8HOT BY A BARONESS. CtkMriver Keveala See ret of CrowTS Prise Rudolph's Death. New York, May 25. Johann Tran nlUni la dead In the hospital of the New Tork City Asylum for the Insane on Ward's Island. Just before his death he revealed the secret history of the Crown Prince Rudolph's death at tfeyerllnr, January 30, 1889. Johann TranquIUnt, while he was no more than bumble .fluker-kutscher, or the driver ex a fiacre, was the Intimate friend and boon companion of Rudolph. For years all the royal frolics were familiar to him. He It was who drove the Crown Prince on all unheralded excursions. Tranquilinl gained for himself a place In the world's history when he drove the Crown Prince to Meyerling the night of Rudolph's death. When the rumors of the tragedy were whispered stealthily from mouth to ear in Vienna he left and came to this country. He seemed liberally provided with money, and for a time lived in lavish extrava gance among the Austrlans In this city. His claim was that the Prince was at tacked by Baroness Vassera, who was In love with him. She then turned a revolver upon herself and expired al most instantly. A Count, who was her relative, then dealt the Prince a mortal blow on his temple. SAYS MORTON IS THE MAN. Secretory of State Palmer Declare That the Governor I a Strong Candidate. Albany, N. Y May 25. "I do not be lieve there is any foundation for this talk that Gov. Morton has made an al liance with ex-President Harrison to bring about the nomination of another Harrison and Morton ticket In 1896," aid John Palmer, the secretary of state. "Mr. Morton has been vice president once and the office probably has no further attraction for him. Besides, the fact must be considered that he was elected governor of New York in 1894 by the remarkable majority of 150,000 and that his course as governor has been highly satisfactory to his fellow citizens, irrespective of party. I think that, popular as he was when he be came governor, he is a much stronger man today, for, as the chief executive of the state, he has carried out the gen oral will In a variety of ways. Much as I respect Benjamin Harrison, I am con vinced that Levi P. Morton is the logical candidate of the New Tork Republicans for the presidency. If he desires the nomination he will have a solid delega tion from New Tork state to the na tional convention." PROTECTS NEWS DISPATCHES. air. Basse's BUI Passed by the Illinois House. Springfield, 111., May 25. The house passed Busse's bill to prevent the wrongful taking of news dispatches from telegraph and telephone wires, al so the bill amending the act pruvldlng for the selection of assessors in town ships containing not less than 40,000 or more than 100,000 population by chang ing 100,000 to 80,000. This is a measure in which Lake View was interested. When the present law was passed it was thought It would affect Peoria only. Under it three assessors would be required In Lake View. The amendment fixes it so that only Peoria will be af fected. Mr. McCarthy's bill fixing the compensation of judges arid clerks of election and official ticket holders in Cook county at $5 a day passed. The senate was In no humor for work A bare quorum was present and busi ness had to be transacted by unanl moua consent t Declares for McKlnley. Springfield, O., May 25. Politicians of the eleventh senatorial district are busy today discussing the deliberations of the district convention, which was held last night. In the convention were delegates from Champaign, Madison and Clark counties. The resolutions adopted declare for Major McKlnley for president, J. B. Foraker for United States senator to succeed Calvin S. Brlce and General J. Warren Kelfer for governor. Veteran slate-makers Bay the list is early in the ring, but that it will stand wear. Attack on American Lard. Paris, May 25. The Journal des De bats, in its Issue today, makes a violent attk upon the Importation of Ameri can lard into France, saying that it Is sold as pure lard, defrauds the treas ury and customs, injures pig breeding, deceives the consumer and is Injurious to health. - Advance In Pig; Iron. Philadelphia, May 25. The Thomas Iron company, with large furnaces at Alburtis, Lehigh county, has advanced the price of pig iron 50 cents per ton. This action on the part of the company Is likely to be followed by other manu facturers in pig iron, and an advance In prices of manufactured iron Is looked for. Death Bate from Small-Pox. In the small-pox epidemic of 1881, in England, the returns showed 4,478 deaths per million inhabitants 98 vac cinated to 4,380 unvacclnated, or in the proportion of 44 to 1. In the epidemic at Lelpslo in 1871, the death rate was 12,700 per million, 70 per cent of whom were unvacclnated. These figures are by Dr. Mulhall. In Boston the propor tion waa 15 to 50, and in Philadelphia, IT to 64. WALTER BAKER & CO, The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On this Continent, km rscslvsd HIGHE8T AWARD8 from the ftsal Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS In Europe and America. TJallk. 0M Dutch Pimm, no Alks lm or othsr Chemicals nbrwin ' nu4 in in nf thalr Bratrfcrftftkm. MrdsOelms BREAKFAST COCOA U staoloMy Sin sail nliiKi sail r r SOLD IV GROCERS IVIWYWHIRS, 1 Conducted by J. T. M. 8ioat. Corrsspoa dene solicited. Klre, cjcloa or hail. CVCLO.NE. With the wind blowing a terrible gale last Monday it occurred to us that every man who had not iimured his buildings against cyclones would at once write us for supplies and not wait for the ngnt to come, because if you do you will pay him, nn J if he is not representing us you may pay him more for an hour's work than you will earn in a week. Our fees are $2.00, and an additional fee of only ten cents per $100. It makes no differ ence how much insurance the agent writes for you, heis entitled to but $1.00 while in other companies the agent is in duced to over insure you, twcaUHe the more iiiHtirance you write the larger the fi-e and the more you pay him. Now, readers, if you are not inmired write me at once. If you address "Mutual IiiHurance Company," your letter will be dolivered to another company. I would have no objection if you intended it that war. lut would like to get all that is intended for me. Hence address me in person, please. FHiE. We have sent out enough applications in the fire department to those who have asked for tliein to have $200,000, now applied for, but we have not yet got $100,000. All seem to want to wait un til the company is on its feet. It seems to me that us it does not cot anything to Bend the application in all whose in surance is nearly out could at once axle us for an application and instructions and then help us to get the fire depart ment on its feet. 1 he lire department does not apply to any one in territory covered by a local company. HAIL. We have sent out a largesupplyof hail applications, but unlens it rains soon there will be no use of further trying to do any hail work this year. But send in your applications and we will act accord ing to your Instructions. WAS A WIPE'S RUSE. Tired of Country Life She Adopted Es traordinary Expedients to Get Away. Tired of a monotonous existence in t small country town Mme. Auclert, wlf of a medical practitioner at Brezolles In the Beauce, adopted strange meas ures for the purpose of freeing herseli from marital control, writes a Pari! correspondent of the London Telegram. She wrote anonymous letters to hei husband, and in these epistles accused herself of breaking her marriage vow The doctor disbelieved the charges formulated in the letters, which he tor up and burned with many a shrug ol his shoulders. Mme. Auclert then turned her hand to incendiarism and set fire to a barn near her abode. Aftei the place had been burned down she told her husband that she. wanted to leave a district peopled by savages, who Intended next, no doubt, to burn her dwelling. Laleu, a man of no con sequence in the town, was reported to the gendarmes as the criminal who had burned tho barn, and, filled with fright at the prospect of impending arrest, the poor wretch hanged himself. The anon ymous letters continued to rain on the doctor, who at last discovered that his wife's handwriting was wonderfully like that in which the missives were written. Mme. Auclert confessed everything and has been tried at Chartres on a charge of incendiarism. The Jurors found this new Mme. Bovary fully re sponsible for her actions in spite of the defense set up by the able lawyer from Paris who had charge of her interests, and she waa condemned to five years' Imprisonment Sheriff Sale. Notice Is hereby (riven, that by virtue ol an order of sale Issued by the Clerk ot the District Court ol tbe Third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and lor Lancaster county, in an action wherein Ida J. Lovts is plaintiff, and Edward T. Hud et al are defendants 1 will, at 2 o'clock p. m on ttie istn day of June, A. v., lMtft, at toe East door of the Court House, in the City ot Lincoln. Lancaster Count?. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to-wlt; Lot six (81. In block two (2). In William H. Irvine's sub-division of lot two (2) of the north east quarter ot section thirty-six (S6), township ten (10), range six (0), enst of the Sixth Principal Alerldian In Lancaster county, Nebraska. Uiven under my hand this 14th day of May, A. 1). im. FRED A. MILLER, 49tS ' Sheriff. Notice to Non-Kestdents, Orant A. Bush, Mable A. Bush, F. J. Bush and Abbie Bush, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on May 11th, 1835, Jane A. Heacock, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In the District Court of Lancaster connty, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer ot which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed uy the defendants. Urant A. Bush and Mable A, Bush, to the Dlaintitt noon lot 28, In block 8, in Cottage Home addition to tbe City ot Lincoln in Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment ol a certain promtesory note dated June 1st, 1888, for tbe sum ol I auo.uu ana due ana pay able on the 1st day ot June, ls00. That there Is now due apon said note ana mortiraare the sum ol S500 00 and ten per cent in terest thereon Irom December 2nd, 189!), for which sum with said Interest the plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. And that the de fendants bs foreclosed of all equity ol redem- tion or other Interest in saia premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 24th day ot June, 18SI5. Dated May 14th, 1805. JANS A. HEACOCK, By Blown & T.KiiK. ber Attorneys. 49t8 Notice of Bridge Contract. North 1'lattb, Neb.. May 6th, 1S95. Sealed bids will be received by the County Clerk st Lincoln County. Nebraska, until 12 o'clock loon (Central Standard Time) of the 4th day ol luue, 1805, tor the construction of a two pile wagon bridge across the north channel of the Piatt river, where road No. 171 crosses said channel on tbe east V4 of the northeast 14 of sec tion S3, town 13, n of range 21 w In l.lncolt iount.y , Nebraska, about 2V miles southeast from Maxwell. Said bridge to be ten (101 feet In width and about two hundred and thlrty-ons (281) feet In length, with approaches twenty-one (21) feet In length at each end. 1'lHng to be of Whits Oak or Cypress timber, and flooring to ba sf two Inch Oak. Specifications for snld brldgs sre on file In the county clerk's office of said county. A certified check lor One Hundred (100.00) guaranteeing 1he entering Into a con tract with bond for tbe faithful performance cl the same must accompany the bid. Work of con. structlon of said bridge mnst be commenced within twenty davs after date of signing con tract. Bids for said work should be endorsed. Bid for Bridge on on Koad No, 171." Tb Board of County Commissioners reeens tn right to reject any or an bids. NEWELL BURRITT, Connty Clerk, With but little care and no trouble, the tward and muatashe can be kept m uni form brown or black color by using Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. Sheriff Sale. Notice la hereby giver, that by virtue ot an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county. In an actios wherein Arthur L. ribader and Justin Klpley are plaintiff, and Charles P. Larsen et al are de fendants I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,oa the 25th day ot June, A. D. l's6, at the east door of the Court House, In the City of Lincoln. I .aocaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: Lot number nine, () In College Hill eub-dlvt-lon of lot number twenty-nlns (28). In tb north west quarter (Vi) ot section thirty-eix (86) town ship ten 1 10), east of tbe 6th If. M., In Lancaster county, Nebraska, Uiven under my hand this 21st day of Hay, A. v.. im. FEED A. MILLER. Sheriff. Bicycle to Trade lor Young Driving: Horse Weighing 1,000 or 1,100. Address, BUSINESS MANAGER. WEALTH MAKERS. METAL WHEELS for your WAGONS. Any size too want, V to M in. high. Tires 1 to 8 in.wide hubs to St any axle. Haves Ceet many times in season to nave set at low wheels to St four warm for hsnllnf train, fodder, manure, bogs. fee. No resetting of the. Ostl'gfree. Address EMPIRE MFG. CO tmlxtcy, UU WIHCER'SCTt FEED GRINDER 'A MONEY MAKER AND SAVER." A double Grinder with three burrs. Center draft. Can be attached to any m ake of pump ing wind mill. E. 8. WINGER, f 532 Kenwood Tsrraos, Chicago. Ilk HIGHEST QUALITY OP ALL. Columbia Bicycles THE STANDARD FOR ALL to AVE you feasted your i isisr eyes upon the beauty and grace of the 1895 Columbias ? Have you tested and compared 1 them with all others ? 1 Only by such testing; can , you know how fully the , Columbia justifies its proud title of the Stand-' ard for the World. And 1 POPE MFG. CO. Ear If urd, Cobb. BRANOHBai BOSTON Ntw vouk OHIOAOO the price is but BAN FHANOISOO '100 PROVIDBNOB aurrALO 8 An Art Catalogue ef these famous wheels and of iartfords, 8a txfre at any Colum bia Agency, or mailed for two a-cent stamps. A. L. SHADES, Agent for Columbia and Hartford Bloyoles, , Lincoln, Neb. THIS CUT ' represents on 01 onrttaivan- ised Steel Tanks, a tank that will last for a lifetime. "If not, wh not?" Write E. B. WINGER, the Wind Mill Man, Chicago, lor cuts, sites and prices. CAMERON'S Home Grown Seeds. BSVD ros OATAIOOUH ' Bearer City, Nebraska. BIBI8HTHS, CkMttr WWte, Jim; Kwl and Poland Chins IPIQS. Jener, GurnMy ud Bolmla Cault. TborougBlirad BSMB. FU0? roniUT. hudmhj and HeoM Doss. CsUlofne. W. eaUTH. ivuie, tjaeswr vs. vmmm H. E. KEELOR. Breeder of Chester-White & Poland-China Swine Herd composed of a choice se lection of premium animals. 8tock shipped to all Darts o! u. 8. W rite wants. Clarence, Mo. ewwwWU h. s. ALEY, m. d. SPECIALIST FEMALE, NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Office 1215 0 St., Lincoln, Neb, OT Write tor terms and question blanks. 7m s it mi m a Cecara HAVE YOU FIVE OR I.I0RE COWS? If so a w Baby " Cream Separator win earn Its cost for you every year. Why continue an inferior system another year at so (Treat a loss t Dairying is now the only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con ducted It always pays well, and must pay you. You ntwa a separator, ana you nera tne Ufcst, the " Buby." All styles and capacities. Prices. $75.00 upward. Bend for new 1S9S Catalogue. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., Branch Offices : General Offices: ELGIN, ILL. 74 00RTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. SAVE MONEY and LABOR aHars'..r THE SUCCESS CULTIVATOR. Handle. Works Easy. Lock Lever. Beam Spring saves booking np. Special features not in others. Cheapest and' best. A. W. BUTT IMPLEMENT CO., 75 Euclid Ave., Spilng-Held, Ohio. the OLD RELIABLE PEERLESS FEED rCnninnrnA 1 UlillJUCllO Grinds more grain to any defrreeofflnenessthananyothermlll. Grlndsear- corn, oats, etc., uuo cuuuku iui ui y u f""- y -rantednot tocnoke. We warrant the Peerless to be THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MILL ON EARTH. W" Write us at once for prices and agency. There Is money in this mill. Made only by the JOLIET STROWBRIDGE C0.,JCLIET. ILL. Jobbers and Manufacturers of Farm Machinery, Carriages, Wagons. Windmills. Bicycles, Harness, etc. Thee lowest. Quality best IWorld's Fair highast awards Ion our INCUBATOR and 1 . DOOOhR Combined. , I1 fUA Di;oWflMad 3 vsiu iitsiiuui toeai ;If yonun tutrtMt in Poultry, It i S piy tou ta tcttit 4 emu hi ntampa tor 3s 73 pare rtaln, KivittK TftluaAil po . an Puultrv Col tan. AririreM -A.. J. Adams, BBADSIIAYT, NEB., Breeder of Black Langshan Chickens. The greatest general purpose chicken ot the age, My flock scores Irom DOtt to 84. EGGS FOR SALE.. FOWLS and PlGS I have a choice lot of White Holland Tnrkeys, Barred Plymouth Rocks and Pekln Ducks. Also some choice Large English Berkshire Pigs. Write me for prices on anything you want in my line, and I will guarantee satisfaction. Ssnd stsmp lor circular. W. T. WHITE. Cutler. Illinois. Elkhorn Valley Herd of Poland-China Swine. I have all the leading strains Including Free Trades, Wilkes and Black U. S. families. The best lot of pigs I ever raised sired by Paddys Chip 16389. Fs Warnia maker 26829, Col. U. S. 10605. My sows are mostly Free Trade and Wilkes strains. L. H. SUTER, Neligh, Neb. Furnas County Herd. CJ L. E. Berkshire! Poland-Chinas, '94 pigs sired by six first class males, and from sows as good. Berkshires: Sal lies, Duchess, and others. Poland-Chinas: Corwin. Te enmseh and Wilkes. None better. All stock at half price, (on account of the drouth), and guaranteed as represented. Mention The Wealth Makers. Helsfeln Cattle. H. S. WILLIAMSON, Beaver City, Neb. flffiftlfJHIMIsl: -' si 111 uitfi a a. i i - i i FULL CIRCLE."f SOLO ON EAST TERM5. SCOTT HAY PRESS Co., " 810 VWtSi RQvSt.KovJftACtti'mo FURS SHIP J ii J JAS. McMIIiMN & GO., m. i$ti2K8i&r MINN. EXPORTERS AND IMPORTERS OF FINE NORTHERN FURS. (-Write for Circular giving Latest Market Prices.- . lTry Us with a Shipment." TUB , 1v I T fcvRQCK I6LANP PLOW i-wt Are You Ready For the Harvest ? There's only one way to get ready so that you can be sure that you are reodj and we are ready to get you ready with the World-Beating, BEST IN THE . . . "WORLD Most Durably Built, Lightest In Draft, Greatest In Capacity, Simplest tn Construction. All Competition Staid Away from the McCormick in the World's Fair Tests We might to-day be selling a line of so-called "cheap" machines a1 a price which would still be high, but prefer to sell the high-value McConnici at a price which experience will most assuredly prove is low. Glad to show our friends these machines at any time. Come in and see them. Farman will pleas call on ' R. BINFORD, Lincoln. L.EI8VELD & TROMPEN, Hickman, J. P. PRATT, Bennett, MEYER & SEVKKIN, Hallam, WELLER POLK & CO., Raymond, G. W. PETERSON, Eagle, Any of whom will be only too glad to show you the merits of the machines whether you intend to purchase or not. 3 y t LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY. .... We will have the .... heading Smer School ii Nebraska This year. Term opens June 4th, 1895. Continues 10 weeks. Total expenses, $3.00 per week. Send for catalogue, free. Address, LINCOLN FORMAL UNIVERSITY, Normal, Neb. KEiii rjiiirii:iiri:i:i:ii!ii!i:Erii!iiin:i:i:i!i;r i mniiiiCiEimir IRRIGATED b Out ot a thousand farms In Southwest Kansas, of 160 acres each, ire are selling a limited 2 number equipped with an Independent and permanent irrigation plant sufficient for at least g ten acres on each farm. 'The price at which these 160 acre farms are selling Is merely about S what the ten acres and Irrigation plant are worth. Before buying a farm Investigate this. Special terms made for Colonies. Call on us or write for particulars. I THE SYNDICATE LANDS & IRRIGATING CORPORATION, 1 g Boom 912 Hew England Life Building, ilEMi:nii:MlMll!lffl 11 4Mf! MM Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago, gad this Paper. HIDES EVERYTHING OF THIS SORT TO Broke the Record No Cultivator ever bad snch a remark able run tbe first season, sales nearly 20,000 in 1894 end this year trill be greatly increased. The O. H. D. is simply the fees! Welkins CalttatM ever Base sad as jet has imitators. H tells at sight Far sals b one dealer in a lean, tee It be fore roa any. Writs as tof illustrated drcaJar. Deere & Co.M8S g.Do4it.veiy (ju&r&ofeed jo qive , od tk fair Trail AlWed re&d i vbal ii Mid by tbose wbo have vaed ftjeri)., ArurACTUREO oru.v er rwe eat -t CO Pock 1&lahd. III. 1 8 9 5. LIGHT-RUNNING Mccormick steel BINDERS and MOWERS. A SCHOOL FOR THE PEOPLE rjAAAMAM Its eqnlpments are mors complete DcCdUSBs Its buildings are bettsr. the expenses lower than thoss ol an other Normal School In Nebraska. Tuition. .... $1.00 per week Board from 91.60 to 93.00 - M Booms from 25c. to 75o. " M fiiiuiEiiiiiiiiiiEiiniiiniErJiiirriiiiri i:i:iniii!iii!iiiii!iii mm FARMS - - $1,000. f 9th ft wyanaotte Sta., KANSAS CITY, MO. g 5U. rKW o-pj n r $5 (SHIP YOUR WOOLBS k AaaaBvlaBBa9BBvlSaBlSB ralue, U you ship to Jfcf the right house. Our shippers testify almost unanimously that ours Is the right house. The case has been tried by a Jury of more than one thousand prominent wool growers and a verdict rendered. We have been found guilty of selling other peoples' wool at a higher price than they could eet at home and mak ing prompt returns. The verdict has created consternation among Wool Houses here, but rejoicing among wool growers. We receive more shipments of wool direct from the growers than any house in this market. We make q u Icker sales and q u leker retu rn 9 than any house in this market. Don't dispose ot your wool until you write for our Wool Report, giving prices and the verdict of the jury over their own signatures. Backs furnished FREE. SUMMERS. MORRISON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street, CHICAGO. WOOL