The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, January 17, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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January 17, 1895
OMTarkbk Betalar Opaalr Bomu That
Had Rlpp4 Opea T treaty Wemaa
mm Aaataar That Ha Took Part
la Slaughtarlaa; Helplase Wo
Ba and Chlldraa Re
ward ad by tha Malta.
LonDOir, Jan. 14. The Speaker pub
lube the following from its corre
spondent at Constantinople:
"In addition to the reports of Ar
menians and the Catholic and Prot
estant missionaries in Sassoun we
hare the testimony of Turkish regu
lars who took part in the outrages,
and who, since their return, have
boasted of their deeds. There is no
donbt that they exaggerate. For in
stance, one boasted that he had ripped
open twenty women, while another
declared that he took part in the
massacre of girls and women, their
blood running a stream beneath the
door. It Is needless to accept such
stories literally, but they prove that
sucn things are done with the sultan a
full approval Hundreds of these
statements agree on the essential
"The feature of the situation which
presents the greatest possible danger
Is that these men were rewarded and
Turkish officials everywhere under
atand that the sultan will reward
tbem for similar treatment of the
Arm 'mans. . , . .
"Alarming reports come from the
farthest points of Asia Minor and
Northern Syria of the aggressive
activity or officials against Christians.
Even foreign residents are in great
aanger. 11 tne powers do anything
they should act quickly. It will be a
fatal mistake if Europe is contented
so secure the rights of Armenians in
Armenia and neglect the millions out
tide the province."
Tha Law In
Fore Evan Without
taction Previsions.
Washington, Jan. 14. Senator Gor
don of Georgia, in conversation with
senators, called attention to certain
provisions of the income tax which
compels taxpayers to make returns
and pay their taxes upon incomes
whether the pending appropriation
passes or not. "The defeat," he
aid, "of the appropriation will
not defeat the collection of
the income tax from the people.
Under section 29 of the law all per
sons and corporations with inoomes
above 93,500 are required to make re
turns according to the form prescribed
by the revenue department and the
secretary of the treasury. This is the
plain duty of citizens and the mere
failure of congress to appropriate
money for the more effective collec
tion of the income tax cannot, of
course, defeat the operation of the
law. nor the attaching of heavy
penalty provided for on failure to
make auch returns. The only possi
ble way for the opponents of the in
come tax. to save the people from
paying this tax is to repeal the
law itself. The mere withholding
of the appropriation asked will
have no effect whatever, except, per
haps, to deceive the uninformed and
beguile them into a feeling of securi
ty and to neglect compliance with
the plain requirements of the law
itself. Those who hope to escape the
payment of the income tax through
the failure of congress to make the
appropriation asked for, and who
are thus lei to neglect making
their returns at the time fixed
Jby law, will find themselves in
volved in fifty per cent heavier
taxes and will be compelled to
pay them. Failure by congress to
appropriate money to collect the in
come tax will not prevent such col
lection and it is wrong to the people
to mislead them in this matter."
Tha Soeretary Write! a Brief Latter of
Thanks to Missouri Supporter.
Nevada, Ma, Jan. 14. Judge J. 0
Murray, chairman of the Vernon
county Democratic committee, wrote
to Congressman Charles Morgan ot
tha Fifteenth district on the currency
question. Mr. Morgan sent the letter
to Secretary Carlisle, who wrote Mr.
Morgan. "I think the change of sen
timent, whlcTi Mr. Murray says has
occurred in his part of the country,
will take place nearly everywhere
when the people come to study the
financial question in all its aspects.
I have never been able to see why the
people who want more money would
not be satisfied with any kind of
money that is eertainly sound and
afe, and therefore, in my opinion,
any plan which proposes such a cur
rency for them ought to be satis
factory whether it consists of gold or
liver coins or paper redeemable in
fold or silver coins." ,
Ballroad Earnings for 1894,
New York, Jan. 14. Total gross
railroad earnings for the calendar
fear 1894 are the most unfavorable
for many years. Earnings of 114
leading American lines, with 140,000
miles of road, amount to $470,000,000
or 11 per cent less than in 1893, in
which year gross earnings fell off 2.1
per cent from the total in 1893, when
there was a gain in gross railway
earnings of 5 per cent as contrasted
with 1891. Every group of roads
bowed reduced earnings last year
compared with 1893.
ftamored Engagement of Anna Gould.
New York, Jan. 14. At Delmon
1008 last night, a New York club man
and a friend of George J. Gould, de-
elareid that the rumored engagement
of Miss Anna Gould, youngest daugh
ter of the late Jay Gould, to Harry
' Woodruff, the actor, was true and
would soon be announced with the
entire sanction of the Gould family.
rail are of tha CarreaeV Scheme Has
Not Olvoa an Impeta to Irade,
Nkw Yore. Jan. 14. R. G. Dun &,
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade'says:
Neither the beginning or tne new
year nor the failure of the currency
bill has brought any material change
to business as yet The idea that
business would suddenly take a
new start after : the - holidays
bad rather less foundation even
than usual, but the hope of strong
revival a little later is still cherished
by many. There has not been much
time for change in the industries, but
differences observed since the new
year began are not in the direction of
higher prices or larger demand. 1 here
are more Indications than of late that
stocks of different kinds of goods
have been accumulating in conse
quence of vast increase in production.
Speculation in products has been
more active. Corn has risen 1
cents, and though receipts are but
little over half last year's, the prac
tical r isappcarance of the export de
mand, then large, counts for about
as much. Little attention is paid to
the government report that the yield
was only 5,213,000,000 bushels, and
the advanced state for wheat 462,267,
416 bushels was treated as equally
unimportant As receipts of wheat
have fallen to 1,305,704 bushels,
against 1,818,582 last year, and Atlan
tic exports have become larger than a
year ago, the advance of 1 cents in
price is not surprising.
Elklns .Nominated for Senator.
Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 14. The
joint Republican caucus nominated
Hon. S. 11. Elkins for United States
senator to succeed J. N. Camden.
Hon. Nelson F. Whittake, of Wheeling,
was placed before the caucus, but his
name was withdrawn and Elkins was
nominated without opposition.
Bndd la Inaugurated.
Sacramento, CaL, Jan. 14. A tre
mendous orowd attended the in
auguration of Governor Budd yester
day, preceded by a large parade of
military and uniformed political
A resolution for an amendment to
the constitution granting suffrage to
women has passed the Idaho senate
without a dissenting vote.
The Tennessee state senate, by a
vote of 19 to 14, has adopted a resolu
tion postponing the canvassing of the
returns for Governor until an investi
gation of the charges of fraud in the
election can be had.
A delegation of Democrats from
Oklahoma is at the capital to urge the
territorial committee of the house to
report a bill for statehood for Okla
homa with the Chickasaw Indian na
tion attached.
Losses by Thursdav night's fire in
Toronto amount to 8750, 000, with in
surance of half that amount
Senator Haggard has produced a
sensation in the Indiana senate by'in-
iroaucing a resolution caning for an
investigation of all the state offices.
It is understood the main attack is di
rected toward the attorney, general's
A dozen houses burned at State
Center, Iowa, late Friday afternoon.
Most of the goods were saved. Loss,
about $35,000; Insurance, $13,000. '
Ex-Mayor R. C. Cushinsr of Omaha
is in San Francisco to forward the
project of a railroad between San
Francisco and Salt Lake. He says
that if the San Francisco road is not
built one connecting Los Angeles and
Salt Lake will be constructed.
Tho secretary of the treasury has
submitted to congress a request for
an appropriation of $25,000 for the
immediate relief of the Navajo In
dians of New Mexico.
The Arapahoe countv. Colorado.
Woman's Christian Temperance union
has adopted resolutions denouncing
the exhibition of "living pietures"
now being given in Denver, and a
committee has been appointed to ask
the city council to suppress suck
linmon of a Medlt ated ITprlilnr Four
Leader Arretted Hatch' Mission.
Honolulu, Jan. 5. The principal
topic here is the rumors of a medi
tated uprising of the natives, but so
far it has not materialized. The
trouble seems to have com
menced on New Year's night,
vi hen a few agitators warned
many of the natives to keep
away from the saloons. This they
did not do, however, as it is the great
feast day of the year with them. On
the 3d instant the police were more
than usually alert, and agitators also,
apparently, for reports of the gather
ings of natives came to the police sta
tion from various directions. The po
lice arrested four natives, but noth
ing was proved against them.
Outside of the extra activity in the
police department the government
does not appear to take any notice of
the reported uprising. It is said that
one of the natives under arrest has
made a confession implicating several
Royalists, who will probably, be ar
rested. A British steamer has arrived from
Yokohama with 500 more Japanese
for the sugar plantations. These
men are under contract for five years
at $12.50 per month a reduction of
3.50 on previous contracts.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Hatch
leaves to-day for Washington to meet
Minister Thurston. After discussing
the matter of annexation Minister
Hatch will decide on whether to try
to have the matter of annexation
brought up airr ,a-tht
United btates congress. If so he will T h ill
stay during the session and make a
combined effort with Messrs. Thurs
ton and Hastings. He is president of
the annexation club, and a leading
lawyer here.
The report is current that a few
days ago some of the most prominent
advisers of ex-Queen Liliuokalani in
formed her of the impossibility of
ueir Bunco me ex-queen iorwaraei
k Z -1 Z - 1 .
by this steamer a petition for anexa
tion to President Cleveland, at the
same time asking the United States
government for a life annuity for
All drutalsts sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters.
... T - - .
Our Exchanges are
This Plan in All Its Provisions:
The Secretary of the Treasury baa pub
lished a plan to get rid of what green
baoks we bav left, and bestow upon
bikere alone the power to issce fiat
maaey, money that has no intrinsic value
in H, but which, being; clothed with the
power to make exchanges, they can loan
to the people and draw from tbem for
the use of mere pieces of paper an enor
mous amount of usury and wealth. His
plan is unjust, unequal, uncont titutional.
It would be class legislation of the worst
sort A better plan for providing safe,
sound, sufficient currency must be found,
and we propose the following:
Repeal all laws permitting private cor
porations to issue their notes for use as
fcnact a law providing that every state
may make and deposit non-negotiable
bonds In the United states Treasury in
sums not to exceed in the aggregate twenty-five
per cent of the actual value of its
taxable property, and that for bonds so
made and deposited as security, bearing
an annual revenue to the government of
one-half ol one per cent, it shall be per
mitted to draw from the Treasury ninety
percent of their face value in coin or
greenback dollars, which shall be full
legal tender for all debts public and pri
vate. By state laws that may be enacted such
state bonds shall be in quantity dupli
cates of county bonds deposited with the
state treasurers, county bonds to be
issued to provide onlv what monev each
county needs, and to be limited also to
twenty-five per cent of each county s
taxable property, and made to bear to
the state one per cent annual interest.
For each deposit of county bonds with
the State Treasurer the state shall de
posit the same emount of state bonds in
the United States Treasury, and the
money which shall be advanced on such
bonds shall be paid directly to the prop
er officials of the counties whose bonds
are deposited as security with the state.
The lunds so provided and secured by
boads shall constitute the capital for
county government banks which shall be
ir. charge of regularly elected county
(bank) officials whose bonds shall be ap
proved in four times the sum the people
may have on deposit at any one time.
The presidents, cashiers and directors of
these public banks shall be paid reason
able, fixed salaries.
,Tne counties shall each provide their
bauking representatives the necessary
safety deposit vaults, fire prooi safes and
other needed furniture, blank books, etc.,
to conduct the entire loan, deposit and
exchange business of the people of the
vounty, furniture to also include a com
plete set of abstracts of titles of all real
state in the county.
1 h9 county government banks shall be
St law required to receive all surplus
ash which individuals may wish to de
posit, and to pay back to depositors the
full amount of their deposits, but no in
terest shall be paid on such deposits. "
Loans applied for shall be passed upon
by a board of three bank directors, who
must be agreed that the security is worth
at least double the amount of the loan
desired. Finding the security amply
sufficient, loans shall be made on im
proved farms in size not exceeding 640
acres, up to half their selling value, at
two per cent per annum. Cvi homesteads
In town (lots built on and owned by tha
parties living on them), minin g towns
excepted, loans limited to S3 per cent
of their cash value shall be made at two
r cent. On business .property up to
3 per cent of its cash value loans at
two per cent may be made, provided the
owner does not possess more than a half
block of such property. On warehouse
receipts for grain and cotton stored in
county, state or government warehouses,
loans at two per cent may be made up to
50 per cent of their market value. Per
sonal security for thirty, sixty and ninety
days, or fractions thereof, may be taken
when notes are signed by three parties ol
good repute, two of whom are established
Part of the railway from Colombo
to Eandy, in Cevlon, cost a human
life for every sleeper.
Bessie Turner, a Durham, N. C
colored girl, stole a pair of shoes in
which to be baptized
The postofSce of Puratory v. es
tablished la Virginia in 1993 with
George Godbethere as postmaster.
The discharge of one of Krupp's
big guns at Essen can be heard far
ther than the loudest clap of thunder.
The skeleton of a prehistorlo bird,
found recently in a mound in Idaho,
Indicates that In life it must have
measured nearly forty feet between
the tips of its wings.
When Dom Pedro, the late emperor
of Brazil, paid the Brazilian state
debt to England in diamonds Instead
of money, the value at the Loipsio
market fell fifty per cent at a drop. -
A monument has been unveiled on
the Gettysburg battlefield to George
W. Sandoe, a member of the Twenty
first Pennsylvania . regiment, said to
be the first man killed in the battle.
A married oouple in Sawada, Japan,
according to a native paper the
father 133 years old and the mother
135 have a family of fourteen, in
cluding a son aged 10) an I a dauhter
A fine steel portrait of Jamas Madl-
wmcn reiaus at ss. nas oeen go.
11.1 .
vuk "1
thm UL'.'emuta niHUir.g-ofllca
for the postpfflce department The
tew issue Includes one aud two dol
lar sumps as well.
This story is on Colonel , Recen
ly he was walking down Sauna street,
when a lady of comol7 appcaranco ap
proached him. "Why. is uot this Col
onel , whom I used to know years
1 'lri-,1 .
er for a few momonts. "I reallv rec
ognize your face, but I can't remember
your name," he finally said." 'Well,
it's changed since you knew me. Rut
when you were twenty-three sad I
was nineteen you used to call me
toot!-"' "
Asked to Consider
in ousiness in the community and pos
sessed of ample property to collect the
aeDt oy law, such loans to be discounted
at one-half to one per cent.
Above rates to be reduced to cost ot
conducting the business when fount
above it, as doubtless would be the out
as soon as all money came to be deposit
ed in the government banks and all loan
ing should be done by the people
The above plan, would make losses ex
ceedingly small if adopted with all the
safeguards, profits . even at these
rates, cut down to perhaps one
per ' cent, over labor cost, would
much more than make good such
possible losses. The tax-payers would
thus be secured by the profits exceeding
losses, and by ample bonds against the
occasional dishonesty of an official of
their own selecting. The state would be
secured against any fraudulent or over
valuation of particular counties by a
state board of tax rate or valuation
equalisers and by the entire taxable
property of each county, and the nation
al government would be secured absolute
ly in its state loans by the state bonds
deposited in the U. S. Treasury. There
would be no more money called for (or
bonds given) than the people with secur
ity judge they individually need to em
ploy labor, and if money could be bor
rowed of county government banks at
rates, say, not to exceed one per cent a
year above the labor cost of loaning it,
all private money loaners would be driven
out of business and their money would
either be turned into more labor-employ.
ing capital or directly deposited with the
government and so would go into the
circulation without enforcing usury trib
ate. The volume of money would not be
greatly increased by the system we pro
pose, because with government banks
furnishing money at cost it would draw
all money not for the present needed bj
individuals to their care for absolute sf
curity, and when deposits exceeded de
mauds bonds could be paid off and can
celled. But an amount of perpetual stale
bonds drawing only one-hall of one per
cent a year and of county bonds dra ring
one per cent a year should be kept de
posited and not paid on, to supply se
curity to the government for whatever
money can be used profitably as capital
and is needed in excess of coin to make
additional state chege would be some
more than the labor cost of this machin
ery of credit, but it would not be a bur
den, for it would furnish an income that
would reduce other taxation. There
would be no interest tax, except -the
slight one going to the government.
Now are there any who wiH object to
the above financial system. '
Yes, the bankers will object to it; all
whn oun hnnlr afnolr will onll it friirhffn'
names. It is not in their special interest,
as are the Baltimore and Carlisle plans'
Were it to be enacted into law the money
power would be destroyed and honest la-
Dor would be enthroned. It would pro
vide capital at nearly labor cost for those
who new must pay from five to a linn-
dred per cent a year bonus for it. It
would prevent panics and periodsof com
mercial paralysis and enforced idleness
and starvation. It is a just ourrency
system mat would Dnng to tne masses
unheard of prosperity, therefore the
classes, the bankers especially, will view
it with alarm and will frighten
with their cries of, "Socialism!"
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is
the best, handiest, safest, surest, cleanest.
most economical and satisfactory dye
ever invented. It is the gentlemen' fa
5hort Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W. McKInsey, postmaster of
Kokomo, Ind., and a brave ex-soldier,
says: "I had been severely troubled
with heart disease ever since leaving
the army at the close of the late war.
-I-was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. I could not
sleep on my left side and had pain
around my heart I became so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try it. The first bottle
made a decided improvement in my
pletely cured me."
G. W. McKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell It at (1, A bottles for 15, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. allies Medical Co. ElkharOnd.
! The Omaha
65 Gets per Year .
The Bea for 1895 will Its a
I Special Features ir&s?.
Special subjects for Women.
Special subjects for Children.
Special subjects for the Farm and the Farmer.
One or more good, stories each week for everybody in
the family. . . ,
Reliable Market Reports.
Together with the news from all over the world. ,
And all for less than any other Weekly paper in the
Send 65 cent money order, express order or bank draft for a year's sub
scription. If you send silver or currency, register it or you send it at your
own risk. Address orders to
" Omaha, Neb.
Send Us Two New
With f2, and your own
subscription will be ex
tended One Year
Free of Cost.
Tne Burling, oil's New Short Line.
The Burlington Route ie a notable ex-
jeption to the general run of western
During a period when railroad build
ing in this country has been almost at a
standstill, it has been steadily pushing
forward its northwest extension and now
taxes much pleasure in announcing its
completion to Billings, Mont.,;838 miles
irom Liincoin.
At Billings connection is made with tha
Northern Pacific Railroad and, under a
traffic agreement with that comnanv.
business of all classes is exchanged there,
or, more properly sneakmir. routed
through that point to and from every
station on or reached via the Northern
Pacific and Burlington Systems.
mis flew Short Line for that is ex
actly what it is reduces the distance be
tween Lincoln. Kansas City. St. Louis
aud the territory south and southeast of
those cities, on the one hand, and Mon
tana, Northern Idaho and Puget Sound
points, on the other, all the way from 50
to 473 miles. It thus becomes an im
portant factor in bringing the vast
cope of country served by the Northern
racinc into closer relationship with the
Ml : l l,: : i - tt u
Just to illustrate things: The New
short Line saves
294 miles between Lincoln. Omaha
and Helena,
224 miles between Lincoln. Omaha and
371 miles between Lincoln. Omaha and
54 miles between Lincoln. Omaha and
49 miles between Lincoln. Omaha and
The New Line has been constructed in
a most substantial manner. Excellently
ballasted, laid with the heaviest steel
pi,on more than the usual number of ties,
it equals the best and oldest portions of
the Burlington System.
People whose opinion is worth havrat
pronounce it superior to any new track
ever built in the western states.
The train-service will consist of Pull
man falace Sleeping Cars, Reclining
Chair Cars (seats free), and Standard
Burlington Route Day Coaches, Omaha
and Lincoln to Billings daily.
As a bcenic Route the New Us takes
high rank.
The rich farms of eastern and eenrral
Nebraska: the more sparsely settled
country that lies between Ravenna and
the boundary line separating Nebraska
and South Dakota; the canons, peaks
and swelling meadow-lnnds ot the Black
Hills, the wonderful "Devil's Tower" the
irrigated districts of northern Wvomin:
Custer Battlefield; the picturesque wind
ings of the Little Big Horn: the glorious
valleys of the great Crow Indian Reser
vationall these are seen from the car
Full information relative to the train
service, rates or other features of the
New Short Line will be gladly furnished
upon application to J. Francis, G. P. A-,
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb., or G. W.
BonneU, C. P. & T. A,, Lincoln, Neb.
The North-Wsstsm P. B. A M. V. R. R.
New Time Card A New Train-
Faster Tims, Better Service. y
For the benefit of the traveling publie
this Una has made important changes
and improvement in its train service.
The 7:25 a. m, week day train is made
Chicago connection. Besides taking
passengers for as far west as Norfolk, it
takes them for Blair and all Northeastern
Nebraska points; Sioux City and points on
diverging lines; Omaha, Mo. Valley, Ona-
wa, Carroll, Boone, Ames, Des Moines,
and all Northwestern and Central Iowa
and 111. points through to Chicago. The
Chicago Limited leaves daily at 1:25 p.
m. and takes passengers for Chicago and
East, and intermediate points; for Oma
ha, Sioux City, St Paul, Duluth and all
points in the Northwest.
Notice our cheap clubbing rates with
"The Prairie Farmer" and "The Picture
Magazine." Send in your subscriptions.
Ton will want good reading matter for
the family daring the long winter even
12 Pases
Week . .
Weekly Bee
The largest, brightest and best
Newspaper published in the west
better papsr than ever before.
A Desk Calendar is a necessity
most convenient kind of storehouse
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Calendar is brightest and handsomest
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and pen. sketches and entertaining
thoughts on outdoor exercise and
sport. Occasionally reminds you of
the superb quality of Columbia Bi
cycles and of your need of one.
You won't object to that, of course. 1
The Calendar will be mailed for five
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Address Calendar Department,
Mention this piper. Hartford, Conn.
Reduced : Rates!
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. . . AMONG THEM . . .
Hot Springs, Dead wood. Rapid City.
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Milwaukee, Oconomowco, Wis.
And other points ton numerous to men
tion in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan,
New York, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Maine, Ontario; Etc.
For rates, maps, etc., see
S. A. Mosher, A. S. Fielding,
Gen'l Agt. City T'kt. Agt.
117 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Depot: Cor. S and 8th Sts.
Bath House
and Sanitarium.
Oorner 14th and M Sti-i Lincoln, Neb.
Open at All Hours Day and Night.
All Forms of Baths.
Turkish, Russian, Roman and Electric.
Witt special ottaatioa to tha appllcatloa ot
Natural Salt Water Baths
Sararal tlaMa stroagw thaa sea water.
Bkaaaiatiaa, Skim, Blood sad Marvosa Dia
taam. Llvar aad Kldnay Trouble aad Ckroala
Ailaaats are traatad uccaaafauj.
SgsSea Bathing;
aiajr b n)oyd at all ataaoas la oar larrn SALT
S WIIIMINO POOL, UxXO latt, S to IS fait daap.
mm aauorai laamraiara ox av aaaraaa.
llanasias Fhatdaaa.
Send Us Two New
With 98, and your own
subscription will be ex
tended One Year
Free of Cost.
If our advertisers do not treat yon
right, let us know. We want no "fakes"
in Thk Wbalth Makers. Isn't there
something in our "Three Cent Column"
that will profit yon?