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About The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1895)
' ' VOL. VIL SO MOVES THE WORLD. . "We tleep and wait and iloep. Dot all thing moT; The 8nn Dim tor ward to til biothr 8nn : The dark Earth tallows, wheeled iu her elllpee; And human thloirt, returning on theineelTna, liar onward, leading up the golden year." Cleveland is said to be a London idol. There are 75,000 sewing girls in New York and Brooklyn. 148 Italians drowned by collision be tween steamers Mariep and Ordegia. The express car of a Lake Shore train was robbed at Reece Siding, Ohio, July 24. A national association of wire goods manufacturers was formed in Cincinnati July 23d. Seventeen gold mines in Colorado have been purchased by the Portland Mining Company. Chicago claims to be the manufactur ing center of this country, excelling New York in present product. The Pullman Company has again paid its dividend as usual. In other words, it has collected its plunder from the public. The earth in the region of Brue, Bohe mia, is sinking. 1800 houses have col lapsed, causing a damage of 1,500,000 crowns. Chicago is putting in free public baths. New York provides some free, on the river in summer, and others at cost in the tenement district. Carl Seitz, a Swedish aeronaut, is hav ing a balloon built to carry him to the North Pole. It will have an inflated sail -or rud ler to steer it. Bank crash in Canada. Six and a half millions of deposits gone. The Banque du Peuple closes its doors and the people are swindled of their hard earnings. A Massachusetts judge has decided a Tight of way suit in favor of a bicycler, whose machine was damaged- by being run into, he having done his best to ,void collision. A Massachusetts judge has decided a sriirhr. nf wn,v suit in favor of a bicycler. whose machine was damaged by being run into, he naving aone nis Dess to avoid collision. - . The directors of the defunct Union Bank of Newfoundland are accused of appropriating nearly $ 5,000,000 of the people's deposits. They have been in dicted, but are out on ball. The village of Kirkwood, Illinois seems to be in danger of sinking into theearth. A ten foot well which was being dug -caved in and the earth keeps falling in about it, and seems loose and shaky. The wheat crop in the Red river valley region of Minnesota and Dakota has been very badly damaged by smut and rust. The wheat crop of the three states, the Dakotas and Minnesota, is now esti- mated at only 100,000,000 bushels. The Philadelphia street railway com panies with country branches are to be consolidated with alleged capital of $ 40 000,000, on which the public must for ever pay dividends if it does not decide on the Populist measure of public ownership. A society for the suppression of scandal has been started in Insterburg, in East Prussia. Every scandalous story spread in the town will be traced, and the origi nator prosecuted by the society. A fine thing this. Ijet such societies be multi plied. Let them cover the earth. The priceof wheat has fallen in the last few years below the cost of production, and the class who control prices assert that it is caused by over-production. But the statistician of the Orange Judd Farmer declares that we consume yearly on the average only 4.77 bushels to the individual. Ontario, Canada, farmers are threaten ed with failure. Dry weather has des troyed their hay crop and railroad freights are so high that hay cannot be shipped in by them. In some parts of the province farmers are shooting their cows The condition of the farming class is most deplorable and daily getting worse Government aid is asked for. A new bicycle has been invented by a Chicago man, which dispenses with the sprocket wheels, chain and forty per cent of the frame, and the ordinary pedals and pedal cranks. The driving levers are nearly double the length of the pre sent pedal cranks of the chain bicycle and it is claimed an increase of power and speed is obtained. The frame will be constructed of bamboo, a process to preveutsplittiug having been discovered. The new coal trust south includes nearly all the mines of Virginia, Ken tucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. The total value is about $500,000,000 and this is to be the capital stock of the trust. The first action of the trust is to advance the price of coal 25 per cent. And there is nothing to hinder another 25 per cent, and another, and another, except the fear that the people may de maud the nationalization Of the coal mines. To Close Out Ladles' Waists. 50c. Waists for 84c. 72c. Waists for 49c. 1.00 Waists for 69c. at Fiied Schmidt & Bno's., ,8tl 9210 St. Leccnune Cst Miles' Pin PUla. , Make Platform Contracts In Law Hazard, Neb., July 24, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: We have caucuses by law, and without said caucus we bave no ticket at the con ventions. We make platforms and nomi nate a ticket and the candidate accepts his nomination and accepts the platform which is a contract between him and the people; and the law should be that he carry out the contract or step down and out. If this were the law we would take more pains in making the platform (or contract), and we would take more pains in getting capable men instead of look ing for honest men who are as scarce as hen's teeth, especially when millions are chucked under their noses. 'Tis said that man is iu the market and one of the following things will fetch him, viz: money, whisky or women. No matter whether this be true or not, there can be no harm in compelling an office holder to live up to his contract with the people, and the people will know just what to look for. As it is there is no use iu mak ing a platform. This should be the law for all parties, and no election without this contract with the candidate. S. G. Swigabt. Interest Laws Violate Nature Palmyra, Neb., July 21, 1885. Editor Wealth Makers. The general tenor of the Jewish writings known to us as the old testament de nounces usury. Shakespere portrays its workings in a very unfavorable light in his celebrated play, "The Merchant of Venice," but in recent times the term has almost become obsolete. Now is there no way by which we can assign a scientific reason for this word, usury? Methinks we can. . The arithmetical law of interest, known in our schools, shows that compounded interest is in itself an impossibility, because there are forces in nature that clearly declare such princi ples to be beyond the power of nature to meet.. Let us take the well known law of compound interest on $1.00 for 1 per cent for 100 years, and it increases to $2.75, bat the same principal for 24 per cent amounts to the fabulous sum of $2,555,799,400. Any one of plain comprehension can see that it is impos sible to be carried out, and rational rea sons can be assigned for its non-fulfillment, as follows: It is a well known law in nature that all plants and animals have an immense power of production under favorable conditions, such as the rabbits in New Zealand, herrings in the ocean often choke out all other fish; but nature has another force we play aud that is the law of destruction, and between these two forces nature keeps an equilibrium. Therefore it can clearly be seen thatcom pound interest as a factor in our labor world must keep, or, more properly speaking, be kept, in line with these two forces; therefore the lawof our land ought to regulate the use of our properties or monies by these two laws, production and destruction. For it is well known that monies cannot of themselves in crease without a labor attachment. And for men to demand of one another a use (the basic word of usury) for monies and properties that cannot be fulfilled is doing an injury to the labor element of society. , Therefore our states and gene ral government ought to enact laws in accordance with the economic forces of nature, and to do so effectively they ought to create a Bureau of Exchange. Loaning aud dispensing with monies at as low a rate of interest in keeping with these above named forces. It seems to me that the idea meets the business re quirements of all our mercantile, agri cultural, and manufacturing classes. That the loaning fraternity may com plain of this I take it for granted, on the same principle that Demetrius ob jected to the Apostle, preachiug, tor "Sirs ye know that by this craft (of Banking) we have our wealth." "for the Shrines of Diana brought no small gain unto the craftsman." Trusting that these suggestions may give a start to our people, I remain an enemy to the craftsmen. John S. Maiben. The Burlington has been chosen the official route for Louisville G. A, R. En campment. Special train with Comman der C. E. Adams and staff also Woman's Relief Corps will leave Lincoln 2:15 p.m. Sept. 9th, leave Omaha 4:35 p. in., and arrive in Chicago early next morning and at Louisville via Pennsylvania Line at 4 p. m. Sleeping car accomodations without change, double berth $4.50, Omaha to Louisville. Reservations for berths should be made early so that am ple accomodations can be arranged for. For full information and tickets apply at B. &. M. Depot or city office corner 10 and 0 streets. Geo. W. Bonnell, C. P.&T.A. OAR National Encampment at Louisville. Ky The Burlington will on September 8th to 10th sell round trip tickets, via St. Louis, at $18.35; via Peoria, $19.35; via Chicago, $20.40, good to return un til September 25th. For full information apply at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1895. Colfax County iiventlon Resolu tions. ' Editor Wealth Makers: I write hurriedly to inform your read ers that the Populists of Colfax county know the difference between the getting together of two reform elements on some grounds common to both, and the stu pidity of a young and prosperous party with a splendid chance in full sight to carry the citadel of power aud plant the flag of freedom far outside its present environments hooking itself up with a kicking minority of an old party filled with the hallucination of getting a crumb from the table presided over by Cleveland and Carlisle. Herewith I send you a copy of some resolutions adopted by our county convention at Howells, last Saturday. J. A. Grimison. Resolved, That we, the People's Inde pendent party of Colfax county, in con vention assembled, do hereby again de sire to express our continued adherence to the Omaha platform in all its de mands for reform on the questions of land, transportation, and money. We further desire to express our in creasing admiration of and confidence in the sagacity and foresight of the pat riots who framed that second Declara tion of Independence at a time when the purblind hocks of existing political par ties and tbe mercenary hirelings or law less greed were shoutiugAmerica's grand prosperity from every housetop." That while we readily concede the great benefit to be derived from the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1, and feel grateful to all good citizens who are disposed to assist in this very desirable move in the right direction, yet we recognize the ropulist party, at this time, as the only true and loyal exponent of money reform, because its platform and purposes are broad enough to finally emancipate tlie toiling millions of earth from the fatal grasp of the modern Shylocks, and in which the rehabilitation of silver is but a primary move. That we deplore and regret the effort which has been made, without authority from any convntion, assemblage, or committee of "Populists, to make unnat ural and damaging alliances with fac tions of those parties whose policies we were organized to overthrow; and we de nounce as unworthy of support all those who seem to place an election to some lucrative office above that manly adherence to principle without which no new party can ever gain the confidence of the American people. That the recent mongrel, grab-bug disposition of state patronage, under a hybrid name, unauthorized and irregu lar in every particular, should be dis owned and repudiated by every manly man and true Populist as an unwar ranted departure from the established line of policy of the party in this state. As Populists we are not willing to con cede that men among us, who have been honored by us with places in the halls of congress, with corresponding salaries, should have any greater influence or power in our councils than many others of equal or greater ability who have carried our banners and preached the industrial redemption of the great com mon people, amid the jeerings of con ceited ignorance, when there was no of fice or emolument in sight. It is noil populism to worship position or fawn in the face of power. ' Recognizing the deplorable condition of servitude to whfbh our beloved coun try is hastening and the magnitude of the battle to be fought for its redemp tion and the ever increasing hopeless ness of getting anything of any value out of either of the two old political parties, or any scion thereof who has not proceeded far enough from theswaddling clothes of the new birth to forget the charm of his party name; we conjure our fellow workers in the name of humanity, in the interest of success, to be men, to get out of the brush, to stop bush whacking, to expurgate all combina tions and arrangements which seem to plnce the office above the principle in volved, and to get into the middle of the road where they can at least be consis tent and command respect. A nice line of Gingham's and Duckings, former price 12c. per yard, reduced to 8&:. Fred Schmidt & Bros., - 9210 St. For cash, off on boots and shoes. Webster & Rogers, 104a O St. The Bank of Salisbury Closed. Salisbury, Mo., July 30. The Banfc of Salisbury closed lis doors this morn ing. Its condition is unknown. J. H. Finks was cashier, P. B. Branham, as sistant. An Official Killed by Appendicitis. Washington, July 30. Robert K. Gilespie of Gallatin, Tenn., chief of the public land division in the general land office, died last night of appendi citis. One Fifth Off on all Shoes. Foot-Form Store, 1213 OSt ' For cash, off on boots and shots Webster & Rogers. 104.') O St. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIOLOGY Parallel to Theology and Forming Its Basis - , I wil set forth the following as truths according to my conception. - 1. You cannot sin against God directly I You cannot commit an' evil except through the medium, by the agency or instrumentality of a human being, your self or some one else. 2. Thus the direct object of man's sin is humanity, himself or some other hu man being. 3. On the other hand, you cannot obey, serve God, or do good except through the medium of man; by doing good to, or serving your fellowmen. Hence the good that we do in this world we do to our fellowmen; and thus through these human media we serve Christ, for he accounts these good deeds to us as done unto Himl "For inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these my brethren, ye did it unto mel 4. We sin against God (in most every instance) by doing wrong to our fellow men. We bear false wituess, we covet, we steal, We dishonor parents, we commit adultery, all directly against others, yet thereby violating God's commandments. We fail to do good, to serve our fellows, to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, visit the sick and imprisoned, and it is accounted to us by Christ in the judg ment day as evil against us. "For inas much aB ye did it not unto the least of these my brethren, ye did it not unto mel 5. To see how all the possibilities of man for obeying or violating the laws of God, rest on the presence and medium of his fellowmen, let us suppose that there were but one man on the earth. What evil could he do or sin could be commit? Could he covet? What? Could he steal? From whom? Could he bear false wit ness? against whom? Could he kill? Whom? But as soon as a brother man appears upon the scene, he can violate God's law by doing wrong to his brother So that his brother's blood cries to the Lord from the earth. And so if one man alone existed, what service could he ren der to God? Whom could he feed, clothe, comfort and assist? Nerily God hath not need of these things from weak, impotent man! Yet Christ says that in doing these very things to our fellowmen it isaccoun ted and credited to us as doneunto Him! Not that God needs any kind of assist ance directly, from man; tliecreator from the creature; but it is by Ood' 7aw duo from mad to man. And God commands us to do justly, righteously, yea liberally to our fellows, if we wish to merit bis blessing and approval and finally enter His Kingdom. Remember then that man has no sin apart from his fellows, and alone with God and apart from His fel lowmen. These opposite varieties of character develop and appear, only in man as he contracts and behaves toward his fellowmen. Take him out of his hu man association and man is neutral in character innocent! Thus sociology, man's relation to man is parallel in importance with, and under lies theology, man's relation to God! Bellevue, la., C. Wirta, M. D. Obituary Notice A good man in the person of William Quick of Emerald, Neb., passed from earth last Friday, July 26. Mr. Quick was 71 years old and had retired from the most active work of life. He was a native of New Jersey and had been a resident of Lancaster county about eighteen years. He was a prominent member of the Farmers Alliance and was a man of most sympathetic nature, in stinctively taking the side of the op pressed. He was to the close of his life intensely interested in the great un esttled questions of justice, and threw his vote and utmost influence to help the cause of the common people. For more than thirty-five years he had been an exemplary Christian and impressed all who knew him with his sincerity and love of his fellowmen. He leaves a wife and two married sons, who live in this county. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them." Humphrey Bros., Hardware Co., are agen ts for the Deering Binders and Mow ers. We keep a full stock of repairs, and weare still increasing our stock of Stude baker and Moline Carriages, Buggies, Phaatons and spring wagons' New goods and new prices. The largest stock in tbe state; 4 floors, power elevator. We bave some bargains iu second-hand Buggies. Surries, Phaetons and Carriages. Call and see our stock. "X. B." grade full leather top buggies, warranted at $05 cash. Special sale for the next thirty days on all lines of dry goods, shoes, etc. H. K. Nissley & Co., Department More 1023 U Street. 1-S off On underwear, shirt waists, wrappers. dress ginghams, lawns, ch allies and pon gees at Fred Schmidt & Bros., 921 0 St. Tbe Mission of Tbe Pulpit BY MAYNARD L. DAGOY. number n. When Dr. Charles II. Parkhurst began his crusade against sin in high places he at once became the target at which was aimed the arrows of two allied classes. The braves of Tammany, the saloons of the metropolis, tbe proprietors of dives and dens, the blackmailers of officialism were sure that the unconventional Doctor was invading the sacred field of individual liberty, and hence, united with the great free press and the aristocrats churches in a demand that the Doctor should con fine himself to the "sinple gospel of Christ." True, they regretted the evil, but they realized that "vested rights" might find it inconvenient, if coming in contact with the practical side of religion, they should be forced to cry for quarter. Then, too, religion was made for Sunday, and not for every day, Their ideal allowed a man to make long prayers on the Sabbath day, while he practiced scientific rasca lity from Monday morning until Satur day night. Such an innovation as the New York reformer was about to inaugu rate, was looked upon as daugerous to the social parages and they at once un ited to oppose the rising waves of public indignation. . This circumstance clearly illustrates conventions thought upon the subject iu band. For centuries the church has held to the belief that its mission is primarily concerned with a future existr euce. The result has been the undue em phasis of creed and dogrna while its duty in this world has been sadly neg lected. This theory is manifest in the sermons which so frequently come from our pulpits, musty with the accumula tions of ages. Too often the pulpit looks at the veuality of political life, tbe in equalities of industrial life, the corrup tion of social life and then declares that the church has naught to do with tem poralities. 'I he pulpit has yet to com prebend thereality of Christ's teachings: it has yet to realize that man was made for this world first and that religion was instituted that he might realize his potentialities in a life of full-orbed man hood. ' . What then is the true mission of the pulpit? ' fundamentally, Christianity is con cerned with this world1. Its purpose is to lead men into closer fraternal relations; to harmonize tbe conflicting interests of life; to preach aud live the Golden. Rule. Christianity knows no race, recoguizes no class. The brotherhood of the human family is its corner-stone. It seeks to establish the reign of Christ a reign not of dogmas, not of creed, not of cere monies, not of bigotry, but a reign of love a reign made possible by the actualization in social life of the mutual istic principle implanted in the heart of man by his Creator. Tho pulpit should be the friend and counselor of the weak, the unfortunate and the oppressed. This requires that the minister should be able to adapt himself to all classes of people. This democratic spirit, tbe legitimate off spring of Altruism, arises from a heart that is filled with sympathy for all man kind. To the unfortunates whose lives are worse than wasted in the slums, be should be the earnest counselor, whose efforts in their behalf would lead the world to eradicate this crowning evil of the nineteenth century. Through the pulpit should be proclaimed tha new charity which would give justice to all and thus help every man to assist him self. Every movement which seeks to up lift these unfortunate victims should find in the pulpit an earnest, courageous and conscientious ally. If the pulpit realized that its duty toward the labor ing classes is just as binding as its duty to its prosperous pew-holder, the sum of human happiness would be creatlv in creased and the church would soon re gain the affections of the masses. As long as tbe unfortunate class can find more sympathy out of the church than it can within the magnificent interiors. just so long will churches decrease and saloons multiply. "The pulpit," says Prof. Ely, "is so far away from the toil ing masses that they fail to understand their desires and motives to action." That this is true, is evidenced in the sickly dissertations on "dispensations of providence," which are sometimes heard after some conflict between capital and labor has been compromised. The aver age minister preaches as if it were poss ible for a man reared in the environment of poverty and vice, to reach the same pinnacle as his parishoner whose culture aud refinement largely arise from the ennobling tendencies inherited from sturdy ancestry and nurtured amid the vitalizing air of a pleasant Christian home. The ignorance of human affairs as they exist iu the various classes of society greatly curtails tbe usefulness of Eulpit and largely increases the mutual atred of social classes. Thus, the pul pit, as the leader and moulder of public opinion, becomes to a great degree re sponsible for the delinquencies of church members. Sociology will receive its greatest impetus when the ministry en deavors by scientific methods to put in ' practical operation the Christian motto: "Look np; Lift upl" It is to the pulpit that we must look for the greatest agency in creating an active public sentiment that shall assist itself in the practical efforts to increase I human welfare. The present offers every opportunity to the pulpit. A meeting is called to consider the sweat shop curse; to conciliate contending industrial factors; to agitate some social problem of common interest, but in such assem blies are seldom heard the voice of tho ministry. Thus forgetting that every problem that concerns human welfare is a moral problem, the most influential element disregards the demand of civic life, while the Almighty Dollar continues to raise a standard based upon wealth, which sanctions hypocrisy and rewards the intrigues of the powers that be, while genuine merit too often becomes the prey of greed and avarice. The negative attitude discourages the leaders in re formatory movements and widens the chasm between the church and tbe masses. The pulpit is able to see at once the wrongs committed by some poor striker whose sense of injustice has over powered his sense of social duty, but when the offender is a Gould or Rocke feller, who has levied legal tribute upon the wealth producers, the sin is seldom so apparent. Verily, a big pile of gold covereth a multitude of sins. To these there are many noble exceptions, and to the influence of these exceptions may we look for the factors that will arouse the church from her lethargy. If in every city there could be a Parkhurst an Ab bott, or a Reed the ohurch would awake from her slumbers and Avarice would fall before 'a christianized conscience. The pulpit should repudiate that paganistio doctrine which would confine its influence to a favored few, and thuB make it, of tea unconsciously, the apologizer for wicked ness in high places. It should ever re main the courageous defender of the right, the sturdy supporter of tbe weak, the unflinching enemy of tbe wrong. When tbe pulpit is baptised with that Spirit: which inspired Christ to drive the money changers from the temple, re gardless of the taunts of convention alism, then will the church become fired with a zeal for righteousness that will irresistibly storm the forts of wrong. Those who advocate a broader sphere of usefulness for the pulpit are olten mis understood. The purpose is not to make the preacher the champion of any par ticular sect or the advocate of any speci fic principle. .Nor would we lessen its traditional dignity. The entire conten tion is based upon the conviction that Christianity is able to cope with the problems of the hour, and that its ethi cal principles should be the standard to which human affairs should conform. How may life be made better? How may the conditions of all classes be improved? How may the institutions of tbe world be christianized? are questions which should be discussed in every pulpit, although it might in many cases lessen the contribu tions of influential pharisees. A quota tion from Prof. J. R. Commons, of Indi ana State University, might not be in appropriate at this point. "If he (the minister) should take a hearty interest in social questions, if be should hear the bitter cry of the home heathen, if he should take it upon bimself to present their cause,soon the church would follow in his steps, and no longer could tbe blame for social ills be laid at the door of Christians. "There are two things which the minis ter must do at present. The first is to show the facts. This is the urgent need of the hour. His congregation must learn that there are ominous social wrongs to be righted. The preacher should be a student of social science. "The second thing for tbe preacher to do is to show the responsibility of Chris tians for these conditions. We have got beyond that age of materialism which ascribes social conditions to the work ings of so-called natural laws which man cannot modify. Social conditions are tbe result of the human will. The human will finds expression in two ways in the every day activities of individuals and in legislation. These two facts are causes of social conditions, and they are simply the manifestations of the human will acting individually or collectively. In our country this means the Christian hu man will; for it is the Christians whose wealth and intelligence control legisla tion, and whose t. saith and intelligence in all private affairs outweigh all other private influences. "The preacher should do as Jesus did; work on the hearts of men, give them right purposes, show them the evils to be overcome and the end to be reached and leave to them the ways and means for bringing about needed legislation." While this paper is purely sociological in its aspect, I do not wish to belittle tbe importance or necessity of theology. We would simply emphasize the fact tbat the pulpit is primarily concerned with this world in its political, industrial and social life; that its mission is to realize a heaven upon earth as well as m the world to come. The church of today has reached a crisis; she stands at the parting of the ways. For centuries the masses nave bowed before the fetich of ignorance; to day tbey are groping in semi-darkness, seeking the truth. Old theories, ancient creeds, time-worn systems, bave fulfilled their mission and are passing away. New conceptions, rational creeds, higher ideals, are ready to take the place of the old, when an enlightened people shall bid them enter. The church stands with a latent energy which only needs the in spiration of an awakened pulpit to urge it forward to regain lost territory and win tbe world for right. Greencastle, Ind. For cash, 'off on boots and shoes. Webster & Rogers, 1043 O St. . - V JNU. 8