THE WEALTH MAKERS. November 28, 189S ( THE GRADUATED TAX. It woo in A'rniiwh Jad Manor"'? nl Kill Off All TruU and Combines. The National Graduated Tax society, which has its headquarters at Herlln, Pa., and which publishes a quarterly there in advocacy of its theory of tax ation, has for its object the passage by congress of alaw establishing a gradu ated national tax, the proceeds to be used in administering the government and the surplus in making public im provements. The proposition is worthy of consideration and study by all who are interested in better government and just relations between the classes. The plan of the graduated tax seems to be more just and reasonable than the tax upon land values, solely, which is advocated by that faction of reform ers known as the single taxers, inas much aa it proposes to tax all descrip tions of property, while the single taxers would exempt all prop erty, except land, from taxation. While the single taxers have a very boautiful theory that wealth created by the possessor through his Industry and good management should not be subject to the burdens of taxa tion while it is possible for the ex penses of the commonwealth to be met by a tax upon the profits of values which have been created by the com munity, still the fact remains that, un til the equilibrium of society, which they assert would be brought about by their theory of taxation, has been established, there would be a class of millionaires and corporations who have amassed immense wealth under pres ent unjust conditions who would go scot free. The graduated taxers pro pose to tax land values and all other values as well, which seems much more equitable and just Land values are not the only values which have been created by the community. As a matter of fact, it is the com munity which creates all values, except such as the ox finds in a good pasture, or as the aborigine of a South sea Island found in a banana grove be fore the sails of commerce disturbed his quiet. Any valuable thing before it becomes wealth must be accumu lated, and accumulation beyond the personal needs of the possessor is val ueless in the absence of community. All wealth is the product of the land, and it is no more just to permit an in dividual or an association to monopo lize the product of the land than it would be to permit a monopoly of the land itself. The accumulation of vast wealth by individuals and associations has been made possible by unjust so cial conditions, and this wealth should now be compelled to bear the burdens of government and foot the bills for necessary improvements. The Graduated Tax society has had a bill before congress, and for the com ing second session of the Fifty-third congress the bill will be known as House Bill 4,808. The income tax bill which was passed by congress was de cided by the supreme court to be un constitutional because it exempted in comes below a certain figure, thereby making it class legislation. The grad uated taxers, it is presumed, will avoid this snare by making the tax appli cable 'to all incomes or all wealth, whether in large or small holdings, but graduated according to the amount held by an individual or corporation. As the income tax bill was passed by congress, it would not seem to be an impossibility to secure the passage of this bill. But the chances aro against it The revenues derived from it would be so enormous that it would do away with the necessity for the pres ent system of internal revenue; tariff duties for revenue would no longer be necessary, and that would take away the ammunition with which the two old parties light their cam paigns; it would shortly extinguish the national debt, and that would leave no excuse for government bon'ds, which would kill the national banks. It would reduce the burdens of the producing classes and increase the ob ligations of the exploiting classes, and that is a thing to which the latter do not propose to submit while money can influence elections or bribe legislators. It would approach an equality of taxa tion though, as Gen. Percy Daniels, of Kansas, the author of the bill, very t truthfully says, it would not at first nearly reach it Equality of taxation, as defined by Mill, is an equality of sacrifice. Under this definition it is easily seen how great a discrepancy there is between our present methods and justice in taxation. The immense sum that would be raised by the bill under consideration, as explained by the author, should be used lor such specific purposes as would hasten its return to the pockets of the people, and in this process leave evidence of permanent benefit The bill includes measures for accomplishing this providing that after the expenses of assessment and collection have been met, the balance shall be appropriated for these purposes, as follows: First, to pay pensions, interest on the public debt, and all other war charges, in -eluding the balance now due ex-soldiers on account of the dishonest money in which they were paid; sec ond, the support of the military estab lishments of the states; third, after a liberal appropriation for the above purposes, there would be left from a --billion to a billion and a half of dollars to be used in setting all our idle labor at work on an extensive system of pub lic improvements to Improving our water ways; to building great storage reservoirs at every available point on the tributaries, large or small, of our fivers, for decreasing the spring floods and increasing the dry weather flow; to rebuilding and improving country roads, and to establishing forest parks. San Luis Obispo (Cal.) Reasoner. Thousands of people are only just beginning to study the question, "What is capital?" If it be true that it is "stored labor," then how can these men own so much "stored labor?" If it be true that all large aggregations of wealth are "collections of stolen oronertv.' don't we have a new rule lor the settlement of this question? II It is our right, let's take what belongs to na bv tax on incomes and inherit- I " - - " 1 m OUR nvB-HALF PRICE $20,000 WORTH SUITS, OVERCOATS, ULSTERS, AT ONE-HALF PRICE. They are principally small lots every one a great bargain the largest sale of the season. We have added several lots of PANTS at $3.00 To our sale. Also lined GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, and CAPS. Browning, Morgan County, Colorado Morgan county is not "way out on the frontier." Don't allow any idoa of that sort to take possession of you. Nothing could be further from the truth. Morgan county is more prosperous than any sec tion of equal size m Illinois or Ohio. Its citizens are ns intelligent as any in the country. Its educational and religious advantages as good as the best. Its cli mate as healthful and pleasant as any in the world. You must visit Morgan county to appreciate it properly. Morgan county Has any number ot ad vantages ovornine outof every ten farm ing sections of the United States. No crop failures; ho inuluriu; no hot winds; no intense heat; no bitter cold, me peo ple are friendly. The system of irrigation is co-operative and economical. This year s yields are beyond belief. Think of ten per cent of the wheat fields iu tho county averaging 50 bushels to the acre. Outs, barley, corn, potatoes and alfalfa made juHt as good u showing. One man made $1,.150 from three acres of onions. Another has already received 1 1,520 from the proceeds of 70 acres of wheat. A third cleared SjHisO lroin bees alone. The prico of land ranges from $15 to $30 per acre including perpetuul water right. 80 acres are as much as one man can farm and if lie goes in for market gardeningor fruit raising both of which are very successful tlicre he will find that 40 acres will knep him busy. Detailed information about Morgan County together with full particulars of this year's crops is contained in an illustrated booklet issued by the Passen ger Departmentof the Burlington Route, atid now ready for free dHitribution. A copy will be mailed to any one who will write to J. rrancis, U. V. A. Omaha, iseb. for it. The democrat like Senator Vest, who wears himself out talking- for free silver and then says if the democrats nominate a gold standard candidate he will give him a hearty support, and all loyal democrats will rally to his sup port, may be an astute politician, but he is alike destitute of principle or patriotism. Partyism is all he can boast of. Star and Kansan. James nogan, one of the directors of the A. R. U., who was recently re leased from jail.'has been nominated for congress by the people's party of Utah. The papers of that section seem to think that he will win. Heart Disease Cured By Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Fainting, Weak or Hungry Spells, Irregu lar or Intermittent Pulse, Fluttering or Pal pitation, Choking Sensation, Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Feet and Ankles, are symptoms of a diseased or Weak Ileart. MRS. N. C. MILLER. Of Fort Wayne, Ind., writes on Nov. 29, 1894: "I was afflicted for forty years with heart trouble and suffered untold agony. I had weak, hungry spells, and my heart would palpitate so hard, the pain would be so acute and torturing, that I became so weak and nervous I could not sleep. I was treated by several physicians without relief and gave up ever being well again. About two years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles' Remedies, One bottle of the Ileart Cure stopped all heart troubles and the Restorative Nervine did the rest,and now I sleep soundly and at tend to my household and social duties with out any trouble. Sold dt druggists. Book sent tree. Address Dr. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Eiles' Remedies Restore Health. SALE IS STILL Off. j)l : i of HEN'S. BOY ! j a & i k a a u a a aw a i - r E and. $4.00 King & Co., 1 0 1 3 to 1 0 1 9 O LINCOLN, NEB. St., What' a Man to Do? Lonesomeby Hello, old man! Thought I'd come around and condole with you. My wife is also away. Widowly Don't be sarcastic. It's not the loneliness that worries me, but the matter of letter-writing. Lonesomby How so? Widowly Well, If I fill my letters with declarations of love, and tell her how much I miss her, she'll come home to enjoy the sentimentality at closer range; if I write an indifferent letter, she'll come home to see what's the mat ter; and if I don't write at all, she'll come home to see if I've run off with another woman. So what's a man to do? Truth. What Tut It Out "Accidents?" said the old sea captain. "No, we never have any to speak of on this line. Why, one trip, about a year ago, the ship caught fire down in the hold and we never discovered it till we got Into port and began to unload." "That's strange. What put the fire out?" "Why, it burned down through to the sea and the water put it out. Couldn't burn the water, you know." And the captain walked away smil ing, while the interlocutor was so as tonished that he never thought to ask why the ship did not sink. Colored Remarks. De mos' dangerous hole in a man's pocket is at de top. One drop ob scan dal will spread ober a whole lifetime. A good menny men maik delr bes' time on de wrong track. Cupid is alius rep resented as a baby because lub so fre quently dies in hits Infancy. Gib de people two pieces ob gossip at once an' dey'll 'cept de one wid de mos' slandab. in hit. Ef yo' wanter git eben wid an enemy to get nis existence an' go toe wurk too amount toe sumthin'. Arkan saw Thomas Cat. Old Memories. Little Girl Gran'pa says he remem bers w'en the snow was so deep It was up to his waist. Little Boy When? "Oh, ever so long ago!" "Mebby It was w'en he was a littH aby." New York Weekly. Dr. Madden. Ere. Ear. Nose, and Throat diseases, over llock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets. Glasses accurately adjusted. New Lincoln-Sioux City Train Service The Elkhorn Line Northwestern now provides additional to the regular after noon trains to Sioux City a morning train by which passengers reach that place at 1:35 p. in., thus enabling them to reneti many points ueyuuu mo t - a I ...J4-I- nn rvtn day. In the St. I'nul service a dining car has been added which serves supper north hound nnd breakfast south bound. S. A. Mosher. Gen!. Agt. S. A. rielding City ticket ngi ut, 117 So. 10th St. FROM LINCOLN is the SHORT Lino (operating its o wn tracks) jfiTt.Ni I'm to Marshalltown, teaar Ranids. Clinton. Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Usnfcosti, u on au, oiuua Hitv. St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth. In Chicago connections are made with 22 diverorino' lines. In St. Paul, Union dtpot with 1U lines uusurpasseu time made to eastern and nortnenstern emeu. For tickets, etc.. call at city ottiee 11 So. 10th St., or depot comer S and 8th Sts. T)r. Madden. Ere. Ear. Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets Glasses accurately ad justed. Gabled Field and Hog Fence, utAUinohM hiuhi Steel Web Picket Lawn Fence: Steel Posts and 8tel RailR-.Tree.Flower and Tomato i. uIAl U'Ihi k'nnna llnnrfl.etlV CatJalOUnO tree. DeKALB FENCE CO., m High St., OeKalb, III. HAVE YOU FIVE OR MORE COWS! If go a " Baby" Cream Separator will earn lta cost for you every year. Why continue an Inferior system another year at so (rreat a loss J Dairying Is now the only profitable feature or Agriculture, rropeny cou rt ncfHrf it. nlwnvii Davs well, and must pay vou. You ni a Snnamtor. and vou need the J F.8T, the " Baby." All styles and capacities. Prices, $75.00 upward. Send for new 1S95 Catalogue. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., Branch Offices : General Office: ELGIN, ILL. 74 00RTLANDT ST.. NEW YORK. WAV PKISSS. THE BEST STEEL FULL CIRCLE. SOLD CN EASY TERMS. SCOTT HAY PRESS Co. am Wtil 6tK St. Kmoa C'vtvi Mo. METAL WHEELS for your WAGONS. Any eise yon want, 20 loWin high. Tiros 1 to 8 in. wide hobs to at any szle. Nave (.'oxt many times in seaton to have let of low wheels to fit your wagon for hauling irram. fodder, manure. bogs, o. No reletting of tires. Oatl'g free. Address EMPIRE MFG. CO Quincy-, III Scott's ... Carbo-Digestive Compound. Positively the One Remedy for the treat ment of Nervous Exhaustion, Simple and Aggravated forms of Dyspepsia, and Palpitation of the Heart. Does your food sour after eatinir? Artj you eaBiiy coniusea ana exciteur uo you get up in the morning tired and un- refreshed. ana witn a Daa taste in ins mouth? Is there a dull cloudy sensation, at tended bv diwncreeable feelings in th head and eyes7 Are vou irritable and restless? Does vour heart thump and cause you to gasp for breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress you to he on the left tide? Have vou impaired memory, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomy forebodinirs? These symptoms mean that you ar nffprinff from DvsneDsia and Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remedy extant that ban done so much for this class of troubles as Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound. If your case has resisted the usual methods of treatment we are particu larly anxious to have you give this com pound a trial. We guarantee reiiei in every case ana ill cheerfully refund your money should our remeay iaii to proauce toe muni 1 Al A. ratifying results. i'lease remember tnac tne appeiiauom "Patent Medicine does not apply to Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a Drenaration tut up by a leading physician who has made stomach and nervous troubles a specialty for years. We court investigation and earnestly urge all physicians to write us for the formula of SCOTT'S CAItCO-DIGES-TIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail on annlication. that they may satisfy themselves of its Harmless cnaracter ana excellent virtues. Scott's Carbo-Digestive Compound is the most remarkable remedy that science has produced. It has succeeded where all other medicines have failed. Sold by druggists everywhere at $1.00 r bottle. Sent to any address in America on receipt of price. Don't forget that we cheerfully refund your money if results are not satisfac tory. Order direct if your druggist doea not have it. Address all orders to CONCORD CHEMICAL MFG. CO., Topeka, Kas. Sheriff Sale Notice la hareby Riven, that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by tb Clerk of the District Court of the Third Jndicial District of Nebraska. within and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein Jane A. Heacock is plaintiff, and Urant A. Bash, et al, are defendants 1 will, at 3 o'clock P.M.. on the 17th dav of DecemMr, A.D. lfKfi, at the Kaat dnor of the Court Huune. in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster Countv, Nebraska, offer tor ale at public auction the following described rani natnte to-wit: l.nt un inhered Twentr-three (28), in Block number Three (S). In Cottaire Home Addition to the City of Lincoln, Lancaster county, neoraaas aoxnrdinir to tha recorded Dint thereof. Wen under my hand this 11th day of Novem ber. A.D, 1BV0. ' FRED A. MILLER. bhertft. WOK ii sjlj i in 7T5X UL WIAA ilyli V-V V Youi TO THOROUGHLY QUALIFY THEMSELVES as Bookkeepers and Am&nueiises. There is going to be a brisk revival of bus n ess and now is thb tims to prepare yourself for a good position. The LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE fV) Uar?t?d LrlNGOLrN NORMAL UNIVERSITY, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. STTJDEJfT'S CAS EHTEB AT ANT TIME. SO EBTKAJTCS EXAMINATIONS. Th best building's and equipments. The ablest faculty and the most satis factory work. Common sense courses of study. If you are a teacher you will be interested in the tollowiug i Normal FIRST WAhV SBHEBTBS, 16 WEEKS. WHITES IEUESTEB, If WEEKS. 10111118 SBMESTBB, It WEEKS, First Term, Second Term, Third Term, Fourth Term, Fifth Term, Sixth Term, I weeks. t weeks. 8 weeks. t weeks. I weeks. week. Orthoepy. School mangt. Geography. Geography. History. History. Arithmetic. Arithmetic. Arithmetic. Arithmetic. Bookkeeping. Word Analyst) Grammar. Grammar. Grammar. Physiology. Physiology. Civil Gov'm't. Mental Arlth. Penmanship. Heading. Vocal Mueie. Drawing. Drawing. Debating. Debating. 'Debating. Debating. 'Debating. 'Debating. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. SECOND TEAR. Algebra. Algebra. Algebra. Plane Geom. Plane Geom. Solid Oeomtry fLat. LiessoHi. t Lat. Lessons, t Lat. Lessons. Casar. tCaear. fCaesar. Rhetoric. Rhetoric. Rhetoric. Physical Geog. Botany. Botany. Gen'l Hintory. Gen'l History. Gen'l History. Eng. History. Eng. History. Political Bees. Prin. of Edu. School Mngt. Physics. Physics. Biology. Zoology. Ele. Science, 'Ele. Science. 'Ele. Science. Ele. Science. 'Ele. Hcience. Kle. Bciene. Literature. 'Literature. Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature, Once a week. fLatin 1 optional in this course. Ton pun iret in addition to the above the Preparatory. Pedagogic, Scientific, Literary, Classic, Business. Shorthand, Music, Band, Orchestra, Oratory, Telegraphy, Kindergarten, Fine Art, or Pen Art Course. EXPENSES. It it cheaper to attend school here than it Is to stay at home. In any of the regular courses we give Tuition, Board, and Roum for one term Tuition, Board, and Room lor one year Write to us for catalogue and particulars. BILL M. BELL, President. JOHN CARR, Vice PresiOent. PUBLIC POLAND-CHINA BERKSHIRE Saturday, November 30th, 1895. A draft from the well-known "Furnas County Herd" of 70 head of Tops, A combination of the best blood known to the Poland-China and Berkshire breeds will be found concentrated in this offering. They are sired by 5 first class boars, and their dams are a select lot of tried sows. Here is your chance to buy the foundation stock for a pure bred herd. I will also sell four thorough bred Ilolstein bulls. Terms of Sale On sums of $10.00 aud over a credit of one year will be given at 10 per cent, on approved note, with 5 per cent off for cash. Parties from a distance desiring credit, will please furnish bank reference. Sale at my farm 9 miles southwest of Beaver City, 15 miles north of Norton, Kansas. Send for Catalogue. COL. BRANSON, Auct H. S. BOARDING, FEED AND 8 ALE STABLES. CASH ADVANCES MADE ON ALL CONSIGNMENTS. REFER TO ANY CINCINNATI BANK. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. BRANSON FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE The simplest, the best, the ONLY satisfactory t amiiy nnicier now id ine mantel, me B&me machine we have told for twenty years at 25. No excuse now for buying worthless toys. Complete with foil illustrated book of Instructions. Knits any article wanted In the home of wool or eotton, factor? or homespun. Writ, for BRAJiSOX KNITTING MACHINE CO., 506 St, John Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Circular. THE KEYSTONE . DEHORHER (?) Oats olean on all sides-does not crush. The ; most humane, rapid ana durante Kane ) made, fully warranted. Highest World's mr Award, oescnntive uircuiars f ree. ttA.C.BROSIUS, Cochranville, Pa. WOVEN WE FENCE OverSOStyles The best on Earth. Horsehieh.l Hull strong. 1'iK and Chicken I tiRht. You can mnke from 40! to 60 rods 11" day lor livm I 14 to 22c. a Rod. Illustrated catalogue Free. KITSELMAN BROS.. RidKeville. - Indiana, i SULPHO-SALINE Bath House and Sanitarium il) Corner 14th & M Sta., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Open at All Hours Day and Night All Forms of Baths. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric. With Special attention to the application ot NATURAL SALT WATER BATHS. everal tlmea stronger than sea, water. Hhenmatlsm. ftktn. Blood and Nervous Dl- easas, Liver and Kidney Troubles and Chronic Ailments are treated successfully. gSea Bathing) iav be enloyed at all seasons In onr larn SALT SWIMMING POOL, 60x143 feet. A to 10 feet deep, heated to uniform temperature of 80 degree. Drs. M. H. & J. O. Everett, Managing Physicians. aVO draarlata aell Dr. Mllea' Nero Plaatai rrz- n m m I 1 mm v mm Can do more for you in sii months than any other school in Nebraska. Write for particulars. Gladly sent to you by addressing D. R. LILLIBRIDGE, President, Lincoln, Nebraska. Coursa. TEAR. for. ... 24 00 for 123 00 Address, LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY, Normal, jiu,uui,hiiim. SALE! WILLIAMSON, Beaver City, Neb. FIRST-CLASa EQUIPMENTS AN O ( ATTENTION. Windsor Stables W. A. REESE, Proprietor. 1024 I. Street, LINCOLN, NEB. 'Phone 232. Established 1850. F. JELKE & SOU, 53 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. Commission Merchants and dealers in Broom Corn and all kinds of Broom Materials & Machinery. II. E. KEELOR. Breeder of Chester-White & Poland-China Swin8 Herd compossd of a choice se lection of premium aniimiia. Btock shipped to all parts of II. 8. Write wants. Clarence. Mo. Berkshire, Chester White, Jersey Red & Poland China iPmfL Jersey. Guernsey A Hol- stein Cattle. Thoroughbred 8he9P. Fancy Ponltry.Hunting t XI iIah flatnlniTiiM. S. W. SMIT W BUU iLUUETO ... , , A ochranville, Chester Co Pa. D nmi V ft If Celebrated Femate If illllJW Powders never fA. vsi Tti m1 iwii fan rod sure (after mirag 6t. $. I. Si-kW. BoMM. Htm. PILLS! (Safe and sure.. sEN0 4c.Ftm"W0MAir9 safi rciiBDn:' Wilcox Specific Co, Pmila..Pa- FIVE FACTS. THE Great Rock Island Route! Cheap Outing Excursions. First For the National Educational Meeting at Denver, opening July 5th, the rate will be one fare plus $2 00 lor round trip Tickers good to return and time up to and including 8ept. 1st. Second The reuulnr Tourist Car to California via Kansas City runs once a week, and leaves Chicago every Thursday at 6 p.m., Kansas City at 10.60 a.m. every Friday. Tickets based on second class rate, and car runs on fastest trains, and known as the l'hllllps-Kock Island Tourist Excursions. Car arrives at Colorado Springs Saturday, 7:115 a.m. Third Home-Seeker's Excursions to Texas and New Mexico. Next one June 11th. Kate, on fare for ronnd trip. Tickets good twenty days. fourth For Mexico City the Kock Island runs a through sleeper from Kansas City dally at 8:40 p.m. via Topeka, McFarland, Wichita and Fort Worth and Austin to San Antonio. Two routes from there are International R. R. to Laredo, and Mexican National to the City of Mexico; Southern Pacific and Mexican Interna tional via Spotford and Eagle Pass to City of Mexico, Connections are also made at Fort Worth via the Texas Paclfle to El Paso, and over the Mexi can Central to City of Mexico. Flfih Send to address below for a Souvenir ealled the "Tourist Teacher," thaf gives much Information to tourist, isent free. JOHN SEBASTAIX, O. P. A., Chicago. World s Fair Highest Awards on our INCUBATOR andF3; RRnnnm Pnmhinorl. V 'Old Reliable" 78 mb oeUsUorM, irlviMK TfJiubli ftmU Tnlm iSiltur Addma Reliable Incubator and Poder Co.jQuincy.tij. hTc DRUG B