- ! f S i . i BEAT HIS WIFE. A Ml Itraak. I.iKixtl.i, Neb.. Aug. . -- r !n'U tiUe!pin some of the lev-rsi; he )im beta lulling yetTiUy riing sad went home to iimk life miserable for hi family, lie imamilteJ hU step daughter, a young lady nineteen jeara of an.t after atrtkiug her several times threw her through a window. A gah fully two Inches in length was cut aero. the back of her right hauil. tiis wife was beaten and Wuise.i. A call was Rent to the station for the patrol wagon by the nigh bora. When it arrivel the vouug la.i y was fcuiul holding her hamV a najik u hav ing tieen bound around it to ntnuncti the blood, while her mother was Mt tmg in a chair where (.he hud been thrown by lieurk. Mra. Heiiok ays ti ut her huhhauii has jnaile her life a burden for fourteen years anil she can aland it no longer. He wnMaken to the ktation, where he jins-seil the night in a cell, the polii-e feeling little pity for him. A Itait Kanaway. Salkm, Neb., Aug. 6. A runaway which came very near resulting in the death of at leust one peron occured here Sunday afternoon. Dr. II. P. Went worth and his family accompanied by a young" lady named Mirs Daisy King of Oregon, Mo., came down to attend the Chautauqua exercises. Af ter the rain when they started ,hoaie their team was frightened by an in coming train and beoouie uncontrol able. The vehicle was overturned and the entire parly depoaitad on the ground, the hordes keeping up their ight until they attempted to crow the track when they were both atruuk and killed by the train. Dr. Went worth and his wife were badly shaken up but received nothing more than a lew bruises. Mian Gertrude Went worth had her nose bruised. Miss King hiul her riht arm strained aud a dark bruise on the back of her head shows why she was rendered uncon scious. A little girl three yours of age escaped unhurt The Murderer's Row. Omaha, Neb.. Auir. The county jail has all the murderers that it can well take care of at present. Teter Wahlgren, who recently shot Mrs. Maitland, is acting in such a peculiar manner that the jailors think he is becoming insane. lie has recently displayed a wonderful love for the Bible, lie keeps two copies n bis cell which he reads constantly. At times he act as if lie was In a stupor and sits for hours gapinjf at the walls of his cell. Mikau and tirobnio, who were Implicated in the ISeljan murder, have a jolly time every day laughing and shouting. Buohove, implicated in the same murder, is rather melancholy. Mr. and Mrs. Ish are the only other alleged murderers in the jail. Mrs. Ish spends most of her time reading paper back novels. Kach day she ana her child take an outing, accompanied by a guard. Omaha A. P. A. Muddle. Omaha., Neb., Aug. 8. The A. P. A. combine attempting to control the po lice and fire departments will not be able to make another mote before next Tuesday. The district court heard arguments Saturday on the in junction restraining the new commis sion from acting, and maloated that a deoision would be rendered Tuesday. The court further intimated that if its mandates were again ignored by the city council they would be jailed. Ia the meantime the old board runs the olty. Election of Bank Examiners. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 6. Ths state banking board has elected a new set of bank examiners. The action oc curred yesterday, and the number of examiners was reduced from five to four. At any rate only four were elected. Examiners McGrew of Ked Cloud, Cline of Minden andCowdery of Lincoln were re-elected. E. L. Dodder, assistant cashier of the Haak of Com merce of Grand Island, was also elec ted. Examiner Wells of Crete, and Creigu. ton Morris of Humboldt retire. Found la a Sewer. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 6. A. Walbren residing at 1103 North Thirteenth street, found a boy baby in an open sewer on Eleventh street between Cuming and Izard streets. The baby was dead aud had a strip of paper pasted over its mouth. The body was so badly decomposed that it was im possible to tell how old the child had been. All the sewers in the northern part of the city einnty into this sewer. The body may have been placed in anv one of these end washed down. Found a Raztard'i Neat. Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 6. II. K. Kem per, who lives near Cheney, has made an excellent find of a nest of turkey buzzards in the woods near his place. Be gave information of his find at the state university, and the department of ornithology sent after some of the birds. They are very rare in this locality. Although only a few months old the buzzards have a wing expanse of about four feet. They will be killed and mounted for the museum. Raled It One. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 6. Alonzo Nor ris was arrested yesterday morning upon complaint of a man named Wil kinson, who charges him with rais'ng an order. Wilkinson gave Norris an order for $4.50 on P. X. Clark and be fore the order was presented to Mr. Clark it was raised to 95.50, shut t p the Hank. Dakota Citt, Neb., Ang. 6. State Bank Examiner Cowaery yesterday closed the Citizens' State bank at South Sioux City. Liabilities are about 30,000; assets about ?3 3,0l0. with af fairs in a bad condition. The bank was the county depository, and about 98,000 or over was on deposit The cashier and principal stock owner has given chattel mortgages and disposed of all his property. Nebraska well Soaked. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 6. Bain fell all over Eastern Nebraska yesterday, and corn is considered quite safe. Oh, no, she's not, my noble friend; you are laboring under a ffreat mistake. Mrs. Bichard Allestree Gordon is at this moment in Newton, Leicestershire." "Great heavens!" gasped the bar onet "What do yon mean?" ' POINTS FOR THE I'tOPLE. legislation nl till' III li' 111 money metal. Ia'I iriihl l ileinimc 1 fii and oee lm iiiirkly it w ill de rline. - lVi you believe in free silver? Then I Join the Miputi.ts. Are you opMsed i to a cold ktandurd? Abandon the old I parties. Pioneer Kxponont j 'Scratch a banker and you scratch a old-bug who wants to live by loan ing his own notes and collecting Inter est thereon. He calls this "sound cur rency." People's Pilot. It beirliiM to look as if South Caro lina had holvcd tint liquor problem. i The Mitte dispensary is an experiment j in stale ownership that may lead to others. Star and Kansas. I Christ drove the money changers from the temple with a Kcourge of ; ropca, but he has professed followers to-duy who preach the sacrcdness of vested rights and the righteousness of usury. Fanners' Tribune. - -John 0. Calhoun said: "I under take to a Hi rui, without fear of contra diction, that paper money issued by the government with the simple prom ise to receive it for all dues, wuuld be as uniform in its value as the metals them selves." The sound money people affect to believe free and unlimited coinage of silver would be ruinous to this coun try because it would enable foreign ers to bring in their silver and have it coined at the government's, expense, yet 110 per cent of the gold coined in Hii4 was of foreign production Pueblo (Col.) lie form. Henry Clows says the good times are right upon us. All right, lleury, let'r come. Nobody needs it worse than those who are about to get struck with it But, Henry, is It the same quality that you have hit us with every week since times have been growing gradu ally harder? If so we've had our share. Iowa Fanners' Tribune. "Keep your nerve and trust your bank" says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat That's all right, boys; let the old partyites keep up all the confidence they want, but our advice to our peo ple is Huh: Keep your eyes open and don't get caught by the banks. The next panic will be a big one, and don't you forget it Chicago Express. There are now united into one or ganization about 2,000,000 advocates of free silver. That organization is the , people's party. If the free silver men outside the people's party vote with us we will be able to carry the next presi dential election, and free coinage of silver will again become the law of the United States. Allen (Neb.) News. Don't be led astray with the errone ous idea that the populist party is dead, dying or going to die. That bad odor permeating the atmosphere comes either from the old democratic corpse or the unwashed feet of the republic an party. The populist party is ready at a moment's notice for a scrap in the arena of political fame. Butte (Mont.) Bystander. The Chattanooga banker who wrote a book, laments the fact that while we go to experts in the several lines of business when we want advice or service, we refuse to go to the bank er when we want advice on finance. Sensible people never go into a lion's' den to learn what the brute thinks of raw meat They study the subjeot at a respectful distance. Farmers' Voice. If money is to be loaned at all it ought to be loaned at the cost of the service and the government should do it Private corporations have no in centive to do it except the profit there is in the business. This profit is al ways greater than the average increase in wealth. Such being the case, the lenders are always growing rich at the expense of the borrowers. Star and Kansan. England was $300,000,000 richer and the rest of the world 8300,000,000 poor er last year, because of the gold stand ard. That isn't what the silver men say, but the estimate of the London Statist, which uses the fact as an argu ment why England should stick to the gold standard. 'A vote for Cleveland! or Sherman, for democracy or repub licanism, is a vote to become slaves of the English money lords. Star and Kansan. The populist candidate for gov ernor of Kentucky, Hon. Thomas S. Petitt, is a brilliant orator and until very recently a leading democrat The populists expect to poll about 75,000 votes and to elect enough members of the legislature to give them the bal ance of power between the two old parties. The only hope for a sound money successor to Blackburn is in a complete republican victory, for Black burn can get the democratic caucus nomination and populists will support him. Get up a clubforTHE Wealth Makers. Ouly 30c. from now uutil November 1st. Errors of Youth. SUFFERERS FROM Herrous Belfflty, YonMl rf. Mscretlons. Lost lanhoM. BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN. Many men, from tat effect of youthful Impru dence, hart brought about a itaU of wenknew that has reduce! tm general tvt?m o much a to eauie of the trouble tcarcvl,r ever being inspected. wey are aocioreu tor evfrvtmiiff but tne rigut one. During ourextenuivt college ami hoepiti practice we have diecovemt new and concentrmt?d reme dies The accompanying preemption i nfl'md aa a rKKTAlM AND Rl'VKDY t t ttw hunilmli nf caea having been rettored b perfect health by it dm after all other remedies failed. Perfectly Dure ingredient xuuit be used in the preparation of ihU pnMur uv Ue R Krrthmxyloii eoea, drachm. Jerubebin, I drachm. Helonias Dioica, i drachm. Geliemin, 8 grains. Kit. Umatin amara falooholic). t rralnj. h Fxi. lentandr. & ewrunUkA. 9 Glycerine, 4. . Mix. f MakeOOpUle, Take 1 pill af ft p.m., and another I on going to bed. This remedy ia adapted to every " weakoeM in either tex, and eepecwlly in thoee I oae reaulting from imprudence. The recuperative ' power of thia restorative are asioniahing, and Its k use continued for a short time changee the languid, ' debilitated, rerraleti condition to one of reuewed I life and vigor. To thoee who would prefer to obtain it of us, by I remitting $1, a eraied package containg 80 pilli, carefully compounded, will be eent by mail from I our prfrate labnrtory, or we will fumlah pack- agea. which will curt i&oet oaeea, fck kters NEW ENGLAND MGAL ISSTITDTE, k No. 7, Tremont Row.BoBton.Mass crowned with the engine-houses of the mining shafts, while trade is limited to the few "stores" belonging to the min ing companies, where the unfortunate diggers into the bowels of the earth are driven by necessity to spend at ft ril'c lnilp'1rnt Bint tnvn lion The ro.i'e l 1m- I"' swims f state f NM'tr lire e-rtr riii.t-i an a4 rn l (IrHraittM Irnm lhif mpM'ttve niaett, I tivl m emironili'R In tb rut ni Macule u n ) let. mutual J el I . Mi , (ha parMe ul iimiHKtiii B rtnnlniHi fur JtnJu f the inme roart, 1 90 rendl'lAl lor r-ot nf the tiiote t'tnr-reit j, in. I to lruii. I ui-h other tine. liiMe ee niej prwperlji cum before the coeveu lion. The t.i of reprwn tattoo will be one dele- nte al-liree fur each cc unity eml one exl.llt Ion! dli.ule for eerb uue h 0 n.l r.l vulre or mitjor frn lion thereof; rnet at the ic-iteml elei'tloa of I'M for Hon. II. V Mi'Faihlen for eecretary of lni, ejuU'hgiviielbefoliuwtiiK repreeautaUoD of ton 11 live: Adetna Antiope........... Ilanner Illalue HiKine Boi llutle Boyd llrown ..... Hnffulu Hart Butler (' Oilar , I hiiiie , Cherry Chi'vttliue Clar Coif a 1 Cum 1 UK CiiHtur liukolii Dawia. ....... ........ liawnou Iaucl Uliou lioilK linuu laa Ilnmly Fillmore.... Krunklln Frontier Knru aa Grk (iiirllold .... (Ion pur.. Grant Greolrj Hall II Hill II t OD llnrlan Mavi-a Hitchcock Holt Houltttr Howard effi.raon Johnaon ..., Kearney ., Keith Keva I'aua Klmhall.. Knox l(anrsHter.......,.. l.nrolD....H I.oiran t-oup M v. I' heraonNi.,... Mnrrlck .. .Natti-e , NViiifha Niii-kolia.... Otoe I'awnee I'lTkllH , . I'helpM I'liTre I'latte I'olk Ked Willow KU-hardeou. ........ Dock Saline Warpy ,. Snunilera .Senna llluff.. Seward Sherldeo Sherman...... Hiiiux Htanton Thayer ................ Thoiniia . I ... 10 ... I .. .. 1 ... 10 ... as ... 10 ... 1 ... 2 ... ... 1 ... " ... s ... IS ... 13 - 14 ... ... 4 ... 11 ... ... 1 ... 13 ... ... II 1:t Thumtoo Valley , WriBlilnitton 8 Wayne ... Wooater , Wheeler York , Total 7SS We would recommend that no proxies ha al lowed, but that thedeleiratea presuntcaat the full rote to which their reapectlve couutlea are en titled. We would alan recommend that In the eountlee candidates for the varloua county office be nom inated by the aume convention wtilvn select dele gate to the state convention. J. A, Eiioichton, J. H. Edmistun, Seen tury. Chairman. Peoples' Independent County C on venllon. The Peoples' Independent party of Lanci ster county are hereby called to meet In county con vention, at llolianau'a hall in the city of Lit coin on Wednesday, July 81, M6, at 10 a, ni. The purpose of this convention will be the selection of thirty-three delegates to represent this comity in the etate convention called to meet at Lincoln on AUKUst 2x, lxu.ri, and to nom inate candidates for the various Judicial and county offices to be filled at the next general election, vli : Three Judges for the Third Judicial district, clerk of the district court, sheriff, treasurer, county clerk, county judge, enporintendeMt of public Instruction, coroner, surveyor, county commissioner. The representation In said convention will con sist of two delegates at large from each ware and precinct In the comity, and one delegate for euch fifteen (15) votes, or major fraction thereof, cast In the Inst general election tor the Hon. H. W. UcFadden for secretary of state, and such rep resentation will be as follows: Flrat ward 11 Middle Creek 6 Second ward 11 Mill 7 Third ward 17 Nemaha 10 Fourth ward 21 North ItluB 7 Flfih ward 14 (Ink 8 Sixth ward.... 12 Olive Branch 2 Seventh ward 14 Panama 6 Buda precinct 6 Rock Creek 8 renterrllie 8 Saltlllo 8 Denton 6 South 1'ana 4 Elk 7 Stevens Creek 5 Urnnt 8 Stockton 6 Garfield 6 Waverly 6 HiKhland 5 West Oak 8 Lancaster 14 Yankee Hill 7 Little Halt 8 West Lincoln 7 Total 2'j It is recommended that the primaries fur the selection of delegates In the various wards and precincts be held on Thursday, July 27th, the hour for holding such primary to be tiled by t he eentral committeeman, and that proper notice of such primary be given to the electors. It la also recommended that a list of the dele gates elected, with alternates if any are cboen be mailed or delivered to the secretary of the county central committee as aooa as possible after their selection. J, M. Thompson, J. C, WcNkkkky. Secretary. Chairman. 14th Judicial District Call The People's Independent electors of the 14th Judicial District of the rltate of Nebraska are hereby requested to elect and send delegates from their respective counties to meet In the city of McOook, on Saturday September 7. 18'J6, at 2 o' clock p. m for the purpose of placing In nomi nation one candidate for Judge of the district court of the Utb Judicial district, and to trans act such other business as may properly come before the convention. The basis of representa tion will be one delegate at large from each county and one additional delegate for each one hundred voters or major fraction thereof cast at the general election of 1S91 lor Hon. H. V. Mc Kadden for Secretary of State, which gives the following vote by counties: Furnas 1- Gosper 7 Uunily 4 Chase 8 U ayes $ Total .'..53 lied Willow 8 Frontier 9 Hitchcock h Would recommend that the delegates present cast full vote of their respective counties. J. A. Shkridan. Chairman 14th Judicial District. To the People's Party ol Otoe County The People's Independent party will hold their primaries on Wednesday, August the 14th at the regular voting places. The same to beheld be tween the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock In the even ing, for the purpose ol electing delegates to at tend the county convention to be held at the opera house at Syracuse, Otoe county, Nebraska on W ednesday, August 21at 1M3, to elect dele gates to the State convention, to be neld at Lin coln, Nebraska, August '.'Nth, l-si.'i, and to trans act all other business which may couie before the county convention. The basis of repreeestntlon will be one dole gate for every ten votes or major fraction cast tor Oovernor Silss A. llolconib in 1!I4. No proxies will be admitted. L. WAltl), Secretary-Treasurer, World s Fair Highest Awards Medal and Diploma cn our INCUBATOR and ! BKOODhR Combined. . I- Old Reliable" II r riu t rvr tou u ivntl 4 cM hi stunpi for our rovu. it im n,tl.w. ri.lnf vftliiftM, poialf ;o PouIitt Cultw. AdilroM 5 Reliable Incubator and Brooder Co. Ouincy, III. ATM SMITIIXIUHT'S AO I HIYIA AND HAY FEVER REMEDY Sold under positive guaranty. Samples L. SMITHNIGHT, Cleveland, Ohio. DO YOU WANT IT? Salesman Wanted In every county, salary or (onmieelon. Mo experience. New Tariff Bill givee unlimited profits, active men ap ply quickly stating salary and teriitorv weated. Manufacturers, P. O. Box S 308, Hoeton, Mas, AJl pain banUbed by Dr. Milea' Pain PUla, howd the heft o' this griddle, an' Oill see for mysen what they be a doin' of." With this, she crossed the kitchen, opened a door rery quietly, traversed a short passage - and abruptly opened a second door at the end of it self. I Three Cent Colnmn. 'roT Halei." " Wanted. "Tor Eicbanie."ai small adTermwiin.oi f'r short time, will be churned throe cvaws per word for aork Inser. linn. Inlilnia or a number counted aa one word. I ash with the order If you waut anything, or have anything that anybody else "wants," make 11 known through thu column. It will pay. MR ASK D. C Street. EAGER. Attorney-at-Iw, 1084 0 CFPl"i mPIM '- Catalogue and 1 kJM-tU VV1U1 asm pis free. KtiDUiovis, voornies, HI. o. wilson, Ere and (1 "ItTANTED Fin and cyclone agents. Qooa pay. J. Y.M. Swlgart, Beoy. Lincoln, Neb. 87 WANTED Oautlmaa or lady to aell Cable's Alnmlnom Coffee Ecoaomlser; fits any coffee pot: saves one-third the coffee. Arthur L. UoUle Co., m Wabash Ave,, Chicago, 111. FARMERS SJ- THE ACME SUHSOII.ER at- to any plow. Seud for r. A. L. l VSK.. Htata Agent, Llnooln, Neb. Dobte's Coffee Economlier maxes your cotfe last twice as long. Kits any pot, r ree circular Artkar U Ioble Co., 1111 H abash Ave.. Chicago, 1U $750.00 A Year and All Expenses. We want a few more (Jeneral Agents, ladles or gentlemeu, to travel nnd appoint agents on our new publications. Full particulars given on ap plication, if you apply please send references, and stais business experience, age and send pho tograph, if you cannot travel, write us for terms to local canvaxsera. Dept. Kara, S. I. BELL CO., I'hlladelphla, Yt. Buy "Direct From Factory" Best MIXED Paints. At WHOLESALE PRICKS, Delivered Free. For Mouses. Harna, Roofs, all colors, and SAVE Middlemen'! profits. In use 61 years. Endorsed bv Uraime and Farmers' Alliance. Low prices will surprise you. Write for samples. O. W. INUKKhOLL, 253 Plymouth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. A WONDERFUL OFFER. Our grand catalogue, over SCO Illustrations, agent's latest goods and novelties, 1 writing pen. fountain attachment, 1 elegant gentleman's watch chain and charm, guaranteed 20 years. Your name In agent's directory 1 year, all sent forlOcts. Postage 2 cents, EMPIRE NOVELTY CO., 157 Tremont Bt., Boston, Mass. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER!! We want luuu more active agents ueiore sj ..Ant .nmmUiinnnn sll sales. Send to-dav 1 for full particulars, or we will send with A uniAft VniiitthlA HamDle of our goods In W Solid Sliver upon receipt of 10 cents in i sliver or stamps. KstaliMjhed I in Ad- T dress, STANDAKI) SILVERWARE j no.. Boston. Mass. V Known as THE KLKIIORX in i'- braakn, is the Pioneer line to Hot Springs, Rapid City, Deail wood, Lead City, S, D., and Central Wyoming, and is the best line by which to rench these and all northern and northeastern Nebraska places in a quick and comfortable manner. Palace sleep ing cars, free reclining chair cars, and standard day coaches are provided for this daily service. Morning and after noon train service is maintained as far west as Norfolk: northeast to Omaba and Sioux Citv, and east to Chicago. City ticket office 1 17 So. 10th St. Depot corner S and 8th Sts. SULPHO-SALINE Bath House and Sanitarium Corner 14th & M Sts., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Open at All Hours Day and Night All Forms of Baths. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric. With Special attention to the application of NATURAL SALT WATER BATHS. Several times stronger than sea water. Rheumatism, Rkln, Blood and Nervons DIs- easas, Liver and Kidney Troubles and Chronic Ailments are treated successfully. ff ,Sea Bathing, may be enloyed at all seasons In our larere SALT SW1MM1NU POOL, 5(im42 feet, 5 to 10 feet deep, heated to uniform temperature of SO degrees. Drs. 31. II. & J. O. Everett, Managing Physicians. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO Pay up yonr subscription and get a few new subscribers for The Wealth Makers. Only 80c. from now till No vember 1st. What did it mean? Julylat. we win guarantee aiiudo peruay i can be easily made In any locality ; our goods m ell themselves; we furnish a large roll of 1 am pies entirely FltKK and allow W per M jLi nx-QyTsrllJAUU con- fidedt that he had formed their conversation. "Be ve coin' to the schule-hc faiirht?" Mrs. Whitford asked, una! 0 retain her morose demeanor any loft - i . AVaS lk?A my r.. w r' "w xk '4"r IR Below ...... r.-,, !in llV tion above. No. 91. The Fatal Marriage. Iiy Miss M. E. Braililon. This is a thrtlliDg istory. in which a miin marries a lovely girl for her wealth, and nx it should always be, ho came to griff as a reward for his deception. No. W. The Idle Thought of nn Idle Fellow. By Jerome K. Jerome. Mr. Jerome Is known as the "English Marlt Twain. " Ho Is a writer of the finest sort of fun, which is sure to be highly enjoyed bv all who will read this book. It is considered his best. No. 90. On Her Wedding Morn. By Bertha M. flay, author of "Her unlv Hln " "A Golden Heart," nnd other stories. This Is a companion novel to "Her Only Kin," and will be read with the same intensity of feeling, with mingled Joy and sadness ax the characters in the book have cause for tears or laughter. It is a lov story that must appeal to every reader. No. 89. Her Only Sin. By Bertha M. Clay. No. 58. Merry Men. Hv It. L. Stevenson A thrilling account of the perilous adven tures of a parly seeking for a sunken Span ish treasure-ship . No. 01. Ir. Jekrll and Mr. Ilvds Tw R. L. Stevenson. No. 101. The Chimes. By Charles Dickens. No. 91. A Christmas Cnrol. By Dickens. No. 96. The Haunted Man. By Dickens. No. 97. Two Ghost Stories. By Dickens. No. 95. The Battle of Mfe. By Dickens. No. 98. Three Chrlatmsi HinrioM r,. Dickens. No. 100. Criekat nn h. IIa..il. By Dickens. 1 S, ULtTHnUOllTS isf sa I m ,ouruw' If FREE Ereryon subscribing or renewing their THIRTY DAYS will receive Sve year' subscription to the incites Home jompanlon, a paper for women, bi women and its departments are edited with rare skill and attractiveness by womn whose names are familiar in every household. The quality of illustrations, merit of its fiction, practicability of the articles on housekeeping, care of children, bint on inexpensive and tasteful home adornment and fashion changes, hare given this standard home journal the enormous circulation of 140,000 copies each issue. It is published twice a month, each issue containing 20 to 28 large pages, at $1 ptr year. JUST THINK OF IT. The price of The Wealth Makers is Home (Jompauion is l.UO per year. One Dollar ana Twenty-tivi Cents sent to us now will extend your subscription to The Wealth Maken one year, pay for a year's subscription to the Ladies' Home Companion, and besides you will receive, postpaid, any five which you may select, of the books meri tioned above. If your subscription is already paid op to this paper, get one net subscriber for it at the regular price of $1.00 per year, put in 25 cents extra, and get the books and the Ladles' Home Companion for yourself. The Wealth Makers must hold everyone of its present subscribers, and wants to get 25,000 new ones this year. We must sweep th state in '96. Will you help ni? Don t think of stopping your subscription; if you must sacrifice in some way, sacri fice in some other- way. Help us to increase the circulation of The Wealth Makers to 50,000 and victory for '96 Kenew your subssnption I Get new subscribers 1 Renew your subscription! Get new subscribers I J. 8. HYATT, But. Mgr. PURELY :,iiii,,H."ij - "." r", Trr i3Bi $3.00 for first $l,0OO, $4.00 lor second $1,000 in the Cy clone Department. Same in Fire Department. NEBRASKA Mutual Fire, Lightning and Cyclone Ins. Co. Names of Director!. Time ezplrea In 1H90. G, A. FEI.TON, W.J. EYKSTO.SE, J. A. SMITH, P. O. Anirna. HiHliin City. Cedar Kapida, Nam ps of Directors. Time expires in I.siW. SAMUEL LICHTT, J. U. NEFE, WM. YOU.NO, OFFICERS: B. LICHTY, President I. N. LEONARD, Vice-President J. Y, M. SWlUAltT, Secretarv-Treasurer Over $700,000 insured. Have paid $340.00 In Losses. Have had but one assessment. 1 Oc. per $ 1 OO.OO. J. Y. Agents wanted. that the delicate questions as to wheth er it was right for the miners to pay the bosses' store one dollar for a forty cent article, whether the capitalists sould lawfully compel them to take remuneration in store pay, and POPULAR BOOKS vre give a list of twenty-five good and use e,uin.-vA iovt-ij iiiuuiiiur ui ino Iainijy. f:4ltllt)1t Ml! t l-. x - .1 nsa mm A '""Kae is jioiiun. jiniong mem arc the follows-, DICKENS, DRUMM0ND, JEROME, nAKKAuciN, BKAUUUiN, KIPLING, STEVENSON And others almost as well known. Each nuinll(.rli Cotnulete book, and each is limiml in a c.,., 1 i!iaie Cdv. with beautiful design like that shown in the illust No .19 The Conrtine of Dinah Shadj By Kudyard Kipling, who is thoumit , ...ij fc.. tiicwivst living story-wriit- No. 00. A Ilird of I"assaKe. By iit,at. Harraden, author of "Ships that l'us in Night." The book which has had such a t noinenal sale during the past year. Tim i charming story, told in beautiful anu No. IM. The Greatest Thins; in J norld. By Henrv Driimiiioiiil Ti,i i 1 is on love aH taught by Christ anil the J ciples; and if any one doubts that IovpIkk greatest thing In the world, and if they . to bo made stronger in tin i r Invu . things, they must gel this book, by all mei,! No. &l. liHitKel Life. By Druinmon4 iso t,.'. rear be Willi You. By Dro mond. c These two books are fully equal to"Ti Greatest Thing in the World," by the sat! j Christian life. You will feel purer and bed , ., t iiw, , ,-, ii n ,-tl 1 1 ni- ,) h it rp 11. iih,, ., "'ii-i in.. nig i,-mi iijeiii. No. "yi. Conrlsliip of Widow Be0J it. . - rrancis ih. W hltcbf .-vo. :u. now n mow Itedott I'opiJ ..... r..B,p... j.j y i HI1CJS il . WniU'lltT. No. 0. (iooil Manners. By Mrs. M.1 .Lmiiu-n. j iiiaiuiai 01 etiquette. N o. 88. I.o ve on a Log. By Hosea Ballo; No.H2. Old Mother Hubbard. Illj, 1.1 iVlitl. No. (id. No. 78. Ontdoor Nports. Illustrated. Indoor Games. Illustrated. GIFT. subscription to this paper within the nut book selected from the abort list, aliei $1.00 per year; the price of the Ladiei' is assured. Address, Wealth Makers Pub. Co,, Lincoln, Net. MUTUAL.; ? - p 5 4 No Fire Insurance accept from territory covered by loed company. Namea of Directors. Time expiree In UHT. M. UAI.Y, J. F. ANTHES, O. HULL. P. 0. Elffln. Satton. Aluia. P. 0. Falla City. Kiiymond, 1'aluivra. Falls OV Liiu-ol" LlnooU M. SWIGART, Secretary, LINCOLN, NEB. J M'wuvj at a va Mil w liu uwiiitfv tory. Order direct if your druggist doea not have it. Address all orders to CONCORD CHEMICAL MFG. CO.. Topeka, Kas.