The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, February 07, 1895, Image 1

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NO 35
; , . 1 I
ii i i i i mi I-i . I I
" We sleep and wak and aleep, bat all things
The Bun dies forward to hla brother Sun ;
The dark Earth follows, wheeled In br ellipse;
And human thinKS, returning on themselves,
Mots onward, leading op the golden year."
A famine is threatened in the west of
A rebellion has broken out in the United
States of Colombia.
The Union Pacific car shops discharged
390 men Jan. 21st.
Japan has captured Wei-Hai-Wei, and
panic reigns at fekin.
The A. P. A. is reported breaking up.
" Two councils are eeceders.
M. DeGiers, the Russian minister of
foreign affairs, died last week.
Lord Randolph Churchill for some time
Conservative parliamentary leader, is
dead. ,
Mrs. Lease has written a book. Its
title is, "The Problem of Civilization
Solved." ,
A quarter of an acre of land in Chicago
- that was worth $50 is now valued at
The Industrial Christian Alliance pro
vides daily 5,000 Irish stews at 5 cents a
bowl for the poor of New York.
Dr. Parkhurst's new book, "Our Fight
with Tammany," is just off the press.
Published by Charles Scribner's Sons. ,
t The Debs second trial is proceeding.
Judge Grosscup has made one ruling
which shows his bias and determination
to convict. .
The Armenian massacre is likely to lead
V to the fall of Turkey. Gladstone made a
.notablespeech on the butchery horror on
his 85th birthday.
' Defalcations and embezzlements in 1894
preached the amount of $25,234,112,
. whieh was three millions more than any
T previous year's record.
More than a third" (34.1 3 per cent) Of
the farm-families of this country in 1890
were tenants. In 1880 the percentage of
tenants was 25.62.
Wheat dropped to 49 cents in the Chi
cago market January 30th, the lowest
price on record. And the supply un
precedentedly Bhort, too.
Gold bars for jewelers have advanced
in price, and the increasing premium will
lead to iucreased purchases which will
further advance the price.
It is charged that $150,000 of the pub
lie funds of Minnesota have been "mis
appropriated," and a committee of in
vestigation has been called for.
Mexico is likely to declare war ogaiust
Guatemala, and as all the Central Ameri
can republics side with the latter,
looks like quite a destructive fight.
Nearly 350 people were drowned in the
sinking of the German Lloyd steamer
Elbe a week ago. The sinking was caus
ed by a collision with another vessel.
A terrible wreck on the Vandalia rail
road resulted in a nnmber killed and
mnnv iniured. It was the work of train
wiwkera. who Dulled all the spikes of
one rail.
The Consolidated Coal company of
Illinois is one of the trusts we read about
It directs legislation in that great state,
controls the once of coal and fixes the
price of labor.
Tracv R. Morgan, an old bank cashier
of New York has by stealing $100,000
(Caused theclosingof four banking houses
in hinghamptou New York. One wash
savings Lank.
John 1). Rockefeller has been sued by
Rev. Dr. Daniel C. Potter. It is supposed
the suit is to obtain a subscription
pledged to the Baptist tabernacle where
Dr. Potter oliiciates.
Alabama has iust refused to pay its
bonds in gold, the phrase, "payable in
'gold," having by a vote of 48 to 40 been
stricken out of the bill to adjust the
bonded state indebtedness.
The clergy of St. Johns, Newfoundland,
bave issued an appeal to the outside
world for assistance to the starving peo
pie. "About a thousand families are uow
starving in that city."
Mrs. Mary Hoop, a widow, and her
three-year-old child were found frozen to
death on Wednesday at Warsaw, lnd.
They lived in a single room and when
found were without food or fire.
Hundreds of people destitute apply
r daily at 25 Clinton Place, New York city,
v for work. It is a freepublic laborbureau.
They are from every walk in life. Thirty
to forty thousand in that city are re
ported fnce to face with starvation.
A Mexicun'cotton ball weevil did groat
damage in 6,000 square miles of country
in Texus last year. It is a new insect,
and seems to be rapidly extending its
ravages. The damage to last year's crop
was 50 to 90 per cent of its value.
The members of Parliament to the
number of 354 have signed a memorial
addressed to the president and people of
the United States, proposing that all
differences of opinion between the two
countries be submitted to arbitration.
Three men died of starvation in one
day recently in New York. A great num
ber die from exposure and insufficient
nutrition and diseases made fatal by
poverty, that are reported under the
head of diseases which attract no atten
tion. Henry George, Jerry Simpson, Jos R.
Buchanan, Thos. F.Ryanand Charles H.
Mitchell spoke from the same platform
as the Brooklyn Athenaeum a week ago
Sunday. Resolutions denouncing the
street car corporation were unanimously
The 4,912 suicides in 1894 in the Unit
ed States, reported in the daily press,
shows an increase over the preceding
year which year was also an increase
over '92. The increase is all out of pro
portion to the growth of the population,
suicides having grown in five years from
2,224 to 4,912.
The city of Glasgow, Scotland, con
taining about 1,000,000 inhabitants,
owns and operates its street railways. It
constructs its own cars and manages the
whole system in the most economic and
efficient manner, and saves to the people
the profits which nnderprivate ownership
are drawn from the people.
Dr. Loomis of New York recently died
and by will disposed of $1,000,000
acquired, it is assumed, by the practice ol
his profession. But if investigation were
made there can be no doubt the bulk of
this vast sum would be shown to have
come to him as "unearned increment"
upon investments in monopolies.
Almost a panic in grain and provisions
was the report of January 30th. The
gold monopolists are trying to force a
half billion of gold bonds upon Congress.
They ought to be all rounded up and
shipped to some island in the Pacific and
their gold with them, and be forced to
live there. They are the chief curse of
civilized countries.
The anthracite coal barons have de
cided to restrict the February output to
2,000,000 tons. Less work for starving
miners, higher prices for coal consumers,
power in the monopolists hands to re
duce the labor and increase the expenses
of the people, power to starve and freeze
and rob the people to enrich themselves,
and alt done bv a stroke of the pen. So
moves the world toward the climax of a
great struggle.
The Southern Pacific was held up Jan.
30 by bandits and a large amount of
money taken, $10,000 in Mexican dollars
being only a part of what they got. The
engineer and firemen were covered by
pistols and forced to cut the express
and mail carsout and hold the train two
miles farther on. The safes were then
blown open. The loss Is estimated at
$50,000 to $75,000, and the robbers are
believed to have crossed into Mexico.
A census expert has been investigating
the reports since 1850 and finds that
labor's share has been growing less. In
18t)0 it was less than 1880, and still less
as compared withinl850. It istheintro
duction of machinery which is doing it,
capitalists claiming that the forces of
nature that run the machinery belong
only to them as the favorites of heaven.
In i850 labor's paid share was 53 per
cent of the product, capital's was 47 per
cent. Now labor gets 43 and capital 57
per cent.
The Nionragua canal bill has passed
the senate by a vote of 31 to 21. It is
another scheme to get the government
credit to back up bonds, $70,000,000 in
amount. The canal should be first sur
veyed and the cost carefully estimated
by government engineers. Then if from
a business point of view it should be
seen to be a certain profitable or econo
mic enterprise the government should
construct and own the canal. When the
government's credit and capital are
needed it should never mix up with pri
vate capitalists in any great enterprise.
They consider it their legitimate business
to so conduct the business as to rob the
government and enrich themselves.
The sturdy, self-respecting American
farmer is giving place to, or rather is
being ground down into, that most piti
able class of homeless people, renters.
The census figures furuish proof positive
that this is bo. Less than half of the
families in the United States own their
own homes. Thirty per cent of the re
mainder are under mortgage. Between
1880 and 1890 the number of land own
ing farmers decreased in every New Eng
land state and the number of tenant
farmers increased. In the western states
it is the same way. The men who got
western laud cheap twenty to forty years
ago have very many of them moved to
town and rent their farms. And the
tendency of rent is upward, keeping the
poor renter in a hopeless treadmill. If
the laud increases in value the rent is
correspondingly raised. And with no
new lands to go to land monopoly is in
creasing and must in the course of a
generation bring about a condition in
America like that, in Ireland, provided no
anti-monopoly legislation checks the
present land concentration movement.
Notice our cheap clubbing rates witt
'The Prairie Farmer" and "The Pictun
Magazine." Send in your subscriptions,
You will want good reading matter foi
the family during the long winter even
ings. Land and Home. f Iters' tixcnrslon
February 12th the Elkhorn R. R. will
sell tickets to all points on its lines in
Nebraska at one fare plus $2.00 for
round trip. No rate to be les than
$7.00. Limit 20 days. City office 117
So. 10th St. Depot corner S and 8th Sts.
Dr. Davis, fine gold fillings, 11th 0.
Two Kinds of Republicans Discovered oi
Alleged to Exist
Appointments, and Discourtesy of tbs
Senate Rumoied Defalcations Ed
misten, Oil Inspector, Makes
Two Appointments,
Hilton Said to Be Short
"Napoleon Bonaparte,
With hundred thousand men;
He marched them np the hill
And marched them down again;
And when they were np, they were np;
And when they were down, they were down;
Bnt when they were halt way np the hill, '
. They were neither np nor down."
The Nebraska legislature have evident
ly had the above quotation in mind, for
they have been on dress parade ever
since they met, marching up the hill and
marching down again; and once in a
while, when suspended between the devil
and the deep blue sea, they are "neither
up nor down."
The Republicans proudly boasted when
they came down here that they would
squelch the Pops. 0, yes, how they
would skin the Pops. Why, according
to these self-conceited Fridays of Czar
Holdrege, the Pops would never be heard
But since these fellows have got down
here, they find that the Pops are pretty
much in evidence at pretty nearly every
juncture. They have found that the
Pops have parliamentarians superior to
any of their own. This is true at least
in the house. They have found also that
the struggle in this session is between
populism and railroadism; and while the
railroads have usually succeeded, they
have found that many of the brainiest
Republicans in the house have openly al
lied themselves with the Populists. For
in the house, it must be understood,
there are
The clamor and complaint concerning
the relief commission is becoming greater
everyday. If reports received here are
to be believed, the condition of some of
the western counties is truly terrible.
The complaint comes in that while the
commission promises to send provisions,
it fails to carry out its promises. This
complaint has become quite general.
One thing is certain: A great, portion
of the perishable provisions, such as
potatoes, etc., have stood out on the
tracks, or lain in the warehouse, until
frozen up and rendered worthless.
The reason assigned by the commission
for this is that they had no money with
which to pay freight to get the provis
ions out. It is known, however, that
the commission has received about $12,
000 in cash donations.
What has become of this? It is claim
ed farther that the U. P. and other roads
offered to haul out the stuff free; but
that the commission preferred to wait
until it could pay I lie li. & M. for doing
it. It is safe to say that most of th
$50,000 appropriated for relief will be
used to pay freight to this company.
I do not mean to unjustly censure this
relief commission. 1 know its members
have a hard place to fill. But in the
work of relieving human suffering and
privation, this dilly-dallying and incom
petency is no less than a. crime. And the
commission is certainly guilty of incom
petency, if nothing worse.
The Republican legislature is directly
responsible for this state of affairs. It
elected Mr. Ludden to his preseut posi
tion and practically rendered powerless
the governor, who should have charge of
the matter.
. In order to illustrate this, a story is in
order. The other day they had one mnn
before the ways anil means committee
who, in asking for an appropriation for
his institution, really acted ns though he
didn't want to steal. This was so unus
ual that Uncle Barney Johnston wanted
to take him to his bosom as the first
honest man he had seen. In talking with
the chairman ol the committee after
ward, uncle Barney remarked that "that
fellow must be a Pop." "No," answered
the chairman, "he is a conscientious Re
publican." "0," answered Uncle Harney,
"youy have two kinds of Republicans,
have you conscientious and otherwise?"
That so well illustrates it that I shall
hereafter refer to the two kinds of Repub
licans in the house as "conscientious Re
publicans" and railroad Republicans.
Once in a while the Pops and conscien
tious Republicans combine and run
things. In this way two or three good
bills have already been recommended for
passage. One of these was to compel in
tersecting railroads to build transfer
switches. Another was to prevent a cor
poration from discharging an employe
simply because the latter belonged to a
labor union.
I hope to tell you of further good deeds
of this combination in future reports.
In the senate unfortunately they have
no "conscientious Republicans."
Hon. J. II. Edmisten assumed his of
fice of Chief Oil Inspector on the 1st. Im
mediately he appointed two deputies
Warwick Saunders of Columbus, editor
of the Platte Cou n i.v Argus, and Ed J.
Hall, editor of the Grand Island Free
Press. Both are well known Populist
newspaper men. On February 1st also
the Governor withdrew the appointment
of Judge J. W. Wilson for Commandant
of the Soldiers' Home at Grand Island.
The senate had been in possession of the
appointment for three weeks and the
Governor became convinced that the de
lay was a studied discourtesy to himself.
The course of the senate has been gener
ally denounced as bojish, even in Repub
lican papers, and the action of the Gov
ernor" is commended.
Ever since this appointment of Judge
Wilson was made, there have been ru
mors of a shortage and a scandal in con
nection with the present Commandant of
the Home, who is a Republican. It has
been said that this was the reason the
senate did not confirm Wilson. Last
week a Republican committee was sent
out to investigate the matter. They
came back with a whitewash report.
.There is one shortage brought to light,
however, on the part of a Republican of
ficial, that cannot be whitewashed. L.
Hilton, Ex-Chief Oil Inspector, is short
nearly five thousand dollars in his ac
counts, His last rt port, made on No
vember 30th, shows nearly $4,000 of a
shortage. When Mr. Edmisten took
charge of the office he did not get the
books. Mr. Hilton has promised to turn
these over this week, when the exact
amount of the shortage will be made
known. J. A. E.
Tbe Progress of Poverty
"I can starve to death easier and with
more comfort in Colorado than in New
York. Send me there and I won't bother
you anymore, I have tried both places,"
said the ironical product of the Far West,
and when it comes to a 'show down' I'll
takeColorado. Snowballs are morenour
ishing than cobblestones, and the cli
mate's better." He was sent home.
There are 30,000 to 40,000 men,
women and children this winter in New
New York city brought face to face
with starvation. The cold months al
ways give renewed strength and activity
to this ever-present spectre among the
poor, and the present season is noci
ception. It has brought with it its usual
heritage of hunger and cold and sickness,
and the epidemic of the grip has added a
new misery and made the problem of ex
istence more difficult to solve. The dis
ease finds an easy prey among the ranks
of the poor, and the free dispensaries at
Bellevue Hospital and other institutions
are thronged each day with its poor and
destitute victims.
The restricted immigration during the
last eighteen months and the unusually
large emigration during the same period
have further tended to decreuse the num
ber of appeals for help. The actual suf
fering, too, is less acute now. The people,
having borne with it so long, havegrowu
accustomed to their poverty, and here
lie the deep pathos, the real misery and
the grave seriousness of the question as
it is today. Those who a year ago shrank
from receiving aid have grown hardened,
and have lost their respect and man
hood, and whut twelve months ago they
would have winced at receiving they now
demand as their due. Among the better
class of the poor, the industrious and the
sober workingmuh who has by the long
industrial depression been kept out of
work, the condition is infinitely worse
than last winter. The "rainy day." in
anticipation of which he had put aside a
comfortable sum, has been of so long
and apparently endless duration that
the little store put by has melted away,
and the workingmau, through no fault
of his own, finds himself face to face with
pauperism. New York Tribune.
No Tragedy Like Poverty
There is no tragedy like that of poverty
No pain can grind the human heart like
that which comes to the husband and
wife when they face the cold fact that he
1b out of work, and then look at the ten
der faces of the little ones, so confident
that the father can take care of them
Yet we know that in thousands of homes
in the happy land of America this tragedy
is beiug enacted. If we knew that some
fiend was passing from house to house,
killing women and dashing children's
brains out, how long would the good
people permit it to continue? Yet pov
erty is worse. The slow, dull agony at
heart, the faint flicker of expectation
when returning feet are heard, the death
weight on the heart when phe reads on
his face, "no work!" This is a pain which
no rich and happy woman can under
stand. One muht feel it one must know
how cruelly precious a dollar can seem
to understand what real suffering is. One
must realize what it is to be cold and
hungry in a city full of happy, careless
people, who waste their precious money,
who revel in and grow tired of the
light and warmth and food; for want of
which little children are dying, in order
to know the meaning of a real heart
ache. Rockville Tribune.
Hall's Hair Renewer is pronounced the
best preparation made fdr thickening the
growth of the hair and restoring that
which is gray to its original color.
mi in imrnmrn, .nni nniTiPUT
The Following Article Is Taken from th.
January) 1895,
Investors Depend on for Advice and Re
liable Information The Financial
and Commercial World as It Is.
Is Trade Going to Revive ?
"A revival of trade ought to take place
now," everybody is saying. "The con
ditions which have hitherto preceded re.
sumptions of business expansions in the
past are all present, not only in our own
money market, but in those of the conti
nent and of the United States. At all
important centers of credit, money is
cheap and abundant; everywhere the
prices of commodities are so low as to
tempt both the speculator and the man
ufacturer to enlarge their operations in
preparation for rising markets."
This is a summary of the universal
agreement, and we have had these favor
able conditions with us in the United
Kingdom for at least two years back.
Yet trade has not "revived"; we still
crawl along doubtfully; prices give no
indication of a change for the better, but
the contrary. As Mr. Sauerbeck has
again and again demonstrated by bis
valuable barometric index numbers and
diagrams, the tendency has been steadily
downward. Wheat is lower in price at
the present time than it has ever been be
fore, and cotton is also at, or near, its
lowest, fihe hopes which Australian
wool-growers entertained, that the plac
ing of raw wool on the free list in the
United States tariff would enable them
to secure less ruinous prices for their
crops, have so far been disappointed. We
are in little better condition with most
of our staple British industries; with
hardly an exception prices are lower than
they were twelve months ago. Since the
new tariff of the United States came into
force there has been a slight improve
ment in the hopes rather than the actu
alities of the woolen trade, but it has
not lifted prices; and the linen trade of
Belfast, which was hoping so much from
the tariff, has as yet only filled up the
gaps which the long delay in passing that
tariff created. Our iron industries would
be quite as depressed as ever save for the
lavish expenditure of the government on
new ships of war; and even that has not
been great enough to hold prices up. The
tonnage of merchant vessels under con-,
structiou at the present time is lurger
than it was twelve months ago; but we
are assured that the profitableness of the
work done has not increased, although
wages are in many instances lower, and 1
raw materials certainly cheaper. In
nearly all instances the point of recoil in
prices does not yet appear to have been
reached; still less has any general recov
ery begun to show itself, such as men
look for when trade is really going to ex
pand. The truth, however, is that the com
mon expectation of a revival of business
as a result certain to flow from large ac
cumulations of idle bankers' capital or
"money," is founded on a confusion of
ideas. What these accumulations gener
ate is a revival ot financial speculation.
Increased industrial production always
follows outbursts of speculation in "new
outlets for capital," because the objects
of such speculation always to some ex
tent involve the outlay of money upon
raw materials or machinery, on new
buildings, new developments in manufac
tures, and so on. For instance, at the
present time the small outbreak of specu
lative energy in the direction of floating
companies to "develop" goldfields in
Western A ustralia swindles though they
mostly are will have some little effect in
augmenting the production of machinery
for crushing and washing ores. In like
manner, and on a large scale, every tar
antella dance of speculation in the past,
whether devoted to lending money to
foreign and colonial governments, to
covering the waste places of the earth
with railways, to building tramways,
providing towns with gas and water, or
digging for gold, silver, or precious
stones, has reacted upon our industries
as a stimulant to production. The for
eign governments have spent part of the
money in British-built warships or British-moulded
guns, the railway construc
tion has given us an enlarged market for
our iron and steel, and so on. Industrial
expansion always follows upon the heels
of speculations in finance, no matter
how frantic or unsubstantial these spec
ulations may be.
Unquestionably the conditions of all
money markets, of our own, in some re
spects, most of all, are at the present mo
ment favorable to fresh speculative out
breaks; and, just as unquestionably,
these would have occurred before now
had there been no other influences at
work to keep them back. But there are
such influences, and most powerful ones,
which hold the market down, and cause
loanable capable to accumulate in bank
ers' hands to an extent which is positive
ly become almost as dangerous to the
eoundness of our banking credit as a
scarcity would be.
It is unnecessary to hark back always
to the Baring crisis. The effects of that
horrible event are still with us in spite of
a "successful liquidation," nay, perhaps ,
because of that, and will be with us
these many years to come, for it was an
epoch-marking crisis; but the distrust it
generated no longer ties upon the market
like a nightmare. We have come back
to the mood which welcomes adventure:
and could a field, or fields, be found
wherein the instinct of speculation com
mon to all mankind, and peculiarly a
characteristic of Englishmen, might
again expand and develop energy, a "re
vival of trade," as, it is colloquially -called,
would soon be again in full sw ing,
hurrying the nation forward to u new
Unfortunately for those who hope to
profit by such a change, most of the
channnels into which the accumulated
means of the people have in the past
been wont to flow and be dissipated are
choked up or tilled up choked with the
ruins of past enterprises which bave
failed, or filled because the work which
whs to be done is complete to the fullest
present requirements of the country, or
industry formerly taken in hand. There
are still, perhaps, places on the earth
where railways might be built with ad
vantage to some generation, if not the
present one; but these countries have
fallen into disrepute, either because they
have borrowed too much in the past, or
because of their dishonesty and internal
disorders, or for these and other causes
combined. For this reason the whole of
Central and South America is shut off
from us, with perhaps the single .excep
tion of Chile, and Chile is a country
which, at best, gives but a limited scope
to the schemes of the financiers in Lon
don. North America is at present in lit
tle better plight. The United States are
filled up with railways far beyond
the capacity of the trade of the coun
try to make profitable; Canada is
sodden with debts, and with enterprises
which, it not already bankrupt, appear
on their waj to become so; Mexico is a
state whose resources may be great, but
whose institutions are in too fluid a con
dition, too dependent for their stability
upon President Diaz, to afford scope to
the romantic and romancing imagina
tion of the financial world-renovator.
In Europe the position is no better.
It is unnecessary to dwell on the condi
tion of Frauce or Germany, of Italy or
Spain; and even Austria and Hungary,
in better economic health though they
seem to be, require none of our money.
The healthier countries, in Bhort, do not
want our assistance; the poorer and
sicklier cannot be made to look tempting
enough to draw money from us. Where
they might, perhaps, benefit by our pe
cuniary help, they deliberately shut US
out by their tariffs.
Of our Australian settlements it is un
necessary to speak. According as we
view them, their position excites the
deepest indignation or the most pro
found pity. Slowly but relentlessly they
are being forced downward into the po
sition of helpless defaulters. Nor is there
room in India, in spite of the valiant res
olutions of the bureaucratic government
there, to go on building railways. The
British state there is like a weary Atlas,
crushed to the earth with debt as with a
world all too heavy for his shoulders.
For a few years more it may hold up its
head by borrowing, for a few years more
the British public will lend, but the debt
which is contracted to stave off bank
ruptcy is in no sense an industrial stim
ulant. It merely sustains the victim's life,
and throws an aspect of abflity to pay
over a condition of hopeless iinpecu
niosity. '
In the Farther East the possibility of
opening up China may peihaps afford
room for hope that the old methods of
generating trade prosperity may there
be resumed ouce more the method of
the tailor who lends his customer the
money to pay for the clothes he furnishes
him with. But it would take a little time
to awaken in regard to things Chinese
the money-lending zeal of even so simple
minded a being us the English investor.
There remains, then, South Africa alone
as a spot where the stimulating and ex
hausting manure of borrowed capital
may be applied, and already that part
of the world is in some respects over
drugged with money. A crisis is rather
to be looked for there than a fresh leap
forward. The "Chartered" Company's
bubble seems nearly ripe for bursting;
and although gold and other mining in
dustries here aud there may prosper,
these never yet permanently sustained a
country's prosperity. They are too del-(
eterious and mushroomy.
, Thus on all hands we are led to the in
ference that the scope for an expansion
of trade wnh'tTiTZrrFirt-frhnft''!
has been either swept away or much re
stricted' by the already excessive employ
ment of that aid to the development of
civilization. The victims of it are par
tially or wholly exhausted, and our
masses of banking credit lie idle because
there is really no outlet for them. From
this it is to be inferred that any growth
of business which conies must be slow a
tion Pricey iRyvJJvMli'ilM'fe-' -to
drag as they have done, because the
capital poured by us and other lending
(Continued on 5lta pane.)