February 21, 1895 THE WEALTH MAKERS. tou. Price 25 route. The Remedy for the strife FROM CIVILIZATION'S INFERNO The Bible and Enochs Prose Style by Albert S. Cook. Thin is one of the most sufcKWttive and InterestiiiK little book we have read id a Ion? time. It shows bow profound an influence the English of the Bible ban bad upon our present prose style. All are familiar with the extent to which Milton and others are indebted to the Bible, not only for style, but for inspira tion, thought, imagination; but few of us appreciate how much the modern prose tyle is dependent upon that mine of lit erature. The book will be very helpful to teachers in nigh schools and Colleges, Fublixhed by V. C. Heath & Co., Boston f rice 50 cents. Contributions to the Science of Educa tion by Wm. H. Payne, A. M. These papers formavaluablediscussion of the principles and doctrines of educa tion. It must be kept in mind, however, that these are detached essays now brought together. They nevertheless form a united whole in thought and dis cussion. I he author differs from Mr. Spencer in some of the great writer's gen eralizations, and justifies himself partly by a very pertinent observation. He says: "It is a notable fact that the men who, like Rosseau, Locke, and Spencer, bave written the most absolutely on ed ucation, have been men of little or no ex perience in actual teaching.". Published by American Book Co., New I or it ana tnicago. trice fl.zo. School Supervision by Wm. H. Payne, A.M. Superintendents and Principals of schools have none too many books with' in reach that touch directly on their work and they need all that they can get. l nis door can De recommended as con taining many excellent things. It dis cusses the duties of him who supervises. and also gives valuableinformationasto grading, blanks, records, etc. Published by American Book Co. ,New X ork and tnicago. f rice f 1.1)0. The special features of the February Review of Reviews are articles on, "The Cotton States and International Exposi tion at Atlanta,' "Canada's frame Com monwealth," sketches of the life and work of RobertLouis Stevenson, by C. D. Lanier and Jeanette Gilder, and a character ketch of Kubinstein. The regular depart ments are valuable and entertaining and instructive as they always are. Published at 13 Astor Place New York, $2.50 a year. : The February Cosmopolitan is a beauty and its contents are as interesting as its illustrations are artistic. Mrs. DeKoven fives a view of "The Altar of Mammon;" rank Vincent has an illustrated article entitled "From Baku to Samarkand; the ixtb chapter of Great Passions of His tory is the next thing in order; China and Japan and their conflict are written about by ViscountWolseley;EmileOllivier ducusMes "The fall of Louis Philippe, and there are several other excellent papers. The February Century continues the "Life of Napoleon Bonaparte" by Will- liam M. bloane; Mrs. j. r. Fields contn butes "Personal Recollections and Uu published Letters of Oliver Wendell Hol mes," written at his request and giving many interesting accounts of the auto crats home life; "People in New York" furnish the subject for an entertaining paper by Mrs. bchuyler Van Rensselaer, with illustrations by C. D. Gibson; Victor Louis Mason writes of the "New Weap ons A the united States Army: ' Rebecca Harding Davis tells of life "In the Uray Cabins of New England;" R. Dorsey Mohm, U. a. agent in the Congo free State, has an article on "The Death of Emin Pasha," with map and pictures; and Noah Broons has an interesting and instructive paper on "Lincoln, Chase and lira nt. Ibesewith lighter reading in the continuation of serials of r. Mar ion Crawford and Mrs. Burton Harrixon and short stories by Ruth McEnery Stu art, Frank Pope Humphrey, Alice Brown and Lucy 8. freeman are only a part of the good things furnished the readers of the magazine for this month. The North American Review for Feb ruary contains some excellent material. The ever present financial muddle comes in for its share of attention by secretary Morton, Congressman Springer, and Henry W. Cannon of New York. The new pulpit is a very suggestiveand interesting article by Rev. A. R. Haweis. Politics and The Farmer is writteu about by the president of the Farmers National Congress. Prof. Simon Newcomb has a timely article on why we need a National University and Albert D. Vnndon contin ues Personal History of the Second Em pire. The Forum for this month starts with a vigorous article from the hard money standpoint on Should the Government Retire from Banking, by W. C. Cornell. The program of German Socialism is a very interesting and timely article and will give people a clearer idea than they ever had before of socialism. A Religious Study of a Baptist Town is a clear and unique piece of writing. It is by Rev. W. B. Hale. Steps Toward Government Ownership of Railroads by Col. Carroll I). Wright, and Has the Law BeconieCommercialized? by Wm. B. Hornblower are good. . Dr. Paris, teeth on aluminum plates. Borne Figures. Some time ago a writer in the North American Review made the statement that the Uuited States is the largest ten ant farmer nation in the world. Here is a list of the tenant farmers insomeof the States as given by the writer: Mlranuri Pennnyvanla Mnrvlimd VlrlnlH North i arolina Ueorgla West Virginia Ohio Indiana Illiuol Michigan Iowa Nebraeka Kentucky Kana TeiincHHee 89,871 45.825 13.B118 K4.fi.i7 62,x?S :'.I7 ll.WK 4S,M 40.II.M 85,244 16,411 45,174 11.4HI 44,0.7 22.U0I f.7.2 MimiHxIppI 41,.. Arkansa 28.18C 66,465 Teiaa Therelative proportion of tenant farm ers to others is steadily increasing, ac cording to the reports of the census. Dr. Darin, teeth on gold plates, 11th 4 0. (Continued from lit post.) laziness, avarice and luxury. They an wens and excrescences on the body politic and social, that by absorbing and con suming diminish wealth and add nothing thereto. Government should conduct the rail roads, telegraphs, and mine the coal, ai it now conducts the post office, for thi benefit of the people. In all department! of life, women should be admitted to equal rights with men. Private corpora tions should not be allowed to control the volume of currency. First and last, rulers should be just, acting in the revereuce and love of God the Creator. When they make his com mandments their rule of conduct, to love their neighbor as themselves, and covet nothing that is their neighbor's, all righteous reforms will become practi cable. It is an empty honor to place the name of God in the fundamental compact of tne people who reject the law of kind ness and sympathy, and refuse to obey bis commandments in their dealings with their fellows. Love ye one another. New York Independent. Agitate and Eduoata Bromfikld, Neb., Feb. 11, 1895 Editor Wealth Makers: The old saying that there is no loss without some gain, can be applied to this part of the couutry. The farmers out here have had but little manual labor this winter, consequently a good chance for mental improvement, which in the years to come will be applied to the civilization of man, through the science of government. There are many who have bad their fallacious theories eradi' cated by making diligent search for ancient and modern historical facts. So be of good cheer; the cloud of misfortune (or the lack of knowledge) is not without a silver lining. There are millions of brave, patriotic Americans, who when well informed will establish a mental fort that will be im pregnable, men who can with ability bid defiance to the plutocratic oligarchy. I believe that if we ever rid ourselves of tyrannical oppression it will be byelevar iug mankind through scientific research to a knowledge of their natural rights and duties as individuals and citizens; for should we sacriflceotarconstitutioiiul rights of free thought, frw speech and a free prerts, we will have retrograded to the barbarous custom of exterminating wars. I think it would become uu more to teach the children in our publiCMchools the true science of government, and over throw fallacious theories, than to have their minds burdened with military training which makes war possible by cultivating their animal passions instead ot their intellectual proeuniiie. That would have a tendency to entablixh mental power instead of a military power. Already millions of ignorant people through the cause of war have nufferei) (.-8tli who were as innocent as they were ignorant, and who were as honest in their convictions as their persecutor. and had as good a right to. life. Therefore, agitate and educate, that our ship of state may not be stranded on the shoal of superstition and ignoiiiiice; and b" a people worthy of living in the nineteenth century. I appreciate, your uncompromising in tegrity. Your for truth. V B. F. McDannkl. Whatever la Is Right " I am an optimist. I have full confi dence in the Creator, and his power to bring order out of chaos. "Order is Heaven's first law" and "Whatever is is right." The last quotation is clearly illustrated in the present social condition, in the great crisis. The many are in the power of the few a queer state of affairs in a republic, where the government repre sents the people. "Legislation controlled by the money powerl" Are the people of this representative federation bought and sold? When men barter the birth right of Liberty, when they forget God, when they ignore the two great com mandments on which hang all the law and the prophets, and worship self through the medium of money, they get in exchange for that liberty, slavery. The idol before whom they how the knee has been monopolized by Fortune's fa vorites, along with all tributes paid. In its stead the monster Poverty frowns on them and demands homage. Poverty and riches idols erected in the minds of men, neither of divine origin, wholly an tagonistic, all in harmony in God's plan, and while we follow in the wake of For tune and worship at the temple of Mam mon we may expect to see riches given to her favorites and poverty to the mul titude. We receive our due reward, we reap what we sow; but in the divine law of com pensation, whatever is is right. If man will make himself a sheep he must ex pect to be devoured by wolves; it he make himsell a hind he will be the prey of lions. As Cassius says of Cresar, "I know he would not be a wolf, but that he sees the Humans are but sheep. He were no lion were not the Komau hinds." Thone words speak volumes, and as I view the world they reveal to me in its true light what we call "human greatness. It is measured by human weakness, by ignorance. An educated man among nncultured people becomes almost a god. He takes their mental measure, and gives them just such food as will please them wine to make them drunk. The influence of intoxicating speeches, lectures and books, is becoming as great an evil as intox eating drinks. The effect is as delusive and the result as degrading. "Men at some time are the masters of their fates." AW is the time for the men of the United States to make them selves masters of their fates. They must do it whether they will or not: the "sometime" has come, and today they are masters of their fates. They aloue are responsible whether for liberty or slavery. Let them decide and abide by the decision, for whatever is ia right. Maud Daws. Beadoeheteulr Get Di. Mflea Pain Pills. Dr. Davis, diseases ot teeth and month. Can't yon tear oar Macedonian ery of anguish and despair? Can't joe. sre our souls are aliening In this pes tilential air? Can't you see onr children pining Ilk a sun starved plant away? Can't yon see the moral poison sinking la their hearts each day? Mnst they live through tender childhood In this atmosphere ot death, Sucklnn in Its miasmatic germs with every Infant breath? Must we rear our sons to manhood doomed to wear a tarnished name? Unst we see our daughters sinking in the noisome pool of shame? Is it strange that treachsrona treason rear aloft its hydra head? Strange that virtue droops and falters eouched npon incestuous bed? Do you think yonr alma will help us, given as you throw a bone? When we ask the bread ot Justice will you offer ns a stone? We are groping In the darkness, blindly seeking for the light: Will the Great Physician touch ns and restore our mental sight? What of Christ, the poor mechanic, who made war on social casta? lathe day he died for dawning? Will Bis king dom corns at last? Will It bs a peaceful morning, swsst and tranquil. calm and bright. Or bs ushered In with bloodshed and with arson's lurid light? Kearney, Nob. Gcoiqu A. Maxnoi. Y. M. O. A. Lecture Course The Y. M. C. A. ia to be congratulated on having secured Prof. Edward Daniels' services for three eveuings of its lecture course. Prof. Daniels was formerly State Geologist of Wisconsin and is a man of almost encyclopaedic information. He is also one of the most instructive and elo quent speakers it haa ever been our good fortune to listen to. His lectures are illustrated with very fine stereopticon views, and the delightfully instructive en tertainment be provides his audiences have won for him a great reputation. His lectures on Egypt and Mexico and on the Wonders of the Microscope are among his best. Everybody should improve the opportunity given to hear him. Program of the Y. M. C. A. Lecture Course is given below: MONDAY. riBDDlir J5, Egypt Illustrated with views ot the Pharaohs and their era. Col. Edward Daniels. WIDHCSDAY, riBUClRT 27. Mexico, Ancient and Modern. Col. Edward Daniels. raiDtT, MARCS 1. Life in the deep sea. Prof. Henry B. Ward, State University. MONDAY, MARCS 4. Interesting tacts In the life history ot Insects and Birds. Prof. Lawrence Bruner, State Uni versity. WIDKttDAY, MARCS . Ths wonders of the microscope with exhibition ot projecting polariscope. Col. Edward Daniels FRIDAY, MARCH . The mutual relations of Flowers and Insects. Prof. Bessey, State University. The following letter was received by Mr. Graham, Sec'y. Y. M. C. A., Lincoln. Omaha. Neb.', Feb. 1, 1895. My Dear Graham: Col. Daniels gave a most valuablesenes of lectures here. I should certainly advise you to hare them in Lincoln. I hey will open the eyes of young men to what is in the world under the earth aud overhead. Cordially yours, Frank W. Ober, Gen'I. Sec'y., Omaha Asso. Take Notice! The Farmers Mutual Insurance Com pany of Nebraska has moved it-0tilr. from corner 1 1 1 It & M Kts. to corner i Ot and 0 Sts., nndT F rst National Bank "Who Wsnn Bub r of Them?" We have two full blood Percheron Stallions, one gray and one black, flv years old. Sound and sure foal getters. We will sell either of them reasonable, on approved security. Will allow time it desired, with low rate of interest. Owned by farmers. Address, W. S. Wright, Keeper, Valley, Neb. California and Utah Excursions The Burlington runs on every Thurs day a tourist sleeper, leaving Lincoln at 12:15 p. m. for salt Lake, Han f rancisco and Los Angeles. Only 5 for a double berth, Lincoln to Lob Angeles. These excursions bave proved very successful from the fact that they are conducted personally by a Burlington employe. For full information regarding tickets, apply at B. & M. depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O Streets. X V-rfj FROM LINCOLN iffta-tP Is the SHOUT Line ujjjjf J (operating its own tracks) to Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids, Clinton, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Oshkosh, Fon du Lac Sioux City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. In Chicago connections are made with 22 diverging lines. In St Paul, Uniou depot with 10 lines unsurpassed time made to eastern and northeastern cities. For tickets, etc.. call at city office 117 So. 10th St., or depot corner S and 8th Sts. A ormal Student In Jail. Fort Scott, Kan., Feb, 19. S. B. Coffett, a youngs student of the Kan sas normal college, whose home is in Macon City, Ma, was arrested this morning by Deputy United States Marshal Lardner, charge I with send ing scurrulous letters to Miss Crab- tree, a student at the normal college at Great Bend. Coffett formerly at tended the Great Bend school and kept company with Miss Crabtree. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was sent to jail to await sentence at the next term of court. Dr-afnen cannot b 0nrd by local applications as thev eennot reach the dlsdasxd portion uf the ear. There Is only one may to cure drafneea. and that Is bv constitu tional remmiies lieafiieests canned by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kua rnian Tube. When this tubs s Inflamed Ton hare a rumbling sound or Imperfa) bearing, and ! when It Is entirely closed. Peafoeea Is the rrsnlt. I and nnless tbelnflnmatlon can be taken out and thi tube reetorrd to Ita normal condition, heae Inn will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ol ten are caused by catarrh: which is nothing bat , an Inflnm-d condition of the mucous surface. I we wil aire One Hundred Uo lara for an case of DeHfneee (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Ken rt for circulars: fm K. J OH r NET CO- Toledo. Ohio, i aTSold by Druggists, 76a A Chat with Our Friends! The publishers ot The Wealth Makers have reason to be grateful tor the financial support, and the very many kind words of appreciation and approval that have eoms to ns during the past year and especially during the last six months. When it was known that the crops in Nebras ka were a failure we felt aome uueasl ness for tear that we should have to cut the paper down to four page; but so many ot our subscribers who were owing us paid up that we have been able to continue the paper its usual site; and while it haa not been all that we would like to have it, it has been the best we could make it with the limited means at our com mand. But our hardest struggle is yet to come; we wish yon friends to realise this fact fully, in order that you may feel keenly the weight of the responsi bility that rests upon you. W art necessarily in your hands, in your power. There are many Populists in the state who cannot possibly get the money to renew their subscription this year, or even pay what they owe ns on back subscription. They would be glad to do so if they could, but the failure ot crops makes it impossible. It rests then with jou who can pay to see that your sub scription to The Wealth Makers is paid a year in advance in order that the state paper may not be weakened in its struggle against those who would rob us of the product ot our labor. We are fighting your battiest you must hold up our hands. Now friends, don't be negligent, be thoroughly in tamest. We need the money that you owe us. You can not show your love for the principles of the Populist Party in any more effective way than by supporting the press that advocates those principles. Every shoulder to the wheel I Pay your subscription a year in ad vance, and if possible, send in at hast one new name, if only tor a three month's trial. Faitbful!y yours, Wealth Makers Pub. Co., J. 8. Hyatt, Bus. Mgr, Three Cent Column. 'ltW Msklan UTWmSLjS HMfjL. ma JTaI nivsrtUNmmMfor short UmeTVlllbo SSiS1? ew" om for aehlnaar wort. Cosh with the order If you wawt anything, or bars anything that Wbody else wut7make Utaowataraagk this column. It will pay. (OUS AND OATS for sale, Tra.k" Pedal Bluffs, Neh. Write for prloxa, KAIiMEKH' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. s7t O. WILSON, gZZtf&li Bnnrs Monk, Lincoln. WeK TfJANTBD Fire and cyclone agents, aeod vv pay. j. y.M. swigart, Beey, I Lincoln, Neb. SWXZT rOTATOBB seat out to be sprouted on kboren. Me experience iwmlrsa. Direc tions for sprontlag ires. T. i. sinner, Maa bus, Ki MAM Wanted: salary ai Mnn en t place; whole or part time. Appqr at raes. Brown Bros. Co. Nurserymen, Chicago. - FOR RENT Ms acre Stock Farm sdlatatag Lincoln; large bense and best equipped cat tle born and hog houses In the state; complete system of water works and tanks In yards aid feed lots. Will ssll half Interest ia stack on torn and share profits or take off stock and rent far caaa. Address. JOHN J. QILLILAN, Beal Estate Broker, 1041 P Street, UM Lincoln. Nebraska. AGENTS 75AW slue or Bd,.uf pR ACTIC AL PLATINQ DYNAM0.Tbmo4. er BMlbod, Used IttBlllteiorlci t pirn d gootia, PlaUB told. a.Vcr, ftickel, tUt . M WBIabee. JowolfT, Ubiswve, bsovelrowisi sui bmuu simmu ; duo ostnu for Mnu( U1I real bUm) tlwojs roady; bo Iwuieryi M tov; m OXprrlOBOOJ do limit to plat 1 11 f W. P. HARR ISDN A CO.. f frk f'n. t"i. I 5750.00 A Year and All Expsnsss. ' We want a tew Bore Oeaerol Ageata, ladles at gentlemen, to travel and appoint agent an obi new publications. Fall particulars given oa ap plication. If yon apply please sand refereacco, and state bnslness experience, age and send pho tograph. If you caneot trarel, write ue tot terms to local canvassers. Dept. Bare, S.L BCU OO., Philadelphia, Pa. 830 acres of first class land tor sale) al under irrigation ditch. 176 acres la cul tivation. Price $17 per acre. 1 Biles from Champion, Neb. For further par ticulars address, M. Cook, Champion, Neb. For Sale at a Bargain! Lease of 640 acres school land (im proved) all enclosed with six-wire fence, 180 head of nice young hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds to go with it This is in Custer county near Broken Bow. Price. $3,000. FOR SALE Good 6-room cottage, barn, corner lot in good neighborhood. For sale cheap. E. T. Hurr, 236 So. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. For Sale. 0 acres of tableland, good pasture, II acres meadow land (12 tons of bay this dry year) good well, all uew buildings, t head ot work horses, 18 head of cattle, 46 head of hogs, ( good Poland Chinas) wagons and implements necessary to farm; 75 chickens, household goods, po tatoes, hay, seed oats and seed corn. Price $2,600 half cash, ft miles soatk wtet of Wisner, Neb. All parties coming to Wisner, should Inquire for Mrs. Lutes or address all let ten to Isaac Gkntzleb, Wisner, Neb. I SAVE MONEY! Wealth Bakers, arasn Tribune Ths Wealth Bakers The Biuouxi World The Wealth Bakers The Vara Journal The Wealth Bakers Yox Populi The Wealth Bakers The Honeonibrmist The Wealth Bakers The Prairie Farmer The Wealth Bakers The KepresentatiTe The Wealth Bakers, ($1.00 per LOO ( LOO per ( 1.00 per .60 " ( LOO per 1.00 ( LOO per 100 ( 1.00 per LOO " ( LOO per L00 ' ($1.00 per LOO ( LOO per LSA AopBHAOToeate The Wealth Bakers The Hebraska Farmer The Wealth Bakers Western Swine Breeder ( 1.00 per The Wealth Bakers ( LOO per Western Ponltrj Hews M " The Wealth Bakers ($1.00 per Tamers' Institute, Bason City, Ia. (Mutual Insnranos Paper) We will send you Tea Wbalth Marks and any other weekly paper that you want, the prioe of which is $1.00 per year lor $1.55. Old subseribert "y advantage of these offers as well as new subscribers. We want every one ot our readers to canvas for us. Bend ue al haat oa nbscriber, if it is only tor a three month's trial, for 25c We will give 20 pur cent commission to agents who will work for us. How many of onr readers lore Thi Wealth Maxkrs enough to work for tm, to increase its circulation and consequently its usefulness? If tov will send us only one new subscriber our list will be doubled next week. Individual work is ths kind that gives results. 8eud as two new sub scriptions with 2.00 andfre will extend your subscription one year tree! Faithfully youre, . W. CASTOR, Pres. 3. P. HOUBE, Vlee-Pree. W. B. LtMCR, Sec'y. A. 8BEB1 AMYKK, Treos. O. L. LINCH, State Agent. Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. OF NEBRASKA. The Largest, Best and Cheapest Farm Bntual Insrranoe Company in the State; Over $4,000,000 Insurance Now in Effect, o Paid Mora Promptly than any old line company dolus business. Insures awalnsi Ptra aad Detaining, Wind and Tornado, at one per cent. Haa run three years without any Asssns mens. Famishes insurance to the farmers at actual coat. AU loses paid In tall and no debts standing agalast ths company. Home Office, lOOl O Ht, Who Wants a Good Thing? 1 la a sx!l t:ra k:I fcr frca Uzzztz, I HATE a nice dean salable stock of hardware of about $2,600.00 so tnu&g stock. Sales from f 8,000.00 to $10,000.00 per year. My profits last year were about $1,600.00. Storeroom on corner rents for $16.00 per month, 38x78, ample side rooms, street frontage 60 feet, best location in town; tributary trade large and good; like buying a gold dollar if anyone is wanting a hardware location; part cash, part on time. Must selL It will pay you to see or write to me. J. H. DOBSOI7, 1U0 U 8t, Linooln, Beb. Irrigated Farms-$1,000! OUT of a thomsand tarns ia EOUTHWOT 111, ei ltt aens ca. we aw esUiag a limited aamber eqtJppsd with aa meepwdeal and arriv tira plant suOdent for at least tea asm oa eam faesn. The seise a wUsh IkmiltOaMntamBnmWamknmnbritoiwaMltotm am aad Inri sfswi mat are worth. aytaga ea ae er write for THE 8YNCICATE LAK53 A fHIevEicleiJUmfe F. F.I. WOODS, Fine Stock Auctioneer. LINCOLN. NIB. I'IPGCD' CTCCI Witt UIHULII OOILLL MILL H.I ae lasel trsngta or sUa- ladii and IMP- loma at World1 e Fair. Alio Gel- nnlied Steel Twike, CtMeis udRtnlMM. B. B. WINOBB, Ml Imsn Ternee,Caleee,IS A WONDERFUL OFFER. Our rraad eataJofae, orsr SM Ulnatratlone, agent's latest roods and aoTsltles, 1 writing pea fountain attachment. 1 elegant gentleman', watch chain and charm, guaranteed se years Tonr nam In agent's directory 1 year, all seal lor 10 eta. Postage 1 cents, EMPIBB M0TILT1 00., 167 Tremont Ot, Boston, Mass. "Among tne Oarks," The Land of Hm Rd Appls, Is aa attractlTj and Interesting book, handsomely Illustrated with views ol South Missouri scenerr. iuclndlns the famous Olden Krult Farm ot H.OOO acree Is Howell countr. It pertains to fruit rals ng Is that areat (rait belt ol America, ths soutbri slope of tbe Osnrks, and will proTS of great ealue nut only to fruit growers, but to every farinnt and homraeeker looking for a farm and a home Mailed free. Address, J. E. L0CKW00D, Kauai City, Ko Farm For Sale. 410 acres: M acres la cultivation; l-room dwelling;, good well of pur water and cistern, MO scree pralrte. so acres umber: mtuaora ivi miiee irons Dee Are. tbe eoaaty aeat of Prairie county, a busy little town on ths west bank of Whits Klver, cheap traneportotloa by steamer line: good anarch and ecbooLprlvllegee. Price :,860. $L6M saah, balance la deferred payments. Address, W. U. V1VION, Lonoke. Ark. mmis 7 M aT 1 19 sW "n-t win I Both papors f for $ 1.65 per year Both Papers f for $ 1.25 per year ) Both papers f for $1.10 per year I Both papers I for $ 1 .40 per year I Both papers f for $ l .55 per year I Both papers I for $ 1.30 per year ) Both papers I for $ 1 .65 per year I Both papers I for $1 .55 per year w I 9 9 ) Both papers I for $ l .60 per year I Both papers f for $ 1 .00 per year ) Both oaoers year) year) " Tear) for 9 1.00 per year Both Papers I for $1,15 per year v 9 Q 9 9 9 9 9 year) ' yean year) " year) year) ' " year) " year) " year) ' year) " Wealth Makers Pub. Co., g Lincoln, Neb a Over $7,000 on Hand. 32 Losses Paid In 1804. Lincoln, Neb. in:i2ATIX3 CCnFCATICn. &, ZAX1AI CTT, X3. GILLI LAN'S Want : Column. COR EXCHANGE Six-room house, large lot, fruit nod shade; for land in central Nebraska. FOR EXCHANGE Five-room cottage borne oa street car line; would take land, COR EXCHANOn 1 acres Improved land ia sou theas tern K ansss; for f arm la eastern Ne braska. FOR EXCHANGE Four vacant lots near Col lege; wonld consider live stock. FOR EXCHANGE rive eight-room house and corner lot, facing college campus, for farm. FOR EXCHANGE Five acres, good souse, six rooms, bath, hot and cold water, closet, seweracr, barn, hen and hog house, windmill aad tank, frnlt: near school and street ear, the Ideal suburban home; will exchange for (0 or leO aera farm, convlent to railroad. FOR EXCHANGE-Ten acres adjoining Llneoiaj would eonalder property ia smaller town. FOB EXCHANGE 1(0 acre farm twelve mllea northwest of Lincoln, for 60 acre form la ease, era Nebraska. FOR EXCH ANQE 1(0 acres tea miles from Lin coln; would conelder central Missouri land. FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres, tan miles from Lin coln, adjoining small town: for general mer chandise. FOR BALE Six aeree, no buildings near school and street car. Fine site for a homo. FOR SALE (S acres adjoining Lincoln, near College and ear line, cheap for short time. FOR HALE lit acres, well improved, twetva miles south of Lincoln; trait and sprias; water. FOR SALE 040 acres, eloee to Lincoln, oae mils from street ear and college; a bargain, FOR SALE 80 acres, twelve miles of Lincoln, at half the prioe of adjoining load; must be sold. FOR 9 ALE-MO acres, eight miles ot Lincoia good buildings, fruit, living water; cheap. IF TOD have land. Improved or unimproved, city property, or merchandise, yon wish to sail or exchange, list it at once. IP TOU want to buy and wont to gat a bargain, all upon or address, Gillilan Investment Co., Jforthwsit Corner 11U P SU. Orouad Iloor, Real Xitate Xxebaage Boonu. Llnooln, Nab. NEURALGIA cured bv Dr. M 11m1 Pais Fills. "Quo cent a dooo." At all drnstlstsv