May 0, 1895 THE WEALTH MAKERS SaawSawsSnWSMaejSMSWsaaaa . - - I BOARDING, FECO AND SALC STASH A r lfS riftrrcLASs equipments ne car arts smos). II"'' I (Continued from 1st pags ) WHOLESALE PRICE! . Our reason for making it is because we have too many Suits and too - little Cash. confided in his word of honor been be trayed? - Have we taken a serpent to our bosom, and nursed it into active life in turn only to be stung to our death? Or does Gov. Holcomb think he is pro tecting our best interest when he places the machine of our party in the hands of oar bitter political enemies? Is this his highest ideal of manhood? Where did he learn that it was honorable to violate a sacred trust, to betray a confiding people? Gov. Holcomb may have fouud such doctrine taueht and tolerated in the Democratic party, but I am satisfied he will search in vain to find such a code of honor in the Topulist party, or wnicn lie claims to be an lion ored and intelligent member. Does Gov. Holcomb believe that to be elected to office is a matter of individual concern in which he alone is interested? In which the rank and file of the party nave no further right, and that all the power which seventy thousand votes has placed at his disposal is only intended for his use in order that he may pay his personal political debts or deal in futures in the interest of his own selfish political ambition? If the governor recognizes any old party debts, then baseingratitudeshould hide its face in shame at the treatment received by Edward Rosewaterat the hands of Gov. Holcomb; for who will in sincerity deny that to the dissatisfied Republicans, led on by Rosewater, Gov. Holcomb owes his election? And I now call to mind what Bryan's double-barreled treacherous sheet was doing at the same time. But I deny the right of Gov. Holcomb to use the powerful machinery of the Populist party for his individual benefit; he has no more right to pay his personal political debts, or to bind others for the future out of the Populist treasure placed in his hands, than has a member of a financial corporation a right to secretly abstract money of such corporation to apply on his own personal obligations. A man who will. secretly rob his partner or conspire with others to do so, is con sidered by law and by his fellow man a dangerous persou and dealt with accord ingly. Is there any difference in principle be tween such acts and Holcomb's? I see none. 1 am told that Gov. Holcomb isagood lawyer, a learned judge. Perhaps he will be able to make a distinction and with a mind well trained to correct reasoning easily explain the difference. I do not think I presume too much when I say the voters of the Populist party await with painful anxiety his aiiswer. I reason no excuse, no justification; the whole fusion conspiracy was a premedi tated affair, planned in a secret and stealthy manner, carried out exactly the same way as the highwayman robs his helpless victims. The conspirators well knew they could not carry out their plans in an open and honorable manner. Had the Bryan Allen combination undertaken to fasten such a fusion deal on thestateconvention it would have been spurned with con tempt, and they knew it. Fearing to work in daylight they wait for the Demo cratic convention and then, in the dark, known only by a few, those would-be bosses, for a certain consideration, agree to place our enemies in the saddle with reins, whip and spur. This msy be plain talk; but does not the occasion demand it? A man in business would be considered a fool indeed if in choosing his help he sehcted those whom he well knew were plotting and working to destroy his bus iness that another rival enterprise in which they were partners might succeed. Has not Gov. Holcomb practically done this thinit? If our party shall by quietly acquiescing bind itself to such' an act, then I am mistaken in the disposition of the party that 1 have ulways felt it an honor to defend. I left the Republican party because I believed its leaders were false to the peo ple and the enemies of reform. I have never had reason to believe ra the integrity or good intentions of the Democrat party. So if the Populist party is to be turned over to the Demo crate then I might as well have stayed in the narty ot mv childhood. 2 CQ Men's Suits, Spring and Sum J mer styles, at exact wholesale price in Chicago or New York. Noth ing added for freight. Nothing the matter with the Suits. They are all right and up to date, but must be turned into cold, hard cash, and our offer of any single Suit at the exact price we paid for them in large lots is genuine. Our record for business integrity backs this sale. The 104-106 S. 10th St., But the Populist party will not be be trayed into the power of its enemies by a few self-constituted dictators. The true independents know no leader, nor will they blindly follow the advice of any man. They worship only at the shrine of principle. They demand only justice, and respect faithfulness and hon esty in their servants. And the treach erous will hear theirsentence pronounced in unmistakable language: " Weighed in the balance and found wanting." Gov. Holcomb admits he is in the power of the enemy, that he is compelled to ac cede to their demands; also that Senator Allen counselled him to do so, and the senator's wishes must be respected at any cost. God pity the man who is forced to make such a painful and cor rupt admission. But the deed is done. Explanations and apologies at this time are as con temptible as the consummation of the conspiracy was indecent in its violation of manhood and justice. I Let the rank and file be not disheart ened, but turn with renewed energy to the rescue. Kunw that the soft-gloved "practical politician" (professional office hunter) can no longer be trusted. The fight must be carried from every precinct to the state convention of 1895 and '9G. See to it that no man who is in the league with the fusion conspirators is placed on guard. Let us once and for all time stamp out this deadly, poisonous fusion plant. ' Already threats are made that The Wealth Makers will be burried for its action iu the matter. It may be they can do it, but if they do I feel sure its pathway will be strewn with the dead of its political assassins. And a grateful people whose lives are consecrated to as noble a cause as God ever left to men will build it a monument of love, born of confifV'Liee in the faithlul friend who has refused to allow our honor to be out raged and who has done what hn could to stay man's inhumanity to man. Well may we exclaim in bitterness: "God give us men!'' Yours faithfully, John F. Mefferd. Senator Stewart Slightly Sarcastic Editor Wealth Makers: Developments of the past few weeks have caused many of the old Populists to wonder "where we are at." We ques tion the wisdom and propriety of Gov. Holcomb's act in selecting appointees outside the Populist party unless there were no fit, faithful and honest persons inside the same. It is true he should ap point none but the best of men, and if his own party can not furnish such tim ber then he is justified in finding it where he may. But there is onecurious feature about the matter which I cannot explain, b., how it happens that there are no good, honest and faithful Populists in the northern part of the Sixth congress ional district. By some freak of nature, or settlement, all of the right kind of men for appointments seem to have settled in the south one-fourth of the district, and when the governor felt obliged to recognize this region of un regenerate Pops he must select a Demo crat for that purpose. As a man the Democrat is doubtless all right; but it makes the stalwart Populists feel very queer to see the only appointment drop ped into twenty counties go to a Demo crat, when there were three applications from fighting Populists for the same position, and one of them from the same town. these applicants are all con sidered first-class men, measured by north-western standards; but they doubt Jess fell far short compared to those in the south part of the district, or to the Democrat appointee. And then some of our Pops almost get their coats off when the Reps point to the fact thatwe had to go to the Demo's to get a fit man for the appointment. Well, perhaps he is a good man, but when the World-Herald or any one else says that his appointment "gives gene ral satisfaction," I want them to under stand that such a statement is made out of whole cloth and groundless. Doubt less the Demos are satisfied, as they have been able to get more official pap Hub, LINCOLN, NEB. in the lastsix years through the Populist organization than their party ever got belore in the whole history oi the state: and as the old parties exist only for pap, of course they are satisfied, and will continue to exist as long as they can get it. Then again we are frequently reminded how some of these same Democrats have helped to gjhip us out of the local offices ever since we were a party, and now step into positions while we well, we look on! But this makes no difference, a good man must be had. But no matter how good he may be we want it understood that he is credited to the Demos, and not to tho lopulists It is still a puzzle how Governor Hoi comb found us all out here in the north part of the Sixth in so short a time (having never been here himself.) But i seems he did. I suppose it was that same keen observation which got him "onto" the proper men to appoint in the 'south side. Well, there is some satisfac tion in the thought that he did not have to go to the old parties to get all of ou appointees and that the Populists have a few nt subjects. Shake boys! glad you got there! the Populist barometer here in the north west indicates the storm period. And the Populists are in the saddle, bearing aloft their banner; and on its folds I read Liberty; and the road theieto is indus trial freedom! The future will show that we know "where we are at" and may be able to give others some pointers on that very im portan t su bject. Yours lor Industrial Representation. H. G. Stewart. A Tal of Two Letters Sometimes the only way to bring out the force of an idea is to place a similar one parallel with it. To illustrate this statement we ?ive first an original letter received at this office: State Oil Inspector's Office, Lincoln, Neb., April 25, 189o, A. E. Sheldon. Chadron.Neb.. My Dear Sir: Having made all the ap pointments of deoutv oil iiisDectors. thought it proper to write you regarding tne matter. Ao doubt you feel reason ably well pleased inasmuch as the ap' pointmentcame to your town. Now I would have been pleased to have appoint ed you, out certain contingencies arose tnat prevented me from doing so. I hope our relations will be none the less genial than heretofore. With re gards to yourself and other friends in that county. J. H. Edmisten, Chief Oil Inspector. The companion piece of this is a letter that never was mailed, but the Signal is sure that Chairman Edmisten will be able to appreciate his own letter when he places it alongside the following: Governor's Office, Lincoln, iNeb., Jan. lo, lBHo J. H. Edmisten, Eddy villt. Neb My Dear Sir: Having this day appoint ed Hon. Jack McColl, of Lexington chief oil inspector, thought it proper to write to you regarding the matter. No doubt you will be highly pleased inasmuch as the appointment came to your county, .Now I would have been pleased to have appointed you, but certain contingencies arose that prevented me from doing so. I hope our relations will be none the less genial than heretofore. With cordial regards to yourself and other friends in that county. Silas A. Holcomb, Governor of Nebraska. . Chadron Signal. It Out-Herod Herod Cook, Neb., April 27, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: Allow me to say that the Bryant reso lutions and the Omaha platformare good enough for me, and that, in my judgment, 'tis only spies in the camp, or avowed enemies posing as iriendsoutside, thatdo or. will oppose us. Let me say in addition, if you please, that the appointment of Dr. Mackay to the super! n tendency of the Norfolk Insane Asylum will cause every true Populist to distrust the honesty of Silas A. Holcomb in the future. That act of the governor, out-Herods Herod. Truly, W. P. Brooks. only as a scheme to trutch vote and not a a question of prigcili. Earnestly 1m lieving that nearly all Populists hold tint same opinion regarding silver, bow can it then be possible that we should throw our land and railroad planks away and join asilver party, a party headed with questions of far jess importance than even the tariff question. A man is not a true Populist unless he favors the doing away with the land monopoly, the transportation monopoly and the banking monopoly. I will say that the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at a ratio of 16 to 1 will do nothing of the kind. Matt Stercp. P. S. Let me say that I do most hearti ly endorse the stand you are taking in regard to this question and on most of the questions discussed through your Eaper. Let truth and principle always e our guide, regardless of party affilia tions. Let us not be party blind,' as Earties will get corrupt and out of date, ut principles never do. Yours for principle, M. S. Advocate the Eternal Principles Bethany, Neb.. April 29, 1895. Editor Wealth Makers: If we were to suggest a platform of principles for the people to endorse, it would be our endeavor to select those principles which are practicable and of lasting benefit. We would strive to instill into the heart of every voter the absolute necessity of an undivided and sufficient adherence thereto. We would call up those sublime truths of the Declaration of Independence long since left dormant, and burn them into the soul of every patriot in the land, with the fires of conviction, and promul gate the grand declaration of 1892. We would add the Initiative and Re' frendum, and election of U. S. senators by the people. Our qualifications for suffrage would not be limited to sex, and age. We be lieve freedom and government should de pend upon and have their source in and from the teachings of a noble soul. We cannot say there are sexual linesdrawn in moral spheres, "know the truth and the truth will make you free." A thousand times rather disfranchise the illiterate, vicious criminals and unworthy foreign era, than to bind the hand that rocks the cradle. It is an exercise of reason, thought and judgment, and if we do not appeal to the God-given attributes of man s nation can long perpetuate its right of existence. We believe nations are called into existence for a true purpose, and if they fail to fill their mission they must surely fall. L. II. Babcock. Capitalization of Railroads Below we give the capitalization of the leading railroads of the United States. It is difficult to even imagine the financial power of these corporations: Capital Stock Old Colony 9 13,878,500 Boston & Providence... 4.WI0.IKI0 Boston ft Albany 25,uuu,oiiO Fltchhurg preferred 17,0uu Out) Boston Malne............... , 2I.88S..25 N. Y. N. H. H... . 8J,,JS.O(iO Pennsylvania IZMM.M'O Atchison 1U1.8UM87 New York Central t.3i!S,;loO Burlington A ijulncy iS.IO-i.aou Milwaukee at. Pan! Northwestern 6.i.,21 Union Pacific eo.m.wo Louisville ft Nashville.- 62,703. U'O Lake Shore 60 OOti.OUO, Illinois Central 60 Uoo.lHiB MlBaonriPacInc 47,43,545 Was It a Crime .. Verdon, Neb., April 29, 1895 Editor Wealth Makicss: I see by the last semi-weekly State Journal an article headed, "The Crime of 1873," in which it is stated that Hon. Rob well P. Horr (of Michigan) devotes over five columns of the New York Week ly Tribune to prove that silver was not secretly demonetized by the act Jan. 17, 1873, and that congress did not do it ignorantly, nor were tbey bribed. Had I been Mr. Horr I would have let it gone that it was done iu ignorance. Ignor ance is a palliation if not an excuse for crime. The only question to be considered is, whether the effects of that act in connec tion with resumption were so disastrous as to become a crime. The only way to determine this is to judge by results. They would have us believe that our present trouble is because of the Wilson Tariff. In 1870 and 1890 the govern ment was under high tariff, and we will examine Mr. Horr's own state to see the effects of say high tariff. In 1880 the per capita wealth of Michi gan was $965.00 in 1890 it had increas ed to f 1001, or there was an increase of 36 per capita; in 1850 there was f 150, per capita; I860 there wasf 343 percapita. In this last decade we had free trade, hu man bondage, wild cat banking; yet with all theseevils her wealth increased five times as much percupitaasin the last de cade and when we take into consideration thatin the last decadeher manufacturing capital increased $80 per capita we find, except those whose wealth is invested in this favored industry, there has been a decrease of per capita wealth amounting to lor each man, woman and child m the state; or counting 5 for each head of family $220 loss to each one. Then when we remember that her mortgage debt in creased $15 per capita or $75 for each head oi a family, say nothing about the increase of K. It. and corporate debts, we begin to see the enormity of the deed. Was it a crime, they knowing what thev did? In what I am saying I don't want any one to suppose I am an advocate of free silver as a tonic for our ills. And what I wish to makeclearon that point is, that we would not be nearly so bad off as we are if it had not been fordemonetizatlon. But so me may say they knew thev did it, but did not know its effects. Do we continue to employ the physician who gives us medicine to weaken us and when we find it is doing it h not only continues to give it but proposes to hold us and make us take it? One word to the Journal and Mr. Horr. It may be that congress knew what they were doing but did the great reading in telligent public know it? If ao how did they find it out? Was the newspapers full of it as they were of the Wilson tariff it was a bigger thing), or the repeal of he Sherman purchasing clause? If they I Te Cyclone Season is Here? PURELY $3.00 for first $l,0OO, $4.00 for second $1,000 in the Cy clone Department. Same in Fire Department. 1 1 - ! I NEBRASKA Mutual Fire, Lightning and Cyclone Ins, Co. Names ot Directors, rime expire la 1896. 0, A. FELTON, W. J. EYBMTONE, J. A. SMITH, P.O. Angus. Rising City. Cedar Kaptds, Names ot Directors. Time expire la ISBH. SAMUEl, I.ICHTY, i. U.NEFF, WM. YOUNG, OFFICERS: 8. LICHTT, president, , Tails City I. N. LEONARD, Vlce-1'resldent ....,..........Uneohi J. T, M. SW10ART, Secretary-Treasurer Lincoln Over $700,000 insured. Have paid $640.00 In Losses. Have had but one assessment 1 Oc. per $ 1 00.00. J. Y. Agents wanted. Please say yuu ssw IRRIGATE wen the Journal, Inter Ocean, or New York Tribune can find some comments they made at the time. Let's have from them a word about it then, free silver driving out gold (if it will, demonetizing it)in 1H73, and the repeal oi the liland silver bill, with therepeal of the Sherman purchasing clause will bring it in. It is a poor rule that won't work both ways, it doing It; ISo. lhe gold is going out now aud the ouly way to get it back (Uevelnnd Rays) is to lHsue bonds. Of course if we like this way the money lords do, too; so there is no cbnnce for an argument. IVrsonally I don t. Hoping to hear from some of the lead ing journals of the conntry what they thought of the demonetization of silver in 1873 (if it was done secretly) I meau their comments made at the time, I am very truly yours for free silver 16 to 1 and the government lswuing all money. it to be lull legal tender. x Geo. Watkins, Mr. W. A. Reese, formerly of Shenan doah, Iowa, has been for some time pro prietor oi tne vnndsorstablesintliiscity. Mr. Keese is a very agreeable gentleman and a good I'opuliat. In the short time he bas owned the Windsor stables, he has, by his own efforts, worked up an excellent business. e bespeak for him a liberal patron aire irom "our Doys ' ana assure tnem they will be treated right. Call on him at 1024 L street. Ho for the dan Lata Valley The Great Rock Island Route will run an excursion via. Denver, Pueblo, Sallda and i'onchaPass to Alamoosa in the Great San Luis Valley, Colorado, on May 21st and Juuell. One fare for the round trip. All partiesgoing on either trip will find additional advantages by writing to me. 15. nomine. Manager. Colo. Land and Immigration Co., 1026 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Now Is the Time to Buy. If you are thinking of buying an Incu bator or brooder this season, now is the best time for you to buy. Write to the Reliable Incubator & Brooder Co., at Quincy, III., for their special 60 day offer. Write at once. All who use Ayer's Hair Vigor pro nounce it the best hair-dressing in the market. Certftiuly, no other is in such constant demand. Tltc Windsor Stables. W. A. REESE, Proprietor. 1024 L Street, LINCOLN, NEB. 'Phone 232. MUTUAL.2 No Fire Insurance accepted from territory covered by local company. Names o! Directors. Time expire la UDT. M. DAl.Y, J. F. ANTHEB, O. HULL. P. 0. P. 0. Elgin. Button. Alma, Falls City. Raymond, Palmyra. M. SWIGART, Secretary, LINCOLN, NEB. WtnAVtTHE IAR&E3T5T0CK IN MEWSl, And 5CU.TME Bcst Goods fop, Ltsi than. . lrERI0RClRAD5V5VAU.YGWMArt0 EGG&SES-'FlLLEfiS Plf5e,(ptToi)woodPcplAr. OvntRTUBSPACKAOLW" (Tor flerSettoooble PrlteUst Address . REAMERX PACXAOE AtFQ.($. " DEPT. E KANSAS CITtMO. this ad. in this paper. All right I yon need CHEAP power. One cent per Horse Power per hour Is cheap. Weber Uasollne Engine ran anything. "Economy It Powat" Is our motto. For Catalogue and testi monial! addresi Weber Uas A (iwsollne) Engine Co., 449 8. W. Bird, Kanens City, Mo. DO YOU WANT IT? Salesmen Wanted In every county, salary or coinmlMlon. No experience. New Tariff BUI gives unlimited protlte, active men ap ply quickly statlnv salary aud territory wanted. Manufacturers, f. O. Box 8308, DE LML CREAM SEPMTO Addrcef, for catalogue sad particulars, ' Or Thc Oc Laval Scparatoh Co., Blow. III. 7 Oortlandt Street, New York. MAKE YOUR OWN BITTERS ! On receipt of 2)0 CENTS In V. 8. stamps, I will send to any address one package Steketee's Dry Bittern.' One package make one gallon best tonic known. Cures stomach, kidney diseases, and Is a great appetiser and blood purifier. Just the medicine needed lor opriiiK and summer. 25c, at yoor drug store. Address, OEO.O. STEKETEE, Orand Baplds.Mlch FOWLS and PlGS I have a choice lot of White Holland Turkeys. Barred Plymouth Rocks and Pekln Ducks. Also some choice Larare English Berkshire Figs. Write me tor prices on anything you want in my line, and I will guarantee satisfaction. Send stamp lor circular. W. T. WHITE. Cutler. Illinois. Notice of Bridge Contract. North Plattr. Neb.. May 6th, 1K85. Sealed bids will be received by the County Clerk ef Lincoln Connty, Nebraska, until 1 o'clock soon (Central Standard Time) of the 4th day ct I nue, 1895. for the construction ol a two pile wagon bridge acrons the north channel of the Platte river, where road No. 171 crosses said channel on the east Vj of the northeast V ot see tion S3, town 13, n of range 28 w in I.lncolB ;ounty, Nebrneke, about 2H miles southeast from Maxwell. Said bridge to be ten (10) leet In width and abont two hundred and thirty-one (!S1) feet In lengrh, with approaches twenty-one (21) feet In length at each end. Filing to be of White Oak or Cypress timber, and flooring to be ef two Inch Oak. Specification" for said bridge are on die la the cnunty clerk's office of said county. A certified check for One Hundred (tlOO.Ofl) guaranteeing lhe entering Into a con tract with bond tor the faithful performance ol the same must accompany the bid. Work of oon. trnction ot said bridge must be commenced wltblu twenty days after date of signing con tract. Bids for said work should be eudorsed. Hid for Brld ne on on Koad No, 171." The Hoard of Connty Commissioners reaena tbs right to reject any or all bids. SKW ELu BUURITT, County Clerk, If the hair has been made to grow a natural color on bald heads in thousanns of cases, by using Hall's Hair Itenewer, wny win it not in your casef J