The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, February 28, 1895, Page 5, Image 3

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    February 28, 1S5
'. Iut wmt a litlln nil tli truth
hilt Im known, (or t li li't tinn by
far for both in h n and U'lint lies iu the
near futur. I wish thorn who kept the
aid from beinir Kiwii could ! the suffer-
iug. Mim. .1. T. Kellir.
fWy. Neb. F. A. & I. U.
A fcONG.
1 sing the horny-handed meD,
The Public sons of toil.
Who del re in pits, or work Id mills,
Or till the Print (oil.
To level-beaded Drudge and Co.,
I dedicate this song:
W bat ever it is right, you know.
Whatever Isn't't wrong."
For "Liberty" and "Freedom's" lake.
Ye horny-handed, shout
The Liber y tor them to take,
And you to do without.
What though in this inhuman strife.
This Manufacture stress;
Ye workers have scant Joy of life,
The workless even less!
What though the greedy love of gain,
And Consequent durene.
Doth cause all Christian people pain.
All feeling men dlstrrSHl
For "Individual Freedom's" sake,
For "Liberty" still shoutl
The Liberty for them to take,
And you to do without.
And when you've "dug," or "tilled," or "sjSun,"
Be individual reaper
Of part of what your toil hath won
You're not your brother's keeper.
v And never 'mongst yourselves agree
To fret the wealthy classes;
Be separate, selfish, bold, and free.
And independent Asses.
And never grieve, but give 'em leave
To work you for their profit,
- And with that "profit" purchase land,
And keep you drudges off it.
What though In this Inhuman strife.
This Competitive stress.
We see such wanton wants of life.
Such Chrlstless gauut distress!
To Interpose, don't let any: .
The fruit of your own labour
Secure (wben you can get any).
And devil take your neighbour.
And still for "Liberty's" sweet sake.
And "Independence," shout
The Liberty for tbem to take,
And you to do without.
E. F. F.
To the Christian Co-Uperators.
For years past I have boldly taken the
position that the private ownership of
land is wrong. With the Bible, the
Declaration of Independence, the Consti
tution of the United States, and a modi
cum of common sense on my side. I have
been and am now able to maintain that
position against any man who dares
meet me in debate.
My position is this: The government
should own the land and lease it in limit
ed quantities foraconsideration to those
who wished to occupy it. Such conside
ration should not be more than gne or
two per cent per annum of what such
landH and improvements cost the govern
merit. That is the way the government,
should get her revenues instead of rob
bing the poor laborers of other lands (as
the Republicans admit) or the poor of
our own land (as the Democrats affirm)
by means of tariff laws.
In essays, in newspaper articles, in
thousands of circulars which I have paid
for printing for gratus distribution, I
have clearly shown how the government
without any constitutional amendments
without the least injustice to any mortal
on earth, may become the rightful owner
of all the lands within her borders how
she may give employment to all men
seeking work to improve the lauds she
owns how she can furnish homes for all
how she can put billions of good money
in circulation and procure all needed
In churches, in school houses, in groves
and in the streets in towns and cities, I
have stood up and shown how it was
possible to so direct the legislation of
this nation as to give employment to all
homes to all put money in circulation
and provide revenues; and I can truly
say with one of old, " have stretched
out my hands to a gaiu saying people."
There is one hope left. It is this: let those
who are of one mind form themselves in
to Christian Corporations alter the man
ner of the one in Lancaster county.
To inaugurate the plan that I have
advocated lor years requires the couver-
,mPKn OI a majority oi seventy millions 01
relatfope mostly loois. uui to inaugurate
are aPiristiau Corporation or co-operative
the vciety requires but a few Christian men
gjtierfd women. It seems to ine that it is
thehe only way to save the nation from
thgoing the way of ancient Egypt, Persia,
e Babylon and Rome. "Let him that
tnuiKein ne stanaein raKe neeu ne
fall," is as applicable to a nation as to
an individual.
It is the concensus of public opinion
that the nation has reached a crisis; all
thinking men say that something must
be done or the nation is doomed. What
that somethingshall be they pretend not
to say.
A Christian Corporation fairly under
headway will be u beacon light to the
oppressed of every land. It will be a
"ell v set upon alull that cannot be hid,"
"The salt that saltetli the earth," "The
one think needful," the kingdom of God
on earth. I pray bod it may move on
like the stone cut out of the mountain
until it fills the whole earth.
I have read the constitution of the
Lancaster society and npprove of it
throughout. I am anxiously waiting for
the bylaws.
The constitution and bylaws together
with the paper recently read befor the
society by Brother Uibson and published
in Thk Wealth Makers, should be im
mediately published in pamphlet form.
O, how I would love , to fill my pockeis
with them and go forth and proclain,
"Ilepent. for the Kingdom of liod is ut
hand." There are so many poor amonu
us who have nothing to do no homes of
their own I pity them in their distress,
and will only be to glad to poiut to them
a place of relief.
We often hear of the rich making be
quests to vurious institutions; had 1 n
quest to make I had rather make it to
a Christian Corporation like the on
alluded to in this article than to anj
other I know of. I look upon it as tin
dawn of a new era in the world's history.
May God sjed the caum-7 Amen.
A Broad Faroe
A broad farco is Wing put on the
boards daily at thecapito! building at
Lincoln. Its title has not been published
but for want of a more appropriate name
we shall call it the "Folly of Fools, or
Partisanship Run Mad." The English
language is pretty expressive, but with
all its capabilities it fails to do justice to
the subject. The petty inalice, pitiful
petifogging, putrid partisanship, the
combination of insane silliness and
downright knavery which seems to char
acterize this aggregation of political
mountebanks, called the legislature, is
painful to witness, or at least to rend
about. If the ability of the majority
equaled its disposition to do deviliry il
would raise hades. AssumingtheabsetKv
of brains, Caser's character zntionof il
antics as "horseplay," fits the case. Its
attempt to curtail the p.wer of the gov
ernor because his political faith differs
from that of the majority shows that it
has no more political honesty than n
knave and no more reason than a Iuiim
tic. It don't even know enough to know
that the political tides are likely to turn.
Its prompt tabling of the resolution
against extension of Union Pacific in
debtedness to the government, shows, to
use the language of the hardshell Hnptixt
preacher, that "The ox knoweth his
owner and theass his master'scrib ah!''
Its coquetry with the insurance lobby
shows its tendency to evil and its treat
ment of the entire subject of relief for the
suffering people who looked to it for a d
illustrates its imbecility, Thank God,
the spectacle cau't last forever. Stroms
burg Headlight.
A rromlnent Indian liaslness Man At
tempts Murder and Suicide.
Terrk Haute, Ind., Feb. 20. At
daylight yesterday morning Altamott
G. Walker, a well-known busines
man, awakened his sleeping wife and
fired at her. The bullet imbedded
itself in the pillow. Mrs. Walker
started to flee from the room, but
was grabbed around the neck by her
husband, who, with a pistol in each
hand, fired two more shots, one
wounding Mrs. Walker slightly in
the hand. Walker then turned the
pistol on himself and sent a bullet
through his lungs. He lived but a
short time. Mrs. Walker is a 6ister
of B. D. Hndnut, owner of the Hud
nut Milling company, and president
of the Vigo County National bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker, with their four
children, lived in a handsome house
on one of the most fashionable
streets. Insanity is supposed to bo
the cause of the attempted murder
and suicide. Not long since ho wrote
a letter to Senator Sherman full of
vagaries outlining his troubles.
Two Convict Miners Suffocated, Eighteen
Others Narrowly h scape Death.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb.' 26. A fire
occurred in Rock slope of the Tennes
see Coal, Iron and Railroad company's
mines at Pratt City yesterday morn
ing that resulted in the death of John
Patton and Louis Stevens, two min
ers, and more or less serious injury of
eighteen others. Twenty three mulea
were suffocated.
Gener tl Carr Dead.
Troy, N. Y., Feb. 26. General
Joseph B. Carr died at 9:45 yesterday
morning. General Carr was a native
of Ireland and came to New York
when a boy. In the war of the re
bellion he held several important
commands, displaying conspicuous
bravery and generalship at Chancel
lorsville and Gettysburg. He was a
prominent figure in New York politics
after the war as a Republican leader,
having held many state offices.
Captain itowgate Acquitted.
Washington, Feb. 26. Captain
Henry Howgat.e, formerly disbursing
clerk of the signal service, who has
been on trial here since Jan uary 28
on two indictments charging hi m
with embezzlement, was yesterday
acquitted of the charees. The caso
was given to the jury at noon Thurs
day last, and it wss not until noon
yesterday that a verdict was reached.
There are seven more indictments
against Howgate.
Naval Cadets imprisoned.
Annapolis, Md., Feb. 26. Cadets
Thomas Mahoney and Thomas Hart
of Michigan and Arthur Wessels of
Iowa are imprisoned on the naval
academy ship Sante. The young
men are charged with annoying an
officer by placing a chemical jar in
front of his room.
Importation of American Cattle Stopped!
Paris, Feb. 26. At a meeting of the
cabinet council M. Gardeau, minister
of agriculture, submitted a decree
prohibiting the importation into
France of American cattle on account
of Texas fever.
Extra War Credit Granted.
Tokio, Feb. 26. The diet has voted
the extra war credit of 100,000,000
yen ($100,000,000) asked for by the
government It has also given its
approval to a Corean loan of 3,000,000
The idea of having a coon as a cam
paign emblem originated in 1844.
j Henry Clay was derisively referred to
j as "that same old coon," and his fol
lowers immediately adopted that em
1 blem.
j Ninety-five years ago the Religious
I tract society was founded. Since
then it has printed the gospels in 201
I languages and has issued the "Pil
grim's Progress in eighty-seven Ian-
I The population of the world, by
the latest calculation, is estimated to
I be nearly 1,500.000,000, the greater
half of which is contributed by our
Asiatic brethren, who number about
The shipments of gold coin between
the various sub-treasuries and mints
of the United States, etc., from
March 1 to October 1 of last year
unounted to 8147,307,500; tho cost of
transportation was $93,481.
tr Davis, crown and bridge work, 11th & 0.
Dull blue note paper and envelop!
la the affectation among society wo
men. Bonnets are the daintiest and pret
tiest mortal woman ever put on her
Youths who wear key chain with
dress suit can be guaranteed to "talk
English girls use artificial means to
make tbem taller than natura de
creed. Evi lently the prejudice against
green as a popular color has died
ft way.
Ornamental handkerchiefs are the
tiny kind that merely stick out of the
Women have adopted the shepherd's
crook handle for their attenuated
Women with hour-glass figures of
ten suffer as much as did the early
Bells of the kind that dangle from
the neck of Swiss, goats are a parlor
Blondes are not in fashion. It is
the girl with "chestnut brown" hair
who reigns.
Large silver waist buckles should
be worn if inhere is wish to keep up
with the procession.
The first building and loan associa
tion in the country was organized
near Philadelphia in 1831.
The first glass windows in Western
Europe were made by a Greek in 548
for a church built by the Frank King
The largest search-light in the
world is now on Echo mountain, near
Los Angeles, Cal. It is of 3.000,000
candle-power and can be seen for 200
There are more than twenty coun
ties in Ohio each with its county town
in tho center of the county, and as
many more with county towns only a
few miles from the center.
The new industrial and political song
It contains 150 pages 7x9 inches size,
Splendid new words and new music. Pro
nounced by all incomparably superior to
any book that has yet appeared.
H. E. Taubeneck says of It: "It Is the best
song book yet published. Introduce
It Into every household In the land. Onr local
campaign speakers and committees ought to see
that it bas tbe widest circnlailon.
Hartford City Arena: ."Any (ties club supplied
with it will command the crowds.
Kocky Mountain News: "BeBt of anything in
tbe line that we nave seen.
Missouri World: ' It fills a lone felt-want."
Gen. Van Dervoort: "I congratulate yon on
your (treat work. Tbe whole country will sing
this music.
New York Voire: "A collection ol songs for the
times, with bright, catchy words and good stir
ring music."
The Sledge Hammer: "Every one of the songs
a gem. No chaff in the whole book."
MarBhalltown (Iowa) Populist: "Should be In
the hands of everyone who wishes to make a hit
during the campaign."
Prof. George D. Herron: "1 believe your book
of songs will be ol Immeasurable and divine ser
vice in quickening and pervading the great move
ment lor the social change wuicn is manifesting
Itseif everywhere among tbe common people. It
will inspire the people witb courage and cbeer
and lel.owship in tbe great struggle that la be
fore them,"
Prof. W. M. Boss of Indiana, the great solo
sinner of "Tbe Van Dennett Nationals Team,"
sa.vs: "Have taken pains to ran through the
work and pronounce it a grand collection of
words and a high order of music."
Tbe Farm Field and Fireside says: "It has
been left to Mr. George Howard Gibson to intro
duce anew tone into tbe eongs of the party, ami
to write n series of patriotic souks which are
hardly surpassed by xny in our literature for
loftiness of motive and real merit from a literary
point of view, while ut the same time they are not
at all lacking in the musical qnuiity which must
necessarily be present before sny song touches
tbe chord of popularity. They are remarkable
for their fervid patriotism and broad humanity.
In lat t, if the People's party rises to thepHtriutic
level of these sougs, we have little doubt of Its
ultlmutesucress us a party. The songs strike
the whole octave of hnmnn sympathy. .Spark
ling humor, keen wit aim biting suri-aem, ns well
as the lortier patriotic themes, are touched in
turn by tbe talented author."
Single copies of Armageddon, 3octs.,
$3.60 per dozen. Address,
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, 'Neb.
To trade residence property for estab
lished newspaper. Would pay part cash
for a paying plant. H. P. Giiison,
Rising City, Neb.
"Our Governor," the new inarch, com
posed in honor oi Governor Holeomb by
Prof. J. L. Frank, will be sent to nny ad
dress by remitting 3"p. to J. L. Frank,
Y. M. C. A., Lincoln, Neb.
A Middle Aged Lady
And It to her advantage to write to
Sub. dept. Thb Maksim.
Lincoln, Neb.
The Lincoln Sanitarium is the best
place in the west to get medical treat
ment for most of the ills of life. Write
them for particulars.
We expect soon to have some new
books which will interest you.
Attorneys for Administrator, 1026 0
Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Notice of Sale of Krai Estate
In tbe matter of the Estate of Mary A. Hostetter,
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Samuel Chapman, Judge ol tbe district
court of Otoe county, .state of Nebraska, made
on tbe 21st day of February, 1895, for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will be
sold at the premises. No. Sill O St., Lincoln, Ne
braska, on the 2ih day of March, 1-U.", at 2:00
o'clock p. in , at public sale to the highest bidder
for cash, subject to Incumbrances against the
same, the following described real estate, to-wlt:
Lot numbered six (Hi, in block numbered one (1),
In Plalnview addition to the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated this 27th day of Febrnary, 1S9.1.
Administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Hostet
ter, deceased, 8t4
STABLE BLANKET u I7k Uiiorm.d.1
coat. i.k your datlar lor the " BURLINGTON."
Writs for handjoiM illustrated oiUlofoo-oatfrM.
Improve your time by getting tip a
cub for Thb Wealth Makers.
A Chat
with Our Friends!
The publishers of Tun Wealth
Makers have reason to be grateful
for the financial support, and the
very many kind words of appreciation
aud approval that have come to us
during the past year and especially
during the last six months. When it
was known that the crops in Nebras
ka were a failure we felt some uutsasi-
ness for fear that we should have to
cut the paper down to four pages;
but so many of our subscribers who
were owing us paid up that we have
beeu able to continue the paper its
usual size; and while it has not been
all that we would like to have it, it
has been the best we could make it
with the limited means at our com
But our hardest struggle is yet to
come; we wish you friends to realize
this fact fully, in order that you may
feel keenly the weight of the responsi
bility that rests upon you. We are
necessarily in your hands, in your
There are many Populists in the
state who cannot possibly get the
money to reuew their subscription
this year, or even pay what they owe
us on back subscription.
They would be glad to do so if they
could, but the failure of crops makes
it impossible. It rests then with you
who can pay to see that your sub
scription to The Wealth Makers is
paid a year in advance in order that
the state paper may not be weakened
in its struggle against those who
would rob us of tbe product of our
labor. We are fighting your battlesi
you must hold up our hands.
Now friends, don't be negligent, be
thoroughly in earnest. We need the
money that you owe us. You can
not show your love for the principles
of the Populist Party in any more
effective way than by supporting the
press that advocates those principles.
Every shoulder to the wheelj
Pay your subscription a year in ad
vance, and if possible, seud in at least
one new name, if only for a three
month's trial.
Faithful'y yours,
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
, J. S. Hyatt, Bus. Mgr,
Three Cent Column.
"For sale," "Wanted, ""For Exchange, "and
small advertisements for short time, will be
charged three cemts per word for each lnser
Hon. Initials or a number counted as one
wora. uasn wnn ine order
If you want anything, or have anything that
anybody else "wants," make It known through
this column. It will nay,
C"OKN AND OATH for sale, "Track" Cedm
J muffs. Neb. Write for prices, FARMERS'
O. WILSON, Booms 60 and 91
Burr's block, Llmoln, Neb.
WANTED Fire and cyclone agents. Good
pay. J. Y. M. Swigart, Seo'y, Lincoln,
Neb. 37
SWEET POTATOES sent, out to be sprouted
on shares. No experience required. Direc
tions for sprouting free. T. J. Skinner, Colum
bus. Kansus. .
SI ft Sj Wanted: salary and expenses. ivrman
Wl Pi,t place; whole or purr time. App'.v at
once, brown dto. Co-, nurserymen,
FOR RENT 240 aers Btock Farm adjolnlsg
Lincoln; lanes honse and best equipped cat
tle barn and bog houses In the state; complete
system of water works and tanks in yards and
feed lots. Will sell half interest In stock on farm
and share profits or take off stock and rent for
cash. Address, JOHN J. GILLILAN.
Real Estate Broker,
1048 P Street,
85t4 Lincoln, Nebraska.
using or Minus PRACTICAL
ern meiiuxl, uad in all fsvttoriet
to plftM new iou. Plilea cold.
Uver, nickel, etc., on micbet.
, Jwlnr, ubto-wtrt, bicycle, ud
ail meiai ffooaj; naeooiouror
Mcenu; different Uec; tlwiya
retdj; n batury; no toy; no
experUnoa; no limit to pitting
needed : a crat money mkr.
W.P.HARRISON 4 CO., Clerk No. 15, Columbus. Ohio.
$750.00 A Year and All Expenses.
We want a few more General A (tents, ladles or
irentlenien, to travel and appoint agents on our
new paonuations. nil particulars given on ap
plication. If you apply please send references,
and state business experience, aae and send pho
tograph, If you cannot travel, write us for
terms to local canvassers. Dept. Rare, 8. 1. BELL
ft CO.. i'blladelpbta. Pa.
For Sale
at a Bargain!
Lease of 640 acres school land (im
proved) all enclosed witb six-wire fence,
180 head of nice yonng hogs weighing
from 100 to 200 pounds to go with it.
This is in Custer county near Broken
Bow. Price. $3,000.
FOR SALE Good 5-room cottage,
barn, corner lot in good neighborhood.
For sale cheap. E. T. Huff,
236 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb.
For Sale.
80 acres of tableland, good pasture, 13
acres meadow land (12 tons of hay this
dry year) good well, all new buildings, 3
head of work horses, 13 head of cattle,
40 head of hog, ( good Poland Chinas)
wagons and implement necensary to
farm; 75 chickens, household goods, po
tatoes, hay, seed oats and seed corn.
Price $2,;l0 half cash. 5 miles south
west of Wisner, Xeb. Address,
Mits. l.KKTZ,
(A rare bargain.) Winner, Neb.
820 acres of first class land for salt; a!
under irrigation ditch. 175 aoras la cal
tivation. Price $17 per acre. IK ail
from Champion, Neb. For furthsr par
ticulars address, M. Cook,
Champion, Neb.
Tho Wealth Makeri,
Farmers Tribune
The Wealth Makeri
The Missouri World
The Wealth Makeri '
The Farm Journal
The Wealth Makeri
Vox Populi
The Wealth Makers
The Nonconformist
The Wealth Makers
The Prairie Farmer
The Wealth Makers
The Representative
The Wealth Makeri,
($1.00 per
L00 44
( LOO per
( 1.00 per
. .60 "
( LOO per
1.00 "
( 1.00 per
100 44
( 1.00 per
1.00 44
( LOO per
1.00 44
($1.00 per
( LOO per
L25 44
xopejta Advocate
The Wealth Makeri
The Nebraska Fanner
The Wealth Makeri ( 1.00 per
Western Swine Breeder .25 4 4
The Wealth Makeri ( LOO per
Weitern Poultry News .25 4 4
The Wealth Makers ($1.00 per
Famers' Institute, Mason City, la.
(Mutual Insurance I'aper)
We will send you Thb Wealth Makers and any other weekly paper that
you want, the price of which is $1.00 per year for $1.55. Old subscribers
may take advantage of these offers as well as new subscribers.
We want every one of our readers to canvas for us. Bend us at leMat one
new subscriber, if it is only for a three month's trial, for 25c. '
We will givs 20 pur cent commission to agents who will work for us.
How many of our readers love Thb Wcaltu Makkrs enough to work for it,
to increase its circulation and consequently its usefulness?
If voo will seud ns only one new subscriber our list will be doubled next
week. Individual work is the kind that gives results. Send us two new sub
scriptions with $2.00 and we will extend your supscription one year free!
Faithfully yours,
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb
J. W. CA8TOR, Pres. J. P. ROUSE. Vlce-Pren. W. B. L1NCH, Sec'r. A. QUEEN AMTER, Trea.
0. L. LINCH, State Agent.
( '
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co,
The Largest, Best and Cheapest Farm Mutual Insrrance Company
in the State.
Over $4,000,000 Insurance
Now In Effect,
Loanei Paid More Promptly than any old Hue company doing bnaineM. Insure against Firs and
Lightning, Wind and Tornado, at one per cent. Has run three yean without any Awm
ment. Furnishes Insurance to the Farmers at actual cost. All loses paid In full
and no debts standing against the company.
Home Ofllce, 1001 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
Who Wants a Good Thing?
I HAVE a nice clean salable stock of hardware of about $2,500.00 no trading
stock. Sales from $8,000.00 to $10,000.00 per year. Afy profits last year
were about $1,500.00. Store room on corner rents for $16.00 per month,
28x78, ample side rooms, street frontage 50 feet, best location in town; tributary
trade large and good; like buying a gold dollar if anyone is wanting a hardware
location; part cash, part on time. Must sell.
It will pay you to see or write to me.
1120 M St., Lincoln, Neb.
Irrigated Farms-$1,000!
sw iiiimi'iirtfiiisiufi saw
OUT of a thousand farms in 80UTH V7F8T KAN8A8, of 160 acres each, we ai
selling a limited number equipped with an independent and permanent irriga
tion plant sufficient for at least ten acres on each farm. The price at which
these 160 acre farms are selling is merely about what the ten acres and irrigation
plant are worth.
Before buying a farm investigate this. Special terms made for Cslonies, Call
on us or write for particulars. "
Boom 412 New England Life Building. 9th & Wyandotte St, JEAX8A8 OUT, MO.
Fine Stock Auctioneer.
Deiicrnh Clipper,
katbaaoa. faiii wrriiM W
cmcouis asm rats.
- C. BROSIUS, "WSffAtSV!;-
Oar araad catalogs, ovsr SM lllnstrstiOBS,
treat's latest, goods and aovsltlea, 1 writing pea
lonntala attachment, 1 elegant gentleman'!
watch cbaln and charm, guaranteed 20 years
Tonr nam In agent's directory 1 year, all seal
lorlOcU. Postage t cents. EMPIRE NOVELTJ
CO., 167 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
the Ozarks,"
The Land of His; Red Apples, le so attractlvi
and Intereetlng book, handsomely illuetTBted
with views ol Sooth Missouri eoenery, lnclndlna
tn famous Olden t roll Farm ot 8.000 acres It
Howell county. It pertains to fruit rale nn lr
that sreat fruit belt ol America, the southert
slope ot the Oiarks. and will prove ol great value
not only to fruit srowers. but to every farinoi
and hoineeeeker looking lor alarm and a home
Mailed Ires. Address,
J. E. L0CKW00D,
Kansas City, Mo
Farm For Sale.
420 acres: 60 acres la cultivation; S-room dwelling,
good well of pure water and cistern, .100 acres
prairie. 60 acres timber: situated 2H miles from
bee Arc, tbe connty seat of Prairie county, a
bnsy little tows on the west bank of White Hirer,
cheap traneportotlon by steamer line: good
etisrch and school privileges. Pries $2,850. S1.M0
sash, balance la deferred payments. Address,
W. H. V1Y10.N, Lonoke, Ark.
' If
L 1
Both papers
for $1.65 per year
Both Papers
for $1.25 per year
) Both papers
1 for $1.10 per year
I Both papers
S for $ 1 .40 per year
) Both papers
J for $1.55 per year
) Both papers
. ) for $ 1 .30 per year
) Both papers
) for $ 1 .65 per year
) Both papers
( for $1.55 per year
) Both papers -
1 for $ 1 .60 per year
) Both papers
j for $ 1 .00 per year
) Both papers
( for $ 1 .00 per year
) Both Papers
f for $1.15 per year
Over $7,000 on Hand.
32 Losses Paid in 1804.
In a small town not far from Lincoln.
Want : Column.
COR EXCHANOE-HII-room bouse, larow lot.
1 fruit and shade; tor land in central Nebraska.
COK EXCHANGE Five-room cottage boms on
street car line; would take land.
TOR EXCHANGE 120 acres Improved land in
1 southeastern Kansas; for farm in eastern Ne
braska. rOlt EXCHANGE Foor vacant lots near CoW
lege; wonld consider live stock.
FOR EXCHANOK Five eight-room house snd
corner lot, facing college rampue, for farm.
FOK EXCHANGE-Five acres, good honse, six
rooms, bath, hot and rold water, closet,
sewerage, barn, hen and hog honse, windmill end
tank, frnlt: near school and street car, tbe Ideal
anhurban home; will exchange for 80 or lfcO acre
farm, convlent to railroad.
FOR EXCHANGE Ten acres adjoining Lincoln;
wonld consider property In smaller town.
FOR EXCHANGE 160 acre farm twelve miles
northwest of Lincoln, tor 60 acre farm in east
ern Nebraska.
FOR EXCHANGE-160 acres ten miles from Lin
coln; would consider central Missouri laud.
FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres, ten miles from Lin
coln, adjoining small town: for general mer
chandise. FOR SALE Six acres, no buildings near school
and street car. Fine site for a home.
FOR 8AI.K 65 acres adjoining Lincoln, near
College and car line, cheap tor short time.
FOR HALE SiO acres, well Improved, twelve
miles south ot Lincoln; fruit and spring
FOK 8AI.E 640 acres, close to Lincoln, ons
mile from street car and college; a bargain.
FOR SALE 80 acres, twelve miles of Lincoln, at
half tbe price of adjoining land; mnst'be sold,
FOR SA LK 640 acres, eight miles of Lincoln
good buildings, fruit, living water; cheap.
IF YOU hnve land, improved or unimproved,
city property, or merchandise, yon wish to
sell or exchange, i8t it at once.
IF YOU wnnt to bur and waut to get a bargain,
call upon or iiddregs,
Gillilan Investment Co.,,
Northwest Corner 11th & P Sts.
Ground Floor, Seal Estate Exchange Eoomi,
Lincoln, Neb.
NEURALGIA cared t Dr. Miles' Pais
Pills. "One cent a dose." At ail druggist
year) )
year; )