The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, January 31, 1895, Image 1

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; iirvipn nun nnnTtuni n
iiiLAiuu niiU uuniLinnLn
Mexico Does Not Want to Go to War
but Unless the l.lttle ttepnblle Make
the Concessions Demanded of
Her Hostilities Will -Bo In.
aagnratted by the Dla
' Government
City of Mexico, Jan. 28. President
Diaz and Foreign Minister Marsical
had a long conference over the Guat
emalan matter last, night The reply
of Guatemala to the demand of Mex
ico was read and considered in many
of its bearings. Another conference
with the full cabinet will probably be
held Monday.
Later President Diaz dictated the
following: "The government appre
ciates this manly manifestation, it
beino- one of the results of the vehe
ment and inexact fhases in which the
press has presented the question of
the day. I comply with a duty in
stating that although it is true that
. the government is sustaining a
serious and delicate controversy
of a diplomatic nature, which,
if not handled with correct, logical
and honorable men, may conduce to a
war, and, although it is also true that
- we are not yet on the verge of war,
because honor, good faith and logic
constitute the program of the gov
ernraenlv and. .because it has no riht
to attribute any other course to its
adversary, the government believes
and has practically demonstrated
that belief for several years, that the
greatest blessing we can offer
to our country is the pres
ent period of reconstruction
and happy and visible development
in peace, and declares will
only allow it to be interrupted when
an unjust and pertinacious aggressor
Insists upon infringing upon its well
established rights and assailing its
" national honor and decorum. In such
an event, which I hope will not be
realized, the government will con
front the situation with true faith
and energy, inspired by its duty
and its right. The government
accents, holds in esteem and will
. use with economy what you so patri
otically offer. Ve soldiers of the
u generation now passing away feel our
' blood tingle when we think that we
may be able to baptize in a war every
way just on our part the generation
coming on, in whose hands we are
going to leave our country and its
The lend involved in dispute is
covered for the most part with dense
forests of precious woods. Mexican
choppers from the North and Guate-
malan choppers from the South have
clashed in the heart of the forest that
fringes the banks of the rivers Usu
macinto and La Cantum and their
tributaries and this has precipi
tated the trouble. The contro
versy rests on . the ' question
whether the La Cantum, or one of the
forks of the Usumacinto constitutes
t'e boundary between the Mexican
state of Chiapas and Guatemala. . The
old traditional boundary was the La
Cantun, but according to the treaty
of 1882 the boundary was pushed to
the eastward. The Guatemalans do
not now accept the Usumacinto as the
Bit Good Offices Tendered to Mexico
and Guatemala.
Efforts of the United State to Bring
About Reconciliation.
City of Mexico, Jan. 28. The
United States has undertaken to play
the part of peacemaker between
Mexico and Guatemala to prevent
war if possible. A telegram has been
received here from Secretary Gresham
expressing the hope that Guatemala
and Mexico would agree between
themselves upon some method of
settling the dispute over the bound
ary, but that if this should not be
possible the United States trusted the
two countries would agree to submit
their differences to the arbitration of
some friendly nation. This communi
cation from a nation with which
Mexico enjoys such intimate and
friendly relations has caused a pro
found impression upon the govern
ment and undoubtedly accounts in
part, at least, for the decision of the
minister of foreign affairs to with
hold for five or . six days, at
least, the ultimatum which it was
about to dispatch in much less time
in answer to a note from (maternala
received. It is learned that the pres
ident of the United Sttes ma le bach
appeal as would be received in good
spirit before sending it by first com
municating in an unofficial manae
with Minister Romero at 'Washington.
1 11 - ...
Nebraska Prison Association.
At the meeting of the Nebraska Prison
Association, held at tiie Y. M. C. A. build
ing this city, Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 9th, a larger audience gathered than
was expected and about thirty members
of the legislature were present. A. W.
Clark president of the Sociological Club
of Omaha, addressed the meeting on the
subject of Penology. He spoke as follows:
Three causes have combined to lead me
to the study of this subject. First, a few
years ago, I conducted religious services
in a prison every Sunday for nearly
twelve months, consecutively. When I
saw the very unsatisfactory results, I
was led to inquire into the condition and
surroundings of these prisoners and to
study the methods of prision discipline
employed. In the second place, I brought
together a few prominent business men
in Omaha, three or four years ago and
we organized the Associated Charities of
that city, of which association I served
as general secretary until a man was
secured to fill the place. Since that time,
while engaged in charitable and mission
work in that city, I have come into per
sonal contact with nearly three hundred
ex-convicts of prisons and have under
taken tbe reformation of their lives from
a Christian point of view, dealing with
them on grounds of scientific charity. I
expended some money in fitting up lodg
ing quarters, which were known in a
ouiet way as ex-convicts quarters. Tem
porary shelter wasfurnished at this place
and efforts made to secure employment,
and in these experiences, the opportuni
ties were furnished tostudy thecharacter
of criminals, and interest was awakened
in my mind on the question of the meth
ods which had been employed in the pri
son dealing with them.
In the third place, for the past three
years, I have served as secretary of tbe
National Conference of Charities. In
making up my annual reports it was
necessary to visit and make a study of
our State Penitentiary and county jails,
as well as other correctional and charit
able institutions of our state. In this
way l nave been led to -study the prob
lems connected with tbe administration
of these institutions. At the annual
gatherings year by year, it has been my
privilege to meet and become acquainted
with the leaders, such men as General
Brinckerhoff, of Ohio; Z. R. Brockway of
the Elmira Reformatory of New York, and
others. Thus I have been led to study
the problems, not only from a theoretical
but from a practical point of view.
Now, I wish to say that some questions
seem quite clearly established. In the
first place, I want to say that the county
jail system in America is altogether
-i i i r :
wrong. Liouniy jausare kciiuuib ui cruue,
they are moral pest-houses; they are
places for manufacturing criminals. The
inmates are congregated together in
idleness and thus are pauperized as well
as criminalized. Young offenders are
thrust in with old, hardened criminals
and by these contacts and experiences
are themselves made criminals. At the
present time, in the Douglas county jail,
there are seventy-six inmates; fifty-one
of them are in the two iron cages. Three
or four young boys, seventeen or eigh
teen years of age, are now in those cages
with old and hardened criminals, the in
fluence of which is demoralizing and de
grading. I am told that these young
boys are in their for their first offense.
They are not hubiiual criminals, but
after this experience, the chances are they
will be.
Yesterday I communicated with a man
who informed me that when he was about
fifteen years of age, he was arrested for
an offence and thrust into a county jail
with a lot of ' hardened criminals. He
stated that he remembered distinctly
how that he went off and tried to con
ceal himself in a corner, that he was so
ashamed and mortified and so keenly
felt the disgrace he did not wish to look
any man in the face. He sat in the cor
ner a little time and listened to tbe old
criminals tell their jokes and tell their
stories about the commission of crime,
and he soon saw that they regarded it as
a huge joke that they were in jail at all.
The whole matter began to appear in a
different light tobien. The result was,
by that experience he was made a crimi
nal and informed me that since that time
he had been locked up twenty-one times
behind prison bars. Thus, he was made
a confirmed criminal. In order to cor
rect the abuses of the jail system, it is of
greatest importance thatweshould have
created in Nebraska a State Board of
Charities. I call your attention to tbe
fact, that under the influences of the
State Board of charities in Ohio, the
whole county jail system has been com
pletely modified. The evils of this
wicked system have also been very large
ly removed in some of the other states,
where they have State Boards of Chari
ties. Allow me also to call your attention
to oar state penitentiary. Radical
changes are needed immediately in that
institution. It is humiliating to us as
citizens of Nebraska to be compelled to
recognize that as a state we are still
clinging to the old lease system of hand
ling prisoners. With the exception of
Montana, Nebraska stands alone in the
north in retaining this relic of barbarism.
The lease system belongs to a former
age. Under the progress of our Chris
tian civilization, this country is beyond
such a miserable system; and yet.strange
to say, Nebraska still clings to it. A few
of the southern states still hold on to
tbe system; but we rejoice in the fact
(Continued on'uil pnge)
To the Legislature and People of the
State of Nebraska
Gentlemen: My name is William
Robert Dean, I was born in Fayette Co,,
Pa., up in the hill country, on what is
known as the National Pike, near Mount
Washington, and Braddocke grave. My
great grandsire, Samuel Dean, was a
brave soldier in the Revolutionary war,
foughtundercommand of General George
Washington, and gave up his life at the
age of 35 years, in defense of his country
and the Declaration of Independence.
My grandsire, whose name was also
Samuel Dean, was with his father and
served as a drummer, being but twelve
years old at the time of his fathers death.
At a more mature age he served in the
war of 1812 as a soldier, and lived to the
good old age of 89, loved by his manj
sons and daughters, and especially by
my father and his family.
Who can question my right to a voice
in the affairs of this state or nation? If
not my right equal to that of the million i
aire? For more than fourteen years
have been a resident of the state of Ne
braska, and over thirteen years in love
with her and her people. I have lived
with the poor and middle class, because
I love them most, and because I ain poor
myself. And I am here to stay, if. this
state redeemed from the corpora
tions and political thieves that seemingly
have us in their power.
Now, gentlemen, as I have brieflly in
troduced myself, let us proceed to discuss
the betterment of our condition. First,
I am told by good Republicans that the
hard times nave been brought on by bad
Republicans who have the most of the
money of this country, playing a game
of freezeout for political effect. Well, be
this may, they can dp us no hur '
we have profitable employment for" will
ing hands.
Then, I would have you recognize the
fact that you are the servants of the peo
pie. By constitutional right I am as
much your boss as is the wealthiest man
in this state. The.people are as much
your boss as you are boss of tbe man
you hire by the day, month or year.
Now would it not be well for each of you
to enquire of the people who selected you
to do their work, and ascertain their
wishes, and govern yourselves accord
ingly? As this is strictly an agricultural
state, surely the law that will benefit the
producer, will benefit the merchant, the
banker, the lawyer, the laborers, and all
others living in the state. Then why
should we tax ourselves to sustain an in
dustry owned by an individual or cor
poration which is not self supporting?
Would it not be more businesslike for
tbe people to build and own their own
sugar factories, or any industry that
would greatly U-neflt the state, but
which would not l- -lf-supporting? And
further, as each citizen of the state would
be a share holder in the factory, when
they once understood this they would re
joice m itt success. The possibilities are
great. If, as the supreme courts have
decided, the government bounty on sugar
was unconstitutional, a ..state bounty
surely would be. And must we strain
our constitution for he benefit of a pri
vate industry, or let our hired men
squander their time at our expense?
Why not each of you ask your people if
they do not want to buy some of the coal
fields in the Black Hills country, and
build a railroad from Omaha to tbe coal
and get their coal at what it actually
costs, and then leave out other railroad
legislation, as the competition would
regulate that? If the parties who own
the old roads are injured by this, the
resident portion of them can come down
ou earth and live with the rest of us.
The foreign owners have moiiey enough
to carry them through this life, and
would they suffer? There is not so many
of them as there are of the poor women
and children of this state who today are
suffering because coal is so high and
money so scarce.
You may say that this is Populist doc
trine, or that I am flighty. Well, there
are many other things that could be
done to help us out. suppose we arop
the red tape business of our past law
makers and do some common sense busi
ness once that will be an example for the
whole nation. It was good thoughts
acted upon that made the names of
Washington and Lincoln immortal.
How many of our representatives are
going to emulate George Washington
and Abraham Lincoln?
Have we no great minds in this state,
who will take the lead? Woe upon us if
we let the railroads and corporations
make our laws. Excuse me, Mr. Legis
lator, for right here I wish to snytoull
the people of this state, will you join me
in buying the coal fields and building the
road to bring in the coal? We can do it,
and give employment to our idle labor,
by bonding our property (the state is
ours), and then we shall need no other
legislation to bring the old roads to
terms; competition will do the work.
It is no use for us to kick at God ond
our neighbors, but let us come in touch
with each other. Our needs are nearly
identical, and if our hired men do not
suit us, give them the grand bounce. We,
the people of Nebraska, can amend our
constitution at will. The gods, accord
ing to an ancient legend, made choice of
certain trees to be under their special
niuvtootinn Jnniter chose the oak. Venus
the myrtle, Apollo the laurel, Cybele the
pine, and Hercules the poplar. Minerva,
wondering why tbey had preferred trees
not yielding fruit, inquired the reason of
their choice. Jupiter replied, "It is lest
we should seem to covet the honor for
the fruit."
"But," said Minerva, Let any one say
what he will, the olive is more dear to
me on account of its fruit."
Then said Jupiter: "My daughter, yon
are rightly called wise; for, unless what
we do is useful, the glory of it is vain."
With brotherly love for all defenders of
the Declaration of Independence, the Con
stitution of the United States and the
state of Nebraska, I am sincerely yours,
4 W. R. Dean.
Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 29, 1 895.
!. '
Horticultural Notes for February.
By E. F. Stephens, President Stats Horticultural
i Society'.
It is noticeable that many things which
should have been done in November and
December have not yet been attended to.
Some have not yet trimmed and covered
their grape vines. Our dry winters are
likely to not only dry the canes but also
to injure the roots of grape vines. The
better method is to trim and cover in
November using hay, straw or coarse
stable litter. Strawberry plants and
plantations in many cases have not yet
been covered. Use wild hay, clean straw
or if either are not available, then use
sparingly coarse stable litter. Two
inches is not too much. Currants and
gooseberries should receive a heavy
mulch of good manure and will well re
pay such care.
Raspberries and blackberries appreciate
heavy mulching, guarding against ex
treme drouth and yielding more freely.
I improve leisure time by hauling manure
into the bearing orchard. The size and
quality of the fruit is greatly increased
by using a wagon load of good stable
manure to each two treeB of bearing age.
. iA winter mulch, followed by summer
cultivation will help an orchard of any
age. Those who have or can purchase
wood, and most farmers can, should
procure and work into short stove wood
a full supply for the season. Plenty of
dry wood fills an important place in
domestic economy.
Plan to keep a book account of all the
work of the farm. .
Lay plans for season's work. Study
seed and fruit catalogues until an abund
ance of fruits and vegetables have been
secured. Touch untried and not
thoroughly tested varieties lightly. Get
plenty of staples first, and experiment i
afterwards. Ordinarily it is safer and
more likely to secure the right varieties
to purchase near home.
Kansas Citt, Ma, Jan 28 Wheat Car
lota by sample on track, at Kama City, at
tbe close were quoted nominally as follows:
No. 2 bard, 61 620 No. a hard. 50o; No. 4
hard, 4o: rejected, 48i49e-, No 2 red. 50
6lo; No. 3 red, 495uo; No. 4 red, 48o: rejected,
Sales by sample on track, Kansas City: No.
2 mixed corn, 4Ql4o bid, 410 asked No 8
mixed, nominally 4 )o: No 4 mixed, nomi
nally SV No. t white, 4 cars 41o; No 8 white,
nominally. 4 la
Oats Were offered at yesterday's prices
without buyers. Receipts of oats to-day, 8 oars;
a year axo. 7 oars. Sales by sample on traok,
Kansas City: No. 2 mixed oats, nominally. 2H
:t0o No 3 nominally Ho No 4 nominally 28ot
No 2 white oats, 1 oars 31o No. i white,
nominally 8lo.
Cam Smd Lowen Ducail per 100 lbs In
bulk. Millet Sxkd -German, steady, 81 40 0
155 per IJ0 lbs. Rri Firm; No t, nominally
50o No. 3, 48o Flaxscbd-DuU: nominally
81.80!. 31, according to bllllu Bbas Firm:
e a70o per owt sacked Cork chop Firm
77suc per owt sacked.
Hay Receipts. 84 oars: market dull and
steady. Timothy, fancy, 810 choice, 9 60;
No. 1, 8J68 it clover, mixed, 5.50$8 low
grade, 18&7.60: fancy prairie, 88.50: choice, (7
7.50: No 1 W&ioO. No i, (545. 50, paoklng
hay, a5Q&4Mt
Chicago Board of Trad
Chicago, Jan -8 The fouowlat table
hows the ran e of prices' for active future I
on the board of trade to-day:
. 42 V
45 tt
10 4)
10 ft
8 72V4
5 5.i
4 50
8 '7
Llvt Stock.
Kansas Citt. Mo. Jan 28 Cattlo Re
ceipt', 2,129 calve, 78 shipped yesterday.
1510: calves, 29. The marKet was dull and
barely xtetdy throu hout
Dressed beef and export steers $3. 5)4 80:
cows and heifers, l. 5 3 35 Mexican steers,
t2 10 2 8) Texa and Indian steers, H 5Jft
Western cows .82 7 1 Texan and Indian oows,
ll).&ild; stocken and feeders, i2 25 i60
mixed. l.ft0
Hogs eceipts. 4,587; shipped yesterday,
1,812. The marKet was active and 5o higher,
with plKS and lUhts" 6 to lOo hltther. The
t. p wa. a4 25 and the bulk of nale were 3t5
to .4 05. aralnst (430 for top and $181 to 4 for
bulk yesterday.
Sheep Receipts, 781 shipped yesterday,
(78 Nearly all tbe stieop were direct to pack
ers The demand was stronx and marke'. firm
Horses Receipts. 71 snippet yesterday,
to, Ttiera " no business to day
Subscribe for The Wealth Makers.
Jan 21 Op'ndHilt Lo st
Wheat Jan 60 f0 49
May M', 64M 62
July 66 i 15 63V,
Cork- Jan 42 42 Vl
May 45 461. ib
July 45 45H 4
Oats Jan W S8V4 is
May 24 2S 20
July ili 2M 2M
Fork-Jan 10 40 10 40 10 4)
May 10 80 10 Ho 10 00
LARD- Jan 055 66 855
May 8 75 7.i 8 70
S. Ribs-Jan 6 40 5 40 6 40
May 5 6J 5 8) aft
Legislative Correspondence.
Lincoln, Nkb., Jan. 28. 1895.
"And ths wheels of the mill went ronnd and
And the wheels of th mill want ronnd," ,
This applies both to the wheels o! the
legislative mill and to the wheels in the
heads of certain members of the same.
You have doubtless seen a picture en
titled the "average voter." It shows a
section of his cranium filled with ma
chinery and a banker pulls the string to
start it. It is the same with a great
many of our able legislators, only with
them the railroads pull the string. The
"oil rooms" you have heard so much
about are for the purpose of lubricating
this machinery so that it will answer
readily and quickly to the pulling of the
string, you understand.
Two bills so far have been passed by
both houses and sent to thegovernor for
his signature. They are both relief meas
ures. The first one passed was for the
relief of members of the legislature, being
an 85,000 appropriation for the ex
penses of the present session. The sec
ond one passed was for the relief of the
railroads and the relief commission, be
ing a $ 50,000 appropriation ostensibly
for the drouth sufferers, but really for
the purposes above mentioned, as the
bill provides that the money shall largely
,rr. nav fruiirllt, fin tllfl stuff tllrt COm-
mission now has on hand, and to pro
vide for the expenses of the commission
The Republicans made a persistent
and stubborn fight in thehouse lost week
to cut down the appropriation in the re
lief bill from $ 100,000 to $50,000. By
the aid of the western Republicans the
Populists sueceded in keeping it at $ 100,
000. When the bill was put upon its
Anal nuauniTA 2 Renublieans voted
aguinstitr Over in the senate It was cut
down to $50,000 and further provision
was made that this should largely go to
pay freight on goods no w on hand, and
that the relief commission should get 5
per cent of ths entire amount for salar
ies, expenses, etc.
From the number of complaints com
ing in concerning the work of this relief
commission from all over the state, it
would seem that the men at. the head ol
it are either incompetents or frauds, or
both. , ' ,
Rev. L. P. Ludden, the man who has
the work in charge, is known here as a
sort of pieacher-politician of not the
most savory reputation. There is a large
amount of money and goods received by
the commission every day, in the way ol
donations. Mr. Ludden claims that he
has received nothing for his work on the
commission at all; and yet he has had no
other visible means of support and still
he seems to live very genteelly. The leg
islature has become suspicious on the
matter and has appointed a committee
to investigate the commission. This
committee has already discovered that
there is an inadequate system of book
keeping and that there is no means by!
which they can check up and know what
has been received and sent out. One
gentleman, who has conducted a number
of investigations, told me that he knew
the commission to be rotten from end to
end. Whether this is true or not, it
nort.nin Iv in inenmrtetent: and the work ol
relieving the distress and starvation
throughout the state should not be left
in incompetent hands. .
The state senate has one-half more
employees than the law allows. The
auditor notified that body that he would
not issue warrants for over sixty-six, the
number tne law provides. A committo
was appointed to look Into the matter
and report to the senate. The committee
reported that none of said employees
could be dispensed with. The Populists
and two or three Republicans fought the
report, but it went through just the
same. During the debate on this matter,
Cnoinr KnFafhar Innn) made a retort to
ktcuu'I'V. t r i -
John C. Watson, that brought down the
house. The senate has a little cubby
! hole of a cloak room and has three men
to take care of it, where one boy could
do the work. Sprecher said there was no
more need of these three men than a pig
had need; of three tails. "Why does a
naAi an it tail " AMkpd Watson. "For
ornament, of course, just as the senate
needs these three men," answered Spre
The house has been indulging in horse
r,in u mniit nf week. Buncombe resolu
tions and' frippery and nonsense have
occupied most ol tne tune, uven me iw
publican papers are roasting it for its dc
The Uemiblicans have
olronriv nurnkpned to one fact, that theii
brutal majority cannot take care of it
The governor has made no further ap
pointments ns yet. The appointment ol
Capt. J. W. Wilson, which was sent tc
the senate over two weeks ago, has not
yet been acted upon. The governor evi
dently intends to take his time ana
choose none but the best men. In doinfl
this he should have the support of ali
lovers of good government.
J. A. Edgeuton.
We slop and wake and cleey, bnt ail thlagi
The Baa Die forward to his brother Son:
The dark Earth follows, wheeled In her elllpae;
And hnmaa thins retnrnlae; en themselves
Move onward, leading ap the soldes year."
Tbe "State of Missouri" sank in th
river Ohio January 19tb, causing tb
loss of 87 lives.
The Chicago Times calls on the people
of Illinois to attack the Sugar Trust un
der the Sherman law.
Edward Everett Hale has written a.
pamphleten titled, "If Jesus Came to Bos
ton." The publishers are J. S. Smith &
Co., Boston.
. The Ballot Rights League is being or-o-anized
throughout the south to put a
stop to election frauds. It is a great
work that is ahead ol it.
Ninety-two men were buried alive in th
accident in the Big Lake mine, Audley,
England. Ground up to make profits foi
the rich mine owners who stay abovi
ground and take no risks.
The royalists of Honolulu rebelled
against the republic, but were quickly
suppressed. Congress has discussed th
Hawaiian situation and Frye, Bou telle
and others have severely scored Cleve
land First and his cabinet.
' The Island of Manhattan once sold fot
25. The enormous sum of 150,000.
000 is now paid eacn year for the vse of
the same land. Rent of bouses is not in
cluded in this sum, nor interest on any
improvements of streets, sewers, etc.
. Talbott of the committee on Naval
affairs will soon report a bill to the
House providing an appropriation ol
131,881,000, a large part of which is to
be used to build what we have no need of, '
coast-line battleships and torpedo boats.
Tbe Mercantile National Bank of New
York has been swindled out of tl-000
bv E. O. Quigley 'who forged municipal
bonds and deposited tnem witu inn uam
! as security. Quigley was a well known
' bond broker of the firm of Quigley and
" the financial outlook in Newfoundland' '
is reported worse. There are more fail
ures occurring and the compromising
with creditors for thirty or forty cents
on the dollar is strenuously objected to.
The people of the United States are
approaching a similar collapse, when th
growing mountain of interest-piling s
obligations will come down with a crash. .
Two millionaires have just died, Ru
dolph Nunnemacher of Milwaukee and ;
Col. John L. Merriam of St. Paul. The ,
tnrmw tvcia nrpaiHcnt. nf the First No-'
tional bank of Wisconsin and the estate
footed up f 1,500,000. One of these De
queathed a fifteenth of one per cent ol
his money to charitable objects. Each
willed all, practically, to his immediate
family. ' , "
The Conservative party in England hai
adopted for part of its program the ab
sorption of the railways by the state.
Tbe Radicals are going farther and advo
cate not only state ownership of rail
ways but free railway travel. They show
a vast economy in such freedom. Each
traveler under the present system who
buys a ticket for one seat really pays foi
nine seats.
Just now the American princes, Tander
bilt, Morgan, Gould,, are interested
chiefly in the question of building a boat
or boats to beat that owned by ths
Prince of Wales, in order to win the speed
cup. And they are quarreling over which ,
syndicate shall have tbe honor, that
headed by Yanderbilt or by Gould. Tbey
being the chief makers ot hard times are
not in the pinch, any more than was Jay f
Gould on black Friday. -
Honora! T.noina Fn.irfth.iM. er-irnvernor
of Wisconsin, in a Chicago speech at the
annual Danquet oi me sons oi vmo last
week, expressed himself gloomily for tho
fnfuro nf tho rnnnhlii and declared him
self glad that his allotted time was draw
ing nigh. He referred to tne Brooklyn
strike and others, and affirmed that
strikers UBing violence should be met and
taught allegiance with bayonets and
cannon shot.
The official report of 8,000 cases ot
poverty in the eastern cities affirms that
25 per cent are due to their own miscon
duct and 75 per cent to the misconduct
of others, but which tbe report calls
"misfortune." There is no such thing as '
fortune or misfortune. Lack of employ
ment is set down in this report as caus
ing 23.16 per cent of all cases of poverty.
Insufficient employment is credited with
O.M per cent. Insufficient wages or prices
is not considered, but it causes about all
the poverty. Injustice is at the bottom
of it all.
One jury In Chicago has refused to ren
der a verdict in accordance with a judge's
dictation. It was the case of a working
girl run over by a stock yards train cut
ting off both feet and breaking a shoul
der. Her attorney. Judge Prendergast,
sued for $25,000 damages. The judge, '
Seaman, ordered the jury to return for
the defendant without leavingtheirseats.
They refused. He then ordered them to
go into ihe jury room and agree on the
verdict he had ordered. When tbey came
out eleven agreed to his verdict nnder
protest. But the twelfth juror declared '
he could not and would not assent to
uch a verdict, and he was forthwith
imprisoned for contempt of court. At
this rate all the courts will be held in
contempt before long.
Every woman needs Di. Miles' Pain Pills.