THE WEALTH MAKERS. September o, 1895 ' j'HE WEALTH MAKERS. Ksv Series of i THE ALLIANCE-IXDEPEXDENT. f Consolidation of ths Sinners Alliance and Neb. Independent. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY ' Th Wealth Makers Publishing Company, I 1120 It 8t, Lincoln, Ksbraska. JGsosos Howard Gibson Editor i 3. 8. Htatt............... ........ Uusincsa Manager N. I. P. A. "It any nan mart fall tor me to rim. Than leok I not to climb. Another's pain X cbooM not lor my good. A golden chain, A robe of honor, Is too good a prlie V To tempt my bait; hand to do a wrong Unto a fellow man. This life bath woe ; Sufficient, wrought by man's satanlc toe; And who that hath a heart wonld dare prolong Or add a sorrow to a stricken soal ' That seeks a beallug balm to make It whole My bosom owns the brotherhood of man." Publisher' Announcement. The subscription price ot Tin Wealth Mai gns is 91.00 per year, In advance. Agents In soliciting subscriptions should be very careful that all names are correctly spoiled and proper postotflcs given, lllanks tor return subscriptions, return envelopes, etc., can be had on application to this office. Always sign jour name. No matter how often yon write ns do not neglect this tuiportnut mat ter. Every week we receive letters with Incom plete addresses or without signatures and It is sometimes diiHcult to locate them, CBANOK or Alliums". Subscribers wishing to rhange their postofhee address must always glvs their former as well as their present address when thang will be promptly made. Advertising Kates. 1.12 per inch. 8 cents per Agate line, 14 lines ' to the Inch. Liberal discount on large space or long time contracts. Address all advertising communications to WEALTH MAKERS l'UBLIBHINQ CO., J. 8. II r att. Bus. Mgr. People's Independent Ticket ( A. B. TlDBKTTS For District Judgas..... i. C. MoNbbnby, ( H. V. Hosb. For County Treasurer A. H. Wkib For County CoiuuilsMloner R. E. KichaKdson For Clerk of District Court. Kmar Uakbh For County Clerk U. H. Wai.tkhb For County sheriff Fbkd A. Mii.leb For County Judge tt. W. Iihkou For County Huperlntendeut H.8. llowuts For County Coroner l)B. LowhY County Central Committee Meetln g. The county central committee will meet at Headquarter!, Northwest corner 11th and 0 streets on Saturday, September 7, at 1 p. m. Important business will come before the committee at this time and every member should be present, i J. M. Thompson, F. D. Eager, Secretary. Chairman. They have begun to use phonographs at funerals in place of ministers. But be fore phonographs were invented a good deal of mucbine talk was indulged in. A new illustrated paper named Pop is to be started in Cleveland. It will aim to be for the Populist party what Puck and Judge are for the two other parties. If we were not forced to give money and labor as tribute to monopoly, we could buy back as much aa we produce and sell, and could go on producing and increasing in wealth with no possibility ot over production, or getting too rich. Senatoh Gorman controls the Demo cratic party, the eutire muchiue in Mary land. Senator 13 rice does the same thing in Ohio. And Senator Quay still runs Republican politics in Pennsylvania. A brace of boodlers as black in character and dangerous as ever held up a nation. Unedh the laws of Jehovah, who may not be Bneered at as impractical or dis regarded of the good or the rights of in dividuals, no interest was allowed, every seventh year all debts, bonds, mortgages and accounts were outlawed, and every fifty years all real estate outside walled cities was redistributed. An Italian in New York who runs a bootblack stand has accumulated $ 10, 000 iu the savings bank. To do this he and his wife have lived on bread and water, occupied one room only in a ten. ement, and kept two boarders. Is that a commendable or a foolish and harmful economy ? The Democratic party is in a situation very similar to its condition prior to 1860. It will strain the power of the politicians to bind it together, and no ambiguities and double-facedness will save it from swift disintegration next year. The Republican party must also suffer greatly from desertions. Especially causing this will be ruinously low prices of everything not monopolized, and the situation of the great debtor class. Justice Bkeweb of the U. S. Supreme court speaking at Detroit before the meeting of the National Bar Association, and of lawyers, - said: "It would be a blessing to the profession and to the com munity as well, if some Noachian deluge would engulf half of those who have a license to practice." We think while he is about it it would be better to include half of the remaining half, and compel the rest to keep out of politics. Roosefelt has won a great victory in New York over the organized liquor deal ers. It is an unparallelled instance of one man securing power over them and executing it without fear or favor. There will be no more Sunday saloon business while Roosefelt runs the police depart ment of New York City. The Liquor Dealers Aaiociation which has just given up the fight against the enforcement of ,tbe law consist of 5,500 members. THE CHRISTIAN CORPORATION There has been nothing in the columns of this fnper for six weeks concerning the Christian Corporation and no report of its work for a considerably longer period; and many are inquiring about it. We learn that a much greater interest has been taken in this organization than has been shown, than we bad any means of knowing about. And it is for those who are interested that this article is written. We organized February 15th. It was not possible for us to immediately sell our scattered property, concentrate our means and group our families in one place. Owing to the monopoly made hard tioios period money and buyers are scarce. Property has very slow sale. But we hope to, by selling or trading, get our property, at least part of it, ex changed and brought together this fall and winter. We have a choice location secured near town, almost in town, a farm that has on it an unfailing stream of considerable size, with timber, also natural reservoirs for fish culture that can at small expense be made perfectly safe and very profitable. We have this year raised considerable truck on this farm, but we did not get our irrigation plant in in time to make a full crop. We have potatoes, sweet corn, melons, toma toes, cucumbers, etc., and cabbage and other crops that are not yet matured. We have put out on this place about 8,000 strawberry plants iu the last fort night and contemplate doing very much more iu this line. We are auxious to get hold of money enough to build or buy houses (which in some boom collapsed additions can be had very cheap forcash) to place quite a number of our families upon the land and set them at work on improvements. This money must come from sales of some of the scattered farms and western laud now owned by the Corporation, or from new members who bring surplus means with them. Another 200 acre farm northwest of town has been carried on by the Corpora tion members this year, but the drouth has damaged the crop a good deal, as Is also the case with the crops on a third smaller farm in the worst part of this year's great drouth belt in southeast Nebraska. The 200 acre Butler county farm, turned iu to the Corporation by our president, Brother Eyestone, has, however, already harvested a fine crop of oats that are threshing fifty bushels to the acre, and if frost holds off the corn (87 acres) will go from 25 to 40 bushels per acre. It will all be cut up, too, and the fodder threshed and utilized. Other crops of the Corporation not mentioned are about 10 acres of beans which may be half a crop, and we forget how many acres of broom corn, sorghum and Kaffir corn. . The Corporation .his been running a meat market in town this summer which has furnished work and support for about three families, and these families and one more have economized expenses by living in one house, and cooking and eating together. (We shall have sepa rate houses or family apartments when we get established.) The farm work and the meat market business have also been directed by Corporation managers, Bro ther Eyestone being director oi the Agri cultural department and Brother Keene of the Mercantile. We tried to get a general store started on the Rochdale co-operative plan, but it was too hard a time to secure funds this summer. It will be started later. We have monthly membership meetings to transact general business and direc tors' meetings oftener, once a weekr or whenever there is need. We. also have a meeting for mental fellowship, study of the Bible, prayer and singing every Sun day afternoon. These Sunday meetings are very free and informal, all volun tarily taking part, and they are drawing us together in love and sympathy, mak ing us one in moral perception and warm fraternal purposes. This communion of heart and mind in connection with the careful study of right and wrong, is help ing to perfect our sense of duty, on which growth in unselfishness depends, and it is stimulating us to individual effort to overcome our old habits, our thought less words and inconsiderate ways and wastes which are unchristian. It need never be feared that our members who attend these meetings and honestly seek to know all that is right, to do it, will ever have any serious discord, leading to division. The sincere search for truth and right will continually strengthen the bonds of love, of divine law, that unite us. Now, to the friends who are turning to this organization of ours with interest and serious inquiry. We wish to hear at once from all such who wish to join us, or who wish to know more about our faith and teaching. The writer of this article contemplates retiring from the editorial management of this paper, to engage himself as corresponding secre tary aud missionary of the Christian Corporation. The Wealth Makers, quite likely, will not be used as its me dium of communication with the people. We therefore ask every one who reads this and wishes to know more about our work and purposes in this matter of the Christian organization ot industry to write us at once a letter or postal, ad dressed to George Howard Gibson, 110 N. 27th street, Lincoln, Nebr. In cuse the writer retires from editorial work he will accept invitations to deliver a series of three or more addressee whererei people may call him to speak. Voluntary contributions to cover his living expenses is all he will ask for his work. lie will endeaoor, in Christ's spirit, to "preach the gospel to the poor" and the law to the rich, all those who have surplus means, showing that obedience to the jaw of lovemust equalize conditions and that the salvation of both body and soul, the life here and hereafter, depends on the Christian organization of in dustry, holding "all things common." WHERE THE MONET GOES Chemical action and reaction are equal Loss and gain in exchange must be equal. Whatever is gained by some without labor, must be by others lost with labor, or labored for without gain. The hard times of debtors are the good times of creditors. The insufficiency of demand for goods produced can be explained only by injustice, inequitable exchanges. Therefore hard times not caused by famine or destructive war, are produced by that legalized robbery known as monopoly tribute. To illustrate the truth that what is loss to somemust be gain to others, that hard times for the poor are good times for the rich, we reprint below an extract from the Chicago Record describing the recent ball at Cornelius Vauderbilt's new summer palace at Newport. The Record calls it "A Million Dollar Ball" and says: Cornelius Vauderbilt's Newport resid ence on Ochre point was opened Friday night. Four billion dollars worth of society came, ana $3,uuu,uuu places were dedicated iu the very reddest ocher hues. Two hundred guests "gathered around the $50,000 fountain by the grand stair case. In these prosaic Dun-and-Brad-street times it requires no great mental strain to get a true estimate of events in Gotham ite society. Adjectives are meaningless when compared with com mercial ratings. "Mr. Vanastorclews $210,000,000, led the cotillon," means so much more than a string of trite ad jectives which have been used over and over again. A little arithmetical calcula tion in the present case shows that the 200 guests averaged $20,000,000 apiece. In just the amount that these idle or scheming rich have gained money and wealth, the workers have lost it. It is surplus accumulations, enormous in the aggregate and drawn away from the producers by monopoly enforced wage and price inequities, which makes the masses "groan and labor together in pain." The low prices which hurt the producers and debtor class so fearfully, help the monopolists aud creditors. Monopoly tribute is robbery legalized. And unlawful robbery never was in injury anything to be compared with lawful plunder. But the masses of the people are yet too ignorant to know their rights and organize to demand them. The price of moral ignorance and selfishness or standing alone on the part of the poor is continuance in a state of dependence and slavery. SOME IDEAS ON MONEY "He thought that money was the cause of wealth and not the effect." This sentence taken from a recent edi torial in the Louisville Courier-Journal shows what dense ignorance or knavery is to be found in the editors and publish ers of the old party dailies. The L-J. was opposing and ridiculing Senator Peffer's esposual of the plan to base the currency on land values, and was referring as metal worshipers all do, to John Law, as if his were the same or a similar plan. It is even more absurd aud false to say that money is the effect of wealth, than it is to declare it the cause. It is neither. Money is a creation of law, of the gov ernment. The present money monopo lists are opposed to having the govern ment add any to the volume of money. Money ought to be at the command of labor, all labor, at all times. It ought to be nothing more nor less than coined or stamped labor, by which we mean that it should be created for all who are willing to work for it. The government employment of the unemployed at a minimum wage paid in legal tender greenbacks, coupled with a system of government banks of loan, deposit and exchange, would put money within the reach of all who would work for it, or provide adequate security, and the value of the unit would not fluctuate. Money should be nothing more that a labor account. To make gold alone money i to enslave labor. The government ought to make money to serve all citizens in equal degree. Feopleshould not be forc ed to pay for their own credit. No clas9 should be allowed to monopolize credit money so as to demand usury or interest tribute from another class. BLAUGHTEB OF THE INNOCENTS "The baby has a right to be well born." He has a right to healthful blood and clear brains, not those impoverished and befogged by dissipation, narcotics and alcohol. He has a right to a happy, healthful mother one not exhausted by overwork. He has a right to your first thought baby first, self last. He has a right to be kept sweet and clean, that he is not repellant to those about him. He has a right to be 'mothered' every day of his little life. Chicago Universalist. Yes, most true. But not one baby in ten born in this country is well bred, born, and cared for. The slaughter of the innocents by the powers that decree poverty, crowding, bad and insufficient food and sanitation, overwork, anxiety, etc. (not to mention the sinful individual wastes and weakening of procreative forces, and transmitted diseases or weak nesses originated by vanity and igno rant or careless ransgression of the laws of health), is terrible to contem plate. And the powers that decree pov erty, etc., are the powers of monopoly and legalized privilege. The greed ol monopolists which dictates wages and prices and makes the conditions and en vironment of all classes, is as cruel, as murderous as the spirit of Herod, and its crimes, individual and corporate, fill the earth with weeping, with hearts that cannot be comforted. THE POPULIST TICKET The Populists in state convention last week nominated an exceedingly strong ticket, heading it with the name of Judge Samuel Maxwell. Mr. Maxwell has not formally accepted theuomination neither has he declined. We doubt not he will yield his personal wishes to the unani mous voice of the people nnd be return ed by them to the place he so long honor ed. Mrs. Elia W. Peattie of Omaha was named first for regent and Prof. Bay ston won a place beside her on the ticket. We shall have more to say of our candi dates in future. Mrs. Feattie will poll a heavy vote outside our party and should be elected by a handsome majority. Prof. Bayston is also a strong can didate. "Much quietness prevails," is the finan cial report. Yes, the gold god commer cial superstition is making the land as quiet and as full of woe as a graveyard. "Values in the majority of markets are not as strong as a month ago." If the graveyard business continues much long er this nation will break through it into the hell which has swallowed up the wealth worshiping people of the past. The railroads paid last year in inter" est and dividends $332,303,398, all of which would have been saved to the peo ple if the government had owned the railroads as they do in most countries. Think how much this saving would have put in the pockets of individual pro ducers. It amounts to about $30 apiece for every head of a family in the whole nation. But under government control other great economies could be intro duced, simplifying the system, reducing expenses in an aggregate vast sum. Rev. C. E. Hayward at the Doremus Congregational church, Chicago, in a sermon on "The Labor Movement" last Sunday, said: "It is not too much to say that the social and industrial world knows noth ing of Christianity. Our society must be reconstructed and put on a Christian basis before there can be anything like industrial peace. The labor movement is in brief the effort of men to live like men. The labor movement is the cry of oppression. I believe that, unless the church of God recognizes this and grap- Eles with the problem, she will be false to er mission." The Chicago Record, commenting on the $50,000 fountain in Cornelius Van derbilt's $3,000,000 summer residence at Newport, says : No one will fin'd fault with the magnifi cence of this greatest of society's events at Newport. One of the virtues ot the prodigiously rich is found in their ex travagances, and in this respect theVan derbilts have always been prodigal. If Mr. Vanderbilt should decide to have his $50,000 fountain spout champagne no one should object. Which Is . based on the false assump tion that rich men's millions are hon estly acquired and they may rightfully hoard or wastefully spend money as they please. We emphatically deny that they have a right to do either. The electric light monopolists have se cured the passage of laws in several states by which the people (?) prohibit themselves from furnishing public light ing. In Springfield, 111., the private monopoly was charging the taxpayers $138 a year for each lamp. The city de termined to escape from the pluuderiug lighting company, and as the city debt was up to the lawful limit, sixty prfvate citizens lent their credit to the city for the construction of a municipal plant. This was leased to two electricians for five years, they contracting to supply the same lamps for $G0 a year. The city in turn charges its citizens $113 a lamp, and this, while saving the people $25 a lamp, provides a sinking fund which will pay off the debt in five years, when the price can be reduced to $G0 a lamp, or less. FROM OUR EXCHANGES Hurrah for Judge Maxwell, the grand old man. Geneva Banner. The Republicans of Nebraska are now getting ready to "point with pride" etc., etc., just the same as they always do when the railroads and sugar factories call them together in state convention. Albion Calliope. It gives us a great deal of pleasure to note that the brainiest Populist editors in the union are still adhering to the Omaha platform and scoffing at fusion. Among Nebraska's best are The Wealth Makers, the Schuyler Quill and the Ce dar Rapids Republican. Many others can be named, but these are the greatest. Petersburg Index. The nomination of H. H. Hiatt, for county superintendent was one of the wisest acts of Monday's convention. Under his charge Custer county schools have steadily advanced until today they stand in the front ranks of the schools of the state, and it is safe to Bay that if the teachers of Custer county elected the county superintendent they would elect 11. H. Hiatt by acclamation. West Un ion Gazette. A friend of ours has a wife, and between them they have one of the sweetest babies on earth. Recently his wife wanted a pnttern for a dress forthelitt'e durlir;; and sent down to New York where such things are kept in the very latest stylo. The firm that furnished the pattern de livered it over to the United States gov ernment, who had its hired man receive it and put it in a mail bag, deliver it to another hired man in the employ of Uncle Sam, who delivered it aboard the train to another of his hired men, and so on, until it has been handled and cared for by at least a dozen government em ployes.and finally delivered to the brby's mother at her own door, a distance of 1,500 miles, and all for two cents. One day we ventured to ask the baby's big brained daddy if he did not think the government could run a train and carry hogs proportionately as it could pat terns for baby dresses, and he flew into a tower of rage and called us a socialist, anarchist and calamity howler. We then asked him if he thought his baby would have any more sense when he grew up than its daddy had, and he threw rocks at us and otherwise acted so strangely that we didn't know what could be the matter with him, but since then we have learned that he is a Republican. Silver Advocate. A. H. Weir Declines Frank D. Eager, Esq., Chairman County Central Committee, City: Dear Sir After mature and careful consideration I have come to the con clusion that I cannot make such a can vass for the office of county treasurer (to which position the late convention nomi nated me) as the importance and neces sities of the case will require. Among the reasons which induce me to take this position are the following : 1st. The protests of my business as sociates are emphatic and positive to the effect that I cannot at present hold any official position without serious detriment to and probable sacrifice of iny entire business interests. I have al ready given four years of time to service of the public and the results, so far as my private business is concerned, have only been prejudicial to it. 2d. I am not in financial condition to make the canvass. The legitimate ex penses of such a canvass are. necessarily large and I am personally unable to meet them. 3d. Engagements made long prior to this nomination will take me out of the state for a considerable period of time. These prior duties I cannot lay aside, even in the interests of this canvass, and therefore I will not be here to do the work even if there were no other obsta cles in the way. In view of the above statements of facts I ask that my name be left off the ticket. Very truly, A. H. Weib. Lincoln's Trinity j Palmyra, Neb., August, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: In regard to your editorial in The Wealth Makers dated August 22nd, headed "A Plan to Unite," I was pleased to read your remarks on the Initiative and Referendum, especially where you say, "Thjis makes it impossible to buy up councilmen, legislators, congressmen, etc., and secure class legislation." It is an utterly hopeless case to continue sending up men to our legislative halls, to enact laws for the people, whilst they are exposed to the vile machination of lobbyists. If there is one feature of Christ's celebrated prayer more domi nant than another, it is where the sup plicant petitions for power to resist evil; and yet year after year we send up men to our legislative halls, to do what? to enact laws to protect the weak against the strong, knowing all the time that these men are surrounded by a set of creatures whose whole aim is to secure laws favorable to their own class inter ests. A more debauching and demoral izing state nf politics cannot be imagin ed. Our young men just sneer at the very name of honesty. They meet you with thecynical smile and declare in open day, that we would all do the Bame, if we had the chance. In fact, this is their stock phrase. Their belief in honesty is a myth. Now how lang will this condi tion of affairs last? My belief is, that it cannot be stemmed unless we Can all, honest Republicans, Democrats, Prohibi tions and Populists, see that the condi tion is destructive of all good govern ment and the only cure to it is in the Initiative and Referendum. For to me it seems impossible, after admitting that such a condition exists, to openly deny that the Referendum would not destroy it. All clear headed men can see that no lobbyist would attempt to waste his time on the legislature where he knew that the law must be referred to all the people. This article is headed with his words." (Lincoln's Trinity," said tri nity, is to be found in his celebrated GettyBburgh oration.) "That we (the people) here highly re solve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom (from lobby ism) and that the government of the people, for the people, and by the people, shall not perish from earth." The natiou fa at present only compos ed of the people. It is not for the people, far less by the people, and until lhis tri nity of Lincoln's be completed his ever memorable aphorism is only a glitter ing platitude. Yours earnestly a Populist. John S. Maiben. Unrivaled Carving. In ivory and wood carving Japan i ahead of the rest of the world; In lacquer work and in pottery and vasel she has no rival. The work of the Jap. anese artists in painting flowers and birds is not equalled. Yet no Japanese artist can paint a horse or the portrait of a foreigner. They can't paint a horse because they have no horses that we would call horses. They are runty4 tough-looking, knotty brutes. Longest Btreteh of Cable. The longest unbroken stretch of tel egraphfc cable In the world Is the on which connects the Red sea with Io dla. The weight of iron employed li its construction was not less than 61 126,714 pounds, while the coppei weighed 517,404 pounds; 3,690 knots was the total length of cable used. Now for a strong pull for '961 All to getherl Get up a club for this paper, only 30c. till November lstl GET TINS POORER A Parody on Albert I'lke's "Every Tear." or"W are Growing Old, They Tell Us." The poor are getting poorer Every year; Starvation's growing surer Every year; Nor Is the prospect brighter That their burdens will be lighter, For their chains are getting tighter , Every year. The rich are growing stronger Every year; Their purse is getting longer Every year. For they rule with Iron hand The producers ot the land, And the lion's share demand. Every year. Babes lor bread are loudly crying Every year; By starvation more are dying Every year; Their cries so loud ascending. With groans of slaves are blending And hearts of angels rending JSvery year. The rich heed not the crying Every year; Nor the anguish of the dying Every year. Bnt are waiting for the hour, When In their pomp and power, More homes they may devour Every year. The right to homes is ceasing Every year; The tenants are Increasing Every year. For every law that passes Wealth is given to the Classes By grinding down the masses Every year. Though they toil on without ceasing Every year; Their poverty's Increasing Every year; To escape the ills betiding . With grim poverty abiding. There are thousands suiciding Every year. Cominenwealth. ' Toasts for a Millionaire Banquet "Beggars and Their Lodgings." Res ponse by Cornelius Vanderbilt. "Tramps and Their Camps." Chaun cey M. Depew. "The Blacklist and Suicides." C. P. Huntington. '"The Divinity that Shapes Our Ends." Bishop Potter. "The Gospel of the Gun." General Miles. "Bullets the Palladium of Liberty." Richard Olney, Secretary of State. "The Blessings of Boodle." George Gould. "The Rich Man, tho Camel and the Eye of the Needle." Andrew Carnegie. "The Blow-Holes in the Constitution." Chief Justice Fuller. "Famine and Its Fangs." George M. Pullman. "Keep Your Tanks Full and Make the Lord Your Trust." John D. Rockefeller. "Economies and New England Long necked Clams-" Edward Atkinson. "The Key to the Shylock of the Treas ury." John G. Carlisle. , "The Parity of the Turkey and the Turkey Buzzard." Grover Cleveland. "The Steer of the Present and the Hog of the Future." Phil. D. Armour. "Skin a Skunk and Build a Fortune." John Jacob Astor. "Cleveland, de Moses of America." Baron Rothschilds. Railway Timesi. JS Charm That Tellh" English and French people pay great attention to voice culture. Among ta better classes flexible, beautifully mod ulated tones and clear, perfect utter; ance are such common qualities that, quite naturally, our American voice and speech seem to them to be greatly con demned. We are so accustomed to thin high voices in our women and quick careless speech that we do not notlci the defects and forget how excellent a thing In woman is a sweet, low voice. THE STATE PLATFOHM. We, the people's party of the state of Nebraska, in convention assembled, do put forth the following platform of prin ciples: We hereby reaffirm the principles of the Omaha platform. We declare ourselves iu favor of strict economy in conducting the affairs of the state government in all its branches. We believe the judicial affairs of the state should be conducted on the princi ples of justice and honesty, without par tisan bias, and in the interests of the people. THE RESOLUTIONS AS PASSED. Resolved, That we favor the principle of the initiative and referendum in mat ters of legislation. Resol ved, That we are opposed to any religious test for admission to office or for membership in this party. We invite all reform and progressive organizations and persons to to unite with us, and deprecate any act which tendstogive prestige and continued ex istence to division of reform forces. Resolevd, That if the policy of the gen eral government in reducing the volume of money is continued we must in justice to the taxpayers demand the reduction of all salaries of state and county officers. Resolved, That this convention most heartily endorses the position of Governor Holcomb in reference to the penitentiary contracts aud his efforts to administer the affairs of the state in an economical manner. Resolved, That we express our sincere thanks to the mayor and citizens of Lin coln for their courtesy to the delegates and visitorsat this convention. 14th Judicial District Call Ths People's Independent electors of the 14th Judicial District ot ths Stats of Nebraska an hereby requested to sleet and sand delegates from their respeetlvs counties to meet In the city ol UcCook, on Saturday September T. 189a, at S o' clock p. m., for ths purpose of placing la nornl nation one candidate for Judge of ths district court of the 14th Judicial district, and to trans act such other business aa may properly corns before ths convention. Ths basis of represent, tibn will bs ons delegate at large from each county and ons additional delegate for each ons hundred voters or major fraction thereof cast at. ths general election of 1894 tor Hon. H. W. Mc Fadden for Secretary of Btate, which gives tas following vote by counties: Furnas. .....................l Dnndy ...........J!I3 Gosper 7 Chae HMW......8 Red Willow .......... U ayes. ..................! Frontier 9 Hitchcock Total.. ,W Would recommend that the delegates present, cast full vote ot their respective counties. J. A. Shebidak. Chairman Mtk Judicial District,