- , w.vbssbbbb THE CO-OPERATORS' DEr AUTAlt.lv l. fiN Mr Casiatis There will be a meeting of the Christiai Co-operators at the parlortof the church at 12th and H street Monday evening aezt at 7:30 o'clock. Friend from oat of town will be in, and those in towu and 3 in any degree interested in co-opera-tion, art invited to be present It will ot ha a business meeting of the corpora tion bat a fellowship meeting, and co operative plans will be discussed, partic ularly the plan ot the co-operative store for Lincoln. A paper will be read report ing the successful year's work of the In dustrial Christian Union at Manistiqne, llichM a corporation like our own. Bring all your friends with you. Iiooated and at Work The members of the Christian Corpora tion held a series ot meetings, last week, the 14th, 15th and 16th fnsts. at Lin coln, and after due deliberation mads three slight changes in the constitution, adopted by-laws, selected a location eight miles from Lincoln as the center of their farming operations, elected two additional directors, a superintendent of the Agricultural Department and a farm foreman, appointed a committee to de vise a plan for starting a co-operative tore in Lincoln, and another committee to edit and print a pamphlet containing the constitution and by-laws and a brief setting forth of our reasons for organiz ing just as we have. Our two new directors are Brother Victor Erickson and Brother Cook. Presi dent W. J. Eyestone was the unanimous choice for superintendent of the Agricul tural Department, and Brother Erickson was also for the office of farm foreman. The location fixed upon, where perman ent improvements are to be started, is the Victor Erickson 200 acre farm. It is now in a superior state ot cultivation, but by subsoiling and irrigation works will be brought to the very highest state of cnlti vation and fertility, and crops in sured whether it rains or not. Besides the home farm, given by Bro ther Erickson and wife, we have a forty acre farm which is leased from the state for sixteen years and in a valuable way improved, Brother Llndholm and wife contributing their property interest in it; and Brother Eyestone of Rising City, Butler county, also turns in his 200 acre farm finely improved. We have now three farms (altogether 480 acres) under eultivation on which the farm workers of the C. C. will put forth their energies at once, and it is likely that other good farms will be added to the Corporation farm acreage this month. Besides these other land (wild) and houses have been placed at the disposal of the Corporation At present writing twenty-three adults have joined the Corporation and it num bers, children included, betweeu fifty and sixty souls. Others out of town, quite a number of families, stand ready to join us, and will come to us when work can be provided for them. A still larger number are deeply interested in our organization and will no doubt unite with us in the fall. The interest in the new kind ot cor- Jtoration has spread outside the state, as ar as Michigan, at least, and when our pamphlet and literature has widely ad vertised the movement iiu uu of families will come to us Iroin one states. All who wish to join ns. Or who m interested and desiro to acquHint them elves more perfectly with our plan should send five cents in stamps to Sey mourE. Keene, Sec'y., 1120 M street.Liii coin, Neb., for a copy of our pamphlei and application for inemberHhip blanks. They will be ready iuside of ten days or two weeks. More than one brother at the close ol our Friday evening meeting almost un consciously remarked, "It is good to be here." When one pioteaaes love, as in the churches, it stirs in men no longer a strong instantaneous affection; but when men do again as they did in the apostles' time, bring in all they have and lay it down in the midst, for all, it melts and unites all hearts. Whatever is right or just is wise. What ever is wrong or unjust is present folly, which carries with it evil consequences, Self-seeking is the accepted wisdom of the world; but see what sort ot a world it has everywhere made. "A new eartn wnerein dwelletb righteousness," or right doing, will not be made by tue shrewdly sell' seeking, but by those only who live for others, caring tor the common interest We have been working out a plan tor starting co-operation in towns which competition cannot exist beside, co-operation first in the retail mercantile business that will greatly cheapen the cost of retailing goods. The plan when perfect ed will be perhaps a slight, perhapsacon iderable, modification of the Rochdale plan. Under competition Lincoln mer chants are being forced to the wall There are several times too many of them. They are savagely cutting each others throats, trying to get enough customers to keep them from bank ruptcy. The new plan will draw and hold customers in ever increasing number, and so will reduce to the lowest economic cost the labor of handling the sum total of goods that can be purchased. People who hold on to their property and refuse to be members c to is every day Christian body through fear that w hall not be able to love each other enough to make it safe to give all, all that each has, do not see that it is the act ually putting in of our property, all we have and are, which kindles and feeds the great fire of love. Yes, it is safe to love with all the heart, with all our pro perty, with all our labor power, 1 hey who so love will be so loved. Men can not help returning the love they receive, unless they are brutalized, degraded, en cased in ignorance. To thusenrich.aban don ourselves to serve one another, is to create "a new heaven and a new earth about us: it is not to take but to escape from risk; to love unreservedly is the supreme wisdom; it is the attracting, uniting, infinite force of the moral uni verse. . L. P. Davis. D.D.8., dental office over C. R. I, P. B. ticket office, ew. cor. 11th & O. Improve your time by getting up club for Thk Wealth Makkbs. Oetymtloa. CONSTITUTION. OVB FA1TE. . W belter in Ood our iaflalr father. la Christ, our perfect brother, ana in the law of equalising love, expressed in the command, Tnou snait love toy neign- boras thyself." OUa PHILOSOPHY. W hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men created have a right to live and to share equally the abundant nat ural provisions tor a happy existence; that the earth is theirs by common in heritance, for use only, and not for spec ulation: that because it is the inexhaust ible source of values no equal value can be offered for it, or a part ot it, and that therefore no just title of absolute owner ship is acquired in it; that it must be- iOngWlinOUl powviiwvuauuiivi to all Individuals of all generations. We hold that the individuals ot the race are ittterdependent,eachueedmg ail ana nav ing the power to serve all; that each in riivMniddiffers in his wants and capabll- Iris from all others, diners not simpiv in degree, and that be is as much needed by the body pontic; as is eacn roemwr u tbs human body, to constitute a perfect whole; we hold that self-interest, the irood of the individual, is so bound up with society iiiteresw, or tne inwrwn w all other individuals, that it cannot be preserved apart, that Individuals cannot ook out lor tneir own interests vmy, u In th present business and political struggle, without insecurity and immens. loss; we hold that there can on no emeu Ino- of Interests between nieniueru ui n healthful, nuturally organized society, and that in proportion to its numbers td rough organic unity, will bs the meas ure of individual service, oenenis ana en- ioyineuts. We bold that each member oi society should be equally nourished, enuallv exercised according to bis abil- tty, and receive equal nonor lor equai ex . , , . l ertion. OUR PUBP08BS. Therefore. In order to open the door of pportunity to every individual, to pro file employment and secure to the la borer ish the com pet brotherh full obedience to the Divine command, love thy neighbor as thyself, this cor poration is created. Abt. I. Sue. 1. The objects ot this as sociation shall be to purchase land, erect buildings, institute agricultural, mining, mechanical, manufacturing, and mer chandising industries, establish schools, libraries and institutions of art and science, and in short operate and main tain any enterprise achievable by united effort which may encourage and foster the highest forms ot human welfare ana of personal freedom. Abt. 2. Sec 1. This corporation is organised under article 40 of chapter 16, compiled statutes of Nebraska, 1893: with the intention oi providing a social organisation for socially, or in common, holding or owning all "means of produc tion and distribution" possessed oy it members, the purpose being to substitute the principle of collective or social own- ershio for that ot private ownership in such "means of production and distribu tion," meaning by these term all laud, labor and capital, in whatsoever form. used by said corporation in the produc tion and distribution of wealth. Its orig inators holding that only by such means, supplemented by the co-operative effort ot all member and such substitution of the co-operative system with equal pro duct sharing, for the competitive system with its absorption of all product in in terest, rent and net profits, can the great and noble ends set forth above be ob tained. HAMS, LOCATION. An. 8.8KC. 1. This corporation shall be known as the "Christian Corporation," and located in the county ot Lancaster, state ot Nebraska. MEMBERSHIP. Abt. 1. Sec. 1. Classification : The membership of this association shall be divided into two classes, as follow: (1) General members. (3) Dependent members. Sic. 2. Any person, male or female, of legal age and good moral character, who is willing to diligently work to carry out the objects of the association ns above set forth shall be eligible to general member ship in this association upon the follow ing conditions : A.tle shall affirm his belief In the teachino-s of Christ. B. subscribe to the constitution, by laws and preamble. C (surrender all bis possessions to the corporation ot whatsoever kind, except his or her personal or domestic enects. v. Shall pass a satisfactory examina tion in the principles of co-operation. E. He shall receive seven-eighths of all votes. Sec. 3. Dependent members: All mem bers of the families of general members nnder 18 years of age, and all other mem bers depending upon such general mem bers for support shall be classed as de pendent members, and entitled to a home in the community and an oppor tunity to work. OFFICERS. Abt.1. Sec.1. The general members shall annually elect from their number the following officers, to-wit: President, vice-president, clerk (secre tary), treasurer, auditor, and also a board of six directors, or more, who shall be severally beads of the different depart ments of labor. Mo person shall hold the same office for two consecutive terms except upon the choice of three-fourths of all the voters. The president of the corporation shall be president of the board of directors, and In case ot a tie rote he shall cast the deciding vote. GOVERNMENT.' Abt. 6. Sec. 1. The government of this association shall be by direct legisla tion, including; the Initiative and Refer endum and imperative Mandate. Any measure may be initiated by the petition of ten per cent of the voting members in good standing, and be referred to a vote ot the members, when a majority vote in favor of said measure shall decide in favor of its adoption, except in cases of constitutional amendment and expulsion ot members, which shall require a two thirds voteof all members in good stand ing. All members shall be required to note on all measures of whatsoever na ture that shall be put to a vote of the members. Any member falling to vote n any measure shall be disfranchised for tne mil proauci 01 uis ion, 10 uou- " r- - ---- --- -r 1 fmIUui i... ....... " nnri nrnviria a. i tne larmers 10 save tuuusauus ui uuiwra 1 ibIiiy m. rn mai vi wcuv, " j.w.- 1 1 ... 1 . , , mns aa ww. ency for old age, to establish the wnicn iney now pay to siuc uuiiipamtm. . -n OOd Of man and make possible was iuiu jemeruajr u aiui.urrerif.uiiu- LARGEST FUR jas. McMillan & co.. TrWrite for Circular giving period of one year, provided that no member shall bedisfranehissd who proves it to havs been an impossibility to have Toted. Aocotnm. Art 7. See. 1. Tb books of the a odation shall be open to inspection if any member at any una. Conducted by J. T. M. SwioiBT. Correspos dunce solicited. Kin, cyclone or ball. Many who are interested in this de partment are asking what the legislature is doing. That question is easily an swered by simply saying, "nothing for the masses." Two good insurance bills have been put to sleep and more will follow if the com mittee ever meets. H. R. 292 was recom mended for indefinite postponement early In the session. It provided a plan by which any man could tell just how much was due him from any insurance company at any time he would want to cancel his policy; but as that did not suit the old timers it was knocked out. Our present law is built in such a man ner that the skin dollar companies will not give anything back if your policy is two and one-half years old, but some ot the foreign companies will give back the amount that the la w contemplates. Such companies are considered honest. 11. K. lzo has also been inaenniteiy postponed. It was calculated to amend Sec. 40, Chap. 43, entitled "Unincorpo rated Mutuals, and does not allow any agents to be hired; in fact it IS Calculated to serve as 9 a neigh boruood company law; but as it includes hail, and is the only chance for us to insure against hail in a mutual company we are therefore inter ested in its welfare and would like to have it changed in such a manner that will look it up and if possible will get it through, but it looks like no such meas ure has any chance to get through the house committee. I hope I am mistaken, however. The hands of the Populist members are completely tied and when they are! extremely anxious for any measure they hunt for a conservative Uepuuhcan to I make the fhtbt (there are a few Republi cans that are favorable to some good laws being passed.) But all a Populist has to do to kill a good measure, is to fitrht for it. The principal thintrs that have taken the minds of the twenty-fourth session are adjournments, junketings and slap-1 t he-pops-i n-t he-face. 11. K. is a good bill as it allows tne people in towns and cities to organize a mutual company and insure themselves just as the farmers are doing now. This bill was before the house committee two weeks ago last Tuesday and by a vote of 5 to 4 it was recommended to pass; but at this time the committee has not yet made its report to the house and will not until they have another meeting, but the chairman fails to make the announce-1 ment. Ono member of that committee has changed his mind since thecommittee voted to recommend its passage, and is now on the other side. We may iu the future have more to say on this subject. But for the present I will only say, that thecommittee by its niti jority, has a peculiar way of doing busU ness. i do not condemn tne wnoie com mittee. Kansas Citt, Mo. Feb. 19 -Receipts et wheat to-day. 13 oars, a year ago, 61 oars Car lots by sample on traolc, Kantat City, at the close were quoted nominally as folloi No 8 hard, &2o; No. S hard. 61ft No i hard, 500. rejected, 47o No. 3 red. Wo; No 8 red. 6lo No 4 red 50 o rejected, 473480 Receipts of corn to-d iy, 48 cars a year ago, S3 ears. Sale9 by sample on track, Kansas City; No. t mixed corn, S cars Wo, lit oars 40HO: No 3 mixed, 1 oar 38HO: No 4 mixed, nominally 39o; No. x white, 13 oars to Ko. No. white, t ears 40a Oats Were uncharged There was not much demand, Receipts ot oats to-day ,8 cars: s year ago, 11 ears sales by sample on tract nansas uij No mixed oats, 1 oar 80, No. 8, nominally, 27H'o No 4 nominally, 87o No x, white oats, nominally alo No. 3, white, nomlnallly, aoo Bra-Flrmi No t, nominally, &2o; No S, 480. Flaxsmd-DuU nominally, 130l3l, ao- cording- to bllllnir. Bhah Dull, MJMo per owt sacked Cork cmop uuii, 77wo per ewt saoked Hat Receipts. 41 oars. The market was steady. Timothy, fanoy, 9tO. choloe. BaK&0; No. 1. 7 was: olover, mixed, l-3: low srade. M7 W fancy prairie, tou: choloe, tril by. No. 1, t36fc. No. 2, M503 6.W; packing hay, li 5J4 5U Chicago Board of Trade. Chicago, Feb 19 The following table shows the ran e of prices for aotire future! on the board of trade to-day: I wa asm lift tint n (ran fa in ha flulrl Ann ham I I I ing bill was introduced in the senate. 1 THE MARKETS. s Febia lop'ndHli't Lo st I F WBIAT Feb 40 60S 45i 60 . 4S May ti li 61 t 62H 6iH July 63 63 , 68 MS . 63 Cobs Feb iiH H W May 44 44S i, US 44J, July 43 V 44 43), 44, 44 Oats Feb -s is 8 t iTi May IfH', l't 8H 28 H July 27S 27)4 S 27X Pork Feb 10 1 1 10 10 10 to 10 io so May 10uTt 1030 10.7 10 30 10 12 Lard Feb 6 40 8 40 4 4) 40 S4o May 0 60 S6 6 60 6 65 6 62 8 Ribs Feb 6 17 6 7 5 17 6 17 6 10 May 57 6K6 6 7 6 85 6 ii7 July 4 45 6 47 6 42 6 47 6 4J LIt Stock. Kansas Citt. Mo.. Feb. lft Csttle-He- ceipts. 8,820 calves, 43 shipped yesterday. L 165 cattle. The receipts were rather light and the market opened active and loo hlher on nearly every thin t. The supply was large ly in the Quarantine divHioo. Dressed best and export steers, f-3.4Vat.85: cows and heifers, fti.25 A3 00 Western steers, S3 2a 15. Texas and Indian steer. K ebi.. stookers and feeders. t2 23i3. mixed, S&85 AND HIDE HOUSE IN NORTH AMERICA. INCORPORATED. Latest Market Prices. Fair Selection; immediate returns. UMake Us a Trial Shipment ndfs Receipts. to-dr. 4.035 shipped yes teraay, I.ObO The market was active and t eents higher on all wet ht. The supply was light and packers were oat early and eater to boy. The top was Hot aad the bulk K 70 to U.90, against Si tor top and Is W to UU (or balk Saturday. Sheep Beoetpts since Saturday, t SW shipped Saturday. 5U The market was steady with Saturday's elo.e. but trade was slow. The run was light belnr less than sis loads. One thousand head were billed direct to 8 wlft and two ears bad been eold Saturday. Those on the market were all Westers ted. The following are representative sales: C Mexican yearlings. M lbs 15 Ut Mexican yearlings, it lbs 4 IS ft lambs. S lbs I to tWiBM, M lbs... 1 4 J P A Perfect Wonder. The BeatTol kin the Worltt and Juet what evenoae want. as piiUMMy awtr, bun abunaantlf el n flavored, bricht nd tomatoes and la 9 Inm all etasnar Ha tne fera, standing sreot and rmm bus wtmmn j saw arwp esaraai BbauaiD inniDQ rt- iqnlrtnf no tap port at all, lie & wlMOMAfar-l a MAY'S MATCHLESS CTJCTJMBEB I . U k. Wl-. V l J .1 n A about Wlnoh long, and is anaqnalled foralioing. I OUR FAMOUS CKEAM LETTUCE I ItkaaUtfcsaiBU, Very eriap and tender. Stand aio 1 Ions time before rnnnina to P. W n..m aw.ymm. u Mire Early Tree Tomato, Matohlasa Ouonmbar, Cream IrVi wil 1 aand post paid, a packet each et Kxtra a Lotnoa, Mar mo. uerunoata, ana our Illustrated I Bargain Catalogue (worth dollars to stsit bojarj a of Beads, Fruits ana flanta, containing Colored Iputaa, painted from nature, and tbxrasandsof P I a i"'1"1""0 " Ior mr """ M-TiT 'it. ..is..... tt is.ii.i; I To every parson sending U)m. for abots Tomato To ererypsrson sending IDs. for ab anormnsossiie. often wsighngl lbs. each. TfaU Is Us suet liberal sger ever suds r a rensUs saa sasaia rau to cus aSTsaiate u n. Seedmen Paul Minn arierSoflTrstaoeSa?'' Illllllllllllllllllllll ISE COLUMBIA PAP GALEIIPAR You Need It. A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for memoranda. The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest .of all full of dainty silhouettes and pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and sport. Occasionally reminds you of the superb quality of Columbia Bi cycles and of your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five 2-cent stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MFC CO., Mention this pspv. Hertford, Conn. Illllllllllllllllllllll (iHftriK rtorm rrajrwisA jc OKI? 5jbr MrfiKpfsi jrarxn . Chicao. .4 CATAtsoue PReeAT aat Ram&lcr AoeMCv . or sent by mail rOR 2 TsX CCMT STAMPS.' E. R. OTJTHRIB, Agent, Lincoln. Net METAL WHEEL for your WAGONS Any slie yon want, 10 oi6in.hica. Tires 1 to 8 tn.wide hubs to As any axle. Mares (Jew many times in a season to base set of low wheels to fit fw healing rata, loader, manure, boaa. ao. Ho resetting ol twee. Oatl'gfree. Address KKFTHE MFG. CO tpaincri llle WOVEN WIRE FENCE WHy pay 00 w wo. m roa 101 MSt rvovea wire reuw ui rth hnrafl hl.rh.bu 11 Btroni pig and chicken tiglit, (oi 13 to 20c. A A man ana dot can roaae from 40 to 60 Rods, a dar. OyerSortfltorent styles Catalome Free. Address, KIT8ELMAN BROS., HIQggvillOi inaisns cVIl druggists sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. mL ' jtaK For SKA 'A ml u ,7 riRSTAVC. NORTH Minneapolis, Minn. , world's DJaaJliay wi.wl saeuj Weawla I FSW .i Highest : ar cracuuas gawr ran. .C.E!l5SIUS,RS.X'.''i.- OLD RELIAOLE PEERLESS FEED GIIMDERS Grbxls more grain to any otnermiu. unnui oar- purpose, wsr e Peerless to be TIE HIT AID CHEAPEST HILL 01 EAITI. rw Writs ns at once for prices and agency. There la money In this mill. Made only 67 the JSLIET STROWEXIDSE CO.,JQLIET.ILL Jobbers and Manufacturers ot Farm Machinery, Carriages, Wagoni. Windmills, Bicyolws, Harness, etc. Rlees lowest, Quaiiiybest. C0U'8MuttteCDCC Qardja siaaul SLEQS Bast and la- Monuw BsUSS, COBS, liSTTUG Sbkd. LarruCB, Maxon, Tomato 1 HBKD rOTATOBS, fAMSIZS iwssx Pxas. Save numer in boringfrom list. tlXxtl Tom oa. Complete Extras wlthordera. OOLI'S eed tore. Fella, Iowa A EVEESREEKS FRUIT AND FOREST TREES Grape Vines, Small Fruits, Shrnbe and Boaes. Sampto Order No 1: KO erergrsena. smn Tsristlss, including Colorado Bloe Bpmos, (Piosa Pon- Rna). ssnt to any address in the , ana-half ot abore tl. U Daoe whola- 7aale oatslotrue and ' 'How to grow erer JF greens" Free. Roosirod highest s award at the World's Fair. Large I un maiaBl dlaooania ior earir oraere. uiiw. St- Siaet HtUonal Howry Cc, Ilfln, Ul. Kansas Seed House. EVERYTHINS IN THE SEED LINE. Oar apeelultleat Seed Corn, Tree Seeds. Onion eeds and Seta. Alfalfa. Sacallne. Latbrras. 811- estrls. Bandretobes, Hpurry, Kaffir, and Jerusalem Corn, and other new forage plants for dry and arid countries, jijew . a i a it.t. c js. maijucjj FBEE OK APPLICATION. F. BARTELDES & CO., Lawrence, Kansas. CAMERON'S Home Grown Seeds. bxvd roa CATALOOTa ' Bearer City, Nebraska. Ash . . 100 $3.50 All the Lending- Varieties. 100 Choice Concord Graprrlnes 2; 1,000 Rns. Unlberry. f 1.15 Shade and Ornamentals. A complete Price). Ust free. Address, Jansen Nursery, Jeffcrson Go. Jansen, Nrba Box Elder and Black Locust $125 Per 1,000. Tear Butter. EtTsTS, Ponltnr.TeaXBea.ns, Means, .Hides, Po tat Pelts. Wool. ifvraln. Gnss Dried Frnits. or ANYTHING YOU MAT HAVE to us. Quick sales at the highest market price and prompt returns made. Write nw nriom or any Information yon may want. SUMMERS, MORRISON & CO., 174 South water tre jnicao, xii. Bifibjcncs Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago, E.EW p1& CITJtLOGUE And CUIOI to Poaltor IHmti (or 1881 Contains orer 180 fine illustrations show ing a photo of the largest hennery in tbs west. Otaes best plans for poultry houses, sore remedies and recipes for all diseases, also valuable information on the kitchen and flower garden ssnt for only 10 oente Johi Bsuoatt, ft., P.O. Bog 78, Fmport, HI. SEEDS I?JL r Address ALFALFA SEED A SPECIALTY. Case. Millet Seeds, Kar, Bles and Jerusalem Corn, all grown la ltt. For prices address, MoBBTK IIIIIIOI. Please meatios this paper. Oardea Olty. Xaasas. L.W W , WWW! I) Awarded World's Colnmblan Grand Prize Medal for Purity. Always Fresh and Sellable. Holland Cabbage and New Dixie Water Melon. Beautiful Seed and Plant Catalogue nSM. Uinm il J Wjtm m a a- m ara'a mi ' as a 1867. KANSAS HOME . NURSERY. 1S95. SOTEB 100 Grow all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees of Best rarieties suited to the west. Originator of the Kansas Black Raspberry. All leading and new rarieties of small fruits, Grapes, Shrubbery and Erergreens. Price list to all applicants. Agents wanted. A. H. GR1ESA, Box J, Lawrence, Ks. BUY OF A HOME NURSERY! ( CRETE NURSERIES , Established in 1873, point to many thousands of successful orchards in Nebraska supplied from their nursery. Their stock for 1895 is complete in all departments, and as good as ewer sent out. Large orders for apple trees, filled on eight month's time. Purchase at first hand and save agent's and dealers profit. Cot respond early before the rush of spring trads opens. E. F. STEPHENS, Manager, Crete, Heb. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, HARNESS and Blerolee, at Fsx-torr Price, worit gaaranuea ana a io super cent mvK 0 ur VooOTrecelved the highest awards at the Worfd's Fai. nr tsm Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue Is free to all. It shows all the latent styles ana improveuicuw uu .cuu..,. ,.nvcn. 0.1 stnri ia tfiA iRrsTMit and mont asti ' KROCK I&IAHP PLOW ,,wh If IV la.' ' r DltHTorrFFT ROD7 s H. S. Aley, M. D., Treats snnsstsfly K:rr:.s, Feali&Ctrcni:Di:::::j byaeaasel easts' Besansatrto ystan mf KWIeattosv emci: uu o r. unoou. m. 4 ABSljIaal shOkssa 7 JmJ riSS. Jerssy. eraasr aaj f neistsla CaSlla. Tbaisagaatat Saasp. raasr Msrr. aN r IM sad Bssas Dsgs. Ostttfegas. a WTftaUTllTUZMsiTin., Caaaaar Ca. JPenaa. POLAND CH1HAS FOB SALE Ilia Bsd of a ehoicsly brad Poland boar write to J. V. Wolpc, Box 825, Lis cola, Ms. Hs has a tow wa up pig ot April aad sarly May farrow. Furnas County Herd. CJ L. E. Btrksklrts Polni-Clliis, Holvteli Ciftli. M pigs sired by six first eJaes nalee, and from sows aa good. Berkshire: A al ll. Dockets, and others. Poland-Chinas: Corwia. Te enmssh aad Wilkes. Nobs better. All stock at half pries, (on account of tbs drootb), asd guaranteed as represented. Usntion The Wealth Makers. H. 8. WILLIAMSON, BesTsr City, Has. Elkhorn Valley Herd of Poland-China Swine. I hare all the leading strains inclnding Fret Trade. Wilkes and Black 0. 8. families, The best lot of pigs 1 erer raised sired by Paddys Chip 1638, Fi Wanna ma Iter 2582t Col. D. 8. 10606. My sows are mostly Free Trad and Wilkes strains. L H. SUTER, Neligh,Neb. THROW AWAY CURRY COMB AND BRUSH! And buy a n w a atay un STABLE ''BLANKET. Tour Horse Is always clean, It keeps the Hair smooth andglGesy. No surcingle re quired. No tight girth. No sore backs. No cbaOng ot mane. No rubbing of tall. No horne ran wear thfun nnder his feet. . MO GOME OFF TO THEM. We confine our Sales to Jobbers only. Rtltl 'P YOU" DEALERS DO NOT KEEP THEM Dull We will, In order to convince too of the superiority of the Burllng-tnn "STAY ON" ' over all Imitations and old style blankets, serai, only one blanket to any address, express paldoa. receipt of price. (Write for Catalogue bikI Prices.) BURLIN6T0N BLANKET C0.,BUR W0M- DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS Address, for catalogue aad particulars. Or Trie Ol Laval Semmstor Co, Eloiw, III. 74 Cortlandt Street, New York. t Q g rw -v SJKWJtWWJII uulm sum, w; yiS a ihtt. ans'a i'1 ,', a nr ACRES.H complete cataiORne ever imura. - S' slS suilsisssiil slkhlam- Writ) W-dy. i Doiitiveiy Ouaranteed to qive Jh I .l.ilxl.nr. J A FAirTrAil AlTnusi 1V . ' wbot ii 6&id by rtjo6 wbo bavc Vied Ttjerrj. MArtUFACTURCD .0) ONtV BV TMg CO. BockI!.umd.Iu. . w jsjip M a SI