A i THE WEALTH MAKERS. NwBrtMof TIIE ALLIANCEISDEPEXDENT. Conaollcltlon of tb Farmer Alliance and Neb. Independent PUBLISHED EVERT THCB8DAY BY The Wealth Makera Publishing Company , 1130 U 8t., Lincoln. Nbrk. 6IOII0I FfOWiBD OlBSOH Editor J. 8. H TiTT.... .. bunina Manaiter N. I. P. A. "II Bjr man most fall for me to rl. Than ek I not to climb. Another' pain I ebooM not for m j good. A goldea chain, A rob of honor, to too Rood a prlM To tempt my bast; hand to do a wrong Unto a tallow man. Tbla lift bath wo Sufficient, wronxbt by man' latanle foe; And who that hath a heart wonld dar prolong Or add a lorrow to a ajrlcken ool That leak a healing balm to make It whole? My boom own the brotherhood of man." Publisher' Announcement. Th anbacrlptlon prl of Thc Wrii.TH Mak IB I $1-00 per year, In advance. Agent In lollcitlng aubacriptlon ibonld be Vry careful that all name are correctly spoiled and proper poeloffli-e ;lrsn. Blank for return tobaciiptlone, return envelope, etc., can be bad on application to title office. Alwat sign your name. No matter how often f on writ n do not uenlrt thl Important mat ter. Every week we receive letter with Incom plete nddrueeea or without alienators and It 1 omatlme difficult to locate tbtitn. Caman or Anon. Kubacrlber wishing to ChiniM tJiiir pOiti.Soi .;.lr5 SiUfit fclWftji ilTS their former a well a their prevent addreit when Chang will b promptly mad. Advrrtlaiog Rate. 91.12 per Inch, t cent per Agate line, 14 line to the Inch. Liberal rileooant on large apac or long time contract. Ad dree all advertlelng eommnnlcatlona to WEALTH MAKERS PUBLISHING CO., J. S. Hyatt. Bua. Mgr. People's Independent Ticket ( A. H. TlliniTT For Dletriit Jadgita I J. C. MoNkrnkt, ( H. F. Kobe. For County Trenanrer A, H. Wkik For County t'oininlnHloiipr H. E. Kiciiaiii aoa For Clerk of DlHtiirt Court I lia Hakkh ForConnt.v ("lerk O, H. Wai.Ti im For County Sheriff ......Fukb A. Mn.l.Rii ForConnt.v Juilun : M. W, Hiiio For County snperlntndent U.S. Howkki ForConniy Curom-r D11. LoWi.v 1. ' 1 '.; -.r .".ir For Supreme Judge Samuel Maxwell For University ( Mas, Elia W, Fvattii , Regent , J Paor. J auks H. Bavston Send Us Two New (lames- With 2, and your own subscription will be ex tended One Year Free of Cost. Norval has been nominated to succeed hiniBelf, because the It. R's. did not fight hi Abe the people of Nebraska capable of self government? The result of the elec tion this fall will tell. Vote for Maxwell, Gov. Waite says, if we have a south ern man as the Populist nominee in '96, we will smash the "Solid South" and win. Why don't the State Journal mention some of the Republican papers that are now supporting the Hon. Samuel Max well? "There are men who expect a paper to go full length in support of their interests and feel they huve overpaid it by three months subscription. If The Wealth Makeks is not as bright editorially this week as it usually is, have patience; the editor is absent for a few days iu Illinois, but will be home Boon. SurrosE Norval had held with Maxwell in the Assylum frauds, would he have been nominated hieown successor? Well, I guess not! The latest report is that a rich gold mine has been discovered near Pleasant Dale, about teu miles west of Lincolu. Is this another lie of thegoldbugsto knock free silverout? The report of the suffrage committee of the South Carolina constitutional convention provides for the registration of qualified voters and makes those qualifications either ability to read and write, or explain when read to him. anv section of the proposed constitution, or a showing that he owns and pays taxes on $300 worth of pronertv in the stats. It is expected that these provisions will oractically disqualify the majority of the negroes. Which shows if true, that the bulk of the negroes are still practically slaves. v hat has freedom under our present property laws done for them? The B. & M. State Journal talks of "The Wages of Labor," and tries to make the man who works believe that it is in terested in him, but it can't conceal its hypocrisy. The influence of the Journal for evil is much lessened by the fact that the veil with which it seeks to cover its real character is easily penetrated. The editor of that sheet ought to be ashamed to look himself in the ia-.-e, but be is lost to alt sense of shame and decency. The city of Lincoln is sadly in need of a morn ing paper whose news columns are reli able and whose editorial page does not reen vr.tn the mtn and slime of every thing thatisdishonestandcouternptable, Hi M J a MMHBMMHHniHnVHMaMVaHMaHHHHaHHaHHHMHHMMHMMHMHMHMMMMHMMMMMMHHWMMMni THE REPUBLICAN COfl VJbNflOS It is Norval, by acclamation of his party. He has satisfied the corporations and will be continued in office if the rail roads and banks can keep him there. The geuius politician is composed of two elements, viz., gall and hypocrisy, aud, as every old party convention is run by politicians and their helpers those who have been emancipated from purty prejudice and lies are filled with disgust by the speeches and professions of such gatherings. The convention last week was ip keeping with the character of the old gang who have for so many years fooled and ruled and robbed the people of this state. In their diatribes directed at the Democrats all evils were charged up to their five per cent reduction of the tariff, and compared with themselves in the matter of self-righteousness the Pharisee who of old paraded his virtues before the Lord, was humble and mode rate in his statements regarding his good deeds. Thurston has recovered from thecholic and straightening up declared he should not die until a Republican governor could appoint his successor. He said this year they were preparing for the greater struggle of '90, and with solemn face aud shaking finger he warned, the members of the party against the unpardonable crime of scratching a Republican ticket. No one who did it would be recognized as a Republican (and obtain honors and spoils) when the party should "come into Jtsown." "Come into its own!" The g.o. p. ma chine manipulators seora to think the property and people of the United States belong by perpetual patent title to their bandit group. Thurston also said: "The Republicans and Domocrats had not changed fronts. The same old strife was between them. Some had said that the tariff question had been settled, but this was not so. It was not settled and never would be until it was settled right. . It must be settled so thntan American could carry a dinner pail made of American tin, filled with pumpkin pie bought; with American wages. There was no difference among Republicans on the money question that could eudauger Republican success. That party alone possessed the genius 01 Amwican statesmanship to settle the money question. For himself he was for bi-inetallisrn on the basis of equality be tween two dollars. He would never vote to pay American workingmen in depreci ated currency. Iever would he vote to allow the Mexican dollar to be worth more than an American one. The Re publican party, from sea to sea, from nke to gulf, was the party ot the people. The Democrats had liid their paralyzing hands on the industries of the country and killed them." . Stuff, rot, lies, containing only one-half truth, even. Here is the first plank adopted by the party last week: We, the Republicans of Nebraska, in convention assembled .declare our adher ence to the statement of principles and tolitics adopted by the national Hepub iean convention of 18'.)2. Governed in accordance with these principles and policies, the indust ries of the nation have prospered, the revenues were always sui iicientfor the ordinary expenses of the government, the veterans of the war for the union, disabled in the service, and the widows and orphans Of the dead were liberally provided for, and a greater mrt of the uational debt incurred 111 the lefense of the flag had been paid out of the surplus. The national debt had been established, the currency ot the country amply secured by a treasury reserve never impaired) was beyond question, and a degree of prosperity attained un exampled in the history of the nations. The similar panic and long dreadful period of hard time in the '70s, which led to the passage of so many "tramp laws' came upon the country wheu the Uepubli can party had been in full control of the government for twelve years. "The natioual debt had been estab lished!" Yes, we should Bay so, a debt that with Republican appreciating dol lars increased its demands upon labor as fast as a part of it was paid off. But the fallacies of so-called populism having temporarily demoralized the rauk of republicanism in its strongholds, the last national election restored the Democratic party to power in the exec utivt and legislative departments of the government, aud the results of the "change immediately appeared. 1 lie industries of the nation were paralyzed, financial panic followed, unprecedented for its duration and widespread disaster to our commercial and manufacturing interests, its impairment of values of all property and product, and its reduction to a pauper level of the wages 01 labor. The fears of the people were finally justi fied by the passage of the Wilson tariff bill, a measure so obuoxious and inde fensible that a democratic president, pledged to free trade measures, de nounced it as an act of perfidy and dis honor, but suffered it to become a law without his signature. This law, hasod upon no recognized principle, fathered by no party platform, that neither protects American industries nor raises a sum cient revenue to supply the ordinary ne cesHities of the government, that has foreed the borrowing of immense sums of money on the bonds of the govern ment in a time of profound peace, and the farming out of the functions of the treasury department to a syndicate, con trolled by foreign capitalists, has once more proven the utter inenpneity of the Democratic party for administering the affuirs of the goverment. Yes. the rank and file of the g. o. p broke away in great numbers from their humbug leaders. But before the Har rison administration passed an issue of bonds was planned for, and the plates made on which they were to be printed Harrison and his advisers were shrewd enough, however, to hold back the issue of bonds to replenish the reserve till they could get out of office. Otherwise, the crime of the Democrats would have been by the Democrats charged to the Republicans. The platform continues; The election of a congress last Novem THE WEALTH MAKERS ber with an unparalleled Republican ma jority immediately strengthened the na tioual credit, restored, in a great meas ure, the confidence and courage of the people, and revived our languishing in dustries, and has signally vindicated the Republican policy of protection to home industries and a sound currency. . We, therefore, call upon all patriotic people, irrespective of former political af filiations, to join in assisting to bring back prosperity to the state and nation by reenacting protection to American in dustries on the basis of that splendid law known as the "McKinley act," thereby securing an adequate revenue while guarding the American market for American patxlucts and furnishing steady and permanent employment of American labor at American wages, and returning to the beneficial system of com mercial reciprocity with our sister Amer ican republics. The Democrats, on the contrary, are' declaring that the reviving industries are the result of the wilson bill aud leg islation iu favor of "sound money." But, while the political dogs are quarreling over who shall have the credit of saving the country, the people fail to realize any salvation. Prices are ruinously low, and foreclosures, bankruptcies, lack of employment and starvation stare an in creasing number in the face. The old gag, facing all ways, crafty as hell and calculated to make it, is gotten off in the next plank, on money, as fol lows: Favoriug the use of both gold and silver standard money, we oppose all monetary legislation that would result in either gold or silver monometallism, and demand the maintenance of a na tional currency, every dollar of which, whether in gold, silver or paper, shall h of equal value and of equal debt paying or purchasing power. Following this are holier-than-thou de nunciations'of the Democratic party for its foreign policy and its alleged aban donment of the Monroe doctrine. Also some cheap promises in the way of irri gation. Can the people again be caught by wind and chaff and falsehoods? THE ACT UNCONSTITUTIONAL By a decision of the statesnpreniecourt handed down Thursday, Oct. 4, the gov ernor is sustained in his contention that the partisan act of the last legislature? wrenching from him appointing power in the case of the superintendency of the state institution for the blind, was un constitutional, and therefore void. Prof. D. N. Johnson, the governor's appointee for that place, will therefore assume con trol of the institution immediately. Prof. Johnson is a gentleman and a scholar and will be a credit to the ad ministration. We understand, also, that 1 he has selected Prof. II. E. Dawes, cousin of ex-Governor Dawes as one of his teach ers, a very wise selection. The Republican legislature in its ap petite for spoils and hatred of the Peo ple's party overreached itself a little. In going beyond what was the definitely ex pressed people's will, as voiced in the constitution, it has gone farther than its own judges can support it. It has re pealed its ojvn laws and also the people's long-established will, t giving certain powers to the chief executive in order to keep in its hands the power of patronage which the people by popular vote took away. The section of the constitution which the legislature sought to override reads as follows: "The governor shall nominate and by and with the advise and consent of the state (expressed by a majority of all senators elected voting by yeas and nays), appoint all officers whose offices are established by the constitution, or which may be created by law, and whose appointment or election is not otherwise by law herein provided for, and no such officers shall be appointed or elected by the legislature. The reasons of the court for nullifying the partisan act and sustaining the gov" ernor in exercising the power conferred on him by the people and the constitu tion are given in the following syllubus: '1. A contemporaneous construction of a constitutional provision, which has for many years been adhered to by the legislative and executive departments of the government, will not he disregarded by the courts and in doubtful cases will generally be held conclusive. "2 Section 2, chapter laws of 1875, providing for the election by the legisla ture of trustees for the institution for the blind, is repugnant to section 10, article 5, of the constitution and was thereby repealed." Judge Post wrote the opinion, Norval concurring, but Harrison dissected. ' A $13,000 appropriation for the erec tion of a new building at the Institute is being now used. y " 'WE TOLD YOU 80" We don't like to say, "We told you so" but it is a source of satisfaction to The Wealth Makeks to know that the posi tion t took last fall, in insisting that the Populist party stand on its dignity and on its own platform, and compel Bryan and all who were trying to make us ridi culous by straddliug the fence, to come to us, is now approved by all ourleaders. There isn't a paper in the state, not even the lying State Journal, that is striving to injure the Populist party more than is the World-Herald of which Mr. Bryan is editor. Mr. Bryan may be honest, may be a "nice man" a "good fellow" and "a that," we don't say he isn't; but we are sure of one thing: If Nebraska had two or three Billy Bryans, they would wreck the Populist party of this state. Mr. Bryan may have the principles of the Populist party at heart, but he hasn't a grain of political sense, or he would not try to get them enacted into law by staying in an old party that re pudiates them. If the "young man eloquent", is sincere why does he not speak a good word for Maxwell, fir judge, instead of working for the Democratic nominee who stands ubout as much chance of being elected as Mr. liryau stands of being the next Dem ocratic candidate for president, and no more. , . The Populist party is bigger than any man; it has a platform of principles that ought to draw to itself the support of all good men, and they must come to the party, instead of the party going to them; THE JU8C JUDGE Six years ago the supreme court of Ne braska was composed of Reese, Cobb and Maxwell. The first and last were not men on whom the corporations could de pend for favorable decisions, contrary to law or precedent, but the people of the state were well satisfied; even the great mass of Republicans, as all will remem ber that at the time of the Republican state convention a great majority of the county delegates were favorable, and in fact were instructed for Reese, but when the convention was over the corporation luwyer, Mr. Norval was the nominee much to the surprise aud chargin of the rank and file of the Republicans of the state. Two years ago Judge Maxwell's term expired, and as he made many decisions according to law, evidence and honesty, word was passed along the line that he should go and he was turned down, but honored and respected by all good men. But long before Norval's term expired he was the only man mentioned by the cor poration Republican papers as an avail able candidate, and in fact he was the only man that would have suited the the gang who are running the Republi can party in Nebraska. Since the convention however, there are many Republicans who have con cluded to vote and work for the grand old man, not because he is the nominee of any party in particular, but because he has been an honest, efficient and faithful judge. E0SEWATER 18 "MUM" The railroads have again nominated Norval for supreme judge. Now what will Rosewater do? To be consistent he must support Maxwell. Will he do it? It begins to look as though he will not. If such be the case the people of Nebraska will never believe he fought Tom Majors because he knew him to be all that is corrupt in politics, but will believe he did it from personal motives. If Mr. Rose water wants honest government, he will oppose the election of Norval with as much zeal as he opposed the election of "Smutty Tom." Now is the time for him to show the people of the state of what stuff he is made. If he does all iu his power to elect Maxwell he will be respect ed and honored as a man who has the interests of the state at heart. If he supports Norval he will prove himself to be unworthy of self respecting men aud ought to be kicked out of any party. Is Norval any better on the judge's bench than Tom Majors would be in the governor's chair? THE DUTY OF COLORED VOTERS If the Republican party is the friend of the colored man why do they not elect more colored men to office, instead of giving them a few spittoou cleaning jobs and many promises next year, but next year never comes. The Populist party is the poor man's friend without regard to "race, color or previous condition of servitude," and at our county convention we nomftiated a colored man for constable, aud further he will get the full vote of the party. If the colored people will stay by their true friends they will get some of .the loaves and fishes instead of taffy and promises. Every colored man should vote' the Populiist ticket, aud especially for Wm. Sline, and thus teach the Republicans a lesson.' If all the Republicans of this connty were to meet and tulk to the candidates for county judge, viz. Burge aud Cochran Berge would be elected by a good ma jority without a Populist vote, i. e. if party prejudice could be thrown aside. Judge Berge will get the vote of every sincere christian with whom he is ac quainted, while not one of such of Coch ran's acquaintances will support mm, but every bum, thug, and disreputable voterin thecity will vote for him. Among other cases the case of Judge Berge of this county is held back oy tne supreme court, while one ol the gaug illegally holds the office of couuty judge. How much did Norval pay for his nomi nation did you ask? Not one dollar, but the state officers were not impeached m Asylum frauds and many important ....! im, -o houn liimrr nt iii the courts for years, while others have been decided as per stipulation insranier. .u, uu uiu not buy his nomination, there was no .i .,r if -rvl iu th nmti who was nrcu iw. .... - - nominated to succeed Reese when Reese had a majority of the delegation ia .... i... ...i. structed lor mm. iou khuw uj. Marion Crawford is writing for The Century Magazine a series oi papers on Rome and the Vatican for which Andre Cnstaigne is drawing the illustrations rrK..u nI.K..1i mil ileMnritm unusual feat X I'- " -V Ml V.VI.'W ' . tKn sior.ro, I Citv . and thn nictures Ul CO VM I " I . " ' ' 1 " .7 , I will includesome remarkable restorations of classical scenes. Laptoin Aiirea I. Xfatiarn tha irrpnt tifiVftl tactician. Will AimilUU"! mav ----- r ' also write for the magazine a series of fourstntlies ol tne navni engaemoum .,,,.. nj.iinh tha fn me of Admiral Lord Nelson is founded. Henry M. Stanley will continue a paper on Ainca, 10 ue uyjne nit vn ui.tii.lna mniln it n from the diary and journals of the late E.J. Wave woo died a lew moniun ngu.uu AMONG OUIt EXCHANGES The steam locomotive is done for. It will Vie replaced with electric motors as rapidly as they can be made. The loco motive engineer and firemen will also go. Any man can learn to -run an electric motor iu a few days, just as they do on street cars. The demand for skilled men will be less and less. Labor unions will be impotent. The future will be gloomy for workers unless they own the machines .This they cannot do except the govern ment of which each worker is an equal part, owns them. It is public ownership or slavery to corporations. Which will you have?- Appeal to Reason. When some lawyer has a dispute with his client about his fee, the court calls in the testimony of other lawyers to deter mine what is the right figure. When there is a dispute between workmen and the, corporation, the court never calls in the testimony of other wr'okmen to de termine whether their demands are just or not. Not by a jugful. The court sends the militia to shoot the workers for having the audacity to whimper. And these Bnme workers vote to elect that kind of judges! The workers get just what they vote for. Appeal to Reason. Tom Watson is a little too mealy mouthed in dealing with the damnably corrupt Democratic city of Augusta, which piles up a Democratic majon.ty twice as large as the total vote of that city. The farmers of that Congressional district propose to boycott Augusta if the frauds are repeated at theelectiou ou Oct. 2, and Tom advises against the boy cott. We say, apply the boycott. Peo ple who condone such infernal frauds do serve nothing better. A free ballot is a constitutional right, and those who deny it are traitors and should be treated as such. The time has gone by for softi handed temporizing with the scoundrels who conspire to defeat the public will. Make it so hot for 'em that they will seek Hades to cool off. New Charter. Senator Allen, speaking at Butte, Mon tana, on Labor Day, said: "1 think that the disposition to put a strictly silver party in the field is con fined to the mining states, and I am very doubtful of the wisdom of the movement. Those who are urging it are making a great mistake. There are many silver men who believe the Populist party is simply a temporary growth and that it will soon disappear with slightly chang ed conditions. Therefore there are many who urge the organization of a straight silver party, but they are making a great mistake, in my judgment. The ropulist larty is as well founded, and for its mem bers, as well organized, and as determin ed as any other political party, and it has come to stay. We will not be ab sorbed by any other political party, and we expect to open our doors sufhcieutly wide to admit all honest men who want to see areform inourgovernment. There is no doubt that there will be an over hauling of the Omaha platform to some extent, but its cardinal principles will be maintained. Anent Socialism, the San Francisco Daily Examiner of September 25, says editorially: Socialism can no longer be dismissed with contempt; it has numbers and in telligence in its service, and it must be heard. It has two million disciples in Germany: it has secured the majority in some German and French cities, and it is not impossible that it may obtain con trol of some European governments. It is in practical politics, and its arguments are entitled to as much consideration as is given to those oi protectionists and free-traders. This is quite an advance for the biggest daily on this coast with its over 75,000 daily circulation. It indexes a great change in public sentiment. So intellig ent and successful has been the propa ganda of Socialism that at, last it com mands respect. Sneers and invective m e no longer considered good answers to the arguments of its advocates. Contound intr socialism with anarchism gets a man credit in these days for being an ignora mus or a bigot. Many of the brainiest men and women of the times are avowed ly socialists. None who make pretense of being progressive dare refuse a consider ation of its claims. New Charter. Give a lie the right to live and it will wreck the universe. Faith without works is an engine with out any fire under the boiler. The man who is mean to a child is a good hand for the devil anywhere. Theshortest cut to themassesis to gei all the sinner in the church converted. One trouble with the church is that there are too many babes in it from four to six feet high. No man can sleep well in cloudy weather when he knows that he has a sandy foundation under his house. The devil is well satisfied with his day's work whenever he has got some man to believe that money can make him happy. The world is dying because there are not more people getting such religion that those who live iu the same house with them can see it. The state of a man's spiritual health can be more accurately determined by what he snys at home, whan things do not go right, than by what he says at prayer meeting. Rams Horn. Wlat the People's Party Has Done For Nebraska. (Extract from Populist Hand Book.) It enacted a maximum freight law, but Republican courts suspended its opera tion. It cut down extravagant appropria tions, but a Republican legislature brought them back. It brought to light the corruption ex isting in state institutions. It made possible the passage of the Australian ballot law. It enacted a law requijang state and county treasures to make all banks give bonds that handle public money, and to collect interest paid for the use of such money and turn it into the public fund. The lust Republican legislature sought to repeal this, but the governor sustained it. It enucted a law requiring intersecting railroads to build transfer switches; and, by means of such transfer switches to ship all freight the shortest distance to destination, but a Hepublican board of transportation has nullified it. : - .. ' October 10, 189G It repealed the special bounty given to sugar refineries, which was re-enacted bj the last Republican legislature. It enacted the eight-hour law. It gave the state a warehouse law. It was instrumental in securing the passage of a law to have the books o) all county treasurers examined at least once every two years. It secured the passage of an ani-trust law. It secured the passage of an anti-Pinker-ton law. It was instrumental in having passed many other good measures. It elected the ablest United States sena tor that ever represented Nebraska. It elected the ablest and cleanest gov ernor who ever occupied the executive office of the state. Under his administra tion it saved the state money by the veto of several useless and extravagant ap propriations. . By his suggestion in favor of the man ufacture of oleomargarine for export, an industry was saved to the state. While it is tooearly to give any detailed statement, it is certain that under Pop ulist management the' various state in stitutions will be more economically ad ministered thau ever before. WhWe the principal mission of the Peo ple's party is national, there is a great work yet remaing to bedonein Nebraska To stamp out every remnant of bood ling and fraud from d"ur state govern ment; to introduce economy into all the institutions of the state; to regulate Ne braska railroads so that they shall charge at least something near reason able rates; to rescue our supreme court and other courts from the domination ol the corporations; and generally to place upon the statute books just and benefi cial laws, made in the interest of all the people. The par.ty has done much for the state already, but its opportunities have beeu limited. It is only five jears old atid its principal mission yetremains to be performed. Lowell a Populist "The tricks of management are more and more superseding the science of gov ernment. Our methods force the growth of two kinds of politicians to the crowd ing out of all other varieties him who is called practical, and him of the corner grocery. "Could we only have a traveling exhi bition of our Bosses, and say to the American people, 'Behold the simpers o your national destiny!' A single despot would be cheaper and probably better looking. It is a natural impulse to turn ones eyes from these flesh flies that fat ten on the stores of our body politic, and plant the eggs of their disgustful and infectious progeny. But it is a lesson of the day that yielding to this repulsion by the intelligent and refined is a mainly efficient cause of the evil, and must be overcome at whatever cost of selfish ease and ffisthstic comfort, ere the evil can be hopefully dealt with. , "But under every form of representa tive government, parties become neces sary for the marshalling and expression of opinion, and when parties are once formed, those questions the discussion of which would discipline and fortify men's minds tend more and more to pass out of sight and the topics that interest their prejudices and passions to become more absorbing. What will be of imme diate advantage to the party is the first thing considered, what of permanent ad vantage to their country the last. I re fer especially to neither of the great par ties which divide the country. Both par tiss have been equally guilty, both have evaded, as successfully as they could, the living questions of the day. "Between the two a conscientious voter feels as the traveller of fifty years ago felt between the toutera of the two rival hotels in the village where the stage coach stopped for dinner. Each side deaf ened him with depreciation of the other establishment till his only conclusion was that each was worse than the other; . and that it mattered little to which of them he paid dearly for an indigestion." James Russell Lowell in 1888. Judgment Awaits Them There is a generation, 0, how lofty are their eyes; and their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from theearth, and the needy from among man. Bible. the state platform. We, the people's party of the state of Nebraska, in convention assembled, do put forth the following platform of prin ciples: We hereby reaffirm the principles of the Omeha platform. We deplare ourselves iu favor of strict economy in conducting the affairs of the state government iu all its branches. We believe the judicial affairs of the state should be conducted on the princi ples of justice and honesty, without par tisan bios, and in the interests of the people. THE RESOLUTIONS A8 PASSED. Resolved, That we favor the principle of the initiative and referendum in mat ters of legislation. Resolved, That we are opposed to any religious test for admission to office or for membership in this party. We invite all reform and progressive organizations and persons to to unite with us, and deprecate any act which tends to give prestige and continued ex istence to division of reform forces. Resolevd, That if the policy of the gen eral government in reducing the volume of money is continued we must in justice to the taxpayers demand the reduction of all salaries of state and county officers. Resolved, That this convention most heartily endorses the position of Governor Holcomb in refereuce to the penitentiary contracts and his efforts to administer the affairs of the state in an economical mnuiier. IWolved, That we express our sincere thanks to the mayor and citizens of Lin coln for their courtesy to the delegates end visitors at this convention. Resolved, That we view with alarm the recent decision of the United States supreme court on theincometax law, and we denounce as a gross subversion of the principles of free government the substi tution of government by injunctions for government by law, which has resulted in the illegal imprisonment of free Ame rican citizens, innocent of any crime known to law, without trie.l by jury.