The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, April 18, 1895, Image 1

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    VOL. VI
"We ileep and wait and sleep, oat all thing!
The Ran flies forward to his brother Son ;
The dark Earth follow, wheeled in hr ellipse; -And
banian thlntrs, returning on themselves,
Uovo onward, leading np the golden year."
W. Jennings Deniorest is dead.
There are 8,000 Ohio and Kentucky
coat makers out on a strike.
Ohio coal miners baveexcbanged shots
with non-union miners and all go armed.
Seven thousand union cigar makers in
New York have been out on strike fifteen
weeks. .
Carnegie has scooped in a million dur
ing the past year by cornering the coke
The price of Pennsylvania oil is going
up, owing, it is said to failing wells. Tt)3
discovery of cheap acetylene gas came
none to soon. ....'
There are 30,000 women wage earners
in New York City whose wages average
but 40 cents a day. This to a large ex
tent explains why the same city has in it
70,000 outcasts.
One-third the street railway mileage in
Great Britain is owned by municipalities
and the strvice is so much cheaper and
more satisfactory that private owner
ship will be driven out. ,
Representative Gruber of Hudson
county, New Jersey, makes the following
report: "This Legislature is owned by
corporations. It did just what the cor
porations wanted and the people had no
Japan and China have agreed upon the
following as a part of the terms of peace,
viz.,cession by China of the island of For
mosa, payment of $200,000,000 war in
demnity, Corean independence and con
ceding to Japan extra territorial courts
in China.
The Belgian Socialists haveheldamon
ster meeting and decided to go out on a
general strike at a signal from the &n
eral Council at Brussels. The govern
ment has decided to call out 7,000 of the
army reserves on account of the indus
trial agitation.
, There is now a chance (with expiration
of patents) for the poor to get some
benefit from telephone service, provided
the government, local and general, takes
the telephone business into its own hands.
We might have a farm service also, if it
could be given at cost.
A company of New York capitalists
have incorporated under the laws of New
Jersey an establishment for extensive
building of floating tenement houses to
be moored at convenient places in the
vicinity of New York and rented t6 fami
lies. The same scheme is in extensive op
eration on the Thames, near London.
At Melbourne. Australia, on March 12,
the unemployed held a mass meeting
passed a resolution urging the govern
ment to start public works to provide
them productive employment, and a pro
cession formed and marched to the gov
eminent offices where a deputation inter
viewed the premier and submitted the
resolution to his notice. They received
sympathy and promise of aid.
Theodore Becker of Logan county
Kentucky bought a farm there two years
ago for $1,500. An asphalt deposit
has since been found on it, a deposit
which neither himself nor the prior occu
pants placed there. But under our
property laws Becker having paid $1,500
for a fee simple title is allowed to claim
it as his sole possession and he has sold
it to a New York company for $100,000.
The Venezuelan boundary dispute is
becoming complicated. Great Britain
has formally refused to admit the right
of the United btates to interfere in the
matter, which is a practical denial of the
Vynroe doctrine. The lands in dispute
ntr in part been sold to American
vitizens. Secretary Gresham insists on
Great Britain recognizing the sole right
of the United States,, to be the arbiter of
American (continental) questions.
Twenty-one miners were killed in an
explosion in a coalmineatNewWhateom
Wash,, April 8. Cause, tapping a pock
et of fire damp. They died for the world,
but as they were working for wages un
der the competitive system no one thanks
them, their employers are under no legal
obligation to care for their dependent
families and the wives and children must
suffer in poverty to provide dividends
and victims for the demands of avarice.
The strike is being used as a political
measure in Belgium. Two years ago
a threatened universal strike forced
the Belgian government to grant
an extension of the right of
suffrage. As a result 34 Social
ists were elected to Parliament. But
their power was insufficient to secure any
laws for the people. There is therefore
now a general strike threatened to se
cure universal suffrage, and to secure the
removal of the various restrictions which
under the present system exclude voters.
The industrial news from Europe con
sists largely of two complaints, says The
Outlook want of work in the cities and
low prices on the farms. They are "merely
iwo manipulations oi trie same evil."
The city workers earning profits for em
ployers, are unable to buy enough to
keep the price of farm products establish
ed, and with falling prices on farm pro
ducts the farmers cannot buy enough of
manufactured products to keep a steady
demand for city labor.
High Character of the World's Fair
Dairy Tests
Any one familiar with the great tests
between the breeders held at Chicago,
from May 12th to Oct. 20th, 1893, will
bear testimony to their thoroughness,
their impartiality and the grand work
that was accomplished in the interest of
dairy science. These tests gave to the
cows and breeds participating therein an
opportunity to demonstrate their dairy
characteristics. They were not testsof a
few days or a week, but so prolonged that
they exhibited to public scrutiny the
taying qualities of the cows and breeds.
This feature cannot be too strongly com
mended, as the practical dairyman is not
keeping cows for what they can accom
plish in a week, on a forced diet, but
rather what they are capable of doing
throughout the whole year, underration
al feeding, and what the "net profit" is
which they will place to the credit of his
bank account. The latter element was
essentially the crucial one of the tests, as
all the decisions were Dasea on tne cows
and breeds "showing the greatest net
nrnfir, The cows and breeds were
credited ith their products and debited
with their feed. . The former consistea m
Test No. 1, of cheese, the price of which
was fixed according to the scoring of
same (which was done by experts ap
pointed by Chief Buchanan), oi wney, at.
the rate of 8 cents per hundred pounds,
and of the increase in live weight, at 1
cents per pound; in Test No. 2, of the
butter, at a price fixed by the scoring of
same by the same experts as in the
cheese test, of solids other than butter,
fat, at $2 per 100 lbs., and of increase in
live weight; in test No. 3, of butter alone.
A strict account was kept of all the
feed, which was charged at a schedule
price fixed by Chief Buchanan, with the
consent of the representatives of the
breeds prior to the test beginning, and
could only be fed in the presence of rep
resentatives of the Testing committee.
Columbian Guards were stationed in the
barns tiay and night, to Bee that no feed
was given the cows except in the pres
ence of the representatives of the Testing
Committee. "
It will thus be seen that every feature
of dairying formed a factor in these tests
quantity of milk in Test No. 1, through
the whey and cheese, quantity of milk in
Test No. 2, through the solids other than
butter fat, and butter in Tests Nos. 2 and
3. ,
A. sample of the milk of each cow and
the mixed milk of the herds was taken
daily, and analyzed by a competent staff
of chemists, under the direct control of
Prof. E. H. Farrington, of Illinois; and a
determination of the fat in the milk was
made by the Babcock oil test each day,
and each cow credited with her proper
proportion of the products.
The milk was creamed, and the cream
churned in the dairy, under the immed
iate and personal supervision of Prof. S.
M. Babcock or I. P. Roberts, two mem
bers of the Testing Committee.
In scoring the butter and cheese, the
expert judges had no means' of identify
ing the packages they were examining.
After making their scores, they trans
mitted the packages to Chief Buchanan,
who, after examining same, removed the
names of the scorers and transmitted the
packages to the Testing Committee, who
entered the scores, taking the average of
the three experts.
The TpstingCommitteeconsisted of the
following professors, representing the
Association of the Agricultural Colleges
and Experiment Stations: Prof. M. A.
Scovell, Kentucky Experiment Station,
Chairman: Prof. I. B. Roberts, Cornell
University; Prof. S. M. Babcock, Wiscon
sin Experiment Station; Prof. H. P.
Armsby, State College, Pa.; Supennten
tendent H. H. Hinds, representing the
American Short-Horn Breeders' Associa
tion; Prof. W. H. Caldwell, representing
the American Guernsey Cattle Club, and
V. E. Fuller, representing the American
Jersey Cattle Club. Meetings of the Test
ing Committee were held daily. The high
character of the gentlemen representing
the Association of Agricultural Colleges
and Experiment Stations, their well
known ability and probity, testily to the
disinterested character of the work per
formed in the tests. Their knowledge of
the subject warranted scientific applica
tion when such was advisable, coupled
with practical deductions, so that the
tests satisfied both the scientific and
practical views of dairying. All the mem
bers of the committee were throughout
fair and impartial, and were actuated by
the sole desire to have the rules carried
out and justice done to allbreeds.
These tests were the most prolonged,
the most thorough, the most fuirand im
partial that have ever been held in the
world, or are likely to be for many years
to come. They cost the World's Colum
bian Exposition $73,000. They settled
more points in dairy insr than have ever
been settled before. They brought to
light the merits, the strong and weak
points of the breeds, and in doing so de
monstrated that the Jersey cow is the
greatest of all dairy cows.
Homeieckcra' Excursion.
On April 23rd The Burlington Route
will sell Round Trip Tickets to Nebraska
and Kansas points; (west bound only)
and to points in Colorado, Wvominir.
South Dakota and Utah, at one fare plus
fa.'JU. except that the lowest round
trip rate must not be less than $7.00.
Tickets good 20 days for return. Apply
for full information at B. & M. depot or
city omce, corner lutn r u hi.
Geo. W. Bonneix,
C P.&T.A.
All for the Omaba Platform
. Rushville, Neb., April 1, 1891
Editor Wealth Makers: S
I see in your last week's paperthatyou
wish a vote on the Bryant resolutions.
Will say for this county (Sheridan),
where Holcomb had 1,075 votes out of
a total of 1.748 for governor, we hold
to the Omaba platform and we don't
want it trimmed. We must not drop the
transportation plank, for that is adding
in nnr streiitrth voters from all the west
ern states, and transportation is, in fact,
the twin brother of the banking monopo
ly. The banks and railroads jointly
keep a lobby attending all our law-mak
ing bodies, and also onoe our courts oi
justice, so-called, to make laws in their
favor nnrl ncaiiist, the interests of the
laboring people. Government ownership
of railroads, wouia Danisn tnat corrup
tion whether the bribe consists of free
pass or money paid in hand. We can
find ira murks nf p.rirrnntion in all states
and counties of the Union ' and we can
never have true liberty as long as it Is
private property controlled to make the
most profit for the least expended. We
must shake off the foreign yoke. And
the land planK must not do aroppea as
long as we have 52 per cent tenants in
our land, air, water. '
There must be plenty of money, plenty
of work, transportation at cost, no fav
ored class in freight or passenger rates
n.nd land for the landless, homes for the
homeless, the greatest good to thegreat-
est numDer.
Now as to fusion, none of it in ours,
please. Let us stand np like men. We
read in the good book "He that is not
for us is against us," Shall we then sac
rifice our honest manhood, and com
promise with our enemy. Remember
that he whowill lead one into evil isguilty
of a crime. Remember that right will
prevail at last. But not by embracing
wrong. These that are tryipg to lead us
into the 'Silver trap tire not our friends.
II. F. Wasmund.
Brain ard, Neb., April 1, '95.
Editor Wealth Makers:
, Will say that the Omaha platform is
good enough for me. I think we would
lose by any fusion. I am sure we lost
votes here in Butler county last fall.
I. S. Merrick.
Belvidere, Neb., April 6, '95.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I heartily endorse the "Bryant resolu
tions" and say, stick to the Omaha plat
form. If any of it is left out it will drive
nearly all the Nationalists out of the
party and will be a loss of great strength
to the Populists. Respectfully,
N. F. House.
Fullerton, Neb., April 8, '95.
Editor Wealth Makers:
To be a genuine Populist, one must
stand squarely upon the Omaha plat
form; not on one or two planks, but up
on every one, until something better is
offered. He that fs for free silver alone
is not much of a Populist, has not been
thoroughly baptized into the Populist
faith. Your brother in the cause,
Wilber, Neb., April 5, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Those resolutions introduced before
the Populist central committee of Ne
braska have my unqualified approval.
They are complete and just fill the bill.
They need no modification and should be
the test of sound Populist leadership.
Yours in the fight for no fusion.
H. Kilgore,
Geneva, Neb., April 8, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
In response to your request of March
28 in regard to the resolutions intro
duced at a meeting of the Populist state
central committee, will say that I hearti
ly indorse all of them. I could not be a
Populist fifteen minutes after it is made
a mere silver party. No fusion, no
trades, no attempted reformation of
either of the g. o. p's., but a fiat-footed
stand on the Omaha platform.
Dan II. Goodrich.
Arcadia, Neb. April, 2, 1 895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
How any Populist could oppose the
resolutions introduced by Mr. Bryant be
fore the Populist state comraitl; is a
mystery. Mr. McKeighan and Mr. Mor
rissey must oppoffe the Omaha platform,
or favor the reformation of the old part
ies, or they are opposed to Populists b: -
ing placed on guard, or they are in favor
of fusion with Democrats. For what?
Perhaps for free silver, and perhaps not.
The Democrats could have given us free
silver long ago if they had wanted to.
Oscar D. Coombs.
Elm Cheek, Neb., April 6, '93.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Replying t6 your invitation to every
Populist to express his views, would say:
Let us stand by the Omaha platform,
keep in the middle of the road, and no
fusion. Let us not be side-tracked on the
silver question. While we want free sil
ver, yet it is not the leading issue. Give
us government ownership of railroads,
telegraphs, and telephones, operated at
cost, and we shall be making long strides
towards Bellamy's industrial system, the
grandest form of government ever con
ceived. Respectfully yours,
H. H, Northrup.
Rushville, Neb., Apr. 1, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
In compliance with your request I here
state my opinion on the reso.'itions pub
lished in your last issue. I tMnk they
are timely and ought to and will be en
dorsed by every true Populist in the land.
To those Populists (?) who believe it
easier to build upon a "one-plank plat
form" I would recommend the following:
control of all means of production and
distribution." Let them adopt the above
one-plank as their platform and I will be
with them. Yours fraternally,
John Hoge.
Spring Ranch, Neb., April 8, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
1 In your issue of March 28 you ask all
Populists their opinion on five questions.
Decidedly I endorse tbem all and say this
much: if ever the Populist party aband
ons the Omaha platform and takes up the
silver ifcsue alone they will be dead as a
party of reform. The Democratic party
will absorb the Populist party as quick
as it did the Greenback party. Therefore I
warn all true Populists to stick to the
Omaha platform. In my opinion it is
the grandest document that ever was
put out. It is greater than the Declara
tion of Independence.
Yours for victory in '96.
Eli Nusllard.
Burwell, Neb., April 6, 1895. ;
Editor Wealth Makers:
The resolutions are to the point. Com
mon aease and. experience-should teach
us that fusion is treason, and it never
comes from the people but from those
who have an ax to grind. If any of our
so-called loaders who have been honored
with place and position by our party
think they can lead us by the nose into
the ditch, I hope they will be without a
following forevermore. Policy politi
cians are always for fusion and no true
Populist has any use for them. Such
Populists (?) as supported Bryan are
politicians first and Populists afterward;
they can not to be depended on in a
fight for principle on the Omaha plat
form, . Fraternally,
Harry Olbon.
Rushville, Neb., April 5, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
The gold power has robbed the people
of their homes and their substance. The
five resolutions lived up to will enable
the people to get back their homes and
liberty. The gold power has become so
arrogant as to suppose the people will
submit without a struggle. If we unite
I tell you they will be deceived. My God,
help us to unite and save our children.
O for a few hundred braves like those
that threw the whole cargo of British
tea, tax and all, into the deep waters of
of Boston harbor. I hate industrial
slavery as I hated chattel slavery. I
have heard the preachers preach that it
was a divine institution, and then cut off
a cold corner of their churches for the
slaves, with banisters between them and
the whites. They never gave them the
communion. 0 no! Fraternally,
D. M. Scoggan.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I wish to further say that the best
Populists in Omaha, the workersand the
true friends of the party, are strenuously
opposed to fusion, or to makingthecom
ing campaign on any single plank like
silver. Last campaign almost ruined our
party in Omaha by ourdisgracefultruck
ling to the Democrats. Hereafter we will
fight on out platform, or not at all.
Many of us will not follow any letrayal
of our principles for the sake of a few
paltry offices, and toourstatecommittee
say, beware! for we will not sustain any
bargain and sale or any combination.
We will fight it out upon the lines laid
down in our national platform. Thatis
ull right, and our committee ought to
see that we can gain nothing by trading,
but irrevocable ruin and contempt of all
honest men.
You are. dear sir, at liberty to use this
in any way that you think it can do
good. Very truly yours,
C. W. Lunbeck,
(Sec'y Omaha Populist Club.)
Organize Industrial Legions
The People's Party National Committee
have endorsed the Legion five times and
presented no other plan.
The following was adopted at meeting
l i St. Louis, December 29, and incorpo
rated in Legion Constitution at Kansas
City, February 22, 1895:
Resolved, "That, while we do not at
tempt to dictate to any state as to the
plan of organization it shall adopt, we
renew the recommendation of the Nation
all'oinniittecin favorof the"organization
of the Industrial Legion inevery precinct
in the land; and further recommend that
no dues shall be exacted, excepting from
Legions that operate the rebate plan,
and that in all cases where members are
able, they bo urged to send 10 cents per
or other orders that wish to change into
Legions shall send 20 cents for supplies,
and that original Legions shall send 50
annum to headquarters; that all clubs
cents, but that no Legion shall be denied
a charter when it is unable to pay for it,
and that these organizations shall be
called People's Party Clubs, People's
Party Legions, or Industrial Legions, in
order to suit the conditionsof each state,
and that Rule 15 of Instructions of the
Industrial Legion be dropped, and that
all People's Party Clubs or Legions shall
report to the same headquarters in order
to avoid confusion and to perfect a syste
matic organization."
The following is the cordial endorse
ment of the National Reform Press Asso
ciation at Kansas City, February 22:
Whereas, "The National Reform Press
Association recognizes in General Paul
Van Dervoort one of the most earnest,
efficient and enthusiastic organizers of
the Reform forces in the country, and we
believe that the comrades associated with
him in the work are zealous Populists
whose hearts are in this great work; there
fore, Resolved, "That the National Reform
Press Association endorse the Industrial
Legion, and pledge its hearty co-operation
in the movement."
Just call the people together, elect
officers, either a captain, adjutant or
quarter-master, or president, secretary
and treasurer, and send names and fifty
cents to me at once. Don't delay. The
enemy never sleep. ,
People's Party Clubs, Alliances and all
other farm and labor orders chartered
for twenty cents postage.
All areurged to con tribute the ten cents
per member, in advance if possible. It is
used to push the Legion work, and we
can hardly get stamps to answer corres
pondence. , ., Paul Van Dervoobt.
Lexington Circular
Omaba, Neb., April 19, 1895.
All the committees of the People's
Party have been called upon five times
by the national committee to "organize
the Legion in every voting precinct in the
The reform press, at the largest meet
ing they ever held, on February 22, en
dorsed the Legion and pledged their sup
port. There should be no further delay in or
ganization, no toleration of side-shows.
Whatever partisan orders we may
belong to, we should all join the Legion
for non-partisan work. It stands on the
Omaha platform, and each member must
take a pledge to maintain and defend it.
There is absolute need of this, for the
men who mean to switch our party are
openly boasting that they will control
the convention of 189C, and are setting
up their pins in every state to do it.
We cannot hope togain the fourmillion
votes we need unless we are thoroughly
organized.and if we had a Legion in every
precincts m could guard the ballot-box,
force an honest count and combine all
the energy of all our people in superb
missionary work.
Our committees are too slow. They
will wait until we are dead. While we
have many zealous members the great
mass of them are not doing efficient
work. Many have good reasons. They are
true and loyal almost to a man, but not
ctive; they are sentinels on the outpost.
i holy trust has been confided to them
tnd they should either do their duty or
crive place to men who can and will.
They number a mighty army and should
e on the alert, but bow few respond to
;he calls we make, and yet we depend on
tbem to organize or recommend live re
cruiting officers to do so.
We need wide-awake and zealous men,
and every county, city and town com
mittee ought to meet in the next thirty
3ays and put such men on guard. I
would urge this as a meisure of vital im
portance, and observe the maxim "olc
men for counsel and young men for war"
to a certain extent. A live army must
have mighty men of war. If we wait un
til we put in a crop we will wait until
after harvest. If we wait until after har
vese is over and summer ended, it will
be too late. We must organize in every
state in 1895. If we slumber 6n we de
serve to be trampled under foot. We
have submitted tamely to a hundred
times the indignities from Great Britain
that were heaped on our fathers. I
would keep every foreign influence off of
American soil and scourge foreign gov
ernments from every island near our
shores; and yet because we are an unor
ganized army, we cannot even capture
and hold a state.
Our people contribute thousands to
orders that do our cause no earthly good
and let every worker starve. If all the
members of our committees would act,
we could hove ten thousand Legions in
sixty days. They can organize at home
and send names here for charter without
delay. Then recommend live, wide
awake men and women in every county
and town foractiveduty .Send postage for
supplies, as we cannot furnish them free
and pay postage too. People's party
clubs should send for charters with names
of officers and members and twenty cents
and thus become a part of the great na
tional army, whose legions are forming
in line from ocean to ocean.
Let the rank and flle.'the noble, zealous
NO. 45
men and women wakeuptheircommittees
until they put their wbola vigor in the
work. They need the live support of all
our people. Many cannot work because
yon do not give them the means. We
want one thousand brave, faithful, un
selfish, loyal men and women to go out
into the field as legion scouts, to organ
ize, sell books, take subscriptions, distri
bute papers and carry the glad tidings
to all the oppressed people, that the mil
lions are waking up.
Write for plan, enclosing stamp. We
must have money for postage, printing
and clerical work, bnt we will not beg
and beseech the people, who expect
everybody to work for nothing pay ex
penses and board themselves. Therefore
we have decided to issue a certificate of
membership in the Legion and people's
party, handsomely gotten up, suitable
for framing and preserving in the family,
at the low price of one dollar. With it
we will send Kansas City address, with
fiicture of commander, case for bimetal
ism, and a legion button. Every dollar
of this money will be used to organize
the people's party. In order to pay ex
pense of printing these certificates in
quantity we want one hundred orders
before May 1st, and to the above will
give In addition Senator Peffer's great
report. Any person sending in five
orders will be given a certificate free.
We can save liberty and bring back
prosperity if we band together in one
mighty army all who believe in our prin
ciples in 1895. We dare not wait until
1896. Delay will postpone the victory
and give the enemy time to rivet the fet
ters stronger. They have now captured
the citadel and the supreme court have
announced the surrender, and the God
dess of Liberty and Uncle Sara have fled
from the capital of the nation.
Paul Van Debvooht.
Lend Mo Spit."
So said the boot black to his fellow
craftsman at a time when his own supply
af moisture was short. Just so ths Silver1
League. They only intend to frighten
the two old frauds into adopting the
silver plank, and the Populists amneeded
to increase the hoo-doo until tke backing
ponies are safely corralled and banyssed
to the presidential car, and thsa the
Populists can be excused. Sibley" t;.
draw off the track, and who cares theft '
which pony comes under the wire first.
One or the other wins, the gold bugs
have us once more with their man in the
saddle, the Populists are gone np salt
river in that case, and the goose hangs
high and all goes lovely for the goldites.
It matters not which twin so far as the
country is concerned. One twin is just as
good as the other. They can afford to
let silver in to get rid of the Populists,
and then win hundreds of millions for
plutocracy. Doom on the silver question
stares them in the face at every turn
the ghost is always in his chair, and
something must be done to "fool the peo
ple" once more. The silver question is
the available, the best thing in sight and
is adopted of course. This done, and
the Populists scattered to the four winds
the transportation question and the land
monopoly would have a long extension
of their lease. But then who knows what
silver will get after the program is all
carried out?
There are many ways to fail, to post
pone, and show up insuperable reasons
why they could not restore silver to its
old time place. Past exjierience shows .
that just the right men to do this very
thing will be there to do it too.
And so these gentlemen fish for mullets
to help one of the old frauds into power
again. They come among Populists to
catch suckers, and perhaps they may get
a few. Please excuse us gentlemen. We
have no objections to "lending you a
spit" if it does not totally destroy our
business. But just as the matter stands
now it looks as though you intend to
totaj,? destroy our custom and capital
in trarto No, no just excuse ns please.
Verdurette,Neb. J. M. Snydeb.
The New York legislature by a vote of
70 to 3 has passed a bill submitting to
the voters of New York, Brooklyn and
Buffalo the question of the municipal
ownership of street railways. The same
body has also passed a resolution pro
viding for an official investigation into
the cost and capitalization of the street
railway lines of the state. The corpora
tion newspapers are denouncing both
acts and are very bitter in their condem
nation of the provisions to investigate
cost and profits of the street railway
Excitement In Ohio Oil District.
Toledo, Ohio, April 13. Ohio crude
ell Jumped up 24H cents this morning.
North of Lima Is quoted at $1.07; South
of Lima, $1.05, and Indiana 97 cents.
The entire Ohio field Is going wild ana'
Intense activity In putting down new
wells Is the result.
Three More Vetoes In Nebraska,
Lincoln, Neb., April 12. Governor
Holcomb yesterday vetoed three more
bills, the Omaha charter bill, a mutual
fire Insurance bill, allowing operations
In cities, and the bill allowing the In.
termarrlags of whites and negroes.
Prltchard-Cralf Contenfj Off.
London, April 13. Ted Pritchard
sick and will be unable to fill his en
gagement to box Craig, the Harlem
Coffee-Cooler, on Saturday.
Young women, who complain of lang
uor and loss of appetite, need Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. .