September 5, 1895. THE WEALTH MAKERS. FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. Enp Before the People' Ejm the Ufflolal Itoclaratlon of Democratic Policy. The Chicago Weekly Dispatch is a democratic silver paper published ia Chicago, 111., and may be considered as the official organ of the democratic silver forces and the exponent of the policy of the silver wing of the demo cratic party. Such being the case, the utterances of the Dispatch are entitled to serious consideration. The editorial page of the Dispatch of August 24 contains a very peculiar and significant combination of state ments and ideas, which may be justly considered as "pointers," or "straws." The first item that arrests the atten tion is under the caption, "A Warn ing," and is as follows: "Here is a warning to democratio managers. The Boulder (CoL) Tribune, populist, says: 'The democrats of Il linois, Missouri, Mississippi and Texas have now pronounced for free silver at 16o 1. Those of Iowa failed to make a square indorsement and Kentucky also. At this rate it hardly seems probable that the national convention next year will pronounce for free silver. But no one questions the fact that the populist national conventicn will be squarely for the white metal.' "That's to the point," says the Dis patch. "A gold standard platform in 1896 will drive all the democrats to the populist flag. A silver-restoration platform will bring the populists to the democratio banner." Here, then, is a plain and unequiv ocal declaration that, if the democratio national convention declares for tfie free coinage of silver, at 16 to 1, the voters now aligned in the ranks of the people's party will rally to the ban ner of democracy and vote the demo cratic ticket. In the course of its editorial com ments upon the action of the demo cratic silver conference recently held in Washington, the Dispatch further, elaborates this idea. The closing par agraphs of the editorial in question, read thus: "The object to be accomplished is worthy a manly, energetic struggle. There is nothing to be concealed. The more of argument and discussion the better. Most of the metropolitan dailies are against us, but the people are already very fully informed of the import of the great issue. It resolves itself into a campaign of the rights of man against the rule of money. Fail ure will result in slavery. The battle must be won. Every inch of ground must be .keenly contested. Defeat at the primaries will be disaster in the state and national conventions and ruin to the masses. There is no time to be lost. The fight is now on. "It is the hope of the Dispatch that populists everywhere will join this movement, which is none the less im portant to them because within the. mocratic party. It is a' battle on ,aeir ground to a great extent, and their duty is plain. It will require the help of all the friends of the people's money, whether they be in the repub lican, populist or democratic party, to win the fight The call to duty im plies the enlistment under the demo cratic banner, it is true, but it is the old, historic democratic flag that has been raised, not the banner of monop oly and the rule of property that the Whitneys and the Carlisles and the Hoke Smiths and the goldites are marching under. It is the flag of Jef ferson and Jackson and Tilden, and its folds are broad enough to cover every friend of the people. "The call to duty is to every loyal citizen of the republic who desires the restoration of popular rights, the over throw of class rule, the defeat of plu tocracy, and the supremacy of the masses. In this supreme battle man's duty to man should stand even higher than party allegiance. The cause of the people demands the united action of all who love patriotism more than spoils, man more than property." ' The reference to Tilden is rather un fortunate, as populists generally, and old greenbackers specially, have very little loye, or veneration for Til den's financial tenets. But let that pass. ' ; Now let us inquire just what resolu tions were adopted by the democratic national silver conference. Here they are: Resolved, That the democratio party In na tional convention assembled should demand the tree and unlimited coinage ot silver and Bold into primary or redemption money at the -'ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the action or approval of any other nation. Resolved, That it should declare its irrevo cable opposition to the substitution for a me tallic money of a panlo-breeding corporation credit currency, based on a single metal, the supply of which is so limited that it can be cornered at any time by few banking insti tutions in Europe and Amerioa. Resolved, That it should deolare its opposi tion to the polioy and practice of surrendering to the holders ot obligations of the United States the option reserved by the law of the government redeeming such obligations in either silver coin or gold coin. Resolved, That it should declare its opposi tion to the Issuing of interest-bearing bonds of the United States In time ot peace and espe cially to placing the treasury of the government under the control of any syndloate ot bankers and the Issuance ot bonds to be sold by them at an enormous profit for the purpose of supply ing the federal treasury with gold to maintain the policy of gold monometallism. Note the fact that there is not one word said about government paper money, or its issue, or any demand for any suchmoney,or for the sole issue of such money by the government. They are a reproduction, word for word, of those adopted by the democratic silver conventions of Missouri, Mississippi and Texas, and also those adopted by the democratic convention recently held in Nebraska. This is a significant fact, worthy of consideration. In the fivst column of the editorial page of the issue in question of the Dispatch, under the bold caption "Good Suggestions," appears this item: "Ex-Senator Butler, of South Caro lina, had an interview the other day with Senators Harris and Jones, mem I bers of the executive committee ap P pointed by the recent democratic silver conference, and suggested the follow ing propositions to be advocated by the silver democrats: "1. Repeal of the tax on state circu lation. , "2. Admit silver to coinage at an equality with gold at the rate of 19 to L "3. Retire all greenbacks and coin certificates. "4. Require national banks to sur render their charters and permit them to take out state charters under na tional supervision. "5. Take the government entirely out of the banking business. "6. Stop the issuance of long-time bonds by the government The reve nues should be enough to support the government But if it is necessary to issue bonds they should be of small de nomination, in order that our own people can invest their savings in them. "To the above he should have added government control of the quasi-public service and government supervision of life insurance." Now what do these suggestions em body? Free coinage of gold and silver at 16 to L The retirement and de struction of all legal tender govern ment paper money, including gold and silver certificates. A return to the old system of state banks and the grant to such state banks of the sole right and prerogative of issuing the paper notes which are to constitute the people's sole medium of exchange. What conclusions may now be drawn? Simply these: The democrat ic silver movements which have taken place in the several states originated with the people, and are of the people, but ' the resolutions adopted were framed by money power, and the democratic national demonstration, or movement, ostensibly made in behalf of silver, has behind it, as its prime origin and its moving spirit, none other than Wall street and the money power of the United States, who hope to use the silver sen timent, through the democratic party, to accomplish their cherished end, aim and object; to-wit: The retirement and destruction of all government legal tender paper money, and Jhe sole con trol of the issue and regulation of the volume of the paper money of the nation through a system of state banks of is sue. Brethren! the enemy of humanity has shown the cloven hoof let us be ware. George C. Ward. THOSE GOOD TIMES. A New York Banker Says They Are Mostly Apparent and Not Real. William P. St John is one of the few presidents of a New York national bank who favor the free coinage of silver. Mr. St John, who is president of the Mercantile national bank, is not only a conservative business man, but a thinker and student of finance. Here is wliat Mr. St John had to say on the currency question the other day: "To my thinking the alleged era of prosperity is not in sight. We have had, and are still having, recoveries from extreme depression, with some advances in wages from figures that were below a living scale. , But signs of exhausted recuperation appear al ready with a decided lull in at least three important branches of Our man ufacturing industries. Cheap talk of higher prices for iron mention also new trusts and proposed combinations among iron men, which are usually in restraint of trade, rather than har bingers of widening prosperity. The great staples of wheat and cotton, hav ing been depressed beyond reason and rebounding naturally, have been ad vanced speculatively to prices equally unreasonable, but at the time when the farmer and planters are not bene fited. "Both of these staples are now threatened with a new demoralization in market, with consequently poor re turns to the producers for the incom ing crops. The present money market in New York ' ' per cent per annum for five months' strictly prime commer cial paper is not the prognostication of an era of prosperity. On the con trary, it is the seal upon the proof of a new sacrifice of the little prosperity that appears. It betokens a lack of profit to borrowers in any use of money, and presages such prices as discourage buyers of merchandise for a future market Therefore, the silver lining is wanting from the cloud, and is neither here nor even in sight "As grounds for my impression that the reopening of our mints to silver is essential to an era of even moderate but continuing prosperity, I remark as follows: The prices that are governed by the volume of current money are normal prices. Scarcity on the one hand or superabundance on the other hand of any commodity relative to the demand for it will yield abnormal prices for that commodity. Scarcity, abnormally . high price;, superabun dance, abnormally low price. Which is to say that price means money. What is its price means how much money for it. Hence a normal quan tity of any commodity relative to the demand for it will afford a high price or a low price for that commodity, ac cording to the scarcity or abundance of money. Our normal price of wheat the price upon which as a fulcrum our scale of prices for wheat swings up or down is set absolutely by the vol ume of our current money. Therefore, if we enlarge the volume of money, as by a reopening of our mints to silver, we shall raise the normal price of all commodities. "Hence we are conspicuously a na tion of producers, our national pros perity is favored by enlarging the vol ume of money so as to increase the prices of what we produce. . To reopen our mints to silver is thus to put a pre mium on production rather than upon consumption, and to bestow upon the producer a liberal share of the wealth for which our consumers are thus debtors. When such is done we may see an era of prosperity that has come to stay." The industrious and frugal man should own a nice home; have money in bank or invested in business, and an income from his labor sufficient to keep himself and family in more or less luxury, and leave an annual sink ing fund to provide for old age. When this is the case with the masses, jus tice will be done. Until it is so, regis ter your kick against the powers that be. Missouri World. WOMEN TO THE RESCUE. Woman Organise the National Progressive Political League and Enter Into Politic. A new organization has been formed, the purpose of which is to advance through a system of educational meth ods, and all other possible means of propaganda, the economic issues of the people's party. The influence of women in politics is becoming a powerful factor; already three states have extended suffrage to women, and ere long full right to citi zenship will be acknowledged. With this accession of power, there must also be accession of knowledge. New issues growing out of new condi tions confront the nation. The polit ical battles that are from this time out to be fought, involve great moral prin ciples that will determine for all time the fate of the republic Briefly stated, the vital question un derlying political conflict is: "Shall the United States lapse into an oli garchy, with its ruling and ruled classes, or expand into a great co-operative commonwealth, that will in sure to every citizen an opportunity to labor, and secure those things that are essential to life, liberty and happi ness? Shall democracy or aristocracy prevail?" The rule of wealth already domi nates politics and our once free institu tions. Monopoly is strangling liberty. The republican and democratic parties are the instruments of monop oly, and the channels through which plrtocracy operates to control the executive, legislative and judiciary functions of government, and thus en slave the people through constitutional enactments. The people's party is the growing power that has entered the list to vindicate the rights of the people, oppose the depotism of capital, and establish civil, political and industrial independence; and while not express ing in platform and declarations all that is essential to the establishment of a juster system, it does register that consensus, of conviction relating to moral and economic questions, which is essential for practical unity of ac tion. The people's party maintains , the sovereignty of the people, and the sacredness of democratic institutions. It declares that in a republic govern ment it, the expression of the will of the people; that the exigencies of the times demand that the functions of the government or the powers of the people should be enlarged; that the money of t country should be issued only by the national government; that silver should be restored to an equal parity with gold. ' That the railroads should be owned and operated by the national, state and municipal governments; that all chartered monopolies that now in fringe upon the rights of the people should be administered by the govern ment in the interests of the people. Therefore, the chief aim of the "Woman's National Progressive Polit ical league" is to upbuild and strength en the people's party. Its members are pledged to make the justice of the people's demands better understood, and to advance the interests of the cause in eyery honorable way, that they may win support for the party, and help to carry it forward to victory. We appeal, therefore, to the women of the country to throw their influence on the side of liberty, truth and justice; to aid in the building up of such a powerful organization as will lift this struggling movement of the people to the pinnacle of a mighty victory. We declare that the time has come when women must assume the respon sibilities of citizenship; that although denied the ballot, they must espouse the cause of humanity, which is the cause of God, and work through politi cal channels for the final triumph of liberty, the establishment of pure de mocracy, and the ushering in of a new and higher order of civilization. Signed by Annie S. Diggs, Washing ton; Imogene C. Fales, Bensonhurst, N. Y; Harriet Loring, M. D., Springfield, Mass.; Mrs. Thaddeus B. Wakeman, New York; Mrs. Helen Campbell, Mad ison, Wis. ; Mrs. Edward Bellamy; Mary P. Irving, editor of The Way, Spring field, Mass. . Address all communications to Imo gene C. Fales, secretary, Bensonhurst, N. Y. Metal Money Not Wanted. If the populists acquiesce in free silver coinage alone as the paramount question, they will only weave an other strand into the cable that binds us to the money oligarchy. We must cut the Gordian knot of the money power, by ridding ourselves of metalio money altogether. This is the one ab sorbing, underlying, overmastering question that challenges our undivided attention. Gold and silver money has always been the weapon in the hands of plutocracy to oppress the producers of wealth, and always will be, until we banish gold and silver forever as money, by standing firmly upon the Omaha platform with both feet Yours for the populist money plank, not the democrat free silver slab. R. B. Irwin, in Nonconformist Give us plenty of good legal tender paper money, based only on the sover eignty of the government, and if it goes to Europe it will come back, and it won't require a monthly issue of bonds to bring it, either. Farmers' Tribune. WaitEr BaKer & Co. Limited. The Lwfwt Mmufotnren of PURE, H1CH CRADE Cocoas Chocolates Oft thii Continent, here neeired HIGHEST AWARD8 from the grnt " Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA.' Caution: In Tltw of the manr imitation of the Ubet, and repper on our node, eoBMimr thoum me tore hit our of manufacture. Dorchester, (, it printed on each peckef. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE.) WALTER BAKER CO. LTD. DORCHESTER, MAS! & aWV . IP. v A'fTatae ira if 'nil 111 ill r M Efri Mm KU WHY SUTTEE WITH Sick and Nervous HEADACHE? You may be easily and quickly cured by taking ... Ayer's Pills "I have been a victim of terrible- headaches, and have never found anything to relieve them so quickly as Ayer's Pills. Since I began taking this medicine, the attacks have become less and less frequent, until, at present, months have passed since 1 have had one.' C. F. Newman, Dug Spur, Va. "Having used Ayer's TillsVith great success for dyspepsia, from which I suffered for years, Ire solved never to be without them in my household. They are in deed effective." Mrs. Saixie Morris, 125 Willow St., Phila delphia, Pa. , "I always use Ayer's Pills, and think them excellent." Mrs. G. P. Watrous, Jackson, Fla. Ayer's Pills Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR ; eeooeoeoeeoeeeeoeoeeeeeol ; The gold-bug press breathes more easily since the Harvey-Horr talking match has come to an end. One of the gentlemen stated that the finance was a very simple question to understand; the other declared that it is too deep for the ordinary person to grasp; and the latter was correct, for they both disregarded the question of money and talked in a rambling, disconnected fashion about gold and silver. Such debates (?) are absolutely worthless. Cleveland Citizen. The Brewers' Journal is authority for the statement that British syndi cates hold $91,000,000 of stock in Amer ican breweries and that the dividends were 9 per cent, amounting to $8,190, 000, which was paid in gold. The an nual product of gold in the United States is estimated at less than 840, 000,000 by the director of the mint. How can this country maintain the hallucination of a gold basis under such conditions? National Advance. The panic scared much of the mon ey in circulation into hiding places. This money is most likely coming back into circulation now, and hence we may see in the face of a contraction of the money volume an improvement in the times. But the best year of Cleve land's second term will not be as good as the poorest year of Harrison's term, and certainly Harrison's best year was bad enough. People who have been destitute are apt to be satisfied with thin soup. Missouri World. Our free silver democratic friends who want free silver only when they can get it through the democratic party, are doing more against this re form than all of the gold-bug advo cates. By a liberal use of the party lash they are to a great extent prevent ing a consolidation of the free silver element all over the United States. The only question awaiting a decision is whether or not the party lash or patriotism is the uppermost in the country. Dublin (Tex.) Progress. The true reformer is fighting now; he is "constant in season and out of season." He is only a holiday soldier who works during the campaign of great political excitement. A little work done now will accomplish ten times as much good as it will if done a year from now. If you want to carry your county in 1898, now is the time to do the work. Spread campaign litera ture. Get subscribers for this and other papers and show your "faith by your works." Ex-OoTernor CampbeU Explain. Massillon, Ohio, Aug. 28. Ex-Got. ernor CampbeU was asked to harmon ize his expressed willingness to "chance it" on a free silver platform four years ago and his candidacy this year on a gold standard platform. Be met the inquiry by wire as follows: "Hamilton, Ohio, Aug. 26, 1895. "I did not favor free coinage by the . United States alone four years ago, nor do I now, although I am an inter national bimetallism What I said four years ago was that I would take the chances of election upon the platform as I found it. James E. Campbell." The Burlington has been chosen the official route for Louisville G. A. R. En cumpinent. Special train with Comman der C. E. Adams and staS also Woman's Belief Corps will leave Lincoln 2:15 p.m. Sept. 9th, leave Omaha 4:35 p. m., and arrive in Chicago early next morning and at Louisville via Pennsylvania Line at 4 p. in. Sleeping car accomodations without change, double berth $4.50, Omaha to Louisville. Reservations for berths should be made early so that am ple accomodations can be arranged for. For full information and tickets apply at B. &. M. Depot or city office corner 10 and 0 streets. Geo. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. Bee our Campaign offer on first page. The Wealth Makers from now till No vember 1st for only 80c. Every voter in Nebraska should read this paper. NTOBALGIA cmred ty Vr. Miles' Via mis. , "One cent a done." At all druggists. Cyclone Season is Here, r Purely $3 for first $l,0O0, 10c. for each additional $100 in the Cy clone department. Same in Fire department. NEBRASKA MUTUAL FIRE, LIGHTNING AND CYCLONE INSURANCE COMPANY. yAMis or hibicctobs. poiTornci. Tim txplre la 1898. O. A.FELTON . .....Angus 1 W. J. EYESTONE Rising City J. A. BMITIL Cedar Rapida Tim txpliti la 1S9T, M.DALY.. ....Elgin J. F. ANTHES.. .Sutton . O.HULL. Alma . Tim expire la IStS, SAMUEL LICUTY Falls City J.G. NEFF Raymond Wu. YOUNG.... .. Palmyra ' ' OFFICERS! S. LICHTY, President Falls City L N. LEONARD, Vice-President Lincoln J. Y. M. SWIQART, Secretary-Treasurer Lincoln 1 ' ' i . . V ;,; " " Over $800,000 Insured. Have paid $640.00 In Losses. Have had but one assessment. 10c. per $100.00. J. Y. M. SWIGART, Secretary, Agents Wanted. LINCOLN, NEB. . 1 r 1 am - The Baltimore Plan, now practically endorsed by President Cleveland, is attracting universal attention because it is based on the evident fact that the currency and banking systems of the country must be re formed. But is the Baltimore plan a reform? It gives the associated banks the power to expand the currency and relieve the country. It also gives them the po wer, to contract it at will and create universal distress for their own private gain. It puts the credit of the government behind every bank note. It donates all but half of one per cent of the profit on the note issue to the banks, and it leaves plenty of opportunities for a Napoleon of Finance to wreck a bank and leave the government to pay the notes. It leaves the banks free to demand the highest interest that the several states will allow, and affords no relief to farmers and business men of moderate capital. Contrast with this The Hill Banking System. In "Money Found," an exceedingly valuable and instructive book published by Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, and for sale at the office of this paper at 25 cents, Hon. Thos. . Hill proposes that the government open its own bank in every large town or county seat in the United States, pay 3 per cent on long time deposits, receive deposits subject to check without interest, and loan money at the uniform rate of 4 per cent to every one offering security worth double the amount of the loan. This plan is not an expense to the government, but a source of large revenue. It secures the government amply, which the Baltimore plan does not. ' It relieves the distress of the common people, which the Bal timore plan does not. It protects not only note-holders but depositors, who are un secured now and under the Baltimore plan would be still worse off. In a word, the Baltimore plan is in the interest of the bankers, the Hill Banking System is in the interest of the people. Consider them both, and ask your congressman to vote for the ttie you believe in. And send us 25c. immediately for the book. "Money Found" has no equal in its line. Address, Wealth Makers Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. TINGLEY & BURKETT, Attorney s-at- Law, 1026 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Collection mod sad money remitted Mm day M collected, DE LAVAL GREAU SEPARATORS Addrex, (or cataloftoe and particular. Or Tms Ok Laval. Scmmtor Co.. Elou, III. 7 Cortland t Street, New York. Mutual.: No Fire Insurance accepted from territory covered by local company. HOMES IN THE SUNNY SOUTH. No hot wind, bllMarda, nor crop failure. Na tural Cloyer, Timothy and Blue Qraa. Fnt cheap. Coal tl per ton at bank. Dry wood 1.S per cord delivered. All kind of trait that grow In thla latitude. You will find all the adran tages In the country adjacent Calhoun, Henry count? . Mo., 1J mile from Cllntob, the county eat; population 6,000. Located on the M. K. T. K. R. 70 mile loutheast Kanaa City. W Bar a list ot good farm tor aale at from 10 to 80 per acre. Corn yield from 80 to 80 per acre. Flax from 8 to IS per1 acre and other oropa la proportion. W wHl cheerfully rW and Informa tion required. Call on or addre, BARTHOLEMKW ft ALBION, Real Eatata Afenta, . CalhooiL. IftH V I -