The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, December 20, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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iCCCLUL'Cl V'. i W
o-oj?rtion In All Liinreorilaslness
win rroTC jkim i-.neeuve
Louis A. Ehrich diseusws in the Forum
Hie relatious betweeu employer and em
ployed, lie says, ia stigg6ting a ration
al preventive of labor trouble, that the
orporation is owned by stockholder,
hoare bound together only by the
Jagt of t lie st ock ledger. They are repre
jented by a board of directors, who have
the management. The purpose of the
corporation is simply the earning of divi
dends. The directors, if they have one
'ear open to the claims of the workmen
employed by the company, listeu with a
huudred ears to the demands of the
Jckholders whom they represent. The;
not study the human hopes and needs
ich agitate their employes. They
!dly study the credits and debits of the
L tp ; I .11- -
balance sneec. n earnings are uirge me
may be increased, but the ordinary em
ploye obtains no increase. If earnings
decline no cut is made in the salary of
he officers, but they are instructed to re
duce expenses. In other words, the em
ploye of a corporation is under thedomi-
nation of an employer with whom he
never comes in contact, before whom he
has no voice, and from whom he can ex
pect no consideration. He is simply a
tool wortn so nany aoiiars a week as
lrtnrv a a ha ia nfcarlurl Hmv inn nnv font.
- t I 11 t . 1 . . .. .. . . . 1.
lllg Ol lUJtuiv uevciup uiiuri nuuu uuuuf
tions? Is it not easy to comprehend that
lack of genuine interest, and ultimate an
tagonism are bound to take root where
.11 1 A. 1 .1 L ..1 . -
L t.iim i.if ill .fill I nil v I'll L in ix i : i ii ii un uiilb
, r - - -
vjeec fa one nana ana an uncertain
lonthly wage on the other?
1.4 remedy must be found. A new con
Ution must be introduced which, in some
1 1 1 1 I (L. '
aiegree, can tbkk tue piace oi iiih iimn-to-
1 Ii.. 41 . i 11
seems but one solution: MiiKe trie em
ploye loyal to the corporation. Make
aim a stockholder and give him repre
sentation on the board of directors.
Chicago Times.
General liooth In Ouiaiis
General Booth of the Salvation Army
K'tartod nvpp n. vwir turn n. colonizatiotf
,.U ........ 4-1... ,A 4-1. "
'the lowest stratum of the slums of the
great cities. He thus describes theen
vironment and misery of those trampled
down and crowded under by the rich and
"Human misery is very much alike the
world over. In the submerged class we
find the man in the lowest depths of deg
radation, misery and wickedness. Who
' -xres for him? -Who cares anything
be anguish of.the human soul in
Jis condition? We have endeavored to
Assify the evils which have brought
fliese men to this frightful condition.
first, we ascribe their condition to des
titution. Some of them are always hun
gry. They have lived and died aud all
but rotted in the streets. They lived in
the slums, and it is difficult to convey to
an audience like this what a slum really
is. - '
"You can imagine a dark and narrow
alley, hedged with lofty buildings, and
into which the light of the sun seldom, if
V.t... i 4. . 1 : !,;, 4k., fi.tiil
' odor from heaps of garbage and filth
continually breed misery and disease. In
the dilapidated structures on either side
of these loathsome alleys are rooms in
which whole families are compelled to
live and die. One room for the man, wife
and children. One room in which to eat,
sleep, to be sick in, to die in and to lie in
until the undertaker comes with his hol
low shell to carry away the poor carcass
of humanity to its last resting place."
The General then drew several pictures
of life in the slums, such as would stir the
heart of adamant. In speaking of the
Jcheme of the Salvation army he said:
,j "The great question is, how can we help
jtyhese submerged classes? The Salvation
army scheme contemplates first of all,
work. We first find the man. We give
him a warm place to sleep for 2 cents,
with a piece of bread thrown in. For 2
cents more we give him a bath, with hot
and cold water, and towels. For anoth
er 2 cents we give him a (rood meal.
And, then we talk to him. We interest
kirn in hi. Amn ll'l.l f .1 TH Wo fl Tl H h 1 111 C 111.
IJ1I11 111 1110 u n ll nniuiiii n v an. u
ployment, and then, best of all, we en
deavor to convert him. We don't ask
rdum for his pedigree. We accept him as
we find him, dirty, drunken, miserable,
wretehd, and we lead him first to inde
pendence and then to salvation.
' "Our colonization scheme has worked
admirably. We have outside of London
5,000 acres ot land settled with men and
women and children we have saved from
tie slums of London. , We hope to push
i colonization idea all over the world.
re in America, with millions and mil-
Ins of acres of unoccupied land, the
f(li!em ought to be easy of solution.
ive convincea tne world tnat the
bf rescuing people from the misery
of the slums can be done not only cheap
ly, but at a profit.
"We want to establish a place of refuge
iu every city, town, village and hamlet of
the world, and from these places of refuge
,ve want to transfer the men and women
we have saved to homes where they can
ive in contentment and peace on the
fruits of their own industry."
wrieiM Are we ait
liklitor Wealth Makers:
The election being over it would be
ell for us to inquire, " Where are we
What have we done? What are
ve going to do in the future?
As to where we are at, I wish to 8R3 ,
tory the most critical. It is for out
leaders to determine whether we are to
sink iuto-oblivion or riBe to a position
where we can shape the destiny of this
nation. Shall we, as a party, choose for
ourselves the results experienced by the
old Greenback party? Or shall we profit
by their experience? Just at the time
that party began to be felt as a fac
tor in the nation, the old parties, real
izing that something had to be done,
either to appease the wrath of the com
mon people, then arising in their might,
or lead them into a trap by which tl!y
wotild become harmless, they sought
r 1 ti ttnn Tlio u-Anlrur nf tha t.wina wnu
.innnun rn cnnrr. riif iilit iimitim. hiiu
fiire her into its clutches by pretending
- . . a. 1 . r.. ..1 ... nn 1. . .
vii inev were 111 iitvur ui iiiii.t ui uci
rm measure llius aeceivea oy
'':L r..1.... ....... ..k ...nA 4n fnan
with one wing of her old enemy. The re
sult of that act is already a matter of
As regards the second question, what,
as a party, have we done? I wish to say
that we have killed our would-be seducer,
or at least have so mangled bim, it, or
her whatever you wish to name it that
if we are a mind to we can either capture
that part of the enemy or drive it to the
other wing. And as far as we are con
cerned it would make but littledifference,
There are but two places for the voters
of America to go. The gold bug Demo
crats have already found shelter in the
Republican fold. All others will have to
go to the Peoples' party, unless wo throw
away our opportunity by fusion. Had
our party repudiated the Omaha nomin
ations and thereby compelled the Demo
crats to run their own machine, e
would have been off to-day. The result
of the election shows, to my mind, the
fact that at least half of the Democrats
(notwithstanding they endorsed most of
our ticket) voted for the Republican
candidates. I venture the statement
that there were more Democrats voted
for Majors thau for Holcomb. Had it
not been for the vote for Holcomb of dis
appointed Republicans Holcomb would
have shared the same fate of the rest of
the ticket. Had the Democrats thrown
half of their ordinary strength to that
part of our ticket which they endorsed,
they would have been elected by a safe
plurality. Counting the strength of the
Democrats iu the .state at 60,000,
thirty thousand of that vote given to
the nominees of their own party, iu con
nection with the Independent vote,
would have elected every one of them.
But the treachery of the World-Herald
iu advocating the election of a gold-bug
congressman, and the advice (as was
published in that sheet) of our state
committee for the Independents in Doug
las county to vote the Democratic ticket
Is this a fact? Editor Wealth Makers
lost us the respectofmany Republicansin
other parts of the state, that would have
voted with us, thus losing us votes we
otherwise would bawe got.
Let it be understood now, tlmtif w
are constantly going to run after either
of the old parties who have betrayed the
people aud have led us to the verge ol
bankruptcy, that we had just as wel!
quit. If our basic principles do not diffei
from other parties, why have we tried tc
organize another party on their founda
tion? This never has succeeded and
never will. Every intelligent People's
Party mau knows that every fundamen
tal principle underlying our reform
movemeut differs as widely from that oi
any other party as day from night.
Then why try to patch the old garment
with the new cloth? Or to put new wine
into old bottles? I have just as much
hope of securing the reforms we advocate
through the Republican party as the
Democratic. But measuriug my hope
from either source it is as nothing against
nothing. ' . ' . j
Now as to the future. Let ns declare
from this on, that we ask no quarter,
and give none. Let those that endorse
oupprinciples understand that they must
muster with our army or paddle their
own canoe. Until the old parties aban
don their present basis I will never run
for any office where any principle is at
stake under any endorsement from either
old party. I would far rather go down
under defeat than succeed wh( re there
would be the least compromise of prin
ciple. Thus far I have done what I could
in my bumble way to forward and build
up the cause of our party. And I expect
to do the same in the future, if our lead
ers will keep free from en tangling alliances
with other parties. Right here I wish to
say that Judge Holcomb can go far in
establishing the party upon an independ
ent basis. Should he in his appoint
ments, undertake to place in office Dem
ocrats instead of tried and true Inde
pendents, it will cast a shadow upon our
future success. There have been men
that have fought hard and long in our
ranks, who have made it possible for
such as he to occupy the highest position
in the gift of the people of Nebraska,
who ought to be given the preference,
and thus gather around him a force and
give hint a power that will help shape
the destiny of our party, and free it from
the elements of suspicion that wonld
otherwise rest upon it. Hoping the ship
will be steered clear of rocks of disaster,
I remain true to our principles.
J. H. Dakngr.
That One Plank Party
The 0110 plank party can't be born.
There is no one to maintain and sus
tain the infant.
There never was a one plank party, and
probably never will be.
One idea won't run a nation like ours.
It takes more ideas than one to manage
Uncle Sam's business.
The Populists of Texas will not e.en
consider the one plank proposition.
While they favor the free coinage of
silver plank, they also favor other re
forms of greater importance.
The Colorado free silver people are
talking about a free silver party. They
had best organize a free silver party in
that state first before they attempt to
start a national party on that one issue.
If the silver plank people think they
can swallow the People's party they will
find, ou trial, they are a Jonah swallow
ing the whale.
There are 200,000 Populists in Texas,
and all of the single silver plank party
men among them can be counted 011 one's
fingers and have fingers left.
No change is needed. The Omaha
platform is good enough for the People's
party of Texas. If it can be engrafted on
to the government body, not only free
silver buds will grow, but a number of
others that will bear good fruit.
If the one plank free sliver party is de
signed to disconcert the Popu lists organ
ization it will fail. The Populists are
satisfied with their platform and with the
success it has achieved before the people.
They propose to keep right in the middle
of the road and forge ahead. Southern
$100 Reward, $100.
Tbe render ot tbla paper will be pleased to
learn that there it at leaet on dreaded dmesne
tliHt dcience has been able to core In all Iti atairet
and that In Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Care U the
only ponltlTn care now knows to the medical
fraternity. Caturrb belnir a couetitntlonal dti
eaiw. require a conntltntlonal treatment. Hnll'e
( atarrn Care In taken internally, acting directly
npon the blood and mncooa eurlare of tbe eye
tem, thereby dxetroyinK the loundatlon of the
diseaee, and (tlTlnn the patient etrennth by bolld
inirap the constitution and awleiluit nature In
dolnn Ite work. The proprietor have io mnch
faith In He Curative power, that they offer one
Hundred Dollar for any eaa that it falls to cur.
Send tor l)t ot testimonial. AddreM,
If. J. CH KNEY a CO., Toledo, 0.
Wboid by Drnsglet, 76c.
Send lis Two New
With $&, and your own
subscription will be ex
tended One Year
Free of Cost.
I have come, and the world shall be shaken
Like a reed, at tbe touch of my rod,
And the klundotns of time shall awaken
To the voice of the summons of God;
No more through tbe din of the ages
Shall warnings and chiding divine.
From the lips ol my prophets and sages,
Be trampled like pearls before swine.
Ye have stolen my land and my cattle:
Ye have kept back from labor It meed;'
Ye have challenged the out-cants to battle, '
When they plead at your feet In their need.
And when clamor of hunger grew londer,
And the multitudes prsyed to be fed.
Ye have answered with prisons or powder,
Tbe cries of your brothers for bread.
I tarn from your altars and arches,
Aud the mocking of steeples and domes.
To Join in the long weary marches
Of the one ye have robbed ot their homes;
I share In the sorrow and crosses
Ot tbe nuked, the hungry and cold,
And dearer to me are their losses
Than your gains and your Idols ot gold.
I will wither the might of the spoiler,
I will lannh at your dungeons and locks.
The tyrant shall yield to (he toiler.
And your judges eat grass like tbe ox:
For the prayers of the poor have amended
To be written in lightnings on high.
And the wails of your captives have blended
With the bolts that mist leap from the sky,
Tbe thrones of your kings shall be shattered
And the prisoner and serf shall go tree;
I will harvest from seed that I scattered
On the borders of blue Galilee;
For I come not alone, aud a stranger
Lo! my reapers will sing through the night
Till the star that stood over the manger "
Shall cover the world with it light.
The Arena,
If yon want to trade a iittie money and a good
horse for a good piano, see or write to J. H
Dobson, 1120 M St., Linvolu, Neb. This is a bar
gain you don"t pick up every day.
For 1806
Make the best of your spare moments
between now and the great contest of
Study the questions of land, finance
and transportation, the three essential
planks of the People's party platform.
The air is vibrant with athousandand
one reform remedies, not incorporated in
the platform, some good, others ques
tionable and still others that are both
impracticable and bad, but none of
which have received the endorsement of
the People's party. Do not let these
confuse you, they have at this time no
place on the party program.
Populism is a power today all over
these United States. Don't weaken it.
Don't credit it with reforms not men
tioned in the platform. To you and us
they may appear to have superior merit,
but not so by the majority of the party.
In advocating the principles, of the
party be reasonable, dispassionate, ac
curate, firm. You will thus disarm pre
judice aud what you have said will be
weighed and considered.
Around your own fireside there will be
no brass bands to distract your hearer,
no spread eagle orators belching forth
sophistries, no hectic hued oil cloth capes
and tin helmets to dazzle the eye. None
of that. Just yourself and friendly
neighbor reasoning together in a quiet,
practicable, sensible way.
For the next eighteen months the old
parties will be fighting over the spoils o)
office. If we are wise we will take advan
tage of every hour and educate and organ
ize and make every preparation for cer
tain victory. God gives us the strength
to do right and persevere to the end
though beset with reverses and discour
agements. Pittsburg Kansan.
WtroiMTtfiitin1 .. noa At. Jwm S(V to KfV.
. . . j ......f, n -
on the dollar to close out before January
1st. F. A. Powell, Rooks, Bibles and
Albums, Lansing Theatre Bldg., Lincoln,
If you want to trade a little money and a good
horse for a good piano, see or write to J. H.
Dobson, 1120 M St., Lincoln, Neb. This is a tar.
guln you don't pick up every day.
Did you see it? What? That big Banner iv
front of 1016 0 Street. Look at Ir. That mean
your own price on Shoes. Receiver's Shoe Sale,
Attorneys-at- Law,
1026 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
Collection made and money remitted lint day
a collected,
10 KNOW MORE ABOUT IT-Ratet, Estimates, etc.
e DCPI 1 1 1 Ontert.TUR At I 4.SI Tkt Rookery Cklew
Si CulAL MovtuniiiNU. u ium Bsutuof, niwiwi
miNQLEY & BURKETT, atrorneya-at-law,
jl ivu v o., luuwm, ixeu. ADS Intel ex-
The Leading Conservatory of America.
Founded by Dr. E.Tour)e. CaslFahltbm, Direct
Illustrated Calendar (tiring full information free.
Xew England Coaterratory of Butle, Bostoa.
Three Cent Colamn.
"For Bale." Wan ted," "For Exchange, "and
small advnrtlsemenu for short time, will be
charged three ceata per word for each Inser
tion. Initials or a number counted as one
word. Cash with the order
If yon waki any thins, or have anything that
anybody else "wants," make It known through
this column. It wiU pay.
OWlLSfiM Attornev-at-Law,
. J,J-?.iC5S', Koouw W and 1
Burr's block, Lincoln, Neb.
WANTED Fir and cyclone agents. Good
Tjav. J. Y. M. Siffn Sair r tnln
Neb. 37tf
miNGLEY BURKETT, attorneye-at-law.
rPHK LEADINO $3.00 Hoarding House In the
X city Is Mrs. 8. Parish', 1211 N St. Every
thing neat and clean. A trial will convince you.
rpKOY or Domestic finish at Lincoln Steam
X Luuudry. 1'hone 7u. No, 12U N t. 27. 4
JBLDMENTHAL. Practical Hatter,
i old bat maile over a good a new.
clothe cleaned and dyed, 102(1 P St.
FOR SALE Improved Lancaster and adjoining
county farina Write lor my latest list giv
ing special price and full particulars on some
choice 80s, Vt sections and H sections.
t2 H. C. YOUNti, Broker, 137 So. 11th fit.
YODNQ MAN, attend Buainesi College tbta
winter and flt yourself for commercial life,
I have a acholarahip for a full eoaree In the Lim
colii Bernini Collkqk, which I will CAiwip.
u tr L'lU U 1 ...... In V-K
Agents Wanted for 'Striking for Life."
Labor's side of the labor question, by John
Swintom, the Pll lar of Light of the labor move
ment. Complete agent's outfit FKUfc. Quick,
large profits. Address
Address, for catalogue and particular.
Or Thc Ot Laval Separator Co.,
Eloin, In. 74 Cortlandt Street, New York.
If so. you can make $1200 to $'.'000 this year work"
inn for us. Ladles can do as well as gentlemen
Dept. Itare. b. I. BELL & 00., Philadelphia, Fa
SalpRmen Wantpri in everv countv. salarv nr com-
.mission, mo experience. JNew una Hill gives'
t unlimited profits, active men apply quickly stating (
ksalary and territory wanted. Mmnuilaciarera. .
' p. U. Jiox MUD, If oeton, Mas. t
AGENTS WANTED I have the fastest
selling staple article in America. Costs
agents 5 cents, sells lor 25 cents. If you can't
sell the goods I take them back. I want one
good man or women in each county. Also
a few good men and women to travel and
appoint agent If you fail to answer this,
you will miss the ehaace of HMImn.
Address, C. H. ROWAN,
Milwaukee, Wl.
Our grand catalogue, over 860 illustrations,
agent' latest, goods and novelties, 1 writing pen
fountain attachment, 1 elegant gentleman'
watch chain nnd charm, guaranteed 20 years
Tour nume in agent' directory 1 year, alt sen'
forlOcts. Postage 2 cents. EMPIRE N0VELT1
CO., 1W Tremont St., Boston, Ma.
$750.00 A Year and All Expenses.
We want a few more General Agents, ladles or
gentlemen, to travel and appoint agents on our
new publications. Full particulars given on ap
plication. If you apply please send references,
and state business experience, age and send pho
tograph. If you cannot travel, write ns for
terms to local canvasser. Dept. Bare, 3. 1. BELL
& CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
18 told In "THE ROAD TO
a 200 page book full of facts
and figures concerning that
land toward which all eyes
are turning. Only 25 cents.
Cincinnati, Onto
Neave Building.
JUM PING Tney,op,Bklp. Jump. glide, turn
iiiw somersaults almost Incessantly
Tlk1 A "MM from "'"Bust m May. Wonder
JJi2ilin ful product of a Foreign Tree.
Ureatest curiosity to draw crowds wherever
shown, on streets, In shop n ludow. etc. Just
Imported. Everybody wants one Full his
tory of Tree and sample Jumplug Bean to
Agents or Streetmea 85 rents, postpaid. S. 80c:
fl. I ; 12, II .60; 100, 110. Rush order and be first!
Bell quantities to your merchants for window
attractions and then sell to others. Quick
Sales. Try 100. Big Money.
IO EXCHANGE A house and corner lot in
Lincoln, for land.
TO EXCHANQK Eighty acre in Wheeler
county for Lincoln property. Would as
sume some incumbrance.
TTIOr RALE Smooth six acre tract. In Lincoln
J? suburb, near school and street cars, suitable
for a good home or fruit and gardening.
TjlOR SALE Twenty acre adjoining Lincoln,
A: with good two-story house, barn, yards,
wind mill, fruit and fenced; cheap, or will rent.
FOR SALE Eight room house and fu'l tot'
half block of street cars and paved street
Can take equity in western land.
FOR EXCHANGE Five-room cottage home
well located. Can take equity la land or va
cant lot.
FOB EXCHANGE Nine room house and three
lots, facing University campn at University
Place. Good home to exchange for farm in east
ern Nebraska. AddreM Ulllllan Investment Com
pany, Lincoln, Neb.
FOB SALE Eighty acres, 12 mile of Lincoln.
80 acres broke, no other Improvement; only
11:00.00 If taken at once. No trade.
FOR SALE 160 acres well Improved Ave miles of
Lincoln, at nearly half value for a short time,
WANTED Eighty acres, near Lincoln, with
Improvements; have a cash customer for
an eighty that suits, r
ANTED All parties having land or city
property to sen or exchange to list it who
(ii! MMt Coiif,
Ground Floor 11th & F Sts..
Lincoln, - - - Neb.
Farm For Sale.
420 acres: 60 acre In cultivation; 6-room dwelling,
good well of pure water and cistern, 300 acres
prairie. 60 acre timber: situated 214 mile from
lies Arc, the county seat ot Prairie county, m
busy little town on the west bank of White Itiver;
cheap transportotton by steamer line: good
ehnrrh and school privileges. Price 12,850. 91,600
cash, balance In deferred pavment. Address,
W. H. VlVlON. Lonoke, Ark.
A . .
Line of
of Every Description.
Our . . . .
45, 50 and 60c.
Wool Henriettas,
Sayes and
Fancy Dress Goods
t 35 Cents
Per Yard.
Our 75c.
German SiUe-Finished
Henriettas and
Serges in all the
Leading Shades
at 55 Cents
Per Yard, j
Our 85 and 90c.
German Silk-Finished
Henriettas and
Serges 46 inches wide
in colored and blade
at 65 Cents
Per Yard.
Would make an
and Useful'
25 Dozen
worth 25c.
at 17c . . .
a pair.
Fred Schmidt,
921 0 St., Opp. P. 0.
1,000 pairs
Sample Hose
from 20 to
30 per cent
Less than
price. ; .
Book and Job Printing
In all its branches.
County Printing and Supplies
Lithographing .
Book Binding
From tbe simplest style to the most elaborate.
. .....
Of all kinds.
Blank Books
In every style.
Legal Blanks
The Red Line Series, the handsomest Blank in the
country, printed on Bond Paper at less expense than
other houses furnish them on ordinary flat paper. -
From superior hard metal.
Printers' Rollers
Made by an expert from the beet and most durable
Country Printers
Having county or other work, which they cannot
themselves handle, would make money by writing
ns for terms.
Lincoln, Neb.
14 ic. GOLD
Rl ATC 100.000
ladies' or
Size f !l
Air" tl A) w7-. . iLJ
m at ,m . V
"V A
CUT THIS OUT and avndlt torn with yonrnameand xWrewfno money
mi"'"-" u auvancej anu we win wnu you oy expme. me nay we r-
ceiT Tvor oruer, one do coniainino et evr lefeoraira iu. ifrmra
na in the tame pacaaff a frrnulDe Heavy UoM I'latrd natafe, aten
winoer ana eeiier. enamel dial. Ml tempered, anbreakahle maia
pr1n, finely flnifthed tralD.Jeweled balance, dtmrpmof, flneryen
orraved rate, a splendid timekeerier. A written fna rante for 4 yean
sent with every wateh. You examine tbe a"! at the express
"ffiee and If iatlsfantorr. imv the exnreaH aorent ttt.tM anflrirwM
rharens. and the box of W (inn aa4 Void Plata Welch are
A thii offer Is made anlelr to introduce oar famon llhk ( tear, t
protect ourwlvea etrsfnut dealer and aneetilatftni orderin (n Urm
oaanlttlee, e arlllnni aell morethas) B Hole and 1 WtifbMimnviin
paraoa. Write to-day. WkJTUUI IN ION MW.1U,S1 Wahaaa At, taieae