The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, September 05, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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    September 5, 1805
II I T I la W Protected by Bean
titul Islands. Game. Oysters and Fish in abundant-.
Lemons, Oranges. Pineapple, and all
Db-cropleal Fruit and Flower are grown to
perfection. CI mate delightful, eummer and
winter. Land fertile, high and dry. A nook la
C" ntjin A comparatively unknown.ttaat
I lW II I LVM otters to settlers and to winter
rial ton advantages not fonnd eleewbrr. Seeker
after health, pleasure or profit shonld read onr
booklet, sent free, by THE LKHOS BAT
LAND CO., Grove City, Fla.
We nave the following books for safe.
Ton ought to havs them:
The Railroad Problem -M
Money FonnJ, ...--.... .-.M
Jason Ed wards. ............ .. .. .50
Bichurd'a Crown .. M
BUI 'a Political History.. 26c, 75c, 1.00
Beneath tbe Dome -M
Ten Men of Money Island....-........... 10
even Financial Conspiracies.......................... .10
AH these are excellent reform books
and should be read by every one. Ad
dress all orders to this paper.
Bail and Steamship Ticket
For rail and steamship tickets at
lowest rates to any part of the world
call on A. 8. Fielding, City Ticket Agenl
Northwestern Line, 117 8. 10th St. 49
Send Us Two New
With $2. and your own
subscription will be ex
tended One Year
Free of Cost.
h. s. ALEY, m. d.
Office 1215 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
MT Writ tor terms and ateitloa kinks.
1 1 Safe and sure, send ao. mvmMrTSJt
STOSUU BOARD!' Wilcom 8cci'i0 Ca.Phuji.PA
Celebrated Female
iaies ncjinua
i North-Western
F., E. & M. V. R. R. is the best to and
from the
Sugar Beet Fields
Great Rock Island Route!
Outing Excursions.
First For the National Educational Meeting
at DenTer. opening July 6th, tbe rate will be one
fare plus $2 00 for round trip. Tickets good to
return and time np to and Including Sept. let.
Second The regular Tourlat Car to California
Tla Kansas City runs once a week, and leaves
Chicago every Thursday at 6 p.m., Kansas City
at 10.60 a.m. every Friday. Tickets based on
second class rate, and car runs on fastest trains,
and known as the Phillips-Kock Island Tourist
Excursion Car arrives at Colorado Springs
Saturday, 7:85 a.m.
Third Home-Seeker's Excursions to Texas
and New Mexico. Next one June 11th. Bate, one
fare for round trip. Tickets good twenty days.
Fourth For Mexico City the Uock Island
runs a through sleeper from Kansas City dally
at 8:40 p.m. via Topeka, McFarlaud, Wichita and
Fort Worth and Austin to San Antonio. Two
routes from there are International R. R. to
Laredo, and Mexican National to the City of
Mexico; Southern Pacific and Mexican Interna
tional Tla Spoftord and Eagle Pass to City of
Connections are also made at Fort Worth Tla
the Texas Pacific to El Paso, and over the Mexi
can Central to City of Mexico.
Fifth Send to address below for A 8ouvenlr
called the "Touriet Teacher," that gives much
Information to tourists. Sent free,
i ns win wwu
1 1 uii . i aiaTa-a. ae mft and rare (after fatuAf
In the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
IK. Wonnaorket Institution 1
for Savings, Plaintiff.
VI.... n ftrimM- Rlrhard S.
Grimes. Carlos C. Burr, Mary K.
Burr, his wife, Tbe Halloo Stat
Banking Co., John Frass, Lean
Idas K. Holmes. Korsme.var A
Co., Cudahy Packing Company,
.nnutntlni. the Lincoln L'd-
f Non-Resident
holsterlng Company, a corpora
tion, Samuel Maxweii, lusnn
E. Maxwell, and Edwin E. Max
well, partners doing bnsineea as
8. A. Maxwell A Co., and Joseph
Z.Briscoe, defendants.
r - ....1 Vf.w.11 rhal-lAa K.
Maxwell and
j j c ii .. ii m .tn.F. Hnlno- bosiness as
B. A. Maxwell A Co., and the Ballon State Bank-
In Company, non-resident aeienaani".
.r. .k. . k iih .u nf June. A.D..
1895. The Woonsocket Institution for Savings,
plalntin nerein, mea lis peuuuu m .
Court of Lancaeter County, Nebraska, against
the above named defendants, the object and
praver of which are to foreclose a certain real
estate mortgage eiecuiru uj
Flora E. Grimes and Menard 8. Grimes on the
Sth day of May, A.U., 188H, to the defendant, thf
Ballon State Banking Company, upon iota
lots number one (1), two (it), three 1) ana loai
(4), In Lincoln Land Company sub-division ol
lot one (1) and two !f). In block number on
hundred and four (104) In thecltyol Lincoln,
Lancaster uonnty, ruorwwe.
To secure the payment of one promissory note
. . . . i ci il .n , .V- , ? MIA ML dm
OBWl ai ay o, loop ,u - - - -
and payable May 1, 18H4. with interest at. the
rate ol on per cens per buuuui, pju, o.
annually according to the terms of ten Interest
note thereto attached for the sum of $24S.7(
dollars eacn.'
That there Is bow dne and payable upon said
. mn,DOVa 7 7ik 7!i dollar, and ten
HUH, OUU uiui . i . . u . . .
per cent Interest thereon from May 1, 1898, and
also the rurtner sum oi ot.w uuho.o,
tbe tax and assessment paid by the plaintiff on
u t . A .......... itm aAonrltv. and the
further sum of $90.00 for Insurance paid by P1"-'?;
tin on said premises, unoer me cu"UIWUUB
mortgage, with Interest on said sums from dat
a. o.. 1,1 viva Aled for record
In the office of tbe Register of Deeds of Lancastei
County, on way n. ..u.. ino.
, . ' . tan That, anld notes and
Mi in lkukcs. a i. jior.
mortgages and tbe moneys due thereon was on
Banking Company to the plaintiff herein who
ever since has been and still Is the owner and
holder of the same. .
Plaintiff alleges that all of said defendant!
claim to have some Interest In said mortgagj
premises. Plaintiff asks to have said Interest
decreed to be subsequent and Junior to plaintiff
mortgage, and that said mortgage be foreclosed
and said real estate be sold to satisfy the amonnl
..i..i. n.t mnrtirftfl-e. and for
UQe U 1 IV 1 U 1 1 11 uu emu uuw . , .
taxes and Insurance paid, and an attorney s fet
i it A -Vi n r m paAAlval
for foreclosure ana rai uou, u vu.- ....
be appointed to collect tbe rents and profit, o
. 3 i rrk.4. HafAnrinnt he foreclosed Ol
Baiu preuiiarn.
the eanlty of redemption or other Interest in said
mortgaged premises, auu , "
ment and for such other relief as equity and Jus
tice may require.
- Ion are hereby required to answer said petition
on or before Monday the 2Sd day of September,
tii Its attorney.
Sheriff Sale.
n.l.. I. rlnn Thnt bV TlrtUS Of SB
xecntlon Issued by the clerk of the District Court
of the Third judicial uiswici oi OTrn -i
. t i'..,.txr in an action wherein
sou lor unuvMini wvuuvj, - - . . , .
Hans P. Law is plaintiff, and C. O. Boettcher is
defendant, I will, at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 10th
day of September, A.D. 1805, at the East door of
the Court House, in the city of Lincoln, Lancas-
a n a v.i..aaba nffiar for n.lfl at DQDllO
W tUUniJ, ivtji;ilt - . 4.A
action the following described real etat to
W The undivided one-iVenth (1-7) Interest la nd
a. xi a A-.A f Mftinn twAntv-ioar ( e4i.
township ten (10) north, range five (6) east of the
6th P. M., in l,ancasier vuuuij,
property to be sold subject to the life estate of
Wllhelmine uoeticner.
Given under my hand this Sth day of August,
AD'1886, FBEDA.Mai.KB,
M. Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby elven. that by virtue A at
execution Issued by the Clerk of theDlstrictConrt
ot the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, with
in and for Lancaster County, In an action where
in the Columbia National Bank is Plaintiff, and
Thannnra Kaar Is defendant I will, at 2 o'clock
p.m., on the 27th day of August A.I). 1895, at the
East door of tbe Court House, In tbe City of Lin
coln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer tor sale
at public auction the following described real
estate to-wlt:
The north half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion thirty-three (33), townsbip nine (), noru
range six (6), east, la Lancaster county. N
Given under my band this 22d day of jniy a.u
1895. 1HISU A. MlLLr.n,
7tB Bherin.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice Is hereby erlven. that by virtue of an ex
eention txsned bv the Clerk of the District Court
of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, with
in and for L&jcaster County, in an action where
in Western Glass and Paint Company is platntlD,
and Theodore Kaar and Mrs, Sarah Kaar are de
fendants I will, at 2 o'clock o.m., on the 27th day
of AugUBt A.D, 1895, at the East door of the
Court House. In the City of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction
the foilowinir described real estate to-wlt:
The north half of the southeast quarter oi sec
tion thirty-three (S3), township nine (9), north.
range six (6). east in Lancaster county, meDrasxa,
Given under my hand this tm any oi jniy a.i
7t5 Sherin.
Sheriff Sale.
-.-x, i- i i tWAn ih.t. hr of an
nonce is uwhjuj icu, -- . - -
execution Issued by the clerk of the District court
ot the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within
and for Lancastercounty. neorassa, in "'
wherein Levi C. Sloan Is plaintiff, and John Fits.
i. oi ... jnio.H.nt. I will, at 2 o clock
n.ra., on the 10th day of September A.D. 1805, at
tbe a&asc oooroi iuflv-uuri.nuuBw.iii
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer lor
tale at public auction the following described
real eainie bu-wm. ,
Lota Two (2) and Three (S) in oiocs dmij-uu.
1611 In the mty oi t-incoiu, wui
Nebraska, . .
Given under my nana wis oin uoy ui
A.D.15. ,
6yj Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale,
. ii, that, hv virtue of an
order ot sale Issued by the clerk ot the District
court ot the rnira juaiciai uiBirmv m ""i',
,.i.i i ..- f Bi.KD.tiir rmintv. in an action
wherein John W. Dorland is plaintiff, and Liiiie
P, Davenport et al are defendant I will, al 2
O clock p.m. on me mm unjr ui
1805, at the East door of the Court House, In
. i. .i: t t t 1 I anpautpr rntiniT. Nebraska.
III. wtj vi , , ,
otter for sale at public auction the following de
scribed real eetaie io-wiu
Lot number Twenty-one (21) In Cumberland
tt i..- . .it. inn n K tMtv nt Lincoln, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof on file in the
office ol tne negisier oi ueeua ui nm
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this Sth day ot August,
A,u. ". ...
I KliU A. allLiLir.r.,
gj4 Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice Is hereby given. That by virtue of an
execution issued by the clerk of the District
court ol tbe Third Judicial District ot Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an action
wherein James A. Mingee plaintiff, and William
V. Btnthelt and Anicust W. Stutheit are defend
ants, I will at 2 o'clock, p.m., on tbe 10th day of
September, A. I). 1895, at tbe east door of th
court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska, oner lor sale at pumic auc.ioo
the following described real estate, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section twenty-nine
(29), township eight (8), range six (0) east in
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my band this Sth day of August,
A.D. 18-5.
Fbid A. Miller,
Its Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice Is hereby given. That by virtue of an
execution Issued by tbe clerk of tbe Diet rlct Court
of the Third Judicial District of MeDrassa, wnnin
and lor Lancaster County, In an action wherein
George G. Freeborn Is plaintiff, and William F.
Btutbelt and Ana-net W. 8tuthelt are defendants,
1 will, at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 10th day of Sep
tember A.D. 1896, at tbe East door of tbs Court
House. In the eitv of Lincoln. Lancaster County.
Nebraska, offer for sale at pnblic auction the fol
lowlna described real estate to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty-nine
(79), township eight (8) north, range six (6) east
in Lancaster County, Nebraska.
Given nader my hand this Sth day ot August
A.U. 18VO.
Fbio A. MlLLBB,
ti - Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
VnilM las hewMriV sTl Vtn. that br virtu of aa
rd-r ol sale lesoed by tbe I'lerk of the Dl-trkl
otirt of tbe TblrU Juilh-la' uiairici ii
itbin and lor Lancaster roomy,
herein Everett Kinney Is plaintiff, ana Jonn u
KnlBht Is deleodant I will, at o elm p. m. os
tbeSTthday of Annuel, A ll. D-5. at the Las'
door of the Court Hooee. In tbe City ol Linco.a
Lneeaater rounty. Nebraska, oner
oblic auction the loilowiug ue-riueu
to-lt: .. . .
.ot six (6) In thesontnwesi qoarwr ,e.w. t.. .
section thirty-six (l. town ivu '
(Ol. East, according to me rsvwru ... .
section, thirty-six (36), containing ten (10 acre
more or le-s. in Lancaster coonty, Nebraska.
O ven under my nana ime .j -
A.D. 1815. . iiTiivg
rnivu au
Sheriff Sale.
Notice la hereby (riven. That by virtue of an
order ot sale Issued by th Clerk ot the District
Court of the Third Judicial District ot Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster counly, In an action
wherein E. J. Bnrkett la plaintiff, and John
Strine, et. al, are defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock
p. m. "on the 24th day of September, A. D. 1805,
at the east door ot th court house, in tbe city
ot Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, ofler
for sale at pnblic auction the following described
real estate to-wit: . ,..
Lots numbered eight (8) nine (t) and ten (10)
In block tour (4) In Madison Square addition to
the City of Lincoln, Lancastercounty, Nebraska
Given ander my nana mis list, any oi August.
, D. 1895.
Fbed A. Millcb.
Ht5 Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale,
v.iu la herehv riven. That by virtue ot an
..ii.i...1 h theclerk of the District Court
ot the Third Judicial District oi ncoraBaa, nimm
and for Lancaster County, In an action wherein
Frank Sigourney is plain tiff, and William F.
Btnthelt and August W. Btutbelt are defendants.
1 will, at 2 o clock p. m., on tn mm uj oi ocp
tember A.D. 1895, at the East door of the Court
House, In tbe city ot Lincoln, Lancaeter County,
Nebraska, offer tor sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate to-wit:
The nortneast quarter oi wkwu. .bcu
(29), township eight north range six (6) EaBt in
Lancaster County, Nebraska.
Given under my nana tnis om ubj ui
A.D. 1805. .
r BID A. ani.un.1.,
... im
q Duenu,
Sheriff Sale.
Notice Is hereby Kiven. That by virtue of an
order of sale Issued by tbe Clerk of the District
Court of tbe Third Judicial District of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county. In an actiou
wherein Security Suviuga Bauk is plaintiff, and
Henry A. Poston and Mat tie Postou are defend
ants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 1st day of
October, A. D. 1805, at the east door of the court
house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancastercounty,
Nebraska, offer for sale at puonc auction iiieiui
lowing described real estute to-wlt:
Lot cumberea fourteen (hi in uiuck eiKui..v-"
(86) In the original town, now city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebruska.
Given under my hand this vtn aay oi august.
A. D. 1895.
12t5 Sheriff.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
w-.i i. h.h. .inn that hv virtue of A chat
tel mortgage dated July UOth, 1891. and duly filed
In the office of the county clerk of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, on the SOth day of July, 1891,
and executed by John Lanham to Cnarles
Chowlns to secure the payment ol the sum of
Three Thousand (SDOOO.OO) uoiiars. auu uk
which ther is now due the sum of Three Thou
sand (S3O0O.00) Dollars, and said mortgage n ar
ias been assigned to Fred A. Miller, snerlff. by
order of the District Court of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, and default having been
made in the payment of said sum, and
no suit or other proceeding at law having
been instituted to recover said debt or any
part thereof, therefore I will at Lanham s
Asylum Brick Yard situated about 8 miles south
west of Lincoln, Lancaster county. Nebraska,
the SOth day ol August, into. a iv o t.u;a
, n riav offer for sale at DUblio auction
the goods and chattels described in said mort-
gOnet Steam Engine, One Boiler, One Brick Ma
chine, Eight Wheelbarrows, Twelve Shovels, Two
Picks, Three Houses, inree omu "i
all and singular the brick yard tools of and be
longing to Lanhnm's Asylum Brick Yard In Lan
caster county, being and constituting the tools.
fixtures and appliances nseu ueretuiuiv -i
at said yards.
Dated August otn. vsvo. .-,
Its Assignee ot Mortgage.
Nntira la hereby iriven that the sale as a bove
advertised has been postponed to Friday, Sep
tember th. 1805, at 10 o'clock a.m . sai.l sale to
take place at tbe above named place.
Dated August aist, isim. ..
Assignee of Mortgage.
Salesmen Wanted in every county, salary
or commission. No experience. New Tariff
BUI gives unlimited profits, actiye men ap
Dlv anlckly statins salary and territory
wanted. Manufaotarers. F. O. Box 8308,
Boston, Mass.
Bath House and Sanitarium
Corner 14th AM Bts.,
Open at All Hours Day and Night
All Forms of Baths.
Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric.
With Special attention to the application ot
Several times stronger than sea water.
Rheumatism, Nkln, Blood and Nervous DIs-
easas. Liver and Kidney Troubles and Chronlo
Aliments are treated successluuy.
Sea Bathingg)
may be enjoyed at all seasons In our large SALT
SWIMMlntt fUUI, duxmz ieet, o to iv ieet aeep.
heated to uniform temperature of 80 degrees.
Drs. M. H. & J. O. Everett,
Managing Physicians.
Known as THE
braska, is the Pioneer
line to Hot Springs, Rapid
City, Dead wood, Lead City, S. D., and
Central Wyoming, and ia the beet line by
which to reach these and all northern and
northeastern Nebraska places in a quick
and comfortable manner. Palace sleep
ing cars, free reclining chair cars, and
standard day coaches are provided for
this daily service. Morning and after
noon train service is maintained as far
west as Norfolk; northeast to Omaha
and Sioux Citv, and east to Chicago.
City ticket office 117 So. 10th St. Depot
corner S and 8th St a.
L.-P. Davin, Dentist over Rock Is
land ticket office, cor. 11 and 0 streets.
Bridge and crown work a specialty
Dr. P. Reed Madden, diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, 1041 0
street, over R. I. ticket office.
Dr. Miles'NraT PfcAfOTRScnre RHEUMA
TISM, WEAK BACKS. At drufulsto. only 25c,
Th Insurance Swindler and Alleged Mar.
derer Seeking to Extort Cash From
Those He lias Met by Threatening
to Write Them I'p In His
Book The Book Smug
gled to Publishers.
Philadelphia, Sept. 4. n. H.
Holmes, who is charged with whole
sale insurance swindling and with sev
eral murders, and is now awaiting
trial for the killing of B. F. Pletrel,
although deprived of writing material
and in spite of every precaution taken
to prevent his communication with
anyone outside, has written what pur
ports to be a sketch of his career on
the margins of books in the solitude of
his cell, and has succeeded in getting
it smuggled outside and sent to print
ers. This is part of a deep-laid
scheme of Holmes.
During his travels throughout the
country he has had business and social
relations with many persons of un
doubted respectability. He has with
unusual cunning kept a record of all
these transactions. The major por
tion of these friendships were un
doubtedly free from any suspicion of
wrong-doing, but they are to be made
the vehicle for securing sufficient
funds for his defense.
Th"i opening chapters of nolmes's
book, published in one of the local
papers, rehearse the earlier doings of
a JNew Hampshire lad, whose subse
quent career is not foreshadowed in
any way. Innocent enough as the
reminiscences may be, they are the
groundwork of Holmes's bold stroke.
These papers are to be mailed to all
unfortunate enough to have been
classed among Holmes's friends. These
people will be informed that they are
to be part and parcel of the book.
Intimations will be given that it will
be unpleasant to be known in con
nection with its author and that all
mention of names will be omitted for
a money consideration.
One of the chapters is devoted to the
Boston experiences of Holmes and
Minnie Williams. The woman, under
the guidanoe of Holmes, entrapped
wealthy man of family. For a time,
beins led to believe that he had deeply
wronged the girl, he made such occa
sional financial reparation as he
deemed proper, and the "conscience'
fund found its way into iioimes
pocket When Minnie Williams
dropped out of sight the Boston man
breathed freer, but proof sheets oi
Holmes' book are now being printed
in a printing office near Sixth and
Market streets to be forwarded to the
Boston man and this proposition made:
If he will purchase 91,000 copies of the
book, accompanying the order with
$1,000 in cash, his -name will be
omitted, as well as all matter that
would in any way point to him. No
doubt the Boston man who can well
afford it will very promptly order the
book and inclose remittance for the
The deficit in the treasury so far
this year is $13,000,000.
A "test case" prize fight was stopped
at Dallas by the police.
Archdeacon Wolf cables that there
has been no riot in Foo-Chow.
There is $151,000,000 of gold in the
treasury, $101,000,000 of it reserve.
The demand on the treasury for
small bills to move crops is increasing.
Henry H. Wolfe & Co., wholesale
clothiers of Louisville, Ky., assigned.
A Tennessee attorney contracted a
serious disease of the ear as a result
of surf bathing.
The Southwest Missouri G. A. R.
association is holding annual reunion
at Appleton City.
Isaac Lewis was murdered by
Marion Beardon and his sons in Taney
county, Missouri.
The German newspaper Vorwaerts
has been confiscated because of unpa
triotic utterances.
Fort Worth, Texas, Methodists have
begun to denounce the Corbett-Fitz-simmons
prize fight.
The sultan's decree of reforms
throughout the empire, that was prom
ised, has not been issued.
Senator Voorhees scored the supreme
court and praised Debs at a labor day
celebration at Indianapolis.
Governor Culberson appointed fifty
delegates to represent Texas at the
Topeka deep water convention
The president has pardoned Bluford
Foreman, convicted of assault with in
tent to kill in the Indian territory.
All gossip about the presidency of
the Santa Fe is premature. There
will be no appointment for at least
three months.
It is believed Commander Sumner of
the Columbia will be convicted of neg
ligence in docking the Columbia at
Justin McCarthy has issued a mani
festo declaring the candidacy of t
Healyite against a McCarthyite in
Kerry to be treason.
Lightning ran down the chimney of
Albert Lewis' house at Orange, is. J
and oooked bis breakfast which was
standing on the stove.
There is dissatisfaction among the
shareholders of the Oregon Railway
and Navigation company, and further
litigation is not improbable.
The Gecgia Holiness people say
that the wreok of Knights of Pythias
excursionists on the Georgia Southern
was a direct answer of the Lord to
their prayers.
It ia reported that President Cleve
land has changed his mind about fed
ral officeholders taking part in poll
tics to the extent of what he used to
term perniciousness.
The business end of the silver erase
Is stirring things up lively just now.
It is the only end in sight and is likely
te be for some time.
October will soon be here and the
obligation of the syndicate to maintain
the reserve intact ceases. Then comes
more withdrawals and more bonds.
It is rumored that there is a move
ment on foot for the combination of
all existing railroads in the United
States under one control. If that ia
true, the one control should be the
United States government. If not,
the combine will be far more powerful
than the government Progressive
Scheming to get the government
to turn over the issuing and control of
all money to bankers, are they? Yes,
and it would be asking much less to
want the government to turn over the
post offices to private management
The people would not hear of that,
will they permit the other? Farmers'
There is more business done in one
day in the United States between its
citizens than in one whole year be
tween us and foreign nations. Yet we
must have money that is "good in
Europe." Would it not look more
sensible to fix our money for home
trade and let Europe look out for it
Belf? Cleburne (Tex.) Herald.
If the masses of the people ever
get down to deep thought on the ques
tion of "a money of ultimate redemp
tion" they will Bee how utterly sense
less such talk is. With $115,000,000 of
gold as a money of ultimate redemp
tion and ten times the amount to be
redeemed we still hear men cry about
an honest financial basis. Noncon
formist Let me say to some senators who
are bo frightened when you talk about
fiat money and about making money
by law, and who seem to think it indi
cates a low intelligence and lack of
information upon these subjects, that
the period at which Greece had iron
money is the most glorious of all its
history. For 3ft0 years they made iron
money by the will of the government
Senator Teller.
The money fight is not so much
whether we shall have gold and silver
money, as it is whether banking insti
tutions shall furnish their notes as the
currency of the country at an enor
mous profit, and as a means of sweep
ing the financial platter abcji every
teil veara r currency reform is
worth the name which does not in
elude the abolition of all banks of is
sue, and the issue of all currency by
the government itself. Progressive
The ladies who wear bloomers, or
whalever-you-call-'em, while riding bi
cycles, are now getting rapped by the
nulDit and the crotchety editor. It
beats all how much some men know
about what a woman should da Some
men will munch tobacco, and spit to
bacco juice all over a township, but
have no trouble in discerning that rid
lng a bicycle, dressed in a divided skirt
is improper and indecent farmers
Senator Peffer is out .u nu .man
view denying a recent Associated press
dispatch sent from New York repre
senting him as saying that the silver
movement was waning in the west
The senator says he never entertained
any such an idea, but thinks to the con
trarv. These press dispatcnes con
cerning populists must always be veri
fied before they can be believed. One
Of the strong points of the money pow
er and its allies is its inexhaustive
abiMty for artistic lying. Norconform-
A dispatch from London, England,
says that the local government board
has sriven its approval to the coloniza
tion experiment promoted by the board
of management of the poorbouse at
Poplar, a district of the city. A farm
has been secured in Essex, and upon
this it is proposed to colonize 100 able
bodied men and 50 men with their
wives. If the scheme is successful it
will be adopted in many other parts of
t,h pountrv. and will relieve the poor-
houses of many unfortunate men ana
women, who. although able-bodied,
have been unable to obtain work and
forced to declare themselves paupers.
National Advance.
Heart Disease Cured
By Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
Fainting, Weak or Hungry Spells, Irregu
lar or Intermittent Pulse, Fluttering or Pal
pitation, Choking Sensation, Shortness of
Breath, Swelling of Feet and Ankles, are
symptoms of a diseased or Weak Heart
Of Fort Wayne, Ind., writes on Nov. 29, 1894:
"I was afflicted for forty years with heart
trouble and suffered untold agony. I had
weak, hungry spells, and my heart would
palpitate so hard, tbe pain would be so acute
and torturing, that I became so weak and
nervous I could not sleep. I was treated by
several physicians without relief and gave
up ever being well again. About two years c
ago I commenced using Dr. Miles' Remedies.
One bottle of the Heart Cure stopped all
heart troubles and tbe Restorative Nervine
did the re" od now I sleep soundly and at
tcL . in j household and social duties with
out any trouble.
Sold by druggists. Book sent free. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health.
. N. C.
Man and Woman Drowned In the North
rork Near Norfolk.
Norfolk, Neb , Aug. 27. A sad case
ot drowning occurred bun day night
in the North Fork, near the iTeamery,
the persons losing their being
man named J. t abler and Mrs. Ada
Vanum. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cabler
and the persons drowned went ia
boats to the camp meeting, starting
back soon after 10 o clock. The firs
couple on reaching the landing went
to the Pacific hotel where all were
stopping, leaving the others to follow,.
About 2 o'clock in the morning the)
boatkeeper instituted a search for tha
missing boat, and found it bottom
side up, with a hat floating near it
Search was made and the bodies were)
recovered about 10 o'clock Monday.
How the accident happened cannot oa
known. Cabler could not swim and
was unskilled in boating. The Cab
ler brothers were itinerant vendors of.
magnetic belts, soaps, etc., and had
been here several days, They hailed
from Waco, Tex. The drowned man
was twenty-eight years old. Mrs.
Vanum bad been here several weeks,
pending her husband's efforts to se
cure employment in this section. She
leaves a little boy of four here and a
girl of six living with her parent, d.
J. Fisher, at Blue Springs.
the Grand Arm Doys In Annual B
anion at Hastings.
Hastings, Neb., Aug. 27. "Maroh-
ing Through Georgia" resounded in
gathering darkness at 8 o'clock last -night
as the first formal exercises of
Camp Sherman. A thousand people
sat about the speaker's stand and ia
the amphitheatre unable to see the
speaker clearly, as the electric lights
failed. After prayer by Chaplain
Beebe Commander Adams thanked
Hastings for liberality in arranging
for the comfort and convenience of
veterans and the unrivaled program of
Sixteen hundred tents are occupied
and some contain sixteen persons.
Fourteen hundred applications for hay
came from overland arrivals. Crowds
are coming on every train. The first
dae's attendance was a surprise. Fire
works down town were given up at
the crowd was at the grounds. The
dust is troublesome. State headquar
ters are decorated. The girl cadets
are here and several bands. Veterans
are camping in old-fashioned style.
The camp officers are highly pleased
and visitors find every convenience.
A great program is arranged for to
Clemency for aa Indian Murderer.
Washington, Aug. 27. The presi
dent has commuted to life imprison
ment the sentence of Cephas Wright, a
full blood Choctaw Indian, convicted
of murder lu the United States court
for the eastern district of Texas and
sentenced to be hanged September
13. Wright was twice sentenoed to be
hanged, but appeals were taken to the
supreme court The president cites
as his reasons for the commutation
Wright's ignorance of the English
langnage and laws and lack of realhv
ation oi the enormity of the offense. .
Stepped Into Deep Water.
Yutan, Neb., Aug. 27. A highly re
nnected voung man of this villahe was
drowned Sunday afternoon while bath-
W in the Platte rher two miles east
of here. Although several compan-
discover he was drowning until it was
too late too save him. lie couia not
swim, and in wading around stepped
into deep water. His parents, who
live near town are griei-stricken over
the loss of their son. His body has
not yet been recovered. '
Burglars at Clark.
Clarks, Neb., Aug. 27. The gener
al merchandise store of T. L. Dixon
at this place was burglarized Sunday
night, entrance being effected inrougn
forcing the front door. The money
drawers were broken from the coun
ters and contents taken, but the safe
was not molested. Dry goods and
nthor merchandise were assorted in
two large piles and abandoned.- Some
clothing, shirts, jewelry and cash are
Brother and Sister Crown.
Shelby, Neb., Aug. 27. A son and
daughter of Reuben J. Cook, aged re
spectively ten and twelve, were
drownen in the Blue river south of
here Sunday evening. They were
bathing and the boy stepped into a
hole. His sister attempted to help
him and both were drowned. The
badies were recovered Monday half a
mile below the place where the acci
dent happened. - , '
A Nebraska Man's Salclde.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 27. W. W.
KitteH, an attache of the war depart
ment in Washington, shot and killed
himself in his room at the Hotel Willey
In this city about 9 o'clock this morn
ing. A note to the proprietor said
that nobody would claim his remains
A dispatch from Washington says that
Eittell was appointed clerk in the
record and pension division of the war
department from Nebraska in 1891.
farmer Commits Suicides,
Scribner. Neb.. Aug. 27. The news
that Johanas Shultz had committed
suicide, reached town to-day, Mr.
Shultz has for some time been an in
dustrious farmer, living four miles
south of town. He became despond
ent over his inability to pay his rent
and was found hanging in his barn. '
He leaves a wife and family.
Nebraska's First Merchant Dead.
Omaha, Neb., Aug.27. Henry Pundl,
the Omaha pioneer who went to
physicians as to his health, died to-day
at Berlin. He was the first man to
open a mercantile house in the terri
tory of Nebraska, beginning in Omaha
in July, 1850. He was very wealthy,
The 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs
Marshall was lost in the sand hills of
Frontier county for twenty-four hours.
The little one was found nearly dead
from heat and thirst.having wandered
seven miles.