The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, March 07, 1895, Image 1

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NO 39
W sleep aad wak and ileep, but all things
The Sun Die forward to his brother Sun ;
The dark Earth follow, wheeled In fair ellipse;
And human thing, returning on themnelvee,
Mot onward, leading up the golden year."
The Whisky Trust is reorganizing.
A new invention is for steaming faces,
for beauty's sake.' ..
Forty thousand people in Berlin are
down with influenza.
The business centerof Toronto, Canada
was burned March 3d. Loss $1,200,000.
.Forty poor people froze to death in
London during the month of February.
The hotels of Sioux City, Iowa, are be
ing brought into the hands of a big hotel
Bishop Fallows lias opened a temper
ance saloon in Chicago, buying out one
of the old stands.
There is a plan on foot for the erection
of 5,000,000 worth of model tenement
houses in New York city.
Euclid Martin who led the rumps has
been rewarded. He gets from Cleveland
tne postmasterstnp at Umana.
The average value of land exclusive of
improvements in Pittsburg, Pa., is offici
ally estimated at $10,000 per acre.
Twenty-five miners were killed and
eighteen injured in an explosion in White
Ash mine New Mexico a few days ago.
Congressman Wilson has been named
to fill the cabinet position of postmaster
general, left vacant by the resignation of
Eugene V, Debs addressed an audience
of il,000 people at the auditorium Chicago
Feb. 28. Ifis subject was "Who Are the
Conspirators t ;
The Chicago Times has been consolida
"th the Herald, and the new combi
is to be called the Times-Herald.
V also be the silver-goldbug?
k.. ity per cent of the families of our
people areenants or by mortgage inter
est charges reduced ineconoiniccoudition
to a state more or less near the renters,
level. " " " ' " ''
In Pittsburg, Pa., 73K per cent Of the
real estate is private property and 26
percent belongs to the municipality, is
commonwealth. The common wealth is
officially estimated at $260,619,715.
The millionaire William King, hasgone
insane. All of thetn would go crazy were
they tosee howmuchinjusticeand misery
the gathering of a million inflicts upon
others, and the punishment they deserve.
Three suicides in Chicago reported in
last Sunday's Times. "Tired of life,"
said one. "Rattle my bones over the
stones" in the pauper's coffin and the
poorhouse hearse.
A gang of fifteen train robbers held up
a train Feb. 27th, the Houston & Texas
Central, on the outskirts of Dallas. They
cut loose the express and baggage ears
and steamed away with them five miles,
where all money and valuables were
taken. "
Alfred Merritt, oneof the Merritt broth
ers who d iscovered the Mesa ba iron range,
issuing John D. Rockefeller who he
alleges, broke bis contract and cheated
them out of it. The claim of the plaintiff
is for $1,250,000. The other brother,
Cassius Merritt, died of a broken heart
through being financially ruined by
Deacon Rockefeller.
In the citiesof our country whose popu
lation exceeds 100,000 souls 77 percent
are renters, according to the 1890 census
Of the other 23 per cent 38 per cent are
mortgaged. Taking the entire families
of the nation, numbering 12,690,152, in
to consideration 52 per cent are home
less renters, and 28 per cent of those
owning homes have blood and sweat
extracting mortgages attached to them.
In Budapest, Hungary, the electric
street cars use no trolley, overheadwire,
nor third rail; nor do they allow the rails
to be cliurged. The current is carried on
an insulated wire iu a conduit under one
of the rails, the rails being slotted to al
low connectioirwith the motor, on the
cars. The cars are in some respects su
perior to American cars, the motorman
being protected in inclement weather be
hind glass doors.
A great mass meeting was held in Chi
cago Sunday, May 3d, to protest against
the recent giving away of exceedingly
valuable monopoly rights by the bood
lers who are in majority in the city coun
cil. Lyman Gage presided, and among
the speakers invited were Henry D. Lloyd
Rev. Dr. P. S. Henson, Judge Moran,
Sigmund Zeisler, John W L'la and
others. The meeting was called by the
Civic Federation.
Prof. Lowell of the Lowell observatory
in Arizona, devoted all last summer to a
telescopic examination of the planet
Mars, and discovered evidences well nigh
unanswerable that the planet is inhabit
ed. The evidence is the appearance of a
triangular system of canals which cover
most the entire surface of the sphere.
The canals cannot be natural water
courses, because they are geodetically
straight and of nearly uniform width.
They lead in every possible direction.
"They have every appearance of having
been laid out on a definite and highly
. economic plan. They cut up the planet
into a network of triangles instantly
suggestive of design." The planet has
no mountain ranges and the low-lying
lands are like those of Holland.
Platform Adopted by the People's
Party of Chicago
The People's party of Chicago held Feb.
22nd, an entirely harmonious convention
nominated a full ticket of excellent men
and adopted the following platform:
"We adhere to the Omaha platform one
and indivisible.
"We renew the declaration made at
Springfield conference and ratified at the
Uhtrich's hall convention, which, in the
last campaign united the reform elements
of Chicago under the banner of the Peo
ple's party.
"We hold that municipal politics should
turn upon municipal issues mainly, and
we invite the citizens of Chicago, regard
less of party affiliations in national elec
tions, to join with us to make Chicago a
free city free of dirt, boodle and mono
polyfree to use the common powers for
the common good, and free to fit itself
for itsfuture placeat theheadof thecities
of the world.
"To this end we pledge our candidates
for city office if elected to prepare for
submission to the legislature and to work
for the passage of bills to give the city of
Chicago the power it now lacks to buy,
build, lease and operate, when the people
so elect, public works for public needs,
'1. Heat, light, power and health.
"2. Telephones, telegraphs, and other
means of communication.
"3. Transportation and rapid transit,
'especially a terminal loop to connect all
the railroads, elevated, suburban, and
trunk lines, with each other and with the
center of the city.
"Docks, wharves, markets and such
similar facilities as the people decide to
be needed for developing the commercial
supremacy of their city.
"Abolition of the contract system in
public works and employment for the un
employed. "Abolition of the slums.
"7. Any general service which the peo
ple find to have become a monopoly or
which they judge would be better done if
administered by the public for the public
good. And as a necessary step pending
the acquisition of these monopolies we
demand that henceforth no franchise be
granted for such business, except upon
the condition that the city secure an
adequate portion of the annual gross
earnings, and that the franchise revert
absolutely to the city after twenty years.
"These powers are in successful opera
tion, some in one and some in another of
the leading cities of this country and
Europe to their great pecuniary and
moral advantage. Chicago can do what
any other city or all other cities can do.
Withoutequal power our city cannot hold
its own, and we demand, therefore, that
the legislature give Chicago the right of
home rule and self-government in these
matters vital to its growth in population
industry and civilization.
"Werecognize theincreasing monopoly
of the great department stores and the
mischief thereby inflicted upon the inter
ests of the similur tradesmen, their fami
lies, and employes throughout the entire
city. We extend to theBe merchauts the
sympathy of the displaced mechanics
that great army of men who have been
forced from their occupations by mono
poly. We solicit these merchants to join
with us in an effort to make improved
methods of production and distribution
serve the interest of all instead of being
used for the advantage of the few and the
injury of the many. Meanwhile we point
to the scandalous tax dodging, the em
ployment of child labor, the misleading
advertisements, and swindling bargain
schemes of these concerns as abuses to be
corrected by adequate ordinances."
True and False Patriotism
There is in Chicago what is called the
Columbian College of Citizenship, an or-,
ganization "non-partisan and unsecta
rian and a school for the masses along
lines of social, economic, ethical, politi
cal, educational, humanitarian and his
torical investigation." On Washington's
birthday they had a patriotic celebra
tion and one of the speakers, Judge Mark
Bangs, among other true and forceful
things said:
"Patriotism, said Judge Bangs, is a
love of country, and Washington and
Lincoln were the embodied synonyms of
American patriotism. The fathers of the
revolution were genuine patriots; the
tories of the revolution and Benedict
Arnold were bad patriots. They loved
their country wrongly. Garrison and
Wendell Phillips loved their country
wisely; the slaveholders loved their
country also, but unwisely. The multi
tudes who fought to save the union dur
ing Lincoln's time were genuine patriots,
but there was also a class of loud-mouth
ed men in their day who were false pat
riots. These latter were inspired by
avarice and greed, and made profit out
of the disasters of the nation. They
stayed at home and literally coined the
blood and sufferings and anguish of
genuine patriots to theirown aggrandize
ment, these patriots of avarice and
greed discredited the greenbacks, the
money of the soldiers and the peoDle un
til it took $258 in greenbacks, to buy
$100 in gold. These so-called patriots
are still at their work of impoverishing
and pauperizing the genuine patriots up
on whose industry and productiveness
and manhood the glory and wulfaro of
the nation rests. .
This speech was iuterpreted and de
livered in sign language by C. N. Has
kins, for the benefit of a large number of
deaf mutes who were present. The en
tire program -songs and recitations,
tions, was so interpreted, and the sign
language, full of dramatic force and ex
pression, was not the least interesting
feature of the exercises.
"The Sugar Trust Monster'
Under this title the New York World
makes the following statement:
"The sugar trust has made at least
$22,000,000 in profits during the last
year. This is 220 per cent on its actual
investment of $1,000,000. In 1893 the
trust paid IC5 per cent, and in 1892 150
Der cent profits. Its workmgmen are
obliged to labor twelve hours a day for
$1.10 80 cents for a working day of.
eight hours under the hardest conditions
and in a heat averaging 120 degrees, ana
sometimes reaching 150 degrees. These
are the men who have been turned out in
to the street by the trust for the purpose
of deterring Congress from passing the
free sugar bill."
Such facts as these cause the student in
political eoonomy to hold his breath,
and wonder what will be the final result
of the growing greod of monopolies,
These hold in their grasp the commercial
relations and supply of commodities up
on which the masses of people must de
pend for sustenance. It is an open secret
that the legislation of the present Con
gress on the sugar tariff was dictated
by the sugar monopolists, and that
several United States legislators profited
by their own votes. The sugar trust pro
fited to the extend of millions, but the
legislation enacted has thrown the com
mercial relations between this and some
other countries out of joint, A diserimi
nation was made against Germany, and
that country promptly retaliated by dis
criminating against the Ainericau pro
duct of pork aud beef. The result is that
the American farmer must take less for
his products, that the millionaires of the
sugar trust may get a larger price for
sugar, and thus keep up their enormous
dividends. And wnile Amerioan farmers
suffer, German sugar producers are
threatened with bankruptcy as the result
of the American discrimination against
their products. The price of sugar in that
country has fallen Delow tne cost oi pio
duction. and they have no more loreign
markets. This is the secret of their
anxiety to have the differental tax re
moved. And what shall be said of the inhuman
ity of the millionaires who refuse ty pay
their employes proper wages? It is again
the story of Dives in his treatment of
the poor; the hard worked employes re
ceiving only the crumbs of great wealth.
Omaha Christian Advocate.
No Right lo Bond Posterity.
Woodlawn, Neb. Feb. 27, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Vote on jail bonds. On thesecond day
of April the voters of this county have to
decide by their votes if this county shall
give out bonds to theamountof $90,000
for getting money to erect a new jail.
As this is neither a political nor party
question, but a matter which in the end
must be settled out of the pocket books
of the citizens, and as I havenot seen any
opposition against issuing such bonds, I
will give my argument against them.
Before anyone goes in debt he should
consider if it is necessary and if it cannot
be avoided. In this case the fellows
which favor the issuing of bonds will say
that everybody knows and acknowledges
that our jail is too small; but this is no
proof that we have to build anew one,
especially in these hard times, when
everyone has to cut his expenses to the
lowest notch. Most farmers had to limit
themselves when with little money they
came here to settle ou the raw prairie.
The first thing was to put up a little
shanty, wherein every corner under the
roof was used, and if the family increased
some beds were put in granaries or even
stables, as all that was necessary was
shelter against storm and rain, (a little
snowou the face did not hurt very much).
In case one had a few cents left he bought
a few boards to make a new addition to
the old shanty, and in this way the peo
ple pulled through until they were able
to build a good house.
Now this is exactly what our county
should do with the jail. In the casement
and under the roof of our court house
there is plenty empty room which with
very little money could be arranged for
cells and the county would not need a
jail in a hundred years. This would be a
little inconvenient for the jailor; but he
would have to console himself that other
people, too, can not always have every
thing us handy as they wish.
To issue bonds payable in 30 years
would be nothing less than a crime, as it
would put a mortgage on the coming,
unboru generation. Of the voters of to
day there would very few be left living
when the bonds came due.
As bonds lead to bondage, and as the
declaration of independence says that
God endowed every man with theinalien
able right of liberty, we have no right to
put our posterity in bondage.
Forthis cause I recommend to every
voter under all circumstances to go the
polls on the second day of April aud vote
against jail bonds. F. Sciiwkizeb.
Of the Farmer In the Existing Indus
trial Organization
Addren of Prof. William A. Jones of Haattngt
before the annual meeting of the Nebraska Farm
ere Alliance at Kearney, Januar.v, 181)5
The output of each plant is fixed be
forehand and the selling price also.
Even i he retail dealer is compelled to sell
at a price fixed by the trust.
Domesticcompetitiou is annulled. Rent,
interest, and profit are assured in their
line of production so far as the control
of home competition can affect them.
But to make absolutely sure the dis
tribution of rent, interest, and profit,
foreign competition must be cancelled.
We now reach the point at which the
Captains call for government aid, and
how that aid is extended.
Their demand is that the government
shall, by force of luw, enable them tocou
duct their business profitably, i. e., so
they shall make rent, interest, aud sur
plus value.
But in politics they emphasized theem
ployment of labor, and the wages of la
bor as the leading idea. The laud and
the capital are their private property
and these shall not be used in production
unless the government shall aid them.
They'll all close down and turn men idle
unless the government shall aid them.
They the Captains.are intelligent, un
derstand business with ethics left out-
no sentimentality about them. They are
organized. They and their friends con
trol the press, especially the "agricultu
ral and religious press." They Bee their
congressman who is a corporation law
yer and a corporation lawyer before his
election. Represents the manufacturers,
request. Congress grants it.
The only way in which the government
can aid an industry is to tax all the peo
ple and then take the sum collected and
give it to the people in that industry, i.
e., to the owners of the land aud capital
employed in it. This mode of "encour
agement" is called giving a bounty.
The voters of Nebraska have sugar
beets,,. Oxnard, Neb. legislature, aud
bounty mixed up in their minds. The
true nature of a bounty may be brought
to their minds this winter. It will be
called nourishing an industry instead of
a mode of taxing all the people to enrich
a corporation.
Now if the government wants money
for any purpose, it never passes around
the hat and solicits charitable contribu
tion. It levies a tax and collects it by
forceof law. Butthemanufaeturerdou't
usually ask the government itself to col
lect the money from the people and pay
it over directly to him. tie asksthegov-
ernment to allow him the manufacturer
to levy and collect the tax in an indirect
way, so as to fool the people, and este-
cially iu the past the farmer. The
manufacturers did this successfully till
the organization of the Alliance.
The farmer was and still is peculiarly
susceptible to being fooled about the
manufacturer s taxing the peoplein order
to secure rent, interest, and profit.
Especially is this true, if you can make
him think he will gain by the scheme; for
he the farmer is just as much in need
of rent, interest, and profit as the manu
Self interest is as powerful witu the
farmer as with any other class.
In the past, the farmer assisted the
manufacturer to get the government to
transfer a portion of its sovereignty to
the manufacturers, so that the fatter
could levy and collect from the people of
the United States from $080,000,000
to $1,000,000,000 yearly.
The farmer was told ha would reap the
benefit of this taxation; so he assisted at
what has proven to be bis own funeral.
When private property owners produce
commodities and these commodities con
front one another in the market for ex
change, they present themselves as the
equal rights of their owners.
it is then and there that the law of
competition reveals itself as an inherent
or subjective law of the existing mode of
production and exchange.
Lacb and every owner of a commodity
offers to exchange his commodity for
money. Each ancj every owner of a com
modity seeks to buy the largest sum of
money possible for a unit of his produat.
1 Ins sum of money you call price. If A
offers to exchange in the market a unit
of his commodity for$l, knowing that
in the J 1 he can recover legitimate cost
of his production, and distribute rent,
and interest, to land and capital, and
have a "margin" left, profit; and know
ing that unless he gets the $1 he cannot
make this distribution, he will not sell
for a less price until coerced by competi
tion to do so.
If 15, iu the same market, can sell the
same commodity for 73 cents he has a
right to do so; and the benefit from any
and all advuntage of this lower price will
inure to .the benefit of the consuming
1 he public gain the advantage ol lis
greater skill and superior advantages.
(Continued on : rd page.)
Ike Reverend Believer Remarki, Solemn
ly, Let Us Prey.
Constitutional Amendments Proposed
Beet Sugar Bounty Going Through
Webster's Claim Allowed
The Insurance
The Governor's Health Improving
Following is an out lineof the work for
the post week: ,
Senate. Business opened by prayer by
Rev. L. P. Ludden. Only action of im
portance was the adoption of a resolution
instructing Auditor Moore to pay the
senate employes. The senate, it will be
remembered, has about one hundred em.
ployes, whereas the law allows only
sixty-eight. Auditor Moore refused to
pay the extra men, but bucked water on
the adoption of this resolution.
House. Whole afternoon spent in
wrangling over the bill for change of
venue in the Barrett Scott case. Popu
lists opposed the bill. Finally adjourned
under call of the house without any ac
tion. TUESDAY. '
Senate. Dale (Pop) introduced a res
olution requiring the attorney general to
go after the present state treasurer and
ex-state treasurers for the recovery of
nearly five hundred thousand dollars of
interest money collected on state funds
and presumably put into said treasurers'
pockets. Sprecher's stock yards bill taken
from the committeeand placed on general
file. About two! vecoiistitutional amend
ments recommended for passuge. Among
the most important or. these are: Elec
tion of railroad commissioners bv the
people; five judges of the supreme court;
designating Nebraska as the tree riant-
ers state; providing for the investment
of the permanent school fund; that in
civil cases two-thirds of a jury may ren
der a verdict; making an educational
qualification for voting; and many others.
House. Last day for the introduction
of bills. Six hundred thirty-seven the
total number introduced. General ap
propriation bills introduced; but as these
will be largely changed, I will withhold
comment on them at this time. Very
large number of bills killed. House con
demns ex-oil imspector Hilton.
Senate. Governor sent in thenameof
Dr. L. J. Abbott, of Fremont, to be sup
erintendent of the Lincoln asylum for the
insane. Referred to committee. It is
thought the senate will confirm. Dr.
Hay, present Republican incumbent says
he will hold on and fight it in the courts.
Dr. Abbott is one of the best known phy
sicians in the state and a staunch Popu
list. The twelve constitutional amend
ments, recommended for passage on
Tuesday, were passed.
House. Number of important meas
ures considered in committee of the
whole. , '
Senate Last day for introduction of
bills. 408 were introduced in all, as
agaiust 807 two years ago. Akers irri
gation bill considered.
House Beet sugar bounty was the
order of the day. Fight raged all the
afternoon Republicans favoring the
bounty, Democrats and Populists oppos
ing it. After a long debate the bin was
recommonded for passage by the follow
ing vote: '
For the bill. Republicans, 71, Popu
lists, 1. Against the bill. Populists, 20,
Democrats, 3, Republicans, not one.
House Bill appropriating $200,000 for
feed and seed in drouth stricken regions
recommended for passage, after a long
debate and considerable opposition from
a portion of the Republicans. Senate
adjourned soon after reading of journal.
House placed the bill, locating the state
fair permanently at Liucoln, on general
file. Routine work occupied the rest of
the day.
Senate adjourned at noon having done
very little business.
The house committee recommended
that John L. Webster be paid $10,000
for his services in the maximum ratecase.
If over burdened tax payers groan at
this exorbitant fee, they will have to re
member that Mr. Webster is a great Re
publican lawyer and his claim was allow
ed by a Republican committee.
lue insurance lobby has been down
here all winter to achieve two results:
First, To repeal the valued policy law;
Second, To defeat the bill for mutual in
surance companies. It is now certain
that they will fall in the first attempt
and probably in the last also.
Gov. Holeomb was severely ill with the
grip during the latter part of the week,
but is now improving.
Lost week 1 failed to state that a bwi
passed the senate for the repeal of the
state depository law, Republicans nearly
all voted for repeal, Populists ag:nht re
peal. This is the law saving the merest
on county funds to the county. When it
is repealed said Interest can go into the,
treasurer ,s pocket.
It is not yet decided whether the gover
nor will sign the anti-oleo bill or not,
but it is thought he will. He will hear
arguments next week.
SonatorGray (pop) who has been ill so
long, is improving and was in bis seat
one day last week.
J. A. Edoerton.
My Idea
I have observed that the present party
system of government has prevented any
legislation in the interest of the people
during the last 80 years, aud also has
prevented any question of real publio
welfare from engaging general attention
and being decided by a majority of the
people. I believe that under our present
party and representative system no re
form can be dealt with fully and settled
right, except by the formation and vic
tory of a party for that particular pur
pose, with substantial unanimity among
its supporters on that one question. I
believe that this not only delays all
other reforms until one has been settled
by this slow process, but that, what is
far worse, it makes each reform move
ment a most earnest and effective oppon
ent of every other, so that in the mad
struggle for . precedence the doorway is
blocked up and not even one reform can
make progress. A citizen can give his
vote to only one reform party, although
he may sympathize with several. More
over the claim which every reform party
must make that its issue is of para
mount importance contradicts like
claims of other reform parties, thus dim
inishing, if not destroying, confidence, if
not interest, in all. ,
If division among reformers does not
prevent success by any of tha reform par
ties, It is to be feared that the successful
one will not be sufficiently agreed upon
any one thing to dispose of it logic
ally and make room for another party.
In this state of affairs every earnest
thinker, every lover of his kind should
consider courageously and' honestly the
absolute awfulness of qur situation as a
nation. The growing discontent of the
producing masses, surging continually
higher and higher, while the present sys
tem affords no outjet for it, must inevit
ably lead to explosion, revolution, unless
means be devised and adopted to trans-'
mute the people's demand for justice and
relorm into statute law. I believe Hor
ace Greeley's plan for "a new party
every 12 years" though well-meant, and
atone time sufficient, is at present
wholly inadequate.
The only means of relieving the enor
mous strain upon .the frame-work of
society, in my opinion, is the adoption
of the system of Direct Legislation in its
: The system is very simple; it is already
widely advocated and generally approv
ed in thiscountry,and is in partial opera
tion in Switzerland, where it has given
perfect satisfaction so far as tried.
The system embracesthe Initiative, the
Referendum, the Imperative Mandate,
and by necessary implication, at least,
Proportional Representation.
The Initiative provides that any reas
onable number of citizens may demand
that a certain reform be submitted to
the whole people for adoption or rejec
tion; that then the legislature shall pro
vide for an election at which all voters
shall have an opportunity to vote for or
against the proposed law, first seeing
that the bill is iu proper form. If a ma
jority of the voters approve the measure,
it becomes low; if not, its advocates can
cheerfully go ahead and educate the
voters on the question, in the confident
knowledge that if it is right it must aud
wiii triumph, and that as soon as a ma
jority of the voters appreciate and ap
prove it it will become a law. 1 bus tney
would never be driveu by failure unto
dispair, as now they sometimes almost
are, by seeing unworthy representatiues
and the exigencies, of party success put
off their demands for the restoration of
their natural rights into the far future,
aimost beyond the horizon of hope.
Two or more measures may besubmitted
at one election. Each question can be
decided upon its merits; no one will anta
gonize or interfere with another, as
parties organized to carry out tnose
same ideas, would necessarily do. One
can vote for two principles at ouce but
he cannot vote for two parties at once.
More: under Direct Legislation one can
vote for one thing and agaiust another,
while under our system of government by
parties he must vote for several at least,
whether he believes in all or only one.
This explains why our (inis)representa
tives devote themselves so exclusively to
feathering their own ne8tand the nests
of those who know what they want and
can tell the legislators as well as offer
'inducements," while he cannot possibly
tell what the majority of his constituents
want, and there is no inducement what
ever for him to do what he may guess
they want. Should a multitude of ques
tions besubmitted at one time; too great
for each to be fully considered, by the
voters, the inherentspiritof conservatism
may be relied upon to defeat all except
those which have impressed the people as
(Continued on 5th page)