The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, February 28, 1895, Page 8, Image 6

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    illi wmujiu JJUHViVlW
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By tie CaristUa
Bj.Liw) of Hit ChrUtlan Corpora
Article I. Sectiox I. Hwognizing
that the inexorable taw of our exiittmce
is to work, and the justice hikI mt-etwity
of the injunction ot the great 'lVaclier,
that in the sweat of tlnur faces men tthii.ll
eat bread, and if any will not work
neither nhall he eat; we thereforesurrend
er such, ami only such, freedom of con
duct an in neci'nwiry to effectively axHixt
in the various industrial enterprmes un
dertaken from time to time by thecorpo
ration. Skc. II. No riRht, religious or po
litical in surrendered by any mem
ber of this corporation, but every mem
ber ehall have all terminal liberty of con
duct so long as such conduct does not in
fringe upon the equal rights of others or
' violate the spirit of the purposes of this
Art. II. Sec. I. Supreme authority
shall be invested equally in the general
membership of this association and uo
privilege ol authority shall be exercised
by any officer thereof not especially dele
gated to him by the constitution, or by
Aht. III. Sec. I. It shall be the duty
of the president of this corporation to
discharge the duties umiully incumbent
upon the presiding officer of other (todies
in meeting assembled, lleshall discharge
such duties also for the board of directors
when in session. He is empowered to call
. asoecial meeting of the members of the
corporation by and with the advice of
any two directors, provided that he serve
notice upon each member personally, or
in writing, or b.v mail at least 24 hours
before the time set for such meeting. He
may serve such notice by publication in
Thk Wealth Ma kicks provided seven
days elapse between the date of the pub
lication of such notice and the date of
such special meetihg. He may call a
special meeting of the board of directors
at auy time he may think necessary, by
personally, or in writing, or by mail,
notifying each director of the time and
iluce of such special meeting at least six
i ours befote such meeting.
Sue. II. He shall sign all deeds
to real estate and bills of sale of
personal property ordered to bemade by
the Corporation, and countersign all
warrents properly drawn upon the treas
urer for funds.
Sec. 111. The president of this cor
poration shall bo and perform the
office of general business manager and
shall have general supervision of all de
partments of labor.
Sec. IV. At every regular meeting
of the irtembers he shall make a
general statement of the condition of the
affairs of the body with a view.ol inform
ing all of thestatus of the various under
takings, and at the end of his term ho
shall make an explicit and more elabor
ate and written recapitulation of the
years work, resources and liabilities of
. the corporation, and make recommenda
tion of what m his judgment should be
the future business policy; and said mess
age shall be tiled with other records for
use. '
Sec. V. In administering parliamen
tary law he shall be governed by the
rules laid down in Cunning's Manual,
Aivt. IV. Sec. I. The vice president
shail, in case of the absence, inability or
death of the president, perform all the
duties of the president.
Sec. II. He shall also be and per
form the duty of official statistical)
and historian of the association and
shall have access to all books, accounts,
records, and files of the association and
shall submit his historical manuscript at
the end of his term of service to the
annual meeting of the members for cor
rection and amendment, after which it
shall be filed with other records. He
shall furnish statistics of cost of produc
tion, profft in production, probable cost
of new enterprises etc., as the board of
directors shall from time to time request
Sue. I1L The Vice president shall
be chairman of the membership com
committee und conduct the examination
of applicants for membership.
Art.vV. Sec. I. The secretary (clerk)
shall have charge of the records files and
seal of the association, shall act as secre
tary of all meetings of the members and
directors, and keep a record of the same,
and shall draw and sign all warrants on
the treasurer, authorized by the associa
tion or board of directors, and keep a
list of the number and the amount of the
same, in whose favor drawn and thedate
Sec. II. The secretary shall perform
the function of coiTexponding secretary
for the association and the board of di
rectors, and receive and answer all cor
respondence thereto.
Sec. III. The secretary shall prepare a
half annual written report of the general
condition of the association and furnish
such general information to the members
and directors from time to time as may
be necessary, and make such recommen
dations as in his judgment will further
the interests of the corporations.
Sec. IV. He shall sign and place the
seal of the corporation upon such instru
ments as must be made under seal as
provided by law or the by-laws of the
Sec. V. The assistant secretary shall,
in case of the absence, inability or death
of the secretary, perform all of the duties
of the secretary.
Aet. VI. Sec. I. The treasurer shall
be the custodian of the funds of the cor
poration and the evidences ot indebted
ness to the corporation. He shall pre
pare, sign and issue all evidences of in
debtedness authorized by the association
and obtain the signatures of other offi
cers as hereinafter provided.
Seo. II. He shall keep an accurate ac
count of all receipts and expenditures of
thefuudsof the corporation; stating by
whose authority such expenditure is
mude, for what purpose, to whom paid
or from whom funds are received, the
date of all transactions, amount, etc.
Sec. III. Thetreasurershall havegeneral
charge of the financial affairs of the asso
ciation including the colhction of all rev
enues and the payment of all obligations.
He shall make a half annual written and
iiu . a. , ifti
' explicit statement of the financial conili
tion of the association, ut tend all meet
ings of the association and of ttip board
of directors and be prepared at such
times to produce iu evidence the cash on
hand and on the first of each month
shall make a condensed statement of the
condition of the treasury, which he shall
mail to each general member. When bis
successor is qualified he shall deliver to
Dim all the property of the association
and make such recommendation as to
thf future financial policy of thecorpo
ration as in his judgment may seem best
for the general good.
Art. VII. Sec. I. The members of
this association shall meet in regular
session on the last Saturday of each
month at a time and place to be desig
nated by the president.
Sec. II. Only general members iu good
standing shall be entitled to vote.
Sec. III. Three-fourths of all general
members shall constitute a quorum for
the transact. on of business at any regu
lar meeting, but if such quorum fails to
appear t lie president shall abjourn the
meeting to u specified time and place,
when a siuiplo majority of all members
shall constitute a quorum, unless three
fourths of all members appear on time,
when the usuul rule of a three-fourths
quorum shall prevail.
directors' meetings.
Art. VIII. Sec. I. The board of di
rectors shall meet at least once each
week on a regular day and at a place
agreed upon from time to time. Upon
the request of auy two directors the pres
ident shall call an extra meeting of the
board as provided in Art. 2. They may
adopt such rules and regulations as they
may deem proper for theconduct of their
business as directors, so long as they do
not conflict with' the spirit of the consti
tution or by-laws.
Sec. II. Four directors shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business.
A rt. 9. Sec. I. The vice presidentand
any two members he may choose from
time to time shall constituteacommittee
to examine applicants for membership
either personally or by mail as to their
fitness lor membershipin thecorporation
and after due deliberation, and upon the
written recommendation of such commit
tee and the consent of the board of di
rectors the applicant shall be admitted
to membership on trial for six mouths:
provided, however, that if the committee
shall unanimously recommend that the
applicant is acceptable at the time, and
needed in some field of enterprise, then,
upon the concurrence of the board of di
rectors by a unanimous vote, the appli
cant's name shall at the next regular
meeting of the members be voted upon
and upon receiving a majority of all
votes and complying with the conditions
of membership, be declared duly a mem
ber made the same as if he had been ac
cepted after the six months trial, and
shall be entitled to receiveall the benefits
and considerations that any charter or
any other member receives.
Sec. II. Any rejected application shall
be returned to the maker with a state
ment of the reasons for such rejection.
Art. X. Sec. I. The title to the land
belonging to this corporation shall be
held in the name of the Christian Corpo
ration, and all trausfers of the same
shall bemade under seal, by the presi
dent, clerk, und trensurer, but no trans
fer of lauds shall be made without a two
thirds vote of all members in good stand
ing in favor of such transfer, stating the
amount and terms of the consideration
to be accepted.
Art. XI. Sec. I. All personal prop
erty of whatsoever description belonging
to the association shall be bought, held
and sold iu the name of the corporation
as provided elsewhere iu these by-laws,
and no individual member of the associa
tion shall dispose of any property of the
association unless as an officer or an
agent of the same he shall have been duly
and regularly empowered or instructed
to do so.
ART. XII. Sua 1. The workers of
each department or sub-division of any
department of labor shall choose from
amonir their number, a. foreman, head
clerk or chief, as the case may be whose
cuty it shall be to take charge of and di
rect the work in hand with such advice
of the workers as they may desire to give
or he may ask to receive.
Sec. II. He shall hold his position at
the pleasure of the workers, a majority
of whom at any time may elect his suc
cessor, when tlie late foreman clerk or
chief shall take his place with the others.
Art. XIII. Sec. I. Any member wish
ing to withdraw from this association
shall give at least six months notice of
such withdrawal and the corporation
shall return to him, without interest or
increase such capital, in kind, or its
equivalent in cash, as the books show
him to have contributed to the common
stock, provided; that for every five hun
dred dollars in cash or property contrib
uted by any individual six months addi
tional notice and six months additional
time for repayment may be required to
be given by the withdrawing member,
and provided further; that in the event
of any dissngreement the whole question
shall be submitted to arbitration by
three persons, one to be chosen by the
withdrawing member, one by the presi
dent and the third by these two whose
decision shall be final.
Dr. Davis, teeth on aluminum plates.
California and tTtah Excursions
The Burlington ruus on every Thurs
day a tourist Bleejier, leaving Lincoln at
12:15 p. m. for Salt Lake, San Francisco
and Los Angeles. Only $5 for a double
berth, Lincoln to Los Angeles. These
excursions have proved very successful
from the fact that they are conducted
personally by a Burlington employe.
For full information regarding tickets,
apply at 15. & M. depot or city ticket
onice, comer Tenth aud U btreets.
There can be uo doubfP that a timely
use of Ayer's Cherry l'ectoral would pre
vent many serious throat and lung
Dr. Davis, teeth on gold plate, 11th A 0.
JAS. McMILLAN & CO., -"h Minneapolis. Minn.
fcgWrite for Circular giving Latest Market Prices. Fair Selection; immediate returns. TJMake Us a Trial Shipment
Condnrtwl by J. T. M. Swioabt. Correapori'
deuce solicited. J-Ire, cyclone or bail.
The house committee has at last re
ported favorably on II. it. 2-10, allowing
persons in cities and towns to organize
mutual iuMurance companies to protect
their property. The bill was at once
placed on general file. It would now be
in order for the towns' people to get up a
petition something after this style, and
send to your members, or, if you send to
me, I will put them where they will do
most good for the cause.
To the members of the legislature of
Nebraska, Gentlemen:
We hereby petition you to use every
honorable means to get II. R. 246 passed,
the same being a bill to allow persons
owning town property to organize a
mutual insurance company to insure
their property against fire, lightning
and cyclones.
Last year we had to pay a raised rate
to stock insurancecompauiesand wemay
have to do the same again if we are
not allowed the right of protecting
our property in a company of our own
iu which we need pay only a nominal
sum for managing expenses and the act
ual amount of damages done.
Again we ask your support of either
that bill or some other that will relieve
us from the bondage of the stock insur
ance companies.
I hey liave the right to establish rates.
Let the people have the right to do their
own business.
You could clip the above and paste to
a legal cap; then mark off a column for
names and another for l 0, and get as
many names as you can and send direct
to your member or to me and I will use
them at the proper time to do the most
There are two bills Introduced that will
repeal the vaiue iu policy law, which is as
Section 43, chapter 43, compiled stat
utes of Nebraska of 1881).
"Whenever any policy of insurance
shall be written to insure any real prop
erty in this state against loss by fire,
tornado, or lightning, aud the property
insured shall be wholly destroyed, with
out criminal fault on the part of the in
sured or his assigns, the amount of the
insurance written in such policy shall be
taken conclusively to be the true value of
the property insured, and the true
amount ot loss and measure of damages."
The repeal of this law, is of uo benefit
to any man in the state, but it would be
of vast benefit to the insurance compan
ies of the state. If this law was out of
the road they would not care how much
insurance a man would write on his old
and dilapidated buildings; in fact, their
unscrupulous road agent would get all
he could, by fair means or foul, induce
people to write; but after a loss occurs
the adjustor would appear (in a few
months) and at once tell you that the
property was insured too high, and ho
would agree to allow you the amount
you paid the company for carrying more
than your property should carry, ami
then he would make mental calculation
of your loss and put down in figures not
more than half the amount of your loss,
which he would offer you. You would
be given the privilege of accepting that
amount or suing the company just as
you please.
With "Value in Policy" in force it is
hard to get the insurance companies to
do the proper act; but if it is repealed you
will be at the mercy of a compact that
was organized to make money, theeasiest
way possible.
There is a strong lobby heretosee that
that just law is put out of the way and
it is usiug all the influence it cau to that
Every property owner is interested,
and should at once petition his members
of the legislature to use his influence to
indefinitely postpone all bills of that
nature. '
You could use this for a form:
"To the members of the legislature of
Nebraska: We hereby petition you to
use all honorable means to defent any
attempt to repeal the VALUE IN POLICY
Give name and P. O. Send the same
to your member direct, or to me, and I
will use them at the right time. I hope
to see thousands of names to the above
petitions within the next week.
Farmers are prone to think that a
town mutual company is nothing to
them; as you are now in a good farm
company you need not care whether the
towns people can organize a company
or not; but you should remember that
you have to pay for ail loss as well as all
improvements; hence it is to your indi
vidual financial benefit toajJow them the
privilege of insuring iu a company of
their own. Please get up two petitions
at once on the above subjects and get all
the names you can and forward at your
earliest convenience.
The secretary of the Farmer's Mutual
Insurauce Company of Nysted, Howard
county, this state, writes me that his
company was organized in 1888. Is
carrying $207,783 in risks, has had $42ti
in losses since company started, has cash
on hand $432. 7'J, have not had an
assessment, the fees are $1.00 for mem
bership and ten cents per hundred dollars
yearly ;but the last two years the company
has not seen fit to collect that amount,
because they had money on hand.
Do you ever hear pf anoldlinecompnny
that rescinded a collection from a policy
holder because the company did not need
the money?
This is a Danish company and I can
assure you that it will prosper long and
well if the laws of our state will oulygive
them the privilege.
And, by the way, who will say that
they shall not even if our mutual law is
repealed? ' (
Hans N. Larsen is the president, and
Christen JenseiJ is the secretary-treasurer,
both of N'sted.
We shall get fcut a reuort of the Lan
caster countysoon, and would like to
exchange with all secretaries in the state.
We shaH also get out our report in
Cyclone ompany as soon as we can give
the action of the law makers in reference
to insflranee.
The February number of the Iowa
Farmer's Institute is a good one, and
should be read by every mutual insurance
man in this Htnte. Send me 25 cents for
it.orsend $1.10 forTnE Wealth Makehs
and Institute.
If you are a mutual insurance man and
do not get the worth of your money and
will ask it, I will refund the price.
I am quite anxious that the paper
should have a good circulation in this
state, as it is an educator not only on
lines of insurance, but on farm work of
all kinds. Send to me for sample copies.
140O-14if TJnlon Ave.. Kantae City. Mo.
Kansas Uitt, Mo, Feb.28' Receipts ot
Wheat, 13 cars: a year ago. 53 cars. Sales
of car lots by sample on track, Kansas City
No 2 bard wheat, 1 car 51 He, 8 cars 51 a, 2
cars Wo No. 3 bard, nominally. .50o: No. 4
hard, nominally, 49o: rejected, nominally,
4tio: No. 2 red, 1 car 51 .c. 3 cars bo, 1
car 52c: No. 3 red, nominally, 5uo. No. 1
red, nominally, 49o; rejected, J748a
Kecelpts ot corn, 43 cars a year
a o. 81 cars Sales by sample on track, Kan
sas City: No 2 mixed corn. 7 cars 400, 22
cars 40o; No 3 mixed, nominally 3tf-4o. No 4
mixed, nominally, avo No 2 white, 10 cars
4UHo. 4 oars No 3 white, nominally, 40a
Receipts ot oats, 8 cars a year ago 12 cars.
Sale by sample on track, Kansas City:
No 2 mixed oats, 2 cars 29 io, Scars. 29Wo;
2 curs, 29c; No. 3, nomlnally,28o No. 4, nom
inally, 27o No. 2 while cuts, nominally, 31o;
No 3 white oats, nominally, 30o
Rye Firm No. 2, nominally, 52o: No. 3.50o.
Flaxseed Dull; nominally, U.2i Bran-
Firm, to67o per cwt sacked Corn Chop
Dull, 77 8Jo per cwt sacked.
Hat Receipts, 45 cars market weak.
Timothy, fancy, S9.5): choice, 8S53: No.
1, S7 50S: clover, mixed, 40 8; low grades,
et(,7.50 fancy pralrie,St48.5). choice. 177.5.1:
No I 6 .0.50, No. 2, ia0 )bJ paukin; hay,
Chicago Hoard of Trade.
Chicago, Feb. 26 The followlnf table
Shows the run :e of prices for'aottrd futurai
on the board of trade to-day:
Feb 25. Op'ndHlrt Lo st F pb-
Whbat Feb 5034 "50 b box
May 12. bi 52s 63'n 6.1
July ba 63 hi 64
COHN Feb 43 43t4 43 43i 42
May 44 b ii 4i 44-
July i4ii 44 44S4 44 44'
Oats Feb ls 2fx z
May 29' 29 , 2a 29,
July tt 28 X T7 1 7
PORK Feb 10 05 10 05 10 Oa 10 Oi 9 95
Mav 10 15 10 27'4 10 12'4 10 2i 10 l"i
LARD Feb 6 37'i ti7v, 8 35 ii 35 6 4-.'V4
May 6 47s 6 -.0 6 47', 6 5J 6 47
July 6 6J 0 6J 60 60 6 H0
S Ribs Feb 5l 5 10 5 w 5 m 5 07V4
May 5i7'4 6 ;0 5 25 5 30 5 :7yt
July 5 40 5 424 6 40 5 4.'H f 40
Live Stock.
Kansas Citt, Mo, Feb id Cattle Re
ceipts since Saturday, 4,509: calves. IU7 ship
ped Saturday, 9ib cattle. The market opened
steady to stron? on heavy cattle and in some
cams' a shade hi;her. On common the mar
ket was about stead. Cows and heifers of
good quality were steady to stron? and active,
while common and medium were about steady.
The feeder market was not heavily supplied
and remained about steady.
Dressed beef and export steers. $3 85 4 65:
cows and heifers, Sf2 75 ?;4. ! ): Western steers,
& 60 8,4 15: Texas and Indian steers. M7i b
4 30 stockers and feeders, $2 8533.65 mixed
Horses Receipts since Saturday, 183
shipped Saturday, 117, The market was quiet
to-day. The outlook for the week is rather
promising as the buyers ara in the city in
lar-er numbers. The Southern trade is ex
pected to open more freely, ai better weather
is looked for.
Sheep Receipts since Saturday. 6,584:
Shipped Saturday, none The market was
slow and thero was no quotable change from
The following are representative sale:
240 Mexican yearlings 87 lbs 4 2)
71 Iambs, 84 lbs 4 00
818 Colo C4 lbs 8 75
69 f Colo 9 lbs 4 20
The Famous
r:o . -smii
I A Per fect Wonder. Th BstTomato(
ln th World and just what everyone wants.
PExtremrly Karljv bears abundantly of the finest:
fliivore1, bright rod tomatoes and is dUtlafntuhsd I
P from all others by Hi tree forn, standing erect and re-J
a quiring no support at ail. fto ana who has a gar-1
P den should be without it. 4
P A Snperb Variety, Enormously productive, Grows 4
tabontlOischsslong.Hnd im unequalled fnrnlicina.Q
I It beats the all. Very crisp and tender Stands J
P a long time before running to Beed. I
I tJT We will send postpaid, a packet each of Extra J
P Early Tree Tomato, Matchless Cucumber, Cream I
a Letuce, May'B 30o. Certificate, and our Illustrated g
I Bargain Cataloguo (worth dollars to every buyer!
knf Manila Frtitt.a anrt Llanta Anntainina PnlnMit"
I Plates, painted from nature, and thousands of
UiURirHtiuniH mi ior oniy tan wins,
I Tft otnrv ih tmiiii Kfi-iiliiiif ltte. fur I
I Ooll action and giving us the name and addresaesrf
lot three or more ox tnuir rnenas wno purcnase
k Seeds, Plants or Fruits, we will add, free, one
I packet of Mammoth Tomato, a magnificent variety I
t of pnormnsos sine, often weighng 8 lbs. each. g
I Thk U the amt liberal offer ever made by a reliable 1
P 9eifemao, an 4 ene -koala fall to take advaatace of It. 4
MAY & CO. rsssr St. Paul,Minn.
. A ft 0olll8llwWlfb, RlfTtlM,
8lr MehlM Accordant, Uimn, Hum (Mm Mill.,
Cuk Uratra, F4 Mills Stem, K.tlln, Rom ailli,
VMttr PmaM. Jukffer,, Trnki. inrtl, Hiji'MWn,
Piw Bunds Copr Books Vim, Drills Kiwul fl.-s
Ua Mimrn, CoffW Hills IaUim, Rradrs DanpUirU,
t'nra tllirllrra, Hand (arts ForgM. BerapcrsWIr trim,
haalnr Kills Wrlagrr InlM, (taws StrelNliita,
Grata liaailM, Crow Kara, Rollrra, TmIs Bit Hram,
liar, Kiofk, Rlrrator, Hal I road, PUtforai and Cantor ft AUKS.
Head for fWa ealBHWfl aad aw haw ta aara Moary
til 60. daSenoH St., OHI0AOO B0ALB CO., CMcago, HI
Please mention The Wealth Makers.
Why pay 60 to we. rod for,
fence when yon c&n make the
best Woven Wire Fence on1 bl?h,bull strong
nla ud chicken tiuht. for.
13 to 20c.
A man und boy can make I
from do to fin Rnrln al
rly. OverbOdlilerentatylesI
uatamrue r ree. Aanress,!
CCtnC The Beat and la,
)f WfcaT In Ream, Conn.
Lettuce, Melon, Tomato
8ied Potatoes, Panhies
Sweet Peak, Bate money in
baying from ua. Complete
list. (VExtrae with orders.
AddraaaCOLK'8 Seed 8tore, Pella, Iowa
FVFRfiRFFITC fruit and forest trees
Grape Vines, Small Fralta, Shrabe
and Rosea. Sample Order bo 1 : 2u0
arergreene, seven varieties. Including
Colorado Bine Spruce, (Pioea Pun
gent), sent to any address In the
United States, express prepaid, for t2s
V TL. one-half ol above!, 86 page whole-
w fsaie catalogue ana now to grow ever.
a j greens" FrM, Received highest
award at the world's f air, l-arge
discount for early orders. Address,
Ekler iUtio&el Uuiiwy Co, Elgin, HI
Kansas Seed House.
Oar Specialties! Beed Corn, Tree Seeds. Onion
Seeds and Wets, Alfalfa, Saeallne. Latbyrus. 811
yestris. Sandvetcbes, Spurry , Kaffir, and Jerusalem
Corn, and other new forage plants for dry and arid
F. BARTELDES & CO., Lawrence, Kansas.
Home Grown Seeds.
Beaver City,
Ash . .
Box Elder
Per 1,000.
IOOAPxSs $3,50
All the Leading; Varieties.
100 Choice Concord Grapevines
S2; 1,000 Rns. Mulberry, $1,15
Shade and Ornamentals. A
complete Price-List free.
Jansen Nursery,
Jefferson Co. Jansen, Neb
Tonr Batter, Kgrgrs,
Poultry ,Veal,Beans,
Potatoes, Hides,
Pelte, Wool, Hay,
Grain. Oreen and
HAVE to us. Quick sales at the highest
market price and prompt returns made
w rice ror prices or any information you may want.
eiiMiyrrBr! imBD.emi a cn commission
uu milium)) mviuiiuuu u. VU.( Merchants,
174 South Water 8t.. Chlcaro. 111.
Eefhbknckh-Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago,
If so a " Baby" Cream Separator will earn Its cost for
you every year. Why continue an inferior svMfin
another year at so (Treat a loss f DairyinKisnow the
only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con
ducted ltalway8 pays well, and must pav yon. You
nwa a separator ana you neea tue m.Ni, the
"Buoy." All styles and capacities. Prices. 75.UC
upward. Send for new 1895 Catalogue.
Branch Offices : General Offices:
Cane, Mllltt Seeds, Kaffir, Rice and Jerusalem Corn, all (rrown In 18S4. For
prices address, MoBETH ft KINNISOIT.
Please mention this paper. Garden City, Kansas.
Awarded World's Columbian Grand Prize
Medal for Purity. Always Fresh aDd KcUable.
SPECIAL OFFER: For only wc. I will send x
o o . a . o o-x liberal package each of New
Holland Cabbage and New Dixie Water Melon.
Beautiful Seed and Plant Catalogue fS2E. Liitm
at once H. W. BUCKBEE, Rockford, Ills.
P. O. Box Rockf nrd Haiid Karma
aVaVyVaTs Mlinil
1867: KANSAS HOME NURSERY. ' 1895.
Grow all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees of Best varieties Buited to the west.
Originator of the Kansas Black Raspberry. All leading and new varieties of small
fruits, Grapes, Shrubbery and Evergreens. Price list to all applicants. Agents
wanted. A. H. GR1ESA, Box J, Lawrence, Ks.
Established in 1872, point to many thousands of successful orchards in Nebraska
supplied from their nursery. Their stock for 1895 is complete in all departments,
and as good as ever Bent out. Large orders for apple trees, filled on eight
month's time. Purchase at first hand and save agent's and dealers' profit. Cor
respond early before the rush of spring trade opens.
. F. STEPHENS, Manager,
. Crete, Neb.
and lllryoles. at rartorr rrlres. Work e uarnnteed and 20 to 40 per
cent saved. Our koihIs received the highest swards at the World's
Fair. Our 195 Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue Is free to all. It shows
all the latest stvlea and Improvements and reduced prices. It has 210
&ape and In the largest and most complete catalogue ever Issued,
end lor It. ll't free. Alliance Carriage '., Cincinnati, Ohio.
' ttrada. B4a.
Writ, to-day.
h. a !. pa
SAW. n""' srr?
H. S. Aley, M. D.,
Treats Bncessafnllv
Nervous, Female & Chronic Diseases
by Beans of
aad to
Dosimetric System of MetHostloa.
BUK8BTM, Cheater WW,
Jersey Bad sad Poland China
PIOB. Jaraay, Dearaaay aad
Holateia Cattle. Thoroughbred
Sheas, reaoy PeaUry. Haatiaf
sea Hoeae Dots. Catalogae.
A. W
vUle, uaestar v reaaaa
If in need of a choicely bred Poland
boar write to J. V. Wolfe, Box 825,
Lincoln, Neb. He has a few way np pigs
of April and early May farrow.
Furnas County Herd.
L. E. Beikshires
Hohtein Cattle.
'84 pt)tn sired b.v six first
clasa males, nnd from sows
as (rood. Ilerkshires. Sal
Hex, Duchess, and others.
1'oland-ChiiiMn: Corwin. Te
cnmxeb mid Wilkes. None
better. All stock at half
price, ion account of the
drouth), and gnnranteed as
represented. Mention Tlie
Wealth Makers.
Beaver City, Neb.
Elkhorn Valley Herd
of Poland-China S wine.
I have all the leading
strains including Free
Trades, Wilkes and
lllnck U. 8. families.
The best lot of pijra I
ever raised fired by
Paddys Chip 169. Fs
Wanna maker i'BS:9,
Col. U. S 10605. My
sows are mos'ly Free
Trade and Wlrkes
Neligh, Neb.
v t
. 8JUTH. Ceehrs
I kkU T
Grinds more eraln to any
deereeof finenessthananyothermlll. Grinds ear
corn , oats, etc., fine enough for any purpose. War.
ranted not tochoke. We warrant the Peerless to be
V&- Write us at once for prices and agency.
There Is money in this mill. Made only by the
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Farm Machinery.
Carriages, Wagons, windmills. Bicycles, Harness,
etc. Prices lowest. Quality best.
AND GUIDE to Poultry Btiien (or 1SS5.
Contains OTer 190 fine Illustrations show
rait a photo of the larmat hannar In th.
west. Gives best plans for poultry houses,
sure remedies and recipes for all diseases.
also Talaablo informatlnn nn tha IrifhAn
and flower cardan sent (or only 10 cents.
John Btuither, Jj., P. 0. Box 78. Import, IU .
..-. a;
----- a T Trff5r
r-arr-av m
A" 4irada.iC2.iasi
Wnw to-day.
positively Guaranteed to give Jji
lj (jgioiouiwaT-o iair iron ajicwea
' vboi is Adid by f$06e
Vvtjo bavc Vaed frjeror
CO Rock IoUmd. III.
L i
-sJj(iv'JS5My Mr