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About The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1895)
01 1 p . 1 VOL. VII. SO MOVES THE WORLD. "W tleep and wkt and ileep, bat all thlnsri - luuve. - - . - - The San flies forward to bli brother San, The dark Eartb follows, wheeled in her elllpra, And hnman things, returning on them selves, Move onward, leading; np the golden year," The Amerieaq yacht Defender defended the cup. Earthquake in Honduras has done great damage to buildings. Swamp and forest fires near Appleton, Wisconsin, are doing much damage. An electric light trust has been formed in Philadelphia, with a capital of $5, 000,000. Lake Superior has been pushed up by subterranean force, making a four foot tidal wave. Anthracite coal Is going up. It has taken a jump of 25 cents, and will keep ajumping. , An earthquake in New England re ported. Much consternation but little damage done. Prince George M. Pullman, Jr., is to wed politician Oglesby'sdaughter. Loug live the Pullman dynasty eh? The price of anthracite coal has been or dered up, now that therich have stocked up. The men with no surplus cash miss the benefit. A train on the New York Central R. R. ban made the distance between New York and Buffalo, 436 miles, in 407 minutes, beating the world's record for a heavy train and long distance. Fifty-five niotocycles have bwo entered by Americans, to compete for the $5,000 prize for the best horseless carriMge,offer ed by Editor Kohlsatt of the Chicago 'Times-Herald. Gas and electricity will be motive power of the road carnages of this contest. The trial will be made in November, the road between Milwaukee being selected for the contest. Foreign inventors and carriage builders wili be represented. There has been a great advance in surgery iu the past few years. Opera tions on the brain ; and cranium now make imbeciles into normal rational be ings. Sections of the bowels are remov ed successtully. Parts of the liver are cut away. One of the kidneys are some times removed. Cancer of the stomach when not too far advanced is removed and the patient recovers. Pieces of the bones of animals are engrafted upon the bones of man, to replace diseased parts removed. Tumors, pus and diseased brain matter, such as cause epilepsy, are successfully removed. Deformities caused by diseased tendons are overcome by taking out the old muscle and inserting the tendon or sinew of a healthy "muscle. CaRes of broken neck are sometimes cured by an operation. Tumors are re moved from the spinal cord. Appendi cjt'm has ceased to be so. dangerous to treat. Tumors and cancers are much more successfully treated than formerly. A Model Speech Editor Wealth Makers: ' The newly nominated candidate should address the nominating convention some thing like the following: Mr. Chairman, end Gentlemen of the Convention: Personally, I aspire to no office, and all the apology I have to offer for accepting the nomination is, that I 'belong to the grandest party that has jexer existed in the United States or any- where else. 1 belong to the party that " has the most sublime platform that ever was penned. When the platform was adopted at Omaha, July 4, 1892, the patriotic enthusiasm was like a storm at sea. This platform is either right or wrong. It is eternally right. It is ada . mantine justice, and God himself stands on this platform. But there is no room on it for Satan, or any of his folks. This is why the leaders of the Democratic-Republican . party So persistently oppose it. They have sold us to the Jewish money power of England, and jnst as long as the peo ple can be deceived into voting the twin tickets, just so long we will have English rule as at the present. The ruling pimps of England have always contended that we were their legitimate vassals, not withstanding the fact that we thrashed them in two wars. And (thank Heaven) we can do it again. There is no hope from either of the twin frauds. The Demo crats with a majority of 148 in Congress could not pass the silver bill. They can not pass anything not even a saloon. The Republicans bonded the whisky, then refused to bond the corn that the whisky is made of. They are always watcning and waiting to be bribed. Vote as you pray, is a trite saying. But the g. o. p's. pray to God, then vote for Satan. They preach against intemper ance, then (knowingly) vote for the nominees of the saloon. They take their theology from heaven, their politics from hades. Utiange, isn't p? . Germany boasts of Martin Luther. She Uas her Krupp gums. America has her Beechers and Talmatres, also Remine- tons and Winchesters. How (un) Chris tian! - As I will have more to say on these (frozen) facts during the campaign I will now adjourn by thanking you for your attention. A. B. I lack. L. P. Davis, Dentist over Rock Island ticket office, cor. lltb aud O streets. Bridge and Crown Work a specialty. is mv mm An Interesting Correspondence With Car dinal Gibbons of Baltimore TEE GREATEST MORAL QUESTION The Bible, the Church and The Usury Question Departure From Bible and Early Church Teaching Made Clear Usury or Interest the Great Evil Federal, Athens County, Ohio, ) March 7, 1894. J Very Rev, James Cardinal Gibbons, Arch bishop ot Baltimore, Md. : Dear Sik: I have been reading with very much interesta book written by you entitled "The Faith of Our Fathers." I am a Protestant, and an earnest seeker after truth, and, feeling sure you can answer me, I write to ask you a question. Did all the great fathers of both the eastern and western churches denounce usury as one of the vilest offences? Did this unanimity of the fathers of the church bring about a crystallization of hostility to interest-bearing loans into numberless decrees of the popes and councils and kings and legislatures throughout Christendom during more than fifteen hundred years, aud was the common law shaped in accordance with these? Were these prohibitions enforced by the Council of Aries in 314, and did every great assembly of the church, from the Council of Elvira in 304 to that of Vienna in 1311, solemnly condemn money lending at interest? Did the Protestants first say usury meant op pressive or illegal interest, and Catholics in the eighteenth century concede the same? Very respectfully, Wm. J. Warrener. Cardinal's Residence, 408 North"! Charles Street, Baltimore, Md., V March 8, 1894. J Mr. Wm. J. Warrener. Dear Sir: Your letter to his Eminence the Cardinal is received. In reply I would beg to say that, as far as I know, usury was always and pretty generally repro bated in the church. Most every council had something to say in condemnation of this wrong. Bat it is very difficult to say what in particular cases is usury. Interest is legitimate and proper. Compensation is just for loans of any article and also for the loan of money. It remains for pub lic opinion, which varies according to time, place, and circumstances, to deter mine what in each case will be considered excessive interest, etc. Catholics had issued coudemnation in the matter long before Protestants were thought of. Very truly yours in Christ, ' C. F. Thomas, Chaucellor. Federal, Athens Countv, Ohio, March 16, 1894. Very Rev. James Card'malGibbons,Arch bishop, li<imore, Md., Dear Sir: I received from C. F. Thomas, Chancellor, a reply to a question I ad. dressed to you on the 7th inst. I am not acquainted with the rules of etiquette of the Cathoiic church, and mean no dis respect to the Chancellor by addressing myself again to you instead of replying directly to and making the inquiries of him. 1 have copied the following from the Douay Version of the Bible, as you will readily see: Exodus 22: 25: "If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou ehalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner nor oppress them with usuries." , Leviticus 35: 35-37: "If thy brother be impoverished and weak of hand, and thou receive him as a stranger and a so journer, and he live with thee; lake not usury of him, nor more than thou gavest: fear thy God, that thy brother may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor exact of him any increase of fruits." Deuteronomy 23: 19, 20: "Thou shalt not lend to thy brother money to usury, nor corn, nor any other thing, but to the stranger." To thy brother thou shalt lend that which he wanteth without usury, that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all thy works, in the land whither thou shalt go in to possess it." 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 5: 7: "And I re buked the nobles and magistrates, and said to them: Do you every one exact usury of your brethren? 11. Restore ye to them this day their fields, and their vineyards, and their oliveyards, and their houses, and the hundredth part of the money and of the corn, the wine, and the oil which ye were wont to exact of them." Psalms 14; (15) 1: "Lord, who shall LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1895. dwell in thy tabernacle? Who shall rest in thy holy hill? . . 5 . . He that putteth not out bis money to usury, nor taketh bribes against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall not be moved foreyer." ProverbsS: 8: "He that heapeth to gether riches by usury and loan, gather eth for him that will be bountiful to the poor." , Ezekiel 18: 5: "And if a man be just and do judgment and justice, . ... 8. Hath not lent upon usury, nor taken any increase, ... 9. He is just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God, 10. And if be beget a son that is a rob ber, ... 13. That giveth upon usury, and that taketh an increase, shall such a one live? He shall not live. Seeing he hath done all these detestable things, he shall surely die, his blood shall be upon him. 14. But if he beget a son . . . 17. that hath turned away his hand from injuring the poor, hath not taken usury or increase, but hath executed my judg ment and walked in my commandments, this man shall not die for the iniquity of his father, but, living, he shall live. Ezekiel 22: 1 2: "They have taken gifts in thee to shed blood: thou hast taken usury and increase, and hast covetously oppressed thy neighbors: and thou hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God." Luke 6: 35: "But love ye your ene mies, do good, and- lend, hoping for nothing thereby." I. Cor. 8: 10: . . . "Nor extortion ers shall possess the kingdom of God." The questions I wish to ask are these: Is not the usury spoken of in the fore going passages of Scripture, that which we now all call interest? Does not 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 5: 11 in dicate that one percent is usury? Does not Leviticus 25: 35-37 forbid "any increase," or, "more than thou gavest," as usury? ' Does not Exodus 22: 25 represent tak ing any increase or usury as extortion? Will not the taking of usury exclude from the kingdom of God according to I. Cor. G to 10? ' Does not Ezekiel 22: 12 show that a city which allows usury incur the anger of God? Did not Chrint rather extend the scope instead of abrogate the law against us ury in Luke 6: 35? Is there any exception to the law against the taking of increase for use given in the Bible except Deuteronomy 23: 19, and does not the injunction of the blessed Savior in Luke 6: 35 do away with that? Was not the usury condemned by the early fathers, the popes, and 'the church councils, from the Council of Elvira iu 30G to that ot Vienna in 1311, the loan of money at any rate of increase or in terest? Was Calvin the first churchman (if he can be recognized as such) who declared usury to be excessive interest, but that moderate interest was right? Did the Catholic church about the middle of the eighteenth century adopt the views expressed in your letter to me, that "interest is legitimate aud proper. It remains for public opinion, which varies according to time, place, and cir cumstances, to determine what in each case will be considered excessive interest," etc.? I am not attempting to argue the matter one way or the other. I only seek to know the facts in the case. Yours truly in Christ, Wm. J. Warrener. Cardinal's Residence, 408 North :08 North ) ire, Md., 1, 1894. ) Charles Street, Baltimore, March 27, Mr. W. J: Warrener: Dear Sir: Your letter to his Eminence, Cardinal Gibbons, under date of March 16, 1894, is hereby acknowledged. You refer to many texts of Holy Scripture in which usury is condemned, as well as to the condemnation of the early fathers and councils of the church, against the same. The explanation to be given is this: In former days money was considered to be non-productive, and for its use no compensation was deemed proper and right. Hence condemnation of Scripture and churchmen against the practice. But now that condition is changed, and money has assumed a commercial value independently of its intrinsic value. The use of money is therefore a title for com pensation just as the use of a house or other property. Society, social life, social conditions and needs all regard money as capital which begets gain for him who owns or possesses it, and we kuow that gain possible or probable is a just reason for asking interest or com pensation. Besides, the lending of money is also a contract; the one who loans renounces for the time being the pro perty or proprietorship in the money, and the other assumes the actual owner shipof it and uses it for hisown purposes and advantage. For that he is in justice bound to recognize an obligation that is subject to a valuation in price. Compensation is the due for that which is fruitful. If money, as corn, etc., were in the first instance capable of consump tion and not an object of commerce, it would still be wrong to require interest, but, owing to social conditions, the in trinsic value of money has been changed into an article which men use for the pur pose of emolument, and therefore is laid a claim for moderate and proper com pensation. While the man who has the use of the money is enjoying it or em ploying it for his necessities and advant age, the real owner is for a time deprived it C c of the possibility of converting it into profit for himself and of receiving gain. For that privation which he undergoes he is considered by public opinion and common judgment to be entitled to re al uneration. Men understand the changed condi tions, and, while they see the foundation f interest, understand also that the in terest should not be excessive. What is just is left to each age, or to each period of time or group of circumstances, to decide. The old laws and customs in regard to usury were based on the old condition of money; but this condition not being the same, the rigor is relaxed, and moderate interest allowed for that which now gives just title to it. But usury is now ex cessive interest, which is wrong. Even to require interest for that which snot given to business, but is given to consumption, as wheat, corn, wine, etc, continues to be usury. For that does not rest on any title that demands any compensation other than the return of the same in kind that was loaned. I hope this explanation will suffice for you to understand the change in both society's and the church's attitude to wards interest. I beg to remain very truly yours, C. F. Thomas, Chancellor. Federal, Athens County, Ohio, ) April 10, 1894. J Very Rev. James Cardinal Gibbons, Arch bishop of Baltimore, Md. Dear Sir: Your letter by C. F. Thomas Chancellor, dated March 24th,is received, for which I thank you. From the replies to my questious I take it that: 1. The usury spoken of in Exodus 22: 25 and the other Scripture I quoted is that which we now call interest. 2. 2 Esdras (Nehemiah) 5: 11 indicates that one per cent is usury, and Leviticus 25: 35-37 forbids "any increase," or, "more than thou gavest," as usury. 3. Exodus 32: 25 declares the taking of increase or usury to be extortion. A.'H. Cor. 6: 30 declares that extor tioners cannot possess the kingdom of God. 5. " Ezekiel 22: 12-16 shows that God will punish a city or people who allow the taking of usury or interest. 6. Luke G: 35 nhuws that Christ ex tended the scope of the Mosaic law against usury. 7. There is no exception made in the Holy Scriptures to the laws against the taking of increase foruse, except in Deut. 23: 19, and the injunction of the blessed Savior iu Luke C: 35 does away with that. 8. AH the great fathers of the church, the popes, and the church councils, from the Council of Elvira in 306 to that of Vienna in 1311, following the teachings of Scripture as given above, solemnly and emphatically denounced aud con demned money lending at interest as sin. 9. Calvin was the first churchman who said that usury was excessive and op pressive interest. 10. During theeighteenth century the teaching of the Catholic church was changed, and by authority of the Holy See moderate interest was allowed. 11. The teachings of the Catholic church on the taking of interest or usury was changed because money assumed another value, namely, '"a commercial value independently of its intrinsic value." 12. "Interest is now legitimate and proper, and public opinion determines what in each case is excessive interest." 13. "To require iuterest for that which is not given to business, but is given to consumption, as wheat, corn, wine, etc,, continues to be usury." Hitherto I have' been in this corres pondence only a questioner. You have kindly answered me, with results given above in statements 1 to 13, 1 assuming consent whore no denial or contradic tion was made. On page 95 of "The Faith of Our Fath ers" you say: "But it is a marvelous fact worthy of record that in the whole history of the church from thenineteenth century to the first, no solitary example can be adduced to show that any pope or general council ever revoked a decree of faith or morals enacted by any pre ceding pontiff or council. Her record in the past ought to be a sufficient war rant that she will tolerate no doctrinal variations in the future." Surely the taking of interest is a ques tion of morals, for the church has re peatedly denounced it as "a crying sin." Can it be that that which was immoral and sinful for ages is moral and right eous now? Are godliness which I understand to be manifested by obedience to God's laws and Christian morals decided or modi fied by "public opinion, which varies according to time, place, and circum stances?" Are Christian morals so changeable that in some states it is a -sin to take more than five per cent and in others it isnoteinful to take any per cent, even one hundred or more? As to money assuming a value it did not have before, wus not interest for use of money allowed in ancient Greece with out any legal restrictions, and does not that prove the existence of what you style "commercial value" then? Were there not laws in ancient Rome against the taking of interest, and were not those laws repealed and interest allowed? Is not that proof that money had every value then that it possesses now? Did not the exactions of usurers hare much to do with the concentration of wealth iu the hands of the few, the pau perization of the masses, aud con- ' ( eequently thedownfallot ancient civiliza tions? Did not the godly men of the past know of all these things, and of the teachings of Plato, Plutarch, the Catos, Cicero, Seneca, Aristotle, and many othera against usury. What is the difference between taking interest on that which is given to con sumption and taking it ou money 'used to buy food? For instance, I have one hundred bushels of wheat I can sell for 950. If I may lend the f 50 on interest, why may 1 not charge interest to those who borrow the wheat for bread instead of borrowing the money aud buying the wheat? Two dollars per day is the wages of a mechanic. For forty years and four months it amounts to 24,200. If $300 every six months were invested at seven per cent, compound interest for the same time, it would amount to $104, 250.70, or more than four aud one fourth times as much as the laborer earns. Is this in accordance with the laws of God? Are not the rapidly increasing interest bearing debts of the world a cause of much of tho distress of nations? Is not interest, or "capital's share," taking more than the total increase of wealth, concentrating It as never before, creating immense fortunes, bringing na tions to distress, reducing the masses to starvation, wretchedness, and misery, and alienating them from God and the church? The industrial classes toil as hard as ever, producing all wealth. Money draws interest, absorbs all forms of wealth, and impoverishes its pro ducers. The money changers are again in the temple, the oppressor of the hire ling in his wages is everywhere, and what does Christ's representative say? Where is now the bold denouncer of wrong against the poor aud needy, and where is the whip of small cords? 1 I believe God is bringing the nations to judgment, and that their distress is the direct result of violation of his clearly revealod laws. If the nations do not re pent, yet more fearful things will come upon them. ' If the church is not true to God it will be overthrown. Yours truly in Christ, Rev. Wm. J. Warrener. Warren's "Money Chart" Plau proposed outline bimetallic code. Chapter I. The National Government to have exclusive control in all money issues and regulations. Chapter II. Everything ordained as money to be made a full legal tender for tho payment of all debts and money obligations, public aud private. Chapter III. Every future money obli gation to be payable in any lawful mouey of the Uniled States at the time of pay ment, and condition stated in such future money obligation to the contrary not withstanding, subject to valid require ments of the government to redeem coin certificates circulating as money. Chapter IV. Provision to be made whereby, through government deposit ories, to be duly established, any person may conveniently and without expense deposit with the treasury of the United States any lawful gold, silver or subsi diary coin of the United States and re ceive therefor certificates of deposit of the same, each redeemable on demand of the holder in such kind of coin as was de posited therefor, the certificates so issued to be in such denominations as the depositor shall choose, subject to regulations of Congress. All certificates of deposit so issued to be made a full legal tender for the payment of all debts aud money obligations public and pri vate. All other money deposit business to be taxed out of existence. Chapter N. All the coin so as aforesaid deposited to be gept under rigid care of the government aud protected by penal enactment against substitution of other coin for it, and against any payment out of the, same or any of it, under any circumstances or emergencies whatso ever, for any purpose except for the re demption of such certificates, in manner as hereinbefore deseribed. Chapter VI. Provision to be made for the re-issue of said certificates, and for replacing them with others similar when niHtilated or otherwise injured on being returned to the treasury, unless returned for redemption, and then to be redeemed and canceled. Chapter VII. The mintage capacities of the government to be speedily and greatly enlarged so as to make practical the coinage provisions of this code, especially for the speedy coinage of all bullion exclusively produced from any mine or mines in the United States and territories, and exclusively owned by any citizen or citizens of the United States; and. the coiuage of bullion so produced and owned iu no case to be de ferred in the least to admit to coiuage any bullion not so produced and owned, subject to the provisions of chapter VIII. Chahter VIII. Provision to be made for the speedy coinage of the $55,156, 681 of coin value of seigniorage silver bullion now in the United States treas ury belonging to the United States, and issue full legal tender silver certificates thereou for theiseof the goverumnet. Then the rest of the silver bullion now in the treasury to be at convenience coined, and calling in as fur as convenient the treasury notes given in payment for said bullion, and redeeming them in silver v.- NO. 15 coin or replacing them with full legal tender silver certificates at the option of the holders. All issue of certificates un der this chapter to be subject to all the pertinent regulations and rules contain ed in chapters IV., V., nnd VI., of this code except as in this chapter prescribed. Chapter IX. Provision to be made for the prompt coinage after said seignior age coinage of all such gold and silver bullion as shall be delivered for that pur pose at the proper mints of tha United States, into coin of present lawful stand am and ratio. All such coin to be de livered to the person or persons owning the bullion from which the same was coined, less the charge for coinage; or, at the option of such owner or owners of bullion, certificates of deposit to be de livered in lieu of coin for the like sum, subject to all the pertinent rules, regula tions, restriction, ftnf' requirements contained in Cbaptors IV., V.. VI., and VII., of this code. Chapter X. If at any time the coin op certificates of either metal, gold or silver go in common use below par in respect to the coins or certificates of the other metal, while all the provisions of this code are being complied with then coin age of the below par coins shall cease un til the parity is restored. Chapter XI. If the gold coins and cer tificates and silver coins and certificates shall maintain their parity in respect to each other, and if the supply of metal shall sufficiently hold out, the aforesaid coinage and issue of certificates shall continue to increase and maintenance of the mouey circulation of the United States at $60 per capita, as near as can be estimated. And then if said party shall still further continue, and if the supply of the metals shall still further sufficiently hold out, said coinage and issue of certificates to be continued to the supplanting of all other kinds of paper money except United States nQtes (greenbacks) to be made a full legal ten der for all debts public and private and issued in payment of government obliga tions and expenses, and made redeemable in all government dues only, and when redeemed to be retained in the treasury or re-issued whenever necessary for the following purposes, to-wit; it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treas ury, carefully supervised by Congress, by means of such issue, retention, and re issue of such notes, and by such other means, if necessary, as may be available to maintain perpetually such uniform purchasing value of the dollar units of money as shall do justice bet ween debt ors and creditors and promote industrial , and business interests. ; 1 : , Chapter XII. Provisions most effect ual to be made for the establishment of an international congress exclusively by and between nations friendly tosilver for a standard money to agree upou a uni form ratio of silver to gold for coins, and for such "other purpose monetary commercial, and otherwise, as may be agreed upon among by such nations. What Might Be. Professor Th. llertzka, Vienna, Austria, says in his work, "Lawsof Social Evolu tion:" "I investigated what labor and time will be necessary, with our present machines, etc., to create all common necessities of life for our Austrian nation of 22 million. It takes 10) million hek tors of agricultural lands, 3 million hek tors of agricultural products. I then aliowa house to be built forevery family of five rooms. I then found that all in dustries, agricultural, architecture, build ings, flour, sugar, coal, iron, machine building, clothing and chemical produc tions, need 615,000 employed, eleven hours per day, 800 days a year, to satis fy every imaginable want for 22 million inhabitants. "This 615,000 laborers are only 12.3 percent of the population able to work, excluding all women, and all persons un der 16 years of age or over 50 years of age. All these latter to be called not able. "Should the 5 million abie men be en gaged to work instead of 515,000, they only need to work 86.9 days every year to produceeverythingneeded for tho sup port of the population of Austria. But should the 5 million work all the year, say 300 days, which they likely have to do to keep the supply fresh in every de partment, fcach one would only work one hour and twenty-two and one-half min utes per day. "But toengage to produce all the luxu ries in addition, it would take, in round figures, a million workers, classed and assorted as above, or only 20 per cent of all those able, excluding every woman or any persou under 16 years or over 50 years, as before. The 20 percent of able, strong male members could produce everything imaginable for the whole na tion of 22 million in two hours and twelve minutes per day, working 300 days a year. But should tbey shift the work in proportion to the other remain ing 80 per cent of the abie workers, all male members of the nation, every able worker would only work two hours and twelve minutes per day. The other life time could be spent for educational pur poses, or in recreation, and the whole nation would have everything a cultivat ed people want and need." Pittsburg Kansan. L. P. Davis, Deutlst over Rock Island ticket office, cor. 11th and O StKet8. Bridge and Crown Work a specialty. ueaauobe bau? Gut iaios Pia plUa. j I .3 :j ) 4