1&2t V Slf,t Iv JlMOMS Mf flIQB ) f CHAPTER I oranna or a campaign. The Army of the Cumberland ii awakening. For monthi Its 30 miles of torpid length have been marked by clusters of white tents like tbw rings of gigantio anaconda. Bat now there is u arousing from its long period of lethargy. The tents are being struck, the men are stuffing knapsacks, rolling blankets or swallowing from tin oups a last draft of invigorating coffee. Wagons are being loaded with all kinds of camp equipage tents, camp cots, cooking utensils, the pine tables and army desks of the staff departments. Here orderlies holding hones, waiting their riders. and there men are strapping blankets or ponchos behind saddles or oramming bacon and "hard tack" Into haversacks, While strikers empty the contents of the demijohn into canteens. Each regiment as soon as formed moves out into the road, the whole taking up the line of march by brigades and divisions. It is the right or head of the monster that awakens first The main body of this wing moves diagonally toward the front and loft, while cavalry pushes di reotly south to conceal the movement and produce a false impression on the en emy. All day the infantry and artillery work their way over dirt roads, the men marching at will, smoking, chatting, langhing, the Irish regimonts craoking jokes, the Germans singing, all with that esprit which pervades an army just start ing after a long period of idleness on a new campaign. A lashing of artillery horses, a cursing of mules, words of oommond, bugle calls, picket firing, the occasional boom of a gun, mingle con fusedly and in a country used only to the peaoeful lowing of oattle or the song of birds. Throughout its whole length the Army of the Cumberland is in motion, advancing on that campaign whioh is to maneuver the Confederates out of Tennessee and lead up to the bat tle of Chiokamauga. On a road running parallel with the Cumberland mountains, whioh flank the Union army on its left, a strange look ing vehiole is going at a breakneck pace toward the south. The horse is a raw boned animal with long legs and neck, while the vehiole a buggy is so be spattered with mud that what paint re mains on it is invisible. The bottom is partly gone; the dashboard would let through a cannon ball without being In jured; the springs are badly bent; the top, which is let down there are no props to hold it up is shriveled and torn, its tatters flying behind in the wind. A woman in a striped calico dress, a sun bonnet of the same material, a pair of colored speotaoles on her nose, holds the reins and urges forward the horse. Tet strange looking as is the conveyance and its occupant, for that time and region there is nothing unusu al in the appearance of either. The country people inhabiting that portion of Tennessee are not cultured, and un oouthness is rather the rule than the ex ception. r Coming to a place where she can get t f nil view for some distanoe ahead, the woman glances over the intervening space between her and the next rise in the undulating ground. Seeing nothing to deter, she drives her horse on as rap idly as she can force him to go. Her buggy careens till it is in danger of go ing over; she is bounced from her seat with a prospect of being sent over the dashboard; the mud flies, the horse wheezes, the buggy groans, but there is no slackening of pace. "Go on, Bobby, go onl" Turning a curve in the road partly hidden by trees, she sees a cavalry camp ahead. In the road an officer stands talk ing to a man in a farm wagon, beside whom, on a board Beat, its two ends resting on the wagon's sides, sits a boy of 14, while on a back seat evidently borrowed from a more pretentious ve hicle, is a young girl, perhaps three or four years the boy's senior. The woman of the striped dress drove up to the group, and drawing rein listen ed to what they were saying. "Cap," said the farmer alloffloers in the Union army were called by the people of the country either cap or gin eral or mister "cap, I want ter go through the lines powerful bad." "Well, Oi'm thinkin, me good man, ' ' replied the officer, with the brogue of an Irishman, "that's exactly what old Rosy wants to do unless he prefers to get behind 'em and bag 'em from the rear. " "Oh, I don't mean fightin! I wants ter go hum peaceful. " "Can't pass ye, me good man. Oi've orders not to pass any one south while the army is movin. There's no need to be tell In ye that all day. Onoe ought to be sufficient" "What's thetr cried a shrill voioe from the buggy. "Ton don't mean fo' ter tell me I can't go hum?" "Oi fear, me dear leddy, that ye can't, if ye live beyond our lines." "H'm! And so yon tins hevkem down byar ter make war on women." "Well, now, that depends on the kind of war. We've come down vi et armis, as my old preceptor at the university used to say God bless 'im 1 Like enough the vi is for the men and the armis for the women." "I don't keer," replied the woman. "Ton nns hain't got no business fo' ter come down byar nohow. You're a mis' able set o' black abolishioners. I'm a ,. 'gal 'thout nothin ter fight with, and yon nns" "Beauty and the beast," interrupted the offioer, bowing. "Now, see byar, Mr. Tank, I got ter go hum- Pop he's away, and mother he's sick in bed." The officer scratched his head and thought "Well, me friends," he said present ly, "Oi'm thinkin Oi'll refer the case of all of yez to brigade headquarters. CVould ye moind sittin where ye are till get an answer?" "Beckon not," from the farmer. "Hurry up, " said the woman in the buggy. "Mother's waitin fo ma" The officer stepped into his tent near by and came out with a pencil and the back of an old letter. With these he proceeded to take down the information required. Approaching the buggy, he aid: "Will ye plaze favor me with your patronymio" he paused while he look ed to see if she were young or old "miss?" "My what?" "Your patronymic " "Oh, talk Tennessee!" "Well, then, your cognomen. " "Seehyar, Mr. Officer, ef you want ter git anything outen me, you want to talk squar'." "Please tell me your name." "Betsy Baggs. And yours?" "Major Burke, at your service. Are ye Union or" "Rebel!" "Where do ye want to go?" "Hum." "And that is at" "Dunlap." "Why are ye here?" "I been ter MaoMinnville ter see mothor's old doctor. " "There's a shorter road from Mao Minnville than this. Why didn't ye take it?" The girl showed a slight confusion. "Oh, I got a friend at Franklin col lege. She una and I nns alius ben power ful thick." After getting the data as to all the party the major called a mounted man and directed him to take it to headquar ters and ask for instructions. "Do ye know who to take it to?" he asked of the man as he was about to ride away. "It's to the gineral I'm takin it" "The gineral? Man, would yon get me court martialed for disregard of the regulations? Take it to the chafe of staff, ye lunkhead, and from him ye'll "See hior, Mr. Officer." get the answer. It's not the loikes of yon can approach the gineral. Moind now, and don't spind the time talkin with the guard. " While the messenger was away the party listened to the voluble tongue of the young Confederate sympathizer in the buggy. She entered into the causes of the war, depioted the benefits of ne gro slavery, especially on the slave, spoke admiringly of all Confederate soldiers and ransacked the dictionary to find words to express her loathing of Yankees. "Come, now, Miss Baggs," said the major good naturedly. ' 'There's a young fellow in me regiment who'll suit ye exactly. He is an Oirishman from the crown of his head to the sole of his fut He only came over a few years ago. He is as smart as a whip. There was but one gurrel in County Cavan who could outtalk 'im. That'a the reason he left Oireland." "When I want a man, I reckon I can find one .right hyar outen the yarth o' Tennessee 'thout goin to Oireland ter find one. Is he redheaded?" "Red as the linin of an artillery offi cer's cap." "What kind o eyes?" 'Blue as a robin's egg. " "Waal, trot him out I'll take a look at him." "Oi'll call him meself," and the ma jor went into one of the tents. There he found. Corporal Ratigan, the man he ought "Corporal Rats," he said every one called the corporal Bats "there's a gurrel out there that wants to go through the lines. Oi've sent to brigade head quarters to find out if they'll give her a pass. I want ye to make her acquaint ance." "At your service, major," said the corporal, saluting. And the two walked At to where the travelers were waiting. "Miss Baggs," said the major, "al low me to presint Corporal Ratigan, oommonly called Rats by his comrades, one of the most gallant men in the reg iment" Corporal Ratigan bowed and uncov ered a head of hair fully tip to the ma jor's description of it It surmounted one of the most honest of oonntenanoes. ; TIt wm an air of gfttllity about the , man aiwpito his private's uniform, an ; the smile with which he greeted the ' . . . 1. 1 . young woman oouiu not nave wen mors bewitching had he saluted a niarcbion ess. Admiration for the strapping Irish Yankee soldier stood big in Miss Baggs eyes. "How do?" she said, with something that was intended for a bow. "Yer a purty likely lookin f oiler cf you airplay In Yank. You'd better 'a' staid in Oire land than come down hyar ter make war on women." "And have Oi overpainted the beauti ful tint of his hair?" asked the major, laughing. "It d make good winter hair; needn't hev no fire in the house. " Horses' hoofs were heard down the road, and in a few minutes the messen ger who had been Bent to headquarters rode up. "Where's the answer?" asked the ma jor. "Divil an answer did Oi get, major," aid the man, saluting awkwardly. "And what d'ye mean by that?" "Well, 01 kern np to headquarthers, and the gineral was gettin off of his harse to go in his tint 'Have ye any i thin for me, me man?' he asked. 'Niver a worrud, gineral, ' Oi answered, salutin respectful. 'What's the paper ye have in your belt?' 'It's for the chafe of staff. 'Well, give it to ma' 'Divil a bit, gin ( eral; it's not for the loikes of me to be ' givin yez a paper. Oi'm instructed to give it to the chafe of staff. ' 'Give me I the paper, ye cussed Oirishman, ' he said, 'or Oi'll sind ye to the guard tint ' , 'Niver will Oi be guilty of breakin the regulations or the articles of war, gin eral. ' 'Corporal of the guard!' yelled the gineral. "The corporal kem and saluted the gineral, him red as Corporal Ratigan 's head. 'Take that paper from that man! he roared. Well, bein surrounded by the guard who were at the corporal's call, 01 surrendered." "And thin?" gasped the major, glar ing at the stupid messenger. "And thin the gineral said, 'Goto yer camp and tell Major Burke to put ye in the guard tint for 24 hours. And whin he Binds another orderly to me not to sind a recruit, or Oi'll put him in ar rest " "By the howly I Ye infernal, raw ! Did ye get no answer?" " 'Oi'll sind an answer by a soldier who has been properly retained, ' said the gineral. Didn't ye tell me right, major?" "Corporal of the guard!" cried the major by way of reply. "Take that man," he said when the corporal came, "to the guard tent" As the messenger was marched away, protesting against the injustice of his treatment for obeying orders, a staff officer rode np. Taking the major apart, he instructed him to let the applicants go through, provided they would take an oath not to give any information con cerning the Union troops to the enemy. With the passes he brought a suggestion from the general to send some person with one or the other of the two parties under pretense of an escort, but really with a view to discovering the proximity of the enemy. Now that the main army was moving, it might be well to discover if the cavalry on its flank had fallen back. The ground was unfavorable for a reconnoissance; hence the suggestion to get information by strategem. The major hunted the camp for a Bi ble on which to administer the oath and called on Corporal Ratigan to help him. He explained the general's re quest and told Ratigan that he wanted him to go with Miss Baggs. Having given the corporal a full understanding of what was required of him, he went back to the party with a Bible, follow ed by Ratigan. The farmer and his family were first sworn, and then the major offered to wear Miss Baggs. "I hain't goin ter donoswearin," she said defiantly. "Oi'm glad to hear that " remarked Corporal Ratigan. "What fo', fire top?" she asked, sur prised. "Oi'd be breakin me heart at partin with ye." "You hain't got no heart nohow, or you wouldn't bo in the Yankee army." "Don't ye believe it," exclaimed the major; "his heart's as warrum as the color of his hair. Come, young leddy, take the oath. Oi 'd be sorry to be partin ye from yer mother and she sufferin. " "I won't" "Won't ye take it for moi sake?" que ried Ratigan, with a mock appeal. "You'll hev ter git some un uglier'n you uns ter move me. I hanker after ugly men, but you uns ain't quite ugly enough fo' me. " "Now ye're talkin with a seductive tongue," quoth Ratigan. "If the major will permit Oi've a mind to see ye through the lines meself without the oath." The corporal looked slyly at the major, and the major returned the corporal's sly glance. "Very well," said Burke. "Ye go with her, and moind that she isn't keep in her ois open to see things for Gineral Bragg's benefit Miss Baggs, if ye'll just keep lookin roit into the corporal's blue arbs, ye'll get through all right, and if ye're tempted to look aside just fix 'em on his head, and ye'll be blind ed." The corporal went for his horse, buckled on his revolver, and ooming back started out to play diplomat in ether words, to acquire knowledge by strategy. to be continued. Deafness Oannot bs Cured by local applications at they citnoot reach th dlsdnaed portion ol the ear. There la only on. way to cure aeainesa. ana tnat la by constitu tional remedies. Deafness te canned by an In flamed condition ol the m aeons lining of the En tachlan Tube. When thla tnba la Inflamed yon hare a rambling iound or Imperfect hearing, and when It la entirely closed, Deafnees la the result, and nnlesa thelnflamatlon can be taken out and mis tone restored to its normal condition, hear tntr will be destroyed forever; nine cases ont ol ten are caused by catarrh: which Is nothing bat an Inflamed condition of the mncons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any case of Deafnees (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Core. Send tor circulars; irr. r. j. unBNtti uu., Toieao, unlo, 8old by Druggists, 76c n Dr. 0. H. Porter, of Kentucky, HS-.n for Over 25 Tears Before He Finds Belief How He Was Affected, How He Suffered and Hew He Was Cured. An Interesting Case. From tbe Mt. Sterling, Ky., Gazette. In the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, several miles from the line of the Chesa peake & Obio railroad lives a retired phy- . lo gician ana farmer, surrounaea Dy a nap py auu interesting lamiiy. His name is Dr. C. H. Porter, and for 47 years he has ministered to the sick in the counties of Rowan and Morgan, and lor years he suffered more than patients on whom he called. He was at last cured, ana uis cure was so startling and miraeu loos that it was soon the talk of the mountains, and finally reached the Blue grass. A reporter of the Gazette hear ing or the remarkable case, concluded to investigate the matter in the interest of suffering humanity. The reporter reached the home of Dr, Porter, and after introducing himself. said: "Dr. Porter, 1 learn that for years you have been a great sufferer, and that you have at last been cured and by a new discovery in medicine. Will yon oblige me by relating your exDerience?" In reply, Uv, Sorter related the follow ing: "Iwenty years ago while living in morgan county and practicing my nro fession, I bad a terrible nervous shock that completely prostrated me, and from that time until a lew months ago. 1 euf lerea untold agony, and in tact never knew a well day. I tried everything in the way of medicine that I could hear of, and consulted physicians for miles arounu, dui i iouna no reuei, and 1 re -11 i-Tff J T signed myself to the inevitable, as I thought, and awaited the end. A few months ago my son saw an account in your paper of a new medicine called Dr. Williams' Jf ink fills and wanted me to try it. I told him it'waa no use, that they would do me no good; but finally he persuaded me to get Mr. 15. L. Tabor, our merchant to order some for me. After taking a few doses I felt better, and again hope revived in my breast. I con tinued taking the pills, and continued to mprove, and now 1 believe I have finally recovered. That is about all of the story. I believe Pink Pills saved my life, and I never fail to recommend them to anyone who is tuffering. In fact, I can tell vou of a man that you will pass onyourroad home who has been almost completely cured of rheumatism after years of suf fering, Mr. S. G. Bailey, is his name, and you can stop and see him." After thanking Dr. Porter, and bidding him farewell, the Gazette man started for Mr. Bailey's residence. He was found on his farm cutting some trees down. In re ply to our inquiry, Mr. Bailey said: "Yes, JL)r. Porter ban told you the truth. I suffered for years with rheumatism, and was only atie to leave my room in good weather, and then was not able to do any work. I saw Pink Pills advertised. and was urged by Dr. Porter and other friends to try them. They finally over came my prejudices, however, and I am glad of it, for you can see yourself what Pink Pills have done for me. Come to the house, and I will show you my crutch and cane which Pink Pills have enabled me to lay aside. I have also been giving these pills to a neighbor a child, which has scrofula, and it is improving right along." The reporter next visited the store of L. Tabor, who corroborated the testi mony of Dr. Porter and Mr. Bailey. Mr. Tabor further said that he had never andled a medicine that had given such universal satisfaction as Pink Pills, and it was almost impossible to supply the demand. The address of all the gentte men referred to is, Elliottsville, Rowan county, Kentucky, and anjone can have these statements verified by writing to them. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sclatici, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all deal ers' or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, (50 cents a box or 6 boxes for 2.50 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., or Brockville, Ontario. Do you want Thb Wealth Mak.w next year? Have you the dollar to paj for it? If you have not, solicit two new nubHcriptions for us, send us $2.00 and we will extend your subscription one year tree. Is not that liberal enough? Mild, but always effective, Ayer's Pills are indispensible as a family medicine, both for children and adults. THE FASTEST BICYCLE TIRE ON EARTH is called the "G.& J. Pneumatic Tire" the most serviceable for every day use because of its relia bility and ease of repair when damaged. ."A CHILD CAN MANIPULATE IT." Bein; the "best that can be purchased" it is used on all BICYCLES which re mde ef the "best of everything from tube to tires." MEW CATAL04UI RMOV JAN. 1ST. A PHYSICI ANS STORY OORMULLY JCFFERY MFG. CO. Chicago. Boston. Wuhlngtoo. New York. Brooklyn. Detroit. Corenrry, Eng. E. R. GUTHRIE, A (cent, Lincoln, Nod. TAKE NOTICE! Book and Job Printing In all its branches. County Printing and Supplies Lithographing ... . Book Binding From the simplest style to the most elaborate. Engraving " Of all kinds. Blank Books In every style. Legal Blanks The Red Line Stereotyping From superior hard metal. Printers' Rollers Made by material. Country Printers Having county or other work, which they cannot themselves handle, would make money by writing us for terms. WEALTH MAKERS PUB. 00. Lincoln, Neb. The Omaha f 65 Qerts per Year T f The Bee for 1895 will be a I Special Features IttS&ss Special subjects for Women. , Special subjects for Children. Special subjects for the Farm and -the Farmer. One or more good stories each week for everybody in the family. Reliable Market Reports. Together with the news from all over the world. And all for less than any other Weekly paper in the country. Send 65 cent money order, express order or bank draft for a year's sub scription. If yon send silver or currency, register it or you send it at your own risk. Address orders to i t t t THE BEE The Earth Isn't Big Enough For some people in their business dealings; the; seem to want an additional one all to themselves. That Is theory in practice, however, it's the wise and modest who own the earth in small seotlons and who are the successful ones. A small field, thoroughly and Intelligently oultlvated will produce more than a large one whioh Is given "a liok and a promise." We own and oontrol eleven newspapers within a radius of thirty miles of Lincoln, Nebr., each having a large circulation. It you wish to plant an ' advertisement in our field, we assure you it will bring forth a splendid yield. For rates and Information write to JOS. S. BROWN, rtgT. You Will Want One. The Co-Operative Brotherhood has had a series of very fine copper engravings made from photograps showing the two large water powers, the teel bridge over Spring river, the Friend's academy and a view of SpriDg river valley at Lowell, where the Lowell co-Cperative colony is locating. The views are exceedingly fine gems of art, and will have a tremendous sale among the friends of co-operation. They are pnt np on a folded sheet in a card covering, and the whole series can be had for 25 cents. I The money derived from their sale will be used to purchase a large new printing press for the colony paper, and every friend of reform should send a 25 cent silver piece in a letter, which can be mailed for two cents, and get those views, arid in addition to help ing a good cause, receive an album of as fine art as can usually be purchased for two dollars. Address, Awy Demakee, Sec'y, Clinton, Mo. Series, the handsomest Blank la the country, printed on Kond raper at less expense other houses furnish them on ordinary flat paper. an expert from the best and most duraMe 12 Pages Every Week . . Weekly Bee The largest, brightest and best J Newspaper published in the west m better paper than ever before. member I PUBLISHING CO., I Omaha, Neb OUR FIELD WAVERLY EAQLE PANAHA ALVO MURDOCK GREENWOOD DAVEY RAYMOND CERESCO MALCOLTI and LINCOLN Interstate Newspaper Co. 11800 M St., Lincoln, Neb. FROM LIXCOLN is the SHORT Line (operating its own tracks) i'.-MJ!"n to Marshalltown. Cedar Rapids, Clinton, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Oshkosh, Fon du Lac, Sioux City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. In Chicago connections are made with 22 diverging lines. In St Paul, Union dtpot with 10 lines unsurpassed time made to eastern and northeastern cities. For tickets, etc., call at city office 117 So. 10th St., or depot corner S and 8th Sts. The new song book contains about 125 pages, extra large size, illustrated cover page. No doggerel in it All high class, patriotic, pathetic, humorous, en-J thusing matter. Now ready. All druggists sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. I !