The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, May 09, 1895, Image 1

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W ileep and wake and simp, cat all thing
fbe Bon flies forward to hie brother San ;
The dark Earth followe, wheeled In her ellipse;
And human thinire, returning on theroeelrea,
-Hot onward, leading op the golden year."
The Republicans of Kansas are for the
dree coinage of silver.
The town of Whiting, Indiana was ter
rorized by a mob of tramps last week.
Governor Brown of Kentucky is for
free silver, 16 to 1, and will run for U. 8,
senator. r
The yellow fever has broken out among
the Spanish troops m tuba, and bo will
Mbe an ally of the insurgents. -
Armour makes affidavit that the Chica
, go packers have lost f 47,253 since the
1st of November. Do figures he;
Minnesota has passed a law prohibit
ing blacklisting. But the question re-
iinains, how can the law be enforced I
The Democratic party of Texas is di
Tided into free silver and administration
factions, but with the former largely in
the majority.
The Times-Herald reports that the del
etrations to the Illinois Demo state con
vention will be practically a unit for 16
to 1 free coinage.
It isstated that French physicians have
-discovered a certain cure for cancer. It
is serum cultivated in dogs and injected
as vaccine into the blood of. the patients
Senator Voorhees now finds it popular
and prospectively profitable to flop
again to the side of free silver. He was
chief of the cuckoo pie-eating crowd in
the Congress which repealed the Sherman
Speaker CriBp has declared himself for
the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, aud
for a western man for presidential canui
date. He says the financial question (by
which he means silver) will be settled by
the Democratic party.
Between the 1st of January 1895 and
the 17th of April there were 111 coroner
reported suicides in the city ot Chicago
In over 40 cases outside of the above the
juries were unable to decide whether self-
murder was intended or not.
Tennessee's prison system has been in
vestigated by a committee and has been
pronounced thoroughly bad. iraud,
bribery, cruelty and immorality charged.
Prisoners are starved in the stockades,
Everybody is out for fat picking at the
expense of the state.
The Matter In Dispute
The issue between this paper and the
National Watchman is whether we shall
stand by the Omaha platform or not,
The Watchman denounces portions of
that platform as trash and declares that
.all those who advocate such trash are
socialists, and that the People's Party
has no room for socialists. It further
declares that it is sustuinedinthis course
by all of the Populist congressmen and
byournationalchairman.Mr. laubeneck
We are not fully prennred to believe this,
Our party was formed not at Omaha, on
Julv i, but at St. Louis, February 22,
1892, by the union of 26 labor organiza
tions, following a previous union of the
Farmers' Alliance and the Knights of
Labor in St. Louis in December 1889,
The Watchman, which was established
and is owned by our Populist congress
men, now declares that this union of the
farmers and the laboring men must end;
that the laboring men of the cities are
socialists and have nothing in common
with the laboring men of the farm.
"There is no use in fooling away any
more time or labor in the cities," says
thelast issue of the Watchman. Thus
the whole energy of the Washington
paper seems to be bent to destroy and
tear down the union of the city and rural
labor which the Alliance has labored ten
years to build up. This is the nub of the
contention between this paper and the
Watchman. The Interests of all produ
cers are common, but Capitalism is al
ways scheming to divide them and it
seems to be mighty easy to set laboring
men and farmers to pulling each other's
Lertaiuly, the Watchman ought
to get pretty good pay for the part it is
playing, for it is doing the devil's own
work. It is not a mere question of policy
of our party on the silver question that
we are disputing about. The course
mapped out by the Watchman if followed
by the reform journals, would mean
turning the party over to the plutes and
the entire abandonment of the cause of
the common people. We are not ready
for that. Dakota Ruralist.
Why So Partial to Democrat
Cook, Neb., April, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers;
I Wfoh to suggest to Governor Holcomb
that if there is not to be found true and
capable Populists 'co fill all positions,
while he is making selections outside his
party, let him not forget to reward one
or two, at least, of Rosewater Republi
cans with an appointment.
W. P. BH00K9.
The new song book contains about
125 pages, extra large size, illustrated
eorerpage. No doggerel in it All high
class, patriotic, pathetic, humorous, en
hosing matter. Now ready.
Governor Holcomb has appointed Dr
J. H. MacKay, a Democrat, as soperi
tendent of the Norfolk insane asylum
This is the first recognition the governor
has given Democrats for their support of
him in the last campaign, and will lead
many Populists to believe that Holcomb's
Democratic endorsement was not a pure
recognition of merit, made with a desire
for better government, but was along the
line of barter and trade. There are how
ever, other things to be taken into con
sideration. MacKav had the endorse
ment of Senator Allen: a bitter fight has
been made by the Republicans of Madison
county against MacKay, into wincn sen
ator Allen was drawn, and it is possibk
that the appointment was made more as a
Vindication of Senator Allen than as a re
ward of merit to a Democrat. No mat
ter what the reason the appointment is
distasteful to the Populists of this con
gressional district, as MacKay, through
his DaDer. the Reporter, conducted a
scandalous campaign against Devine, the
Populist candidate for congress and the
only Populist be supported during the
late campaign was Governor Holcomb,
unless it was candidates for some of the
minor offices. The appointment was
made under protest of many Populists
and we believe that the governor and the
Populist party will yet have reason to
regret the appointment. tieign world
J. M. Devine's home papers are respon
sible for the statement that Mr. Devine
had been offered a $2,500 position by
the administration at Washington and
refused it. That J. Sterling Morton.Tobe
Castor, Meiklejohnand thebalance of the
crew who got Devine to run last mil
have been promising the latter an office
is not at all incredible. That's what we
said last fall. A lot of other fellows were
also promised offices, but the fact that
Devme declined a S2.500 lobisincredible,
Devine is not built that way. There are
no offices to be given and probably De-
vine has just discovered the hoax, and
hence his declining. It's a smooth way
of letting one' mlf down from the dizzy
heights of anticipation. Madison Ue-
Dr. J. H. Mackay is the editor of the
paper trom which the above emanated
He is a Democrat, aud has been legging
for an appointment under this Populist
state administration, and to the discredit
of our governor, secured it. MacKay, a
Democrat, has sought and secured an
office under a Populist administration
Devine, a Populist, has spurned an office
offered by a Democratic administration
The contrast in principle between the two
men is great. MacKay is like a prosti
tute seeking to besmirch virtue. Leigh
The World-Herald proffers the informa
tion that George W. Leidigh, the newly
appointed warden, is a Populist. The
writer has a faint recollection of that
paper making the same statement re
gardingDr. Mackay last fall. Stanton
Dr. Mackay's Appointment
The appointment of Dr. J. H. Mackay
to be superintendent of the Norfolk hos
pital for the insane by Governor Hoi
comb is the hardest blow that has yet
been struck at tne straight Populists ol
the third Congressional district. JNo
man could have been selected from the
Democratic ranks who would have been
received with less favor than he. He
has been a sly underhanded enemy to
the party from its organization down to
the present time. He was one of those
Democrats who last fall attempted to
control the Populist convention in favor
of Judge Robinson, a Democrat, and
failing in this, set about to encompass
the defeat of John M. Devine. In this
course he was supported by a handful
of pretended Populists, and it is to such
men that the Republican party is indebt
ed for Meikleiohn's election. Mackay
was one of the men who tried to force
Mr. Devine from the field and who in
sisted upon the nomination of a Demo
cratic straw man, such as Hensley, who
was a candidate in the interests of Geo.
D. Meiklejohn. He is a man whose
character unfits him for the responsible
position to wnich ne has been appointed,
even if he is professionally competent,
which many affirm that he is not. It is
not because of his being a Democrat that
Populists are so greatly incensed as that
they believe him to be incompetent pro
fessionally, a man lacking in character,
and know that he has opposed the Popu
list party persistently and withou t reason
other than his an t i pathy against straight
Populists aud the principles they advo
cate. If Governor Holcomb, after ap
pointing a Democrat to be warden of the
penitentiary and another as deputy oil
inspector for the Sixth congressional dis
trict, did not fully repay the debt he owed
that party, why did he not appoint a
man like Dr. Keiper, for whom Populists
at least entertain respect? It would have
been hitting middle-of-the-road Populists
sufficiently hard to have appointed only
one from their number as against three
Democrats, without heaping burning
coals upon their heads in the appoint
ment of J. W. Mackay. Governor Hol
comb has made a mistake that will cost
the party heavily hereafter. Stanton
No lowering of the Populist Anglo any
new craze or craft that may heave in
sight no weakening of the timbers in
the Ornaha nlntform to nlensn n new nor
of political dudes Pittsburg kansan.
From Oar Outside Exchanges
Competition is dead among capitalists,
Washington flew &ra.
Competition among wageworkers and
co-operation among capitalists will de
stroy any nation, u s only a question
of time. New bra (Wash.) ,
"Sonnd currency" is what they call it
now. The only sound that gold gives
forth when thrown on the counters is
ring. Wonder why they don't call
"ring" money? Probably that is too
suggestive. National Advance.
Landlords and lendlords in England
pay income tax in this country they do
not but this is an enlightened Republic
governed by landlords and lendlords,
while England is a benighted Monarchy
ruled by the people. PittBburg Kansan
This silver agitation is a good thing,
Every day it is leading people to the con
clusion that metal money is a relic of
barbarism, and that the fiat of a govern
ment is what makes money whether it is
stamped on metal or printed on paper,
lopeka Advocate. .
An old story is told of an Irish man sen
tenced to death who begged and was
granted the privilege of selecting the tree
upon which he should be hanged. He
chose a gooseberry bush. "But that,"
said the judge, "Is not largo enough for
the purpose." "Bedad I'll wait till it
grows, then," said Pat. Gold Basis, hav
ing been doomed by popular sentiment.
prefers to die upon a free-silver bush and
wait till it grows rather than be hanged
forthwith to the stalwart tree of Popu
lism. Hence the Goldbug's weak opposi
tion, amounting to indirect approval, of
the tree silver movement. Chicago Sen
The iBeef Combine
' Sherman Co., May 1, 1895,
Editor Wealth Makers:
I notice is your last issue that Secre-
taryltfbrtonmistrusts that'there is
dressed beef combine.
For a man of his pretended acumen his
suspicions are a trifle out of date. Any
crank could have informed him of that
fact years ago. Men who have lost all
their labor in the cattle industry could
have furnished him proof of the fact,
Local butchers who have been driven to
the wall, and forced to act as salesmen
for this combine fill this country; reform
papers have denounced the iniquitous
combination for years, and yet this man
that stands at the head of the Agricul
tural Department is just getting a sus
picion that such a thing exists!
Verily, how little a man may know and
fill or occupy au important public post
in this glorious country I Here is au out
rage that has been openly aud unblush-
ingly inflicted upon the public for years,
and this man Morton, with his head en
veloped in the dense cloud of self conceit,
has utterly refused to apprehend it. He
is a fair sample of the average politician
The chief aim of their existence is to get
office, and they have no time or disposi
tion tQ learn anything else.
Mr. Morton can write a passable arti
cle, as far as diction is concerned, but
most of his premises and all his conclu
sions in the realm of politics are as de
void of reason as" a mummy's skull. He
is having no better success in dealing
with the beef combine. He thinks, or at
least he says, "Not only as I look into
the business does it look as if the cattle
sellers and the beef consumers were being
beaten by a combination, but it has the
appearance of a beat on the railroads
too. These big killers and packers have
thefr own refrigeratorcarsystem, owning
their own rolling stock. This enables
them to force the railroads to lowest pos
sible figures for the transportation, etc."
No man of common intelligence would
reach any such conclusion, for rolling
stock has no voice in establishing tariff
rates, and if Mr. Morton had looked into
the business years ago, as he might have
done, he would have discovered that this
beef combine was a creature of the rail
roads and brooded under their wing.
When the Populists demanded "govern
ment ownership of railways." to super
cede this old monopoly incubator and
protector, this man Morton called them
cranks aud idiots. It is said that chick
ens come home to roost. Mr. Morton's
chickens are getting there in immense
Poor old man, there are thousands just
ike him strung on the tail of the pluto
cratic kite; they serve a special purpose
in the toilet arrangements of our Ameri
can aristocracy. What a jolly fight he
will have with the butcher boys! Get
Grover to hold your coat. J. Sterling.
put on all your convuss and sail into
them steam on, as you liavestarted, and
f you can t vanquish them that way.
turn round and make them a speech,
and if they don't take to the woods they
have very little sense. C. II. Kio.
Cheap Excursions ibr
May 21st one fan- for round trip via
the Burlington Rout- to points in Ark
ansas, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska,
Wyoming, Indian nnd Oklahoma Terri-
ones.lexas.South Dakota. Missouri. New
Mexico and Utah. Tirketsgood 20 days.
For full information apply at B. A M.
depot or city office, cor. 10th and O St.
Uko. W. Bonn ell, C. P. & T. A.
General Weaver In the Role of Can
! vaaser Air the Sliver f arty
Following is an extract from a private
letter received from a reader in Iowa;
"What is going to become of General
Weaver? He seems to have gone politi
cally crazy. It is too bad, for he deserved
a better fate. Six out of seven Populist
papers which I receive, criticise him for
his infatuation over silver. But they
don't know the worst. They don't know
that at the close of the meeting of the
Populist state central committee in Des
Moines last week, Weaver announced that
he had nothing to conceal, that he was
in daily communication with the leaders
of the silver party, and was co-operating
with them cordially, and that he wanted
to give eacn gentleman present some
thing to read; whereupon he banded
around oopies of a Bimetallic League cir
cular which urges upon the person re
ceiving it the duty of organizing a sepa
rate party for the promotion of the cause
of silver. I have a copy. Weaver's act
was so extraordinary the presidential
candidate of one party acting us can
vasser for another party right in the
state committee of his own party as for
tne moment to take everybody s breath
away. No man ever beard of such a per
formance before, it is safe to say. But
they all knew Weaver, who never did
have good judgment and whosesanguine
mind is forever seeing success in some
thing new. Every one feels now .that he
is sorely vexed oyer the defeat of his
fusion candidate for temporary chairman
of the statecouvention by thecomimttee,
and all believe that he will fulfill his
threat to carry the tight for fusion into
the convention; but there he will again
illustrate his customary lack of ludgmeu
for the anti-fusion sentiment of Iowa is
so strong that he will be only running
his bead against a stonewall. Weaver
best friends are the most sorry over his
Want of sense, which is now unusually
great, and are at a loss how to accouu
for it. The silver crowd seem to have
hypnotized him."
Jersey Cattle Breeder Association
'tTUflM will Via n tnjuti'rifv rt tha Slf afd
dersey uuiw ureeaers Association m xn
chapel of the State University. Lincoln
Nebraska, beginning at one o'clock p. m
Wednesday, May 22d, 1895. A full pro
gram has been provided for. All Jersey
Cattle breeders and dairymen through
out the state are requested to be present
and to participate in the meeting.
I. N. Leonard, Wm. M. Clark,
President. Secretary
The Crimes of Comp -tltlon
Fifteen years ago city sewing girls got
from five to ten dollars a week, worked
only ten hours a day, dressed prettily
and enjoyed life in a measure. Now not
one out of twenty can live in a comforta
ble home if she pays her board out of her
wages. They live in poorcrowded homes,
or live in pairs, eating only hasty mouth
fuls of weak tea and bread and mush for
their meals. They make elaborate capes
for 15 cents apiece, cloaks for 25 and 35
cents, ladies plaited and trimmed waists
for 35 cents a dozen. The work is abso
lutely hopeless, says Miss Holmes. "Try
as hard as human strength can, a day's
decent wages cannot be made. Therat-
tling old machines will not allow haste,
and the hurried, anxious, overdriven
workers carry bundles home and work
far into the night the law to the con
trary notwithstanding. One woman
who is a skillful seamstress, made a 15
;ent cloak in three-fourths of a day and
arned 2 cents making waist cuffs during
the rest of the day. Imagine such a
woman with no other resource on earth,
and car fare, rent, food and clothing to
pay fori
I he wretchedness of the sewing people.
the dire straits to which they are re
duced, the schemes to which they must
resort to live at all, are beyond the reach
oi imagination. H,ven the coal miners,
though they run greater risks of injury
and death, are not so miserably paid.
and in spite of all the agitation on the
subject that has been carried on it grows
worse and worse every year. If united
labor can do nothing to improve this
mrticuiar branch and raise it at least to
the standard of other trades, civilization
mgnt to como to an end. Life is not
worth living uuder such circumstances."
Two way to Look at It
One of the brightest of country editors
Nebraska is Editor Mackay of tho
Madison Reporter. He also has a front
seat iu the medical profession. His ap
pointment as superintendent of the Nor-
lolk hospital for the insane was richly
deserved, because it is at once a recogni
tion of professional merit and fidelity to
political convictions. Papillion (Dem.)
"Richly deserved" Fidelity to political
convictions" II Deserved, as a Demo
crat! who fought the Populists! to be re
warded by tho Populists? Well, no, he
didn't deserve nny thing from the I'opa
)ist but be did from the Democratic can
didate for governor.
All parties who may wish to take ad
vantage of oar clubbing rates or receive
our premiums must pay back subscrip
tion to data if in arrears.
all dragglits sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters.
The People Still Responding
Aurora, Neb., April 26, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I suppose you want to know bow all ot
the wealth makers stand. I stand square
on the Omaha platform, and not a single
one of the planks taken out. And no
fusion in mine at all. Find inclosed two
dollars to pay up back subscription and
pay up my subscription lor another year,
I can't see how I can do without the
paper, for you preach the doctrine that
is for liberty, and that is, what my fore-
lathers fought for.
Yours for victory in '96.
E. A. Spiiaocb.
(An old Democrat, but not the kind we
nave nowadays.)
Stands on the Omaha Platform
Sawyer, Neb., April, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
With your permission I would like to
stand np and be counted as one who en
dorses the People's party and the Omaha
It is with no small degree of satisfac
tion that I read the responses of those
that declare to stand by our platform.
I will admit that a man that has been
help up as the common people of this
state have been, feels like calling for help
to defend his rights, and for that reason
we have in some cases found ourselves
straying from the center of the broad
The Populists of Fillmore connty had
a little experience in thelast fall campaign
in the line of fusion, which, I trust, will
not soon be forgotten and should suffice
lor some time to come.
The Populists met a just rebuke in the
resolutions passed by the Democratic
convention, wherein they endorsed the
administration. It would take a Popu
list with the stomach of a buzzard to
digest that dose.
, What is the lesson we have learned? It
is to be men, and, stand firm as the rock
of Gibraltar for bur principles and not
countenance fusion with any party. By
so doing we can command the respect of
others, or at least have more respect for
ourselves. No man has any higher re
gard than the writer for any man that
has been true to the best interest of the
people, and I consider it the. duty of all
such men to be American citizens and get
out of a party that has sold its principles
lor untisn gold.
. The Populists of Nebraska can well be
proud ot our state paper and the manly
stand it has taken. It has been for the
Populist party first, last and all the time.
lours, from a horny banded farmer.
L. G. Stewart.
Be on Guard at the Primaries
Grksham, Neb., April 27, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
As Populists it behooves us to be on
guard, and at the present time especially
as otherwise the move now on foot to
organize a free silver party is liable to
sweep our party oat of existence, if every
effort is not put forth aud pushed by all
who believein principles first, last and al'
While the big majority of onr party
stands squarely on the Omaha platform
and will die in the middle of the road
rather than surrender onesingle principle
embodied in that platform, yet many of
our so-called leaders hold different views
aud are ready to sacrifice principles every
time for the sake of getting into office,
These men we must watch aud see to it
that they are put back into the ranks
where they properly belong.
In order to do this let the true Populists
see to it when the caucuses are held that
it be ascertained how all the voters stand
on the question and further that only
men of principles are elected delegates to
the county conventions, and from there
again to the state convention. When
this is done there will be no question as
to what the result will be, as I am sure
the vote there will be unanimous for the
principles of our platform and not a
single-idea platform. Otherwise, if care
is not taken in regard to this matter, the
probabilities are that the shrewd policy
loving souls will be organized beforehand
have their men selected and duly elected
at the caucus. A handful of organized
men can beat the big unorganized ma
jority everytime. that we all know, there
fore it is necessary that the eople be on
guard, and this year especially.
Lt the reform presH throughout 1he
state (and in other states) see to it that
this matter be brought before the people
of every locality, and we will see that
our state convention will adopt a plat
form that will represent the ideas of tho
honest majority of our party.
Mating my individual opinion of si ver
I will say that I have very unfriendly
ideas regarding the silver plank in our
piatiorm, nnd would tavor a tIank in its
place calling for the demonetization of
gold. My reason for this is because there
are hardly any Populists that believe in
ntrinsic value money standard, irold
basin, or redemption, or any such things.
nny then demand a double standard?
To my mind the silver plank is inserted
(Continued onStb page.)
NO. 48
We If nit Let the Law of Lot Orgtnlis TJl
At One Body
Competition Is Sin, Co-Operatioo Is 8al.
vation Solf -Interest Contending
With SslMntsrest It
' Anarchy
The following leetpre by Prof. George D. Her
ron I one ol a eerlee of four reported from sten
ograph te notea taken down In theclaai room for
Tbi Wcaltr MtECRK. They are Informal leet
nrea dallTered extempore. Two preceding' lect
ure were on Wealth and Co-operation,
The Law of Service.
If the law of service is ever to be put
into practice, if the law of the kingdom
of God becomes the actual law of this
world, it must be wrought into our in
stitutions. It is true that we have many
Christjan sentiments, many Christian in
dividual practices in the world, but as a
whole our civilization is not Christian.
Now when I say that I am not saying it
in a merely critical sense, any more than
I am criticising a tree because it is not a
house. I am not even saying that civili
zation should be blamed because it is not
Christian, bat I am stating as a fact that
civilization is not Christian, but solidly
Roman. There does not prevail in the
world a single commercial maxim that Is
not a denial of Christianity. There is uot
a single educational maxim that is not
at best a negation of Christianity. I ann
not saying that they are bad, but that
they are something else than Christian.
-We speak o! Christianity having con
quered the Greeks; but the conquest was
the other way; that is,'temporarily.
Christianity came into contact with the
Greek institutions and ethics and at
tempted to swallow them, but failed, be
cause the contest resulted in a compro
mise. About the third or fourtn century
at the time of the formation of theNicene
creed, there was a great conflict, which
resulted in this, that the old Greek phi
losophers came over in a body to Chris
tianity, but they brought their philoso
phy along with them. Our philosophy
is really Greek philosophy varnished
with Christian teaching. That is why
it is that our ethics, our conceptions of
right and wrong, are very largely Greek
yet, rather than Christian, and so our
education is Greek, and what we call the
Christian sermon, the idea by which we
meet on Sundays to hear a sermon, is
wholly Greek. Christian worship was a
gathering of the faithful; each of them
gave testimony; everybody in the church
was a minister. They had some leaders,
but they went from place to place oq
missions. Slowly we have been em and.
pating Christianity, or the fundamental
Christian laws, from the dominance of the
Greek conceptions of right and wrong.
They were not bad, they had their plact
in the world, but they were not Christian.
Christianity came in contact with
Rome. We have our traditions abon
the early conquest of Rome and Constan
tino, the Roman emperor, by Christiani
ty. Constantino was the same type o.
man as Napoleon, but more cunning,
more unscrupulous than Napoleon ana
not so much of a Christian. Home con
quered the world anew through Christian
institutions, because a compromise, a
truce, was declared, where Christianity
might have gone on and by sacrifice con-
quered. The Roman Empire faded away,
in a sense, and reappeared in the Roman
Catholic church. That church was sim
ply the Roman Empire perpetuated. Do
not understand that I am deploringthat
it was perpetuated. Home still rules the
world even more than it did. Our poli
tics are Roman politics, our commercial
system, our maxims are essentially Ro
man. The very highest morality ever
obtained in that time was obtained by
the Roman Stoics. It is still accepted,
though not practiced by the commercial
Our civilization is solidly Roman and
Greek with a leaven of Christianity a
work in it. There is nothinir more un-
historical, more contrary to actual facts,
there is nothing more childish, nothinir
showing a more superficial knowledge of
history than to get up and call ourcivili
zation Christian; so we are at sea as to
what there is yet to be done. I do uot
know that civilization could have been
Christian up to this time, but the time
has come when the leaven at work must
bring forth its fruit. Taking civilization
at its highest we find this to be the case,
that we nave a theory of enlightened self-
nterest as law. itisn barbarous notion
of tho early pagan Stoics, the highest
moral conception that prevails in civili
zation. We find men repeating that the
teachings of Jesus canuot be curried into
practice. 1 lie Bishop of Canterbury put
it thus: "The teachings of Jesus Christ
will be absolutely destructive to our
northern civilizations if they are put into
practice." The teachings of Jesus, it is '
said, can be put into practice in very
narrow spheres of action, but are irrele
vant in the actual, social organization
(Continued on 3rd page.)