The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 23, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    May 23, 1895
this issue we print an editorial from tbe
May 4, 1895, Harpers Weekly, entitled,
"Tainted Leadership," which shows tbe
character and close political relations of
Gorman and Murphy. That xery reput
able and entirely trustworthy national
journal knows all about Senator Murphy,
and it does not agree with Senator Allen
concerning him. He is not a gentleman
he is not a decent man if character is
an essential part of such a man's consti
tution. We refer the Senator to the
quoted editorial referred to, and to tbe
New York legislature's investigating
committee which quite recently reported
regarding what is known as the "Murphy
machine" of Troy, for evidence which
overthrows his statements regarding
Senator Murphy. But lest the Senator
should feel too tired by this time to turn
and read the entire article referred to, we
will here insert a brief passage taken
from the center of the Harpers Weekly
article,' as follows:
During: the present session of the legis'
lature of New York the maiority of an
investigating committee, speaking with a
moderation that induces belief in its
report, has found the "Murphy machine"
o( thecitv of Troy is guilty of nearly every
conceivable offence against the elective
franchise; that it has robbed citizens of
their votes, and thecommunity of its right
to govern itself, by tbe lowest ana most
brutal acts known to the ruffians of our
cities; and that, as a crowning infamy, it
is responsible for the murder of a citizen
who was trvinir to protect the ballot-box
from pollution. This is the man and
his atmosphere the man who an
announces his favorite Democratic leader
Gorman for tbe Presidential campaign
of 1896.
The leader of his choice is worthy of him.
It is not many years ago when Mr. Gor
man was the local leader in Maryland of
as vile a machine as that to which tbe
name of Murphy has been given in the
city of Troy. Both of
these men represent tbe bad politicians
and the bad politics against which the
country has been protesting.
This is the Sugar Trust steal master,
and this the man whom Senator Allen has
accepted a valuable present from. Is
Senator Allen too great a man to criti
cise, to charge with folly? Is not the
People's party greater than he? May we
not love its good name and insist that
its representatives shall avoid even the
appearance of evil?
Mr. Allen asks us to keep socialism out
of The Wealth Makehs. What he
means by socialism he does not say. But
if he wishes us to quit advocating the
sort of socialism that is found in the
Omaha platform and Christianity, we
shall have to be excused.
George Howard Gibson,
We are glad to see most of our state
exchanges are keeping out of the contro
versy which The Wealth Makers' felt
forced to engage in. Strife is to be
deplored. When purity can -be preserved
in peace, keep out of it. When in tbe
people's interests strife is unavoidable,
limit its area as much as possible. .Let
us have no bitter factions formed. The
editor of this paper will probably have,
hopes to have, no more to say in the
line of condemnation of leaders. He has
said all he felt ought to be said and will
in future devote himself to the educa
tional work which he loves. A gentleman
called oa him. last Saturday evening and
in auger asked him why he had been
condemning all the Populist leaders. His
answer was that they must be few in
number if that were true. Only two
Nebraska Populist leaders had been
named and criticised. Fusion in general
we have denounced; and tbe secret, un-'
authorized meetings of certain Populist
leaders with a number of old party
machine representatives, and their strug
gle, one side seeking endorsement, and
the other side clamoring for what it
deemed a sufficient reward for it, we
knew of; henceour center shot at "all the
Populist leaders" in that dickering, de
manding, struggling, demo-pop, secret,
culminating conference. Thank heaven all
the Populist leaders were not in that con
ference, nor yet a hundreth part of them,
and some who were in attendance did not
realize what they were getting into and
would be ashamed to have the people of
this state know that they sat in the ring.
Now, if "the leaders" please, let us draw
tbe veil, let us "walk backward with
averted gaze, and hide the shame."
Except in the matter of his appoint
ment of certain old party men to office
and one or two vetoes whose wisdom
may be questioned, Governor Holcomb
has not neen criticised by us, and his
acts are above criticism. We believe him
an honest man, according to his light,
but one who has certain fundamental
truths and guiding principles to learn in
the school of reform politics. He has
given bis whole life to law and knows
more about statutes and court rulings,
the ideas oi tbe past, we may say, than
he does about the needs of the people
and the demands of progress. And,
judging from his appointments in the
main, we are of the opinion that he is
imbued with and too much controlled
by what may be called old party wisdom,
something he needs to find is not service
able, to the people, at leust, in a new
party. The patronage in an old party
is used to please and placate leaders
whose help is wanted or whose influence
is feared. Politicians, large or small, get
it all. It is a give and take deal between
leaders who are thusbound together and
pool their influence to control conven
tions and use tbe people.
Paroxysms of whooping cough some
times cause the ruptnre of a blood vesnel
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral givea instant
Headache bud Get Or. tnuum- Pain Ptlur
It so happens that tbe governor bas
made appointments in quite a number of
cases of men that we do not know suffl
ciently well to speak of them with any
intelligent judgment. We prefer to think
and to hope that all his appointments
are worthy men when we do not know or
think we know to the contrary. But of
one man we can speak in strong terms of
commendation as regards fitness and
deserts. L. t. Kewiclc lias done more
than auy other man or score of men to
expose the unspeakable corruption of
the Republican party of this state and it
is peculiarly fitting and just to put him,
as steward of the Insane Asylum, in
charge of a place he at great labor in
vestigated and exposed. D. Clem Deaver
of Omaha is a man whose heart is in the
right place, and he is a worker for tbe
workers. Mr. Deaver is appointed to
serve on tbe Omaha Fire and Police
"A mlllloa torches lighted by I'by band
Wander unwearied through the bine abyss:
They own Thy power, accomplish Thy com'
AU gay with Hie, all eloquent with blin.
Wbat shall we call them? Piles of crystal light
A glorious company of golden streams
Lamps ot celestial ether burning bright
Suns lighting systems with their joyons
Bnt Thou to these art as the noon to night.
, The president of the New York State
Bankers' Association, William C. Corn
well, made a speech a few days ago be
fore the Chicago Bankers' Club on .the
question, "What Ought Bankers to Do
About Legislation?" He I aid great stress
on the need of getting the greenbacks re
tired and filling their places with bank
notes (drawing interest), and then went
on to attack the silver "heresy" and in
ternational bimetallism. His language
on this last is so pointed and poetical
that we give a sample, as follows:
It is time to tear off disguise. Inter
national bimetallism is a traitor in the
camp. It is a false fraud, it can never
be accomplished. It is a will o the wisp
dancing above tbe deadly marsh. It is
as elusive as a dream of magic, as idle as
tbe pursuit of perpetual motion; as dan
gerous as the dream of fiat money.
Our next issue will contain a very in
teres ting communication from Mr. James
G. Clark, the poet, outlining Prof. Her
ron's reception and work on the Pacific
Coast. Prof. Herron specially requested
him to do this for The Wealth Makers,
and to both of them we and our readers
are greatly indebted. The article came
too late for use in this issue.
The School Review bas an article by
Prof. Edgren of the Nebraska State Uui
versity. Then comes The Curriculum of
a Small High School by Edward J. Good
win, and The Moral Problem in the Pub
lic School H. Buchanan Riley,
The Future of the American High School
is a good article by J. Remsen Bishop.
The Book Department and Notes' are
good. Taken altogether it is an excel
lent number.
The Review of Reviews for May has for
its special features an article on ''Con
ventions and Summer Gatherings," with
portraits of speakers and instructors; 'a
character sketch of "Sir John Everett
Millais," the famous painter; "Tbe Art of
John La Farge," the distinguished Amer
ican artist, with pictures of representa
tive paintings, and a Bketch by W. T.
Stead of "The Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry
Asquith," England's Home Secretary.
Tbe regular departments are as full as
usual with lists and brief reviews of
books and periodicals; condensed articles
from American and foreign magazines;
"Record of Rocent Events," and "The
Progress of the World," with portraits
and illustrations.
The North American Review for May is
one of the best numbers that has'apear
ed for some time. It starts out with an
excellent article on the Preacher and His
Province by Cardinal Gibbons. Elemen
tary Education, by Commissioner Harris,
will be interesting to teachers especially.
Next comes Our Situation as Viewed from
Without, by Prof. Goldwin Smith, and
Russia Hud England by Prof. A. Vam
bery. The Income Tax, of course, must
have its share of space and there are t wo
articles devoted to it; I, The Decision of
the Supreme Court; II, The Spirit of the
Tax. The Personal History of the
Second Kmpire iscarried on. Then comes
The Future of Japan, by the Japanese
Minister. The notes and comments are
unusually interesting.
impossible to Hold the Price Down "at
Chicago, May 20. Wheat Is still boom
ing. This morning the start was made
at the closing prices of Saturday, and
by fitful, nervous starts, Interrupted by
slight relapses, the price Jumped to
74o In little more than an hour of ac
tive trading. Corn, however, was not
able to keep this fast company, al
though the advance of last Saturday
was re-established, and after a rise to
64o for July delivery and 56c for
September over the prices at closing
there was an advance to 55c for July and
56c for September. But in other lines
the fever was felt. Pork, which Jumped
to $12.55 Saturday, kept up its pace and
reached $13.
Foreign cables showed an advance of
a penny at Liverpool, but a decline and
an easier market In Paris and other
continental markets. The country spec
ulators seemed not to care a copper
what Liverpool or Paris was doing.
They wanted wheat in Pecatonica and
everywhere else, and they sent to Chi
cago to buy It. Then the price went up
again. May closed at 72,,4c, July and
September 73c. Corn closed at 53o
fclay, 630 July, 64c September.
Now Is the Time to Bay.
If you are thinking of buvintr an incn.
bator or brooder this season, now is the
Dest time lor you to buy.
write to the Keliable Incubator &
Brooder Co., at Qnincy. III., for their
special GO day offer. Write at oce.
Who shrinks from marching to the fight?
What coward lags behind?
Who fears to battle for the right
is false unto mankind!
He's but a knave, an abject slave,
A t hing to loathe and scorn;
But men like you, who dare and do,
Are freemen nobly borul
Why should we bend beneath the yoke
Of men tbe same as we?
When by a bold, united stroke
Our chains would shattered be.
Arise you, then! from mount aud glen,
From city and from plain;
Up men and do, it rests with you
Your freedom to attaint
God made us all from common clay,
The earth to all lie gave;
To one "Be lord!" He did not say,
To another, "Be a Blavel"
And so we swear, by earth and air,
No more ns slaves we'll plod,
But freemen be, ou land and sea,
As was ordaiueU by God!
Truth's flag is waving in the air
The cross of our crusade
And gallant men and women fair
Beneath it are arrayed!
And they have sworn they'll wave it o'er
A thousand fields of tight; '
Till crime be fled, and wrong be dead,
And victor is the right.
J. Ryan.
I! I am weak and yon are strong,
Why then, why then,
To yon the braver deeds belong;
And so, again.
If yon have gifts and I have none.
If I have shade and yon hare snn,
'Tls yonrs with freer band toglve,
'Tis yonrs with truer grace to live,
Than 7, who gtftless, sunless, stand '
With barren life and hand.
'Tls wisdom's law, the perfect code.
By love Inspired;
Of him on whom much la bestowed
; Is much required.
The tuneful throat Is bid to sing,
Tbe oak must reign the forest's king;
The rustling stream the wheel must move,
The beaten steel its strength must prove.
'Tls given unto tbe eagle's eyes
To face the midday skies.
Caroltta Perry in Boston Transcript. '
From tbe Douglas County Populist
Omaha, Neb., May, 16, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I am requested bv members of the
Douglas County middle-of-the-road Pop
ulist Club, to write you as to your best
terms for The Wealth Makers in clubs
of 5, 10 or 20.
Since you have taken such a decided
stand for middle-of-the-road and honesty
in politics our people have warmed very
much toward The Wfalth Makers. We
hope and think we can increase the circu
lation here.
Truly is our prayer: "May God give us
men. Sincerely yours.
John Jeffocat.
Bend Va Nam s
We want the name and address of every
Populist in the state who does not take
The Wealth Makers.
Have you no time to canvass for sub
scriptions for us?
If you h ave not send us the address oi
OS many .Populists as you know who
do not take this paper and we will write
them a personal letter asking them to
subscribe. This will cost you only a twe
cent stamp and will be of great value to
us. Sit right down now while you think
of it, aud send us a good list.
On receipt of IG Cr NTS In V. 8. stumps, 1 will
send to any address one package bteketee s vrj
It It turn. One park ape niHkes one gallon heat
tonic known ( tires et oilmen, kidney disease.
nl la a great apnetiier end blood purifier. Jnal
the medicine needed for ppriutt and summer. 25c,
at your drug atore. Address,
QEO.O. STEKETEC. Grand Bapida.Mich
Thursday Will Tne a Day of Excitement
In Oklahoma.
Guthrie, Ok., May 21. The news of
the President's proclamation opening
the Klckapoo Indian country to settle
ment has created great excitement. All
fever and excitement In the towns
surrounding the new Eldorado, and ev
erything from a bicycle to a horse Is
being put In readiness for a handicap
race which bids fair to equal the rush
to the Cherokee Strip, for 132,000 acres
will be thrown open to settlement next
Thursday at noon. All trains are bring
ing in hundreds of prospective settlers
already, and Wednesday night it is es
timated that 75,000 people will be lining
the borders of the Klckapoo.
Admiral Meade Ketlred.
Washington, May 21. The preslden
has signed the order directing , that Ad
miral Meade be retired. The president
retires Admiral Meade on his own ap
plication, and in doing so admlnlsted a
severe rebuke to im. The admir
al's application was made to the secre
tary of the navy May 9 and by him
forwarded to the president, who today
returned it to the navy department
Russian Baron Kills a Count.
New Tork, May 21. A special to ths
Herald from St. Petersburg says Baron
Dzanowlcz shot and killed Count Os
trorog, a rich land owner of Minsk. The
cause of the shooting Is as yet a mys
tery, but It Is supposed to have been
done to obtain revenge. The baron was
For sore and inflamed eyelids, the best
cure is Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of nle leaned bjr the Clerk of tbe District
Court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska,
wlthlD and lor Lam asier connty. In an action
wherein Arthur 1.. Hhatier anil Justin Kipley are
plaintiffs, and Chafes P. Larsen et al are ue
fendnnU I will, at 2 o'clock p. in.,nn the 26 in dav
of Jnue, A. 1. IS 5, at the rant door ot the Court
House, In tbe City of Mucoid, Lancaster county,
Nebraska, offer for sals at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt:
Lot number nine, in lolleite Hill sub-dlvl-Sinn
of lot twenty-nine iW. In the north
west quarter (y4) of section thlrty-eix (.16) torn
ship ten 1 10), east of the 6th P. M In Loncastei
county, Nebraska.
Uiven nnder my hand this 21st day of Mar,
A. B., 1885.
tresbyterfai General Assembly
Down to Work.
Pittsburg. Pa., May 18. The genaral
assembly of the Presbyterian church
opened its session with divine services,
and the first business meeting was
largely attended in anticipation of ths
report of the committee on control of
seminaries, which Is one of the princi
pal subjects to come before the assem
bly. Dr. W. L. McEwan of Pittsburg,
for the committee on arrangements, de
livered an address ot welcome. He then
presented the moderator with the gavel
made from wood from the Holy Land. .
Moderator Booth responded, accept,
ing the gavel with a pleasing address.
The report of the committee on semi
nary control was read by the clerk. The
committee has held conferences with
the following seminaries: Two with ths
Princeton boards, two with the McCor
mlck boards, and one with each of the
following: Auburn, Western, Lane,
Danville, San Francisco, Newark and
Lincoln university. Immediately after
the meeting of the committee at Sara
toga it addressed a letter, through its
chairman, to each of the boards of the
seminaries, and the answers received
are appended to the report.
The committee presented the follow
fng propositions to the seminaries:
1. That the seminaries should amend
their charters with a clause declaring
that they held their property In trust
lor the general assembly of the Pres
byterlan church.
2. That no election of trustees, direc
tors, or other governing officers of sem
inaries should take effect until ap
proved by the general assembly.
s. mat the election, appointment or
transfer of professors should be sub
mitted to the approval of the general
asembly. .
4. That the seminaries change their
charters with a clause declaring that in
the event of the misuse or diversion of
the funds or the property the general
asembly should have power to provide
against such abuse by appealing to the
civil courts.
In view of the answers of the sem
laarles the committee reported that
Omaha and Dubuque have adopted all
of the recommendations of the general
' The directors and trustees of Prince
ton do not favor the propositions,
The board of directors of the Western
seminary at Allegheny sees no reason
to ask any change in existing' relations
to the assembly.
The board of directors of Danville
has resolved to adopt the reccommend
tions as to by-laws and as a part of
their constitution. .
San Francisco being under synodical
care has deemed it best to defer action
on the recommendations until after the
next meeting of the synod.
wn motion tne discussion or the re
port was made a special order for 3:30
this afternoon. '
The report of the committee on Lane
seminary at Cincinnati was then heard.
The committee reported that additional
teachers are needed. They found the
board of trustees ready to do all In their
power to bring the seminary into closer
relations with the church. The recom
mendations of the committee were that
the board be urged to continue, and
that additional teachers be employed
and thus bring the seminary the sup
port of the Presbyterian clients. This
report was received and will be dis
cussed later.
The report of the committee on Sab
bath observance was read by William
R. Worrall and adopted. Among other
things it said: "We heartily commend
all Sunday legislation designed to pro
tect the Christian Sabbath as a day of
rest and worship."
Dr. Johnson, of Chicago, recommend
ed a day-of prayer every year for Sun
day observance. Dr. Kneeland, of Bos
ton, spoke on the topic, especially con
demning Sunday newspapers and their
readers and advertisers,
Dr. Hubbard, of the committee on the
Assembly Herald,; submitted his re
port. The expenses for the first ten
months of the paper's existence, when
over a million copies were Issued, were
$11,904. The Income was $19,774. The
monthly circulation will soon be 400,000
The last weekly prayer-meeting In Oc
tober was, by general consent, set aside
as the yearly prayer-meeting on Sab
bath observance. ,
llomeseekerg Excursions.
On May 21st and June 12th, 1895, the
Union Pucilic System will sell tickets
from Missouri Iliver points and stations
in Kansas and Nebraska, to points south
and west In Nebraska and Kansas, aiso
to Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho,
east of Werner and south of Deaver Can
oa, at rate 'of one tirst class standard
fare for tbe round trip. Minimum rate
7 00. '
See Union Pacific ticket agent, 1044
0 street.
To prevent the hardening of the sub
cutaneous tisue8 of the scnlp and tli
obliteration of the hair follicles, which
cause baldness, use Hall's Hair Iteuewer.
Bicycle to Trade
lor Young
Driving Horse
tVeighing 1,000 or 1,100.
Farm Cream Separators.
A feed cooker will
furnish steam to run
Giant Separator
J with capacity of 300
- --.i-tnr 600 pounds per
hour. No engine is needed.
It is the cheapest outfit in
first cost that can be obtain
ed. Send for free illus
trated catalogue to P. M.
SHARPLES, Elgin, Kane
. county, Illinois.
fT W a"d B'vrle. rsM-tory Me. W ork guaranteed and JO in 40 per JTJ r
tf ,. VfAcent aaved. tmr got received the highest awards at tbe World'. Pyt 5
A-,XHj3VT: nr IK Mammoth Illu.traUKl Catalogue lis free to 'all. Itshowl a, -3
VadLytO&iy ail the latest style. anl Improvement and reduwJl pricSi! It huao Wfrfiitf 1$
- vrHMM, I'Mrp ami im wia
Tftw betid tot iU
IKruHNt inn
The Cyclone
$3.00 for first $l,0OO, $4.00
for second $1,000 in the Cy
clone Department. Same in
Fire Department.
Mutual Fire, lightning and Cyclone Ins, Co.
Names of Directors.
Time txplnt In 18M. ,
J. A. BM1TH,
I'- 0.
Hieing; City.
Cedar Rapids,
Names of Directors. '
Timt expires m im.
8. LICHTT. President.
I. N. LEON A HI). Vice-Pre.iri.nt
J. Y, M. SWIOART, Secretary-Treasurer
' ieeeeetai
Over $70C,000 Insured. Have
naa out one assessment 1 Oc. per $ 1 OO.OO,
J. Y. M. SWIGART, Secretary,
Agents wanted.
Please say you saw tills
Smith Premier
Is tbe most simple, most dur
able, tbe easiest to operate and therefore capable
of most speed. 8end tor catalogue and prices.
Address, No. 1G25 Faroam St., Omaha.
Salesmen Wanted In every county, salary
or cninmlasion. No experience. New Tariff
Hill glres unlimited profits, active men ap
ply qnlckly stntinw salary and territory
wenteil. Manufacturers, i'.O. Box OoOH.
niMivut itiaaa.
mini liniil, Batnra eolor by using
It remoTea all dandrotf; stops balr from falling
ont and cares all ot tbe scalp. It Is no
Dye, and Is warrauted absolutely harm lens.
Money refunded II it does not do everything
claimed for It. Sent to any address on receipt ol
price. $1.00 per bottle. Fnll Information free.
Agents wanted. ALLEN CO., S12 Inter Ocean
Building, Chicago, 111.
Bend for a package of the
rnmous ana rrecious
Remedy Free. Dr. J.
A. McGlil, 8 and 5 Hubbard Court, Chicago.
Doble'a Aluminum CfffeBenomler
Pre. Trial No Kmr needed to aeitle. Keeps the pot I
(-... clean luaide. Neverrumor
blacken.. Wc guarantee oor
M Eronomiter to make better.
The Coffee nronirer and richer coffee.
Price with 1-8 lew. w allow
Pnat en. ech jnirchafer one week'.
L'TT trial Free, and If tint aatt.-
aid factory can be returned and
we will refund the money
311 W.tiu. in., CtMo, 111.
Good Newt!
Governor LarratWs great work, "The
Rmlroatl Question, " is now issued in
paper covers. It in tbe standard author
ity on the subject and lia juot been
adopted an a text book by Yasser Col
lege. Every reformer should have a
copy. Price, cloth' f 1.50; paper covers,
60c. Address,
. Wealth Makerb Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Heb.
tnrnt ramn ta sfainii. i u iT A!Tr-
. - .a:u.auMa, WHM I
and scar arrcNTion.
Tte Windsor Stables.
W. A. REESE, Proprietor.
1024 L Street,
Phone 232.
Seasoij is Herej
No Fire Insurance accepted
from territory covered by local
Names ol Directors.'
Tlmu eiplm In 1S9T,
0. HULL.
p. a
P. 0.
Falls City.
Falls City
paid $540.00 In Losses. Have
And sell the Bin Goods for Less than
piOcCPtfogwood Poplar,
C,f or fief Seasonable PrictLM Address
sd. in tills pupur.
All right I yoo need CHEAP power. One cent
per Home Power per hour is cheap. Weber
Uasnline Engines run anything. "Kcoaomy It
rower- u our motto. For Catalogue and unit- yn
moDtalu address Weber Uas A Uasollne .Engine T .
Co.. 449 S. W. Bird. JT.n.u.f i lfi LZ
The new industrial and political song
book.. . , ; ;.,
It contains 150 pages 7x9 inches size.
Splendid new words and new music. Pro
nounced by all incomparably superior to
any book that has yet appeared.
H. E. Taubeneck says of it: "It Is tbe best
song book yet pnlillahed. Introduce
It Into erery household in the land. Onr local
campalim speakers and committees ought to sea
that it has the widest circulation."
Hartford City Arena: "Any glee club supplied
with It will command the crowds."
Rocky Mountain News: "Best of anything la
the line that we bare seen."
Mlssont-1 World: "It Alls a ions; felt want."
(Jen. Van Derroort: "1 congratulate you oa
your great work. The whole country will sing
New York Voire: "A collection of songs for the
times, with bright, catchy words and good stir
ring music."
The Sledge H ammer! "Every one of ths songs
a gem. No chaff in the whole book?'
Marshalltown (Iowa) Populist: "Should be la
tbe hands of everyone who wishes to make a hit
during tbe campaign."
Prof. George D. Herron: "I believe your book
of songs will be of immeasurable anu divine eer
vice in qnickening and pervading the great move
ment for the social change which is manifesting
Itself everywhere among tbe common people. It
will implie tbe people with couraae and eheer
and fellowship In tbe great struggle that is be
fore tbeiu,"
Prof. W. M. Ross of Indiana, tbe great solo
sinner of "The Van Bennett Nationals Team."
says: "Have taken pains to run tbronub the
work and pronounce It a grand collection el
words and a high order of music."
The Farm Field and Fireside says: "It has
been left to Mr. Geome Howard Gibson to Intro
duce anew tons into the songs of the party, and
to write a series of patriotic books which are
hardly surpassed by any In our literainre for
loftiness of motive and real mei It from a literary
point ot view, while at the same time they are not
at all lacking in the musical quality which must
necessarily be present before any song touches
tbe chord of popularity. They are remarkable
for their fervid patriotism and broad humanity.
In fart, if the People's party rises to thepatriotio
level of tneee songs, we havs little donlit of it
ultimate success as a party. The songs strike
the whole octave of fanmnn sympathy. Spark
Hug hnmor, keen wit and bltlrnr sarcasm, as well
as tbe loftier patriotic themes, are touched la
turn by the talented author."
Single copies of Armageddon, S5cta..
f 3.60 per dozen. Address,
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.