, protect their respective rights, and as a servant to , perform ser vices public in their nature. It does not, like military socialism, demand tbeentire revolution of existing conditions, be causeit holds these to bea growth as the race itself is, aud suited to the ideas and needs of men. Nor does it on the other hand, like so-called individualism, reduce government to a mere police power, for it recognizes government as the whole people acting through their laws, and that the people themselves must first de termine their lights before these can be protected. It holds, too, that these rights must be redetermined with every change of conditions that affect them, aud with every advance of society to newer and more just standards of con duct. It holds, furthermore, that where (as in present industrial society) the rights of men so require government should be a servant, and the people as a whole perform functions affecting the whole people. "This New Republic, based upon the principle c! self-government, builds upon (Continued on 3rd paS)