May 23, 1895. THE WEALTH -MAKERS 8 A Letter Fri Senator Allen. (Continued from lit page.) Schuyler I found the lightest audience by several hundred, to which I had spoken during the campaign. On inquiry I was informed that Mr (iriraisonhad purpose ly refused to advertise the meeting, to the end that it migh,. be a failure and by that means humiliate me, thus showing bis resentment for se me imaginary in jury. I bad never met Mr. Grimison bnt once before that date to my knowledge, and certainly had never engaged in conversa tion with him, all told, five minutes. I did not know that he bad any personal or political greivance against me. I knew of nothing that I had done to offend bim or bis friends, but assuming that I bad done something offensive, be en deavored to make this meetiug aa dis tasteful to me as possible, after I had been advertised to speak at his home without my knowledge or solicitation. Common courtesy even between honor able enemies would have dictated a dif ferent course on bis part. Mr. Grimison speaks of it being "feared that they got some very unwise counsel from Senator Allen to whom they very naturally looked for guidance, and it may be that he led tbem into it without them asking him for counsel." The covert insinuation in this statement that without any request whatever I volun tarily advised some persons with refers nee to the course they should pursue during the campaign, is as small as it is untrue. So is the statement that the Chairman of our State Central Commit tee, on the strength of what I said to bim announced "that the bright idea was evolved after consultation with Sen ator Allen." 1 do not of course, know to what "bright idea Grimison refers, nor do I care. I simply know that he has made an untruthful statement re garding me and I do not care to pursue his letter any further, which seems to be conceived in petty malice. It is replete in low and false insinuations, emanating from a man who seems to have formed a personal dislike for me and who thinks it bis duty to falsify me and my position before the public. Entirely unfamiliar with the provisions of the WilHon bill, unmison casts a low insinuation upon my vote on that mea sure. 1 took occasion to state in a pub lished interview in the World-Herald, of date September 15, 1894, my reasons for my vote at length. I have nothing to add to that statement and nothing to take from it. My vote was the result of repeated and earnest consultations with wvtir Pnnn litav iaIIoq rriina in i lia UrxiiaA aiift my colleague of the Senate, Senator Kyle of South Dakota. Our votes were cast together, and after careful deliberation. We deemed it the wisest and best thing that could be done at tbat tune. 1 would not now, under like circumstances. change my vote, and I have no apology to offer to Grimison or to you for voting as 1 did. Grimison does not point out any reason why my vote should have been different from what it was. lie contents himself by insinuating that the bill was wrong somewhere and tnat my vote was wrong, He does not take into account the fact that the bill even with the tax on sugar. made necessary by the lavish expenditure of large sums of money by the retiring Harrison administration by which the treasury bad become practically bank rupt, made a saving of many millions of dollars to the people of Nebraska alone, It was possible to get this bill through with the tax on sugar, and the tax was necessary; it was impossible to accom plish a general reduction of taxation without at the same time placing a tax on sugar. Of the tw evils I chose the least. In your issue of tlie 9th instant, John F. Mefferd repeats the falsehood set in circulation by you, that there was a com. bination between Mr. Bryan and myself "to fasten a fusion deal on the state con vention." He says: ' "Fearing to work in the daylight they wait for the Democratic convention and then, in the dark, known only by a few, those would be bosseR, for a certain con sideration, agree to place our enemies in the saddle with reins, whip and sour." This statement of Mr. Mefferd isa false hood. It was false when he uttered it; it was false when you uttered it. Nor is there the slightest excuse for such a statement, lbere never was a combina tion between Mr. ltryan and myself on the subject of fusion or any other sub ject. You gave utterance to this false hood many months ago. I am not pre pared to say that you knew it to be false at that tune. 1 am prepared, however, to say that you did not know it to be true, and to give utterance to that which is false in fact, and which you have no evidence to prove to be true, is as bad as to utter that which you know to be false. There never was any "considera tion" between Mr. Hryan and myself or any other person. In so far as Mefferd and you insinuated that there was the slightest agreement existing between Mr. Bryau and me, or any otherperson, on the subject of fusion, he and you gave utterance to a deliberate falsehood. I have supposed heretofore that yon were honest, though mistaken, in your state ments. You have repeatedly stated that I had ignored in Congress, the Populist doctrine of government ownership of .railroiids. I know that your attention was called to three separate speeches that 1 made in the Senate in all of which I advocated this doctrine, and yet you have never had the manhood to correct this falsehood which you put in circula tion. All of your misrepresentations and in sinuations I would be content to bear in silence, but for the low and dirty false hood which I find in the editorial column of your paper on the 9th inst. You quote an item which recently appeared in the Madison Reporter to the effect that I had been the recipient of a valu able colt, a present to me by Senator Murphy, of New York. After assailing Senator Murphy iu language that no decent man has a right to use about another, you say: "But it should notbeassumedthatsuch a man as Senator Murphy has no right to make a f 2,000 present to his Fopu list bosom friend. While it seems a mar vti to Populists in Nebraska that" their Senator should so win and draw upon the heart of a Tammany Democrat colleague we should remember that money comes to Murphy in great rolls and wads, and a little 2,000 token of political affection .is not felt by such a man." v I cannot repress my indignation at thia assault upon my integrity. No man hai ever before had the temerity to asserl that my official conduct was not honor able and honest. In the position which I have held, I have in every fontanel acted conscientiously in what 1 havesahj and done, and in every vote that I haw cat. Your insinuations are cowardly, and show yon to be a cur of low degree. Only those who themselves would be guilty of abusing an official position would, without authority, make a state ment of this kind. The colt which was presented to me is not yet a year old. It is not worth $2, 000 and was presented to me entirety un solicited and as an act of friendship on the part of Senator Murphy, an honor able man, whose shoe latcheta you are, in my judgment, unworthy to unloose. I do not agree with Senator Murphy in his political views, and we are divergent in this respect as the North and South poles. But notwithstanding this fact, I hope it is possible for us aa associates in the Senate, to be personally friendly with out incurring the suspicion of even sus picious men like yourself. I have noth ing in common with Senator Murphy politically. He has never undertaken, directly or indirectly to influence my action or my vote. On almost every question that has come before the Senate we have been opposed to each other He has voted his convictions and I have voted mine. He sits immediately back of me. He is one of my nearest neigh bors. He is a genial, intelligent, honest gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to converse upon any subject. He has been raised in an entirely different political atmosphere from that in which I have been raised, but because we may have different political opinions, I do not deem it my duty as a gentleman to ignore him in social life, and refuse to ex tend to him the ordinary amenities and courtesies due from one gentleman to another. I want to say to you in perfect kindness that I do not feel responsible to you for any vote that I may cast. I am respon sible to the people of the State of Nebr aska, whose commission I bold, and which I shall return to them at the pro per time, conscious that I have dis charged every duty imposed on me by my position, conscientiously and faith fully, and to the best of my ability in the light of responsibility to God and to tbem. - The tearing down system which you have begun, and which prevails to a great extent iu the Populist party at this time, must cease or the party will be destroyed. The Populist delegation in Congress from Nebraska, as well as from other states, must have the utmost sup port of its party and people at home, or it can accomplish nothing. We have in Congress an intrepid and unscrupulous foe, trained in all the arts of parliamen tary usage, strengthened by years of experience and entrenched in power by wealth and held together by the cohe sive force of plunder, united to destroy the Populist party at home and abroad, and especially its few Senators and Rep resentatives. If we are to fight the great battle of the people with any hope of success, we must have the united, cordial and hearty support of our people. A treacherous, fault-finding and suspi cious friend is many times moreinjurious than an open and honorable enemy. J drop Grimison's and Mefferd's communi cations with the statement that I fully understand by whom they were inspired, as well as the purpose they were intended to serve. Grimison is but the mouth piece of the man who stands behind him, and will not appear upon the surface until circumstances provoke him to ex press himself. This man is, in my judg ment, endeavoring to disrupt we ropu list party and turn it over bound hand and foot to the new silver party that ia now being organized. I can but express mrret that you should bitterly and wantonly assail Governor Holcorab. He has the confidence and esteem of the rank and file of his party associates. That .he is an honorable, capable and high-minded gentleman, actuated alone by a lofty purpose to serve the public good, no man who knows him can truthfully deny. His position is trying in the extreme. With few positions at bis disposal, and twenty or more applicants for every one of them, as soon as he has appointed one, he in curs the enmity of nineteen disappointed persons who immediately set up a cry of "treason to party, as though party fealty were to be tested alone by their success. The governor needs and should receive the united and loyal support of all Populists. Instead of undertaking to tear down, weaken and destroy his in fluence with the people, you should try to build it up, although his administra tion may not be in all its details, such as you would make it, if in his place. I have noticed these matters at length for the purpose of placing in your pos session the facts, so that hereafter you may have no excuse for making asser tions that are at variance with the truth You had no moral right to publish these statements to the world as facts, without knowing that they were correct. You have never written me a line; you have never requested auy explanation from me or from my friends; but assuming that the statements made by you were true, you have drawn deductions which are untrue, aud which are intended to mislead and deceive. I shall not, in the future, devote any attention to what may be said of me in your paper, whether true or false, as I have neither the time nor the disposition to do so, and it is apparent to me from the course you have been pursuing that you have a desire to place me iu a wrong light before your readers and misrepre sent my position. I am not indebted to you for any political favors, nor are you indebted to me. I have a right, however, to expect of you as a professed Christian gentleman.fairand honorabletreatment, and you have no right to expect that I will accept any of your peculiar views that are not embraced in the Populist platform. I do not sympathise with your purpose of mingling Socialism and political vagaries with the doctrines of the Populist party. I am not a Socialist and with Socialism as commonly under stood I have not the slightest sympathy. I believe in an enlightened and just indi vidualism accompanied by proper co operation. I believe that the opportuni ties of life should be kept open to every man, woman and child, aud not fore closed by legislation, or by neglect to properly legislate. I have expressed my self so plainly and repeatedly on this lubject in Congress, that it is useless for me to say anything further. I think Socialism should be kept sepa rate from Populism, and while I do not propose to criticise any of your peculiar views as expressed from time to time in your paper, I think that, as a Populist, I have a right to ask that you shall not publish such views as a part of the Popu list faith, and above all I have a right to demand that whatever you may say of me, you shall tell the truth and avoid falsehood. I have the honor to be Very truly yours, Wm. V. Allek. YE SONQ3 UV SAM YE Wi the prise uv wheet wui fawlin fast as threw the streets uv new york past hii klose perfumed & smellin nise sir shilok with hit old devise sownd munny from albions shores heed just arrived with plans mature & well kuutrived ' A softly in the kokney tung be warbeld out frum bis wun lung : sownd munny in happy homes he saw the lite uv big bartb fires blaze up at nit & as be thot uv morgege tones he bellowed owt in lowder tones sowud munny in church yew mite hev herd him sing ft prase the lord fer everything & if by chanse he fell asleep heed mix with amens lowd t deep sownd munny 0 stay thy hand the widow kride evikt not wun so harshly tride he meerly Bed economize & then thay herd abuv her krys sownd munny kum stop them trix abe linkun sed er yewl sune find ime fer frum ded ile set them pops tew tan yer hide but stil tbat kokney voise replide sownd munny wun day thay found him stif ft kold (a suiside so i wux told) his korps ett by rats ft miss ft on his shirt frunt this devise sownd munny - , " . twus he hoo kased them hi grad mewels 2 kik so menny gold base fewels but now bees ded earn fonagrafs arazin kqws with mewly kavs . sownds funny spiretu h longfelli 1 vow deer irons by gemini a muse hoos tooth fer poetry develups yet post semetry the kort supreem may yet repeel the 8th kummand so we ken steel but sam wont prig the poets songs let kredit go whair it belongs Misuse of Charitable Funds Kearney, Neb., May 14, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: I was sent to Illinois as a solicitor and got a car of corn for Blaine township, Kearney countyx The people there had found out that but a small, part of their donations reached the destitute. Printed tags had been put in sacks of meal and flour like this: "Whoever gets this donation will please write to address S. B." Answers like this were received: "We .bought this sack at the grocery," giving the name of the dealer and price paid for it. This showed beyond all question that the corporations were selling this prop erty to increase their dividends, Ludden being their tool. Private letters from Nebraska to relatives in the east, calling for "help, or we perish." The people or ganized and in a Christian spirit donated lavishly and in great abundance. I made a canvass of Fulton county, III., as neai correct as I could and found that Fulton county had donated about twenty can of relief for Nebraska sufferers. The peo ple there said that Knox and Peoria counties had contributed mors than Ful ton county. Ten car loads to the county is a very low estimate for the state. There are over one hundred counties in Illinois, and orer four thousand coun ties in the American Union. From the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean and from British America to the Gulf of Mexico the people have been milked and bled for the Nebraska sufferers, and yet there has been intense suffering. Our people have been in the attitude of Las- arous tbat begged for the very crumbs that fell from Dives table. Many letters and telegrams were Bent from the east to Governor Holcomb. His answers were always apologizing. Yours truly, Frederick Spink. Now is the Time to Buy. If you are thinking: of buying an incu bator or brooder this season, now is the best time for you to buy. Write to the Reliable Incubator & Brooder Co., at Quincy, III., for their special 60 day offer. Write at once. AH parties who may wish to take ad vantage of our clubbing rates or receive our premiums must pay back subscrip tion to date if in arrears. HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS 1 Short Breath, Palpitation. Mr. G. W. McKinsey, postmaster of Kokomo, Ind.,and a brave ex-soldier, says: "I had been severely troubled with heart disease ever since leaving the army at the close of the late war. I was troubled with palpitation and shortness of breath. I could not sleep on my left side and had pain around my heart. I became so ill that I was much alarmed, and for tunately my attention was called to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I decided to try it. The first bottle made a decided improvement in my condition, and five bottles have com pletely cured me." G. W. McKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo, Ind. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. Ail druggists sell It at f 1, 8 bottles for IS, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, JLad. A MARTYR TO INDIGESTION Cured by Using- Ayer'sSaroaparilla Word of Contort to All who Suffer from Dyspepsia. "For years, I was a martyr to indigestion, and had about given up all hope of ever finding relief, as the complaint only seemed to grow worse instead of better, under ordinary treatment. At o o o o! o o o last, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and I hereby testify that after using only three bot tles, I was cured. I can, therefore, confidently recommend this med icine to all similarly afflicted." Franklin Beck, Avoca, la. "I am personally acquainted with Mr. Beck and believe any statement he may make to be true." W. J. Maxwell, Drug gist and Pharmacist, Avoca, la. "I have used Ayer's Sarsapa rilla for general debility and, as a blood -purifier, find it does ex actly as is claimed for it." S. J. Adams, Ezzell, Texas. Ayer's .y Sarsaparilla Admitted for Exhibition ' o ol ol e o o o ol o ! s ol o o o o ol AT THE WORLD'S FAIR 3 Ol ooooooooooooooooooooooo DR. RUSSELL BOOTH. Antl-BrlgfS Man Elected Moderator by Presbyterians. Pittsburg, Pa., May 18. Rev. Dr. Rob trt Russell Booth, of New York, a strong antirBrlggs man, was yesterday lected moderator of the general assem bly of the Presbyterian church. Then were two other candidates, Rev. - Dr. Page, of Leavenworth, Kan., and Rev. R. M. Adams, of Minnesota.. The vote Btood: Booth, 300; Page, 105; and Ad ams, 13. The retiring moderator, Rev. Samuel A. Mutchmore, D. D., LI D., of Phila delphia, delivered his annual sermon in the morning. His subject was the labor, sentiment and signal services of the Presbyterian church. The first order of the day to-day is the presentation of the report of the assembly committee on conference with theological seminar ies. This is one of the most Important Questions to come before the assembly, and the report of the committee on Sun flay observance will also be presented. A unique feature of the sessions of tho general assembly of the two leading branches of the Presbyterian church ia that both bodies will discuss the ques tion of control of the theological semi naries conducted under their auspice. A big fight Is expected on this question, Only Two Lives Bared. London, May 18. The Spanish steam er Oravina, bound from Antwerp for Lisbon, has been lost during a typhoon and only two of those on board were saved. DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS Address, for catalogue and particulars. Or Ths Oc Laval Separator Co.. Eloin, III. 74 Cortlandt Street, New Yorfc. Sheriff Sale. Notice la hereby given, that by vlrtne of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk ot the District Court ot the Third Judicial district ot Nebraska, within and lor Lancaster county. In an action wherein Ida J. LotIs is plalutiD, and Kdward T. Huff eta! are defendant 1 will, at 3 o'clock p. m., on the 18th day ol J one, A, I)., 195, at tba Kast door of the Conrt House, In the City ot Lincoln, Lancaster County, Kebraaka, offer for sale at .public auction the following described real estate to-wlt: Lot six (6), In block two (2). In William H. Irvine's sub-division of lot two (2) of the north east quarter of section thirty-six (86), township ten (10), range six (tl), eiist of tbe Sixth Priucipl Meridian in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this Htb day of May, A. 0. 1815. FRED A. UILLEK, 40t5 Sheriff. Notice to Non-Residents. Grant A. Bush, Mable A. Hash, Y. J. Bush and Abble Bush, non-resident defendants, will tnke notice that on May 11th, IMS, Jane A. Hencork, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition In the Dint let Conrt of l.nncaster county, Nebraska, against said defendants, tbe object and prayer ol which are to foreclose a certain mortgaae executed by the defendants, (irant A. Hush and Uable A, Bunh, to the plaintiff upon lot 23, In block 8, In Cottage Home addition to the City of Llm-oln In Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure ths pay ment of a certain promissory note dated June 1st, 1888, for tbe sum of $500 uO and due and pay aide on the 1st day of June, 10. Tbat there Is now due upon said note and mortgage tbe sum of $ '00 00 and ten per cent in terenl thereon from Duc-mber 2nd, 1803, for which snm with said interest the plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premlnvs may be sold to eatixfy the amount found due. And that the de fendants be foreclosed of all equity ot redem tion or other Interest In said premises. You are required to nnawer said petition on or before Monday, the 24th day of June. 18l5. Dated May 14tb, 181)5. JANE A. HEACOCK, By Bbowk A I.ekse, her Attorneys. 49t5 Notice of Bridge Contract. North I'httb, Neb.. May 6th, 185. Healed bids will lie received by the County Clerk f Lincoln County, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock loon (Central Standard Time) of tbe 4th day ol luue, 1895, for the cotietrm tion of a two pile wagon brldue across the north channel of the Platte river, where road No. 171 croswa said iliannel on tbe east V4 of the northeast Vi of sec tion S. town 13, n of rnnire 28 w in Llnroii viunty, Nebraska, about -"4 inllei southeast from Maxwell. Said bridge to he ten ( IOi feet in width and about two hundred and thirty-one ('.'111 feet In leitgrh. with approaches twenty-one (21) feet In lensrth at each end. I'l"n to be or White Oak or Cypres timber, nnd flooring to (e tf two Inch Oak. Specul ations for smcl bridge ire on fl e in the connly clerk's office of said eonnty. A certified check for One ' Hundred ($I0H 00) gunranteeing the entering Into a con tract, with bond for the faithful performance ol the rams must accompitny the bid. Work of con strnction ot said bridg- must be commence within twenty Uavs after date of signing con tract. Bids for said work shnnld be eudorsec. Bid for B rid ue on on Bond No, 171." Tlis Hoard ot County Commissioners reserve ths right to reject any or nil bids. NKWKLL HOItRITT, Coanty Clerk. The Baltimore Plan, now practically endorsed by President Cleveland, is attracting universal attention because it is based on the evident fact that the currency and banking systems of the country must be re formed. But is the Baltimore plan a reform? It givts the associated banks the power to expand the currency and relieve the country. It also gives them the power to contract it at will and create universal distress for their own private gain. It puts the credit of the government behind every bank note. It donates all but half of one per cent of the profit on the note issue to the banks, and it leaves Napoleon of Finance to wreck a to pay the notes. It leaves the banks free to demand the highest interest that the several states will allow, and affords no relief to farmers and business men of moderate capital. Contrast with this The Hill Banking System. In "Money Found," an exceedingly valuable and instructive book published by Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, and for sale at the office of this paper at 25 cents, Hon.v Thos. E. Hill proposes that the government open its own bank in every large town or county seat in the United States, pay 3 per cent on long time deposits, receive deposits subject to check without interest, and loan money at the uniform rate of 4 per cent to every one offering security worth double the amount of the loan. This plan is not an expense to the government, but a source 01 large revenue. It secures the government amply, which the Baltimore plan does not. It relieves the distress of the common people, which the Bal timore plan does not. -i ' ""''!'"' It protects not only note-holders but depositors, who are un secured now and under the Baltimore plan would be still worse off. In a word, the Baltimore plan is in the interest of the bankers, the Hill Banking System is in the interest of the people. Consider them both, and ask your congressman to vote for the One you believe in. ' "And send us 25c. immediately for the book. "Money Found" has no equal in its line. Address ' Wealth Makers Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. REFORM BOOKS Ws have the following books for sale. Ton ought to have them:, ' The Railroad Problem.. Mono j Pound. ..... Richard's Crown. 5v Hill's Political History 16c, 76a, 1.00 Beneath ths Uoina .50 Ten Men of Money Island. ........................ ' .10 Bevsa Financial Conspiracies......................... .10 AH theee are excellent reform booka and should be read by everyone. Ad dress all orders to this paper, . California and Utah Bxoarslons The Burlington runs on every Thurs day a tourist sleeper, leaving Lincoln at 12:15 p. m. for Salt Lake, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Only $5 for a double berth, Lincoln to Los Angeles. These excursions have proved very successful from tbe fact that they are conducted personally by a Burlington employe. For full information regarding tickets, apply at B. & M. depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and 0 Streets, A WONDERFUL OFFER, Oar graad catalogue, over SCO Illustrations, agent's latest goods and novelties, 1 writing pen. fonntaln attachment, 1 elegant gentleman's watch chain and charm, guaranteed 20 years. Tonr name la agent's directory 1 year, all sent for 10 eta. Poatage S cent. EMPIRE NOVELTY CO., 157 Tremont Ht.. Boston, Mass. Ash . . Box Elder and Black Locust $1.25 Per 1,000. 100 TKKE9 $3.50 All the Lending Varieties. 100 Choice Concord Grapevines S2; Rns, Malberry. $1.15. Shade and Ornamentals. A. complete Price-List free. Address, Jansen Nursery, Jefferson Ce. Jansen, Neb, SEED CORN, $1.10 ! At State Fair 1894, my corn won 1st In State o white, ind on yellow; Sweepstakes In Iaa coanty Have won 1st or 2nd place 1 years In sncression I will sell m lots of 6 bnshsls or ovsr at $110 per bushel either Armstrong's whits or Sam's yel low. Barked P. O. 11. cars at Greenwood. Bend stamps for sample. J. ML. ARMSTRONG, Greenwood, Neb Education... ...OP VOTBRS... Should be the watchword of every Populist from now until . after election 18U6. Tbe Farmers Tribune Published at Dps Moines, Iowa, has made a spwlal rate, giving that larae eiifht-page paper for FIFTY 0 E.N Tfi per year. This rat Is good only until May 1st. so all should take advantage ot It at once. The TitiBtlSi! Is an educator and stand!) siiarely on the Omaha, platform. It has a de partment of general news as well as Populist news. It has a larne list of correspondents and its editorials are able and Instructive. It Is a vote-maker. While the price of this aide paper Is FiktyOknts all should become subscrllwrs. Koiuera ber, this rate Is for April only. Samples sent on application. Bend In at once. Send a club If possible. Addreas Farmers Tribune, g Des Moines, Iowa. A plenty of opportunities for a bank and leave the government Farm For Sale. 450 acres: SO acres In cultivation; B-room dwelling, good well of pare water and cistern, MM acre, prairie, 60 acres timber: situated Vs miles front t)es Are, the eonnty seat of Prairie eonnty, a Susy little town on the west bank ot Whit. Klver, .heap traneportotioa by steamer line: good anarch and school privileges. Price $2,850. Y,tS cash, balance in deferred payments. Address, W. H. V1VION, Lonoke, Ark. TINGLEY & EURKETT, Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Collections mad. and money remitted Sams day as collected, But "Direct Prom Factory" B MIXED Paints. At WHOLKSAXB PRIOVS, Dellvwrw Fre. For Bouses. Barns, Roofs, all colon, and SAYB Middlemen's profits. In nse Si years. Endorsed by Grass and Farmers' Alliance. Lew will surprise you. Writ, for samples. O. W. INGEKWOLL, 36S Plymouth 81, Brooklyn. N. T. The Sledge-Hammer Is one of the best Populist papers ia in existence. It is published weeklj at Meadville, Pa., at 50 cents a year or three months on trial for 10 cents. We have special terms by which we can furnish the Sledge-Hammer and ' The Wealth Makers one year for ' tl-20. "Among the Ozarks," The Land of Bis; Red Apples, Is aa attractive and Interesting book, handsomely Illustrated with views of South Missouri scenery, including; tbe famous Olden Fruit Farm of 3.000 acres la Howell county. It pertains to fruit rals ng In that great fruit belt ot America, the southern slope of the Osarks, and will prove of great value, not only to fruit growers, but to every fanner and homeseeker looking for a farm and a home. Mailed Ire Addrese, J. E. LOCK WOOD, Kan as City, Mo. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND U n iiiiiipiii CAM