The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, July 11, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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July 11, 1895.
Six of the Dead Perished at Lake General
and the Other Four Lost Their Live
In Lake Michigan Many Injured
and Much , Property De
stroyed in Several Kan
sas Towns.
Chicago, July 9. At least ten per
sons were drowned and incalculable
damage was done by a storm which
wept over this city and suburban re
torts north of here yesterday after
noon. Six of the dead perished at
Lake Geneva, Wis., and the other four
lost their lives in Lake Michigan.
The storm came from the Northwest
almost without warning and was one
of the most furious known in years.
The day had been intensely hot, and
hundreds of people had gone out on
the lake in excursion vessels, sailboat
and rowboats. There was only about
twenty minutes warning of the ap
proach of the storm, and it is a wonder
that the loss of life was not far greater
than it was, but all the excursion
Bteamers and nearly all the sailboats
managed to reach land in safety. There
were, however, many thrilling es
capes, and all night long police, life
saving crews and other persons were
out on the beach seeking for traces of
missing boats. There were many re
ports of overturned vessels in the lake,
but so far as can be found out now
only four lives were lost here, though
to-day may add to the list.
Charles Klein, John Boss and
Charles L. Shook were out in a row
boat when the storm burst, and of
them no trace has yet been found.
At Lake Geneva, a noted summer
resort, just before the storm broke,
the steam launch Dispatch started on
its last trip of the day with Father
Hogan and sister of Harvard, 111., Dr.
Franz, assistant superintendent of the
Elgin asylum, and his wife and child,
with John Preston in charge of the
boat. The vessel had not gone half a
mile when the hurricane bore down.
The air in an instant was filled with
leaves and broken limbs of trees and
the waves were lashed into small
(Mean billows. The hail and rain
which followed the first gust was the
most furious ever seen there. It was
possible to see the little boat from
' both landings and the boatmen
Watched the battle. The storm was
directly behind it. The first gust
drove the nose of the boat far into the
waves and it was feared that the Dis-
?atch had died at the first onslaught,
t came up, however, with
the next crest, but the
glasses showed that one passenger
was missing. This was probably Miss
Hogan, as the searchers found her
body a mile from the wreck with a
life preserver fixed in her hand. This
plunging and rolling was continued
for more than an hour when it was
seen that the launch's steam had given
out. Tho excursionists were seen hud
dled in a group in the center of the
boat. One big wave followed another,
beating upon the helpless thing with
increasing fury. It finally rolled over
on its side, turned bottom up and sank.
The men on shore took the bearings,
telephoned to the hotels for help and
the moment the storm permitted
started to search for the bodies. Miss
Hogan's body was found at Kaye's
park about sundown. A most vigorous
search by a hundred men has failed to
get a trace of the others, and it is
. feared they are all in the hull, held by
the engine and machinery against the
bottom of the lake.
Mnch Damage Done at Canton Crops
Injured in Various Section.
Herington, Kan., July 9. A tor
nado, accompanied by a heavy rain,
visited Canton yesterday afternoon
about 2 o'clock and in an hour five
Inches of rain fell. The fronts of all
the business buildings on Main street
if were blown in and goods more or less
damaged. James Snyder and two
others were buried beneath the ruins
of a barn. Snyder's right arm was
' broken and he received other injuries
from which he is not expected to
Steeling, Kan., July 9. There was
another rainfall of two inches yester-
' day, making six or seven inches since
Thursday. All streams are full and
farm lands flooded. During church
services yesterday morning in the col-
lege chapel lightning struck the build
ing, shocking a number of worshippers
but doing no serious damage to the
At Lefontaine the home of B. Giles
was blown off the foundation and
burned and at New Albany the roof of
,the brick school house was blown
away, damaging the building to the
amount of $1,000, and the Christian
church, in course of construction, was
The family of John Cox, consisting
of husband, wife and seven children,
six miles west, while crossing a small
stream, were thrown from a buggy into
the water, but fortunately managed to
save one another.
Newton, Kan., July 9. A wind
storm passed over Harvey county yes
terday about noon, playing havoc with
the crops and knocking over half of the
fruit from the trees. Barns, sheds,
and other farm improvements, princi-
11 j ;n j a .1
puny winumuis, were uesiruyeu in uie
path of the storm.
Men Killed and Twenty Persons In
jured Great Damage Done.
Eatonton, Ga., July 9. A tornado
swept across this and Morgan counties
about 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon
and two lives were lost and at least
twenty persons severely injured, sev
eral of them fatally.
At Willard's station, on the Middle
Georgia and Atlantic railroad, every
" house was torn to pieces. Henry Ad
colored, were
Three Feet of Water In Carthage.
Carthage, Ma, July 9. There,
almost a waterspout here yesterday
afternoon. Water was three feet deep
on Third street. Fourth street and
Chestnut street and invaded several
houses in low places. All cellars were
filled. Oats, wheat and hay are suffer
ing badly by the wet weather and
corn is generally blown down.
Hail and Rain in Oklahoma.
Guthrie, Ok July 9. A flerce nail
and wind storm prevailed here last
night. Hail fell as large as hen's eggs,
doing great damnge to crops and
breaking hundreds of windows. In
one township there was a waterspout
and a number of bridges were washed
away and other damage done.
Fields Flooded About Nevada.
Nevada, Mo July 9. The heaviest
rainfall in this section for many years
has fallen here during the past several
days. The Marmaton river has over
flowed thousands of acres of growing
crops, badly damaging them.
lieutenant O'Brien, Military Attach at
Pekin, Recalled.
Washington, July 8. Shortly after
the Chinese-Japanese war began Lien
tenant M. J. O'Brien of the regular
army was sent to China as military at
tache of the United States legation to
observe the war. Now it is announced
that he has been recalled, and it is Bald
that this has been done because of Jap
anese complaints against him as the
result of a letter to Minister Dun, in
which, while speaking in a compli
mentary manner of the general char
acter and conduct of the Mikado's
troops during the campaign, he said
that he had witnessed at Port Arthur
shocking acts of violence and brutality
on the part of the Japanese.
The Kansas Flak Crop.
Leavenworth, Kan., July 8. J. W.
Hirst, manager of the Leavenworth
Linseed Oil mills, who has traveled all
over the flax growing district of Kan
sas during tho past thirty days, reports
that the acreage this year is about
150,000 acres between ten and twenty
per cent greater than that of last year.
In 1894 the yield was 1,043,000 bushels.
This year it will probably be close to
1,250,000 bushels.
Many Troops for Cuba.
Havana, July 8. During the pres
ent month reinforcements of 16,000
men will leave Spain for Cuba, and
during October and the early part of
November additional reinforcements to
the number of 60,000 troops will be
sent from Spain to Cuba. All the
steamers of the different Spanish lines
will be chartered by . the government
in order to send troops here.
A Congressman's Son's Crime.
Owtngsvtlle, Ky., July 9. John,
younger son of Congressman John D.
Young, in altercation with his cousin,
Pliny Fassett, Saturday night, cut
Fassett's throat, severing the jugular
vein and causing his death in a few
minutes. Young was arrested. The
tragedy has caused great excitement,
owing to the prominence of the par
tit s concerned.
No Ban on the G. A. R.
St. Louis, Mo., July 9. Archbishop
.Tain has made a decision that re
noves the ban placed by some priests
on Grand Army funerals. Under his
ruling, members of the G. A. B. at
tending funerals may enter the church
wearing their uniforms and insignia,
and may conduct funerals in accord
ance with their ritual in Catholia
Shot Dead by a Burglar.
Madison, Ind., July 9. Early yes
terday morning Victor Massinger,
aged 70, of Milton, Ky., found a bur
glar in his house and grappled with
him. Finally the burglar shot him
dead and fired three times at Mass
inger's daughter, but missed her.
Then he escaped.
Bulgarians in Russia.
St. Petersburg, July 9. A Bulgarian
deputation has been received by Prince
Lobanoff, minister of foreign affairs.
The delegates declare that the chief
object of their visit was to lay a wreath
on the coffin of the late czar and that
therefore theirs was not a political
mission. .
Dynamite From a Preacher.
Tacoma, Wash., July 9. Mrs. Mat
tie Chambers of Centralia received an
infernal machine Saturday and her
father declares it was sent to her by
the Rev. B. F. Fuller, a Christian
church minister, who was jilted by her
about a year ago and was last heard of
at Baleigh, N. C.
Water in the Second Stories.
Sauna, Kan., July 9. Smoky Hill
has overflowed its banks and on the
south side extends nearly to the bluffs,
a distance of two miles. The water
has reached almost to the second story
of houses near the river and people
have been taken from some of the
houses in boats.
Ohio Railroads Consolidate.
Cincinnati, Ohio, July 9. The stock
holders of the Cincinnati, Hamilton &
Dayton, to-day adopted an agreement
for the consolidation of the Cincinnati,
Hamilton and Dayton, the Cincinnati,
Dayton and Ironton and the Cincinnati,
Dayton and Chicago lines.
Ex-Manager Charles Goodwin Dead.
New York, July 9. Charles Good
win, once a noted theatrical manager,
is dead.
$100 REWARD $100.
The readers of tbts pnper will be pleased to
earn that there Is at letist one dreaded dismiss
that science has been able to care In all ttnetnuen,
ind that I Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is the
nly post tire core known to the medical frater
Itr. Catarrh being a conetltutiounl dleeaee.
qulres a conntitutlonal treatment. Hall's
I atnrrh Cnre Is taken Internally, acting directly
.pon the blood and mucous our (aces of the svs-
im, thereby destroying the (onndatlon of the
sisesee, and glvinir the patient strenKtb by build
ing op tho constitution and anslnting nature In
Solng Its work. The proprietors hare so much
lltl In Its curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars tor any case that It falls to curs,
end for list of testimonials. i
Address, F. J. OHKNEI CO.. Toledo. 0.
ams and B. Harding,
killed outright
3r"8old by Druggists, 76c.
The "middle of the road" is all
right, but don't stick in the ruts, Peo
ple's Record.
All value is independent of money.
Money is simply a medium for exchang
ing articles of value.
The power possessed by the banks
to produce depressions and panics at
their pleasure is a threatening danger
which the people cannot afford to per
mit. This is a growing evil that de
mands the attention of the people.
Chicago Express.
The part that ba ok credit plays in
effecting commercial exchanges, and
the dangers surrounding its manipula
tion by irresponsible parties has at
tracted widespread attention. Public
interest in this matter is not likely to
diminish. Chicago Express.
If free silver democrats or free sil
ver republicans expect to accomplish
anything of material benefit to the
country they will join the people's
party. An old party ite elected to of
fice at once becomes the obedient serv
ant of the gold-bug aristocracy.
Witli the republicans running a
gold-bug upon a "sound money" plat
form, and the democracy making their
campaign upon a platform indorsing
Cleveland, Carlisle and the present ad
ministration, Kentucky populists
should have no trouble in carrying the
The productive classes should not
be wrangling and fussing over what Is
to be the issue or whom the leaders.
As long as they do they will be the
victims of legalized robbers. The one
big, important issue is to kill monopo
ly. Get together. Iowa Farmers'
Midst the confusion and perplexity
attendant upon the mono and bi con
troversy and the interminable jargon
about "parity," "ratio" and "sich
like," it is refreshing to be able to turn
for a relief to a consideration of abso
lute legal tender paper money and gov
ernment banks.
Miss Francis Willard, president of
the W. G T. U., and most widely
known American woman, has, as she
herself acknowledges, at last made the
great discovery that intoxication is not
the cause, but the result of poverty
and oppression. This is the true solu
tion of the great question, and we re
joice to know that Miss Willard so un
derstands it Marshall (Mo.) People's
United States Senator Eoach, of
North Dakota, while attending a col
lege commencement at Columbus, O.,
said that the people west of the Missis
sippi river are solid in favor of free
coinage and if both the old parties
should declare against it there would
be a big split from them and a silver
party would be formed. It would put
a presidential candidate in nomination
next year and the result would be that
the election would be thrown into the
Says the Kansas City Star of late
date: "A three-million dollar 4 per
cent, gold loan of the city of Chicagoof
fered in London was subscribed several
times over yesterday. English capital
ists evidently do not consider Altgeld
and Hinrichsen such powers in Illinois
as the two consider themselves and the
English capitalists are right" Rats!
The return to the free coinage of sil
ver will not set aside a contract to pay
gold, but it would reduce the value of
the gold thus paid.
The silver agitation by democrats
is only to save the party for the offices
it gives. They know that the demo
cratic party cannot give the country
free silver or any other reform. It
has on several occasions made the at
tempt and failed. The democratic
party cannot shake off the money
power, and its proposition to do so is
only to fool the people. The leaders
know that the democratic party would
not stand a ehost of a show for su
premacy now if deserted by the mil
lionaires and English money power.
Southern Mercury.
The Nonconformist says: "The banks,
which made the panic for their own
selfish purposes, are now anxious for a
revival of business as the only means
of stopping the silver agitation. They
hope that a sham pretense of prosper
ity will lull the people to sleep again
and allow things to go on as they
were, with the money power in full
control and able any time to make or
break the country at the turn of a
screw." Just so. The plutes are now
yelling that "confidence is restored,"
while the banks are expanding credits
and the employers are raising wages.
An era of good times is billed to ar
rive, in order to kill off the populists
and the pesky free silverites. It will
come very near doing it, too, "What
fools these mortals be."
Breaks Out Everywhere.
"A taint of populism plainly mani
fest in the minority views of the su
preme court on the late income tax
law" is the swell head of the plutio
Pittsburgh Dispatch. Yes, and if you
will read the declaration of independ
ence you will find a taint of pop
ulism there. You will find the same
taint of populism in the speeches and
writings of Abraham Lincoln. You
will find it in the teaching of every
educated man who is not directly or
indirectly under pay of the money
monopoly. You will find it pervades
the sentiments of every man who is
unselfish enough to wish his neighbor
a better fate than slavery. Sledge
A Forecast
The action of the republican leaguers
at Cleveland forecasts the action of
the republican convention next year.
There is little doubt that the western
free silver men will be able to force
either a straddle or a dodge. There is
but little doubt that after much bluster
and menace they will acquiesce in the
straddle or accept the dodge. Then
the grand old party of high 'moral
ideas will make a campaign for gold
monometallism in the east and for
humbug metallism in the west And
if victory is won, Wall street's choice
for secretary of the treasury will be
duly placed in charge of the finances
of the government St Louis Post
IK air Vigor
"Ayer's preparations are too
well known to need any commen
dation from me ; but I feel com
pelled to state, for the benefit of
others, that six years ago, I lost
nearly half of my hair, and what
was left turned gray. After
using Ayer's Hair Vigor several
months, my hair began to grow
again, and with the natural color
restored. I recommend it to all
my friends." Mrs. E. Fkank
hauser, box 805, Station C, Los
Angeles, Cal.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Drowned in s Swollen Stream.
Columbus, Kan., July 9. Lata
Archer, an old resident of this city,
was drowned in attempting to cross
Cherry creek, about six miles north of
l rri .
acre, xue bbream was greatly swollen
by the recent rains.
A Mother in Contempt,
Chicago, July 9. Mrs. Lizzie Cottier
of Washington, was to-day sentenced
to six months in jail for contempt of
court in refusing to disclose the where
abouts of her daughter Florence.
Corbett and Fltzsimmons Will Meet la
' the Ring- at Dallas.
Dallas, Texas, July 9. Judge
George Clark, of Waco, has submitted
an opinion as to the legality of the pro
posed Corbett-Fitzsimmons glove con
test. The opinion is very exhaustive
and lengthy. His conclusions are:
First That the original act of 1691
was wholly inoperative.
Second That when its provisions
were re-enacted in the penal code of
1895 it was still inoperative for want of
some court to try the offense.
'Ihird That the law was repealed by
the revised statutes, which go into ef
fect on September 1, 1895.
Fourth That there is now no law
upon the statute book of Texas pro
hibiting pugilistic encounters, and
that upon a payment or tender of the
license fee prescribed for such exhibi
tion, there is no lawful power in the
state, under present laws, to interfere
with the exhibition. Judge Clark gave
the matter at isjue careful study and
patient research, and his opinion is
most sweeping.
Nebraska S Ohio Coal. Co
Lincoln, Neb., and Byer, Ohio.
Real estate f3l,161.8l
Kailway and equipments 12,7'.t4.64
I'lant tip house and shop H.O.D.M
Merchanilliie and Fixtures 872,08
Mine openings and Improvements......... 6,0i3.84
Expenees and taxes paid 6,793.47
accounts Receivable 1,448.71
Total .. $63,168.84
Papital stock sold $41,700.00
llille payable 7.825.13
Due on real estate and railway material 10 0HS.26
Accounts payable .................................. 2,8'8.M
Current pay roll........................ 1,082.01
Total $63,168.84
bTiTi or Nebraska, )
Haondibs County, )
I, John A. Reece, Secretary of the Nebraska
end Ohio Coal Company, do solemnly swear that
the foregoing Is a true statement of the affairs of
aid company as shown by the books of said
company on the 10th day of April. A.D. 1886, to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
(Signed,), J. A. RxBCB, "
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before
me this 80th day of 11 ay, A.D. 1895.
J. U. Rat.
Seal Notary Public
We have examined the above statement of the
Kebraeka and Ohio Coal Company and believe
the sams to be a fall and complete statement of
the affairs of said company.
J. ( BASK, I
K. u. Lewis, I Directors.
Val Rice, )
represents one
of onrgalvan
Issd Steel
Tanks, a tank
that will last
for a lifetime.
If not. k
sot?" Write E. R WTMnvn . oi.j urn u
Chicago, lor cuts, sites and prices.
Crete Chautauqua Association
One fare for the round trip. Tickets on
sale July 5th 13th good to return until
July 14th. Apply at B. & M. depot or
city office corner 10th and 0 St., for cat
alogne and full information.
Now for a strong pull for '061 All to.
getherl Get up a club for this paper,
only sue. till November lstl
The Baltimore Plan,
now practically endorsed by President Cleveland, is attracting
universal attention because it is based on the evident fact that
the currency and banking systems of the country must be re
formed. But is the Baltimore plan a reform? It gives the associated
banks the power to expand the currency and relieve the country.
It also gives them the power to contract it at will and create
universal distress for their own private gain.
It puts the credit of the government behind every bank note.
It donates all but half of one per cent of the profit on the note
issue to the banks, and it leaves plenty of opportunities for a
Napoleon of Finance to wreck a bank and leave the government
to pay the notes.
It leaves the banks free to demand the highest interest that
the several states will allow, and affords no relief to farmers and
business men of moderate capital.
Contrast with this
The Hill Banking System.
In "Money Found," an exceedingly valuable and instructive
book published by Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, and
for sale at the office of this paper at 25 cents, Hon. Thos. E.
Hill proposes that the government open its own bank in every
large town or county seat in the United States, pay 3 per cent
on long time deposits, receive deposits subject to check without
interest, and loan money at the uniform rate of 4 per cent to
every one offering security worth double the amount of the loan.
, This plan is not an expense to the government.but a source of
large revenue.
. It secures the government amply, which the Baltimore plan
does not.
It relieves the distress of the common people, which the Bal
timore plan does not.
It protects not only note-holders but depositors, who are un
secured now and under the Baltimore plan would be still
worse off.
In a word, the Baltimore plan is in the interest of the bankers,
the Hill Banking System is in the interest of the people.
Consider them both, and ask your congressman to vote for the
fne you believe in.
And send us 25c, immediately for the book. "Money Found"
has no equal in its line. Address,
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
1026 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
Collections mads and money remitted sams day
as collected.
But "Direct From Factory" Best
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLESALE PRICES, Delivered Free.
For Houses. Barns, Riofs, all colors, and SAVE
Middlemen's profits. In ose 61 years. En domed
by 0 ranee and Farmers' Alliance. Low dHmmi
will sorprlse you. Write for samples, o. W.
INOERSOLL, 258 Plymouth St., Brooklyn. N. T.
Oar grnnd catalogue, over 860 illustrations,
agent's latest goods and novelties, 1 writing pen,
fountain attachment, 1 elegant gentleman's
watch chain and charm, guaranteed 20 years.
Tour name in agent's directory 1 year, all sent
for 10 eta. Postage 1 cents. EMPIRE NOVELTT
CO., 167 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Ash . .
Box Elder
I00A TREES $3.50
All the Lending Varieties.
100 Choice Concord Ornpevlnes
$2; 1.000 Rns. Mulberry, $1.15
Shade and Ornamentals. A
complete Price-List free.
Jan sen Nursery,
Jefferson Co. Jansen, Neb,
Per 1,000.
SEED CORN, $1.10!
At Stats Fair 1894. mv corn won let In Slate nn
white, 2nd on yellow; Sweepstakes In Lau county.
Have won 1st or 2nd place 3 years In sucreesion.
I will sell in lots of 6 bushels or over at $1.10 per
bushel either Armstrong's white or Ham's val.
low. Sacked F. O. B. cars at Greenwood. Send
stamps for sample.
Greenwood, Neb
the Ozarks,"
The Land of Big lied Apples, Is au attractive
and Interesting bonk, handsomely Illustrated
with views of South Mlesoori scenery, including
the famous Olden Km 1 1 Farm of 8.000 acres In
Howell county. It pertalne to fruit rals ng In
that treat fruit belt of America, the southern
slope of the Ozarks, and will prove of great value,
not only to fruit growers, but to every farmer
and homeseeker looking for a farm and a horns.
Mailed free. Address,
J. E. L0CKW00D,
Kansas City, Mo.
Send Us Two New
With $2, and your own
subscription will be ex
tended One Year
Free of Cost.
California and Utah Exouralons
The Burlington runs on every Thurs
day a tourist sleeper, leaving; Lincoln at
12:15 p. m. for Salt Lake, Ban Francisco
and Los Angeles. Only f 5 for a double
berth, Lincoln to Los Angeles. These
excursions have proved very successful
from the fact that they are conducted
personally by a Burlington employe.
For full information regarding tickets,
apply at B. A M. depot or eitv ticket
The new industrial and political song
It contains 150 pages 7x0 inches sis.
Splendid new words and new music. Pro
nounced by all incomparably superior to
any book that has yet appeared.
H. K. Taubeneck says of It: "It Is the best
song book yet published, see introduce
it into every household In the land. Onr local
campaign speakers and committees ought to sss
that It has the widest circulation."
Hartford City Arena: "Any glee elub supplied
with it will command the crowds."
' Rocky Mountain News: "Best of anything la
the lins that ws have seen."
Missouri World: "It Alls a long felt want."
Oen. Van Dervoort: "1 congratulate yon 01
your great work. The whole country will stiff
this musle."
New Tork Voice: "A collection of songs for the
times, with bright, catchy words and good stb
ring mnsle."
The Sledge Hammer) "Every ons of the songs
gem. No chaff In the whols book.
Marshalltown (Iowa) Populist: "Should be In
the hands of everyone who wishes to make a bit
during the campaign.
Prof. George D. Herron: "I believe your book
of songs will be of immeasnrabls and divine esr
vice In quickening and pervading the great movs
msnt lor ths social change which Is manifesting
Itself everywhere among the common people. It
will Inspire the people with conrags and cheer
and fellowship in ths great stroggls that is be
tore them," . . . t , . .- .
Prof. W. M. Ross of Indiana, ihs great sole
inner of "The Van Bennett Nationals Team,"
says: "Have taken pains to run through the
work and pronounce It a grand collection el
words and a high order of musle."
Ths Farm Field and Fireside says: "It has
been left to Mr. Qeorge Howard Gibson to Intro
duce anew tone Into the eongs of the party, and
to write a series of patriotic songs which are
hardly surpaesed by any la our literature for
loftiness of motive and real merit from a literary
point of view, while at the earn time tbey are not
at all lacking In ths musical quality which must
necessarily be present before any eong tooches
the chord of popularity. Tbey are remarkable
for their fervid patriotism and broad humanity.
In fact, if tbs People's party rises to the patriots
level of these songs, we have little doubt of Its
ultimate success as a party. Ths songs strike
the whole octave of humnn sympathy. Spark
ling humor, ksen wit and biting sarcasm, as wsli
as ths loftlsr patriotic themes, are touched la
turn by tbs taJsntsd author."
Single copies of Armageddon, 85cts.,
$3.60 per dozen. Address,
Wealth Makers Fab. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.