The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, January 17, 1895, Image 1

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Its Make Up and Doing! Reported for
The Wealth Makers
Slim Chances for Direct Relief for Suf
ferer! An Oasis in the Desert
A Lot of Uaeless Employes.
Tbe U. P. Gets the Senator.
The ratio existing In the present legis
lature is pretty nearly that of sixteen to
one sixteen Republicans to one of any
other kind of people. To carry the figure
a little farther, there are sixteen appli
cants to one job, sixteen people sore
about patronage to one who is satisfied,
sixteen lobbyists to one disinterested
spectator and Bixteen employes where
one could do the work. Although Re
publican, this is a sort of asixteen-to-one
session. The exact party standing in
the two houses is as follows: House, Re
publicans, 72; Populists, 22; Democrats,
6V All the Democrats but one caucus
with the Populists. Senate, Republicans,
25; Populists 8; Democrats none.
So far the B. & M. has run things. It
named the speaker of tbe house and ap
pointed all the committees. It laid its
finger upon thesenateand said "do this,"
and it "was done.
There seems to have been an agree
ment between the two railroads that the
U. P. was to name tbe senator and the
B!&M. everything else. So far the agree
ment has been adhered to the B. A, M.
has named every thing else.
The Republicans are just now engaged
thmr speaker and- lieuten
ant governor. At one time there were
nearly enough Republicans signed a
paper that, with the aid of the Pops,
they could have thrown the speaker out
of office. But enough of them were
whipped back into line to prevent that
very desirable consummation. In the
senate at one time ten disgruntled Re
publicans did join with the eight Popu
lists and passed two or three motions,
but the whipping in process got enough
of them back into line to prevent any
thing farther of that kind.
As one anti-monopoly Republican ex
dressed it, "the corporations are booted
and spurred and are riding this legisla
ture wherever it pleases them."
On assuming the gavel Speaker Rich
ards Baid that this would be "a business
session of the legislature." After two
weeks of travail and labor a few bills
have been introduced ana tne commit
tees have been appointed.
Over in the senate most of the "busi
ness" done has been in the adjourning
line. The first week they adjourned from
Thursday till Monday afternoon, and
would have made it Tuesday afternoon,
butthehouse would not agree. Since that
time these industrious senators have been
meeting at about half past ten in the
morning, working till noon and then ad
journing over till the next day. They
did that all week till last Friday noon
and then adjourned over till Monday af
ternoon. These two bodies have been fooling
away tneir lime ana naanng arounu
about rules and committees and petty
quarrels, while people in the western part
of the state have been suffering, and, in
some cases, actually dying, for lack of
. the necessaries of life.
It might as well be admitted at the
outset that so far the Populists are not
In it at this session. The "brutal" Re-
fiublican majority seems to take particu
ar delight in hammering the Pops into
the earth on any and all occasions. Over
in the senate there are no Populists at
all on the most important committees
and it is not much better in the house.
The only chairmanship given to a Popu
list in either house is that of the commit
tee on mines and minerals, and inaHinuch
as there are only one or two three-foot
coal mines in the state, that doesn't cut
much of a figure.
This treatment is in marked contrast
to that accorded the Republicans by the
Populist majority two years ago. They
were courteously allowed a good mino
rity representation on nil committees
and were allowed chairmanships on seve
ral Of the more important. But it does
not seem that the new railroad states
men who are running this legislature
imagine that courtesy pays.
Governor Holeomb is a Populist oasis
in a desert of Republicanism. He is the
Mecca toward which all of the faithful and
many of the heathen are turning their
feet. He is a garden in a wilderness,
a rose amidst bramble bushes, a sound
grain of wheat in a bushel of weavilshnd
mice deposits. The Populist heart is not
altogether weary and heavy laden for we
have a governor. And such a governor!
Why, mosf any republican of good sound
sense will tell you he is the best the state
ever had. His praises are on the lips of
all men. He is a model executive firm,
""ol, cautious, impartial. And withal he
is hard-working. "His inaugural was a
model of terseness and strong com
mon sense. It was conservative and
patriotic and wentneitbertoone extreme
nor the other. It advocated immediate
action for the relief of the drouth suffer
ers, state irrigation, railroad legislation
and economy in state government.
In the matter of appointments, Gov.
Holeomb is proceeding with the same
care and caution as in other matters.
Outride of his office force he has as yet
made but two appointments Mr. J. H.
Edmisten, chairman of state committee,
for chief oil inspector, and Capt. J. W.
Wilson, the onearmed soldier of Ogalalla
for commandant of the soldiers' home.
Both are splendid appointments.
One matter which shows Governor
Holcomb's caution: At eleven o'clock on
tbe night after his inauguration he was
given the bonds of the newly elected state
officers with the hint that they must be
approved by midnight. His reply in
effect was that he would approve no
bond until he satisfied himself that it
was all right. And he did not. All the
bonds have since been approved except
that of the state treasurer, who has been
required to get a new one.
Saturday was set aside for discussion
of relief measures. The matter was dis
cussed till noon, many Republicans
opposingthe bill undercousiderationand
the House adjourned no nearer a solu
tion than when they began. There seems
to he a determination on the part of the
Republican leaders to make no direct
appropriation for the relief of the desti
tute, but to pass some sort of a bill to
allow each county to bond itself for the
care of its own poor. This is a very
pretty theory, but there is just one ob
jection to it. You cannot get it into
operation until the people in need are all
starved or frozen. An immediate appro
priation is all that will relieve these peo
The Republican legislature is not so
slow about appropriating money for
other purposes. There are a whole lot of
useless employees drawing three dollars
a day. 4 For instance, over in the Senate
every committee has a clerk. There are
not over one-fourth of the committees
need clerks and not over one-half the
time of these is occupied.
If this session is anything like previous
Republican legislatures, it will not be
slow about making appropriations in
other lines, especially where its pet bood
lers can get their fingers on the pap; but
to appropriate money to relieve a starv
ing woman or baby, that takes time.
J. A. Edgerton.
Concerning a Sugar Bounty.
Verdon, Neb., Jan. 5, 1895.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Is it confiscation? The sugar bounty,
I mean. There are some facts regarding
this sugar bounty which I would like to
present to tbe public through The
Wealth Makers, if you will permit. I
suppose it will not be denied that if it is
good for Nebraska to pay a subsidy of
2 cents or less per pound for the purpose
of encouraging the sugar industry, then
the more we produce the better; and to
produce enough to supply the nation
with sugar would be the desired goal to
reach. We as a nation use about fifty
pounds of sugar per capita annually, or
three and one-half billion pounds. This
at the old rate (2 cents per pound) would
amount to $70,000,000. Our assessed
valuation is (state) $185,000,000. In
order to reach the most desirable results
we would be taxed 40 per cent on our
valuation. I lay this down aa a cold
fact that if this is not the end to be de
sired then we don't want the bounty.
There are a few other things to be con
sidered. I see by the State Journal of December
21st, 1894, that a firm of nurserymen at
Council Bluffs, la., raised forty-five acres
of sugar beets last season at a cost ol
$11 per acre. The same article states
that German bopts contain 12 percent
sugar, but Nebraska beets contain, with
proper cultivation, 16 to 18 per cent su
gar. With the above facts taken from a
paper advocating the bounty we can
deduct some very interesting facts.
Strike a mean and we have Nebraska
beets containing 17 per cent sutrar, a
ton has 340 pounds of sugar and an acre
7,140 pounds: or 500,000 acres of sugar
beets will produce enough sugar to sup
ply the nation. Cost of production the
same as Council Bluffs, $11 per acre, the
total cost of raising the beets would be
$5,500,000, yet the state is to pay some
one $70,000,000 to stimulate an indus
try of this kind, one for which the two
counties, Madison and Hall, can supply
all the beets required.
I submit the above on what informa
tion I have at hand. If the Journal
erred in its statement there may some
other conclusion be reached. If not, the
above is easily verified.
I advised your readers in my article of
November 19th to procure a copy of the
Abstract of the Eleventh Census. They
are hurd to get, but mighty interesting
to any one who earnestly wants to kuow
where we are drifting.
I saw in last week's Wealth Makers
an Associated Press dispatch stating
that on Thanksgiving day the sugar fac-
United States discharged
i i
50,000 bands. This abstract gives the
average number of hands employed in
all the sugar factories in the United
States at less than 8,000, so it is easily
seen that the Associated Press dispatches
are not always correct. I also see by tho
Abstract of the Eleventh Census that all
the acres used to produce sugar in the
year 1890 (not including maple) were
74,985. Whether the beets will produce
more sugar per acre than cane is some
thing 1 know nothing about, but sup
pose tbey do by the Journal's article re
ferred to.
Wishing The Wealth Makers abund
ant success, I am very truly yours,
Geo. Watkins.
What Might Be.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Forty years ago men called me bad
names tor warning them thus about
slavery. Today it is a far more powerful
and dangerous enemy than slavery
Will men call me a fool now just as they
did then? Many may, but I hope others
will give heed and act in time. There
may be postponement of the evil day for
some years to come, and benevolent
hearts may perhaps rejoice in that much
hope. The People's party may get the
votes and be allowed to take the govern
ment' in peace, coin silver, ease up the
pressure now on us, and save us awhile
longer. But that can never reach the
seat of the matter. The men who now
aspire to lead us to a single silver plank
are rendering yeoman service to the
wealth takers, and prolonging the day
of misery for the wealth makers. Plutoc
racy owes these gentlemen a vote of
thanks. Monopoly may get a new lease
of life for several years if these schemes
So long as land monopoly and corpor
ation monopoly remain, so long our
trouble will stay with us. Nothing short
of homes for freemen can ever save free-,
dom. Homes can never be secure .while
land is sold like bogs and beeves in the
market. The law must devote the land
to homes, then secure it there by destroy
ing the mortgage and sale 'of it. Until
this is done the strong will always de
vour the weak, the cunning and shrewd
overreach and devour the dull. The
weak can be made much stronger than
they are now, or ever have been, by just
saving them from the danger of being do
ing devoured by the strong.
Steam and electricity are the gifts of
God and must be so regarded by the
state, but experience may show more
safety in allowing latitude in their use.
Now it may be that the American people
may be saved from ruin for a season by
"works meet for repentance." so we hope
and ardently pray that it may be. A
merciful Providence may lead us out of
the labyrinth of debt and special legisla
tion in the interest of greed, into which
we have been drifting for thirty years.
However, the fact that our struggle
with the slave power did not destroy us.
does not make it certain that the money
power will not destroy us. The noble
fathers who gave us the constitution in
1787 made the fatal mistake of compro
mising with slavery. We now know that
their mistake cost us a bitter and bloody
war of four years, billions of money and
many precious lives. What the result
would have been had they refused to
compromise and left the Caroliuns and
Georgia out of the Union we do not
know. It is just possible that the final
result is best as it is, and South Carolina
which led secession might even now be a
leading party in a new regeneration.
The men who legislated under thedomiu
ion of the money power were, no doubt,
lovers of their country. They were pa
triots at heart, but like the fathers they
were human. It is easy enough now to
see how they erred, but it is not certain
ihat we should have done better, or have
been wiser had we beeu in their places.
The thing we now know is the, difficulty
which is on us. It is not certain yet that
these mistakes will not finally ruin our
country. The man who writes history
in the future can tell it all, but we can
not do so now. Many believe we shall
overcome this slavery (ever increasing,
too) by correcting the wrongs on the
money question. The possibility of such
a result I do not deny, but the proba
bility of it is verv doubtful. Altogether
we owe a debt of over $30,OOU,000,000,
and increasing every day. Labor alone
can pay the debt. It is more than $4G0
to every man, woman and child in the
United States. Can Ci.OOO.OOO earn
and pay that much money at 0 percent
interest? If they can it will be a new fact
in human history so far as I know. Pos
sibly a healthy system of money and
financial legislation, funding the debt at
reduced rates of interest, and delay of
payment may get us out after several
generations have been worn out under
the load. No man now knows or can
know the end. History alone can tell
that. But the danger is very great. If
there is a parallel case on earth, or if
there ever was one, the writer is confess
ing his ignorance of the fact.
In tbe midst of this wilderness of
doubtful conditions it is the part of wis
dom and patriotism, and perhaps Chris
tian duty, to prepare for the worst that
may come. The men at the helm prom
ise to save us, and perhaps they may post
pone a final crash for many years. But
it is cold comfort to think of a final
crash even one hundred years further on.
Our children and liberty for men will be
in the wreck.' Rome lasted twelve hun
dred years before the last vestige of the
Byzantine court disappeared. But the
last half of the twelve was little better
than a living death. An ocean of blood
and cruelties that shame human nature
make up the facts for volumes of history.
Such a state of things would be worse
than death to Americans. There is no fa
tal necessity binding us to a like fate.
Nor is there a necessity to sit still and
wait for some military dictator in the
future. Already we have much printed
about government on horseback. Of
course that is the intention, but Lot fled
from Soaoui and ras saved. We can
get together in one place and save a flag
for freedom. God only knows the extent
and depth of our danger, but the danger
is no trifle it is real. We may escape it,
and God grant that we may; but if the
government must go into fragments, or
be governed by a Caesar, and then go
to pieces further on, we need not lose all
our fathers fought tq win. The Rocky
mountains differ widely from the Alps,
and the Mississippi is not the Tiber. The
geography is not the same, but waiting,
want of action until we are bound band
and foot, may and will forfeit every nat
ural advantage. What is here proposed
can never injure any one, and may bless
millions not yet born. It cannot injure
the country, nor any part of it, and may
prolong the life of liberty for a thousand
years. The history of these states from
Jamestown and Plymouth Rock to this
day is a chapter in history all by itself.
It has no parallel, and every American
can well afford to be proud of it. To
save such a country would be glory
enough to any Bet of man who accom
plished it. Can Alliance men and other
reformers save us from the danger of tbe
hour? If they cannot, then who can?
Escape from all tbe consequences of bad
legislation and $30,000,000,000 piled
up during the last thirty years would be
too much to expect, but a home for lib
erty can be secured, and national regen
eration may be possible.
We can form settlements around one or
more deep water harbors, thereby secur
ing ocean communication, lexas, Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington are all
good points. . Here we can acquire land
until a county, then two, then ten, then
a state comes under our control, and
still extends. At first we cannot legis
late, but we can incorporate tbe law of
nature and God in all titles for land,
limiting the land to homes, placing it be
yond sale or mortgage, and by covenant
at first, and by law further on limit tne
amount each may hold. The credit sys
tem, interest taking, and force bill collec
tion of debts find no support in reason,
nature or the Bible. Hence the abolish
ment of forcible collection of debts, des
troying interest and thecredit system. If
any exceptions can be named it would be
a fine for breaking the law, taxesand pay
for labor. This done, and honor would
be all the stock in trade for the credit
Honor at a premium ennobles man,
purifies elections, corrects a thousand
evils, and gives us a safe society. Heap
ed up and entailed estates can be limited
to one million, or what you please, in
your law of inheritance. Such a commu
nity, would control transportation at the
earliest possible date. Co-operation
would come easily, almost naturally.
Forest laws and irrigation would get due
attention. All minerals would be owned
by the state and delivered to the con
sumer at cost. Schools for all and all at
school would abolish illiteracy. All pos
sible manufactories would be maintained
and all domestie'demands met by home
production as far as possible. Deeds in
fee simple might be allowed in all incor
porated cities, as they were allowed in
walled cities among the Jews, limiting
title to say half a block. Those who are
sby of all community of goods can see
ample opportunity here for individual
efforts, and competition in every fair
field. You can uot overreach your neigh
bor, and you ought not to if you could.
You do not have to do your neighbors
work, nor supply his lack of work if be
refuses to work for himself. You must
allow him a full and fair chance, and seo
to it that no one gets it away frdm him.
Men who wish to remove might sell, to
anyone who had no home, such improve
ments as they had, but not the land in
fee. You can take your quarter section,
improve it to your taste, however grand
that may be, lay up your money if you
wish and take your children to other
quarters not yet occupied, invest in city
property, and thus find ample room for
all the energies of a life term. No reck
less bargains of yours, no speculation,
no mortgage can drive your wife and
children from their home. It is yours
and theirs against the world for all time
if you occupy it. Such a community
would be strong as Spartans in war, wise
as Romans in council and law, and
tenacious as Jews to theirconvictions. If
a smalt colony of outlaws and refugees
could build Romeand maintain the state
twelve hundred years, who could guess
what we might do for America by infus
ing such a leaven of righteousness into
the law and public sentiment? What
greater thing have men ever done? What
better thing could human nature do?
It lacks twenty-six years of three
centuries since the Mayflower anchored
off New England's coast. The wildest
dream then could not have imagined a
tithe of what bus taken place since.
Under present circumstances with present
advantages, the Farmers Alliance alone
ouirht to be able to occupy the whole
field In fifty years. This is not intended
to say that we could pay that $30,000,
000.000 all off. I do not know that we
could do that, but I think we could ex
tract many of its fangs. All (ear oi a
military dictator would be gone would
be impossible. The centralized millions
now in the hands of a few would melt
away and disappear. Will it ever he
done? Possibly it may, but the grounds
for hope are not large or assuring. The
danger resides in the indifference, the
doubt that there is danger. Another
Fort Sumpter may be needed to reveal to
all our danger. Then no one can tore
cast the result. So here, as I near my
seventieth birthday, after more than
forty years of faithful labor for my conn
try, I lay down my pen with a prayer for
my father land. J. M. Snyder,
Verdurette, Neb., Dec. 1894.
lifting Off One'a Debts.
"Living on the interest of what one
owes" sounds like a joke, but it isn't.
That is exactly what the banks of the
United States are asking the people to
give them that very privilege. If the
present currency scheme gets through
Congress it will give the banks the right
to issue their notes (promises to pay)
and lend them out at interest to the peo
ple to do business with. If that isn't
living OH one s neiiLH, njuura-u w a
science, what is it? First boy to give
correct answer goes to the head of the
class. Chadron Signal.
"Serve Me, Serve My Pap."
New York, Dec. 4. Mrs. Drinkewiler
gave a poodle dog tea party yesterday
afternoon at her palatial residence in
this city. It was in honor of the birth
day of her favorite poodle dog. Her dog
wore for the occasion an elegant diamond
necklace costing several hundred dollars.
Very ornately printed invitations were
displayed to the poodle dogs and pugs
in good society. When the hour for the
party arrived tbe street in the vicinity of
the receiving residence was thronged
with grand equipages, in which the lucky
eanines rode in state, warmly wrapped
in silk and satin blankets, richly em
broidered with lace and gold, with a coat
of arms appearing on most of tbem.
Each dog was accompanied by a liveried
colored attendant and all the parapher
nalia of aristocratic ranks. Tbe poodles
and pugs sipped milk from golden sau
cers. The subject of founding a dog hos
pital was discussed.
Affairs at Hill Top Conducted Just
as They d i in England
New York, Jan. 2. The Monmonth
stag hounds met at Hill Top yesterday.
An imported red stag, thoroughly war
med for the sport, was held for the occa
sion. There were gathered to the lawn
over a hundred huntsmen and women.
George Gould had a scent laid through
the pines. A run of almost eight miles
was made through the woods, finishing
near the Lakewood hotel, where tha
hounds were regaled with a quarter of
beef. Mr. Gould led the chase. He in
tends having a pack of hounds of his own
and establishing a hunt at Lakewood.
Jumping powder and sandwiches were
served on the lawn at Hill Top previous
to the start, just as they do abroad.
Prominent among those in the chase
were: Count Castelan, P. F. Collier, Jas.
W. Mackav, Jr., Harry Chase. Charles
Baldwin, R. Duval, R. W. Ellis, Miss
Cameron, Miss Pomeroy, and Miss Anna
Gould, who, by the way, is reputed to be
one of the most fearless riders in the
country. Miss Marshall Smith, on the
imported thoroughbred Rejected, was al
so well to the fore. Mr. Claflin of New
York, with a party of friends, had out a
four-in-hand, with which he intersected
the run at points, as also did Mrs. Brad
bury with a drag. Mrs. George Gould
"tooled" her own four in graceful and
effective manner. . Another hunt will be
arranged as soon as the ground softens.
The pink coats looked very pretty at the
evening dance, which was almost a bunt
Dam op tne Gulcbee.
CmcAGO.Dec. 31. To the Editorof The
Bee: Having a large interest in Nebraska
and its future success, I would like to
state what I am doing in Boone county
which, I think, if followed by others,
would be a great advantage to the state.
About three years ago I constructed a
large dirt dam across one of the gulches
on my place which has furnished water
for my own and my neighbors' cattle for
two years. The water seems to keep
pure and good. I believe that if the
farmers all over tbe state would dam up
their gulches with the dirt dam higher
than the sides of the gulch, the water,
when reaching the top of the gulch, would
overflow on the land. In this way a vast
amount of water would be confined with
in the state, making thousands of little
lakes. All this can be done very cheaply
with horses and scrapers, requiring no
material except the dirt, no expense out
side of the labor. Yours truly.
Samuel W. Allerton.
Taken up Dec. 16, '94, one spotted'pig,
four miles east of Crete.
O. E, Harris, Crete, Neb.
Tb Journal Gets Bis; Money for Its
Political Hervloes.
What is the fact about every other Re
publican paper in tbe state, and to what
extent have they been subsidized? Takef
for instance, the Lincoln Journal, which
owes its existence almost entirely to poli
tical patronage and levies upon candi
dates. I have taken the trouble recently
to ascertain to what extent that sheet
has levied upon Republicans and upon
the people of the state of Nebraska. I
find that between the years 1871, when
the Bee was started, and the present time
that paper has drawn out of the state
treasury $446,466.42, as follows:
1871... f 1.525.83
1872.... 75.50
1873 ...... 80,156.64
1874 4,076.tf3
1875 20,60858
1876 8,639.78
1877 8,909.21
1878 7,722.95
1879..... 24,443.71
1880........ 3,580.81
1881 21,838.29
1882..................... 8,088.20
1883.... 26,752.08
1884.. 13,707.63
1885 ... 47,981.12
1886 23,187.31 .
1887 27,880.63
1888 , 22,960.17
1889 82,639.50
1890 25,780.15
1891 36.425.73
1892... 29,086.40
1893 j 16,938.23
1894-11-12 of yj-ar . 14,255.38
Grand toAl, . .. . . ... $446,466.42
Or $18,602.77 pwvyear on the average.
Aside from this, Chaffee H. Gere, editor
of the State Journal, serTed two years
as secretary of the State Board of Trans
portation at $2,000 per year making
$4,000, and four years as a United States
postmaster at about $4,000 per annum,
or a total for postmaster of $16,000.
This, added to his ' salary -received ai
secretary of the State Board of Trans
portation, would give him $20,000 as the
total amount received by him on the side
during his connection with the Journal.
In the very near future I propose to
publish every voucher drawn by the
Burlington organ to show the people of
Nebraska where their money has leen
going and where the people are paying
their taxes. (Great applause.) Four
hundred and forty-six thousand dollars,
and that does not represent one dime of
salaries and perquisites; that does not
represent a tithe of the stealsat thestate
capital, the drippings out of the various
state institutions, that found their way
into the pockets of those publishers and
their relatives. There might have been
$500,000 figured out of that concern
during the period while the Bee has been
running; and yet they modestly tell us
that they are doing this all for their
love and devotion to the Republican
party. (Laughter.) I venture to assert
that $15,000 is a small consideration of
what they have got in this last campaign
for fighting the battle of the Republican
party at 5 cents per copy. It was a
veiitable golden harvest for them that
tbe Bee did not support thecandidatefor
governor. What would have become ol
them if the Bee had supported him? Yon
can now understand why they are so
anxious to know whether I still am a Re
publican. (Laughter.) If I should stay
out of the Republican party there might
be $15,000 contributed every season, so
Santa Claus would have to fill their
stockings with loads of silver dollars,
and gold dollars, and greenbacks, every
time Christmas came around, to save
the Republican partyl (Laughter.) Ed
ward Rosewater.
A cftixen of Buffalo rolled a peannt
a mile with a toothpick in that city
in payment of an election wager. '
In Washington, the other day, two
policemen were fined $20 each bv the
commissioners for going into a bakery
while on duty and each drinking a
cup of coffee.
A comrade of Edwin Libby post, G.
A. R., of Rockland, Me., has made
with bis knife 100,000 toothpicks
within the last three years, and sold
them for the benefit of the post
Some time ago a woman was ap
pointed as a tax collector in a London
district, and now it is said she has
been a remarkable success. Fifty
per cent of outstanding debts have
been accounted for.
A Sidney, N. Y., woman threw a
wornout satchel into the fire the
other day. It contained a $500 note
and a roll of bills amounting to sev
eral hundred dollars more. Her hus
band had placed them there for safe
There are two fish packing estab
lishments in Bristol, Me., and the
process that the same variety of. 4sh
passes through in these two factories
produces very different results. From
one cf the factories the fish come
forth neatly canned and labeled
'Brook Trout" From the other the
same variety of fish come forth a
"golden brown color" and are packed
in wooden boxes and marked "Smoked