The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, January 17, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Jana&ry 17, 1895
W "lsp aad wake aad sissy, bit all
Tas fltm forward to hi broths Sua:
Ts dark Earth follow. lmM la aaralllpas;
Awl tklaaa raiarala oa tbawaslYsa
Meva sa ward, Isadla ap tbs goldas ;wr."
Carnegie hu reduced tha wage of his
employes 15 to 35 par cent.
8. D. Willard of Geueva, New York,
think the eaat will noon bare to irrigate
M well aa tha west
Tha American Droom and Brunh com
pan; has just be incorporattHl with a
capital stock of $800,00u. Tha concern
is a trust. The great broom factories ol
tha country are all in it.
Senator Teat nan a bill to introduce to
redeem all greenback and treaury note
by (suing coin certificate therefor, and
theae to be redeemed in gold or silver aa
the government i disposed.
London contain 11)0,00.) pauper, 80,
000 abandoned women, 33,000 homeless
adult and 85,000 alum children. Ten
thousand new criminals are made in or
added to it yearly.
A new iron ore trust ia forming which
expects to prevent all competition and
raise prices front $2.50 to $2.90 a ton
up to $3.50. One firm of Cleveland
brokers will handle tha whole output.
The Bell Telephone company has ap
pealed the case in which Judge Carpenter
of the United States Circuit court decided
that the Berliner patent is void. The
public is greatly interested In this case.
The Lexow committee, with the assist
ance of Dr. rarkhurat'a society, has dem
onstrated that law in that city is an in
strument of oppression and that the pub
lie officials have been organized black
mailers under the Tammany democracy.
The Nebraska and Iowa Implement
Dealers Association has just held its an
nual meeting. The workers who do not
organise will be ground to powder.
Organization is the Taw and necessity of
The action of the Treasury on currency
Suestiona haa lowered the price of United
tates bonds. The premium they bring
is a value made by the demand to make
use of them aa security for bank note
The Populists of western Pennsylvania
net in conference January 1st, adopted
the Industrial Legion plan of party work
and raising of funds and unanimouslyen
dorsed the action of the late tit. Louis
Mr. Gougar's darn aire suit against the
state of Indiana for $10,000 for being
refused the right to vote, has been begun
before Judge Everett. She pleads her
own case and occupied an entire day in
her first speech.
Senator Allen's amendment to appro
priate $300,000 to purchase seed for
drouth suflerers,: it permitted to go
through with the agricultural appropri
ations bill, will be a great help to the
people of western Nebraska.
. Without work and with no money to
buy bread for their starving wives and
children, is the condition of the miners in
the great Hocking valley district of
Ohio, and the situation " daily grows
more critical. The state is appealed to
" i for aid.
Cotton in 1814 was worth 29 pence per
pound in Kurope. On November 2nd, Inst,
the price reached the point, of 2.23 pence.
This means that the inland price in Texas
and other states is but 3.90 for a pro.
duct tbat has cost him from 5.20 to 7
cents a pound.
The new constitution of the state ol
New York prohibits the giving of passea
to public officials. This is an indication
ot progress, growth of the moral sense.
The Vauderbilt line, it is reported, will
no louger issue half-rate tickets to cler
gymen. While prices of stock are generally
quoted lower the banks of New Yorksefin
to be "in the swim." Sales of bank stock
the last week in December ranged in
from 100 to 462. While prices of all
property are falling, the price or value of
Honey is rising.
"Wages have been tending downward,
and many industries are quiet to make
repairs to plants, to take annual stock,
Of because ot tlm low prices of products."
says a New York financial report.
"stocks were dull and lower, witn spec
ulations at a very low ebb.
The freeze of last month is pronounced
."'the worst blow Florida has ever receiv-
' i ed. Oranges, pineapples, strawberries
and otner small fruits, tomatoes and
r vegetables were ruined. Lemon trees,
. . grape fruit, bananas, guavas, mangoes
and other trouical trees were killed.
V T .
i. The Republican State Treasurer of
i South Dakota has gotten away with
several hundred thousand dollars and
i the state will probably have to bear the
loss, owing to a defective bond. Under
the increasing pressure of hard times and
temptation dishouesty ison the increase,
Germany and other European countries
are closing their markets against Atneri
can meat and livestock. If every nation
would retaliate by closing its markets
against all countries that impose fines
oa imports the injury to commerce of
tar 13 impositions and their tolly would
be apparent.
There seems now to but but slim chances
of securing any currency legislation after
the Carlisle plan or anything like it And
we are not sorry. The proposed law was
not in the interest of the people iu the
the least. Better let the present laws
stand nntil the Populists get into power
and provide a financial system to operate
, through government banks.
' The financial reporter on The Indepen
dent. New York, says: "Our readers will
not fail to notice the excellent showing
made by the banks' in the last issue and
the present one, in their statement of
condition. There can be no safer invest
ment than the shares of old and sound
banking institutions in New York City
and the east.
Governor Alfgeld of Illinois, in his mes
sage, comes out strongly against our
new government by injunctions. He
says: "During the last two or three
years the usurpation of power on the
federal judiciary, which has been eteadily
. going on for a long time, has assumed
lorm where it is destroying the very
foundations ol government.
Notwithstanding s steady growth in
lowa railroad business, with a corres
ponding increase in the net profits paid
. to stockholders, the corporations are
not satisfied and petition the State
5 Board of Railroad Commissioners to
raise the rates, claiming that the present
maximum rate is inadequate and unre-
" munerauve. They want the earth
The Carter Harrison frea bath In H.l.
cago, built laat year at a cost of $11,20.1,
has furnished 91.879 five bHtlm at a to
tal cost for attendant' salaries, simp,
towels, repairs and incidentals, of $')..
552, or at the rate of a little if limn
four cents a bath. The difference be
tween four cents and twenty-five cents is
the advantageof public baths over those
run for profit.
beYZrXgS Th j ' P"
ord for five years shows that it is keep- in the state. The Uncatr county com
ing pace with fortune building by mo-pany has had its meeting, the report of
nopoly robbery and other crimes. In j the secretary shows that the company
1890 there were twelve robberies or hold-!, saannnfi in.nmH mqH. ,,
up. In 1890 and '91 there were 32. lal" 1380,000 Insured, made but
1893 there were 33. And in 1894 there one assessment (ten cents ?ier $100) in
were29. Guns and dynamite were used , over three years, has about $30 on hand.
in these attempts to get something
for nothing.
Out of $59,000,000 gold for which bonds
were sold a month ago, only $19,000,000
remain in th Treasury. The first week
in 1JS95 saw $4,477.8:16 gold dran to
Kurope, besides $502,628 of silver.
Wheat during the last half of 1894
averaged a fraction more tliau eleven
cents per bushel lower than for the
corresponding period of 1 893. The corn
crop is estimated 200,000.000 to 800,
000,000 bushels short, yet the price is
about 1 8 cents lower than it was in 1891
with a full crop.
The Fidelity Loan and Trust company
of Sioux City, Iowa, is reported insolvent.
Its obligations amount to at least $4,
000,000. The Lincoln, Nebr., Street
Railway company, which last week went
into the hands of a receiver, was owned
by this company. Part of the debenture
bonds of the company are held in New
England and the rest iu Scotland. If
the financial system proposed by Tub
Wealth Makebs had been in operation
the street railways would have been
built by Lincoln labor, with money ob
tained at only one per cent per year, and
the city would have owned them. In
stead tne interest tax and dividends on
stock will make a perpetual burden on
the .people and necessitate needlessly
high fares.
Congressman Sibley of Pennsylvania,
in his speech against the Carlisle-Cleveland
currency bill last week, said: "If
ever a rebuff was needed to one who
has attempted to trample down the pre
rogatives of the people it is needed for
him who has attempted to usurp the en
tire government to himself. The time
has come when there should be some
thing more than brain, belly and brass
to this government." He went on to re
fer to George III, and said, it had been
given out that any one who voted
against the bill would incur the displeas
ure of the king. He also stated tbat
certain congressmen had been promised
a revenue collectorship if they would vote
for the repeal of the Sherman act. Sib
ley's speech made a great sensation.
Kamas Crar. Mo. Jan u Wmat Car
lots by sample on track at Kansas City at the
close were quoted nominally as follows: No.
hard. HftoJo Na hard. W JMoiNo. 4 hard,
48o; rejected. 4fl47o: No. 8 red. 62 620;
No. a red, 6oMc No 4 rea, 48io rejeoted,
bales by sample on traok, Kansas City: No.
t mixed corn, A oar 4iv 0 oars 4Do, i oars
40Ho: No I mixed, nominally, 40o. No 4 mixed,
nominally, 8$3Ho No. 8 white. 2 oars 4lo;
No 8 white. 8 oars, 4Jo
Oats Sold rather slowly at yesterday's
prices. Receipts ot oats to-day, 4 oars; a
year ago, U oars
Sales by sample on traok, Kansas City: No. I
mixed oats 4 cars Mo No. 8 nominally
80o; No 4 nominally 27 No. 8 white
oats,nomlnally .'8 33o No. 8 white, nominally
Sk&ffio. Cans Sid-U)39Sc per IOj lbs. Ssko German. 1.4) per 100
lbs. BTB Firm- No 2, nominally, 63o No 3
Wo. Flaxsiro Dull; nominally L30$I.81,
aooordlng to blllim Bran Firm: 68 tfto per
owt sacked. Cobs Chop Firm 78&8JO per
ewtsaoked. Hat Receipts, 88 oars: market
firm Timothy, fancy, lift choice, SO: No. 1,
atabO: cloven, mixed, !W8;, low grade. Ma
60. tanoy prairie, tHb)W choice, t7.5048;
No 1, tt607; No, 8, K.50&8. packing hay,
Chicago Board ot Trade.
Chicago, Jan. 14 The following table
shows the ran,' of prices tor aotive futures
on the board of trade to-day:
Jan 12 Op'ndHUt Lo st J,a Jan
Whkat Jaa I6 MS f5 H
May fH t WH 68 68
July 68 k MH t 60 68
Corn- Jan 46 40 45 48 45
May 48 48 47 48 H 47
July 47H 47 47 47H 47
OATS Jan 28 28 V8 28 18
May I H ill SO
PORK- Jan 11 60 1160 1160 11 6' 1160
May 1181) 11821180 II 88 II 7S
LARD- Jan 8 86 8 87 8 6 87 8 82
May 6W7 7 mi 687 7U2 70J
& RIBS-Jan 6 82 6 82 5h2 6 82 6 80
May 8 00 8 02 6 04 6H2 687
Llvo Stock
Kansas Citt, Ma. Jan. 14. Cattle Re
ceipts. 8,470, calves. 39 shipped yesterday,
2,uu The ateer and cow market was fairly
active and steady to strong. Texas steers loo
hi her bulls and calves unohanged, feeders
Ho ;s -Receipts, 8.012, shipped yesterday.
1,83a The m.irket wai aotive and strong to
6o higher, closing easy The top was 81 46
and the bulk e4&4.2 against ll 46 for top and
13. 9S 4 20 for bulk yesterday.
JSheep Receipts. 2Y no sntpbents. There
were too tew sheep offered to really test the
market The feeling was strong
The followln ; are representative sales:
No Wt Price. No Wt Price.
88 sh Alms MS 261
The chief of the police of Moscow
has issued orders that those who sell
papers or printed matter inlhe streets
shall not be allowed to pursue their
vocation if they are not dressed in
proper uniform or if they do not ap
pear clean and tidy.
The Pscifie mills of Lawrence,
Mass., took the prize of 10,000 francs,
awarded by the Paris exhibition, for
having accomplished the most toward
securing harmony between employers
and employes. Ten such rewards
were given altogether. England got
It was not until after it had rained
a little that a New Orleans man found
out that his cistern had been for a
long time half filled with water.
The faucet was out of order, and, as
no water came through it, the owner
had been buying water when he had'
a plenty to sell.
A place lately started in Murray
street, New York, supplies type
writers and women clerks with
cheap lunch. If ordered in time it
will be sent The cost ts ten cents
For this the purchaser receives two
sandwiches, a pieoe of cake and two
apples or bananas, all neatly wrapped
in a paper napkin and placed in
paper box.
Coadairtad bf 1. T. M. BwroiBT. CorrwpoB
(lane solldtd. fir, ejr clous or hall.
This week several of the Mutual com
panies have their annual meetings and
we hope to be able to hear from them
soon, that we may give the public a
with no debts.
Who could expect insurance for less
money? If the company has the same
proportionate cost for the rest of the
first ten years of its existence the total
cost will amount to 5.80 per f 1,000.00
for the ten years. While in a stock com
pany a farm policy will cost nearly seven
times tbat amount, or $40.00. If our
farmer friend will put out the amount
at ten per cent interest with his
neighbor tbat a stock company will
charge him, the interest will more than
par his whole cost ot insurance, ana at
the end of each five years he can draw
the principal and will have a surplus,
But ou the other haud if you pay it to a
stock company you will never see it
nurai u. and further, at the end ol tlve
years you will see the road agent come
up smilingly and ask you to cmp in
again. .
If you speak of a Mutual these same
road agents will at once dub them "pass
around the hat companies," or "chip In
companies." But there ia only one differ
ence between the stock and mutual com
panies in the matter of income when run
honestly in the manner they were intend
ed to be, viz: One is organized to save
money to those who insure, ana eacn
person insured is a member, ana win see
to it that no more is collected than is
necessary. The other is organized to
make money out of those who insure,
and will collect all they can, and the in
sured has nothing to say as to how
much shall be collected. Hence the stock
company will combine to pass the bat
once in five years and collect a fine from
all who are bo ignorant that they will
stay out of the mutual companies.
There have been several bills intro
duced iu the legislature touching mutual
insurance, hut aa they are not yet in
type we cannot give an idea ot their con
tents, except one; and that is one in
which the bars are thrown down to al
low all kinds of property to be insured
on the mutual plan; or, rather, it would
allow the onranization of mutual com
panies for all kinds of property. I hope
t will become a law, as it is in no Bense a
class law. I will try next week to give
you a peep at the insurauce law at the
Three Thousand Worklngmen Pa
rade the Streets of St, Johns.
St. Johns, N. F.t Jan. 8. Monday
morning a crowd of about 3,000 work
ingmen, who were thrown out of employ
ment by the financial collapse, gathered
before the legislative chambers. Later
they formed into line and paraded the
principal streets. At the head of the pro
cession was borne a white flag bearing
the words: "Work or Bread." The move- j
ment created consternation. At first the
police prepared to disperse the crowd, j
but as their actions were peaceful noth
ing was done. After hooting the gov
ernment the procession went to the dry
dock where is berthed the British war
ship Tourmaline, which was sent here to
help preserve order. A committee ot tne ;
unemployed boarded the ship and repre- i
sented to Captain Moore how they and
their families were starving. They de
clared they were willing to work, but if
no work was available they insisted the
government should teed them. They
threatened to take the necessaries from
the stores.
Captain Moore intimated that such at
tempts would be repressed with a stern
band, his orders being to preserve the
peace and to allow no interference with
private property. He, however, expressed
his willingness to help the workingmen
ns far as he could. He promised to write
to the government representing their
case and urging tbat help be extended to
them. With this assurance the delega
tion withdrew. Starvation is becoming
more general daily. The government
was waited upon by a committee of the
clergy. Iu reply to the committee the
government said arrangements were
making to provide employment for the
people. Lady O'Berns committee has
started two soup kitchens, one in each end
of the city. Protested bills of exchange
to the amount of thousands of dollars
were returned by Monday's mail. The
revenue during the past month was not
a tithe oi what it was during the corres
ponding month of last year.
More Aboot That Farmers' Trust.
Editor Wealth Makers: ;
I see in The Wealth Makers of De.
cember 27, 1894, the matter seconded
for a conference at the city of Lincoln to
lorm a farmers' trust to protect our own
interest, as proposed by me in a former
issue of your paper. The endorsement
is by two different individuals, viz: J. E.
Spencer, Beemer, Neb., and D. Bough ner
of Clarks, Neb. Mr. Spencer is in favor
of forming a farmers' trust for all there
is in It. He would suggest, though,
from each county in the state, and us
many more as can at tend, with the un
derstanding that each farmer that sees
fit to attend shall have a voice in the
1 would state further that wheat should
not sell for less than 75 cents per bushel
in the state of Nebraska, neither should
fat cattle bring less than 4 cents on foot.
The price of live fat hogs should never
be less than $4.50 per 100 pounds. We
could furnish the local trade at those
prices, and thev could do their own
butchering as suited them best. Then
we could Dav laborintr men Rood wages,
bo they could at) ord to pay us the above
prices, and if they were sober and indus
trious they could live well aud lay up
something tor a rainy day. We also
would be in shape to rest when it
stormed, at least, a thins: we cannot at
ford to do now. And not only that, 90
per cent of them are mortgaged without
any hope of ever getting them clear of
the mortgage shark. U. uentlkt,
Thinks Borrowing Uoweoessary-
Ash Okovk, Neb., Jan. 7, 1805.
Editor Wealth Makkrs:
You ask, who will object to the "Popu
list Financial Bystem." I. for one, would
object to it for the reason that it places
the money in a position where we would
have to borrow it. If that Good Roads
bill that was introduced in congress last
snmmer would become a law it would be
mnch better, if it would permit all men
who are willing to work could earn
money enough without borrowing it. It
would regulate the price of all labor. If
the government would furnish work for
the unemployed and pay them two dol
lars a day the mine owners and manu
facturers would have to pay the same.
If they would not, then the men could go
ou to the government works and get it,
and whenever farm products went down
below what it cost to produce them the
farmers could go onto the road and earn
what money they would have to have
and hold the grain until they could get
what it was worth. If that bill had be
come a law lost spring the people in the
western part of the state could have
stayed there and earned enough so that
they could have lived and bad some to
pay on their debts.
I would like to see the Sub-treasury
taken out of the Omaha platform aud
the Good Roads bill put in its place. I
think that it would be a good thing for
the porty and would be much better for
the people. I am a Populist through
and through, and very anxious to see
them get in power. Want no fusion in
mine. If the Demos had let us alone in
the last election we would have elected
the state ticket.
If W. J. Bryan does not see fit to come
over to the Independents he can let them
alone. He may see where he stands after
a while. R. B. Jordan.
Kansas Seed House.
Oor Rpeclaltlesi Seed Corn. Tree Seeds. Onion
Seeds and Sets, Alfalfa, Sacallne. Latbyrus. 811
Tentris, Sandretcbes, Sparry, Kaffir, and Jerusalem
Corn, and other new forage plants (or dry and arid
F. BARTELDES & CO., Lawrence, Kansas.
Grand Prize Medal,
'a Columbian
iSaal tenHitodonrsonV
ft ud by ntara mulr
civa Mettft of my Saw
Hybrid IvarMtnminf Pan-
y Baad, all eolon; tha Un
fit wiatiaa known; and
my Baautiral Std and
Plant Book ofOardaB Hot
altioa ailnwaat Mioetmc
known, iddrna at one,
naWa BUVajp,
TUUfcrd bead Farmi,
P O BOX 639. Baakfar,lil
Airaira sera.
Farmers, write to McBeth & Kinnison,
Garden City, Kansas, for their prices on
Alfalfa seed and instructions as to how
to prepare the soil and bow the seed.
These gentlemen are thoroughly reliable,
and they will furnish you the very best
of Kansas grown Alfalfa seed at lowest
If in need of a choicely bred Poland
boar write to J. V. Wolfe, Box 325,
Lincoln, Neb. He has a few way up pigs
of April and early May farrow.
. . f eatiaaa1 Hilar Walakaa,
At Price sssase
aa fiar Sllla.
tawlaaamklL Jiniliial, ' faaaa, CMm
Caak Snirara, ' laa4 Sllte, SUaaa, laillaa, Iw
SaWlMV Soa Sllla,
larlh. aarColtana
aai Barawa, araaaa,
DrUh, SawHtawa,
IwaSawara. Catn) Sllla. lalaaa. Sraam. Daatalarta,
Can Skalkri, Haad Carta, Panaa. Hantaan, W I rr faaaa,
van wiia,
raia DamM, Craw Ban, Ball!
Bar. Staek. Blmtar. SallraaA. rtatr.
Ilia, wnafara, paaa, oawa, nana mra,
lavw an iiaiiHa, iaafa, m
181 Bo. aflortoa St., CBIOAOO BOAU 00.. OMeaf o. Ol
Aaad lap ffna falal aa aa4 aaa haw ta aava Has,.
Please mention Tbb Wealth Makers.
mi pi?, citilogue
AND CUIDt to FmlttT lalim tor 1895.
Contain! orar 180 fine illoatrstiona show
lng a photo of the lar&wt hen nary in the
west. Give boat plono (or poultry houses,
sore remadlesana reoipss for all diaeaass
also TsJnsblo information on the kitchen
and flower garden sent for only 10 sonts
Jobs SiOMAtt, Jr., P. 0. Bos 78, Frttport, HI.
t Fair .i
Dehorning Clipper
Tht moat hamiM, rut id UMduimblt
jr wvrMttttl
from i am nmn nn
Address, for cataloftu and particulars,
Or Thc Oc Laval Scmsator Co.,
Kloih. tu 74 Cortlandt Street, New York.
Your Butter. ESYS,
t a t , Hides,
Wool, May,
Oreen and
Ttrlaxl Wnlta. or ANYTHING YOU HAY
HAVE to us. Quick aadew at the highest
market price and) prompt returns made.
Writ for prices or any Information you may want.
174 South Water St., Chloatro, 111.
Bjc7e&incji Metropolitan National Bank, ChlcafO,
V nacre feed pouts ess not bs Blown tm it
tfcsa any ether bay prats mads.
Martin 4 Morrlssey M'fg Co.,
errmhai fl1s
Bay,, j,. LM imm j SI rrUIUB BjllXIU vu aamaj
deatofluiei3twth8aanyothermlll. Grlnusear
cora,08U,etc..flneenouKhforBnypun08e. War
ranted not to cnoke. We warrant the Peerless to be
re Write us at once for prices and awncy.
There Is money In this mill. Made only by the
Jobbers snd Manufacturer! ol Farm aUchlnery,
Carriage, Wagons. WlndmllU.Blcyoles, Harnets,
etc. Trloes lowest. Quality beat.
) oL Jj
vvjn ii po
UUU rem.
GiVoi) AtfajX
YTffF7-"f "1
Per feet Wonder. The Raat Tnw eib. I
kin the World and jwt what eraryoM waats.1
PKilreaMly Barly, bears abundantly of the fi neat 7
aafored, bright red tomatoes and ia dlilbaj
P free, all athera ky Ms tne ran, standing erect aad re- 2
kaniring ao support at all. 2ie ene who has gul
idea should be without it. 2
isio. Hatchlaaa fjuHnh.. fMm
Let ace. leu's BJe. I art innate, and onr lllt,.trf
Bargain Catalogue (worth dollars to every buyer!
of Seeds, Fruits and flsnts, containing Colored
a or Heads, fruits and plants, containing Colored
I Plates, painted from nature, and thooaardaof
To I
iiinranona aji ior oniy ten esnrs.
riiiKiii in.
ZZ ' 1,
To ere.-ypenlonae'nauiUeTforabnTometo
a (xntecticu end giving us the umt. and addresses
por mree or snore oi tneir menus wno purcoaae
Heed, jplants or Fruits, wa win add, tree, one
paeset or aiaramom xnmato. a magnincent variety
fcoxnonniiBoe atae, onen weignng e ids. seen.
I Tkls la Ike meat literal ever arer anas ky a reBsMs
r, aaa aeeaeakaald fall te lake aSraatina aCK.
St. Paul, Ninn.
Awy A GOh are peril
COLZ'SIIIiitnUi rnrr
Garden AimnjLleULUsii
CCtnC The Beat and la.
Idrrroos, Hbloh, f oiuto
ran Plaa. 8a ve money in
. lyinafrom us. Complete
use IM .xtraa wltn orders.
Address COLK'S Seed Store, Pella. Iowa
Cane, Millet Seeds, Kaffir,
prices address.
Pleas mention this paper.
w a seeef variety, Xuonnouely productive. Grows
(about 10 Inches long, and is nnegnalled foralieing.B.
I Hheaiataeasll. Vary or lap and Under. Stands 3
a long tine before running to need. I
I UWewllleand poatpaid, a packet each of IltraJ
t Early Tree Tomato. Matchless Cucumber. Cnual
a is, aJ
Grow all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees of Best varieties suited to the west.
Originator of the Kansas Black Raspberry. All leading and new varieties of small
fruits, Grapes, Shrubbery and Evergreens. Price list to all applicants. Agents
wanted. A. H. CRIES A, Box J, Lawrence, Ks.
I Your horse la always keeps
lha iH fflnmv.Nnair.'
1 tl. C -
( Write for Catalogue
and Prices.)
blanket to any address.
Furs, Hides, Pelts, Wool, Etc.
j as. McMillan &co.,
200-212 First Avenue North,
Ooods bonant rlfht out, bo oommls
slen oharsrad.
Tslz selection; lmmsdlate retnras.
lrwrlto for Circular giving
Who Wants a Good Thing ?
1HAVE a nice clean salable stock of hardware of about $2,500.00 no trading
stock. Sales from f 8,000.00 to $10,000.00 per year. My profits last year
were about $1,500.00. Storeroom on corner rents for $16.00 per month,
28x78, ample side rooms, street frontage 50 feet, best location in town; tributary
trade large and Rood; like buying a gold dollar if anyone is wanting a hardware
location; part cash, part on time. Must sell.
It will pay you to see or write to me.
1120 M St., Lincoln, Neb.
A CHOICE RESIDENCE three miles from postofflce for sale. It is just outsidt
the city limits of Lincoln, in the shadow of two colleges, between them and
the city: two blocks from street car line, and in splendid neighborhood which
euju.T an iyii ui a vnj "uiuui us mi, iiuiuo aiiu uuBt. xb is a gooo gar
den farm, new house, barn, windmill, beet well of water, with water connections in
bath room and kitchen. A complete system of irrigation. Fifty cherry, twenty '
five apple and other fruit trees, also 10,000 strawberry plants, planted in 1894
enouKh native firewood for cooking stove. Here is the prettiest and most valuable
holding in real estate about the Capitol. If you desire to invest when large re
turns cannot fail to come your way, investigate this offer.
The colleges afford an excellent market for garden, poultry or dairy products.
The owner wants to sell and change occupation. No mortgages. If you want this
offer address,
1120 IX St., Lincoln, Neb.
P. S. This tract consists of ten acres.
Irrigated Farms-$1,000!
TJT of a thousand farms ia SOUTH
amiiBs; a umitea numoer eqnippea wiu an raaepsaaeai aaa psraaasnt irriga
tion Dlant sufficient for at least ten acres on each farm. TTaa nrtn at arklnh
these 180 acre farms art selling ia merely
plant are worth.
Before buying a farm investigate this.
a as or writs for particulars.
412 lew Eiglatvi Life Building, tha
II aaaaa
Furnas County Herd.
L E. Bs-ikeelrp
Ko!.te!i Citlli.
"M pis sired by ate flrat
el aaa males, and from sows
as good. Kerksbirea: Hat
lies, Dncbeas, and other.
Poland-Chinas. Corwln. Te
enmeeh and Wilkea. None
better. All stock at half
price, (oa aceoont ot the
drouth), and guaranteed as
represented. Mention The
Wealth Makers.
Beaver City, Hsb.
Elkhorn Valley Berd
of Poland-China Swine.
I have all the Iwidlna
strains Including- Frtx
Trades, Wilkes and
Black V. H. (Hmlllee.
The beat lot of pira
over ratewl sired by
Paddys Chip 18.188, Fl
Wanna maker
Col. U. S 1005. My
sows are mos ly Free
Trade and Wil kea
strains. ,
Neligh, Neb.
IIUBTTBI, Cksstsr Wklts,
Uaran BsS aa reuuul Ckiaa
VTia Jmbm. flaaMll saA
Beleama Can la. Tkefeagkbra
aad Haass Dees. OelalofM.
Bkaae. raaay rsewy.
villa sjaeaier a
Blot and Jerusalem Corn, all grown In 18M.
Oardea City, Xaasas.
Stable Blanket
a urraMlTH. CeeSran
clngle required. NoUghtglrtn. No sore backs. No chiiR of mane. No rub
blue of tail.No horse can wear them under his feetNO COME OFF TO THEM. ,
lkkM BUT, If your harness
TC tUnilllC UUI 5aica IU juuuci sumyi dealers do not Keep,
tham wavHII In nrAar tnrtmvinra VOIT of the SUDRriorltV Of the BUHLINO- I
TO"wrAyON"overalluriitauonsana oia eivie oumikbis. i "v i
exDrass Daid on receipt or price. i
Burlington Blanket Co., - Burlington. Wis. j
Upalna; tag's famished free npos
hip Furs by Bxpxess. other goods hy
Latest Market Prices
In a small town not far from Lincoln.
WE8T IAH8A8, of 160 acres each, we are
aboot what the ten acres aad irrigataoa
Bpocial tanas ass for frrlflalta. GUI
k Wvaadotts 8ta-, KAH8A8 OUT,
I Dn.sitivelv GuArnnfead to mva
p'(3otbfoclioi) a Pair Trail AlfoWec
)end jop
t ' wb&t u idid by tho6e
Wrjo bavc Vied ftjen).
CO Rock I&lamd. III.