The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, June 27, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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June 57, 1895
g '-hONLY - 30
4-"ome--alT--ye t?at labor,"-
E aid take sabscpiptlops for THE WEALTH MAKERS. 2
By new subscribers, we mean people who are not now taking The Wealth Makers. If you love your family, if
you love your home, if you love Liberty, if you love the People's Party of Nebraska, help us to circulate the paper that
is doing more than any other one thing to educate the voters of the state. Both the old parties have proven themselves
incompetent and unworthy. They have been " weighed in the balance and found wanting," and the People's Independent
Party must now take the lead. It is already the second party in numbers in eleven states and, if its members do their
whole duty, we shall sweep the country in '96!
, Educate? gdticatef Educate ! 1
Let some good local speaker in every neighborhood call a meeting of the voters in his precinct, make them a red hot
Populist speech, and urge all who are not now taking The Wealth Makers to subscribe immediately If you want a
good speaker and have none whom you can get right now, write us, and if possible, we will send you one. Let every one
of, our readers see how many voters he can get to take advantage of our Campaign offer 1 ' .,
THE WEALTH MAKERS, the State Paper of the Populist Party, from now
till November 1st for
. iiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOTJM
Every voter in Nebraska should read it. Adddress, .
- g J. S. HYATT, Bus.
STOKSi.W'1" Whcav 9psc pic Co,PmiuuPA.
Celebrated Fraud
Powders never foil.
and Mir. (after tallina
Oregon Politics j
If you want to keep 2
posted on .ropuusm in
Oregon and the Pacific
The . . .
People's Party Post,
per year.
H. s. ALEY, m. d.
Office 1215 OSt., Lincoln, Neb.
aWWrlt tor Urmi and qaMtloa blaokt.
Good Newt!
Governor Larrabee's great work, "The
Railroad Question," is now issued in
paper covers. It it the standard author
ity on the subject and lias just been
adopted as a text book by Yasser Col
lege. Every reformer should have a
copy. Price, cloth' f 1.50; paper covers,
uc. Address,
Wealth Makers Tub. Co.,
Lincoln, Nob.
Who tins tried Mr. Kittiuger's process
for making uheee at home, ad vertitted in
thisittsue? He offers to refund the money
to every one who fails while following his
process a very liberal offer.
irur mil'.
VZL St. s. Ton. tSST&ti. 1
. . .
For the Campaign and will send the paper from now
until November 1st for
ONLY .30
Great Rock Island Route !
Outing- Excursions.
First For the National Edncatlonnl Meeting
at Denver, opening July 61 h, tbe rnte will be one
fare pluB $2 00 lor round trip Tickets frood to
return and time np to and iuelatiliiir Sept. let.
heconu The reunlnr TouriBt Car to California
via Kansaa City runs once a week, and leaves
Chicago every Thursday at 6 p.m.. Kansas City
at 10.60 a,n. every Friday. Tickets based on
second class rate, and enr runs oa fastest trains,
and known as tbe l'billips-Hock Island Tourist
Excursions. Car arrives at Colorado Springs
Saturday, 7:36 a.m.
Third Home-Seeker's Excnrnlons to Texas
and New Mexico. Next one June 11th. Kate, one
fare (or round trip. Tickets rood twenty days.
Fourth For Mexico City the ilock IslHud
runs a through sleeper from Kansns City daily
tti:40 p.m. via Topeka, McFarlaud, Wichita and
Fort Worth and Austin to Sun Antonio. Two
routes from there are International K. R. to
Laredo, and Mexican Nationul to the City of
Mexico; Southern Pacific and Mexican Interna
tional via Spoflord and Eagle Pass to City of
Connections ara also made at Fort Worth via
the Texas Pacific to El Paso, and over tbe Mexi
can Central to City of Mexico.
Kit. h Send to address beiow for a Souvenir
called the " Tourist Teacher," that gives much
information to tourists. Sent free.
. Now is your time to see the great San
Luis Valley, Colo., the great garden spot
of the West. Tbe Great Rock Island
Route .will run excursions on May 21st
and June 11th from Lincoln by way of
Denver, Pueblo and Salida, over tbe D.
& II. 0. into the great San Luis Valley to
Alamoosa, Colo, One fare tor tbe round
All persons desiring to go should write
us for particulars.
Colorado Land & Insurance Co.,
1025 O Street. Lincoln, Neb.
Every farmer to be hi own painter
and absolutely pure puint for sale by the
Standard Glass and Paint Co ..Cor
ner 11th and M St., dealers in paints,
oils, painter's supplies, glass, etc., Lin
coln, Neb.
CIA Bar enr I drawer walnut or oak In
fTprafa Hick An WagWHwInf raachlM
iiulv flatahed. nlcktl plaUd.adaptta fc Urol
an4 harry work; naraataad for 10 Iwl arita
ialoaatlt Babbla Wladar, 8lf-Tkraa41a CrU
der BaaUU, 8arf.8aUlaf Haaala mi a oomplaU
rtof SlMllttaakaMataillilOMd u whan M
SO Du Trial. No mon.v rtcialrad is adr.DCt.
Ti.OOOaow faraa. World', fair tlMalawardad machfco. nd attach
ln.Bts. Boy from factory and aav. dealer and agvot'f profit
rrjra? Cat Tal Oat and and to-day tor ruacbraa or lanr. fraa
F If t at eaUlra, Wittmcmlal. and GlhniiaM of th. World. Fair.
i Nor th-Western
F., E. & M. V. R. R. is the best to and
from the
Coal and Oil Regions
For Sale
at a Bargain I
Lease of 640 acres school land (im
proved) all enclosed with six-wire fence,
180 head of nice young hogs weighing
from 100 to 200 pounds to go with it
This is in Custer county near Broken
Bow. Price. $3,000.
FOR SALE Good 6-room cottage,
barn, corner lot in good neighborhood.
For sale cheap. E. T. Hurr,
236 So. 11th St, Lincoln, Neb.
Printing Press complete outfit
with good Subscription List
at county seat in one of the
banner Populist counties in
the state. For further parti
culars address,
Lincoln, Neb.
Ws have tbe following books for sale.
Tou ought to have them:
Ths Railroad Problem................... t .BO
Uoni'T r'ouml .20
Jason EilWMnI.............,, to
Klchiml'i Crown f,o
Hill's Political Hlstor j.M. iff. 76e, I 00
beneath ths Dome...... ,.,. ,., ,f0
Ton Men of Money Island 10
Seven i'lnanclal Conspiracies 10
All these are excellent reform books
and xhould be jvad by everyone. Ad
dress all orders to this paper."
That Xtvtne ftorft canjM ewretf WlUt
Or. Miles' B7 VUlBTEXL OuIj 25c,
Ixincolij, Nebraska. 3
The Wealth Makers
Farmers' Tribune
The Wealth Makers
The Missouri World
The Wealth Makers
VOX PopUli (monthlj)
The Wealth Makers
The Nonconformist
The Wealth Makers
The Prairie Farmer
The Wealth Makers
Topeka Advocate
The Wealth Makers
th Makers )
ND t
Mercury )
Southern Mercury
We will send you Thb Wealth
Makers and any other weekly paper
that yon want, ths price of which is
$1.00 per year for $1.55. Old sub
scribers may take advantage of these
offers as well as new subscibers.
We want every one of our readers
to canvas for us. Send us at least
one new subscriber, if it is only for a
three month's trial, for 25c
We will give 20 per cent commission
to agents who will work for us. How
many of our readers love Thb Wealth
Makers enough to work for it, to in
crease its circulation and consequently
its usefulness?
If YO0 will send us only one new sub
scriber our list will be doubled next
week. Individual work is tbe kind
that gives results. S'nd us two new
subscriptions with $2.00 and we will
extend your subscription one year
(reel Faithfully yours,
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
Linooln, Hob.
Chautauqua Assembly, Beatrice Neb.
The Union Taciflc (Short Line) will sell
round trip tickets to above assembly
June 10th to July 4th, incluxive for one
fare, final limit on tickets July 5th. Cily
ticket office 1044 0 street.
K. n. Klobsoh, J.vo..T. Mabtin,
General Agent. C. T. A.
Th People's Party la the Only New Part)
That tan Gat a Ticket In tha Field to
On Jane 14 the St Louis Chronicle
editorially said:
"The Memphis silver convention, In
which democrats, republicans, popu
lists and members of tbe bimetallic
party are participating harmoniously,
proves beyond a doubt that the people
will have a chance to vote in 1890 on
the question of whether or not they
want free coinage of silver at a ratic
of 16 to 1.
. "Unless one large party or the othei
puts a plain declaration to that effec'
in its national platform and nominate!
a man whose record will be a guaran
tee that the platform's provisions will
be complied with, a new party will fill
the void, and no 'straddle' will be tol
erated. This new party will be made
up of the smaller parties and of disin
terested adherents of silver in the large
"Ex-Congressmen Bryan and Bland
are non-committal as to their probable
course if tho gold wing of the demo
crats controls the national convention.
If either wants the nomination of the
new party he can have it. If not, Con
gressman Joseph Sibley will be he
"The Memphis convention Bhows
these things, .
; "There is also a growing possibility
of a 'bolt' in the democratic national
convention and of the nomination of
two democratic candidates, one as like
ly as not Grover Cleveland, and the
other some great recognized silver
leader. In this case the new party
movement would consolidate with the
silver democrats. V-.,
"The uncertainty as to the action of
the democratic national convention is
the only dam that checks a great on
ward rush of a non-partisan silver
movement. No decided action can be
taken before the demoratic convention
adopts its platform."
In the same issue of the Chronicle,
tbe Associated press says: . 1
"Senator Carter, of Montana, chair
man of the republican national com
mittee, and Senator Dubois, of Idaho,
ire preparing to start to Cleveland to
attend the meeting of the national
League of Republican clubs.
"Senator Carter stated to a friend
that he would get a declaration friend
ly to silver from the league convention
Dr break the meeting up in a row. Sen
ator Dubois said that he would infi
nitely rather see a silver democrat in
the white house than a gold advocate
Df his own party. The senator says he
is not alone in this feeling and that his
republican brethren of the west are
with him almost solidly. Senator Du
bois said:
" 'We shall attempt to secure the
nomination of Mr. Cameron and the
adoption of a free silver platform, but
failing in that, we shall declare in
favor of free 'coinage and shall nomi
nate a ticket of our own and throw the
election of the president into the house
of representatives.
"'If neither party declares for silver
we would then nominate Senator
Teller for president and either Senator
Morgan or Senator Daniel, or possibly
some, other strong southern man, as
vice president, and would divide the
vote of both parties."'
The usual free silver preamble and
resolutions were adopted by the Mem
phis silver convention without discus
sion. The crucial part of the platform
follows verbatim.
Resolved, That a committee composed ot one
member from each state be appointed by the
delegates thereof la this convention, whose
duty it shall be to correspond with the repre
sentative advocates of bimetallism and bi
metallic societies in the different sections of
the union, to devise measures to advance the
cause of bimetallism throughout the United
States. That this committee shall have power
to cause a national conference of bimetalllsts
whenever in the opinion of the committee the
cause of bimetallism can be advanced thereby.
Said committee shall have power to fill all
This resolution, which concludes the
platform, is looked upon as a threat to
the gold-bug wing of the democracy.
It provides for an instantaneous con
vention following the refusal of the
national democratic convention to in
sert a 16 to 1 plank in its platform.
This plank constitutes the compromise
between the men who wanted a new
party, and the old line silver demo
crats. In view of the existing status of af
fairs, as outlined in the foregoing ut
terances and news paragraphs, the
Iowa populists did wisely and well
when, in state convention assembled,
they adopted the following finance
planks in their state platform: .
The people's party of Iowa, In state conven
tion assembled, reaffirm the principles of the
Omaha platform.
Recognizing with satisfaction the expression
of Individual opinion among citizens. Irre
spective of party, in favor of the restoration ot
silver to its constitutional place in the coinage
ot the country, at the ratio of 16 to 1, we ex
tend the right hand of fellowship to all men
who are willing to join with us tn the dethrone
ment of the money power of Wall street and
Europe and the emancipation of producing
classes of the world.
We further demand that until such time as a
government system of finance can be estab
lished that all banking Institutions, national,
state and private, be required to give security
to depositors for all moneys received for de
posit. Of course all populists understand
that a "government system of finance"
includes a system of government banks
and money at the cost of carrying on
the system;
Populists ought to keep away from
these democratic silver conventions
meeting in the various states. This
applies especially to populists in promi
nent official positions or who are recog
nized as leaders. Let the democrats
manage their affairs in their own way
without suggestion that we are es
pecially interested or anxious to be
consulted in tho shaping of their
policy. Populists should remember
that they have a party : and policy of
their own and are only incidentally in
terested in the action of j other parties.
It is true that a dl
liar now will
uld before in
buy more than it ever wi
the history of the coun
y. What we
need is labor and labor
rouuets that
will buy more dollars
now. Do you object
Center Dispatch.
an they will
that? Clay
Between the eastern gold-bug and
the western silver-bug, both thirsting
for his blood, the wage-worker finds it
hard, indeed, to keep soul and body to
gether. Marshall (Ma) People's Eee
ord. . ,r
Silver orators have a whole lot of
good things to talk about but they
can t reach the bottom of things by s
long shot without getting onto matters
with which silver has nothing to da
Farmers' Tribune. '
This democratic free silver busi
ness looks like deathbed repentance,
doesn't it? If it was real repentance
of the whole party it miirht do, but the
biggest half of the party, biggest at
least in influence, is still serving the
devil the gold power. Missouri
The chief objection to "Coin's Fi
nancial School" is that alt over the
country the question of silver vs. gold
is raised, whereas the education should
be the adoption of a plan to do away
with private banks. The bank ques
tion is the money question. Portland
(Ore.) People's Party Post.
Gen. Weaver may have had great
influence in the greenback and popu
list conventions of the past, but his
reitrn seems over. In the populist con
vention of Iowa there was sawdust all
over the hall, which represented the
insides of the once doughty and pow
erful general. Des Moines Leader.
The only silver party is the peo
ple's party. No division at all upon
the subject. If you really favor free
silver, step oyer into the people's party
and you will get it, and in no other
way will you get free coinage of silver ,
without alloy, and 100 cents to the dol-
Int Tf nftAi irAtHnar tVaa aIIvai. vnn
don't like our platform, you can step
out Arensburg (Ky.) Journal.
- r 1 -' ' -
Says a late Washington special: "A
careful canvass of the members of the
next house, so far as their position has
been disclosed by their votes in previ
ous congresses, or by their public dec-
larations, show about 24 republicans
for and 320 opposed to free coinage.
The democratic division Is 75 for and
30 opposed to free coinage. The popu
list strength of 7 is wholly for free
coinage. The total of these figures is
106 for and 250 against free coinage."
The much talked of and feared split
in the state convention was no split at
alL When the wind work all wore off
it was found that all were practically
in accord; all wanted to indorse the
Omaha platform, make a radical money
state platform, put up a ticket of the
best men of the party, get out and
hustle and get to the front; and that ia
just what was and is to be done. In
ternal strife is of no advantage to any
body but the enemy. Iowa Farmers
The people's party columns are
filling up in every section of the west
and south", and the prospects grow
brighter every day. From Minnesota
to Texas and from California to Georgia
come words of cheer and hope. Broth
ers,don't wait for others to turn out and
do the great missionary work but go
vourself and keen up the trood work in
a relentless way. The studying, think
ing men of the old parties are leaving
those old rotten organizations in
droves. Mississippi People.
The telegraph every day is telling
of many who are coming out for free
silver. The "sound money" men of
New York have organized against sil
ver, calling it the "money question."
Wail street and the telegraph like to
knock down straw men provided they
call nave uio urivima ui puiiwugr up .
their kind of straw men. Say, popu
lists, don't you think it about time to
drop silver like a hot potato, as the
German socialists have done? Port
land (Ore.) People's Party Post
The first news of Mr. Olney's selec
tion as the successor of Secretary
Gresham comes from London, England.
It will be remembered that Mr. Cleve
land's message to the special session of
congress was cabled to the United
States from London. It is time for
the people of the United States to in- .
quire who is running this government,
the American people or Great Britain.
Ihis country, under the present admin
istration, is nothing but a southern
Canadian province of England. South-1
em Mercury. :
Right Arm Paralyzed!
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.' I
"Our daughter, Blanche, now fif
teen years of age, had been terribly
afflicted with nervousness, and had
lost the entire use of her right arm.
We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried
the best physicians, with no benefit.
She has taken three bottles of Dr.
Miles' Uervine and has gained 31
pounds. Her nervousness and symp
toms of St. Vltu9 dance are entirely
gone, she attends school regularly,
and has recovered complete use ot
her arm, her appetite is splendid."
MBS. B. E. BULLOCK, Brighton, N. Y.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell it st II, e bottles for 15, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad,