The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, October 10, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    Octobcr 10, 1895 f;
" ggggs5 i r '
Culberson and th Attorney
(teaml Call Wheeloek, Brady,
Julian and Probably Stuart and
Vcndlf Before the Grand
Jury t Austin Sporting
- Managers Surprised.
Dallas, Texas, Oct 9. W. BL
Wheelock, secretary of the Florida
Athletic club, was served with papers
this morning to appear before the
grand jury at Austin. Papers are also
out for William A. Brady, manager of
'James J. Corbett; Martin Julian, man
ager of Bob Fitzsimmons, and pre
umablv for Dan A. Stewart, Joe Ven
dig and others, all of whom may be
, arrested before night Brady arrived
' this morning, Julian is expected this
afternoon and Vendig this evening.
The papers are issued under article
WO of the Texas penal code, which
Srovides: "A conspiracy entered into
i this state for the purpose of com
mitting any felony in any of the other
states or territories of the United
States, or in any foreign territory,
hall be punishable in the same man
ner as if the conspiracy so entered
into was to commit the offense in this
state." ... .
The penalty for such conspiracy by
the Texas criminal code is "confine
ment In the penitentiary for not less
than two years nor more than five
Governor Culberson and Attorney
General Crane have apparently de
termined on a war to the knife against
Stuart and propose prosecuting him
and his associates in the courts at
Austin for alleged violation of the
new anti-prize fight law, which makes
prize fighting a felony. 4
There is much uneasiness at the
Florida athletic club and the new de
Telopments have caused a sensation.
It looks as if the only way out of the
trouble is to test the new law on the
ground of unconstitutionality.
--Priest Wagner Proposes to Fight Hla
S Old Church's Charge.
8. Joseph, Mo., Oct fl. Ex-Priest
Wagner has employed attorneys to de
fend him in the charge made by the
trustees of St Mary's church that he
is short $2,000 in his accounts. When
the trustees made a charge against
him he claimed that the church owed
him 95,000, a part of the sum being for
pew rent He said to-day that he had
no fear of being convicted of embez
zlement, and when the case was set
tled he intended to study law or medi
cine. ' '
The ex-priest's father is living at
Washington heights, near Chicago.
The elder Wagner was a shoemaker
in Chicago for many years, where
Wagner learned the printing and
plumbing trades. The young man
was educated for the priesthood at St.
Vincent's college in Pennsylvania and
at the New Engelberg college in Nod
away county? Mo. At the time of his
exposure he was under the orders of
the abbot of New Engelberg. His
wife has not visited the jail since they
were married.
A fourth indictment was returned
against Wagner by the grand jury this
morning. This charges embezzlement
of $1,500 of the funds of St. Mary's
thurch, of which he was pastor. The
prosecution claims to have a strong
ease. It is alleged that Wagner be
gan to misappropriate money intrusted
to him during the first year of his pas
torate and that the shortage may ex
ceed the sum mentioned.
Mrs. NlckeUs Settle.
t ABGO, N. D., Oct 9. The suit of
Mrs. Clint Nickells of Kansas City,
against Mrs. Maud Graham, for $50,.
900 for alieniating the affections of
her husband, was taken up at 3 o'clock
this afternoon in the United States
district court in this city.
The attorneys on both sides stated
that an amicable agreement had been
arranged. They refuse to give figures,
but the plaintiff's attorneys claim a
very satisfactory arrangement haa
been made.
Mrs. Graham is the daughter of the
late A. L., Mason, the Kansas City
Saloon Keeper Ask for Pardon.
St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 9. Applica
tions for pardons have been forwarded
to President Cleveland by the fifty-one
saloon keepers in this city who pleaded
guilty last week in the United States
court to failing to cancel stamps on
whisky barrels, not knowing that the
punishment was one year in the peni
tentiary and a fine of $200. Judge
Philips has granted them a stay of
sentence until the president can be
heard from.
Septuagenarian Charged With Am a nit.
Macomb, J1L, Oct. 9. Dr. S. L. Bab
bitt a 70-year-old resident of Bush
nell, was arrested yesterday, charged
with attempting to rape Mrs. Amelia
Barnes, 65 years of age and a resident
of that place. lie was a former prao
titioner. He is now under $301) bonds.
, The Income Tax Payment. -
Washington, Oct 9. The records of
the treasury department show that
1,232 persons paid income taxes aggre
rating $77,130 before the adverse de
cision of the supreme court as to its
constitutionality was rendered. . Of
the whole number 709 have applied
for and been refunded the amounts
paid, aggregating $13,545.
A Noted Sculptor Dead.
Londojt, Oct 9. William Wetmore
Storey, the American sculptor, died at
Vallambrosa, at the residence of his
daughter, the warchesa PenizzL
The October "f era Opened The Capital
Bemoval Matter Advanced.
Jei'fkkson Citv, Mo., Oct 0. The
October term of the supreme court
began this morning with a full bench.
It was decided to at first dispose of
eleven cases pending before the court
In banc. This will take up nearly the
entire week, as most of the cases will
be argued.
A matter of importance was the
filing of a motion to advance the in
junction proceedings involving the
validity of the proposed capital re
moval amendment to the constitution.
The motion filed to-day was by con
tent of all parties interested and the
matter was taken under advisement
by the court.
Foiled by tbe Engineer.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct V.A bold
attempt was made last evening to hold
up the Grand Rapids and Indiana
north bound passenger train two
miles north of this city. The engineer
opened the throttle and rushed
through the band of robbers, which
consisted of four men. The head
light was extinguished and the cab
was riddled with bullets, and shots
were fired into the baggage car, but
no one was seriously hurt
Actor Oe to Church. .
Cnm.icojHE, Mo., Oct. 9. The Sua
day theater business received a quietus
in Chillicothe Sunday night A com
pany advertised to appear at the
opera house was notified by order of
Mayor Leeper that the moment the
curtain went up the actors would be
arrested. They desisted add attended
one of the churches in a body. Here
they heard a denunciation of the
atricals in general and Sunday
theatricals in particular.
Mandarin Hod Bo Cheeked.
London, Oct 9. Dispatches re
ceived here from Shanghai are that
Captains Halifax of the British ship
Undaunted and Newell of tbe United
States cruiser Detroit have been in
structed to ask the viceroy to order
the Mandarins, who are said to be
openly menacing with vengeance
th)se Christians who give information
of the Ku Chung outrage, to stop
these obstructive tactics and to allow
the inquiry to proceed.
Electricity (or Diphtheria.
Chicago, Oct 9. Dr. J. W. Was, of
West Pullman, claims to have discov
ered a cure for diphtheria, which far
exceeds antl-toxine in efficacy. Dr.
Was' remedy is electricity, which is
applied directly to tbe throat It is
claimed to have been successful in a
large number of recent virulent cases.
A conference of physicians will pass on
the alleged euro during the week.
An Editor Kill a Druggist
Willows, Oal, Oct 9. W. A. Gos
horn, editor of the Journal, fired three
shots at J. E. Putnam, druggist, and
president of the municipal board of
trustees, killing him. An altercation
over a disputed account amounting to
a few dollars caused the shooting.
Fat Crow jjeld for Jail Breaking.
St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 9. Pat Crowe,
diamond thief, train robber and all
around crook of national reputation,
was indicted to-day by the grand jury
for jail breaking. The authorities
fear that he cannot be convicted of the
Burlington train robbery. . ,
Indiana has 637,073 legal voters.
Another chapter has been added to
the charges against Judge Kilgore.
United States Supreme court ludsres
have arrived in Washington and are
preparing to open court.
A program of maneuvers has been
laid out for the North Atlantic squad
ron in Venezuelan and Cuban waters.
The son of Senor Pulido, Venezue
lan foreign secretary, has been made
secretary of the Venezuelan Wash
ington legation.
At Wilmot, Ark., a 16-year-old boy
killed one man and badly wounded
two others in a crap game.
Representative Gibson. of Chicago,
was indicted by the Sangamon county,
111., grand jury for alleged boodling.
Opera Singer Bettina Gerard is made
co-respondent in a divorce suit filed by
Mrs. Wm. Crichton, wife of the sec
retary of the British legation.
The Engineering and Mining Jour
nal shows that the. output of South
African mines cannot pay more than
09 per sent on the present inflated
value of stocks.
Emmett D. Hennessey, secretary of
the St Joe Maccabees has absconded
wiih 5200 of the lodge funds.
William Lyman, the millionaire coo-
tractor and president of the Irish Na
tional Alliance, was badly licked by
New York policeman and locked uo
lor interfering in an arrest
After taking 7,135 ballots the Repub
lican representative convention of
Humboldt and Pocahontas counties,
Iowa, adjourned sine die without
Arrangements are under way for the
construction of a (150,000 home at
Eureka, Ark., for superanuated school
W. A. Brawner, one of the wealth'
lest men of Orange county, Florida,
was fatally horsewhipped by cifizens
for writing obscene letters to their
A movement is on foot in Chicago to
force the mayor and police to enforce
the Sunday saloon closing law.
Frank Padgett, secretary of the
Columbia Typographical union of
Washington, is short about $3,000 in
his accounts, and is believed to have
gone to Chicago.
Because of errors, the court martial
which tried Captain J. T. Kirkman at
Fort Leavenworth has been dissolved
and a new court martial ordered at
Port Riley, Kan.
The Republicans of the Tenth New
York congressional district have nom
inated Robert A. Creason for congress.
to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of Andrew Campeu.
William Smith, 60 years old, one of
the oldest citizens of Copper Harbor,
Mich., shot his wife and then blew his
own brains out with a revolver. He
died instantly and the woman is alive.
but will die. Jealousy is the cause.
Tbe Guard's rltory
Frnta the Slat Jours, XJwon, Sth.
There is probably not a stronger man
or more trustworthy guard employed at
the Nebraska, State Penitentiary than J.
T. Kulston. To a stranger lie appears a
very good example of the man who
boasts tbat he never was sick a day in
his life.
For many years Mr. Ralston lived at
Syracuse, Nebraska, and tbeold residents
there remember him as one of the strong
est and healthiest of their number.
In '8U,or thereabouts, when the "grip"
first broke forth in this section of the
country, it claimed him as one of its
earliest victims. Like most men with a
strong physique, he sneered at thedisease
and did not guard properly against it.
For days he lay in bed and left it only as
as confirmed invalid.
About this time he moved with his
family to Peru, Nebraska, where some of
his children were attending the State
Normal School. He hoped the change
would do him good, but he was disap
pointed. He doctored with the local
physicians, and even-with his own son
who was practicing medicine. All seemed
to no avail, and miserable in mind- and
body the poor man told his family that
he feared there was jio hope for him.
A happy thought of bis own led bim to
try some stimulSot. He was again able
to work. But he soon found that bis re
lief was but temporary, and when bad
weather came on he was suie'et to severe
attacks of the "grip" as before.
Two years aero Mr. Iialston was em
ployed at the Nebraska State Peniten
tiary at Lincoln, the state capital, and
enjoyed comparative ease while perform
ing the duties of usher. Lust fall, bow
ever, he was put out on the wall, and
with tbe change of work came his old
trouble in even more aggravated form.
He was not only troubled with the usual
miserable feelings of the "grip," but he
found himself short oi breath and gener
ally weak, these things unfitting him for
the duties of his position. ,
Once more, almost in despair, besought
a cure and purchased a box of Dr. Wil-
1am s Pink rills for Pale People. He
used them according to directions and
felt better. Five more boxes followed
the first and the long sufferer was a well
Satd he to a Journal reporter, to whom
be had just given the above facts: ' 'I feel
now as though I could stack more hay
than any man in Nebraska; and if 1 need
el a position now I would bunt one on a
harvest field. Why, only last Sunday
nigbt I took a severe cold which a year
ago, would have laid me up a week with
the 'grip:' but now it causes me only
temporary annoyance and I simply live
it oft."
Mr. Ealston has been long and favor
ably known in many parts of Nebraska
both as a private citizen and as a leader
in the original Farmers' Alliance move
ment, and hosts of friends rejoice with
him in his remarkable recovery for which
he unhesitatingly gives the credit to Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr Williams' Pink Pills contain; in a
condensed form, all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore sha ttered nerves. Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers, or wilt be
sent post paid on receipt of price, (50
cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 they
are never sold in bulk, or by the 100) by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, Schenectady, N. Y.
Aroused by an Earthquake.
Winona. 111., Oct. 9. The inhabi
tants of this town were greatly
alarmed yesterday morning by a series
of earthquake shocks. About $300
damage was done in coal mines.
Chicago Board of Trade.
Chicago, Oct 9. The following is the rang
of prices of the grain and provision market on
the board of trade :
TT- . r Close Close
High Low 0ot g 0ct 7
October...... 58 58V 57
December.... 60V4 59& 59 5SX
May. ......... (Ah ii 84 63)4
October 29 29V4 29X 29tt
December i... 27 H 27 K 27ft 27X
May.......... 29 29 . 29 28X
October Vl VYt tf 17
December.... 173, 17 X 1731 17 H
May 20 20 SO, 2H
October.. .... 8 37 H 8 37H 8 87tf 8 40
January. 9 65 9 MV, 9 55 9 57W
May 9 9 80 82H 9 82
Lard .
October 5 80 5 80 5 80 5 82
January...... 6 5 5 80 5 80 5 2tf
May 6 95 5 95 i 95 6 00
Shokt Ribs
October . 5 25 5 22 5 25 5 25
November..-. 4 90 1 87ii 4 90 t 90
January. ....71 4 90 4 85 4 87H 4 87S4
Kansas City Grain and
Kansas Cits, Mo., Oct. 9. Wheat met with.
fair demand to-d;iy, but prices ware vnry irr .
ular. The market generally was somewhat
higher than yesterday, but some value showed
no advance.
Hard Wheat-No. 2. 58!4c: No. 3, f61,c: No 4,
tOo; rejected,' 37o. Soft Wheat No. i, 6o;
"No.,5n No. , 5ao ;rojctd, 50"; no era-te, 303
35c. Spring Wheat No. 2. 56!4o: No. i, 68V4o;
rejected, 4.'o; white spring wheat, 52c
CornNo 1 nuxei. No. t, -43 j
No. 4. 'Oa: no grads no. t whits. 254a;
No. A, 24
Oata No. i mixed. 17o; No. 3, 14i; N-. V,
13c; no grade. 10lle; No. 2 whit, 18'4o;
No. S. UKc.
Kye-No. 2. 35V4o: No. X 83: No. 4. Sl32a.
Flaxseed Sopterabor, 843 ; October, 84o.
Bran 50ft62o per cwt sacked; bulk 6c loss,
liny Receipts. 21 cars: markot steady.
Timothy-Choico, $U ; No. 1, $10; No. 2,
fancy prairie, $.50; choice, v.50ft6; No.
1, $4.505; No. 2, (t4.50; packing hay, $i&
Eggs Striclly fresh candled stock, lSJe.
foultry Hens, 6c ; springs, 6tfS7c; roosters,
15c Turkeys, 7!4$8o; spring turkeys.ovor s lbs,
8'-4o; under 8 lbs not wanted in this market.
Ducks, 1W8c Gceo, not wanted, !iJi4cj
springs, 70. figeons fl per dozen.
Butter Extra fancy separator, 20g'J)J4t
fair. 17 18c: dairy fancy, iirm, 14l5c; storo
packed, frosh, 96!llc; oil grades, 78c.
Apples The apple market is Btaady, cooking
apples sell from 15 to2e per pa; choice, eating
apples sell from 30 to 40c ;.
Potatoes 17o per bu in car lota ; fancy, 18
l'Jo per bu; Minnesota stock, fancy 8Si0o.
Sweat potatoes, I0i5a per bu in a small way.
Live Stock.
Kansas Cm, Mo., Oct 3. Cattle Receipts,
10,4(13; calves, 593; shipped yesterday, 3,19
cattle, 80 calves.
The market wo steady to 10 cents higher.
Hogs Receipts, 12.69S; , shipped yesterday,
The market was genernally 5o lower. The
top rale was $1.05 and the bulk of sales from
$3.75 to $3.85.
L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Inland
ticknt office, cor. 11th nml 0 streKts.
Uridge and Crown Work a spcc ulty.
. ii
All druggist sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters.
If so a" Baby " Cream Separator win earn it cost for
you every year. Why continue an Inferior system
another year at o greats loss f Dairying is now tbe
only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con
ducted It always pays well, and must pay you. Ton
need a Separator, and you need tbe H EST, the
" Baby." All style and capacities. Prices, $75.00
upward. Bend for new 1895 Catalogue.
Branch Offices :
General Offices:
Tli best little Invention of the age; Increases
speed U0 per cent, shields the hand. Worn with
or without glove and mitts. Best thing oat
tor gents. Write lor terms. h'aniple prepaid
(or 25c. Exclusive territory to hustlers. Send for
engravings Illustrating Its merits,
B. C.ilAKffcti, WUliauuburg, Mo.
Grid's Fair Highest Awards
on our INCUBATOR and
BHOODtR Combined.
'Old Reliable" iM
iryouftr InunKMl i fttaltry, II Willi
rww Tm t wad 4 aent in itaiHpt for our
II) p. eminrw, Itlvlnff lubli poind
ua P.mkrY Cultdr.. AddrfM
Reliable Incubator end 8ioder Co
Oata clean on all ridst-doM not enuh. The
most humane, rapid and durable knife
made, fully warranted. Highest World
S r air Awara- uesorlpUYe uirculan Free.
lA.C.BROSIUS, Cochranville, Pa
I have a choice lot of White Holland
Turkeys, Barred Plymouth Hocks and
Pekln Ducks. Also some choice Large
EngliBh Berkshire Pigs. Write me for
prices on anything yon want In my line, .
and I will guarantee satisfaction. Seud
' stamp tor circular.
W. T. WHITK. Cutler, Illinois.
f S TuiTciSTiJ
8io Wts 6K. St. KMa-iCttJKlod
Band for a oaekeg of the
Ft ou and f reoloas
Remedy Proa. Br. J.
UoGUl, I and I Hubbard Coort, Chisago.
Breeder of
Chester-White & Poland-China Swine
Herd composHd of a choice se
lection ol premium aniina's.
Stock shipped to all part" nf I'.
S. Write want. Clarence. Mn.
Big Berkshires & Poland
, China Pigs for Sale.
it farmer' prices. The produce of 20 top sow,
mated to 4 first-class boars. The popular strains.
Buy now and save extra charges. Am breeding
some sow for early fall litters that I will sell
right. All guaranteed as represented. Satisfac
tion given. Mention "Wealth Maker."
Beaver City, Neb.
BsnKSHTRX, Chester White,
Jersey Red - Poland China
Pigs. Jernejr, Guernsey A Hol-
stBio Oattie. morouti&Drea
Sheep, Fancy Poultry, Hunting
and House Docs. Catalogue.
8. W.
ochranvllle, Chester Co, Pa.
Three Cent Column..
For Sale." "Wanted." "For Exchange," and
small advertisements for short time, will be
charirnd three cents per word for each Insertion.
Initials or a number counted as one word. Cash
with the order.
II you "want" anything or have anything that
anybody else "wants," make It known through
thie column. It wli! pay.
7MIANK D. EAGEH. A ttorney-at-Law, 10il4 O
Street, Lincoln, Neb.
OWfr OflM A ttorney-at-Law
. V IIjOUIN, Rooms 90 and P
Burr Block, Lincoln, Nebraska,
ANTED Klre and Cyclone Agents, Good
pay. J. Y. M. SWIGAKT, fcec'y, Lincoln,
Gentleman or lady to sell Doble'
Aluminum Coffee Econom ser; fits nny
coffee pot; save one-third the coffpe. Arthur L.
Dobie t Co., 211 WabuHU Ave., Chicano, 111.
$75 a Month
mnd zpni. Lwtv or
Get. Sample ft.
A trmnnt aittitttoa
i.nintMd. Writ, tntfar. Addr.tiP.O.R.1 iSIW. Boston, R.u.
ti. P. Davis Dentist ovqr Rock Islntid
ticket if!ice, cor. ,11th nn O Rtrwts.
Bridge and Crown Work a Hjteciulty.
G. A, R. Appointments.
Indiakapolis, Ind., Oct 9. Com
mander-in-Chief Walker of the G. A.
E., issued a general order appointing
J. liurbank of Chicago, quarter
master general, William O. Olin of
Boston inspector general, and Alfred
Darte of Wilkesbarre, Pa., judge ad
rocate. Embezzler Avery Captured.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct 9. Alfred L.
Avery, the embezzling cashier and
clerk of the commission firm of Moore,
Gannett & Co. of this citv, has been
captured at Larero, Texas.
L. P.Davin, Dentist over Rock Inlawd
ticket office, cor. 11th and O Streets.
Bridge audCrowii Work a specialty,
r i - r r r
You Know Us
We are at IO32 P Street.
- ' i
WE HAVE THE GOODS and can make you
prices for the times. To quote prices would
fill this paper. Call and see us and we guarantee
that no Grocery House in Lincoln will undersell us.
We have everything in the Grocery line, bought
with discretion and sold at small profits. Highest
price paid for Cpuntry Produce.
Royal Grocery Co. v
Mclaughlin bRos.. props.
Why Not Live in Lincoln?
I hare a well-improved eight-acre farm for sale threa miles southeast from tha
Postoffice. It is near two colleges and between them and the city, and is adapted
to fruit, garden, dairy or poultry raising. A good house, barn, plenty of water,
oma timber and all conveniences. Here is the farm where you can live near the
city and enjoy all its conveniences and have a farm large enough to make your own
living. I will sell for $1,000 less than it cost me one year ago on account of wish
ing to change my occupation, jno mortgages, no traae. Auaress,
Box 583, Lincoln, Nebr.
Horse high, bull strong, pig
and chicken tight. A man
and boy can make from 40 to
60 rods a day. Over 50 styles.
Illustrated Catalogue Free.
Drink from Tank. Has the right sized drinking cop; can be attached to tank,
barrel or pipe in five minutes, and each time delivers water direct from receptacle.
Valve seat being two inches in body of water (as with no other fountain) cannot
freeze in winter, also acts as locknut, making all solid.
The price of our fountain, if satisfactory, is $3.00, and will pay for itself each
week in a herd of ten pigs. As it costs nothing to try, send for one and be con
vinced by your own judgment. Agents and dealers wanted in every locality.
Order through implement dealer or Stock Fountain Co., Lake City, Iowa.
Wist Libeett, Is., Jnly 23rd. 1808.
Btock Fountain Co., Lake City. Ia.s Gentlemen. W are pleased to gay that we have In opera
tion on oar two hog farme 12 of your fountains, and sortie of other make, bnt all things coneldered,
the Lake City Is at far ahead of them a a Hell Binder le anperior to the old Cradle.
We are pleaied to note that the majority of etock breeders and farmers are now nslng them to
tbe eicluslon of all others, as undoubtedly the best. We wish yon could convince all to try one,
M the great saving of time, labor and food and Increase of tat by giving fresh water, is wonderful.
We have followed very carefully your directions and need our own Judgment regarding the
watering of stock the same as feeding. A great many hog raieers pay too much attention to feed
log and not enough to watering. We find old and young pigs work them in a few hours, and we
never think of watering our chickens when using the tonntians. Rings in hog s noses do not Incon
venience them from nslng the fountain. Tbe fountains are Multum In Parvo, par excellence.
W. M, Lambing Hon,
1 Proprietors Black Hrd U. S. Poland China Hogs.
Our grand catalogue, over 350 illustra
tions, agents' latest goods and novelties,
1 writing pen, fountain attachment, 1
elpgant gentleman's watch chain and
charm, guaranteed 21) years. Your name
in agent's directory 1 year, all sent for
10 cents. Postaue 2 cents, EMPIRE
NOVELTY CO., 157 Tremont St., Boston,
When the hair begins to foil out or
turn gray, the scalp needs doctoring,
and we kuow of no better specific than
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ilenewer.
Why pay 60 to SOc. a rod for fence when you can makethe
: Indiana.
Tlte Windsor Stables.
W. A. REESE. Proprietor.
1024 L Street,
'Phone 232.
Experience teaohes that
an article is best and
meets all claims made,
when sent out on its
merits by a company,
they prepaying express
and requesting no money
forwarded until sama
proves satisfactory after
trial. This we do with
our fountain, if not satis-""
factory only requesting
it returned to express
The Lake City Au
tomatic Stock Foun
tain waters 50 to 150
pigs daily; performs tha
same service for sheep,
calves and poultry.
Horses and Cattlb
Is the SHOUT Lino
(operatinsitsown tracks)
Trrrit2 to Marshalltowo, tedar
Rapids, Clinton, Chicago, Milwaukee,
Madison, Oshkosh, Fon du Lac, Sioux
City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. In
Chicago connections are made with 22
diverging lines. In St. I'aul, Uniou
dfpot with 10 lines unsurpassed time
made to eastern and nortlienstern cities.
For tickets, etc., call at city oflico 117
So. 10th St., or depot comer S and 8th
n druggist sell Dr. Miles' Pain PUIS.