Jaly 2o, 1895 TIIK WEALTH MAKKIIS. 7 ! a I 1 -QiMLY 30 4" aitf WE WAIT By new subscribers, we mean people who are not now taking The Wealth Makers. If you love your family, if you love your home, if you love Liberty, if you love the People's Party of Nebraska, help us to circulate the paper that is doing more than any other one thing to educate the voters of the state. Both the old parties have proven themselves incompetent and unworthy. They have been " weighed in the balance and found wanting," and the People's Independent Party must now take the lead. It is already the second party in numbers in eleven states and, if its members do their whole duty, we shall sweep the country in '96! Educate; gdiicatet Educate; Let some good local speaker in every neighborhood call a meeting of the voters in his precinct, make them a red hot Populist speech, and urge all who are not now taking The Wealth Makers to subscribe immediately I If you want a good speaker and have none whom you can get right now, write us, and if possible, we will send you one. Let every one of our readers see how many voters he can get to take advantage of our Campaign offer! THE WEALTH MAKERS, the State Paper of the Populist Party, from now till November 1st for hii:iiiii:ii:i:i:i:eei:i:I!EW Every voter in Nebraska should read it. Adddress, J. S. HYATT, Bus. liiiiiuuiiiiiiauuuuuaiiuiaauauiuuiuiwauiuiiuaiauiiiiuiuiiaiaauuiiiia DIf I Of ALL I -aaw J"8 MSaFSUU SlilE. SErtO 4c. FW'WOMAN'S SAF( STDSIim GUARD!' Wu.com Specific Co,Pmila..p: Celebrated Female Powders never fill Mft and rare (after failing Oregon Politics If vou want to keen posted on Populism in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, SUBSCRIBE FOR The . . . People's Party Post, T i $1.00 per year. Portland, Oregon. h. s. ALEY, m. o. SPECIALIST IN FEMALE, NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Office 1215 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. KT Write tor term, and qoeetloa blanki. Good News! Governor Larrabee's great work, "The Railroad Question," is now issued in paper covers. It is the standard author ity on the subject and has just been adopted as a text book by Vasser Col liege. Every reformer should have a Icopy. Price, cloth' $1.50; paper covers, JpOc Address, Wealth Makers Pcb. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Who has tried Mr. Kittinger's process for making cheese at home, advertised in thisissue? He offers to refund the money to every one who fails while following his process a very liberal offer. HIS m wui ana in rwavn7U ImS Of. L XTSEC. hekBtr. 1 Come all ye t?at labor,"- I take subscriptions for . ? 25,000 Lj ; -J? - ... ... . .B5SC For the Campaign and will send the paper from now until November 1st for ONLY : 30 THE WEALTH MAKERS, Mgr. FIVE FACTS. -THE- Great Rock Island Route Cheap Outing Excursions. FirtFor the National Kdncatlonnl Meeting at Denver, opening Julv 5ih, the rate will be one fare plug i to for round n ip Tickets Rood to return anil time up to ami liiclndiiiK Hipt. 1st. Srconii Tbe reuulnr Tourist Car to California via Kansas City runs ow-e a week, and leaves i.nicafro every Thursday at 0 p.m., Kansas City at lu.nu a.m. every rriday. Tickets based on second clusa rate, and vnr runs 03 fastest trains, and known as the I hlliips-Hock Island Tourist r.xcursious. Car arrives at Colorado priiiRs Damruiij, two a.m. Th nt Home-Seeker's Excursions to Texua and New Mexico. Next one .Inne lltb. Kate, one lare lor round trip. Tickets tood twenty dnys. t ouri li kKor Mexico City the Hock Island runs a throtiRh sleeper from Kansas City duilv nt S.-4U p.m. via Topeka, Mi-Far'uml, Wichltn and tori worm and Austin to Hun Antonio. T routes trom there are International It. H. to Laredo, and Mexican National to the City of Mexico: Poutheru I'acifle and Mexican Interna. tlonal via potford and Eagle Vesa to City of Mexico, Connections are also made at Fort Worth via tne T.exns I'aofic to Kl 1'aso, and over the Mext Can Central to City of Mexico. HI h Send to address below for a Souvenir called the "Tourist Teacher," that gives much miormution 10 tourists, bent free, JOHN SEliASTAlX, G. P. A., Chicago. FOR THE SAN LUIS VALLEY. Now is your time to see the ereat San Lnis Valley, Colo., the great garden spot 01 tne West, lhe (ireat Kock Island Route will run excursions on May 21st and June 11th from Lincoln by way of Denver, Pueblo and Salida, over the D. & It. Q. into the great San Luis Valley to Alamoosa, Colo. One fare for tbe round trip. All persons desiring to go should write us for particulars. J. B. KOMINE, Colorado Land & Insurance Co., 1025 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED. Ererj farmer to be hi own painter and Absolutely pure paint for sale by the Standard Glass and Paint Co., Cor ner 11th and M St., dealers in paints, oils, painter's supplies, glass, etc.. Lin coln. Neb, j HO CEWS.iin- I THE WEALTH MAKERS. HEW . CENTS. 1 nitirinaxiiiiTrtEi 1 niTtiin 1 1 1:1:1 r WIFE CANNOT SEE HOW TOO 00 IT AND PAY FREIGHT. SlABfly mr 9 drawer mtant or oak tm 9 finely tiniahed, nickel pitted, adapted to lirhl and hear? work; gnarantred for 10 leant wltb Automatic Bobbin Hinder. Self-Threadtn Oil der MmUI,Brrf-SUln; Needle aod a compleU iiet of Steel iUitbmentef shipped any whereon SO Dav'a Trial. No money required in advance, , World's Fair Medal awarded machine and attach But from factory and tare dealer's and art tit's profits. rppf CntThtaOnt and send to-day for machine or large frt inCC catalogue, teettmoniatfl Hnd GHmpeee of the World's Fair. OXFORD MFG. C0.312 Wibish Avi.CHICABO.ILl. North-Western LINE R. R. in the best to from the F., E. & M. V. and Coal and Oil Regions CENTRAL WYOMING. For Sale at a Bargain I Leans of 640 acres school land fin proved) all enclosed with six-wire fence, 180 head of nice vounir hoc weio-hin. from 100 to 200 pounds to go with it This is in Custer county near Brnlraa Bow. Price. $3,000. FOR SALE Good 5-room nffar barn, corner lot in good neighborhood! For sale cheap. E. T. Hint 236 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE Printing Press complete outfit with good Subscription List at county seat in one of the banner Populist counties in the state. For further parti culars address, THE WEALTH MAKERS, Lincoln, Neb. REFORM BOOKS We hare the following books for sal. Ton ought to have them: Tht llallroad Problem........ i m Montiy Konnd.......... .25 Jafton Edwnrli............. , m Kirburd'A Crown .. M Hlll'n Political HlitwT 7f,! i'aa Beneath the Don &g Tn ilea of Money leland .... jo Beten Klnanelal Consplraete l All these are excellent reform books and should be read by everyone. Ad dress all orders to this paper. That FjvMtji Bac chfl l)e erf,l wltk PIaASIEB. Only Sbc. On Miles' XESL MYfa T5. 000 bow innae, Bunts. SUBSCRIBERS 5 I Lincoln, Nebraska. 3 OUR CLUBBING LIST The Wealth Makers AND Farmers' Tribune The Wealth Makers The Missouri World The Wealth Makers AND VOX PopUli (monthly) 1 $1.55 per year. $1.25 per year. $1.50 per year. $1.55 per year. The Wealth Makers realth Makers ) AND I onconforinist ) The ."Nonconformist The Wealth Makers Al The Prairie Farmer The Wealth Makers AMD Topeka Advocate The Wealth Makers AND Southern Mercury 1 $1.30 per year. $1.55 per year. $1.55 per year. We will send you Thk Wealth Maeers and any other weekly paper that you want, the price of which is $1.00 per year for $1.55. Old sub scribers may take advantage of these offers as well as new subscibers. We want every one of our readers to canvas for us. Send us at least one new subscriber, if it is only for a three month's trial, for 25c We will give 20 per cent commission to agents who will work for us. How many of our readers love The Wealth Makers enough to work for it, to in crease its circulation and consequently its usefulness? If you will send us only on new sub scriber our list will be doubled next week. Individual work is the kind that gives results. Send us two new subscriptions with $2.00 and we will extend your subscription one year freel , Faithfully yours, Wealth Makers Pub. Co., Linoola, Keb. I Knights Templar Boston Excur sion. For the above occasion on dates AUKtSt 19th to 24th tnolnjiva 41,. Northwestern line will sell tickets at one fare for the round trin. Chnina ni m,, from Chicago. Make your plans to eo by tnis short I na ennt. Hit nffi iit So. 10th St. Depot Cor. 8th and 8. fits SOUND DEFINITIONS. A Sharp IUtltirtlon Mail by Writer twMo the Tcrma "Mono" and "Cur renej." Mr. George O. Merrick, president of the Bimetallic league of Colorado, un der date of June 28th has written an open letter to President Cleveland, from which we clip the following: iwr. rrjsuient: in the many com' munlcatlons to the people which bear your signature there is noticeable a constant reiteration of a set of phrases which need authoritative and precise UeUnitlons. In your reply to the Chi cago invitation you used the terms 'sound money,' 'cheap money,' 'de based currency,' 'degenerated cur rency,' 'safe currency,' 'sound cur rency,' 'safe and sound currency,' safe and prudent financial ideas,' 'whole some financial doctrine.' But nowhere do you give, or attempt to give, a clear, unmistakable definition to any or all of these words and phrases, which may mean so much or mean so little. The time has come for accurate definitions. If by 'sou ad money you mean gold coin only, you, as an honest man, deal ing with the paramount question of the day, and of the century, should nave me courage to say what you mean. And while you are defining 'sound money" do not forget to explain the meaning of 'cheap money, and to aid you in these much-needed defini tions let me quote some axioms in rela tions to money. '"We affirm that money is simply a function or a power of exchange for all commodities, all labor, and all debts. And this function is the legal tender quality conferred by the omnip otent power of the law upon the sub stances of which money is made. " 'All money is, therefore, artificial, It is a convenient expedient of civili sation. It is the equivalent of all values, the solvent of all debts, of unl versal desire, and of commanding util ity. The quantity of its circulating volume fixes the general level of all prices, subject to the law of supply and demand. " As the law fixes the price of gold at the unvarying value of $30.67 per ounce, and therefore it is not a com- modity, so should it fix the price of sil ver at $1.29 per ounce, so that it may be a commodity no longer, and, like gold, never vary in value. " 'We affirm that neither the cost of production nor the commercial price or intrinsic quality of the materials of which money is made constitute any faculty of money whatever. " 'The value of money is not in its substance, but in tbe legal force with which its substance is armed by posi tive law. "The foregoing are taken from 'Steck's Axioms of .Finance,' and are the teachings of all the philosophers from the days of Aristotle to the pres ent Cernuschi says: 'Money can never diminish in price, because money is itself the material of which price is composed. "All money is safe money, is honest money, is sound money. If it is not all these it is not sound money. A currency of a limited legal tender is not money does not perform the mon ey function, no matter of what mate rial it is made, and I fully concur in the often expressed idea that a curren cy should be, so far as possible, 'safe, 'sound, not 'debased' or 'degenerated. Here, again, it becomes of prime im portance that clear and unmistakable definitions shall be given, and I sug gest that the following will be under stood and appreciated by the great body of the American people: "A currency is that thing or things which, in the form of semblance of money, circulates, because of the con fidence of the people that it will be ae- ceptea oi tne noiaer tnereoi, in pay ment of debts or purchases; but which the creditor may at any time, or place, without notice, refuse to receive in payment of a contract stated in terms of money. National bank notes are a form of currency. "It were infinitely wiser that all coin and paper, intended to circulate as money, should be money; that is, full lesral tender. It is by this method alone that a currency, safe, sound and reliable at all times, under all condi tions, can be secured; a currency which cannot be discredited or depreciated in the hands of the people, provided al ways that the law by which it is cre ated is just and wise, and shall be faithfully executed, not abrogated in whole or in part at the option of the executive department, as has been done with the coinage laws daring your administration. "You remind the farmer of this coun try that 'he must buy as well as sell,' and that he (the farmer) 'must neces sarily be left far behind in the race-for their enjoyment' That is the benefits arising from increasing prices of all commodities by reason of a gradually expanding volume of metallic money. "And something over one-half of the population of the United States are in some way directly connected with the cultivation of the soil; and as it is to that source that we look for all prosperity, no prudent statesman, no economist, no honest lawmaker, will for a moment fail to recognize the fact that unless the farmers of the country receive remunerative prices for their products, no other industry in the nation can hope to prosper. Now, as to the effect of rising prices upon the farmer! The wheat crop of 1894 did not give to the producer 50 cents a bushel on the farm. But sup pose the farmer realized 50 cents a bushel. A crop of 1,000 bushels gave him in some form of currency, $500. Of that $500, we will say that his family expenses for the year were $250, leav ing $250 for payment of taxes, insur ance, interest and maintenance oi property. "Suppose the general range of prices to be doubled! In that case the farm er receives for his 1,000 bushets of wheat $1,000 instead of $500. He pays $500 for his family expenses instead oi $250, and has $500 instead of $250, to apply to the payment of taxes, insur ance, interest, and the maintenance of his property, and to the improved con dition of his family. The same law applies to all the great farm products north and south. The law Is thlsi 'Producers always produce more than they consume, and in tho case of a rise they gain on tlia whole amount pro duced, while they lose only on what they have to purchase.' "This law is so simple and so exact, it seems strange that it did not occur to the chief magistrate of a republic of nearly 70,000,000 people, when address ing them upon so important a subject "Mr. President, I now come to the most remarkable statement in this most remarkable communication, emanating from the president of the United States. You say: 'It ought not to be difficult to convince the wage earner that it (an increase in tho gen eral range of prices) would reach him least of all and last of alL In an un healthy stimulation of prices an in creased cost of all the needs of his home must belong to his portion, while he is at the same time vexed with van ishing visions of increased wages and an easier lot The pages of hlstorv and experience are full of this les son!" 'It is somewhat difficult to deter mine accurately just what is meant, what lesson conveyed by this mass of sounding words and 'glittering c-ener- alities.' But it is assumed that a fair construction shows the purpose to be an appeal to the selfishness and avarice of the wasre-earners of the cities. towns, and manufacturing centers, by attempting to show them that cheap food and low wages are beneficial to them, and that an Increase in the prices of food and fabric would inure to their disadvantage. 'Much stress is laid upon the neces sity for cheap food for the wage worker; but what possible benefit can be derived from a cheapness that de prives the thirty million who produce food and fiber of the ability to keep the wage-worker employed by buying the products of artisans and oper atives? This question was asked in the New York Sun of September 10. 1893, and has not yet been answered. nor can it be. -In one breath the national bankers assert that the government has not the power to make money, in the next Implore the government to delegate the power to them ask the govern ment to delegate a Dower to them which they declare it does not possess. Amoozin' cusses, these national bank ers. Tecumseh (Ok.) Leader. THEIR FUTURE PROGRAMME. Deb and HI AiaoeUtes Will Prepare the Way for the Coming ( o-Operatlve Com monwealth. In the course of an Interview accord ed a St Louis Post Dispatch reporter, Eugene V. Eebs says: We propose to change our lodge rooms into school rooms. We propose to teach our members that politics is the science of government, and that any citizen who does not take an act ive interest in the nolitics of his coun try is fit only for . lain and collar for slavery and degrauation. We shall try to conviuce them that so long as they vote the same ticket as their masters they will forge their own chains and perpetuate the social and industrial serfdom of which they complain. We shall first seek to unify and harmonize the workers of the country. We shall have no 'grand mogul' as chief to carry the organization in hia vest pocket, but we shall have at the head of this great organization a con gress of representatives elected from the ranks who shall have supervision of its affairs. The initiative and ref erendum . will doubtless be adopted and 'we, the people,' will rule. Rep resentative government, upon the ap portionment plan, has proved to be an abortion and is little, if any, better than a plain, unvarnished monarchy." "What will be the effect of machin ery on the trades and the trado unions?" "As I have intimated, the trades will disappear, and with them the trades unions as such. The locomotive engi neer will be supplanted by the motor man. The locomotive fireman will, in a few years, be a thing of the past The compositor must give way to the linotype. The machine will continue its invasion of the domain of toil until the man will be practically displaced. Children will suffice to operate the ma chine. The cheapest commodity in the world will be human flesh and blood. The trusts will expand, assume conti nental proportions and swallow up the national resources and the means of production and distribution. This will be the culmination of plutocracy's reign. The night of capitalism will be dark, but the dawn of co-operation. will be near. All the antagonisms be gotten of the competitive conflict.all its extremes of wealth and pauperism.glut- tony and starvation, bejeweled fraud and famished industry will disappear. Mutuamm will be the means and uni- . versal happiness the end. If this is not true then the moral philosophy of Christ is a sham and the 'brotherhood of man' a myth. Thousands of the better classes' effect to believe that social regeneracy is a hallucination, and that those who advocate it are fit candidates for a feeble-minded insti tute. In spite of of this, and in spite of troops and courts, jails and injunc tions, and all the pains and penalties the degenerate parasites of plutocracy can impose, the right will at last pre vail and humanity will sweep onward and upward until ideal elevations are reached, where all men and women shall have not only equal rights, but equal opportunities, and every human being shall have and enjoy all the fruits of his toil." What Does It Mean? "And the multitude of them that be lieved were of one heart and one soul: Neither said any of them that aught of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things in com mon." Acts iv. 32. This was said of the earlv Christians. What does it mean? If some of our modern expounders of Christianity would take this for a text we should like to hear what thev have to sav about it Topeka Advocate. Populist principles, aa laid down in the Omaha platform, constitute the sole topics of political discussion today