The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, November 07, 1895, Image 1

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The population of New York City is
The New York World has a circulation
ol 553,813 daily.
Fifteen people were killed in London
Oct. 29, by an explosion of gas.
Four sweat shop toilers were burned to
death in a New York Are Nov. da.
The jury in the Durraiit murder trial
convicted hi in , agreeing on first ballot
The Iron Moulders Union has gajned
ten per cent in membership or 3,500, since
August 1.
The Hawniian government has ap
pointed Francis W. Hatch its minister at
Washington. .
There are in this country 293 colleges
and universities, with an attendance of
141,800 students.
H. II. Holmes has been found guilty of
murdering members of the Pitzel family,
for insurance money.
The assassination of the queen of
Corea is causing Japan trouble. Some
Japs bad a hand in it. "
Mayor Pingree of Detroit has been
named for presidential candidate next
year. He is a people s man.
Depew has issued on order forbidding
the sale of "Corn s Financial bcliool,, on
the Vanderbilt system of roads. See?
The wholesale murderer for life insur
ance, Holmes, is being tried for his life in
Philadelphia, and will doubtless hang.
At the National Institute for the Blind
in France cycling is one of the amuse'
r, " - ments, and they even race and have
' - established records.
'". The earth has been trembling under
. ft.: xr .. ..a Ti. : .. ...
that the Almighty dopn not make it
shake at New York and Washington."
Walking backward is said by the Medi'
cal Record to be "an excellent and never
failing cure for the heffdache." Ten
minutes is as long as is usually neces'
eary to promenade.
Bill Nye, it is reported, was rotten-egged
at Paterson N. J., Nov. 1st. The
audience did not appreciate his jokes and
he was deluged with stale eggs when
leaving the ch urch and at the tram.
A woman and two children were burned
at the stake in Hidalgo, Mexico, by order
of the auxilliary judge of Tecapa, he
obeying the mandate of fanatics or
alleged saints who claimed they had had
a vision.
Mrs. Richard Walsh, weighing 200
pounds, jumped from the third story bal
cony of a Chicago department store.
Oct. 29, and was dashed to death on the
floor of the rotunda, in the presence of
Hundreds of people. It was intentional
The editor and associate editor of the
Yorwaerts and the editor of the Volks-
blatt, German socialist papers, have
been sentenced to six, nine and twelve
months imprisonment for offending His
Mjesty the emperor. An appeal has
Dwn taken, and tbey are out on bail.
Eugene Langen of Colosrne, France, a
director ol the Utto Uas bngine Works
of Philadelphia, died of heart failure the
nu 01 uciuuer. lie uac acquired a
, , $20,000,000 fortune fn bt'et suirarmanu-
tj ! factoring business iu his country, and
wf ciifiuK'.-u eiwiiBivBijf in jjua eugiue inunu-
iacturingin uermany as well America.
The Hudson is to be spanned at the
North river junction by a bridge which
is pronounced the greatest undertaking
in the world. It will be a 3,200 foot
suspension bridge 150 feet above the
river and will cost not less than $22,
186,540. The four steel towers to carry
the cables will overtop the great Wash
ington monument. The masses of
masonry that will have to be built on
shore to resist the enormous pull of the
16 cabins will in their united weight and
bulk rival the great pyramid of Gizeh.
When loaded to its full capacity the
bridge can carry in midair 17 heavily
loaded trains which if strung out would
be two miles in length and represent a
. load of 26,000 tons.
Francis Schlatter, the healer and
preacher to the poor, it is said, has per
formed any number of genuine cures. He
accepts no money, is self-depreciatory
and humble. Rev. Myron Reed has
borne witness to his sincerity and be
lieves in his power, saying that his life is
"the most literal following of Jesus
Christ that I have ever knowu." Two
years ago he was a shoemaker in Denver.
In obedience to what he regarded ns the
divine voice, he footed it to Arizona,
fastod forty days in the desert, then be
gan his healing, and after another period
of fasting lasting sixty days returned to
Denver. He was arrested during this
time and confined in jail for traveling
without hat and shoes, and while in jail
claims to have been reincarnated. The
New York Voice commentingon his work
says: "The evidence that seems to be
accumulating daily in support of his
claims is beginning to demand souie
,thing more than superficial attention.
Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and
Throat diseases, over Rock Island
ticket office:, S.nvcor. 11 and 0 streets.
Glasses accurately adjusted.
L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Is
land ticicet office, cor. 11 and 0 streets.
Of London Talks About the Flow of Gold
To England
What Effect Flows 'From Bond Issues
and Increasing Our Private Dtbts
to Aliens England's Power ,
, Increased
Over Us by Oar Borrowing Gold.
"The Bank of England how holds
about $43,000,000 of the precious me
tals in its vaults mostly gold," says.
the Investors' Review of London. "It
never possessed or controlled so large a
sum before, and does not know in the
least what to do with the money. Still
the pile increases in size. Gold comes to
us from the ends of the earth. The old
'law' which used to be so eloquently dis
cussed by authorities in banking, to the
effect that when rates of interest fall to a
low point, gold tends to leave the coun
try,' has for the present ceased alto
gether to operate. 1 Rates of interest
have been low beyond precedent for seve
ral years now, and will, to all appearaucs,
fo sqme time continue just as poor. Yet
gold arrives by every ship, and the Bank
of England, as things are now going,
may soon be put to it to find a storage
"Why should this be the case? It
scarcely requires, explanation. To read
ers of the Investors' Review, at all
events, the causes should be plain enough
Gold is coming to us, primarily, because
we are a creditor nation to whom most
other nations owe debts payable in gold.
For a series of years our dominating
position in this respect was concealed by
theeuormous totals of our fresh lendings
abroad; but since the crisis of 1890, and
since the preliminary collapse of the
Australian colonies, these lendings have
been materially reduced. As a conse
quence inter-national trade has been like
wise curtailed, and the debtor nations
and settlements have been obliged, to
some extent, to fall buck upon the yellow
metal with which to liquidate a portion
of their obligations to us.
"Such is broadly the abiding influence
which works always in favor of the ship
ments of gold to this country when times
are 'quiet.' But there are an infinite
mimtier of secondary forces some of
them of high importance also at work
in the same direction. Not least of these
is the cheapness of commodities. Owing
to the fall in the prices of the simple pro
ducts of nature, or of the mine and the
farm, which most of our debtors have to
depend on for the means of liquidating
their dbts to us, a much more severe
strain is put upon tlicin thnn they form
erly felt. It may often take twice as
much of their merchandise to furnish the
necessary balance now as it formerly did,
and the power to sell enough produce at
any price is frequently wanting. When
the State or private debtor cannot find
in the market enough commercial bills to
buy for remittance to pay obligations
falling due, gold perforce must be bought
and sent, under penally of default.
"The United States have been obliged to
resume the shipment of gold to us, as
we from the first ventured to say they
would, principally because theirexports
to Europe do not amount to the valuo
required if their debtsare to be met with
out gold. American financiers have been
very persistent and ingenious in staving
off the evil day once and again, but it
only comes round with increased peremp
totiness after each new device has been
exhausted. That was a bold flying in
the face of nature which was embodied in
the syndicate of bankers formed to pre
vent gold leaving the country for a given
time, and its boldness has borne fruit,
Gold is now leaving the United States
faster than ever, because the public loan
with which the syndicate started has
been all absorbed and exhausted, and
nothing now stands between the States
and there inexorable creditors, not even
fresh investments in American securities.
To keep the gold from leaving New York
for Europeduring the 'close' timedecreed
by the very earthly powers at Washine-
ton, the gold syndicate had quite early
to engage in the manufacture of credit,
to (in other words, and vulgarly speak
ing) 'fly kites' in the shape of bills of ex
change drawn against nothing, and sold
on the market to supply the demand for
means of remittance. The calculation,
of course, was that, by the time the bills
came due, America's crop would be
harvested and sold to such an extent
that trude on this side would be eager
buyers of return drafts, by means of
which these 'kites' would be liquidated.
Harvest is over, and the States rejoice in
bumper yields of maize especially; but
we are in no such desperate haste to nur-
chase. Other countries have corn and
cotton and beef to give1 us just as cheap-
ly, and the Union has to take its chance
in the market. We shall be large cus
tomers to it as usual, but nothiug more
and the best custom we can give would,
not enable the gold syndicate to liqui
date its "kites." It will have to send
gold over to do that, or "bust"; so it is
sending gold, and frightening the British
investor out of all disposition to buy
railroad bouds in the process.
"Unless tbepolitieiaiiBof the Union have
learned practical wisdom, which we see
no signs of, the next step in their his
tory will be a fresh issue of bonds to pro
vide again a little gold for the impover
ished but extravagant treasury. We
shall be delighted to lend ten, twenty,
fifty millions sterling to so great a
country, for the security is better than
any colonial one of our own; and at the
end of the lending mount it to 200,
000,000, the cry for gold to be sent to
Europe will be more urgent in the New
York market than at the beginning,
Within the last year the jiermcnent in
debtedness of the States to Europe has
increased with every issue of railroad
or other bonds made on this side, and
each increase adds to the sum-total t hey
must remit, unless when the bank
ruptcies of private corporations relieve
the strain, as they often do. But the
Federal Government cannot afford to go
bankrupt; and therefore, unless it learns
wisdom, it will probably go on raking in
gold by means of syndicates and loans,
and letting it out again in order to main
tain its solvency, jor some years yet.
There are only two other courses open be
fore it; either to be honest and cut down
its extravagant budget to a figure which
gives a large surplus to the treasury, or
to remain dishonestly extravagant, and
sink, in consequence, to the position of a
"silver" country. We sometimes think
the latter the only end to the present
confusion, because the knave too gener
allo predominates in political affairs
"To this country, however, these debt
creations and kite manufacturings al
ways mean an augmented power over
the cold supplies of tfte world, because
we lend the . niojiey. to , the , borrowing
State, or on the accommodation bill of
the financier in good credit, wnn equal
readiness. Some day we shall, no doubt,
find out that we have lent too much,
trusted too far; but that day is not yet.
We could, perhaps, continue for another
quarter of a century to supply all comers
with as much money as they couia take,
and seem all the richer for the process,
because with every enlargement of the
debt of other peoples to us comes an ex
tension of our credit-creating power, and
of our hold over the gold upon which
this credit is supposed to rest. What is
taking place, however, iu the United
States once more vividly sets before the
mind's eye the ultimate consequences of
this kind of wealth multiplication. The
borrowing and lending countries become
together ensnared in vicious circles, out
of which there is no getting except by
violent means. Debt cannot breed debt
forever.and mankind liveupon theearth.'
L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Island
ticket office, cor. 11th and O streets.
Bridge and Crown Work a specialty.
Neither calomel nor any other delete
rious drug enters into the composition ol
Ayer s Pills. A safe family medicine.
You can't tell who is in the coffin by
the length of the funeral procession.
The man who does his best in the place
he has now is on his way to a better place.
The man who can not pray for people
he doesn't like, can not pray for anybody.
The poorest arguments will find their
way, when delivered with firmness and
When you find anybody who is doing
much to help other people, you find who
bag suffered.
Judas was not the last man who pro
fessed sympathy for the poor to hide his
own meanness.
Each man is a hero and an oracle to
somebody; and to that person whatever be
says has enchanted value.
There are too many people in the church
who won't march unless they can be at
the head of the procession.
'Twould be more monevin vniin nnnVot
to enrich your blood with Ayer's Sarsa-
All druggists sell Dr. Miles' 1'aln Fills.
This story of Efrhemnn nnna mnn
afloat: Having: risen one 'nirht ha nnin.
tentionally aroused his wife, who inauired.
II A.. T
ivio juu bick, waiaot" "Uh, no, my
dear," was his reply, "but I've got an
idea. What's the matter with these
matches! I can't make them ignite. Let
it go, now," sighed the philosopher, "my
idea is cone." The nnit mnmlnn nrwn
arising, Mrs. Emerson found all the teeth
tu uer como Droken out. This is supposed
to have happened in tha
when matches came In cards.
Deafness Cannot lie Cured
by local applications, n they cannot reach the
dlwaned portion of the ear. There is only on
whv to cure Dnutnee, and that Is by coimtltu
tlonal remedies. Deafness is cansed by an In
flamed condition of the mncons lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube nets inflamed
yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,
and when it Is entirely cloned Deafnen is the re
sult, and aniens the liillam mation can be taken out
and this tnbe restored to It normal condition,
hearing be destroyed forever; nine caeea out
of ten are canaed by catarrh, which 1 nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
e will give One Hundred Dollars for any can
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that rannot he
cured by Hall's Catarrh dire. Rend for r4rilin
res- K. J . CH EN K Y Jr. CO.. Toledo. O.
t3T Sold by Dmggtsts. 7,-ic.
A Short Sermon
Pastor Central Cong. Church, Topeka, Kansas,
(Preached by the Devil every Monday
morning from the pulpil of Sfx-Days-in-the-Week.)
Dearly lleloved You will find the text
this morning in First Coriuthians, tenth
chapter, thirty-first verse; "Whether
therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever
yp do, do all to the glory of God."
This is one of those texts which need
careful explanation. The word "what
soever," for example, has no reference to
anything a man does in politics or busi
ness. It refers exclusively to whatsoever
a man does while attending divine ser
vice on Sundays, teaching a Sunday
school class, while he is prayiug in a
prayer meeting or conducting family
worship. This is very plainly the mean
ing of the writer when he said "whatso
ever." To attempt to use the word
absolutely literally would result in the
greatest confusion and disturbance of the
political and business world as it is now
organized and carried on. EvidentlJ-it
refers simply to religious matters con
nected with the churches and Sundays-
Again, my beloved hearers, let me call
your attention to the word "all" in the
next text. It is very easy to see that the
writer did not mean that "everything" a
man did should be done to the glory of
God. By "all" he means those things
which, outside of politics and business,
cau be done to the glory of God when it
does not conflict with money-making
or with political and social success. Any
attempt actually to do every tbiug' to
the glory of God would result in the
overthrow of the greut competitive sys
tem under which we as a nation exist to
day. For, as you all know, thecompeti
tive system is founded on selfluhuess. If
every businessman and every politician
should begin to do "all" things to the
glory of God, It would result incstablish
ing business and politics on love instead
of selfishness, and the result would be a
complete revolution of all the present
Finally, brethren, having made these
two points clear, namely, that "whatso-
.H7 n ' ci ti il ' 1 n 1 1 " (i fti tiAI f i 1 1,. tnLan litoi-
ally.letmeurgeupon you the careful and
regular attendance of church services on
Sunday. . By all means cultivate that
Sunday religion which does all things to
the glory of God on Sunday. Do not
absent yourself from the prayer meeting,
and pray long and loud while there, to
the glory of God. But remember that
six days in the week belong to yourselves
to make money und scheme for party
places, and have a good time in social
amusements. Do not be disturbed by the
preaching of some ministers who say that
this text means what it says. They are
impractical reformers who do not under
stand the laws of business or of political
parties. Above all, my dear friends, at
tend my servicenaiid sit under my preach,
ing every Monday and at last you will
come to believe every word I say. And
if you dou't, you will know all about it
when you come to die. The congrega-
tion is now dismissed to attend to its
money-making and politics and amuse
ments for the next six days. The King
Try Getting a Job Yourself
How often the silly assertion is made,
"any man can get work who wants to
work," by superficial-minded people, says
the Oshkosh "Labor Advocate" who
never stop to consider conditions that
are constantly enlarging the army of un
employed. Only a few months ngo a con
tractor called for men . to do some work
on a street crossing in Chicago, and while
he only wanted about sixty men, more
than. 5,000 were on hand at the place
The city council of Salt Lake City ap
propriated money to keep seventy-five
men at work six weeks in cleaning
ditches. The plan was to work seventy
five men one week, then lay them off and
put on another seventy-five, with the
view of giving as many as possibles
chance to earn something. Those wish
ing to work were required to register at
the county building, and it is estimated
that from 1,000 to 1,200 were on hand
at an early hour to register, and the
rush was so great that doors were brok
en down and windows broken. Six men
fainted in the crowd, overcome with
excitement and exhaustion. The scene,
described by the "Inter-Mountain Advo
cate," was terrible. Men climbed over
each other in a battle for bread for them
selves and their suffering families.
Wolfe's Poland-China Sain
As this iBour last issue before the irreat
Poland-China hog sale of J. V. Wolfe we
again call attention to thedate, Nov. 14.
i ersoiis coming in on trams will take
"Union College" cars and be landed on
Mr. Wolfe's farm. Mr. Wolfe savs his
hogs are in excellent health, the finest lot
of pigs he has ever raised, and lie invites
all to attend, whether wishing to pur
chase or not.
L. P.Davis. Dentist over Rock- Talanrl
ticket office, cor. 11th and 0 Streets.
unuge ana i;rown Work a specialty.
The Ozark Region u Seen bj The Wealth
Makers Bpeoial Correspondent
The Territory Covered by this Article is
Confined to the "Big Red Apple" Dis
trict of Southwest Missouri and
Northwest Arkansas In
8earch of Opportunities
, Homes Within Reach of tho Poor
Editor Wealth Makeub:
On October 18th I left Lincoln to see
the "Land of the Big Ued Apples," and I
surely found it..
My first stop was at Asbury, Mo. From
there I went to Siloam Springs, Ark., and
returning stopped at Decatur, Sulphur
Springs, and Gravett, Ark., and at Noel
and Donohue, . Mo., and will speak of
these sections in the order visited. Wbilo
I can hardly do justice to the subject in
the space I am allowed to occup1' "',1
do the best I can.
Asbury, Mo station one-ly , mile
east of the Kansas lino on the K. C. P. &
G. Ky., and St. L. & S. F., is 140 miles
from Kansas City, 11 miles from Pitts
burg, Kansas, a ,city of ten thousand
people, and 15 miles from Joplin, Mo., a
city of hbout fifteen thousand. The laud
in that portion of the couutry is us
smooth as itls between Crete and Hold-
redge in Nebraska.
The laud is specially adapted to hay
and oats, and fair corn is grown, making
from 20 to CO bushels per acre. Cherokee
county, Kansas, just west of the town,
ispne of the best com counties in south
east Kansas and ships large quantities
of that grain. Small fruit and veget
ables do well there, and being bo near
the mining city of Joplin and the mining
and smelting city of Pittsburg, jind a
good market. An old resident who had
lived there for 25 years said they had
never had a failure, although last year
(1894) was dry and the crop the poorest
ever grown. On Spring River 3 miles
east of the town there is considerable
timber. Land from $12.50 to 30 per acre
At Siloam Springs I met several Ne
braska people who have cast their lot
with Burton county, Ark., and all of
them were singing the praises of their
new home. I had been told that this
country, except farmed land, was cover
ed with heavy timber. This is a mistake.
There are trees that will make one or
two fair sawlogs and a good many trees
that will make from 4 to 12 rails to the
cut, and land for sale on which the tie
timber if sold in ties would pay for the
land. The timber is mostly oak, al
though hickory, walnut and other varie
ties are frequently seen. Much of the
timber land in the country is as level as
our Nebraska prairies; and much of it is
hilly, although I saw no land in this
Pounty as rugged as I expected to see.
Do not think from this that there are no
lulls, for if anyone fs longing to look at a
hill there he can have that wantsupplied.
While there is considerable land there
that is entirely free from stones, some of
the hill land is covered with broken rock,
ranging in size from that ofan acorn to
stones as large as a goose egg. On that
land (or rock, if you choose to call it so)
fine fruit is grown; one gentleman said
he was husking corn on just such land,
and it was making 40 bushels to the
acre. When they said they raised good
potatoes in such soil, 1 said it was fishy,
but old timers in the county insisted
that it was true.
Rev. John Setzer of Decatur hired all
the work done on one acreof strawberries
aud sold them so they gave him a clear
profit of $102.60.,
II. C. Thornton, living 5 miles from
Decatur located there 13 years ago, an
old man, so feeble he had to stop to rest
every hundred yards he walked, and with
a cash capital of only $12.50. lie bought
1G0 acres of land all on time, now has
his land free from debt, owes no man a
dollar, has 850 bearing apple trees, 150
bearing peach trees and a large number
of young trees, 5 fine horses and a drove
of hogs in his timber that will weigh 250
pounds each, and they never had a grain
of corn. He has made all this from his
land and labor.
At Gravett, Ark., I met Col. II. II. Ben
son of McCook, Neb., who is looking for
a place to locate a colony of drouth
stricken Republican Valley G. A. R. men.
Although a Republican Col. Reason gave
Mr. Ludden a roasting that would have
made his ears tingle, for claiming that
the counties iu the Republican valley
have a good crop this year.
There is a movement on foot to build
a railroad from Bentonville to South
West City, Mo., crossing the K. C. P. &
H r n " tL- it. ii...
NO. 22
Home think that northern men who go
to Arkansas, are discriminated against,
but I found that W. J. Parker of Clay
Center, Neb., who had just located at
Sulphur Springs, bad been engaged to
teach their school. At that place I also
met D. D. Oofoot, who for 14 years was
ngagod in fruit culture at Paw Paw,
Michigan, who, after spending two years
looking over the south for a location to
continue the business settled in the Ozark
At Noel, Mo., there are some fins cliff
views and some good frnit land, if a man
is not afraid ol hills.
From Anderson to Neosho there is
much smooth land, and at Donahue, in
this strip, the Ozark Orchard Company,
managed by L. A. Goodman, Sec'y. of
the Missouri State Horticultural Society,
has several thousand acres of land which
they are clearing off and planting to
fruit as fast as possible.
The old settlers in the Ozark gladly
welcome the northern man, and if you
treat him as an honest man he will treat
you as one. They realize the war is over,
and what a blessing it would be to our
country if the north knew itl
Taxes on 160 acres of laud run from 3
to 8 dollars, and the state of Arkansas
is constitutionally opposed to bonds..
Lumber and fuel are much cheaper
there than in Nebraska, and if one is
building a house near a brickyard the
brick can be bought laid iu the wall at
$6.50 per thousand.
Timbered fruit land can be bought at
from $4.00 per acre up, and smooth
prairie laud at from $10.00 per acre up
to the limit of your pile. , .' ' ,
This section is preeminently a fruit
region, and if any one of our people are
determined to raise'Truit, I would say to
them, the Ozark region , is nearer the
market than any irrigated district in
the United States. The average rain fall
is 46.5 inches against Nebraska's 23.5
inches. 1 saw 8 year old apple trees
there larger than any 15 year old trees I
ever saw in Nebraska. They plant one
year old trees and tbey bear from one
half to one bushel of apples at 4 years
from the bud. ' v
I was told before making this trip
that apples could be bought there for 6
cents a bushel, and I said if' they hauled
them to the market dumped in a wagon
box, as we do our corn, that is all they
ought to get. I found that was their
method of handling them and the price
ranged from thirty ' to forty cents a
bushel, the culls being sold to the evapo
rators at from 3 to 10 cents per bushel,
price being governed by the amount of
rot or bruise.
A falling off of 7 inches of our average
rniu fall gives us a drouth and a crop
failure, while a falling off of 15 inches
down there would leave then more rain
full thau our state has ever had. Tbey
have but two months in a year that the
temperature ever reaches a hundred, and
even that a rare occurence, while our re
cord shows six months of such luxury.
They have nearly six months exempt
from frost, while our state record shows .'
July as the only month free from it. :
As for health, three rural counties of
the Ozark region show a death-rate of
8.2 per thousand. And three rural conn
ties of N'-braska, with about tha same
population, show a death eate of 10.95
per thousand.
Snakes are few and mosquitos are un
known. The water is as good as the
earth affords. :
If you have a good home stay with it;
but if you have none, and are determined
to move, then go where yon can do best,
and in my judgment that placets the
"Land of the Big Red Apples."
L. A. Willis.
From Areola to Waterloo Napoleon had
nineteen horses killed under him. They
were for the most part white or gray
horses, for which the emperor bad an es
pecial fondness.
Mrs. Hallie T. Dillon, M. 1)., colored,
daughter of Bishop B. T. Tanner, is not
only the first colored woman physician,
but the first woman of any race to pass 1 '
the Alabama State medical examination.
The late Archbishop Mageo once la
mented that the law of progress in church
ritual compelled him to walk in proces- '
slons, and even to stand in a cold north
wind while the choir sang "O Paradise, O
Empress Elizabeth's gorgeoas new pal
ace at Corfu will hnvn a. hich lichthnnan .
near it shining with electric lights of 12,000
cantae power, in tne grounds about the
palace there will be 25,000 rose bushes
ana many nne cactus plants.
When he visited America in 1R81 Ron.
langer showed nothing of the fop in his
dress or of the anob in his mnnnnr Ha
wore but one of his medals, and that
pmn .conspicuously on his vest, where
it was practically concealed by his coat.
Herbert Spencer is a man of medium
stature, with pink-and-white cheeks and
kind gray eyes. His neck is encircled by
Dushy, iron-gray whiskers. He dresses in
excellent taste, keeping himself remark
ably "well-groomed" for a philosopher.
Rubinstein, the composer, is a man of
striking appearance. He has a massive
head, broad brain and heavy hair, in which "
there is not a single gray thread, despite
his age sixty -two years. He speaks
English fluently, and is always happy to
meet Americana
How the Rothschilds are housed at Feij
rleres, near Paris, may be Judged by their
five establishments, wort'-. $4,000,000,
needing the services of 150 people. The
statles contain 100 horses. . When Louis
NaT oleon visited Ferrtereg the p.othohil(
x?riage and crown wi