TTvui i 5 OREGON'S KE1Y SENATOR. GEORGE W. M'BRIDE SUCCEEDS DOLPH IN THE SENATE. VICTORY OF THE FREE SILVER MEN, Dolph Had Secured tbe Cnaolmoos Re publican Canon Nomination, bat th Silver Men Bolted sad Fought II I m to the fr.nd End of One of the Mont Remarkable Political Struggle. Salem, Ore., Feb. 26. The strujrgrle for the election of a successor to J. N. Dolph in the United States senate, which has been carried on in the leg islature for thirty-three days, came to a close at 11:45 Saturday nijrtat by the election of George W. Mcliride, ex-secretary of state. The contest has been a bitter one from beginning to end, and up to thirty minutes before the hour set for final adjournment, it looked as though it would be a deadlock. The contest has been a remarkable one in many respects. One month before the legislature met it was con sidered a certainty that Senator Dolph would have' no opposition for re-election, but from that time until the legislature met the free silver men began a campaign to defeat him. They had no particular candidate, but simply were opposed to Dolph on account of lils views on the money question. On the second day of the session the Republicans went into caucus, when Dolph received the unanimous nomination. The vote In separate sessions was taken one week from the time of the cau cus, but twenty-four members of the house who had voted for him in caucus refused to do so in sep arate session. He received a majority in the senate, but lacked one in the house, his total vote, however, in the two houses footing up 48, a majority of two. The next day in joint session four more votes left him, which pre vented his election by one vote. lie continued to drop off from day to day uutil his support got down to 38. The opposition stood firm, and it be came evident several days ago that Dolph could not be elected, though his supporters agreed to stand by him to the last Rather than to cause a deadlock, however, they yielded at the last moment and brought forward Mcltride, upon wiium all factions could unite, ami he was chosen on the sixtieth ballot, receiving the full Republican vote. WOODRUFF IS CU1LTY. Bo Bay the Jury and Fixes HI Punish ninut at One Year In Prison. Littlk Rock, Ark., Feb, 26. After deliberating two hours and a half the jury in the case of Ex-State Treas urer Woodruff, at Perry ville, returned a verdict of guilty and fixing the punishment at one years' imprison ment This is the fourth trial of the famous case, and has cost the state nearly $50,000. He was tried in 1801 on the charge of em bezzlment, the jury failing to reach a verdict He was next tried in 1893 on the same charge and the trial again resulted in a hung jury, stand ing ten to two for conviction. In 1893 he was tried on the charge of misap propriating state funds and acquitted. The present specific charge was false pretenses in obtaining the signatures of the state debt board to an order to sell certain scrip to one Johnson L. Jones. Woodruff's bonds men have paid into the state treasury 8109, 0(H) on account of his defalcation. SHOT ON THE STAGE. In Giving an Exhibition William llaverly , I Fatally Hurt. Chicago, Feb. 20. William Uaverly Was shot and fatally injured last night at Engel's Pavallion by "Pro fessor" Alfred Rieckhoff, alleged "champion rifle shot of the world." The men were performing the human target act llaverly, who was act ing as Rieckhotfs assistant, had a steel plate over his breast Rieck hoff fired twenty shots into the steel plate, "ringing the bell" nineteen times. At the twentieth shot Uaverly Bank to the floor, cryiug, "My God, I am shot" One of the bullets had entered his stomach below the plate. At the Alexian Brothers' hospital it was said that he could not live. Rieckhoff was arrested. A Catholic and the Y. M. C. A. Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 26. Right Rev. John A. Watterson, bishop of the Columbus diocese, addressed a big meeting of the Y. M. C A. yesterday. As many persons as gained admit tance to the hall were turned away. This was the first time in history that a Catholic clergyman had addressed a meeting under the auspices of the Y. M. C A , and naturally attracted wide attention. The bishop was in troduced by General Secretary W. T. Perkins and spoke for an hour and a half on "Christian Citizenship," the audience being held in rapt attention and frequently breaking into ap plause. To I ecover the .11 alls of the Elbe. London, Feb. 2a The North Ger man Lloyd Steamer company has en gaged three German, three English and three Irench divers to at tempt to recover the mails from the foundered steamer Elbe. The vessel lies in water 120 feet deeo and two or three mail bags from here . have been washed ashore on the coast The estimated value of the mails is S90, 000. In addition to the regular wages tnat tne divers will be paid, the com pany has allote 1 the sum of S:J,500, which will b eiven for the recovery of valuables from the steamer. Kana Presidential ('reference. Iopeka, Kan., Feb. 26. A canvass of 97 of the 105 Republican members of the Kansas legislature on presi dential preferences resulted as fol lows: McKinley 40, Reed 18, Har rison 5, Allison 1, Sherman 1, Teller 2, Ingalls 2, Wolcott 1, Morton 1. No choice 11, declined to vote 6. NEW TERRITORY COURTS. rrovUlon of the JHea.are flrtnallf Agreed I'pon by the I on f arras Washihotoji, Feb. 26. The confer ence committee on the bill to reorga nize the Indian territory judicial sys tem has so far agreed upon a measure that twenty copies of the perfected text have been struck off. It is claimed that the conferrees have adopted the Morgan bill intact with some few changes. The court towns of the Northern district are Vinita, Miami, Tahlequah and Muscogee, Miami taking Claremore's place; of the Central districts South McAlester, Atoka, Antlers and Cameron; of the Southern district Ardmore, Purcell, Paul's Valley, Ryan and Chickasha. Duncan has thus far lost its fight, but in the coining conference will make a final struggle for Ryan's place. The judges are to serve four years instead of six. Besides the sal ary of $5,000 each judge will be al lowed his necessary expenses when holding court away from home. The president is authorized to make ap pointments during the recess of the senate, granting commissions to ex pire at the end of the next session. The marshals and district attorneys are to have salaries of $4,000 each instead of $3,000. The attorney general may at his discretion appoint an assistant at torney general for each district The clerk of the present United States court will be clerk of the Southern district and the clerk of the other districts are to be appointed by the judges. Deputy clerks in each dis trict are to receive $1,200 a year and the clerk's salary is to be $2,400; clerks are authorized to retain fees for all duties other than those per formed by the clerks of the United States courts elsewhere. All laws in force in the Indian territory in con;! met wun tne act are repeated, me courts are to have exclusive original jurisdiction over all offenses, the courts at Fort Smith and Paris, Texas, however, retaining their present jurisdiction until September 1, 18U6. The clause diminishing the Jurisdiction of Indiana tribal courts s stricken out It provided that a case pending in an Indian court should be transferable to the United States courts on motion of any party thereto, and at the expiration of two years wiped out the Indian tribal courts altogether. The fear of a veto led to the striking out of this section. In consequence, other sections predi cated upon the extinguishment of the Indian courts at the end of two years are also omitted. FRED DOUGLASS' FUNERAL. 1 he liody of the Colored Orator In State The Service Mr. Stanton' Tribute Washington, Feb. 26. The body of the late Frederick Douglass was taken early this morning to the Metropoli tan African Methodist Episcopal church, there to lie in state until the funeral services. As soon an the casket had been put in place before the altar, the doors were thrown open and the peo ple were admitted to pay their last respects. A great crowd passed in and out While colored people pre dominated among the waiting multi tude, there were hundreds of white neoDle. The funeral sermon was de livered by the Rev. Dr. J. T. Jenifer of the Metropolian church. A letter from Elizabeth Cad y Stan ton was then read, which, after re viewing her first meeting with Douglass, closed as follows: "As an orator, writer and editor, Douglass holds an honored place among the gifted men of his day. As a man of business and a public officer, he has been pre-eminentlv successful; honest and upright in till his dealings, he bears an enviable reputation. As a husband, father, neighbor and friend, in all social relations he has been faithful and steadfast to the end. He was the only man I ever knew who understood the degradation of dis franchisement for women. Through all the long years of our struggle he has been a familiar hgure on our platform, with always an assuring word to say. In the very first con vention he helped me to carry the resolution I had penned, demanding woman suttrage. Frederick Douclass is not dead. His grand character will long be an object lesson in our national history; his lofty sentiments of liberty, justice and equality echoed on every platform over our broad land must influence and inspire many coming generations." HIS BROTHER BESMIRCHED. Harry Hay ward Accuse Adry of Having Once Acted a a Highwayman. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 26. Harry Hayward, the defendant in the Ging murder case, continued his testimony to-day in his own behalf. He de scribed his experience in the "sweat box" and told how he was taken to the morgue and the dead body shown to him with everybody watching him. He did not know what he did, but said he felt very badly and knew every one there thought him guilty. He went to Miss Ireland and offered to do anything about the funeral he could. He ordered some roses from a florist and attended to the funeral Thursday he and Adry were arrested and put in a cell together. Adry seemed very down in the mouth, and he said to him, "We're not guilty. What's the use of feeling this way?" Adry was dispirited and finally he had said: "Adry what is this? You held her up once. Did you have any thing to do with this?" Adry was silent and refused to talk any more. After that there was no further con versation between them. This evidence caused a flutter of excitement It brought in the story which on Thnrsday had been ruled out by the court that Adry was the masked highwayman who last April held up and robbed Harry. Miss Ging and Miss Vedder wdile they were out riding. Adry, it is under stood will deny the story with an aiioi. i WOMAN SUFFRAGE KILLED. Missouri House lief uses to Vote for the Engrossment of the Resolution. Jeffekson Citv, Mo., Feb. 26. The gallery of the house was inadequate to hold those who crowded in this afternoon to hear the discussion of the proposed amendment to the con stitution to give to women the right to vote. The vote on the engrossment re sulted: Yeas, 43; Nays, i5. NATIONAL SENATE RUSHINO ALONQ AP PROPRIATION BILLS. THE SDHDRY CIYIL BILL UP. Senator Vest Make a Kink Against Load ing the Bill Down tt 1th Provisions for New Government Buildings The House Also Hnshlng Along Its Work Wash ' Ington New. Washington, Feb. 6. When the senate met to-day Mr. Cockrell, chair man of the appropriations committee, made a statement as to the condition of the measures and the need for night sessions and for speedy work, but no agreement was reached, and the sundry civil bill was then taken up. At this point several pages strug gled in with an immense floral horse shoe, which was placed on the desk of Mr. Ransom, nominated and con firmed Saturday as minister to Mex ico. Mr. Hansbrough of North Dakota, offered an amendment, which was agreed to, including Bismarck, North Dakota, among those cities to have a public building. Mr. Vest chairman of the committee on public buildings and grounds, notified the senators of the Northwest that by "loading" these new amendments on the bill all of the appropriations for the new buildings at Cheyenne, Boise City, Helena, Pierre, Olympia and Bis marck would fail. The provision in the amendment adopted for the new buildings is that sites shall be pur chased in each city named at a cost not to exceed $20,000 each (or the pub lic grounds. The item in the sundry civil bill ap propriating $100,000 for the continda tion of work on the Kansas City fed eral building under the present limit was passed. ' The House Passe Private BUI. . Washington, Feb. 26. Fully thirty members crowded into the area in front of the Speaker's chair when the house met to-day, all seeking unani mous consent to consider bills of local importance. There were sev eral fortunate ones before the "regu lar order" was demanded. Then the senate amendments to the Indian ap propriation bill were nop-concurred in and the bill was sent to conference. Thursday was set aside for District of Columbia business, and the house then, in committee of the whole, re sumed the consideration of the gen eral deficiency bill. GETTING READY TO ADJOURN. The Kansa House Miut OS ew Bills IVork May End Saturday. TorEKA, Kan., Feb. 20. The first action of the house this forenoon was to adopt a resolution offered by Mir. Campbell of Stafford that the intro duction of all except appropriation bills should cease at noon to-morrow. Mr. Beekman offered a concurrent resolution that after 12 o'clock Thurs day night neither house should con sider any subject except messages from the other and messages from the fovernor and that after midnight larch 2 (Saturday) neither house should consider any subject except messages from the governor. It was laid over until to-morrow. The house passed the judicial ap portionment bills which if the senate agrees to them will abolish six dis tricts upon the expiration of the terms of the present judges. IRRIGATION FOR KANSAS. he State Senate Oulckly Adopts the Compromise Measure. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 20. In the sen ate this afternoon Mr. Brown offered a substitute for the house bill on ir rigation, which appropriated $50,000, appropriating $30,000, and chang ing the members of the board of irri gation by making the president and geologist of the agricultural college members, with pay only for expenses while on duty. The substitute was passed, only five senators voting in the negative. The senate agreed to the house amendments to the bill pensioning Irwin Covey, and it will become a law. The house passed the bills prevent ing blacklisting and prohibiting dis crimination by employers of labor against men who may belong to labor organizations. Belief for the Thorpe Faml j. TorEKA, Feb. 26. In the senate to day a bill was introduced, advanced to second and third reading and passed, appropriating $7,000 for the relief of Mary E. Thorpe and minor children, the husband and father having been killed while on duty as a state employe in the penitentiary coal mine in July 1893. The Kama Appellate Conrt Bill. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 26. The senate and house both passed the appellate court compromise bill this afternoon. Amelia Rlves-Phanler 11L. St. Louis, Ma, Feb. 26. Amelia Rives-Chanler, the famous writer, was forced to stop here last week, owing to an attack of the grip and has gone to Hot Springs to regain her health. Her illness does not alarm her friends. She will soon go to Mexico to make studies for a new novel. . A False Prophet Arrested. Kingston, Jamaica Feb. 26. Alex ander Bedward, a negro who styles himself a prophet and who, during the last year, has secured a following of over 5,000 people; has been ar rested on a charge of sedition. No Break In Delaware. Doteb, Del., Feb. 26. One ballot fvas taken in the United States sena torial fight to-day. It resulted as follows: Uiggins, 8; Addicks. 5; Mas sey 4; Wolcott, 7; Tunnell, 3; Bayard, 1. New Iceberg Lettuce There is no handsomer or more solid Cabbage Lettuce in cultivation in fact, it is strikingly beautiful. The large, curly leaves which cover the outside of the solid heads are of a bright light green, with a very slight reddish tinge at the edges; they have small indents, which are constantly filled with dew-drops. They are thus kept fresh, and show a re markably crystalline appearance, which well warrants the name of Iceberg;. The unusual solidity of the heads is in sured by the large, white main libs of the leaves, making it impossible for the leaves to open outward and expos the center, which is constantly thoroughly blanched. It matters not whether in the early spring or the hottest days of sum mer, the quality is simply perfect. So long-standiug and hard are the heads that they seldom shoot up to seed unless cut open with a knife. We have seldom seen such superb heads of Lettuce, aud we confidently recommend the New Ice berg Lettuce as surpassingly tine for the home garden and equally valuable for market; its beautiful appearance in sures quick sales. Our readers who are nterested in gardening, should send for a handsome free Garden Annual describ ing the above and many other good things for the garden. Address, Cole's Seed Store, Pella, Iowa. - lWM LlBEA7 LEADERSHIP! The Wealth Makers (Against the Wealth Takers.) Published Weekly Six Years Old No Other Paper like it Send 25c. for three month's trial subscription. Address, ' THE WEALTH MAKERS, Liaooln, Neb. 1 1 1 1 1 1 III II I III III I llll 3E COLUMBIA PAD CALENDAR Por 1895 I A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for memoranda. The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest of all full of dainty silhouettes and pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and sport. Occasionally reminds you of the superb quality of Columbia Bi cycles and of your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five 2 -cent stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MFG. CO., ' Mention thia paper. Hartford, Conn. mniiniiiii in iii iii Agreeable recreation is that which least resembles work, diverts the mind, and smooths off rough edges of life's cares. Bloyole riding is a boon to busy brain workers, in school or office especially to ailing women. In Xa BICYCLES most highly honored by World's Fair judges has been attained the acme ot perfection in " easy Tun ing," light wheel construction. $125 FOR ALL WEIGHTS AND STYLES. Book of Rambler free ftt Rambler agencies, or by mail foe two i-ccnt stamp. Gormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co. Chicago. Boston. Washington. New York. E. It. GUTHRIE, A Rent, Lincoln. Neb. 'Who Wants Either of Them?" We have two full blood Fercberon Stallions, one gray and one black, five years old. Sound and sure foal tetters. We will sell either of them reasonable, on approved security. Will allow time il desired, with low rate of interest. Owned by farmers. Address, W. S. Wright, Keeper, Valley, Neb. "3v Now Running in This Paper Captain F. A. Mitchel's stirring War Serial, from which the above picture of a ride for life Is taken. C1KAMEA Is a lively narrative of adven tures with the Army of the Cumberland and is the latest production of the popular author of "Chattanooga." READ IT IN THIS PAPER A pier's Love Story Told with consummate skill is our new War Serial by Capt. F. A. Mitchel, entitled GhigkamaugA An intensely interesting story, full of thrilling adven tures and dramatic situations. An Interesting Situation Taken from our New Serial ST F. L MITGHEL' Author of "Chattanooga'' and othet popular War Stories. l-lVta?' 1 . MmtV ClliH) J G) TOO, Till ifJci. HIMMdip, The interesting situations in this story are numerous, the dialogue is delightful and the characters are engaging and life like. READ IT IN THIS PAPER AGENTS 71 A WEEK. mmm mm MlUli 4iV ....... V. 4. .Il t DU l.t- 14 mt Mf nrki. aiftaufartwr iM mairrteU is uttou. IM vrmrn Ike art. Wurtlta ol, pi" ... iuiiib. i.iIm wbMte.woi ted ai.irr1.Ji tor ilthlot.prT"' luc, pta'tn. i nn,.oi"i y Ibinc. Ctrut.-" ! vri lira? aV '.. Plflra Wrk lVst 4, Colaaaba, Oal. Vf IFF CANNOT IK HOW YOfl 00 WirC IT AND PAY FREIGHT. 'Cl.fl Ma ear f dr.w.r w.lo.t m tmk b rTpnal Hark Aim Sifraiil( macalaa n.l. bBimhmd. akl.l slated . adapt I lark aaa ...ry work; gnaraaUad for 10 laarat wtla r feaatlla, rMf.SUi.f a'laaii aoompM Mi of Hwl IUakaUlaaippr4 any hra 0 SO Dai. Trial. No nxMy nonlr im adraan. TI.OOO aow fa oaa, Worlrt Fair Maia) awanlad macalM as attach. naata. Bar from f aelori aa4 mn aWtr an. afant'f proMa. rgrr Cat TklaOwt oi ara -? tot raacMM or im rw OXFORD MF8. CO. 312 TaUtfc In. CH CAB0, ILL Sulpho-Saline Bath House and Sanitarium. Comer 14th and M Bti Lincoln, Neb. Open at All Hour Day and Night. All Formi of Baths. Inrliish, Russian, Roman and Electric. With spatial attention to tht application of Natural Salt Water Baths IsrsrsJ tloa stronger than sa water. Rhanmatlam, Skin, Blood and Karroos Dts assa, Llrsr and Kidney Trouble and Cnront ailments are treated snccosstnlly. sSea Bathings mar be enjoyed at all seasons In onr large SALT BVYIUMINU POOL. Mxl43 teet. I to 10 feet deep, seated to saliorm temperature ol 80 degrees. DBS- M. H. and J. 0. EVERETT, managing- Phyeldana. But "Direct From Factory" Best MIXED Paints. At WHOLE8ALK PRICFS.DellTeredFree, For Honses, Barns, Roofs, all colors, and SAVB Middlemen's profits. In use 61 years. Endorsed by Orana-s and Farmer' Alliance. Low price will surprise yon. Write for samples. O. W. INGEKMOLL. 253 Plymouth St., Brooklyn. N. T. PILLS? ALL IS DRUG 1 1 Safe and sure. su0 4c.for"momaii'3 safe IP ..DIII'S Celebrated Female Powders never fail. atfr and nire (after tailing I . , ni m wtth Tanty and Pennyroyal Pilli ), particular. cent. Dl. &. T. SIX, BackBay, Botton. Mua. Wk Notice to Non-Resident Defendants, In the DlstrictConrt In and for Lancaster county, Nebraska. Nancy L. Sargent, Plaintiff. TS. Carlos C. Barr, Mary E. Burr, bis wife; Charlotte N. Darlington, D. Doc. 1S-11' B, Welcn, nrst name unknown; . A. Maxwell & Company, The First national Bank, a corporation of Seward. Nebraska. Defendants. I To Charlotte N. Darlington. 8. A. Maxwell Company and D. B. n elch.Oret name unknown, non-resident defendants: Ton are hereby notified that on the 12th day of December, 1894, Nancy L. Sargent, the plaint!" herein, filed her petition In the above entitled cause of action in the District Conrt in and to Lancaster county, Nebraska, against tbe defend ants.Carlos C. Burr, Mary E. Burr, bis wife; Char lotte N, Darlington, D. B. Welch, first name un known; S. A. Maxwell a Company, The First na tional Bank, a corporation ot Be ward, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose certain mortgage executed by the defendants, Carlos C. Burr and Mary E. Burr his wife, on th second day of June. 1890, to the plaintiff, upon the undivided one-hall (Hi of lot number eighteen (18), In block numbered eighty-five (85), Il th town (now city) of Lincoln In the county of Lancaster, and state of Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory not dated June the second, 1890, for tbe sum of four teen hundred ($1400) dollars dne and payablt on the first day of June, 189;); that there is now due npon said note and mortgage the sum ol fourteen hundred ($1400) dollars, together with Interest thereon from the first day of October, 1893, and plaintiff prays tor a decree that the defendant, Carlos C. Burr, be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due on said note and mortgage. Ton are required to answer said petition on o. before the 11th day of March, 1895. NANCY L. 8ARGENT, Plaintiff. By John H. Grossmann, her Attorney. Dated January 28, 1895, Lincoln, Nebraska. 14 14 I North-Western LINE F., E. 4 M. V. R. R. is the best from the to apS BLACK HILLS Deadwood and Hot Springs, South Dakota. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO iiHiipii r IT mf, J i. 4 i h