The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 16, 1895, Page 3, Image 2

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    AUy 1C, 1805.
(Continued from let page.)
wealth is a wrong to society. It ia not
right, normal, natural, or tolerable that
ir uc umue rno. noen we itu uw:t
and look over the history of the world,
we see that great individual wealth al
ways results in the poverty of the people.
There is not a case in history of the de
struction of a civilization in which the
destruction has not come largely from
social causes, the enormous wealth of
the few and with it the inevitable accom
paniment of the great poverty of the
many. It was in the days of the Roman
decay that the largest individual wealth
was possessed. In the days of thenation
al destruction, the people were richest,
that is, the rich ones. While the empire
was decaying there were millions of
slaves and millions of people whose con
dition was but little better than slavery.
It was the same with the Persian civili
zation and with the Egyptian civiliza
tion. The puritan revolution was caused
by the enormous wealth of the baronial
classes. Right along, all history is
teaching us this lesson: large individual
wealth inevitably results in social de
struction. The system that permits the
acquirement of large individual fortunes
is inconsistent witu tbe weii-Deing 01
The centralization of wealth is the cen-
; a. i : i : mi. 11 l. L : 1 J
irunzaiiun n power, xue jvuiubuumub
have power that so far transcends the
power of the tzar that tbe latter is notn
incr but child's nlav comnared with it. be
cause the control not the destinies of
one nation, but of many, ihe social
well-being of Europe is in a large degree
in the bands of those wbo have great tor-
tunes. It is a menace against all pro
gress that power should be centralized.
The same law of progress that is against
the centralization of political power in
the hands of the few is infinitely stronger
when it comes to placing the centraliza
tion of wealth in the hands of a few.
The philosophy of history will teach us
that this is a law of history. It is not a
jealousy, not a mere personal grievance
through a superficial iaea ot tne proDiem
of wealth, but it is a question of social
well-being: a question of freedom. The
whole well-being of the people depends
upon it. Society must be so organized
that the accumulation of wealth in the
hands of a few shall become impossible.
Civilization and great individual fortunes
cannot continue; one of the two must
meet with destruction. The two cannot
go on together. Yet take the system of
things in which we stand; two men may
beside by sideaccumulatiug what we may
call individual fortunes. The one may be
making the work contribute to tbesocial
well-being; the other may make it de
structive to the well-being of society,
Looking at these two, run side by side,
it may be apparent that they are doing
-the same thing. We can see no difference.
We say Eos well Smith of the Century
Company made a fortune, another man
side by side with him built up a fortune
too. What is the difference? It is diffi
cult for us to get behind the apparent.
. "We think we may be making a distinc
tinn wirhnnt A HiffprpTlPfl. Tn Ttnnwxll
Smith's work from the beginning to the
end every man was actually profited by
the accumulating of that fortune. Only
in a nominal sense was the fortune bis.
He built it up, that is true, but every
man connected with it profited according
to the upbuilding. There were instances
in which he paid men three times, and at
the end of the year it was found that the
concern bad profited beyond what they
had actually expected to get, beyond
what they had asked. This extended to
the elevator boy, to every mau in the es
tablishment. It was a great fortune, but
as a matter of fact, he personally shared
. only relatively in it. lie managed it for
the social well-being of this group of men.
lie was no more personally profited by
it than the president of a college gets
personal profit by the building up of the
institution. Here is another man, too,
who has built up a fortune side by side
with bim but with quite the opposite
basis. It is difficult to understand. But
.all men recognize that Mr. Smith's work
was good for society, good everywhere.
TIT . 1 1 . 1
we say in tne last analysis, was not tne
fArtn ria Tfr. nraa Tf if: ia rrrrt that
an individual shall do that for society
then it is inevitably good that wealth
shall be socially organized. The man
who has power and will minister of it we
say is rare, an exception. Then comes
the old question, when we have good
Czars Very well so far as it goes.
But the principle is wrong. It is infinite
ly better that the principle of democracy
should be extended to the production
and distribution of wealth. The Cum
berland Paper Mills were built up slowly
jpon the idea of building up the social
4ul-Deing. the manager was only as
olie of his employes, living with them on
ie same footing. We recognize that
that is the true principle of society.
As a matter ot fact wealth belongs to
society. Wealth is produced by society.
I am simply looking at the system in
which we are all caught. There is no in
dividual extrication except wechange the
system of things. How is money made
by investment in real estate? The man
produces nothing. He simply sells prop
erty after holding it for a few years. I
am not condemning the man because he
has done that. I am speaking of the
system of things. Society produces that
very money, has actually earned it. He
did not earn it, he did not produce it.
All wealth is produced by society, it is
not produced individually. That system
can only be a rational and just system
which controls wealth and organizes
wealth for the good of society. Individ
ual wealth is inconsistent with the social
well-being. It is not good for the man
who has it. On the ground of justice and
social well-being, it is wholly unjust,
wholly wrong that individuals should
Front by that which society produces.
6 is wholly wrong that- the English
landlords should live in idleness; it is cer
tainly morally wrong. Supposeeven the
people lived comfortably, which they do
not, it is wrong that a few should live in
idleneHS. It is destructive to society, it
takes from men the products of their
toil. It robs the people of their actual
liberties. It is politically destructive be
cause it is morally wrong and unjust
that a few should reap the toil of the
many. The people are dependent upon
wealth and this plunges thern into eco
nomic despotism. Whether the despots
be good or bad, the despotism is against
pi progress of society and above all
against the question as to whether the
person is good or bad. It is something
more than a progress of Christianity.
Large wealth, in this system of things,
cannot be accumulated and maintained
in consistency with the clear preaching of
Stand by Your Colore"
(Toe tinned from lit pa.)
sewing together of a monkey's bead and
a fish's tail to produce a mermaid.
Last autumn the writer favored tbe
nomination of Judge John 8. Robinson
for member of congress in the Third Con
gressional district. My reasous were
these: First, I believed that his election
nuder a combine was possible. Second,
tie endorsed the Omaha platform though
he opposed the sub-treasury plan, and I
consider such a man preferable to Meikel
john. Well, Judge Robinson failed of
nomination by the fraction of a vote.
John M. Devine was fairly and honestly
nominated. He had agreed to accept the
nomination, and could not honorably
withdraw. The Populist convention had
taken a position from which tbe com
mittee could not recede. If the so-called
silver Democrats bad not loved party
more than silver they would have re
nominated Devine. But they met in con
vention and nominated Mr. Thomas, and
when he declined they nominated Judge
Hensley. The Democrats of the Third
district elected Meiklejohn. Their excuse
was, that Mr. Devine was a protectionist.
Granting this to be as alleged, it was
then reduced to a choice between two
protectionists, one a friend, the other a
foe of silver. What would any true friend
of silver do under these circumstances?
What right had the Democratic party to
force the Populist party into an attitude
on the tariff question? I supported Judge
Robinson, and a year before the conven
tion urged Mr. Devine to refuse thenomi-
tion, which I felt certain would be
tendered him. But when I beheld the
conduct of the Democratic party I turn
ed away disheartened.
There are progressive men in the Demo
cratic party, but the party itself, as a
party, has nothing in common with
Populists. We have a distinct and well
defined policy. . Every man, woman and
child in the land knowsorought to know
what constitutes a Populist. But the
Democratic party has been on both sides
of every political question which has been
before the American people during this
century. In Maine in 1851 a Democratic
house of representatives and a Democra
tic senate passed a prohibitory liquor
law, and this law was approved by a
Democratic governor. A Democratic
chief justice declared prohibition consti
tutional. All this happened before the
Republican party had a political exist
ence. Yet in tbe Iowa campaigns of the
past few years, we have heard all about
the Democratic doctrine of "personal
liberty." The Democrat Thomas Bentou
was so much of a hard money crank that
they called him "Old Bullion." The Dem
ocrat George H. Pendleton, for an oppo
site reason, was called "Young Green
backs." In fact a man can advocate
anything, and call it "good Democratic
doctrine;" for he will have no difficulty in
finding precedents, I say this, freely
admitting that the Democratic party con
tains men who are noble and trne to the
interests of the people, such men as John
T. Morgan and Benjamin R. Tillman.
We have gained nothing by fusion, we
will gain nothing by it. In the South we
fused with Republicans till there we were
classed as Republicans; in the North we
have fused with the Democrats till they
class us as Democrats, or what is worse,
call us tbe tail of the Democratic kite.
We never can succeed as a reform party
except we stand upon principle. Beware
of camp followers! Our Divine Master
was plain spoken. He addressed a cer
tain class of his disciples as follows:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye seek
me, not because ye saw the miracles, but
because ye did eat of the loaves, and
were filled."
Now, if there is nothing in this move
ment, but to get into office with the help
of Democratic voters, or to unite with
Democrats to beat Republicans, let us
disband at once.
I never have advocated or believed in
mechanical fusion as such. After the
president had forced upon congress the
repeal of the purchase clause of the Sher
man act, it seemed highly important
that we return as many silver men as
possible, in order that the congressional
elections might not be construed into an
endorsement of the president's financial
The resolutions I offered before the
state committee were some of them
copied from resolutions I introduced in
the Cedar county convention one year
ago. It is my opinion that we must
exercise great care in everything, even
the -election of a school board. For
example, there is a poison little text-book
creeping into the curriculum of nearly
every high school m the state. It is J.
Lawrence Laughlin's Political Economy.
Its author is the ablest advocate of the
gold basis theory in the world today.
Give me a child till heis passed school age,
and I care not who has him afterwards.
Look out for your school board. Don't
let any one tell you tbe office is non
partisan. You will hPar the same thing
about judges this fall, believe it not.
If John Adams had appointed a federal
ist instead of John Marshall, for chief
justice, would this country have been a
nation today? I doubt it.
The writer has no hard words for those
who do not agree with him. But, God
being my helper, I shall adhere to my
opinions. The Democratic silver fizzle in
Iowa the other day shows how much
silver has to hope from Democracy.
Stand by your colors,
Wilbur F. Bryant.
Elect Only Mature Populists
Rushville, Neb,, May 6, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
A turning point seems to have been
lately and suddenly reached by Ne
braska's new Populist governor, S.
A. Holcomb. His recent appoint
ment to offices of certain Demo
crats is significant and is Quite
naturally calling out some sharp criti
cisms from a good many Populists, and
causing considerable speculation from
The question raised by the governor's
action is: What does he mean? Is he a
Populist, a Demo-Populist, a Democrat
Independent, or what? His proceedings
in question are certainly out of line with
the principle s and policy of the People's
party and can not fail to excite grave
doubt in the minds of watchful and cou
sistent Populists that Mr. Holcomb is
what he was taken lor by the party which
nominated him at Grand Island last
It is not denied that he is an able and
good man. The Populist party, we are
pleased to say, contains a largo number
of such men, and it is desirable that all
able and good men shall (if not already)
become members thereof But being an
"able," "smart" and good and great man
in the ordinary sense of these terms and
a member of the People's party does not,
or should not, constitute-all tb requisites
to recommend the manor men whom the
party should select to high or low official
positions. Ot coarse the nominee should
be competent, by all means fully compe
tent, be honorable and honest, and a
member in good standing of the party
nominating him. But in addition to
these qualifications another should be
exacted, otherwise tbe party, any party,
and especially a new party, will go on
ad infinitum with experiences such at
naw confronts tbe People's party of Ne
braska through Governor Holcomb.
That other indisDensible Qualification
demanded is maturity of conversion,
maturkyot membership in the party; or,
as a certain speaker pertinently expressed
it. "Put no mau in nomination for, or in
office, until he, as a convert, is dry behind
the ears."
The People's party offers most excellent
opportunities for successful exploiting by
professional office-seekers and unprincip
led "smart," "brilliant," "tonguey" fel
lows, political debauchees, adventurers
and gamblers of every grade and hue.
Such types generally fill the offices under
old party reign and bid fair ere long to
do the same thing under the new "re
form" party unless a "new leaf" is
promptly turned in the matter of making
selections and nominations at its future
conventions of the several grades.
The writer was a delegate to and in the
convention which uominated Mr. Hol
comb for governor, and be had an im
pression that a mistake was being com
mitted by nominating him, because it is
his conviction that it is unwise, impolitic
and unjust to take, ifay almost snatch,
as is too often done, any man from either
of the old parties, l.e.,fresb and unfledged
converts, no matter how many may be
their other good points and in doing so
shamelessly and shamefully ignore other
men who possess equal ability and fit
ness, unquestioned and unquestionable
party integrity, besides the fact of long
and faithful service, not only as veterans
but frequently as originators and primal
movers in the party, men without whose
sagacity, wisdom, unselfishness, persist
ent labors and unstinted sacrifices the
said party could not have been born.
This the Independent party did at Grand
Island. It came near doing, or attemp
ted to do, the same thing at the Omaha
national convention in 1892. It has
done it repeatedly, and so long as it con
tinues to practice such gross injustice,
such reprehensible wantonness and folly,
it deserves to be disappointed, defeated
and disgraced and the chances are that
it will be.
Some say: "One man is as good as
another for official timber if he has been
a convert but twenty-four hours."
Another says he "would not run a time
card against a convert in the People's
party in the matter of making selections
for office."
Ou the same principle green and un
seasoned timber is just as safe and suit
able for wagons as dry and seasoned
Conversions are to be earnestly desired
and all converts are entitled to the most
respectful and considerate treatment and
should receive no other, but the party
can not afford to show an odious and
invidious partiality by choosing fresh
converts and refusing veterans. Set it
down that the man who looks at this
question in any other sense is not the
man in whom to confide our trust either
as a leader or a counselor.
Set it down also that he who will ask
or intrigue for an office before he gets his
seat in the new party decently warm is
not the man we should nominate.
Remember always that a good many of
the "intellectual giants" and political
Solomons could'nt "see" anything in the
People's party until it had grown, in
spite of their opposition and ridicule, to
controlling magnitude and power.
Let the People's party absorb the old
parties as soon as possible, meanwhile
taking watchful care that some of the
"converts" do not get into office and
do us more harm as "friends" than they
could as enemies. L. P. Cummins.
The Wealtbmakers Must Co-operate
Rusuville, Neb., May 7, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Now as to co-operation among the
laboring people. I believe the workers
must come to where they will co-operate
one with another, and leave the drones
without their support. The drones and
the plunderers are organized for their
own interest, for offensive and defensive
warfare, and they stick together. Labor
must learn from them to do the same
and to shake the non-producers from
their bacKs.
I believe tbe Farmers Alliance should
cut loose from all middle-men at once,
and that it is one of the main thinirs to do.
Then and not till then will the Alliance
succeed, and people be eager to join it.
If your society can help us to realize this
state of things it will be mutually bene,
To sum up, I believe that all wealth
producers and useful members of society
suouiu co-operate ana Keep to tnemseives
what is produced. The unproductive
class, such as bankers, lawyers, needless
middlemen, etc., should be forced by fail
ure of supplies into the productive ranks
Respectfully yours,
' . W. F. Wasmund.
A People's Country.
(Continued from 1st page.)
or not will be determined at this session
of parliament.
"We have adopted what we call the co
operative contract system on all public
works. " That is, work to be done by the
government is divided by the engineer
into small contracts, which are number
ed and any one desiring to work is as
signed to one of them. By this means a
first class workman makes larger wages
while a poor workman makes less. Eight
hours constitutes a day on all public
works. Our factoriesand business houses
are of course run by private firms. Yes,
we have strikes occasionally and how to
prevent them is the most knotty problem
we have yet had to solve. We passed a
compulsory arbitration law at the Inst
session but whether, that will solve the
problem it is too soon yet to decide. We
have an excellent public school system
with compulsory attendance for all chil
dren under fifteen. They are exclusively
secular, no religion of whatsoever nature
is allowed to be taught in thorn. All
business houses are obliged to remain
closed during Sunday and all labor must
cease. One is, however allowed to do
whatever else he pleases whether it be to
attend church, attend a place of amuse
ment, or play games of any nature. He
sides this we have a law, which is strictly
enforced, compelling the city and town
governments to select one day out of the
six others on which all business is sus-
Easy to Take
And Perfect In Their Action,
Never fail to relieve Dyspepsia,
Constipation, and Headache.
"I have proved the value of o
Ayer's Pills in relieving dyspep- o
Bin nrtrl hpnd.iphA with wnlfih
complaints I was so long troubled J
that neither the doctor nor my- o
self supposed I should ver be
nrall acruin Tlirniirrli tliA liaA nf
4.1 t i T Ol
urn nuuve ineuiciim i am utiiei q
than I have been for years." oy
A. Gaskill, Versailles, 111. i
"I have used Ayer's Tills for o
15 years as a cathartic in liver o
complaint, and always with ex-
tremely beneficial effect, never
having had need of other medi- o
cine. I also irive Aver's Pills to
luitf fi i ll y.fin urlinn ilioir rcnlliro I
an aperient, and the result is al- 0
ways most satisfactory." A.
A. Eaton, Centre Conway, N. II. g
"Having been severely afflicted o
with costiveness, I was induced
to try Ayer's Pills. Their use has g
effected a complete cure, and I 0
can confidently recommend tnem o
to all similarly afflicted." C. A.
Whitman, Nipomo, Cal.
Received Highest Awards
pended at one p. m., except that on this
day the saloons may remain open, pro
vided they sell nothing that interferes
with tbe business of houses that art
"Strange to say the Liberals are thi
protective tariff party in our country,
while the Conservatives want free trade,
This is due to the fact that the Conserva
tive party is largely made up of the
owners of sheep ranges, who export the
most of their products and consequently
want to buy abroad at lower rates. Any
one wbo desires to leave his district be
fore an election may deposit his ballot,
sealed in an envelope, with the proper
officer who shall turn it over to the elec
tion officers on election day, when it shall
be cast and counted with the others. No
ship is allowed to leave port without a
full crew as required by law, and tbe
berths must be of sufficient width to be
comfortable. We also have a woman's
suffrage law which went into effect at the
last election. It proved very satisfactory
We now have the most perfect criminal
code in the world, and justice as admin
istered by our courts is quick and certain
"At the next session I think we will
adopt a system of consols, something
similar to tbe French system, which will
keep money home, instead of going to
England for all our money. Our surplus
this year will be more than 880,000
pounds, which is remarkable, considering
that all other nations are having such
"Like your country, we have but few
Liberal papers, the larger papers find
more money in supporting the monopo
listic party. The general tendency of our
legislation is toward single tax.
Mr. Willis left Sunday for San Fran
cisco where he will take passage for home.
-Seattle Call.
New Democratic Paper for Chicago.
Chicago, May 6. Martin J. Russell,
collector of customs, and H. W. Sey
mour, former managing editor of the
Chicago Herald, announce that within
thirty days they will start a new demo
cratic paper in Chicago. Mr. Seymour
will be the publisher and Mr. Russell
the editor-ln-chlef. In politics the paper
will be independent-democratic and will
be against free, til ver. The name has
not beert decided on.
Mfe Sentence for Bllxt.
Minneapolis, May 6. Claus A. Bllxt
this morning pleaded guilty to the mur
der of Catherine Glng, and was sen
tenced to the penitentiary for life.
Lady Klmberly Is Dead.
London, May 6. Lady Klmberly, wife
of the secretary of state for foreign af
fairs, is dead. She was a daughter of
Richard Hobart, third earl of Clare, a
title which Is now extinct, and was mar
ried to the earl of Klmberly In 1847.
'ltllhHO Socialist in Jail.
Madrid, May 6. The police have ar
rested all the members of the socialist
committee in Bilbao, who have been
put In Jail pending Injuries In regard to
their agitation and Incitement to vio
lence In the district.
Small Steamer llumed at On we go.
Oswego, N. Y May 6. The small
passenger steamer Guide burned and
sank at her dock here last night. She
was owned by Emma B. Newman, ot
Cape Vincent, and was valued at $8,000.
The Largest Manufacturers of
On thU Continent, have received
from tO (net
industrial id Fi
In Europe and America.
TJnlilte th Dtitrh ProccM. no Alka
tie or other Chemtrtk or limn ara
naed In idt of their orenaratioDi.
Their dftltckiua BREAKFAST COCOA fa absolutely
pun tad aoiubla, and eou Urn thorn m$ cm ctqh
m Mil
The Baltimore Plan,
now practically endorsed by President Cleveland, is attracting
universal attention because it is based on tbe evident fact that
the currency and banking systems of the country must be re
formed. But is the Baltimore plan a reform? It gives the associated
banks the power to expand the currency and relieve the country.
It also gives them the power to contract it at will and create
universal distress for their own private gain.
It puts the credit of the government behind every bank note.
It donates all but half of one per cent of the profit on the note
issue to the banks, and it leaves plenty of opportunities for a
Napoleon of Finance to wreck a bank and leave the government
to pay the notes.
It leaves the banks free to demand the highest interest that
the several states will allow, and affords no relief to farmers and
business men of moderate capital.
Contrast with this
The Hill Banking System.
In "Money Found," an exceedingly valuable and instructive
book published by Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, and
for sale at the office of this paper at 25 cents, Hon. Thos. .
Hill proposes that the government open its own bank in every
large town or county seat in the United States, pay 3 per cent
on long time deposits, receive deposits subject to check without
interest, and loan money at the uniform rate of 4 per cent to
every one offering security worth double the amount of the loan.
This plan is not an expense to the government, but a source of
large revenue.
It secures the government amply, which the Baltimore plan
does not.
It relieves the distress of the common people, which the Bal
timore plan does not.
It protects not only note-holders but depositors, who are un
secured now and under the Baltimore plan would be still
worse off.
In a word,, the Baltimore plan is in the interest of the bankers,
the Hill Banking System is in the interest, of the people.
Consider them both, and ask your congressman to Vote for the
Vie you believe in.
And send us 25c. immediately for the book. ''Money Found"
has no equal in its line. Address,
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
We bare the following books for sale.
Tou ought to have them:
The Railroad Problem. ...,....................$ .50
Mono? Found .25
Jason Edwards.... , 60
Richard's Crown 50
Hill's Political History ................26o,76e, 100
Beneath the Dome 60
Ten Men ot Money Inland .... 10
Seven Financial Conspiracies 10
All these are excellent reform boobs
and should be read by everyone. Ad
dress all orders to this paper.
California and Utah Excursions
The Burlington rnns on every Thurs
day a tourist sleeper, leaving Lincoln at
12:15 p. m. for Salt Lake, San Francisco
and Los Angeles. Only (5 for a double
berth, Lincoln to Los Angeles. These
excursions have proved very successful
from the fact that they are conducted
personally by a Burlington employe.
For full information regarding tickets,
apply at B. & M. depot or city ticket
office, corner Tenth and 0 Streets,
Onr grand catalogue, orer 660 Illustrations,
agent's latest goods and novelties, 1 writing pen.
tonntaln attachment, 1 elegant gentleman's
watch chain and charm, gnafanteed 20 years,
Tonr name In agent's directory 1 year, all sent
torlOcts. Postage S cents. EMPIRE NOVELTY
CO., 1S7 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.'
inn apple
Box Elder
Per 1,000.
All the Leading Varieties.
It Choice Ooneord Orapevlaea
It 1.S00 Rns. Mnlbsrry. tl.U.
Shads aid Ornamentals. A
complete Frloe-Liet free).
Jansen Nursery,
Jeffersoa Co, Jansen, Neb.
SEED CORN, $1,101
At Htate Fair 1694, my corn won 1st In State on
white, 2nd on yellow; Sweepstakes In Lao county.
Hare won 1st or 2nd placet years In sucvealon.
I will sell hi lots of 6 bushels or over at SI. 10 per
bushel either Armstrong's whits or Main's yel
low. Backed F. O. H, cars at Greenwood. Send
stamps lor sample.
4. JO.
Greenwood, Neb
Should be the watchword of
erery Populist from now until
after election WI6, Tbe
Farmers Tribune
Published at Dps MoIiihu. Iowa,
has niitdts a sinUI rnt. giving
that. large night-page papT for
FI r'TY CENTS imt year. This
rate I
e is giHxi only until May 1st.
ill should take advantage of
so al!
It at once.
The TmntTNE is an educator
and stands squarely on the
Omaha platform. It has a de
partment of general uews as
well as Populist news. It has
' a large list of corrsoiidents
and Its editorials are able and
Instructive. It is a vote-maker.
While the price of this able
paper Is KirrY Cunts all should
become suliserlbers. Ueuiera-
, ber, this rate ia for April only.
Samples sent on application,
bend In at once. Scud a club If
possible. Address
Farmers Tribune,
Dm Moines, Iowa.
Farm For Sale.
420 acres: 60 acres In cultivation;, room dwelling,
(rood well of pars water and cistern, 800 acres
prairie. 60 acres timber: situated J1 miles from
Ues Arc. the county seat ol Prairie county, a
busy little town on the west bank ol White Hirer:
.heap transportotlon by steamer line: good
ebsrch and school privilege. Price L',8r0. B'.SOt
cash, balance in dvferred payments. Adiin-ss.
W. H. V1TION, Lonoke, Art.
1026 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
Collections mads and money remitted same day
as collected.
But "Direct Krou I'ACTORr Best
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLES ALB PRICFg, Delivered Free.
For Houses. Barns, Roofs, all colors, and BATE
Middlemen's profits. In nse (1 years. Endoreed
by Gran, and Farmers' Alliance. Low prices
will surprise you. Writ, for samples. O. W.
INOEKhOLL, 258 Plymouth 8t., Brooklyn, N. T.
The Sledge-Hammer
If one of th best Populist paper ia
in exiitenm. It it published weeklj
at Msadyille, Pa., at 50 cents a year
or three months on trial for 10 cents.
We have special terms by which we
can furnish the Sledge-Hammer and
The Wealth Makers one year tor
The Land of Bis; ft. Apples, Is aa attractive
and Interesting book, handsomely Illustrate,
with views of Sooth Missouri scenery, Including
tbs famous Olden Frnit Farm of 1.000 acres ll
Howell conntv. It pertains to trait raising Is
that great fruit belt ol America, the sonthen
slope of the Osarks, and will provs of great value,
ot only to fruit growers, bat to every Israel
and homeweker looking for alarm cad a home
-MaUsd Ires. Address,
J. E. I0CKW00D,
Kansas City, He
j IliXilJdlJlllJU
31 r I