October 10, 1895. THE WEALTH MAKERS. LOCAL POLITICS. Meetings In tbe County At Woodluwu, Wediiesday, Oetober Oth Geo. W. Uerge, Hiram Polly, It. E. Ilich ardson and others will addresa the ieo pie of that vicinity. At Denton, Thursday, October 10th, Speakers, Walters, Seidell, Eichardson and others. Nemaha, King School house, Saturday October 12th, Speakers, Berge, Baker and others. Oak, Hoxie School house, Monday, October 14, Speakers, candidates and others. Havelock, Oct. loth, Berge aud Miller. Walton, Tuesday, Oct. loth. West Lincoln, Thursday, Oct. 17th. Davey, Saturday, Oct. 19th. Ex-Congressman McKeighan will speak in Lincoln on October 23rd, and we hope every voter will make arrangements to hear him. He is making a eallant fight for the People's party, giving his whole time to the campaigu. The issue in the 'present county cam paign is honest government economically administered. The People's party goes before the voters of the county with a ticket that cannot but command respect and one that is deserving of the support Of all fair minded citizens. The administra tions of Judge Tibbetts, Sheriff Miller and Clerk Baker are above reproach, aud with Polly in the treasurers office, Walt ers as county clerk, Richardson as com missioner, Judge Berge in the office of the county judge, a position to which he was honstley elected a year ago, we feel safe in predicting that the county will have the best and most competent offi cials that ever filled its court house. Do your whole duty as Populists and citizens, and on November 5th, see that your vote is cast and counted for the People's Independent ticket. Vote for Elias Baker for clerk. Send in a club for The Wealth Mak ers. Vote for Miller for sheriff and Berge for county judge. Don't forget it. For district judges, A. S. Tibbetts, J. C. McNerny and H. F. Rose. Vote for them. ' G. II. Walters is the best man that was ever nominated for clerk of this county. Vote for the best man. 7 - ' " it now looks like the reported gold lind " TiPHr T.tnenln inv nnr h A.a hio n. "fke' aw was at first supposed. Hundreds of persons went out from the city to see the new mine. -One man sold one hundred and sixty acres of land near the mine for $12,000 and others who have land refuse to sell at $75.00 per acre'. In nominating Mr. Hiram Polly for the office of county treasurer, the party in this county made a wise selection. Mr. Polly isone of the best known farmers in this part of the state. Capable, conser vative and if elected he will make an offi cial of which the Populists will be proud, and one that will add dignity and strength to the party. We predict for him the hearty support of Lancaster county citizens.- Hon. Geo. H. Walters addressed a large and enthusiastic meeting at Pana ma on Saturday. Over one hundred voters were present and the cordial recep . tion given him by the people of that vicinity is a good indication of the growth in popular favor that the princi ples of our party is now experiencing. The lesson of Cleveland's bond issue supported as it has been by the financiers of the Republican party is beiug learned, and the people must look to some other source for relief. The financial question will not down and the voters are study iug the legislation along these lines as they never have done before. Every thing indicates a substantial increase in the state of our party in every precinct in Lancaster county. Harvard and Tale Will Not Play. . Cambridge:, Mass., Oct. 9 . The Hat vard athletic committee last night gave out the following explanatory statement: "October 5 having passed and Harvard having received no invi tation from Yale to play football, it is now definitely settled that there will be no football game this year between " ijthe elevens of these universities." - Fighting Legal In Nevada. Caesox, Nev., Oct. 5. Nevada sport ing men, assisted by San Francisco capital, will make a bid for the Cor-bett-Fitzsimmons fight, which will be forwarded in a day or two. Prize fighting is legalized in Nevada. It would take place in Carson, and a purse of $100,000 is being raised for the event End of an Unhappy Marriage. Gonzales, Tex., Oct. 9. Last even ing Chris Walseek Bhot and mortally wounded his wife and immediately blew out his own brains. The couple were married eighteen uionths ago, but had been separated several months. Mrs. Walseek's refusal to return to her husband led to the trag edy. - Double Crime of a Loafer. Denver, Col., Oct. &. Christopher Ewald, a middle-aged man, shot and fatally wounded Mrs. John Stegman, aged 30, and then blew his own brains out. He has done no work for threo years, his wife supporting him by taking in washing. Frazler'ln Custody. Platte City, Mo., Oct. 9. James Frazier, who killed bis father-in-law, came to Platte City and gave himself up. He says the Oxfords came to his house and attacked him and that he shot the old man in self defense. 1 Frazier is now in jail. Horned to Death. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 9. EfBe and Addie Evatt, aged 13 and 10 respect ively, daughters of W. P. Evatt, a well known railroad man at Woodlawn, were burned to death last night by the explosion of a lamp. GENERAL MAU DEAD. THE VIRGINIA EX-SENATOR SUC CUMBS TO PARALYSIS, SKETCH OF HIS CAREER. Be Was One of the Best Known and Bravest Officers of the Confederate Army During the War His Sen sational Exploits In the United States Senate Chamber as a Republican. Washington, Oct. 9. General Will iam Mahone, ex-United States senator from Virginia, died here at 1 o'clock this afternoon from paralysis. He was stricken during the night of Sep tember 29 and only partially rallied. His case had been hopeless for some days. General Mahone emerged from the war with the halo of glory about his name. The citizens of Petersburg, his home, through the city council ottered him a lot to build on. It was a recog nition of the services of the gallant Mahone ' brigade. He was a son of the state and, after Lee and "Stone wall" Jackson, her greatest .fighter in the rebellion. The night before the surrender at Appomattox General Lee called Mahone into his tent.. There the two went over the situation to gether. They agreed that surrender was the only thing. General M atone did not accept the lot offered by tbe city, but the citizens united again and by subscription bought a house and lot and presented it to Mrs. Mahone. She likewise declined to accept the gift. But the general bo ugh V on Mar ket street and built the residence which he had since occupied, together with Mrs. Mahone and his two sons, William and Butler, and his daughter, Nettie. Mahone and the exploits of the Ma hone brigade were celebrated in prose and song. For years the "Little Wiz ard" was the idol of his people. But he became a Republican. Then the idol of Virginia and of the South was pulled from its pedestal. General Mahone was the son of a fine old fashioned tavern keeper, who lived on the Jerusalem plank road in the black belt below Petersburg. The boy passed through .the Virginia mili tary institute as a free scholarship man and began life as a civil engineer. He built the railroad from Richmond up to the Southern terminus of the Pennsylvania over back of Alexandria. In the rebellion he was known as a hard fighter. For exceptional bravery at the time of the explosion of Grant's mine underneath Lee's works, July 30, 1864, he was given the sobriquet of the "hero of the crater." He was commissioned a brigadier gen eral in March, 1364, and major general in August of the same year. This man, who was a major general at 30, took charge, when the war was over, of the railroad which, he had built some years before. It was then little more than two streaks of iron rust. He nade it the powerful Rich mond and Danville. He showed the quality of the born leader at the first start off. He sent the agents of the Adams Express company and of the Baltimore and Ohio Hying from his trains and went into the express bus iness himself. He made money and solid popularity all at once. But in the big Richmond Terminal fight the other moguls froze him out. There is a tradition, however, that the general was posted about the movements of the syndicate and made handsomely. There is another tradition that young Butler pocketed a good $30,000 himself. General Mahone made an unsuccess ful attempt to secure the nomination for governor of Virginia in 1878, es poused the cause of the Readjuster party and became its leader and by devious methods the object of many an attack, he found a seat in the United States - senate in 1880. He served six years in that body, being retired by defeat at the polls. lie was like a firebrand cast into a mass of dry tinder, and irom tbe peculiar attitude that he at once assumed he caused one of the most bitter controversies and stubborn deadlocks ever known in the history of that body. He at last acted witb the Republicans, and gave them the organization of the senate. His course brought down upon his head the wrath of the Democrats, but the Republicans received him with open arms and the federal patrpnage in Virginia was turned over to him. Since that time he had been the Republican leader of Virginia, Aitnougn ne bad resided almost con stantly in this city since he left the senate, he retained the Republican leadership in Virginia and in 1890 was a candidate for governor. He was best known here of late years by his efforts to secure the purchase by the government for a printing office site of a square of ground owned by him. The quaint figure of its owner was always seen in tbe lobbies of both house and senate at the close of every session, and he was considered a great power in the third house. Ex ceptionally slight in stature and frame he was a marked man in great assem blages. His peculiar style of dress, and especially his hat, attracted atten tion to him. This broad briirmed, soft felt head gear seemed out of propor tion to the tiny form beneath it.. A Prominent Presbyterian I1L CniCAGO, Oct. 9. Rev. Dr. Herrick Johnson, who for many years has been a powerful factor in Presbyterian circles, is very ill. Crisp Is Still for Free Silver. Nashville, Tenn,, Oct. 9. In a letter to J. W. Gaines, this city, dated Americus, Ga., Oct. 2, in reference to the reports that he had changed his views on the silver question, ex-Speaker Crisp says: "I still favor the free coinage of silver and think perhaps I may make a speech or two in Georgia on that line before congress meets. " Tanderbllt Wedding Announced. New York. Oct 9. Tbe wedding of the duke of Marlborough and Alias Vanderbilt is announced for Thursday, November 14, at Stj Thomas' church. Make Cows Pay. Twenty cows and one Little Giant Separator will make more butter than 25 cows and no separa tor. Five cows will bring $200 to $300 and one separator will cost $125. Five cows will eat a lot of feed; a separator eats noth ing. Moral: Make the cow business pay by Rising a sep arator. Send for circulars. P. M. SHARPLE3, Elgin, 111. FUSION IN NEW YORK. Republicans and State Democrats Agree On a County Ticket. New York, Oct. 0. There was con siderable excitement before the for mal opening of the Republican county convention in Lyric hall last evening, when the report was received that a fusion ticket had been decided upon, It was a great disappointment to the straight ticket men. Three places had been conceded to the State Democrats and one to the committee of fifty and one to the good government clubs. There were left fourteen Piatt Repub licans on the ticket. The -Stecklers independent county organization and the Jimmie O'Brien and anti-Tammany Democrats were refused a place on the ticket. The Republicans and State Democrats both held county conven tions and formally placed in nomina tion the fusion ticket. It is expected that the German-American Reform union will indorse the ticket because the excise plank of the State Democ racy is indorsed. SETTLERS MUST GO. Agent Beck of the Winnebago Reserva tion Upheld by the Courts. ' Omaha, Neb., Oct 9. Federal Judge Shiras has dissolved the injunction that . restrained Captain Beck, the Indian agent on the Winnebago res ervation from using his police to evict settlers who, refused to lease direct from him. The court has also issued a mandatory injunction which is prac tically an eviction of about 250 sub lessees. The court sustains the agent. The landsj are covered with corn, a heavy crop having been raised, and the lessees may suffer a hardship. Ezeta Issues a Manifesto. . San Blab, Oct. 9. General Antonio Ezeta of San Salvador, who has ar rived here has issued a long manifesto, written in Spanish, in which he says that he has striven while in exile to conduct himself so as to reflect credit on his country, and that now he is re turning to free it. He says he will summon the legislature of 1894; that life, liberty, property,, agriculture, trade and industries shall be encour aged, and that he will establish en lightened education in the country. He says he will adopt Jhe single gold standard of money, using the coins of the United States until such time as the pountry shall be able to issue its own coin. Wool Growers to Move on Congress. Washington, Oct. 9. Judge William Lawrence of Bellefontaine, Ohio, pres ident of the National Wool Growers' association, M. G. Markham and Sec retary Avon of New York have called a meeting of wool growers, wool deal ers and sheep breeders at the Ebbitt house here December 4 to urge con gress to incorporate wool tariff pro visions on any revenue bill that may be passed. Shot Himself Instead. Anderson, Ihd., Oct. 9. John Co burn, aged 17, while under the influ ence of liquor, went to Chesterfield to shoot Ben Hawn, who had objected to Coburn paying attention to his niece. While in i saloon he told some men what he intended doing, and, drawing his revolver, aimed to shoot through the ceiling. The bullet, however, cut through his scalp. The skull was fractured. The Deadly Crossing In Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 9. Frank Winnie man, aged 7 years, and Robert W. Winkleman, aged 9, were killed last Dight and their father, Louis Winkle man, badly hurt by a Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul train. The father was driving a team across the tracks when the wagon was struck by an express train running forty miles an hour. A Crank at the White Ilouse. WAsniNGTon, Oct 9. Owen Jones, a crank from New York state, who had previously addressed a letter to the white house, appeared this morning and in an incoherent fashion an nounced he had come for employment as the president's boy. He was promptly removed to the nearest po lice station. Window Glass Jobbers Combine. Cleveland, Ohio, Oct 9. The American Window Glass Jobbers' as sociation was organized here yesterday by jobbers from all of the central and eastern sections of the country. The object of the association is to force manufacturers to quit retailing and to give jobbers better commissions. L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rook Island ticket office, cor. 11th and O street. Bridge ami Crown Work a specialty Ohio Silver Men. CoLUMBCS, Ohio, Oct. 9'. The Silver Democratic state central committee, of which Senator Washburn is chair man, und W. W. Durbin secretary, last night issued an address to the Demo crats of Ohio urging concentrated action looking to the control of the next national Democratic convention. Jackson's Hole Murders. Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct 9. The mili tary authorities at Fort Russell dis credit the reports of the killing in Jackson's Hole of Captain Smith and two comrades by Bannock Indians. 0. F. LAMBERT30N, D.D.S., GRADUATE OF Ohio College Dental-Surgery 10 years continuous practice in Lincoln: Office: Alexander Block, 12th and P Streets, Rooms 23 and 24. Teeth on Rubber, I'latlniim. Gold and Alomt nam Flutes. Drills Work. Gold aud .Porcelain crowns. THE BEE HIVE Photograph Gallery, 1222 O Street NOTE OUR SPECIALTIES. Cabinet I'botos, per do... Little Queens, per dos ..., Kx 10 Views, per doi ....fl.M ..... 1.00 6.00 Finest Interiors Taken Day or Niffht. Alt work guaranteed Call and see ns. An Organ for $5.00 Per Month On these terms you can buy the celebrated KIMBALL organ, highest grade, latest style, up-to-date, fine stool and book, freight paid, only $63.00 on payments. Write for catalogue and descrip tion. Agents wanted. A. HOPSE, Jr., Omaha, Neb. i .f T (' f T t Gabled Field and Hog Fence, 24 to M Inches hlg-h; Rteel Web Picket Lnwn Feni; pfjultry. Garden and Habh't Kence: Htoel Gates. Steel Posts and Steel Kails:Tree.Klower ami Tomato Uunnls; Steel Wire Keuce Board. etc. Catalogue tree. DeKALB FENCE CO., U2 High St., UeKalb, III. CHAMBERLAIN Commercial College. la now offering special inducements to all parties wishing to 'study' Bookkeep ing, Mathematics, Shorthand, Type writing, Pemnauship, Latin, Trigonome try, Commercial and Railroad Telegra phy. Special attentioa given to prepara tory work for State University. OCR FACULTY. ' W. 8. LLEWELLTN, M.A., Principal Commercial Department. W. O. CHALBERLAIN, Principal Shorthand Department and Lec turer on Commercial Law. ( BERT E. BETT8, Official Court Reporter. B. II. TRUE, ' Principal Telegraphy and Railroad Bnsl nms Departments, J. C-OLSON, Principal Penmanship Department N. C. ABBOTT, Latin, Trigonometry, etc Call or write for special rates during summer months. Lansing Theatre Building, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. Doble's Alamlnnm rftlonoralier FITS ANY COFFEE POT Prte Trial No KrK needed to settle. Keeps the pet ,y blackens. Wo guarantee our Fbe Coffee stronger and richer coffee. 73 Kmnnin ur to maae netrer. Price i-s lew. auow Ptoat (! each jrarctaater one reek'a Paid UC trial Free, and it not -factory can be returned and we win remnd the money. ARTHUR L. DOME CO. 311 Wabuh Are., Ohkase, OL -THE- smith premibh Typewriter b the most simple, most 4o able, tas easiest to operate and therefore eapable e( aoet speed. Bend lor catalogue and prices. Address. Ne. USS Parian St., Omaha. Iiarlington'a Personally Conducted Kxcurslons to Utah and California A Pullman tourist sleeping car will leave Lincoln every Thuntday at 12:15 p 111. for Denver, Suit Lake, Ogden, San Fraiuiipco, and Los Angeles. Only $ 5.00 for a double berth Lincoln to Loa An geles in one of these cars. Remember there is no change of cars. For full in formation and ticket apply at Burling ton & MiftHOiiri depot or city ticket office comer Tenth and O streets. 0. W. Honnkll, U. 1'. and T. A. L. P. Davis. Dentist over Rock Is land ticket offlee.cor. 11th and Ostreets. Bridge and Crown Work a speci al ty . Dr. Miles' Nerve Flaaten 260. at aUdrogf tsta. pill: I ' ! i" '"V"," 1 ' - '"-n ilii J ml mi Would Vou Pick Up a Dollar? hard pan" and our system for mail Investigate by sending your address plainly written on a postal to 1 04-1 06 THE N. 10th St. The Lincoln Polytechnic Institute IS A GREAT POPULAR - (9' ART SCIENCE Different from all others Send for Catalogue to i - WM. E. CHANCELLOR, A.M., LETTERS TECHNOLOGY MUSIC .'' :, , JOURNALISM r HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY KINDERGARTEN COMMERCE COLLEGE PREPARATORY TWENTY Summer Mr. C. D. Griffin, who Matbemstlci (or (Ire yenrn has again associated himself with ns. and will conduct Snmmar In sal, devoting bis time to special Instruction 'in Arithmetic and other atrnasa taugiit In the public schools. Tnltlion, $1 per week. The tuition In the Business, Mliorthand, and Penmanship tl r4ac4fa the months of June, July and August to 1 tor ten waaka. Call at tha Collage, Corner 11th ft 0, or addrexa. Te kincoli) Business Gollege, D. R. LILLIBRIDGE, Pres. LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. STUDENT'S CAW ENTER AT AWT TIME. Tha beat bnlldinga and equipment!. Tha ablest faculty and tha moat satis factory work. Common aeosa oouraea of study. If you ara a taaehar you will ba Interested In tha lollowlnffi Normal Course. FIRST TEAR. VA1X BKUESTSB, 10 WKKK$. WIKTEK IEUBSTKR. 10 WEEKS, ECMMEB SIMItTSB, U WEBSS, First Term, Second Term, Third Term, Fourth Term, Fifth Term, Sixth Term. 8 weeks. I weeks. (weeks. t weeks. t week. weeks. Orthoepy. School mangt. Oeoirrapby. Geography. History. History. . Arithmetic. Arithmetic.. Arithmetic Arithmetic Bookkeeping, WordAaalyafe Grammar. Grammar. Grammar. Physiology. Physiology. Cirll Gor'sst. Mental Arlth. Penniannhlp. Reading. Vocal Mnsio. Drawing. Drawing. Debating. Debating. 'Debating. 'Debating. 'Debating. 'Debating. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Call SECOND TEAR. Algebra. Algebra. Algebra. Plane Geom. Plane Geom. Solid Geoalej f I. at. Lessons, tl. at. Lessons. fLat. Lessons. asar. tCaesar. - tCaesar. Khetorlc, Rhetoric. Rhetoric. , Physical Geog. Rotany. Botany. Gen'l History. Gen'l History. Gen'l History. Eng. History. Eng. History. Political Bcasv Prln. of Edu. School Mngt. Physics. Physios. Biology. . Zoology. Ele. Science. K!e. Science. Kle. Science. Ele. Science. 'Ele. Science. Ela. Scieaes. Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literatara. 'Once a week. tLattn Is optional in this course. You can get in addition to tbe abore the Preparatory, Pedagogic, Scientific. Literary. Clsaste. Bnslnees, Shorthand, Music, Band. Orchestra, Oratory, Telegraphy, Kindergarten, Fina Art. aw Pen Art Course. , . EXPENSES. It la cheaper to attend school here than It la to stay Tnitiou, Board, and Room for one term Tnitlon, Board, and Room for one year Write to ua fur catalogue and particulars. . BILL M, BELL, President. JOHN CARK, Vice President. CASH ADVANCES MADE ON ALL CONSIGNMENTS. REFER TO ANY CINCINNATI BANK. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. I AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER!! We want l(J0O more active agent hefora t July 1st. We will guarantee S20 to &0 per day can be easily made In any locality; our goods sell theaielves;wefurilli a large roll of samples entirely H!KK and allow to per cent, commianlnn on all sales. Send to-day for full particulars, or we will send with same a Valuable sample of our goods In Solid Silver upon receipt of 10 cems In silver or.tamps. rtabltalied In Ail dress, STANDARD SlLVtRWAKE 'tl.. Ttn.tnn. M To enrich and vitalize the blood, no medicine can be compared with Ayer's Sursnptirilla. A big silver dollar, if you saw it lying in the dust of the street? Of course you would. Our "Fall and Winter Cata logue," with samples of cloth and prices of men's and boys' wear, is worth dollars to buy ers of clothing, and costa nothing, simply your addresa sent in today. Our prices are trade is perfect HUB, Lincoln, Nebraska. Educational and Industrial School A SCHOOL BOTH Chairman of Faculty. LIBERAL AND PRACTICAL PROFESSORS GIVING ALL THEIR TIES School la wall kftown to oar ftadrats M at the Lincoln Business Colluw.nn.tll TMr 1 WO EWTBAWCB EXAMINATIONS. at home, la any of tha regular courses wa glW for.. ...... i 14 00 for . ..... .. 123 00 Address, LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVEXSXTY. Normal, Lincoln, Nebraska. Established I860. F. JELIIE ti SO:!, 53 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. Commission Merchants and dealers in Broom Corn and all kinds of Broom Materials Jt Machinery. VIFF CANNOT SEE HOW TOO 13 If irC IT AND f AY riEIBMT. L& Bays mt t drum tmlaal r mk tast otW ttaiatMd. tticksl DUld.4tHei U baM mxJ bsttvy wert (rnartnUsx. for 10Tim wUk aer Maui, BK'M(isBC itftMl mom m ifttOt M! lllMtfANIM Mrff Uf 10 Du'i TrUL No morM7 waajitii fa fl.000 bow In om World's Fstr MdJ iwirtM BMcfciM uJ tt nutate Buv from factory avod mvo efvaltr'li nd mil 9n m m sn r I'm tihvm ana mm io-mt tor mcdim m iaT no r If L C estate, ttmollf and (i ffmpaai of ths World' Fait OXFORD MfB. C0.9 Wsttit An.CHICABO.tlU Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat d leases, over Rock Island ticket offlw, S. W. cor. 11 arft 0 atreeta. Glasses accurately adjusted. lmwi a