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About The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1895)
i 4 0 ' vol. m SO MOVES THE WORLD. We "sleep and wake and sleep, bat all thing more, . The Son fliee forward to his brother Sun, , The dark Earth follow, wheeled 1b her ellipse, 'And human things, returning on themselves. More onward, leading op the golden year," The Sou tii Africa gold speculation fever has struck Chicago. The Peary expedition has returned. Failed, like all before it, to reack the pole. Vast tracts of standing fine timber in Northern Wisconsin were blown down in the recent cyclone. . - The price of soft coal and anthracite is on the raise. Soft coal in Chicago has gone np fifty cents. 'Hard coal has jump ed 1.25. A gang of counterfeiters has been arrest ed at Leavenworth, Kasnas. Uenry A. Patton of Jefferson ville, Ind., for pass ing counterfeit money. The Deep Waterway convention at Topeka selected a committee to organize for the permanent work. The conven tion was attended by many influential men. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds of Chicago, lately deceased, has given the Standard Oil University $250,000. Each of these en dowments means an interest plaster to suck the sweat and .life out of the pur chasing class. An oyster farm of 470 acres has been taken in the Baid des Chaleurs Quebec. It will permit the breeding and fattening of 20,000,000 oyesters annually. A ra pid increase in the number of Canadian oyster farms is looked for. The National Wall Paper Com pany, or trust, has a wind capital of $30,000,000 the reputed value of the "good will" of thirty-eight manufacturers who have combined to fix prices to pay dividends on this "good will" combination value and rob the people Richard Barton of St. Joseph, Mo., suicided Oct. 1st, at Lee's summit, a small place outside of Kansas City. He had been out of work for some time and left home to search for a job. He left word with a stranger to telegraph to his family. He leaves a wife and four chil dren. Another evidence that monopo " lists are committing fearful crimes against humanity. FATAL WEDDING FEAST. Inhabitants of Sabula, Iowa, Dying of . Strange Disease. Sabula, Iowa, Oct. 9. The singu larly distressing illness among the guests at the wedding of John Tap law and Anna Gage, is still occupying the attention of the medical fraternity of this and other cities, but so far no physician has been able to correctly diagnose the disease. Three deaths have occurred and eighty persons are confined to their beds, and several of these are not expected to live. The peculiarity of the disease is causing great apprehension, and is at tributable to the failure of the physi cians to successfully combat it. It is similar to common forms of poisoning, and its imperiousness to all antidotes and usual remedies is a puzzle. The fact that most of the victims were not stricken until three weeks after par taking of the wedding feast furnishes another surprise to the physicians. It has transpired that after the j meats, which were served at the feast, had been cooked the wedding had been postponed for four days, la that interval the weather was very warm, and the meats became tainted. BANDITS IN CHICAGO. Electrio Car Held Up by Five Masked Men and Eighteen Tassengerg Iiobbed. Chicago, Oct. 9. An Evanston electrio car was stopped last night be tween Argyle park and Edgewatet; by five masked men, shortly after 8 o'clock. Two of the robbers covered the rnotorman and. conductor, and the other three entered the car with drawn revolvers. There were eighteen passengers. The women screamed and those of the men who made a movement to escape were given an opportunity to look into the mouth of a cocked revolver. When the passengers were under control one of the robbers quickly passed down the car, appropriating the valuables of every one present. Within five minutes from the time the car was stopped the holdup was a thing of the past, the robbers had es caped and the car was speeding on again. The conductor lost all the fares he had collected during the day and some of the passengers were re lieved of watches and other little trinkets of value and money to the extent of several hundreds of dollars. Wisconsin Wants the Fight. Osiikosh, Wis., Oct.. 9. The Osh fcosh Athletic association offers a purse of 30,000 , for the Corbett-Fitz-fiimmons fight The laws of Wiscon sin prohibit prize fighting, but the association proposes to have the mill on the Indian reservation iu Nyrthern Wisconsin, and guarantees non-interference. Nationalism ' ' We have corporations, monopolies, pools, trusts, combines, syndicates and millionaires. Over against these things we find labor unions, strikes, anarchy, commonism, socialism, nationalism and tramps. The latter train follow the for mer as naturally as chickens follow the clucking hen. One is the cause the other the effect, all wealthy men are on one side and poor ones on the other. We read of the dark ages and the reformation. The present may be properly styled the age of the millionaire and tramp. When, oh when I will reformation come? Home owners are growing sadly less. Nine-tenths of all property are owned by one-tenth of the people, but nine-tenths of the takes do not go with nine-tenths of the property. The fine houses of Lin coln, owned by wealthy people, are not taxed half as much iu propertion to cost as poor men's houses. Nine-tenths of the four hundred millions expended by gov ernment annually, are paid by poor men. The few boss aud the many serve. For the present let us call into the ring a millionaire and a tramp. One is sup posed to stand at the head and the other at the foot, but it is not so. Humanity like a half moon, tapers both ways. The millionaire and the tramp occupy the horns, while the great common people fill the center. Honesty has made many a tramp but never a millionaire. The latter feeds upon unjust law advantages, the other upon tho crumbs which fall from his table, In lieu of promised bene fit the people are stabbed under the fifth rib. Public necessities are monopolized and all the revenue collected the business will bear. Thus the mill grinds on, turn ing out the two undesirable extremes of society. f Is there not a remedy, a balmin Gileod. No one will deny that we are a nation. All are ready to admit that Dncle Sam is bigger than any of his boys and girls. Theu why not excuse the prerogatives of a nation. Instead of allowing a few to get away wilh all the good things, de mand an equal division and fair play. The feeling that a few own and control our government, legislative, judicial and executive is growing. No one objects to increasing the tax on beer and whisky, because poor men drink the most of it. but to tax incomes Would be unconstitu tional because the rich pay most. There must be a vast difference between taxing the income of the rich and the outgoes ot the poor. Why tax the tobbacco which I receive for rental of land and not the money you receive for yours? Why is one constitutional and the other uncon stitutional. Injustice alone can answer why. We must have more nationalism and pag corporation. Great necessities and great advantages should not be farmed out to a few with power to bleed the many. Nine-tenths of our millionaires are made this way, and for every million aire a thousand of tramps, paupers and criminals are made. What individual and joint partners can do should be left for them to do and whenever the under taking is so large as to require a corpo ration, the nation should be that corpo ration. All forms of government, in all ages of the world, have deemed it necessary to build harbors, dig canals, and clear rivers for the protection and furtherence of commerce. In numberless cases gov ernments have built wagon roads over mountains and through swamps. All these publiciniprovemeuts have been free to hiin who built a boat or wagon. Population huddled upon the banks of navigable water. Denver is probably the largest city in the world built upon dry land, five hundred miles from navig able water. A little more thau fifty years ago over land navigation become a necessity. Canals did not till the bill. Stoam loco motion a hard wheel upon a hard, level track, met the necessities of the case. Now why did our government hand these giant interest of the common peo ple over to the tender mercies of corpo rations. The same question may be asked in regard to the telegruph. We must have, we are going to have, more nationalism. Commonism and socialism are not what we want. A hundred wealthy men must not be per mitted to hold a million of poor people by the throat any longer, under the sanction of law. H. W. Hardy. The Country Primary a Farce. , In moralizing upon the political degen eracy of our cities reformers have been prone to point to the rural constituency us the bulwark of our free institutions. From the cesspools of municipal politics that reek with the miasma of corrup tion the lovers of democracy turn for in spiration and hope to the health-giving political ozone of thecountry life. In the stmkissed soil of the bucolic solitudes, where man gets close to nature, the pess imist imagines he may find a gleam of optimism. It is cruel ruthlessly to disturb these hallucinations iu which the people have been want to indulge. Despite tho poli tical isolation of the countrymen the rural districts are not innocent of the contamination of gang methods. Indeed the country machine can give the city machine pointers when it comes to the LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. quiet manipulation of a convention or a caucus. , ? The country voter means all right. His motives are honest and his political in tegrity is above reproach. But he is the victim of a confidence game. Year after year the caucuses and conventions are packed and manipulated under his very eyes. It is safe to say that in every town and city in Illinois there exists a politi cal ring, organized for plunder, much more demoralizing in its effects than the rings in the big cities, because of the greater possibilities for perpetuating su premacy through the cajolery of the un suspecting constituents who yield pliant ly to the schemes of the gangster be cause he is a "good fellow" or a "good neighbor." The average country primary, cou trary to the general impression, is a monumental farce. In no other way can you account for the fact that year after year some of the most intelligent and progressive counties in Illinois are repre sented in the state legislature by men who are' not only grossly and notorious ly incompetent, but who are shamefully venal. There is need of reform in the country primary. It has been the custom to al low three or four paid hirelings of a leg islative corruption ist to get together in the back end of a saloon and arrange secretly a list of delegates to the conven tion. Their names are printed on a ticket, the ballot box is opened in the postoftice or some other convienent place; there is pretense of adherence to regular caucus methods: a hundred or more ballots are deposited in the box by citizens who are persuaded by the heelers in charge of the box to do so, bat who hardly know what they are voting for, and care less; and Senator So-and-So "has the delegation" and, of course, is finally renominated. That is a country caucus. No wonder venal legislators are returned every two years by intelligent and progressivecom nunities. This pernicious system should be changed. The people should take charge of the caucuses themselves. The business men and taxpayers can purge the Illinois legislature of its cor ruptionists by organizing and conduct ing the primaries and by attending them in force. If this is done in .every-town and city in Illinois the next legislature will have a good working majority of capable and incorruptible men, whom corruptionists from the cities will find an invincible barrier in the execution of their mischievous or nefarious schemes. Chicago Times-Herald. Stealing Their Everyday Business The beef trust is one of the richest cor porations in Chicago and in the United States, yet Chicago telegrams announce that it has been detected using city water from a main which has been secretly tap ped to avoid the payment of license. Perhaps theft of this kind is as honest as its general plan of operations against the public, but the beef trust ought to remember that the highwayman lowers himself in public esteem if he stoops to picking pockets. N. Y. World. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets. ilasH.s accurately adj listed. Paris, Oct 9. A dispatch from Port Jmis, Island of Mauritius, announces that advises had been received there from the island of Madagascar that the French expeditionary force, which had been advancing upon the capital for many weeks, captured Antananarivo September 2i, where upon the prime minister and the eourt fled to Aiubosistra. The news was brought to the coast by couriers from. Vatomaudry September 30. Dispatches received ; from Tamatave say that ffaralatra was bombarded by the French on October 3 and that it was attacked by assault on the fbllowing day. .. This news caused great relief to the government, as it had been recognized for some time that the defeat of the French troops would mean a change of ministry. The news quickly spread throughout the city, causing great ex citement and much rejoicing. France and Madagascar have been at loggerheads for more than ten years, chietly over the right of the government of Madagascar to act in dependently of the French residents in granting exequaturs to foreign con sulate agents and consuls. L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Island ticket office, cor. 11th and O streets. Uridge and Crown AVork a specialty.. Songs of the New Movement "Armageddon" is a book' of reform songs not versified trumpery, but pow erful and inspiring songs set tomusic, and is sure to become very popular as its true merits become known. It is printed on good paper, has 138 pages and sells for 30 cents. Coming Nation. .".:, Send orders for Armageddon to The Wealth Makers Lincoln, Neb, Dr. Madden, Eye, liar, Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 11 and O streets. Glasses accurately adjusted.. Ayer'a Hair Vigor is justly considered the best and most economical hair-drrss-ing in the market. The Fall Preparation of the Land for (Sugar Beets The remarkable success of the sugar beet crop throughout the state during the year 1894, under the most adverse meteorological and climatic conditions, has demonstrated the fact that the sugar beet is peculiarly well fitted to occupy a place among our farm products. Ac cordingly, a great many farmers planted beets this year, and the prospects being bo very favorable for a large tonnage, it seems quite probable that a uJucu larger acreage will be planted to sugar beets next year. N As the success of the crop depends very largely on the preparation of the soil previous to planting, and as that prepa ration should be commenced in the fall, a word of counsel, it is hoped, will now be of some service to the prosperous beet grower. The , importance of fall plowing of the land cannot be too strongly emphasized. The time for starting the preparation of the soil will depend somewhat upon the nature of the crop preceding the beets. If this be small grain, plow, the stubble and weeds under soon after the grain has been removed. If the season is dry, there is a distinct advantage of plowing Immediately after takfhg off the grain, as the soil is more moist than after standing exposed to the sun for several days, aud is consequently more easily worked. This plowing need only be superficial, say three inches. It has the effect of disposing of the weeds , before they go to seed and hastens their decay as well as that of the stubble. It looseus the surface of the ground so that rain water does not run off as it does when the surface is dry and hard, but soaks down, thus making the operation of sub soiling, less difficult in the fall, and the loose condition of the soil allowing moisture and air to penetrate greatly facilitates that chemical action which renders the fertilizing materials in the soil available to the use of the plant.. "The plowing should beimmediately fol lowed by the spiked harrow to make a loose layer of soil on top. Such a layer of soil acts as a mulch in preventing eva poration of moisture from the surface. It has been shown that land so prepared lost only one-third as much water by evaporation as land having a firmly packed surface. It is well to use the har row after each rain that is hard enough to pack the surface. Unless the land is very rich it will need manure. Manure adds to the yield and probably somewhat to the sugar content of the beets. Spread the manure after the shallow plowing. The manure should be well rotted. Subsoil and sur face plow in the fall, or, if that cannot be done, plow as deep as possible. If rotted manure is not available, it is advisable to keep the fresh manure piled during the winter instead of spreading in the fall. Keep the pileraoist enough to prevent its overheating (fire-fanging) while stand ing. In order to have water convenient the heap should be made within easy reach of the pump. Do not have the manure too wet or decomposition will be retarded. . The extreme dryness of the air and soil in this state makes the decomposition of manure when incorporated in the soil a very slow processand it is only when de composed that it is useful to the plant, the importance of some method for hastening that operation may easily be recognized. Well rotted manure, in addi tion to its fertilizing effect aids ia retain ing moisture in the soil, and if plowed deep enough improves the physical con dition of the heavy loam soils of the state which are much Inclined to pack. Iu case the beets are to follow corn the first thing to do is to get the stalks and roots off the ground. If left in the field they seriously interfere with the cultiva tion of the young beets in the spring, the cultivator knives dragging them out of the ground, and ofteu carrying the beet plants with them. The straw in fresh manure sometimes acts in a similarman uer. After getting off the corn-stalks spread the well rotted manure on the ground, and surface plow and subsoil or plow deep as soon as finished. There are very obvious advantages to be derived from the fall preparation of the land. In the first place it leaves the ground much clearer, espeo'ally if it be plowed early. It exposes a large surfuce of the soil to the action of frost during the winter, and this leaves it iu excellent tilth in the spring. Tho ground being broken up holds the ruin aud melted snow water, and when the temperature is favorable undergoes the chemical ac tion before spoken of. Again, if the plowing is to be done with a stirring plow instead of a subsoil plow it can be run is the fall ten or twelve inches deep, while if the plowing be done in thespring it is not safe to turn up the soil much be low the depth of previous plowing, as the new soil is likely to contain matters injurious to the plant, and as the aver age depth of plowing is only four to six inches, neither a largo yield nor beets de sirable for sugar manufacture could be expected from such preparation. Further or more detailed information will gladly be furnished to nnyiie direct ing his inquiries to the Nebraska Agricul tural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Neb. T. I Lyon, Professor of Agriculture. Dr. MIIpVNbrvs PbAsmtscure RHEUMA TISM. WEAK BACKS. At druist only 25c. J J ARE YOU A HKPUUlilCAN? i Notes on Direct Lrglalaton By Eltweed Porasroy. editor of ths Direct Leg islation Record, Newark, .New Jersey, where com munications should bt addressed, I am asked: Does Direct Legislation agree with the principles of the Republi can party?" Of course It does. There Isn't much the matter with those princi ples. But our friends don't practice them. They blow the horn long and loud about caring for the poor workingraen and then let the corporations make the laws, ruling and robbing him. If they'd only live up to what grand old Abe Lin coln and bis compeers, the founders of the Republican party, said, I'd be a fight ing Republican. But, alasl the distance between Republican action and principle is nearly as far as the east is from ths west. -'::-.: Here is one of Sullivan's explanations of Direct Legislation: "The Initiative is commonly exercised through a petition, signed by such voters as wish the proposition which is printed at the head of the petition to become a law. The Initiative is not a simple peti tion; it is a petition which the legislative body addressed must obey by sending the proposition on to a vote at the polls "The Referendum may take place on a la w passed by a legislative body contin gent on its adoption by the voters at the polls, or it piay take place in response to the Initiative." Here are quotations establishing what the principles were with which the Re publican party started. The first la offi cial: . From an address by the Republican association of Washington to the Re- Sublicans of the United States, dated . ovember 27, 1859. Early Republican Principles. "Let us not forget that it is not tue want ot generous sentiment that prevents the American people from being united in action against the aggressive slave power Were these simple questions submitted to the people of the United States. Are you in favor of the extension of slavery? Are you in favor of suchextention by the aid or connivance oi ttie t eaerai govern ment? and could they be permitted to re cord their response without em harass ment, without constraint of any kind, nineteen-twentieths of the people of the free states and perhaps more than half of the slave states would return a decid ed negative to both. "Let us have faith In the people. Let us believe that they are at heart hostile to the extension of slavery, desirous that the Territories be consecrated to free la bor and free institutions; and that they re require only eulightment to convert their cherished sentiments into a fixed princi ple of action." FROM FIRST INAUGURAL ADDRESS MARCH 2, 1801. Abraham Lincoln: "Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ulti mate justice of the peoDle? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences is either party without faith of being in the right? If the Almighty Ruler of nations, with His eternal truth and justice, be on your side of North, on yours of the South, that the truth and that justice will surely prevail by the judgmeut of this great tribunal, the American people." Abraham Liueolu: "No men living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from poverty; none less in clined to take or touch aught which they have not honestly earned. Let them be ware of surrendering a political power which they already possess, and which, if surrendered, will surely be used to close the doorof advancement against such as they, and to tlx new disabilities and bur dens upon them till all of liberty shall be lost." :, Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool part of the people all of the time, and all of the people part of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." FROM THE GETTYSBURG ORATION. " Abraham Lincoln said: "A govern ment of the people, by the people and for the people, must not perish from tbe face of the earth." Thomas Benton said: "The trouble of this country arises from its uneasy poli ticians; its safety . depends on the tran quil masses." . " John H. Lowell said: "The more I learn, the more my confidence in the general sense and honest intentions of mankind increase." Trot. Geo. D. Herron says of our pre sent system: "We do not select the' representatives we elect; we do not make our laws; we do not govern ourselves. Our political par ties are controlled by private, close cor porations that exist as parasites upon the body politic, giving us the most cor rupting and humiliating despotisms in political history, and tending to destroy all political faith in righteousness. Our legislation is determined by a vast sys tern of lobby. The people know though they cannot prove that our legislative methods have become the organization of indirect bribery and corruption. . It is hardly aa exaggeration to say that the chief work of both state and national legislatures in recent years has been to obstruct, defeat or cheat the will of the people. Instead of being Democratically governed, we are under the government of political and legislative bureaucracies . NO. 18 that dominate, plunder and oppress by , ' indirection that conceals both the reality and the nstrsre of the dominion, corrup tion aud oppression." . Now friends, if you're a Republican and this don't show you how far our practice has departed from the grand, early Re publican principles and convert you to Direct Legislation, you're not worth con verting. ; If youare not a Republican, paste this in your hat and impale ths next Republican you Bee with It. What are you good for if you can't pass an idea along? It Is doming? ' To him who is able to read correctly' the signs of the times, it must be clear that the radical agitation of recentyears -in this country will soon result in a bountiful harvest. Ideas that have been tabooed and principles that have been perverted by the flubdubbery of the daily newspapers, are receiving a recognition and an emphasis in unexpected quarters. Commenting editorially upon public ownership of street railways in English towns, the New York Tribune of Septem ber 16 says:'' V:';. V-''.:'-'.;' The employs are better paid and better treated than under private ownership of tbe lines, and the fares are lower and . accommodations for passengers inoorn parably better than in America. A cent a mile is the usual fare, and a seat to provided for every passenger. Passing over the plain truth that the reform press for years has based its ai tatiou upon such facts as the foregoing, that millions of people in the United States have been educated up to an acceptance of tbe idea' ot public owner ship by reform editors and speakers, and that the daily press (including the Tri bune) has all along burled its harmless epithets of "anarchist," "luatic,"! "alien" at every manwho has stood forth? peo pie and against the" corporate robbers, : we quote what the Tribune in the same connection has to say about socialism: Yes, but it is socialism, cry some. The objection is an idle one. If it be a good THING, LET US HA VIS IT, SOCIALISM OB NO socialism. But, as a matter of fact, it is not socialism(?) We may call it state socialism, for want of a better term, but ; it has nothing in common with socialism in the ordinary interpretation of that work. It is exactly at par with munici pal operation of waterworks, which we have here, and of the Brooklyn bridge, which is not condemned by the most radical individualists; and with state ownership of the canals and with nation al ownership and operation of the post office system. - If It is 6Geiuiinj, so are -they. But these are not socialism) They are merely the public or municipal or state ownership of certain things that from their very nature pertain to public use. The radical distribution between individualism and socialism is this: Tha, former would have the state perform all public works, and the individual' all pri vate works; while tbe latter would have the state do all, and would deny the right of private initiative alltogether(?) Now the streets are public property. Everyone recognizes that. No man can build and work a railroad on them with out acharter; without, that is permission to use public property exclusively. If the municipality or state has a right to grant such permission, it has also the right to withhold it and keep for itself the privilege of thus using its own pro perty, whether for railroad tracks, or gas pipes, or electric wires, or anything else. In reserving for itself all such franceises it is not abolishing or infring ing upon privateenterprises. Itismerely declining to lease its property or farm out its business to others. Is Horace Greeiy speaking agaiu? Is V it coming? Coming Nation. Dr. Madden, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases, over Rock Island ticket office, S. W. cor. 1 1 and O streets. Glasses accurately adjusted. Sing for Liberty "The Armageddon Song Book contains Populist and patriotic songs, set to mu sic. 138 pages. Price 30e each; $3.00 per dozen, postage or express paid by us. Get up a Populist glee club and help siug the cause through. We can thus have better and more soul inspiring music than brass bands can make, besides we are not always able to hire brass bands. Got no musicians iu your neighborhood? You don't know; there may be some veritable Jenny Linds right around you. Get a dozen or so to practice and then from the best select the necessary number for a glee club. There will be a great de maud for giee clubs next year. The cam paign will open early and be the greatest ever held. The best Populist Glee Clubs will find constant employment at good pay. Practice makes perfect. Begin now. L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Is land ticket office, cor. 11 and O Btreets. Bridge and crown work a specialty