The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, July 04, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    Jaly 4, 1895
Th K'pnUllcsa rrty Proposo to Mk
tit Tariff and Not thm Money Qaestloo
th I uas.
The money question U not to be the
issue in the coming presidential cam
paign, after alL Senator Dubois and
National Chairman Carter did not
make pood their boasts and threets.
They did not secure a declaration in
favor of silver, nor did they break up
the convention in a row. The machine
politicians of the twin frauds have
agreed to endeavor to again "drown
the cries of an outraged and plundered
people with the noise of a sham battle
over the tariff." The silverltes, how
ever, were there in' sufficient numbers
to force the convention to entirely ig
nore all questions and issues of all
kinds, in order to avoid a fight on the
silver question.
As Moses P. Handy, correspondent of
the Chicago Times-Herald, sums up:
"After a session consuming the great
er part of twenty-four hours in the
labors of the committee on resolutions
and its sub-committee, the members of
the International League of Repub
lican clnbs are happy in the belief that
they have adopted sailing directions
which will enable them to clear the
silver shoals without even scraping the
hull of their ship.
"The way was very easy after all,
consisting simply in falling back upon
the provision in the constitution of the
National league which stipulates that
the league shall fight campaigns but
shall have nothing to do with plan
ning them, that being the province of
the national convention of the repub
lican party. Both sides went into the
fight with extreme views, gold mono
metallism being urged on the one side
and silver monometallism on the oth
er, the version of the opposition in
either case being accepted. The silver
state senators on the one hand and the
eastern men on the other declared
they would be satisfied with no half
way deliverance. The more they
talked, however, the closer they found
they were together until finally ex
Senator Patton, of Michigan, framed
and presented a resolution which un
expectedly met everybody's approval.
To-night both parties are claiming
victory, and a love feast is proclaimed
In which all participate."
In consonance with this policy, a
lengthy and carefully prepared address
to the people was entirely suppressed
and the only resolution adopted by the
convention is one which reads as fol
lows: Whereas, Section 19 of the constitution of
the Republican league of the United States
says: "This league shall not in any manner
endeavor to Influence the nation, any national,
state or municipal convention," the delegates
of the Republican league of the United States
in convention assembled do hereby renew
their allegiance to the republican party and
pledge their best efforts for the success of the
candidates of that party. Believing that this
convention has no instructions from the re
publicans of the United States or jurisdiction
under our constitution to favor platforms, we
refer all resolutions on publio questions to the
republican national convention of IBM, with
entire confidence that its action will redound
to the prosperity of our people and the contin
ued glory and advancement of the country.
As the Kansas City Star says: "The
action of the league was' undoubtedly
what a Yankee would call 'a smart
thing to do), even if the silver men do
feel that they have been quietly
buncoed. From out of this convention
Gov. McKinley emerges on top. His
friends saw that the old humbug cry
of 'the tariff is the issue' was vocifer
ated, and then, just at the proper time,
i the governor bobs up to bear oil all the
glory and honors of the meeting."
But although the convention, as a
body, failed to declare itself, ex-Senator
Warner Miller, of New York, in
the opening speech of the convention,
struck the keynote of republican pol
icy on the silver question. lie said
that his friends had told him to say
nothing on this subject, but he de
clared silence would be unrepublican
cowardice. He demanded that the
party meet the issue, favoring the con
sevvative bimetallic policy as approved
by previous national platforms.
This did not exactly please the west
ern men, but they applauded when
told they were certainly honest in
their convictions. He favored inter
national agreements on the question,
believing that gold was too narrow a
standard to act as a medium for the
transaction of the world's commerce.
He finished without any protest from
the silver wing and the convention felt
This means a finance plank similar
to that adopted by the Ohio republic
ans, which is the same old straddle,
consisting of a jumble of words about
"parity," "ratio," "purchasing power,"
and "international agreement."
But the most remarkable and signifi
cant feature of the convention was the
unanimity with which the assembled
politicians declared that the tariff, and
not silver, would be the issue in 1890.
Gen. John S. Clarkson, in his letter
of regret, voiced the sentiment of all
but the silverite minority when he
"I am sure this convention will be
wise in its day and prudent in all its
utterances. It is made up of men who
know too well the way to victory for
it to favor the smart democratic plan
of diverting the republican party from
the issue of the tariff, on which it was
united, to the issue of the currency, on
which it is at present somewhat di
The Cleveland World, edited by
Robert P. Porter, formerly of the New
York Press, and superintendent of the
last federal decennial census, devoted
most of its space recently to interviews
with delegates and claimed that all
with the exception of the west consid
ered the tariff as the issue. Its head
lines are:
Tariff Is the Issue.
Silver Is In the Background.
This Money Agitation Is a Democratic Scheme.
Strong Expressions from Prominent Repub
licans from All Parts of the Country for
Protection as the Keynote.
The introduction to the article says
"The tariff will be the issue of the
national campaign of 1890. . This is the
expression of the most prominent dele'
gates to the national republican league
convention, not from any particular
section of the country, but from east,
west, north and south. World re
porters made a careful canvass of the
hotels and interviewed delegates and
visitors who. are known to be repre
sentative men of not only their state,
but their section. The unanimity of
the expressions declaring for a cam
paign on tariff lines was remarkable."
"It is a long time between this and
election day and before that, I think,
the tariff will assume its due impor
tance and become the chief question at
issue," said John Dalzell, of Pennsyl
vania. A majority of those interviewed
spoke in the same way.
The World concludes a long editorial
leader in the same issue thus:
"The republican party is not likely
to allow its hard-bested foes to thus
hoist their sins upon its back and carry
them off into the wilderness. It is not
for the republicans to admit in plat
form or other utterances that an egg
laid twenty years before has just
hatched out a calamity that can be
traced directly to the ugly creatures
that laid it, cackled over it and warmed
it into life. No, the mythical silver
crime laid at the door of the republican
party will not be the issue next year
with the assent or consent of that par
ty. It is put forward in order to hide
the responsibility of the party tbat said
it would make mischief with American
industries and which would have been,
had it dared to be, quite as bad as its
A special correspondent of the St
Louis Republic says:
"I heard an old-time republican from
one of the Dakotas, who has reached
the age where he thinks that the re
monetization of silver is of much more
Importance than the maintenance of
old party affiliations, say this morning
that silver stood as much chance of re
ceiving fair treatment in the repub
lican national convention as a nihilist
would before an imperial court in Rus
sia. "There is no manner of doubt that
the free coinage element in the repub
lican party is strong and very much in
earnest. There is not a state west of
the Alleghenies that has not a free
coinage element in the republican
party. In the far west California,
Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Washington,
Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, South Da
kota, Colorado, Kansas and the terri
tories all the people, irrespective of
party affiliations, favor free coinage,
and the republicans declare that If the
national republican convention de
clares against or ignores silver, there
after there will be no republican party
In the states named.
"The . western men were ready to
make good their threats to march out
of the convention if the eaiit and the
southern darky forced a gold standard
platform on them. The bosses knew
this. They were, privately as well as
publicly, informed that if there was a
set of resolutions adopted that did not
speak respectfully and liberally of sil
ver, a break was inevitable. The west
ern men left here, fully convinced that
there was no hope for the remonetiza-
tion of silver through the agency of
the republican party. They will keep
up the fight and appeal to the national
convention, but they no longer hope
for a majority in the high court of the
party. Until this time, the western
men fully expected assistance from the
southern republicans. They did not
look for a solid republican south for
free coinage, but they expected a fair
division. The combination between
the east and south, the speech of Jack
McClure, the glib talk of the darkies
and the carpet-baggers for 'sound
money' convinced them that the jig
was up within the republican party
and that cold evasion or square antag
onism was all they had to expect in
Senator Dubois and Chairman Carter
will have a chance to put their threats
into execution and lead their silverite
following out of the republican camp.
The finance plank of the republican
national platform, will be the straddle
drawn up for the republicans of his
state by that artful dodger, John Sher
man, of Ohio. And when they arrive
at the "parting of the ways," with the
impossibility of getting a ticket in the
field staring them in the face, Dubois
and Carter and all honest money men
will find a party ready to their bid
ding,organized in every state, with two
million voters the people s party.
Speaking of the result of the conven
tion's deliberations, Senator Dubois
said: "The people of the United States
are opposed to the single standard of
gold. A majority of the representa
tives in congress and United States
senators have been in favor of free
coinage of silver since 187S, including
the members of the last congress.
Thev have been cheated out of the
presidency by false promises In party
platforms. They will not be deceived
much longer. But what are they go
intr to do about it, senator? that's the
burning question, just now. No new
party, launched next year, can get
ticket into the field for the election of
1890. There is no way of escape open
except to join the people's party and
use its splendid organization to accom
push the will of the people. Or per
haps you think that the silverites will
capture the democratic convention and
that silver republicans will have
chance to vote for a silver democrat
upon a silver platform. It did begin
to look that way, I must confess, and
that is the view I took of it
a month ago, but since the
Kentucky primaries were held, I begin
to doubt the ability of the silver men
to capture the machinery of the party,
There will be a bolt in the democratic
national convention, but odds are even
as to who the bolters will be, the sil
verites or the gold-bugs. At present,
the indications are that the southern
delegations to both the republican an
democratic conventions will be solidly
for "sound money," as the gold-bug'
choose to-call their system of spolia
tion. This will force the silver men
In the south to go Into the people'
party to make their fight
Just now the "sound money" demo
crats are doing their best to ridicule
the silver men out of the party and
into the oonulist camD. and each o1
the twin frauds are doing all they (
to convince the people that the free
coinage of silver at 10 to 1 is exclusive
ly a populist doctrine. Thus the Chi
cago Times-Herald says: "Pinch a
free silver democrat and you will hear
a populist yell;" while the Springfield,
111, News says: "There is nothing to
prevent W. IL Ilinrichsen and his 16-to-I
sympathizers from securing a bel
lows, a brass band, some red fire and
marching toward the populists' con
vention." The people's party holds the age and
has a royal flush. We must stand pat
and raise the ante to the full limit
Let the heathen bluff. Bluffs don't
go. See? .George C. Ward.
As the Inside Facta Become Known It Ap
pears That Populist. Virtually Controlled
The Advocate was there, but at this
late moment can't give as extended a
notice of the many interesting events
as it would like.
The meeting was one of more than
national importance, and was well at
tended by delegates from the west and
south who seemed prompted by an
honest desire to see the crime of 1873
A few populists were there by acci
dent, and a few were there as dele
gates, but all were there with a deter
mination to be loyal to the Omaha
platform until our national convention
in 1896 amended it, if amended it must
be. It has often been suggested that
the populists are ignorant and unable
to cope with the learned leaders of
democracy; at Memphis such men as
United States Senators Jones.of Arkan
sas; George, of Mississippi; Harris, of
Tennessee; a half dozen congressmen
and governors and ex-governors, were
forced to conclude that even a mere
handful of populists were a quantity
to be respected.
The committee on arrangements had
agreed to give the populists a fair rep
resentation on the committee on reso
lution, therefore on the morning of
the 12th. before the assembling of the
convention, the populists held a meet
ing and organized by electing Hon.
Marion Butler, of North Carolina,
chairman and spokesman. A list of
committeemen were selected as fol
lows: For Tennessee, J. H. McDowell; Mis
souri, P. Hackett; Alabama, George F.
Gaither; Arkansas, W. L. Lancaster;
Mississippi, S. II. Hall. At Large: L.
K. Taylor, of Tennessee; William A.
Guthrie, of North Carolina; B. G. West,
of Mississippi; R. J. Rawlings, of Ten
In the selection of committeemen on
resolutions by the state delegations
the populists secured Butler, of North
Carolina: Weaver, of Virginia; Parker,
of Kentuckv; Fisk, of Colorado, and
Delmar, of California; besides Stewart,
of Nevada; Tillm:in, of South Carolina,
and Sibley, of Pennsylvania, who are
decidedly populistic in their views.
The democrats and repu olicans would
have had a majority but for the fact
that many of their committeemen neg
lected to attend, so when It came to a
vote on this important committee on
resolutions of the much heralded Mem
phis bimetallic meeting, lo, the pops
had a majority. Knowing as they did
that they were in the majority by
courtesy, and that the convention
would refuse to follow such a majority
report, and that no good could come
to the cause of financial reform by
throwing a firebrand into the conven
tion, the populists let the minority
down easy on a resolution requiring
the appointment of a national commit
tee, one man from each state, whose
duty shall be to communicate with bi
metallic leagues and financial reform
organizations looking to the calling of
a national convention of financial re
formers for the purpose of devising
some means of solidifying the anti-gold-
bug elements of all political parties.
The adoption of such a resolution
was far from the purpose of the con
vention; it was a bitter pill for such
men as Senators Harris, Jones and
George, and the other lesser lights of
the democratic high priests to swallow,
but the accident had happened, the
populists were too much in evidence,
the committee on resolutions had liter
ally been captured and the only way
out was a concession or a fight on the
floor of the convention. The concession
was gracefully and wisely made, a
unanimous report was sent :n ana
adopted without a dissenting vote.
The populists gave the committee
and the convention to understand that
while they indorsed the declaration
for bimetallism at 16 to 1, still it should
not be understood that we were in
dorsing it as a cure for our financial
ills, that we were merely indorsing the
convention as far as it went
A decided majority of the convention
teemed to favor a union of financial re
formers in a new political party. Rip
ley (Tenn.) People's Advocate.
It may be mentioned, in connection
with the above, that evidence is rapid
ly accumulating to the effect that the
Memphis convention was virtually con
trolled by the pops. For instance:
Thomas M. Spofford, of Kentucky, son
of the late ex-Senator Spofford, of
Louisiana, when in Kansas City a few
days ago, said: "The free silver con
vention held at Memphis a few weeks
ago, to counteract the influences of the
convention which was addressed by
Secretary Carlisle, was captured by
the populists, and John Henry Mc
Dowell, who has made himself odious
in Tennessee with the democratic
party, which he deserted to become a
populist, seemed to carry off the hon
ors of the convention, much to the dis
gust of the democratic leaders."
Even with a double standard the
money kings would finally manage to
corner the money market, but they
would have a harder time doing it
than now, and while they are getting
the trap set the people will be getting
educated more and more and maybe
learn sense enough in time to estab
lish for themselves a right kind of
monetary system; one with no metal
lic basis at all. At any rate (rive us
the double standard for the present.
Anything will be better than we have)
now. Iowa Farmer's Tribune.
Three Cent Colnmn.
"For Bale." "Wanted." "For Exchange, "mmi
mall advertisements for abort time, will be
charged three ceats per word for each laser-
won. initial or a nnmner eouaiea M one
word. Cub with the order
If von wait anything, or have anything that
anybody else "wants, " make It known through
this column, it will pay,
EAGER. Attorney -at-Lew. MM 0
Catatome aad 1
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Burr's block, Lincoln, Neb.
Attorney -si-Law,
Rooms So and U
WANTED Fire and cyclone agents. Good
w pay. J. Y. M. Swlgart, 8e?y, Lincoln,
WANTKD Omtlmaa er lady te eel Doeto's
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Sot: save ont-thlrd the eoffee. Arthur L. Doble
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taches to any plow. Beud for
circular. A. L. FUNK.. Stat
Agent Llnoola, Neb.
Doble'a Coffee Economlter makes your eoffe
last twice s long. Flta any pot. Free circular
Arthv U Doble Co.. ill Wabaoh Are-Chicago,
$750.00 A Year and All Expenses.
We want a few more Ueaeral Agent, ladles or
gentlemen, to travel and appoint agents on oar
new publication. Full particular (riven on ap
plication. II yon apply please send references,
and state business experience, see and send pho
tograph. If yon cannot travel, write ns for
term to local canvassers. Dept. Bars, S. I. BELL
CO.. Philadelphia, 1'a.
Wn want looo more active asents before i
July Ut. We will guarantee $20 to $30 per day
can be eaiilT made In any locality; our good
sell themselves ; we furnish a large roll of
ample entirely FREE and allow 60 per 1
cent, commission on all sales. Send to-day I
for full particular, or we will send with
i Solid Silver upon receipt of 10 cent In .
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Valuable sample 01 our goons in
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I dress.
V CO., Boston, Mas
BrAAVAnll Dili v .en vv
is the SHORT Line
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to Marsh all town, Cedar
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City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. In
Chicago connections are made with 22
diverging lines. In St. Paul, Union
dtpot with 10 lines unsurpassed time
made to eastern and northeastern cities.
For tickets, etc., call at city office 117
So. 10th St., or depot corner S and 8th
Want Column.
T?OR SALE. Nest.
five room
cottage, near
J? school ond car line,
TTiOR SALE. Fine homes in Lincoln. AU sises
and prices.
car line.
Flv,e-acre tract, near college and
TpOR SALE. Twenty acres. Oood seven-room
house, barn, windmill and trait.
TJIOR SALE. 120-acre farm, near Lincoln, lm
A. proved, a bargain at S35 per acre.
T70R SALE, 320 acres, well improved, 10 miles
' Lincoln, at a bargain.
FOR SALE. 160 acres, well improved, 12 miles
ol Lincoln. Would take an improved ttO part
T?OR SALE. 160 acres, 8-room house.
miles of Lincoln; only $7,000, for short time.
I T7OR SALE. WO acres. Improved, good land.
near Ullford, f 36 per acre.
FOR SALE. Plantation near Greenwood,
Tenn., 2791 acres, bometead, cottage, store.
cabins, gin mill, and ot her bnildiuga. living water,
timber, rich bottom land, about 900 acres culti
vated. An Ideal stock, grain and cotton (arm.
Only $6 per acre tor a short time. A rare chance.
FOR EXCHANGE. Seven Improved proper
ties In Lincoln, worth (16,500, encumbrance
$3,100 on part of it, some ol It clear, for a good
farm. Splendid opportunity to get good lucome
TpOH EXCHANGE. Lot and two bouses, clear.
tor land in Lancaster County.
EXCHANGE. 150 acre farm. Merrick
County. 6 room bouse, barn, granery. 120
acres in cultivation; all can be cultivated; well
and fruit, fine farm. Will take part pay in
horses and cattle, or good city property. It will
pay yon to look It np.
FOR EXCHANGE, 80 aera. well Improved, foj
160 acres. Will pay difference.
FOR EXCHANGE. Good 8 room house la
York, or hardware or Lincoln property.
FOR EXCHANGE. Eight room house In Bea
trice, tor Lincoln property.
TCOR EXCHANGE. Hotel building In David
City tor Lincoln property.
Binders, for clear land.
Davis Platform
FOR EXCHANGE. Seven room bonse and
two lots on corner, close in to business cen
ter Lincoln. Would consider Improved land In
eastern or central Nebraska.
FOR EXCHANGE. Fire acres, well Improved,
room bonse, all modern conveniences, bath,
ti n. and cold water, closet, sewerage, etc., burn,
hen house, well, windmill, two tan us, fruit imii
hnd. An Ideal suburban home. Would like no
Improved farm near station in ventral or eoatern
W An
All kinds of Real Estate and Merchan
dise, and would be pleased to serve yon.
Gillilan Investment Co.,
1001 0 St. (ground floor)
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