The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, July 18, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    July 18, 1895
abundance may be a supply for their
want, that their abundance may be a
supply for your want; that there may
be equality: as it ia written, He that had
gathered much had notbiBgover; and he
that had gathered little had no lack."
Democratic industrial equality, com
munal organization and an association
of Christian communes to equalize condi
tions and allow none to lack, that each
ane every individual may be nourished,
developed, perfected, and the power of
all increased beyond present imagination
in the taking hold and making use of
God's forces which are waiting to serve
us, is undoubtedly the Divine will aud
plan for the human race. It is the
method and means of individual aud
social redemption.
It was a long time before Christ's teach
ing regarding common property, indus
trial equality and community of interest
became obscured. Clement, who died ia
102, said:
"The use of all things in this world
should be common. It is the greatest
wrong to say this is mine, or that is
yours. From that moment date all our
Bishop Ambrose, who died in 397, said:
"Nature gives all thiugs to be used by
mankind, for God made those things for
all to enjoy in common, and wanted the
earth to be property in common to all
i. : . . .3 ' . i . ' i ii. l i
luauiiiiiu. iiaiuio ima vreamu luut law,
and it is usurpation winch creates pn
vate property."
Chrysostom, the "golden mouthed,'
who died in A.D. 407. said:
"Nobody ever shall call anything his
own; it all comes from God for common
use for all mankind, and the words mine
and thine are lies."
But the law of God and the real meaning
oi the lifelong and complete sacrifice of
Christ have been long hidden beneath the
formal, ceremonial-substitution rubbish
of the temple. The meaning of the law
has been lost, the example of Christ has
been long unknown, because the inspired
words in which each were revealed have
been misused, by revered teachers for
many generations. The command,
"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,"
to the great majority of church members
conveys no idea of God's will. The pro
fessed disciples of Christ practice unre-
buked theeveryday selflstiiiessof the bust
nessworld, and money seems to stand for
all things. The entire commercial world
is pictured as"Babylon the great,"seen in
the apocalypse, and the church walks
naked in the midst of it.
It is true that "Babylon is fallen, and is
become the habitation of devils, and the
hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of
every unclean aud hateful bird." Her
rulers, hurkings.monopolistsand mighty
men, in all their ranks of power have
glorified self-iuterest.and gratifying lust,
covetousness and pride have lived deli-
ciously. Her merchandise has been every
thing purchasable, including "slaves and
souls of men." The slavery of the
masses aud the soul destruction of the
classes are her work. The fruits of un
paid labor, "all things dainty and
goodly, and the insatiable luit of power,
have spread through the world "death,
mouriiiiigand famine." "Hermerchauts
are the great men ot the earth; and by
their sorceries have all nations been de
ceived. And in her is found the blood of
prophets and saints, and of all that have
been slain upon the earth.
"And I heard another voice from
heaven, saying, Come out of her, my peo
pie, that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heayen
and God hath remembered her iniqui
I believe that voice is sounding to-day:
"Come out of her!"
"Come out of her." How?
A few families in Nebraska, Missouri
and Iowa, having come to see the truth
which I have tried to make plain, felt
conscience driven to give up family as
well as individual selfishness and serve
one another as brethren. We felt that
the world could never be saved by talk
ing, that the most eloquent words are of
no value without sacrificing deeds, and
that sacrificing deeds are for the most
Dart wasted without organization
Sacrifice must meet sacrifice, love
must meet love in a recognized
bond of brotherhood. The pursuit
of private property for each family
by each family, arraying family against
family must cease. Bunning social hos
pitals and nursing some of the wounded
and inutilated.while permittingthefratri
cidal war to continueand forcing all into
it to wound or be wounded, to kill or be
killed, seemed folly. We therefore called a
meeting of those who believed in the
brotherhood relation and Christ's exam
ple, and organized ourselves into a new
kind of corporation, an unselfish or Chris
tian business body. If a selfish corpora
tion is wise, iu the economic sense, an un
selfish corporation is wiser; and only
through such a body, made up of individ
ual members, can Christ's Spirit be re
vealed in Bociety. Only by uniting fam
ilies in a corporate Christian community
can family-separating selfishness be
Under the recognized divine law by
which we come together the law of the
social world to be created, our corpora
tion is given a power of unlimited growth.
We are like other corporations in want
ing the earth, but unlike them iu wanting
all mea with it, that ihey may all be free
and equal and helpful and happy. We
would unite the hitherto divided in
terests of families, organizing them
into industrial corporate communities,
and these communities growing, multi
plyingand attracting the majority about
them by their love and labor economies,
may become the Christian state and uni
versal, world-wide Kingdom of God.
Following is a statement of what we con
ceive to be the universal faith and phil
osophy, the necessary conclusions of
all minds. It is a statement of the
faith and truth which we think must,
gather and organize men into a perfectly
fraternal economic industrial body.
"We believe in God, our infinite Father,
in Christ our perfect brother, and in the
law of equalizing love, expressed in the
command, 'Thou shalt love thy neigh
bor as thy sell.'"
"We hold these truths to be self-evident:
that all men created have a right to live
aud to share equally the abundant natu
ral provisions for a happy existence;
that the earth is theirs by common in
heritance, for use only, and not for specu
lation; tiiat because it is the inexhaust
ible source of values no equal value can
be Offered for it, or a part of it, and that
therefore no just title of absolute owner
ship can bo acquired in it; that it must
belong without possible alienation of
title to all individuals of all generations.
We hold that the individuals of the race
are interdependent, each needing all and
having the power to serve all; that each
individual differs in his wants and cap a-1
bilities from all other, differs not
imply in degree, aud that he ia as much
needed by the body politic and indus
trial, as is each member of the human
body, to oonstitute a perfect whole; we
hold that self-interest, thn good of ths
individual, is so bound up with society
interests, or the interests of all other in
dividuals, that it canuot be preserved
apart; that individuals cannot look out
for their own interests only, as in the
present commercial and political strug
gle, without insecurity and immense loss;
we hold that there can be no clashing of
interests between members of a healthful
naturally organized society, and that in
proportion to its numbers, through
organic uuity, will be the measure of in
dividual service, benefits and en toymen ts.
We hold that each member of society
should be equally nourished, equally exer
cised according to his ability, and receive
equal honor for equal exertion.
The Christian Corporation provides for
equal product sharing and is obtaining
land (near Lincoln, INeb.) and capital,
and organizing industry that all its
members may have permanent employ
ment, to create wealth and provide leis
ure to satisfy their needs. The land and
capital is held in common. Farming,
fruit-growing, market gardening, stock
raising, pisciculture, manufacturing,
etc., will be carried on under direction of
managers selected from the membership,
men of special knowledge and experience,
Each adult able-bodied member will be
given work at tasks be is accustomed to
or educated for. In the mercantile line
we shall do business on some slight
modification of the Rochdale plan, which
gives all profits to customers, and
through this medium we shall keep in
constant Christian relation with the out
side world, drawing it to us. We shall
be able to economize much- by buying all
we have to buy at wholesale, but our
constant, study will be to directly supply
as large e percentage of our wants as
Dossible bv the labor of our own people.
We shall do all our laundry work by ma
chinery, and much of our cooking at a
common bakery. Machinery and the
forces of steam and electricity will be
utilized as far as possible to save labor
and increase wealth. Economy or in.
creased effectiveness of labor aud perfec
tion of products will be our Btudy and
aim. To serve to the utmost, will be the
one line of ambition we shall have
room for. He that would be greatest,
must be the greatest servant. (Luke 21
24-27.) We shall show how the common
interest includes the highest interest of
each, and we shall provide for increasing
manual skill, mental training, and the
perfection of individual culture, in order
that each and every one ot us may nave
greater power to give and to enjoy. We
shall also show that while combination
and labor fellowship is the way of salva
tion from selfishness and temptation, we
must work to save, that is, to combine,
all men; for only as we increase our num
ber organized to fraternally serve, can
we decrease oppression, the power of the
competitive and monopoly system, and
finally completely displace it.
Our Christian Corporation can work
side by side with selfish enterprises and
our members be ra the world, in a sense,
and vet not of it. We accept members
who believe in the teachings of Christ
and indicate that they have the social
spirit (which is the Holy Spirit), and
when we have not their particular line of
industry organized, so as to provide
thein work we have them continuewort
ing where they are, and they turn in
their surplus if tlui!Suve any until we
can provide work for them. There is
nothing unbusinesslike, uneconomic, or
that tries to tit square pegs into round
holes in our Christian organization of in
dustry. There is nothing unreasonable
or arbitrarily unwise in our way of con
ducting it. Under the present system
every farmer plans as best he can with
limited means, plans and worries, and
not one in ten knows how and has the
means to be a good, successful farmer.
We shall select the very best farmers to
plan and direct all farm work; and so in
other industries. Industrial democracy
is not, can not be, industrial despotism
for the individual. It is, in fact, real
Christianity, the Christian system of
individual and social service.
The Christian Corporation, as the fore
going indicates, is not communally and
selfishly ascetic, as some religious socie
ties have been. Its members will not be
less interested in the land, transporta
tion, money and other social-poiitical-moral
questions because of being organ
ized to help one another. It has the
breadth of vision which sees that all men
must be saved from selfishness before
the individual under more Christian con
ditions can be fully saved.
Are we perfect people? Not one of us.
Neither were the disciples of Christ who
gathered about him. The divine com
mands were not given to angels, but to
men. They were not given to be broken,
but to be kept, to save us from evil. It
is only necessary that we better under
stand what they require and surrender
ourselves to the leadings of the social
Spirit, the Spirit of the whole. The rest
is only a matter of labor and education.
Imperfect life in the body of Christ we
must expect, made up as it must be of
undeveloped and imperfect individual
members, but an imperfect relation and
life of love is infinitely better than the
separation and death of the selfish. And
organized love by inter-communication
will tend to strengthen, purify and per
fect all parts, all members, besides hav
ing power to throw off what is beyond
the power of assimilation, that which is
selfishly foreign and iuharmoniously
Brethren, if this doctrine of labor com
munion, binding us to one another and
to God, taught by Christ and his apos
tles and practiced by the early church,
be indeed the gospel, it must be both
preached and practiced now. The fratrici
dal commercial struggle - must cease.
The idols of the market place must be
not simply talked about, but thrown
down. The market place itself, where
love is killed and all the fires of hell are
kindled, must be closed by God's people
for themselves at once. In its place there
must be, by our labor prepared and
opened, a fountain so full of all good
gifts that we may say: "Ho, everyone
that thirsteth, come ye to the waters,
and he that hath no money; come ye,
buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and
milk, withoutnioney, and without price"
(Isaiah 55;' 1-13).
The social democracy where all shall
equally exert their energies to serve is a
divine idea, but it must be realized. It
must have a concrete beginning, and it
must grow from some small band of
brothers by attraction, by spiritual
selection, till it displaces all else and be
comes the Christian nation and kingdom
of God. Our need now is men who will
preach the gospel of labor communion
in its simplicity and power, it is Uod s
answer to our moral questionings; it is
His remedy for all earth's evils.
The Land Questloi
(Continued from lit page.)
Add land question gal 2 no Ce
be abolished and all would have home
in a once more land of the freeandhoms
of the brave.
Equal access to natural opportunities
to produce wealth, which can alone be
obtained by the single tax, is basic to
equality in other things.
ltead Henry George's works and learn
all about this great moral question with
a fiscal name, the Single Tax.
Hindsboro, 111. S. C. Barnes.
1-5 off
On underwear, shirt waists, wrappers,
dress ginghams, lawns, challies and pon
gees at Fred Schmidt & Bros., 921 0 St.
Tea, honest worth Is unrewarded now, -The
fairest laurels deck the nabob's brow;
No more where Lincoln lived Is manhood priced,
Wealth wins Its way where patriots are despised
No more on Freedom's soil is freedom found,
The man with money is a king uncrowned.
The favored few, In selfish biles secure,
Behold, unmoved, the miseries of the poor;
Nor can distressful tales disturb their ease.
Or rouse to life their drowsy sympathies.
Where lies the fault (It fault we wish to find)?
Not D h one's self, nor wholly with mankind,
Nor yet with fata. There must be want and wos
While man is forced to be man's fiercest foe.
The social structure needs a sober base,
Unjust conditions fetter half the race,
"oclety alone must bear the blame,
ne child in misery is a nation's shame.
John T. Bbodebick.
At the Schwab mortgage sale they are
selling $8, $12 and $1U Mclntoshes for
3.25 to $0.60. This stock is sure going
to sell. You can buy the choice of 600
pairs of wool pants at the Schwab mort
gage sale at 90 cents per pair.
Oar 20 per Cent Discount Bale
On shoes will be continued until Satur
day, July 20th.
Jb red bchmidt & iiros.
The False Lawyer
In the business of subverting the liber
ties of our beloved country, I do not
not dread the soldier with his rifle nor
the conspirator with his mask, nor the
fool, fanatic, or the demagogue, nor the
king in his regalia, nor the cleric with his
tongue, nor the editor with his quill, nor
Satan with his horns, nor yet the million
aire with his millions, if they have but a
fair field. The man to be dreaded in this
republic is the shystering lawyer; legal
machination is the thing of menace and
danger. It is in this country especially
that the people need,to be on the alert
against legal quibblers; here they swarm
as they do nowhere else on the globe, not
only in the courts, but in legislatures
and their lobbies and every place of
power aud greatness.
How olten in searching amid the ruins
of popular properties in other countries
that once enjoyed them, do we come up
on the tracks of the false lawyerl For
what oppressor has he not found n legal
subterfuge? For what deed of guilt has
he not been ready to erect a legal bul
wark? Do we not find him with a legal
defense of every usurper; with a legal
justification for an invasion of every
birthright of man; with a legal quibble
over every great popular franchise; with
a legal gloze for every clear word of free
dom; with legal pettifoggery against
every establishment of right; with a
legal weapon for nullifying every victory
of progress; with a legal jimmy, as Ma
jor Haggerty lately said in the Assembly,
to pry open every man's safe; with legal
mechanism for tearing out every stone
in the fabric of justice, and for rearing
every pillar in the edifice of wrong?
Not a guilty deed has ever been perpe
trated by power; not a base treason has
ever been hatched against the Common
wealth, not a device has ever been set for
subversion of any popular right but
the false lawyer has stood ready to up
hold it with the armament of false lega
lity. He battered the Twelve Tables of
Rome, be made of no effect the Ten Com
mandments of Moses, he stifled the
genius of Magna Charta, and he is now
scuttling the Constitution of the United
Dyspeptics, take comfort! Ayer's
garsaparilla has cured worse cases than
The Man Slogger Paid.
Osceola, Neb., July 16. S. F. Com
fort is a gentleman who gathers cream,
lor the Osceola creamery, ana the
other day while attending to his work
at the house of a Polsnder on the val
ley he was cliaiifeu by the ladv of tho
house with chesting in the measuring
oi me cream. ?ne came at Mr. Com
fort with a c ub. They had a regular
Kilkenny tight. The lady came to
town with a pretty good sized scalp
wouna. ana Mr. Loiriort was sent for.
When he came in before Judge Hurst
it was hard to determine whose head
had been battered up the worst. How
ever, he pleaded guilty and contributed
$5 toward educating the youth. '
The mortgage sale at Schwab's old
ntnnd is now in full bloom and the na
tives are carrying away $22, $25 and $28
overcoats for $8.50, $9.50 and $10.50.
J his is surely the greatest slaughter of
lotlung our city linsever known.
The Financial Chronicle of New York
City is suggesting that money should be
sent into tho south to secure the election
of several "sound money" United States
senators. It says: "The question we
want to ask is, why should not the sound
money candidate in each state, the one
who apppars to offer the best promise of
success, be furnished the meaus for con
ducting his canvas.-?"
Creamery and Dairy
Apparatus and 5uppl'e.
BUTTER PACKAGES of every kind.
Every former having six or more milch cows should have one of these ma
chines the Having of? butter alone In a single year will pay for iu For Informa
tion, prices, eto., address
Creamery Package M'fg Co., --
Department. ZSLAXxaBAM City, 3VXOa
Make Cows Pay.1
Twenty cows and
one Little Giant
Separator will make
more butter than 25
cows and no separa
tor. Five cows will
bring $200 to $300 and one
separator will cost $125.
Five cows will eat a lot of
feed; a separator eats noth
ing. Moral: Make the cow
business pay by using a sep
arator. Send for circulars.
P. M. SHARPLE9, Elgin, IU.
ray up your subscription and get a
few new subscribers for The Wealth
Makers. Only 30c. from now till No
vember 1st.
14th Judicial District Call ,
The People's Independent electors of the 14th
Judicial District ot ths Ktate of Nebraska are
hereby requested toelect and send delegates from
their respective counties to meet In the city ot
MvCook, on Saturday September T. 18H5, at 3 o'
clock p. m.. for the purpose of placing la nomi
nation one candidate for Judge of the district
court of the 14th Judicial district, and to trans
act such other business as may properly come
before the convention. The basis of representa
tion will bs one delegate at large from each
county and one additional delegate for each one
hundred voter or major traction thereof cast at
the general election of 1KU4 for lion. H. W. Mo
Fadden for Secretury of State, which gives ths
following vote by counties:
Furnas... 12
GoHper 7
Hed Willow., 9
Frontier u
Hitchcock h
Duuily 4
Chase S
li ayes ...8
Total 53
Would recommend that the delegates present
cast full vote of their respective comities.
J. A. Khkrioan.
Chairman 14tb Jndicial District.
People's Independent State Convene
The People's Independent electors of the stats
of Nebraska are hereby requested to elect aud
send delegates trom their respective counties, to
meet In convention In the city of Lincoln on Wed
nesday, August 28, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of
nominating one candidate for Judge ot the su
preme court, two candidates for regent of the
Stats University, and to transact such other bus
iness as may properly come before the conven
tion. The basis of representation will bs on dele-arate-at-large
for eacn county and one additional
delegate for each one hundred votes or malor
fraction thereof; eust at the general election of
18114 for Hon. H. W. McFaddeu for secretary of
state, which gives tne following representation by
Adams ll
Antelope 11
Johnson 8
K earney 10
Banner VI
Blaine f... V;
Keys Paha 4
Boone II
Boxilutte 6
Knox ... , , 10
Lancaster 83
Lincoln 10
Brown 4
Buffalo ID
Butler 14
Cans 15
Logan 3
MndiNon.j t
Chase H
Cherry 7
Cheyenne.... 4
Clay 15
Colfax 8
Nemeha 13
Nuckolls 13
Otoe 14
Perkins - ,
Cnming f
Custer IN
Dakota. ...... ............. 4
Dawes.... 8
Phelps 11
Pierce 5
Platte 10
Polk 13
Dawson 11
Deuel 8
Dixon 8
Dodge 9
Douglas 40
Hed Willow
Itlcnardson 11
Bock 8
Saline 11
Fillmore .. 15
Saunders 21
Franklin .......
Srotts Bluff...........
Furnas 12
Gage 16
Garfield 2
Seward It
Kberlden 11
Sherman................... 7
Sioux 2
Stanton.... 4
Grant 2
Thayer..................... 11
Thomas 1
Thurston ... S
Valley 8
Washington 7
Hall 13
Hamilton . 18
Harlan V
Hayes.: 8
Wayne 8
Webster 11
Holt 13
Wheeler................. 8
York.....,..........,...,..,, U
Hooker 1
Howard ., 10
enerson 10
We would recommend that no proxies be al
lowed, but that the delegates present cast ths full
rote to which their respective counties are en
titled. We wonld also recommend that In ths counties
candidates for ths various connly offices be nom
inated by the same convention which selects dele
gates to the state convention.
Sec tary. Chairman.
Peoples' Independent County I on-
Tent ion.
The Peoples' Independent party of Lauci iter
connty are nereuy called to meet in county con
vention, at Bobanan s hall In the city of Lincoln
on Wednesday, July 81, 18H5, at 10 a. m.
The purpose ot this convention will be tbe
selection ot thirty-three delegates to represent
this county In tbe state convention called to
meet at Lincoln on August 28, lMifi, and to nom
inate candidates for the various ludicial and
county offices to be filled at ths uext general
lection, vis :
Three Indges for ths Third ludicial district.
clerk of the district court, sheriff, treasurer,
county clerk, county Judge, superintendeit of
public Instruction, coroner, surveyor, coonty
The representation In said convention will con
sist ot two delegates at large from each warciand
precinct In the connty, and one delegate for each
fifteen (15) votes, or major fraction thereof, cast
In the last general election for the Hon. It. W.
McFadden for secretary of state, and such rep
resentation will be as follows:
First ward 11
Middle Creek .......... 8
Mill 7
Nemaha 10
North Bluff 7
Oak 8
Olive Branch 2
Panama 6
Rock Creek 8
Saltillo. 8
South Pass 4
Stevens Creek 6
Stockton 6
Waverly 8
West Oak 8
Yankee Hill 7
West Llucoln 7
Total 2T1
Second ward 11
Third ward 17
Fourth ward SI
Fifth ward 14
Sixth ward...- ....12
Seventh ward 14
Bnda precjnet 6
Centerville 8
Denton 6
F.Ik 7
Grant 8
Garfield 6
Highland 6
Lancaster 14
Little Salt 8
It Is recommended that the primaries for the
selection of delegates In the various wards and
Erecincts be held on Thursday, July 27th, the
onrfor holding such primary to be fixed by the
central committeeman, and that proper notice
or sut n primary te given to the electors.
It is also recommended that a list of the dele
gates elected, with alternates If any are cho'en
be mailed or delivered to the secretary of the
connty central committee as soon as possible
aner tneir selection.
1. U. Thompson, J. C. UcN'krnkv.
Secretary. Chairman.
For Small
mna nif7rin, rwtory rrsm w org guaranteed B1 30 to 40 per
cent saved. Our goods rweived the highest awards at the World's
Fair. Our 1H Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue is fmitnill. Ti .hnw.t
all the latest styles and Improvements and reduced prices. It has JHQ
pag-s and is the largest and wl complete catalogue ever lamed. "A'BrSifct
bend for lb Jftree. AUlasM tsrrtaca ., llartnauiU, Oblo. wnw li i.
tins Ui.
Write kwlu.
The Alliance Store,
Sells the Finest
Low Grade , .........$ .60 per sack.
Bakers' Patent.... .... .Bo "
Straight Patent 90 '
Cream Patent. , 1.00 .
Finest High Patent..... 1.10
This is the best Flour that can be made. .Equal to "Pillsbury's Besi."'
Five cans Sugar Corn for ................... $ .25
Ten cans Peas .25
Ten lbs. best Rolled Oats. .25
Five lbs. fine Rice .... .... .... ............ ,25
Twenty lbs. fine Granulated Sugar.... 1.00
Twenty-eight lbs. Brown Sugar 1.00
Six lbs. Dried Peaches .25
Twine sold out
Butter and Eggs Bought at all times. Fruit Jars by
the dozen, cheap. 60c, 75c, and $1.00 in
One Dozen Cases.
1008 P St.
We Your Own Cheese.
For one dollar C. E. Kittinger of Powell, South Dakota, will
end you ten rennets with complete instruction for making cheese
at home with such simple apparatus as everyone now has. No
other outlay than the dollar which will be refunded to you if you
fail. Three pounds of cheese in place of one pound of butter.
Which will bring the most in your market?
Ths best banding's and qnlpmants. Ths ablsst faonlty and ths moat satis
factory work. Common sans oonraaa ot study, Zf yon art
taachsr yo a will bslntsrastsd In tha following-1
Normal Course.
First Term, Second Term, Third Term, Fourth Term, Fifth Term, Sixth Term,
8 weeks. 8 weeks. 8 weeks. 8 weeks. 8 weeks. 8 weeks.
Orthoepy. School tnangt. Geography. Geography. History. History.
Arithmetic. Arithmetic Arithmetic. Arithmetic Bookkeeping. Word Analyst!
Grammar. Grammar. Grammar. Physiology. Physiology. Civil GoT'm't
Mental Arlth. 1'ennianehlp. Heading. Vocal Mnslo. Drawing. Drawing
Debating. Debating. 'Debating. 'Debating. 'Debating. Debatlng.
Phj-sical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Colt. Physical Cult. Physical Cult. Physical Cult.
Algebra. Algebra. Algebra. Plane Geom. Plane Geom. Solid Geom'try Lessons, Lessons. fLat. Lessons. 'Caesar. fCaesar. fCaesar.
Kbetorlc, Rhetoric. Rhetoric Physical Geog. Botany. Botany
Gen'l History. Gen'l History. Oen'l History. Eng. History. Eng. History. Political Econ,
Prln. of Kdo. School Mngt, Physics. Physics. Biology. Zoology.
Ele. Science. 'Els. Science. Ele. Scienes. Ele. Science, Ele. Science. KI Science
Literature. Literature. Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature. 'Literature.'
Once a week, t Latin Is ODtlonal in this
You can get in addition to the above the
Business, Shorthand, Uuslc, Band, Orchestra,
rva Art tuHrw.
It Is cheaper to attend school her than It I to
Tuition, Board, and Room for on term for........................ $ 24 00
Tuition, Board, and Koom for one year for......M.....M....,, .,....... 128 00
Write to us for catalogue and particular. Address,
BTT.f. M HET.I.. PraalrientL
JOHN CARR, Vice President.
Mr. 0. T. flriffln, who Is well known to our student as a teacher ol
Mathematics lor Ave years at tbe Lincoln Business College.untliayaar ago,
has again associated himself with us. and will conduct a Summer School,
devoting bis time to special Instrnction In Arithmetic and other studies
taught in tbe public schools. Tuitlion, $1 per week.
The tnltlon In tbe Business, shorthand, and Penmanship 1 reduced for
the months of June, July and August to $15 lor ten week.
Call at th College, Corner 11th A O, or address,
Tfye Ixiicoli) Bsiss GHee,
Why Not Live in Lincoln?
I have a well-Improved eight-acre farm for sale three miles southeast from tha
Postofflce. It is near two colleges and between thein and the city, and is adapted
to fruit, garden, dairy or poultry raising. A good house, barn, plenty of water,
some timber and all conveniences. Here Is the farm where you can live near tha
city and enjoy all its conveniences and have a farm large enough to make your own
living. I will sell for $1,000 less than it cost me one year ago on account of wish
ing to change my occupation. No mortgages. No trade. Address,
Box 583, Lincoln, Nebr.
Tbe Windsor Stables.
W. A. REESE, Proprietor.
1024 L StreeV
Phone 232.
In the City . . ,
: ; t
All right 1 you need CHEAP power. One cent
Ser Horse Power per hour Is cheap. Weber
asollne Engine run mo j thing. "Eeooomj It
Powaf It our motto. For CmtaJogut and tasfJ.
moDtulB address Weber Uas UasoUna Eng-lna
Co., 44t 8. W. Blvd. Ktatat Cltj. Mo. '
C -
Preparatory Pedagoirie. Scl.ntifln. f ltrrv n..i
Oratory, Telegraphy, Kindergarten. Fine Art, or
stay at bom. Ia any of the regular course we girr
i '
tincoln. Wabraska,