LOCAL POLITICS. 1 M tVfMT M'i4 ttMra-M. ,. r(,i.t.i,!i of !.( iippr will h" j ,t. ,,!, f ' !t)f, "f the m'ti'tn . t ,,,, ,.t f rminf.r. Af thw s. ., , ...1i lri. cr lil(! Mri ,, f t-f ri1! inii-r. j'l.):f'r. Htir.'iK ,1. ,nfl,iilttt(V f!.;lf Id trldom fdtlllll ., i , iv of t'; k!tv1 tm rt tin vp Kmi ao i m fi! Mir vninn nsitmn of ,,,, the- ivlmltiistrntion of count.? r,,(. h.i fiivo flip rutin4 ctinfilfin of ,,., thrtp la tint mio ngninM , inn !i fnio. Ihp nrRtimi'iit of ilihomj, imrrow-niiml1iir-M, il'ttiitiHitiil to public "fTT ihwKn tli" other hrtml. rvr-ry ,nn vltpvr-r,r nomine of th People' (,p.t.f'nt pnrtr should receive a ,,'v n''M t, not only from those who ; , flip principle RPt forth by 'fepresentntife "f th" pflt-tj? in the ,,rnitim, luif: nlmt from nil ritifni i, (.rliftp tlinf honest, conscientious rn ulioul.l A" nil pwitio"S of Itiltic a" t!i heft'l "f "", P"'i"tT tif'krt is (v! the tinmp oi a ninn nifiiiiint mmm i political enemy run rain a word of , it jejuni n nwti or public servant. ,i,jijp A. H. Tilitptt n district jude nlri'inly established the retmtntion Mini uiiwer?inir in his line of duty a ii arbiter of justice. His decisions have .t with peneral npprobntion, nnd his Mention to the duties of hi office has miiviidinir. Judire Tihbetts hns won he rpKH'ct of nil who have known him in nlicinl capacity. With little oimoHition Llms linker was .nominated for district clerk. The only .piiosition was on the ground inui mo IplllOPrnilC UPlfjHirn liiuunm nniMKiiui im to iiominiite him upon their ticket. Mr. linker was elected as a Populist, de clared hiinsell asunaiterauiy pianiea up n the platform of ourparty.and itis the iindaiiiental principle of justice to all lint wins for bun the support oi inose ot allied to the party organization, or years Mr. IJaker has been an earnest ,K.nf(ite of the ritrhrsof the producers if wealth; he has been a pioneer in the i'eople's Independent party, and upheld ts principles without fear or favor. In he administration of the affairs of his iflice there hos never been raised a ques iim nf his fairness in the treatment of hose who had business in his depart neut. He has served the people well, ind will be returned for another term of lervice. Sheriff Fred A. Miller was amo renomi ated by a practically uuanimous vote. It ,-n.B also unred in opposition to him that he Democrats had seen fit to anticipate he action of the Populist convention, tut the (jreat majority thought best to irnore the action ot tne uemocrauc iarty. That Air. Aimer nas ueen uuunui o the duties ol his office cannot be de- ipil even bv those most earnestly seek- iiit to bring about his defeat. Hisad- ? . . . ,i n c ..i : ...:n ministration oi tne ohil-b ui utnu win irinir to him the support of a large mar jority of the voters of Lancaster county. Lx-JUayor iveir neeas no iinrouuuuuu p the people of this county. The nature bf the opposition to him in his official cuimcity of mayor of the city oi Lincoln is Ms best recommendation. (i. W. lierge will be elected county judge. A better man for the plnce could not he found in the county. He hns u lean record us a man of nitegritj-, judg ment nnd ability, and his allegiance to the principles of the People's Party can not he questioned. Prof. 11. S. Ho were, who served as ountv Kuperiutendent several years ngo, Iwus nominated to resume the position. Die is a man of ability and strength. Dr. Lowry will be coroner for the nest fterm. lie is well known as a physician, I'liul in the honored president ot the Sttite Medical Society. ii. L. uichurdson of West Lincoln, a man of ability, honesty and integrity, was the choice of the convention for county commissioner. He will receive a henrty support and will serve the county well. The Wealth Makers does not wish to nter into fulsome praise of the candi dates of the People's Independent Party, Those nominated who have served in a public capacity require no further recom mendationthose who have not, have records as private citizens beyond re proach. WHITE CAPS IN KANSAS Parmer Caiwell of Eallne County Wall- treated by Three Mankd Men. Salina, Kan., Aug. 7. B. F. Cos- well, a farmer living seven mllea northwest of here, was called from bis bed last night by a stranger who said he had a sick horse half a mile away, and needed assistance. Coswell started with the man. Suddenly they were confronted by two men, who covered Coswell with rifles, with the order to throw up his hands. He tried to escape, when one of the men fired, the bullet striking him in the head. and the other man struck him twice over the head with his riflo, partially stunning him. Ihe three t.hon riir.rl rvii'a hands and gagged him and forced him to walk a mile and a half, thouirh he was nearly fainting from loss of blood. Then a halt was made and a consultation held, and Coswell says he overheard him OUtricrht nr nernpfi-otfl ama whitecan Ollt.T'urro lirn l!tv Imr ViA three conspirators evidently became Irigutened. ntut nfii. .cini;n. promise from him to say nothing, and inreateninrr hi lifo it i,o o,.,.,i , . r . iiu mill Ji.tju Qisclose their identity, they fled. "iter wandering for some time Cos well succeeded in reaching home. He CUIlg jr()m a v,ry ba(1 scajp wound, but will recover. No cause is !?!!" ,for lhe outrage, and there is "Hue Clue to the nernet ral.nra sTatk of Ohio, City of Tolkiio, ) I itu ( or m y. f .,,,"NK '' HH'N,:Y miikPH onlh that h. Is the ior ,,n n,.r t thu linn of V. J. Chunky A Co., iiii: lnis.il(lw iu ,, nty (, .,.,,,,, , limilv 111Kl s , ' '"""''M.nnO (hut wiiil firm will pnv ih, i .,1 UNK IIU.NPHKI. liOI.I.AIIS lor ,.,!, i.v I , "!"',',"' 'n""'l ' ""t rnnimt tin niroil i 'li'Miwol Hall's Cat-jukii runic S,,r, . I-HANK .1. C1IKNKY. i rji ; tlim tiiu tiny ot liwvinbur, A,U. IHM). A. W. (H-ICMlN. Ilnir.,. ,. ,. ... 1 ' 'ln.. iiv . 'nR"1 Interniillv nml nrtg hvki, , I! Ill8,bl1""1 nincouii Bur!uiB ol the r-niu for tiHtiiniHilnlH, fri-e Wealth Makebi Tub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. "eoaterlUoKers, 104:1 OBt. f Hp I'rixtru'lltp and on-frodnotlte twnprtilri of Land t'onlranted t'ontlnni'il from IM pupi; thronuh rent, or otherwise, without com t limit ion. It tiikp from the honest toilers that liidi in iiPi essary to give them life and linppim-Hi), 'to limit individunls or co-operstive bodies to millii'lt nt land for their respec tive occupation would tie denling out jiiMticp to all and special privileges tc none. The f ii tt if is the nuttiral heritngp of all the people anil should lie held nnd trans ferred by law for the equal benefit of the hitmnn family. To insist on rent is practically savins that soiiip havp a better right to the free bounties of nature than others, that some have n right to enjoy the hard pfiiiiiiig of others without compensa tion, t lint chat tel slavpry is right, etc. To insist on holding land for use only is prnctieally saying that all have an eonal right to the natural opportunities regardless of sex or nge, that all have nn equal ngnt to lifeand its enjoyments, etc. TO UK CONTINI KI). We wish our renders to notice the change in advertisement of the Stock Fountain Company, on which they have placed a view of their fountain. It will be observed at once, that their claim of strength and durability is shown. Their remark regarding sending a trial order, express prepaid, and only requesting money forwarded if found satisfactory, is evidence that the fountain is a success, and thecompany takes all risk in having tt tried, and surely all stock raisers Aliould have one. It would not be reasonable to suppose that a small stock fountain of any des cription could answer the purpose of watering horses, or cattle, lor reason a herd of horses or cattle about a tank would require eight or ten fountains to aupply them. Large stock are supposed to drwk from the fa;;, r or this reason the Stock Fountain Company only pro. duce a Fountain that waters small stock, especially tuirs. It is now conceded by all who have tried it, that a single trough that does not hold any hot water to be consumed before a fresh supply conies down, is the proper thing, and the judgment ol all readers will appreciate tins as ueing correct. The Stock Fountain Company present ed its fountain at the Fat Stock Show held at Chicago, and the managers of the State Hoard of Agriculture of Illinois issued full commendation to this foun tain as being the best stock fountain ever presented for watering stock. No fonntaiu received a diploma or premium for watering small stock in fact, none tried competition in this line with the Jiake City. All ottier lountains Deing, floats, competed in the chicken depart ment and a diploma was awarded in this department. We present a very thorough testimo nial letter from W. M. aniDiug tX ssou, lartre stock breeders who are now using one dozen; read this carefully and be con vinced, and send for trial fouutuin, or bavevour implement dealer send for you. Always note your express station when addressing communications to Stock Fountain Company, Lake uty, Iowa. MASH1NE TO BIND CORN Another Groat Invention of Io teres to Farmers "A torn bindurl what is that?" "Come out and see for yourself," said R. II. Bin- ford, state agent for the McCormick company. The inquisitive reporter went and he saw a machine cut corn, tie it up in bundles tight and tidy, nnd lay them aside to be shocked in proper time. Did it work? Well it did. There was not a hitch in theoperation, and, from the way the machine operated the writer is in cliued to believe that it would cut and bind hickory saplings. The test was made on Wm. Clark's farm at Thirty-third and 0 street. There wae a larcre attendance ol interested specula tors, who followed the machine as it cut and bound the stalks, and tins is what they say: Lincoln, Neb., August 1, 1895. "We, the undersigned, having wit nessed an exhibition trial of the McCor mick Corn Binder on the farm of William Clark, near Lincoln, Nebraska, are pleased to testify as to its ability to do the work for which it is manufactured, in a thoroughly workmanlike manner, and we consider a corn binder to b one ol the greatest luborsavinginnchinesmade. It is just as essential on the farm as the grain binder. It does its work bettei than could have been expected, the drult is verv liuht for the amount of work done, and we can cheerfully recommend it to farmers who nave corn to cut. it has the appearance of being very strong and durable. William Garland, Wm. II. Meyer, J. J. Meyer, L. 1). Clifton, J. A. Ilutsook, K. M. Shellaberger, Geo. Garland, 10. F. Fassett, L. W. Day, M. II. Casey, Oscar Law, W. K. Young, Wm. M. ( lark, J. W. Crist, C. N. Crandall, John Fisher, W. II. Sullivan, A. Allen, J. Lanienison, S. Pa gan, J. N. Fyer, J. M. Adams, W. H. Taylor, O. IV. Tillinnn, W. Wilterdring, Wm. Kaup, Win. Lud wig, Newton Spence, 1). Latture, II. L. Ludwig, T. B. Spence, John O'Donnld, John Snyder, Henry Wilson, John Thompson, T. S. Boyer, C. It. Zellos, Chas. W. Barry, II. W. Buck, J. K. Reynolds, A. ,1. Gustafson, C. If. Andruss, .1. Bet ten, Thomas Calkins, C. Wismer, U.S. Moore, Fred O. Dean, H. M. Wright, J. T. Beach, W. R. Horn, M. II. Bench, R. 11. Johnson, A. II. Burton, J. 11. Trompen, Elias Baker, A. C. Shar nick, Z. Z. Henley, W. E. Clements. Another exhibition vvns given at Col lege View and here are the expressions of opinion: We the undersigned members o? the Lancaster County Farmers Club, have this day witnessed the working of a Mc Cormick Corn Binder on a farm near College View, Nebrnskn, and we are pleased to indorse it as being a machine thoroughly adapted to the work that it is made for. We lind it a very light draft machine considering the work that it will do. Wo think it will save, the fodder in better shape than can be done by hand, or by any machine that wo have ever seen iii the field. It has the appear ance of being n very durable mad , and we can recommend it to any one wanting a machine lor thu purpose for which this machine is made. Coi.i.KtiK Viicw, Neb., Aug. 1, 'i5. J. V. Wolfe, Lincoln; S. W. Beardsley, and Mbsohit0lf pun paint for salt by th Standard Glass and Paint CoMCor nr 11th and II St, dealers In paints, oils, psJntsr's supplies, glass, sto., Lin ooln, Nsb, College View; A. Green amy re, Lincoln; J Bhuewell, Cheney; J. P.Clark, Cheney; J S. Houseman, Lincoln; L. tt. Ieavitt, Lincoln; ('. L. Kenorta, Lincoln; D. E. Bixliy, College View; P. C. Wilson, Lin coln; W. P. Stewart, College View. Sknsiiu e. An old sea-captain writes to J. C. Ayer & Co. that he never goes to sea without a supply of Ayer's Pills. HAVE YOU FIVE OR MORE COWS? If no a " Baby " Cream Separator will earn Its enut for you every year. Why continue an Interior system another year at ao great a lews f Dairying Is now the only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly o in ducted It always pays well, and must pay you. You need a Separator, and you neel the IlKNT, the "Baby." All styles and capacities. Prices, $75.00 upward. Bend (or new lbUS catalogue. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., Branch Offices : General Office: ELGIN, ILL. 74 00RTLANDT ST.. NEW YORK. NERVE F000 Band for a pack airs of tha Famous and fraolous Kanaadr lcraa. Dr. J. A. ml eaiDL, lull Hubbard Court, Chleaco. FOR SALE. I have for Rale some deHirahle small farms and unimproved landx situated near Des Arc, county Bent of Prairie Co., Arkansas, which I will sell on favorahle terms to good industrious people. For further information address, B. F. HEINE, les Arc, ArkanHUK. Nebraska Pant and Suit Co., 1 2 1 7 O Street, (West Half of Trunk Factory.) All Wool Pants Made to Order First-clnKS and gnarantoed to Ot, 1:1, $4, t'i, ii: and upwards. BUSINESS SUITS, $15, $18, :"0, and np. Popular Prlres. Uooils sold by the yard, and Ends for Hoy's 1'antg, Etc. Few uncalled for Pants and Suits at Your Own Price, hend for samples and prices. O. R. OAKLEY. J. E. THOMPSON. O. N. HOLCOM, Cutter. WINGER'S wp.Kll FEED GRINDER -k MONEY MAKER AND SAVER." A double Grinder with three burrs. Center draft. Can be attached to any make ot pump ing wind mill. E. B. WINGER, C 632 Kenwood Terrace, Chicago, IIU CHAMBERLAIN Commercial College, Is now offering special inducments to all parties wishing to study Bookkeep ing, Mathematics, Shorthand, Type writing, Penmanship, Latin, Trigenome try, Commercial and Itailroud Telegra phy. Special attention given to prepara tory work for State University. OUR FACULTY. W. S. Itt.EWEU.YN, M A., Principal Commercial Department W. G. OH A Lit E III. A IN, Principal Shorthand Department and Lec turer on Commercial Law. BERT E. I1ETT8. Official Court Reporter. B. M. TRUE, Principal Telegraphy and Railroad Busi ness Departments. J. C- OLSON, Principal Penmanship Department N. C.ABBOTT, Latin, Trigonometry, etc. Call or write for special rates during summer months. Lansing Theatre Building, LINCOLN. - - NEBRASKA. Phink FHOM Tank. lias the right sized drinking cup; can be attached to tank, barrel or pipe in live minutes, nnd each time delivers water direct from receptacle. alvo seat being two inches m body of freeze in winter; also nets as locknut, making all solid. 1 ho price of our fountain, if satisfactory, is $3.00, and will pay for itself each week in a herd of ten pigs. As it costs nothing to try, send for one nnd bo con vinced by your own judgment. Agents nnd dealers wanted in every locality. Order through implement dealer or Stock Fountain Co., Lake City, Iowa. Stock Fountain Co., Lake City. In.: Gentlemen. tton on our two hog (arms r of your fonntninx, and ho l ake city Is us far nhead of them as a -'lf llimliT is superior to the old OhIV. We are pleased lo note that the lunliirlty of stock breeders and farmers are now nlng them to the exclusion of nil others, as undoubtedly the bet. as the groat snvlng of time, Inbor anil food and Increase ot tut by giving fresh nnter, Is wonderful. He have followwl very cnrefully your directions and used our own Judgment reuarding the watering ot stork the same as feeding. A great ng anl not enongh to watering. We find old and never think of watering our chickens when using the venience them from using the fountain. The lountains are Multam in l'rn, nr firme. All tbess ar szcellent reform books and should bs read by ereryons. Ad dress all orders to this paper. The Wealth Makers from now until NoTsmbur 1st for ouly 80c Get up a dub. mmm Defeat's NEAR SHELBY, NEB General Coxey and Governor Waite. SPECIAL TRAINS Will be Ran from LINCOLN, . YORK, AND YALLEY. IT WILL BE A "HUMMER." FUIlTIIEIt r.VHTICI I.AKS NEXT WEEK. Smith Premihh Typewriter la the moat simple, most dat able, the easiest to operata and therefor eapabl f moat speed, lend (or catalogue and prleaa. Address. No. WIS rarnam St., Omaha, $195 Biys tlis Piaijo LAID DOWN AT YODR DOOR. FULL SIZE UPRIGHT GRAND Finished In ROSKWOOD, MAHOGANY, or FANCY WALNUT, Guaranteed for 5 Years Bj the Oldest and Most Reliable Music Hons in Nebraska, For particulars write A. IIOSPE, Jr., Omaha, Neb. (Mention this paper.) METAL and WOOD TOO I FOOT POWER """tStf&Mf. LATH K8, roaa hhh, H1PIIIEDV CIuci'UB stwa u4 MnbniHCn I i We carry In Btoca all tne I Pa nlM Fot P LbHUIIIW Machinery . HVJ'B VERY LOW PRICES! aendioents for large mm. uataiog. THE WILKINSON CO.. 83 Randolph SU, Chicago. DoMe'a Aluminum CofltoBeoBomUeri FITS ANY COFFEE POT Pre Trial No Kkk needed to settle. Keepe t blackens. We guarantee oar 1 Thai Cnffea urnmr., and riflbttr ooffee. I 71 Kmnnmiwr 10 niaae wuer.i D.l with 1-a Iu. Ws allow I pnat CO. each jtorcbarer one sreek's I Paid OUC trl" 're, and If not satis-1 w wm rerano tne monej. ARTHUR L. DORIB ft CO. 311 Wibuk AraCUoa, UL $75 A MONTH and .xpenuk Lftdv or UidU SMplM fTM. A prm.n.nt titu.lioa luiuM. Writ, today. AddmaP.O.ftot &80H,ltMto., lufc Experionce teaches that au article is best and meets all claims made, when seut out on its merits by a company, they prepaying express and requesting no money forwarded until same proves satisfactory after trial. This we do with our fountain, if not satis factory only requesting it returned to express office. The Lake City Au tomatic (Stock Foun tain waters 50 to 150 pigs daily; perforins the same service for sheep, calves and poultry. Horses and Uattlk witter (as with no other fountain) cannot WrsT I.iukrtt, la., Jnly ?:)rd. ISM. We ft re pleitsed to say that we Imvo In opera- some of other make, but nil things consult-nut, We wlxh you could rouvinie all to try one. many hog raisers pay too much attention to leed- yonng pigs work them in a tew hours, ami we fountlnns. Rings In hog's noses (In not incon I r he pet I vt . ., 1, a sun Ml Nl.1, Proprietors Blnck Herd L'. S. Poland China Hogs. AuKUst 10th to 24th inclusive, the Northwestern line will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip. Choice of routes from Chicago. Make your plans to go by this short Hns east. City office 117 Bo. 10th 8. Depot Cor. 8th and S. 6td HARVEST AT- Famous Grove, AUG LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. STUDENT'S CAW EVTZB AT AWT TIME. HO BHTBAVOH EXAM IaTATIOaTS. The bst building's and qnlpmnta. Th ablest faoulty and tho moat aatla- factory work. Common asmaa oonrsa of study. If yon ar a tsaonar you will bs lntsrastsd In th following i Normal Course. FIRST YEAR. rLL BEMBBTBB, It W1EH. WIRTia StUISTtE, IS WIIIS. StIUUIB StUISTSB. IS WIIIS. First Terra, Second Term, Third Term, Fourth Term, Fifth Term, Sixth Term, 8 weeks. 8 weeks. S weeks. Swreks. 8 weeks. 8 weeks. Orthoepy. School manajt. Geography. Geography. History. History. Arithmetic, Arithmetic. Arithmetic. Arithmetic Hnokkeeplna;. Word Analysli Grammar. Grammar. Grammar. Physiology. Physiology. Civil (JuT'm't. Mental Arlth. Penmanship. Heading. Vocal Musis. Drawing. Drawing. Debating. Dstatlng. i)ebatlng. Debating. 'DebaUng. l)Ftintlng. Physical Cult. Physical Cult Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. SECOND TEAR. Algebra. Algebra. Algebra. Plane Geom. Plane Geom. Solid Geom'try 1 1. at. Lessons, tl-at. Lessons, tl. at. Lessons. 'Caesar. fCaeaar. fCananr. Khetorlc, Rhetoric. Rhetoric. Physical Geos;. Botany. Botany. Gen'l History, Gen'l History. Uen'l History. Eng. History. Eng. History. Political Econ. Prin. olEdu, School Mngt. Physics. Physics. Biology. Zoology. Ele. Science. Kle. Science. 'Kle. Science. Kle. Hclenc. 'Els. Science. Kle. Science. Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'One a week. fLatla Is optional In this course. Ton can get In addition to tha ahore the Preparatory, Pedagogic, Scientific, Literary, Classic, Business, Shorthand, Music, Band, Orchestra, Oratory, Telegraphy, Kindergarten, Fine Art, or Pen Art Course. EXFEHSEB. It is cheaper to attend school here than It is to stay at home. la any of the regular courses we girr Tnltlon, Board, and Room tor on term for. ... .... f 24 00 Tuition, Board, and Boom lor one year for ........ 12a (M) Writ to us lor catalogue and particulars. Address, 4 LIWCOI.V SOBHAX. UNIVERSITY, HILL M. BELL, President. Bormal, JOHN CARK, Vic President. Lincoln, Sabraska. Summer Call at Us College, Corner 11th & 0, or address, Ixincoli Bsiless College, Why Not Live in Lincoln? I have a well-improved ei(?ht-acre farm for sale three miles southeast from the Postofflce. It is near two colleges and between them and the city, and is adapted to fruit, garden, dairy or poultry raising. A good house, barn, plenty of water, some timber and all conveniences. Here is the farm where you can live near the city and enjoy all its conveniences and have a farm large enough to make your own living. I will gell for f 1,000 less than it cost me one year ago on account of wish ing to change my occupation. Jo mortgages. No trade. Address, J. GIVENS. Box 583, Lincoln, Nebr. Make Your Own Cheese. For one dollar C. E. Kittinger of Powell, South Dakota, will end you ten rennets with complete instruction for making cheese at home with such simple apparatus as everyone now has. No other outlay than the dollar which will be refunded to you if you fail. Three pounds of cheese in place of one pound of butter. Which will bring the most in your market? BOARDING, FEED AND SALE STABLES. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, HARNESS anil lllryplra. at t'mrtorw irr". Work guaranteed n1 a to per cent suved. our gcnnls received the highest awnrds at the World's Fair. )iirl! Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue Is free to ail. Itshows m.n the lstest st v leu snd Improvements and reduced prices. It has at) "1 titfklu. pages and is t fie largest and aiost complete ratsloKiie ever Issued. WftMte-V. Bend tor lb It srec, Jtlltainrt'arrla., I'tarlnmaU, 4IU. democratic party." it tne om man ot the Sun will only look a little to the front he will find that the democratic party would never again capture the free silver people. Weatherford (Tex.) Leader. . ...iM:iissasaw. PICHCi 20th. School Mr. C. I). Griffin, who Is wsll known to our students aa teacher si Mathematics for five yours at the Lincoln Business College.untll a year ago, has again associated himself with o. and will conduct a Summer school, devoting his time to aperlal Instruction In Arithmetic and other studies taught in the public schools. Tuitllon, (1 per week. The tuition in the Business, Shorthand, and Penmanship Is reduced for the months of June, July and August to fit lor tea weak. D. R. LILLIBRIDGE, Pres. FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENTS AND aCST ATTENTION. Tljc Windsor Stables. W. A. REESE, Proprietor. 10124: L Street, LINCOLN, KKB. Tlionc ii:2. 3SV "a , scut Write Ifim). did mine." On sale by all drurglsta. Book on Heart and Nerres sent FREK Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Reiaedies Bestore Ecdth.