V. 1 . 1 VOL. VI. SO MOVES THE WORLD. "W sleep and wake and deep, Dnt all thing more; The Ban fliee forward to his brother Ban ; The dark Earth follow, wheeled In bfr ellipse; And human tilings, returning on themselves, Move onward, leading op the golden year." There were 15,000 socialists in the May 1st parade in New xork. According to the public census of New York, just taken, that city bas now population of 1,849,866. Russia la building a railroad five thous and miles long through Siberia to the Pacific ocean, the longest railway in the world. It is stated that $70,000,000 of Ameri can stocks and bonds heaped upon the backs of our toilers, have been sold to foreigners since February. George Jay Gould, Jay's son, is said to be figuring and scheming to buy or break his way into the United states senate, via the New Jersey legislature. A serious strike was reported in last week's papers, thousands of laborers in the Illinois Steel Works Having come in to conflict with the Chicago police. The city of Chicago has been defrauded by its board of public works, by duplicat ing pay rolls, to the probable extent of $1,000,000. The loss also falls partly on the duped laborers, who were ignor ant of their rights. In Tienna, May 1st, 80,000 working- men assembled in ParliamentSquareand spent the day shouting for universal suffrage. Here in America - where they have had it for a hundred years they have nevertheless been getting into bond age, a state ot dependence and povertv The gas trust of Chicago has decided to squeeze $300,000 more a year out of the peppio ot Chicago, it also insists on I being a preferred creditor and getting its bills paid once a month,, since the Standard Oil company bought out the trust, prices have been raised, instead of , -lowered, as predicted. There is a great national leather trust that in a short time has raised the price of leather 20 to 33 cents a pound. The ,. -Omaha Bee says: "'From present indica tions the Leather Trust threatens to rival in rapacity the great sugar refining combination, which in the past has exacted tens of millions from American -consumers, and is still as grasping as ever. The Gray Racing Bill has passed both houses of the INew lork legislature. The Senate defeated the bill one day, but the next day reconsidered the action and passed it, indicating that the gamblers had meanwhile "seen "and satisfied them. It is publicly charged that the attitude of some of the senators who changed their votes was dictated by a desire to draw blackmail from the racing men. Philip Chester, a discharged laborer in I . the Chicago bureau of water pipe exten- rsion, went to the Mayor s office and de manded the wages due him. He was put on. But the next day be came with his wife and five children and again demand ed the money, but was told the matter had not been settled. He at this took two of his children and said the Mayor would have to take care of them until he was paid, whereupon policemen in the office attempted to remove but be fought desperately and his wife and children screamed and yelled at the top of their voices. Jjelore be could be taken away tlse Mayor learned that he and his family mil Deen turned out of their home for ' nolr-payment of rent, and he ordered him released and his wages paid him before lue left the building. The discovery of helium, a gas suppos' ed heretofore to exist only in the sun, in W 4.1 i i itiurwuy m tue mineral eievene, is a mai ter of cnnHirferfl.hte anennln.rirA nn well n.a v , of purely scientific interest. This helium is a gas t hat is supposed to be very much lighter than hydrogen just how much lighter has not, we believe, been yet de termined. If it can be obtained in large quantities, it will probably supersede the use of hydrogen in balloons, and will give us a much greater power than we now possess to overcome the force of gravitation and obtain dominion over the air. The only trouble with our var ious flying machines now is that they can't fly, can't lift themselves up into the air. It must be admitted that this is a Bomewhat serious trouble; but if we have now found a gas with three or four times the lifting power of hydrogen, we may yet be able to store away in com partments on a flying machine to an ex tent sufficient to make rising into the air a far easier thing than it has yet baen found to be. Who knows but we may yet see bicycles with pneumatic tires blown up with helium, fitted up with sails and fan-shaped arrangements, go pad dling their way through the circumam bient air? Edgar Allen Poe, by the way, more than 50 years ago had one of his characters, Hans Pfaal, navigating the air by means of a gas three times as light as hydrogen, which was derived frKn a "particular metallic substance" bineans of "a very common acid." His imaginary gas corresponded closely to helium, which is derived from eleveite by means of sulfuric acid. The Voice. Baldness is often preceded or accom panied by grayness of tae hair. To pre: vent both baldness and grayness, use Hall's Hair Renewer, an honest remedy. PROM OCR STATE PRESS The governor has appointed F. B. Hib bard, of Douglas county, deputy oil in spector. Hibbard is a true blue Populist and is worthy, but it seems a little funny. He is a very wealthy man and owns large farm in Douglas county, which he operates as well as breeds stock. He has about as much need of the office as a pig has for two tails, and yet he applies for it and gets it. Let us notice a compan son: John F. Mefferd. of this city, ap plies for a deputy oil inspectorship. He is worthy and well qualified and has been as long and as faithful a Populist as any person in the state. He is a poor man and needs the place. He squandered his means trying to hold up a Populist pa per in Lincoln, tie gets turned down, thoutrh bis backing was good (only he did not have Senator Allen's endorse ment). Such is political preferment- Quill. United States Senator Allen seems to be the one powerful element with Governor Holcomb, in the way of securing the ap pointments. He got Dr. Mackay, his family physician and political mouth piece, appointed superintendent of the Norfolk asylum in spite of the protest of the party leaders of the 3d congressional district. He succeeded in getting beidign appointed warden of the penitentiary out of a young army of applicants Leidigh, as a Democratic representative in the legislature of 1893, was the first to break to Allen for United States sena tor, hence this reward. Edmisten, as chief oil inspector, and the deputies sel ected, are about all with Allen's endorse ment. In fact Allen seems to be bigger than his party and the wishes of the lat ter count for nought when not in accord with him. ljuill. , "What Is His Private Business' fWe copy the following verbatim et literatim,&B a somewhat uniquespecimen of thinking and writing.-EniTOB Wealth Makers. We should like to know why The Wealth Makers, that claims to be the state organ of the People's party, is continu ally kicking. It allows its columns to be filled with the ranting of cranks, who im agine that some one will steal a plank out of the Populist platform and is con tinually talking about keeping in the middle of the road, just as if some are straying away. J. he editor is supposed to be working for the good of the party and notto tie always begrowling because others see things in a different light from what his nnmasculate brain observes it. Just remember a mannamed by Burrows that thought he had a mortgage on the ideas to be advanced and probably you will call to mind how be dropped with dull thud. The party is ready to do the same act when any one sits himself up as a dictator as to what was the rank and file shonld do. Our party believes in majority rule, and when a convention adjourns we know our labor and need no preceptor to command us what to do As to Governor Holcomb's appointments it is none of The Wealth Makers busi ness who is appointed. When he asks the question, "Have we a Pop. governor" he simply shows a dead loss of all the sense he ever had. We are not children to be hushed with threats. Holcomb should give certain people to understand that he will allow no interference with what is bis private business. Ho wells Journal. What The Quill Thinks The Populist party is noadjuuet to the Democratic party. The members of the Populist party are no more in favor of one party than the other. Both are rot 'en and hypocritical, as well as cowardly. If the Populist party hopes to succeed ihe must keep in the middle ot the road. 'I a Republican becomes disgusted with us own party and yet is not willing to ump from the Republican frying pan in1 :o the Democratic fire, 'he will naturally co to the Populists, but he will not do so if the Populist kettle is on the Democratic fire. So it is with the disgusted Demo crat. The Populist party is a protest against old party dishonesty to the peo ple and must keep its skirts out of the mire of either if it desires to remain re spected and clean. The member of the ropulisb party who tries to make the new, movement a tail to either old party kite is a traitor to the cause and should be exiled. Our party has already too many of the sort and big and little must go. The country has repudiated the Democratic party and will repudiate the Populist party if itcan be shownthatthe new party is claimed by some to be "just the same as the Democratic party." The Quill. Why Not Learn Something Exeter, Neb., April 6, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: Enclosed please find one dollar to re new my subscription for one year. I also wish you to give my beet respects to all the editors who are standing up so man fully for the Omaha platform. I can't see why some of our leaders can't learn by the experience the Greenback party had by fusion, with the Democrats. And they will serve us the same way as long as our leaders give them encouragement. We will never see victory until we shut the door on them. Yours for right and justice, John Kkohn. ' f " Feeble and delicate constitutions gain great benefit by the use of Ayer's Sarsap-arilla. LINCOLN, NEB.,1 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1895. Fusion at Work That somebody at Indianapolis, Ind., is in the fusion deal is very evident from a dispatch which appears in the Chicago Record Wednesday morning. It will be seen that the report starts out by admitting that old party lines are breaking up, but at once drops to the conclusion that the Democratic party will become the silver party. The dispatch comes through the Associ ated Press and is entitled to but little credit, and only for our personal know ledge of certain facts, not one word of it would be given any credence. Ikdianapolis, Ind., May 7. The Popu lists of Indiana, acting under instructions from Chairman Taubeneck of the nation al committee, are now maneuvering for a union with the free silver wing of the Democratic party. 'One of the Populist leaders said today that a union of the Populists with the free silver men in both the old parties in inevitable. "We think we see the breaking up of old political parties," said he. "Thecontest next year will be between the gold men on one side and the silver men on the other. The Democratic party will become the silver party; the Republican party will be forc ed to stand by gold. The contest will be one in which the south and west will be arrayed against the east. The battle ground will be in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. If the south and west stand together for free silver they will win." "Do the Populists stand ready to unite with the Democratic silver party?" "We certainly do. If the party should win it would be a victory for the Popu lists. It is immaterial under what name we win. 1 he free coinage of silver is tne central doctrine of the Populists, and we are ready to make any sort of a union if we can accomplish our object. No true Populist ever uttered such words as are attributed to this "Populist leader. Such a course would merely mean the annihilation of the party for the sake of trying to win one point. Honest supporters of the Omaha plat form will never agree to such a disgrace ful surrender. - liet us nope that the dispatch is an associated press "fake," but at the same time don't fail to keep an eye on every proposition to side track the party. Chicago Express. Stanton County Against Fnelon Stanton, Neb., May 10, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: Personally my position on the question of fusion is known to yourself and read ere as some of my expressions as voiced in my paper, the Stanton Picket, have been copied in The Wealth Makebs. In my position of unconditional opposition to fusion l have, with very few excep tions, the unanimous support of Popu lists of this county. Last fall we made a vigorous campaign without assistance from the state central committee (not beinar able to tret from that worthy bodv so much as a reply to numerous personal communications written them) and al ways along the line of anti-fusion, and succeeded in materially increasing our party strength, while m all counties where Populist leaders went flirtinar with Democracy our party vote was less than the previous year. ropulists of this county arecreatlv in censed over the appointment of J T-T. Mackay as Superintendentof the Norfolk- Asylum, and do not hesitate to so ex press themselves, while honest Democrats arescarcely less indignant from the same cause. Uut we are Populists and as such are bound to principles and not to men. and the party which gave the people the Omaha platform will continue to live and gain strength regardless of the ac tions of a few mugwump office seekers and traitors to party principles. Straight Populists still hold the powerin numbers and iutellect in Nebraska and will assert it too, at the next state convention. 1 arty principles must and shall be main tained, though our numbers grow less and every office is wrested from us, and this long after fusion schemes and mug- wumpiHin are buried with all party trai tors, and all these are forgotten, or if not forgotten are remembered onlv with other traitorous and disreputable schemes concocted to break down the only People's party and assist in the delaying of securing the riirhts which are juwtly theirs. The principles of the Peo ple s party as voiced in the Omaha plat form are principles that were not born to die, and the people will finally see to it that their mission is accomplished. When ever the roll of counties is called Stanton will respond as one man, "anti-fuHion." A. F. Enos. When the Ivll Fell Sick Lour City, Neb., May 9, 1895. ' Editor Wealth Makers: "Whatsoever a man eoweth that Bhall he reap," never fails of realization. The Populist party is reaping the bitter fruit of the fatal seed sown in our last state convention.' Not that.it was com posed of bad men, but like, an ancient assemblage of our very good men we read of in the Bible history, "Satan came PEOPLES New Zealand Depicted By One Of Its Bepreeentative Men - POPULIST IDEAS IK F0B0E Government Owns and Operates the Rail road! and Telegraph Free Land and No Monopolies or Corruption Banke Under Control Hon. A. D. Willis of New Zealand, a leading printer of that country and a member of the New Zealand parliament, stopped over night in this city, home ward bound from England. Mr. Willis has been absent from home some months, having been on a business trip to Ger many, England and the United States. He has been inspecting the latest im proved printing and ruling machinery manufactured within the three above named countries. It is needless to say that he made a part of his purchases from American firms. When seen at the Hotel Butler, Satur day nittht. by a representative of the Call, he at first declined to be interview ed, but when assured that the govern ment of New Zealand had been much die cussed of late in this part of the world and the readers of the Call would peruse every word he said with interest, he fin ally consented. He said: "In traveling through this country and Canada 1 am greatly impressed with your condition. The fabulous wealth of some of your corporations and citizens, while almost in the shadows of tbei mansions live people who have not the bare necessities of life, are conditions made by legislation. You made a grave mistake when you gave so much of your land and other natural resources to pri yate corporations which have become private monopolies and who will drain you worse and worse every year until the end, which no man fully knows. We made the same mistake, but years ago through the teachings of John Batlance, discovered it, and now have that mis take almost rectified. In our country we have two parties, viz: the Liberals and the Conservatives. The Liberals are the class who believe in legislation for the benefit of the poor and letting the rich take care of themselves, while the Con servatives hang around the van and shout 'No! nol You'll ruin the country.' We have killed the monopolies and there fore have no corruption in high places; a dishonest act by a public officer not hav ing been heard of for years. ine gov ernment owns and operates both the railroads and telegraph lines which are run entirely in the interest of commerce without profit to any London or New York aristocrat.1 "The land, too, is perfectly free from tne land monopolists, as we nave a graduated land tax law which exempts nomesteads, to a certain number of acres, from taxation. Every acre, however, above the homestead limit is taxed and the larger the buildings the higher be comes tne rate of taxation. All lands not in use are also taxed and the govern ment stands ready to buy land of any character at its assessed valuation. It is then cut into homesteads and sold for the same price to any one who wants to buy, provided they pay 6 per cent per annum, of which one per cent applies to a sinking fund and pays the entire prin cipal in 33 years. The government will always loan money on real estate to in- viduals to the extent of three-fifths of the valuation of such real estate, at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. We also collect agraduated income tax and have given the option to cities to practice sin gle tax. We have no monopolies, and better still, we have no paupers. This may seem strange to you but neverthe less it is a fact, if a man becomes desti tute we set him to work on five acres of land in oneof the three 'villages' reserved for that purpose. He builds a house, cultivates the soil and otherwise impro ves the property, for which valuable ser vice the government pays him in money. After the first year he becomes self-sup porting and begins to reimburse thegov- ernment by making small payments annually, until after a number of years the property becomes Iiih. JNeit her have we such a thing as pen sions. When a man goes to work for the government he in required to take out a ue insurance policy, which he usually takes In the government company be cause of the much lower rate. If he is killed or disabled his family draws the face of the policy, but if he lives to a cer tain age it becomes an annuity and pays him a certain premium annually, the principal payable to hisheirs after death. ihe banks, too, are under the supervi sion of the Kovernment. When the Australian panic occurred it frightened the depositors in the Bank of New Zea- and, But the government immediately took charge of it and guaranteed it for 2,000,000 pounds, which restored the connoence oi tne pumic ana we bad no bank failures. The government is still in possession and whether it will remain so (Continued on 3rd page.) "Stand By Yonr Colore" Hartinqton, Neb., May 2, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: The Apostle James eays: "Behold, how treat a matter a little fire kindleth." On the 20th of last March, after ask ing the advice of friends upon whose judgment I(relied, and having received their approval, the writer of these lines ventured to introduce before the Populist state central committee six resolutions, which be confidently expected would pass without a dissenting voice. Judge of my surprise when I beheld the storm of opposition they met with, and of my grief when they were tabled by a vote of 11 to 8. - At the personal request of Judge McKeighan I offered to withdraw the sixth resolution. This was not be cause my opinion had changed, but simply because the request came from the source that it did. As these resolutions have appeared twice in your columns, it will be unneces sary to reproduce them here. But a word in regard to each of them I hope will not be out of place. First, weought toetand ontheOmaba platform. A party which repudiates its own platform can hardly command the respect of the nation. The objection urged against this first resolution was that the Omaha platform endorsed the sub-treasury plan. That the sub-treas ury scheme is imperfect and even totally impractical.in its present form, I concede. But the Omaha platform was right when it approved of that or some better plan. Some device must be brought about for a currency purely local a cur rency which cannot toe cornered in Wall Street, or ajl our fondly cherished hopes of relief from free silver will end, like apples of Sodom, in dust and ashes. The sub-treasurer at New York is a member of the New York clearing house, and he bas agreed as such member not to pay ou silver without 80 days notice to the other members. Think of itl the ipse dixit Of a clearing bouse is greater than the statute of thin nation. Witorthts leverage the bulls and bears of Wall Street can corner gold, buy up silver in anticipation of a rise in its value; and when the thing is done, we would hear the taunt: "Didn t we tell you that you would not get the relief from free silver you expected. Better just trust this thing to us financiers." If we do not have something like the sub-treasury plan adopted the people will fly to the institution of state banks as their only hope of salvation. We do not believe in this, for it is farming out to individuals the sacred function ol government. m Second. The mission of the Populist p'arty is a sacred and holy one a mis sion of its own a child is born. Out mission is not the galvanization of tin Democratic corpse. Third. Let us extend the ritrht hand o! fellowship to the good men of all partiei to "come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty," to the Tillmam the Blands, the Hibleys, the Cameron s the St. Johns.and to ourown Bryan. In t firivate letter addressed to Mr. Bryai ast year, I urged him to come to ui while he could come as an ally and nol as a fugitive. In the Democratic part be is but a Lybiau in Carthage. Why doei be stay? fccho answers, "whyi" Fourth. Only Populists should be placed on guard. Let me quote here the language of the firs. president of the United States tile farter tJ our country "I shall not, while I hav e honor to administer the government, bring a man into any office of consequence, knowing ly, whose political tenets are adverse to the measures which the general govern ment are pursuing; for this, in my opin ion, would be a sort of political suicide." Washington to 1'Kkermg. secretary oi War, September 27. 1795, Volume II ol Stark's edition of Washington's writings, 74. .. ' These words of Washington need no commentary. They are multnm inp&rvo. Y ifth. We are opposed to fusion in all ts modes and tenses, at least we should be. The word fusion is derived from the Latin word lundere, "to melt, found, caB( make liquid, to make by founding oi casting." To fuse has the same mean ng in English that fundere has in Latin. This term is used to express the process by which two or more metals of a totally different nature are melted and run to gether to make a compound differing from each of its ingredients. As when copper, tin and zinc are mixed to make bronze. Metaphorically it is used to ex press the union of two political parties, possessing no bond of sympathy in prin ciple, for expediency only. When men of several old parties unite to form a new party, laying as its corner-stone, some vital principle common to all, this is not fusion. On the 17th day of June, I Boo, a convention of delegates met at Phila delphia, under a called addressed to the people of the United States, without re gard to political divisions; and, then and there, nominated John Charles Fremont for president. At the same time that portion of the American party oppose to the repeal of Missouri Lompromis met in New York, and also nominated Colonel Fremont for president. There was no fusion. It was a union of men pposed to the extension of slavery. This was natural blending and not mechanical fusion. The writer has often illustrated fusion by comparing it to the '""V" NO. 49 Who Shall Possess The Wealth? Who Shall Administer It 80 AS TO GET MOST USE Of IT? No One Mutt Be Impoverished to Make ' Wealth For Others Large Indi vidual Wealth Enslaves The Masses Society Prodnoee and Should Possess the Wealth The following lecture by Prof. Oeorg D. Han rnn I one of a eerlee of four reported from sten ograph Ic notei taken down In thecliua room for Tb Wialtb Makers. They are Informal leeS nrea delivered extempore. Two preceding lect ors were on Wealth and Co-operation, I speak of this subject in its relations to society. The economic problem of wealth, what wealth is in its various ele ments and phases, is not that which falls within my province. No two economists agree as to just what we shall define by the term wealth. Yet after we study the various definitions we find they come to mean not merely economic goods, but economlo abundance. The term wealth in the popular mind has come to be ap plied to that which is over and above the actual need of the moment. There has always been an over-lapping of the terms wealth, riches, capital. Now wealth in itself is not an evil. Nothing -is evil in itself. Wealth is wholly necessary in the development of civilization, There can be no civilization without it. It is only by the acquirement of wealth that wears able to build civilization at all. The question is, who shall possess the wealth -or who shall administer it, whether it shall be social, or individualistic in its nature. The necessity of wealth is ac knowledged. Nobody who has reason at all denies the necessity of wealth, It is the providence of God' made material and manifest in the provision of man. But wealth bas been considered very largely from the individualistic stand point. Now the conflict is whether we shall consider it from the 'social or from the individualistic standpoint. I have no desire to abolish wealth, nor do I have any Idea that wealth in itself is evil, but that wealth shall first of all be real and not fictitious and be administered for the social good instead of by the most cunning, the strongest, the speculator. Wealth must be real. One of our diffi culties is that so much that wecall wealth is, as a matter of fact, not wealth. Take for instance the postal system. It does not figure as being wealth, yet it is the most carefully conducted business in ths world. If it were a private property It would be much more expensive. It would require a vast troop of lawyers to !ke after it and great armies of lobbyists to be maintained, whereas, as far as society is concerned, it is more wealth tothepeo than if it figured as wealth. When rail ways figure as wealth one year and the uextyear the wealth has disappeared: when stocks are increased to ten times their actual value, the result is that the wealth is proved fictitious. That is the difficulty of the relation of society to the wealth of the present time. We think we are the wealthiest nation in the world but as a matter of fact we are not. Really, the state of iffairs in Omaha and Minneapolis, is poverty. Take for in stance the great tract between Minneap oiis ana . raui. it cannot be given away. It is not marketable. It is not worth the taxes upon it. Our wealth has been speculative wealth. Our speculative wealth has been increasing and society as a whole has been getting poorer. .in these tilings Have raised the Ques tion as to whether wealth is social or in dividual in its nature. The question is. is it good for society that the individual have large wealth? Take the case of the Standard Oil combination. Laying aside the question as to the method of their ac quiring their large wealth. Suppose it had been acquired by virtuous methods. The question is still to be asked is itgood 4 or society f- We exanunetheactual facts of the case and we find it is not good for society. The social wealth of society is iecreasing. Society is irrowintr poorer. ThrouKh the increaBed weaith of this combination whole villages, even cities. the whole industrial wealth of Pennsyl vania, bas been changed. The mere fact that people may get their oil a little . cheaper does not counterbalance this social poverty. The firms that have grown up have risen through the de struction of a vast deal of production. A vast army of men have been thrown out of employment. The result is that this wealth is really the poverty of so ciety. I am not condemning the men but the system. These men may stand high er than many men whom I might point out as saintly men. But the system by which men are impoverished to make WEALTH CONSIDERED '9!; (Continued on 4th page.) (Continued on Srd pag.) (Continued on Srd page.) ;' -it