7fP, CTAtll! MAKERS Mrrdi 21, 1S05 BANDITS DIE BY VUIE ROAST RATHER THAN TO CAPTURE. SUBMIT of Oatraf ! Citlicns Rare Their Ciklnt hnrroumlrd !porado Ke ) lMlti I'ntil They Parish Inder ike) Fa Ilea Roof. Guthrie, O. T., March 18. Forty hd tt horsea were stolen and run oft three weeks ago by three thievea near We- svoka. In the Choctaw nation. A posse, headed by Deputy Taylor, atarted In pursuit of the robbers and surrounded Uiem thla morning. They refused to surrender and kept firing. The posse pressed them closely, and the fight was continued for three hours, one of the posse receiving a bullet In his arm, causing him to fall from his horse. Finally the entire party massed and charged the criminals, forcing them to take refuge in a cabin. There the thieves barred themselves In and de- bantly proclaimed that they would not be taken alive. After repeated ertorts to Induce them to give up the house was. set on fire. Still the men Inside re fused to come out, although the roof waa a mass of flames. They still threat ened death If any of the posse ventured near. At last the frame building fell a burying the desperadoes In the ruins, and they were roasted to death In the building. One of the thieves was ident Hied as Charles Cate, a former pal of "iiiir Uoolln. COOK GANU AtiAIX AT UOKK. Beannaut of the Hand Hold tp m Bec- tlon Force at Washita. Outhrie, Okla., March 18. The section men and their house at Washita were held up last night at dusk. Ueorge Woods, the foreman, refused to hold up his hands and was shot in the cheek, the ball coming out under the ear. Mrs. Woods was. also beaten over the heud with a revolver and her wounds are - pronounced fatal. The booty obtained consisted of nearly $1,000 In money and railroad checks and three gold watches. A posse Is after the robbers, who are believed to be a remnant of the Cook gang. ' " ' EXrKRlJEKCEO LIVING HEATH. Incredibly Inhuman Treatment of m Convict at tanon City. Denver, Col., March 18. Henry Ty eon, who was tried yesterday for In sanity and found Insane told a pitiful story on the stand. He was convicted of murder six years ago, but was not then sentenced, as he was found In sane at the time. In 1889 he was sent to the Canon City penitentiary. On his arrival, he says, he was placed In a perfectly dark cell where he was kept In solitary confinement for three years, during which. time he saw and ppoke to know one, and had absolutely no exer cise. He passed though a living death and on being released from the dark . cell In 1J92, had. to be carried out, being unable to walk. He was deaf and his fyes so swollen he could not see. After being placed In a lighted cell and al lowed exercise, he slowly recovered par tial sight and hearing. Tyson will prob ably never be sentenced, as the laws un der which he was convicted have been sice altered. v, , ONE MAN ARRESTED, r Wlwankee Murder Mystery Still Cn solved.! Milwaukee, Wis , March 17. The mys- tery which surrounds the murder of Stock Buyer Ferdinand Morlts Is un solved. The police last night arrested Herman Loeber of No. 536 Thirteenth street. His wife admits her husband -was arrested, and Says the detectives searched the house, and found, the re ., volver In a clothes basket ani there was :"' t!;cl on it, ' y - 5? post-mortem showed Morlta waa not only stabbed and beaten but that he was phot.,. Three bullets were' found em bedded In the brain, The body shdvVs there was a desperate struggle. When found It had the appearance of having been carried some distance and thrown upon the ground, as the head lay down ward with the feet ' slightly elevated. The police believe that the body was carried In a wagon to the roadside and then lifted and carried to where It was found, ' polish r II IRC II WAR IN COURT. Case to Come I'p To-day at Omaha New Charge Filed. Omaha, Neb., March 17. Over 100 Catholic Poles filled the police court yes terday when the church riot cases were called, but they were postponed until to-day. A new complaint was sworn Out against Priest Karminskl, charging him with an assault with intent to kill. Another warrant has been Issued on the complaint of Joseph Inda, who Is the man who withstood the charge upon the side door of the church when the Irit' "upporters were entering. He waa badly beaten about the head. His complaint charges assault with intent to do great bodily harm, and is issued against Simon Netxel, Jacob Netzel. Au gust Netzel, Frank Szczcpanlck, Frank Redwelzkl, Adam J. Przanowski, Val lenty Kula and Valenty Gulllk. All but Simon Netzel, Kula and Galllk have been arrested before and are now out on $1,000 bonds. To the latter charge they pleaded not guilty and were released on bonds of $1,000 each. Fire lu a Texas Town. Devlne, Texas. March 17. An early morning blaze destroyed ten buildings comprising the business portion jof this town. There was no water protection and the flames swept every house on the 'west side of the International & Great Northern railway track. vLoss $M,000. f Court-Martial at Vancouver. Portland, Ore., March IS. A general court-martial has been called at Van couver barracks, and it is understood one of the cases to come before it is that of Lieut. E. L. Loverldge, 14th in fantry, United States army, on a charge of drunkenness. Lieut. Loverldge was recently promoted from second lieuten ant in the 11th Infantry to be first lieu tenant In the 14th. Batavla Entertains Endeavorers. TSatavia, 111., March 18. The annual Christian Endeavor convention of tht Elgin district is being held here. The city Is decorated for the 300 guests. Eminent speakers are present. LIVED ON ELOOD. Survivor of Ih MrlMah Milp Veomaa Tall Their Klorv. Portland, Ore., March !ft. The follow ing dispatch conies from Mamhneld, Ore.; "IXiniel Clark and Thomas Moore, supposed to be the only survivors of a crew of thirty-one passengers from the British ship Teaman, arrived here lnnt night on the schooner Leeds. The Teo- man sunk Feb. 23 In latitude 34 N., longitude 45 W. She was bound from Antwerp to Redondo. Clark related the details as follows: 'While shortening sail a sudden squall struck us and a heavy, swell-like tidal wave capsized the ship. As the seas swept the deck I was carried overboard. A lull followed and the ship righted; I got on the ship again to find no one on deck. The cook was lying In the galley with his head spilt open and hardly alive. Capt. Fer guson and the mate 'were drowned. As the ship was sinking I decided to aban don her, and rutting loose a lifeboat got the cook Into It and pulled away. We were fourteen days In the boat before the schooner Leeds sighted us and picked us up, during which time we suffered more than language can ex press. We had to fare all the time on sixteen biscuits, without a drop of fresh water. We became so hungry that we ate the uppers of our shoes and each drank the other's blood.' Here Mr. Clark exhibited his leg, which showed great red blotches, certifying the truth fulness of his story. Continuing, he said: I have been around the horn nine times but this was the roughest Jtrlp I ever experienced. We Inst four men over board In a gale off the horn, and Paul Hesslng fell from the topsail yard and was killed.' " OUTRAGE AT FREELAND, PA. Priest's House Kroken Open by a tiang of Fiend. Cincinnati, Ohio, March 17. A special telegram from Haxleton, Pa., says the parochial residence of the Greek church at Freeland was broken Into last night and the priest, the Rev. C. Galovltch, his housekeeper, Mrs. Lehatog, and her assistant, Mrs. Zacharias, were murder ously assaulted. It was midnight when five masked men Jumped from a wagon before the house and with a battering ram broke in the front door. Suppos ing the house was on fire, the Inmates rushed down stairs In their night clothes. They were met at the foot of the stairs by men holding drawn revolv ers. Mrs. Lehatog screamed, but was knocked down with a club and beaten nto Insensibility. Father Galovltch was attacked by two ruffians. He fought desperately and succeeded in locking himself In. The doors were battered down walls torn and windows shattered. The study-room door was perforated with bulets and a piece of dynamite was exploded on the safe. Mrs. Zacharias, who remained upstairs, jumped from the second-story window to escape, but was captured by the bandits and carried Inlo the house. She sustained serious Injuries by the fall. The townspeople came to the rescue and the robbers fled. "GOV." DYE'S WILL IS VALID. (Southern Man Left 9100,000 to lllsj Colored Housekeeper. Atlanta, Ga., March 17. The effort to break the will of the late George. Wash ington Dye of Elbert county failed In the lower court. ; Dye left an estate worth $100,000 to his negro housekeeper and her six children whose father he was. His relatives attempted to break the will, but the Jury have rendered a verdict sustaining It. This is In ac cordance with the. decisions of the state Supreme court. After Dye died,' $40,000 In cash was found packed in an' bid trunk. He owned 7,000 acres of land In one body, and was known In this county as "Gov." Dye. . , , , , STRIKE COVERS ALL ENGLAND. Two ' Hundred Thousand Bootmakers Idle Employer May Use .Machine. London, March IS. The bootmakers' strike has been extended throughout the week until to-day there are 200,000 Idle operatives in that branch of the Industry. The strike effects all the fac tories In England except those in. Staf- i ford, Norwich, and Bristol. Some of the j London iraues unions are graining l.y shillings a week to the strikers. The employers are not In the least anxious, declaring that they have enormous stocks yet unsold. Nevertheless they are preparing to protect themselves by the employment of American labor- saving machinery. - UTAH CONVENTION SHOWS LIFE Heart anil Refer to Committee Several Measure of Interest. Salt Lake City, Utah, 'March 18. Tn the constitutional convention yesterday there were introduced and referred to the proper committees bills providing that no Judicial opinions, shall be copy righted; requiring the justices of the Supreme court to give legal opinions. when called for. to the governor or leg islature; making It unlawful to pay female laborers less than male for the same work; prohibiting trades unions from preventing workmen from ac quiring a knowledge of any trade. Sev eral petitions favoring female suffrage were Introduced. nelme's Estate Valued at 8,000.000. Charlottesville. Va., March 18. The will of George W. Helme, the founder of the town of Helmetta. has been made put)lic. The estate Is valued at $8,000,000. With the exception of a few bequests the entire estate was left to the widow, Margaret A. Helme, his daughter and son. I.yon 1 Found Guilty. Colorado Springs. Colo., March IS. The Jury In the Lyons case has brought in a verdict. Lyons was found guilty on the first count of assault with intent to murder Sam McDonald, Charles M. Robinson and J. M. Goodhue. flood man Set Free. Cincinnati, Ohio. March 18. A special Jury in the trial of Conductor Goodman, charged with the murder of Col. Par sons of Natural Bridge, Va., brought In a verdict of not guilty this morning. I.I Hong Chang start Out. Tien Tsin, March 16. Viceroy Li Hung Chang, China's peace envoy to Japan, left Taku last evening for Japan. It is reported here that the Japanese are rap idly repulsing the Chinese generals, Sung and Ju. THE (JAIN IS Wi.'.Ji. USIN ESS INDICATIONS SLICHT LY MORE FAVORABLE. The Money Market I'ndlsturfoed t'olton Trice, la Higher and Wheat II aa Klsrn One-Half Cent Failure! 6Jor Slight larreaae. New York, March 18. R. G. Dun A Co.'a Weekly Review of Trade, says "Substantially all Indications of the state of business are rather more favorable. Farm products are a little higher, railroad earnings a shade bet ter, clearing house exchanges a emalll percentage larger In comparison with February, and most of the industries show a somewhat beter front, though their gain is not large. The money markets continue undisturbed; the operations ofthe syndicate still prevent exports of gold, and withdrawals from the treasury have of late practically ceased. "The higher price of cotton, which has risen to 6.06 cents, resulting from the belief that the acreage this year will be greatly reduced. Wheat has risen one-half cent because the government reports only CO.000,000 In farmers' hands March 1, though practically nobody In the trade thinks the estimate correct, and the accepted estimates are about 60,000,000 bushels higher. Corn has risen one cent, following wheat; pork, $1.25 per barrel, and hogs 10 and lard 30 cents per 100 pounds. "The output of pig Iron March 1 was 156,979 tons, a decrease since Feb. 1 pf 6,412 tons weekly, and the Increase of unsold stocks was 62,900 tons In Feb ruary or 13,225 weekly. Since Jan. 1 the weekly output has decreased 11,435 tons, and the accumulation of unsold stocks has been 125,513 tons. Prices do not rise, and, except in Chicago, there seems to be no general increase of de mand. "At Philadelphia prices are no firmer nor Is the demand larger, and reports of coming advance in coke and ore do not stimulate buying. Tin Is a shade stronger, but copper lower at 9.37 for lake. In the cotton manufacture there are signs of Improvement. Sales of wool were 4,63,200 pounds, against 5,151,700 last year, and markets are quiet without change, though It Is easi er to sell at quotation because prices have advanced abroad. Failures for the week have been 266 In the United States, against 264 last year, and 57 in Canada, against 53 last year." FIGHTS APPOINTING BOARD. Governor of Indiana Will Appeal to the Supreme Court, ' Indianapolis, Ind., March IS. Myron thing now points to a long and bitter struggle in the oourts between Gov. Matthews and the new appointing board elected by the legislature, and Marvin Power to name the directors for the two state prisons. The governor refuses to recognize its appointees for the northern prison. While the legis lature made the governor a member of the appointing board he refused, to at tend, the meeting with the other state officers. The new directors cannot place a warden to succeed Warden French at Michigan City until their commissions are properly signed by the governor. He will appeal to the democratic su preme court end hopes to block effectu ally the republicans from gaining con trol of the prisons. The same tactics will be pursued with regard to the di rectors to be appointed for the prison south. Roth Wardens French and Pat ten will bold t their offices unless com pelled by law to quit. The fire insurance companies doing business In the state, It Is announced, will test the one insurance law enacted by the general assembly, the antl-SO per cent clause act, on the ground that it seeks to make the state auditor a judi cial officer. Come from Italy for Revenge. Duluth, Minn., March IS. Arcangelo and Nicholas Christiili, brothers, yester day entered the small general store kept by Ben Jennette and his wife at Mc Gregor and riddled them with bullets. Italians In McGregor say the bad Mood pemeen tpe jeijnette ana. cnstiin ram ilies was engendered in Italy-,' where a brother of Jennette stabbed In a street row the brother of the Cristillis. The Crlstillls, the story is, followed the Jennettes to McGregor for the express purpose of revenging themselves for the stabbing of their brother. Bold Hold-I'p In Oklahoma. Guthrie, Okla., March 18. News of t. bold and daring hold up and robbery comes from Washita. Near dusk, the section house and men were robbed by two highwaymen. Section Foreman Woods was hit, the ball entering the right cheek and coming out at the right ear. Mrs. Woods was also beaten over the head with a six shooter, receiving wounds which are likely to prove fatal. The booty obtained consisted of $722 In money, railroad checks, and three gold watches. Wiman Granted New Trial. New York, March IS. Erastus Wi man will have another trial. The gen eral term of the Supreme court has re versed the judgment convicting Mr. Wlman of forgery In the second degree. The decision is a voluminous one and covers many pages of closely typewrit ten paper. A second conviction is not looked for. King Ilaa Another Relapse. Indianapfilis, Ind., March 18. Every D. King, the governor's private secre tary, suffered a second relapse yester day similar to the attack that occurred the day following his injuries received In the fight at the wind up of the legis lative session. His condition is again regarded as precarious. Spaniard Attack a Newspaper Madrid, March IS. An attack was made at midnight by army officers on the otilce of the newspaper El Globo. The manager and other employes of the paper were wounded. Demand Expulsion of Jesuits. Toronto, Ont., March IS. The execu tive of the Canadian Protective Associa tion in session here yesterday issued a strong manifesto demanding the Imme diate expulsion of the Jesuit order from Canada. It has caused a sensation in political circles. FOR PARLOR CAR BILL. Michigan Senator Will Make a Deter mined Effort to Have It famed. Lansing. Mich., March IS. Early in the legislative session a bill was in troduced by Senator Jewell providing for taxing parlor, palace, sleeping, and dining car companies. Yesterday a motion was made to take the measure from the general order and refer it to the railroad committee. This was op posed by Jewell, who asked that the bill go to the Judiciary committee and such reference was made. The house killed the bills amendine the state live stork law preventing the spread of infectious" diseases among animals; providing for a state tax statistician; and providing for the assessment of all maritime property at the place where the head quarters of the firm or corporation own ing it is situated. The senate killed the bill allowing employes to go into particular Insurance organizations where employes and employers are mutually agreed. The objection to this bill was that corporations form insur ance organizations and compel em ployes to pay exorbitant rates. If an employe refuses to Insure he ., takes a chanqe of losing his situation. Talal nf the Roliinsnn. Buffalo, N. T., March 18. The most dramatic scene of the Gibbs murder trial occurred yesterday while Deputy Sheriff Abbey of Cleveland told how Clarence Robinson described the killing of Gibbs by his wife Sadie. He said Clarence declared Sadie's alleged con fession was a lie and showed how Gibbs was held up. During the examination of Detective Cusack the defense tried to prove Sadie was coerced Into making her confession by threats and intimida tion. Cusack swore Sadie confessed she fired the shot that killed Montgom ery Gibbs. Sadie herself took the stand and declared Cusack told her Clarence had another wife, and In that way tried to induce her to testify against her husband. Cusack positively denied hav ing ever held out any inducements to Sadie to obtain her confession. Anti-Pass Still Alive. Madison, Wis.. March 18. In the as sembly yesterday the Hall anti-pass resolution ror a constitutional amend ment was reported from committee for indefinite postponement, tut' the as sembly voted to placj tt on the calen dar, and 11 will be consider nnd de bated next Tuesday. The defeat of the measure is freelv nrerilnterl Tt to claimed that the woman's suffrage bill has strength enouarh to nass hnth branches of the legislature and eo to the people for ratification. Warships Go to Hnndnra. Washington, March 18. Cart. Davis cabled the navy department last even ing that he bad sailed with the Mont gomery from Trujillo for Brewer's La goon, Honduras. This movement is in pursuance of the inquiry with which the captain Is charged in the circum stances surrounding the killing near Brewer's Lagoon about a year ago of Mr. Renton an American citizen, for have a salutarv effect on the Hondu ranian authorities. Harvard Ask for a Priest. Minneapolis, Minn., March 18. Harry Hayward. for the first Hni: vpan?i!v requested the services of a spiritual ad viser. He made the renijpfit to Ms jailer and In the afternoon Father Cleary of St. Charles parish called on him In his cell, spending a quarter of an hour In earnest , conversation. Neither ay ward nor Father Cleary would talk of the conversation afterward. Three Men Deail In the Woods. Chippewa Falls. Wis., March 18. A party of men hunting In the neighbor hood of Ingram yesterday found the dead bodies of Ed Duffney, John Han son, and another man in an old lumber shanty. From all appearances they have been dead a number of davs. the bodies being frozen stiff. It is thought they were accidentally poisoned. e- I.ad Confesses to ltnrnlne Chnrih. Boston, Mass., March 18. James A. Doherty, 17 years old, lias confessed to Fire Marshal Whitcomb that he set fire to St. Feter's Catholic church the even ing of March 6. The marshal said he had not finished his Investigation and would not make known the details of the investigation until be had. Treasurer Taylor's Extradition. Washington. March 18. The Mexican lesratlon here has not been communicated with concerning the extradition of Tay lor, the defaulting state treasurer of South Dakota, who has been apprehend ed at Vera Cruz, though action Is ex pected to be taken very soon. St. John' Ranker Placed Under Arrest, St. Johns. N. F.. March IS. Ex-Man ager Cook of the Commercial bank was arrested yesterday and will be exam ined to-day. Many grave charges are preferred against him This Is an out come of the recent financial panic in Newfoundland. Money for a Rig Distillery. Terre Haute, Ind., March IS. The largest distillery ever built will soon be constructed in Terre Haute. The new distillery will have a capacity of 10.000 bushels a day and will cost over $300. 000. A ten-acre site has been purchased. Kansas Wheat Not Injured by Cold, Wichita, Kan., March IS. Advices re ceived to-day by grain men here from various points In southern Kansas agree that the cold wave has not In jured wheat fields, and that the crop la generally In an unusually promising condition. WALTER BAKER & GO. The Largest Manufacturers oi PURE, HIGH CRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On thil Continent, havs received HIGHEST AWARDS from the great Industrial 2nd Food EXPOSITIONS Id Europe and America. TTnlikr th Dntch Vwctn, no Aft- ...mA 4n tnt rtf thr rrr ration. . mi film t mrn k f twiluulv 1UT oeiicwu Jrvc , pui and colublc, and co$U let than tout cent a cup, tOLO BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. ( WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER, MASS Now Running in This Paper Captain F. A. Mitchel's stirring War Serial, from which the above picture of a ride for life Is taken. Is a lively narrative of adven tures with the Army of the Cumberland "and is the latest production of the popular author of " Chattanooga." READ IT IN THIS PAPER um.'js Wit - A Soldier's Love Story fold with consummate skill is our new War Serial by Capt. P. A. Mitchel, entitled An intensely interesting story, full of thrilling adven tures and dramatic situations. ' "it An Interesting Situation Taken from cor New Serial (till, F. JL MIKEl Antbor of "Chattanooga" and othex popular War Stories. The interesting situations in this story are numerous, the dialogue is delightful and the characters are engaging and life like. READ IT IN THIS PAPER CECKAMAUGA GhigkamaugA nrfs F'OH REVT-na err Stnrk Farm i)Jotl Ttm oi WHtr work and 'niiks la .ards aoi ford tot. ill Ml! ball int-r.l is tw OS frn and sbHr irra or iak uB atork suil rent tor (uh. Address. JOHN J. (ill. I. II. AN. Ileal Ilslsi. Hroker, IW8 H Strest, Dt4 Linooin. Nebraska fITF CAMH0T SEE MOW V04 B. l'JEC II AMD PAY FBEIGHT. L7v?i J lBm M Stnnrnhel hi oaj . rTn Hit 8tawta It Um4, iiU .lalW.stepu to lk V kmrf work; fosrulMd for ! Itor wit lilwlli IWkWa WImUt, 8rW.Tarss4lt CjUm it ksilfe.8-MUsa anatosM sc.rn.lm. ttt of Btolatlsrtwisntilfn s m la BWe Trmk n. nT trqmo is Mn. 1 aw. WwM. fair tMsl swwM suckta. Kit froa ftetsn ss ssn OsIVS amva truiai art Cat TktoAst aa WvlT for BMctla. w larr. rn t K tt nuam, toittiBMl.r awl 6Hatran of la. W.rla'1 Fata, OXFORD MFI. CO. 342 TO At. CHIC AIO.ILU c THIS CVT reiircsrnt on. of ..urtsivau il.d steel Tank. tHok thul wi'l Inst for a lifetime!. "U not, wby not?" Writs E. B. WINGER, th Wind Mill Han. Chics -o, for cat, sites and pricts. Sulpho-Saline . . . ana oanuanum. Corner 14th and M 8ti , Lisooln, Neb. i Open at All Hours Day and Night. All Formi of Bath Tur'aish, Russian, Roman and Electric With spadal attention to tba appllcatioa of ' Natural Salt Water Baths Tsral Mm atrongsr thai ata waUr. Rhtomfttlsm, 8k I a. Blood mad Nmtom Dla aw. Llrsr and Kidney Trouble aad Chronia. AllaMBt ar treated (aocetnll. sSea Bathings ay b enjoyed at all eeacons Id onr lara SALT WIltMINO POOL. MxMl feet. S to 10 feet dee keatod to aalform temperetnr of SO degrees. DBS M. H. and J. 0. EVEEETT, Uaaaalag Pbalelaaai Buy "Direct From Factory" But MIXED Paints. At WHUUHALI PRICKS, Doltvorod Fro. TAP FT fill MM KakPftal Rnnfa aktl nnu 1 sfj . w aI Middlemen'! proflts. In use 61 yeara. Endorsed b.r Urttnire and Farmers' Alliance. Lew nrice Till sninrlaa vnn n. .iu Jt w , NGKKM)LL, 263 Plymouth St., Brooklyn, N. T. AUGY PILLG! bVB B iSs.PI AND SURE. SEND Ac. F0"ltlMAirS SAFfC STtflUW GUARD:1 Wibsax 8pccipic Ca.PHiUk.Pa. .DIII'S Celebrated Femal Powder never faiL ' 1 9EK9Ca!e7a?cEun&3.' aaJMaaaara ssft and sura (after tailisc'A iritis IittfT andPraDTroyalPUli.),panlculin4ceiit. Pf . S. 1 SIX, BacltBsr, Boston. Mua. I North-Western LINE F., E. & M. V. R. R. is the best to and from the Coal and Oil Regions CENTRAL WYOMING. CALIFORNIA : . Is onr Slcwplng Car Rate on the PhIIIp-Rock Island Tourist Excursions from Council Binds. Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angel. or San Fran, ctero. Tla the Scenic Ront and Ogden. Car leaves Omaha every Friday. You have throneh sleeper, and the Phillip tnanaeemeut hn a special A Kent accompany th excursion each week, a nil yon will save the money and have excellent accommodation, a the car have upholstered spring eat,ar Pullman build, and appnlntmeni perfect. Address lor reservation and fall particulars, CHAS. KKNNfCDI, O. NA W. P. An Omaha, Neb. JOHN 8EBASTAXN. G. P. A., Clilcaga. DEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND New! Oovprnnr Tnrrnhpo'a immf n.ni. umi . Railroad Question," m now issued 'in Dai . n is uitjsrnnnara authorit. uii me siujeci ana nas just been adonte ns a text book by "War Collejre. Em reformer Hiimi it hmr. . - in. i -n wl'y- t rice, cloth, $l.;,0: paper covers. 50c. Ad dri'tu, W ealth Makers Pub. Co., Lincoln, Ntb. faVarl kl m 1 n.OOQaVrW MrDtaV iiloiiiigiiii , CHICAGO s