The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, December 20, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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December 20, 1894
New Series of
Consolidation of tht
, Fanners Alliance and Neb. Independent.
list Wealth Haters Pabliihing Company,
list U St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
' etonni Howako Gibsoh............... Editor
i i. 8. Hyatt................ ...... ISunlness Manager
jv. . p. a.
"If any man rout fall tor toe to rise,
US Then seek I not to climb. Another1! pain
3on I ehooM not for my good. A golden chain,
mg rob of honor, la too good a prlu .
lgro tempt my hasty band to do a ,
nun ?Btu '"ow n,ttn' Tlll "' DatD wo
! - Sufficient, wrought by man's satantc foe; -
i nd who that hath a heart would dare prolong
Or add a sorrow to a stricken soul
last That seeks a healing balm to make it whole?
detyy bosom own the brotherhood of man."
Publishers)' Annonnoement.
i Bk Th subscription yrlce of Thb Wealth Mac
r,na ia il.lw per year, In advance,
figt Agent In soliciting subscriptions should be
Mirtry careful that all uamce are correctly spelled
' ind proper poetolllce given. Wanks for return
h mbscrlptlons, return envelopes, eta., van be had
nlav application to tbla office.
r Always sign your name. No matter how often
a;ou write ns do not neglect tbla important inut
rifffcw. livery week we receive letters with Incora
m .ilete addresses or without signatures and IL is
,,Tiioinet lines ditlirult to locate them,
.list chanqr or adrrkhs. Subscribers wishing to
thfhange their postofllce address must always give
vu heir former as well as their present addrens when
( Jrjhaoge will be promptly made.
J. 8. Hvatt, Business Manager of The
Wealth Makers Publishing Company, being
duly "worn, snys that the actual number ol
full and complete copies ol Thk Wealth
Makers printed during the six months end
lug October 11, Mi, was
Weekly average, 8.123.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In ray
presence this 11th duy of October, 18114.
, SIAt,. . E. J. Hijrkktt.
.Notary 1'ublln.
fl.19 per Inch. I cents per Agate Una. 14 line
o tn men. LdOrat amount on large space or
Own wmo vvuwi
AdrfMaa &11 arivertialn eommnnlcatlona ta
J. B. Hyatt. B as. Mgr.
Send Us Two Hew
dames -
With $2. and your own
subscription will be ex
tended Oni Year'
Free of Cost.
p J "What wonderful patience God must
f. lave!
ma v. ; .
Sa1 puiivivn AuoaiiDt ii piw
tt(sinnal politicians would be, The art of
,t ating the other party and securing the
tagtoila of office.
ml It is reported that Henry I). Lloyd and
liither wealthy PoDulists are about to
8ue a first class Populist daily at Chi'
ago. God bless them.
fjjj Government banks, public ownership
Lgf public utilities, and the Initiative and
fwfeferenduin, is our condensation of the
Mmaha platform. Who says amen?
The Toledo (Ohio) News, dailvll.000.
Jeekly 26,000, has given up the effort to
ight monopolies as a Democratic paper
nl&d lias just turned Jropuhst.
rl The veteran editor, Milton George, has
jtarted a new paper, "TheFarmersTJnion
ttnl Agricultural Review," the first num-
ier of which will give it high rank among
PWmers' Daners. The Wpstflrn Tinrnl.
ith which he was for a quarter of a cen
Wnry connected as managing edtior, is
oltill published, but is in other hands,
fhe new paper is the equal of the old,
uh;u jb saying mucn.
A full report of the action of the Co-
'pera tors' Conference will be given in our
ext issue, wi,th articles of fncorporation
ubmitted after adjournment, by the
pommittee, for all interested to consider.
he meeting was a great success. Those
Nho will join with us, provided the finally
. Jl , J 'At. .!..! S J
Menecrea pian accorus wuu xueir juug
ient, are invited to send their names,
(Pges, family, and the means they can
ring in (statemeut of amount), to the
pditor of The health Makebs.
P The Coopcrators' Conference in Lincoln
I yas well attended. Between twenty-five
; nd thirty were present, and letters from
x considerable number who could not
. ieet with us were read. The Conference
eld three sessions Saturday and three
uuday. Articles of incorporation and
-asis of agreement were discussed but
joii penectea. A committee oi six on
Jich articles and agreements will, after
letting suggestions from the meeting,
jibmit through The Wealth Makei a
pan and articles of agreement that they
till recommend and invite further dis
cission, on suggestions to be sent in by
letter from all interested. Another meet-
Mll be held next month, the present
meeting being practically an adjourned
f eeting to give several committee time
report. .
For those who may receive this copy
of The Wealth Makers as a sample
number, we wish to say that we have not
on the editorial pages the usual variety
of matter. We do and shall, as a rule,
dixcuss financial, economic and political
questions very freely, every question, in
fact, which is of pressing importance and
of general interest. Our editorial pages
usually give much attention to the im
portant events that are transpiring. Thr
three column article this week and tht
editor's time token at the Co-operators'
Conference, occasion the lack of varietj
in this department.
The Sugar Trust has just declared
quarterly dividend of 2.37 per cent on
joinuion and preferred stock $75,000,
300. This is the same as 9.48 per cent a
ear. The vJinalia uee states mar. me
lowest estimate makes two-thirds of thjs
stock water, which would make an actual
dividend of not less than 28 per cent.
But others judge the real invested capital
of the Trust to be not over one-fifth of
the present stock, in which case the
stockholders who perform none of the
labor hate divided this year between
themselves forty-five per cent of the
amount of their capital. How is that for
We do not like the Iowa Conference
resolutions. They are nothing but free
silver and treasury notes. The Omaha
platform was voted down, and Gen.
Weaver is reported as saying to the pub
ic that we (iu Iowa) had got rid of all
... -r i tar . ... . ii
our "isms, n uon. weaver is correctly
reported it would be to our interest to
get rid of him and keep "the three-fold
contention of industry" which gave ua
existence as a party. If some of our
leaders do not quit trying to lead ua
backward this paper proposes to fire at
them. We hate a family tow, but if it
must come we shall do what we can to
expose the political folly aud inconsist
ency of the place-hunting politicians
whoso advice would ruin us.
Editor Baikd of Cedar Rapids, has
a strong editorial iu his last issue oc
facing the conditions in Nebraska. He
says: "We have reached a crisis. The
time has come in this country when facts
aud couditious must be faced. Our hop
for future prosperity must be built ot
new foundations." He concludes that
for central and western Nebraska irriga
tion ia necessary, and money is neces
sary to obtain it. The money cannot
now be obtaiued. It can be obtained in
the interest of the people only through
government banks on n plau such a
The Wealth Makers outlined last week.
If irrigation is obtained through capital
ists it will cost the people every cent it is
worth to them, that is, the profit will go
to the money lenders or investors
The family preserves in miniature the
vision of what God intended should be
all-embraciug. The family was not form
erly reduced by the marriage of sons and
daughters, but increased. The patri
archal aud natural relation was for the
father to be to the young children the
type, or in the likeness of God, in his
care, bis provision, his love. He was also
to lead in worship, and as children's
children and their children grewupabout
him he was the patriarch, or father over
all. In all their generations, you will re
member, the Hebrews were called, "the
children of Israel." The family idea was
a growing idea, the father becoming the
patriarch, the patriarch and hischildren
the nation, and the nation or brother
hood, but for lack of faith or brotherli-
uess, would extend itself to fill the earth.
The church was in its original purpose
an effort to unite the divided members of
the great humau family, the brotherhood
of man under the fatherhood of God.
The church has lost the conception which
gave reason for its being, but that Divine
idea and purpose must be carried out-
The Christian industrial corporation wil
Some weeks ago we alluded to a pub
lished letter of John Wannamaker, in
which he severely denounced Prof. Her
ron for criticising his reported connect
ion as a stockholder with the Reading
railroad combine, which nearly two years
ago secured more perfect control of the
output of the anthracite coal industry,
and by so doing robbed consumers by
raining prices. It is not Prof. Herron's
habit to single out men as sinners above
others, nor did he do it in this instance.
What he had to say at the the time Mr.
Wannamaker's name was mentioned was
said at a Monday morning ministers'
meeting which was in the nature of a
private conference. Prof. Herron was
condemning the system of competition,
the selfiish, individualistic struggle of the
business world, and showed the difficulty
that confronted the church, as now or
gauized and working, in the way of deal
ing with the social problem. He stated
that the church was as much to blame
as these men, and tried to show how
these men were caught in the toils of the
present social system. The stress of his
talk was upon the system and not upon
the men.
Prof. Herron has been away over a
month, filling lecture -engagements in
Dayton, Ohio, Brooklyn, N. Y., Spring,
field, Mass., at Andover Theological Sem
inary, and Detroit, Michigan. The im
pression he has made is profound. We
have just read the comments of the Re
ligious Telescope, published at Dayton,
Ohio, and impressions and judgments ot
Duy ton ministers and busiuees men,
which were made and drawn out by his
public addresses and talks at that place.
The power Prof. Herron has to enlarge
conceptions of truth and to array men
for or against it, is the power of wider
and hence clearer vision. His greater
grasp of mind and clearer application of
moral principles make him the leader of
the agt, .
His niw book, which is to include his
address before our State University,
which so stirred the country,, and an
elaboration of his thought upon the sub
jects which it contained, will be published
next month.
Paper read by the editor of Titl Wialtb
Makers at tbe conference of co-operators held at
Lincoln, Dec. 10th and 161 h. ; f (
The worlds were framed, laid together,
built up, atom by atom, by the Divinely
started attraction of gravitation. The
first atoms, drawn together by the Di
vine power' that we call attraction,
through friction or chemical affinity de
veloped heat and light, burst into a tiuy
flame, into baby stars, which, fed from
the dark surrounding cloud of separated
atoms which filled all space at first, grew
and grew until, by the steady feeding of
these first fires of heaven, they became at
last vast suns and gaseous worlds, which,
cooling as the ages passed, were made fit
abodes for living creatures and finally
for the race of man. Progress in the
material universe and in the moral world
tins depended and must depend on union.
We were not made to live independently
or self-centered, any more than atoms
were made- to remain apart, without
light, heat, increase, power, or use. A
war of atoms would be material chaos;
a war of individual interests, such as we
see all about us and are engaged in, is
moral chaos. Out of this abyss we must
be saved by love, by obedience to "crea
tion's final law," by coming together.
"Wheeling systems sink and rise
In one shoreless universe;
And forever down the skies
Myriad stars one hymn rehearse.
Countless stars saloitf the sun, '
Planets to each other call,
Ages Into cycles run.
All for one and one for all."
As there is one material law binding
upon ail matter, the law of gravitation,
so there is one mental or moral law
which all are under. But the moral law
does not force us to love one another.
Good and evil are set before us: the good
of faithful unselfish love, loving our
neighbor as ourself, and theevilof loving
ourselves better than our neighbors. If
we choose the evil as our good, we must
suffer the penalty. "For all the law is
fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou
shall love thy neighbor aa thyself. But
if ye bite and devour one another, take
heed that re be not consumed one of
another." All the unspeakable suffering
we see or which is hidden from sight
about us, all the heart hunger of the peo
ple both rich and poor, all the burdens of
overwork aud anxiety under which so
many of us stagger and grow prema
turely old, are the necessary results of
rejecting the moral law and going it
alone, looking out merely for ourselves
as individuals or families. There is no
love in the market place, in business deal
ings, it matters not how much men pro
fess it on Sunday. Prices are not fixed
by love, but by need and greed; by the
might of the strong and cunning aud the
necessities of tbe poor. And with no re
ciprocation of love we do not even dare
to help one another freely with our sur
pluses, for fear we shall be ourselves in
need sometime in the future. .Having no
one to care for us we are seemingly com
pelled to 'lay up for ourselves treasures
on earth,' against the time of .uncertain
future need. What that need may be we
cannot measure, and if what we get is
our own, under the laws of the land, why
should not we get as much as possible,
keep about all we get, and place our
s( Ives, if possible, far beyond the reach
of want? So men reason, mid reach . out
greedy hands instead of loving, minister
ing hands; and in the game of grab, or
self-seeking a few get vastly more than
they produce or need, i.nd the many get
less. From the time we leave the parent
al roof we find ourselves in the midst of
cold hard business selfishness, and in this
atmosphere the good in us withers, mean
ness must perforce be cultivated aud
truth perishes. I speak of truth in its
perfection, the whole of truth that the
business world is too small and mean to
admit and make use of.' Business was
the same iu the time of Isaiah that it is
today, and the prophet then said, an a re
sult of transgressing the law of love and
lying against or misrepresenting the true
wisdom, upholding oppression as a right
divine, conceiving and uttering false
hood to make wrong appear right, with
these causes, which continue t this day,
the prophet saw the resultant condition
of society and described it thus:
"And judgment is turned away back
ward, and justice standeth afar off: for
truth is fallen in the street, and equity
cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he
that departeth from evil maketh himself
a prey."
This last statement, that "he that de
partgth from evil maketh himself a prey,"
forces us to consider the only way of
obedience, obedience which will bring
prosperity to all, much is the question
before us.
Suppose the individual starts out with
the determination to love every body as
he does himself. Equal love will require
Kim to never take less than he gives
n trade, and to divide his property with
jthose who need it, who have lees than
he, especially with those who are desti
tute and presently he will be in need him
self and no one will divide with him, or
they will at least see him in great dis
tress and force bim in humiliation to beg.
We must either refuse to really love our
neighbor, and if possible lay up for our
selves, or we maBt be "added together,"
as were the early Christians, massing our
land, capital, labor and wisdom for the
common good. If we lay up for ourselves
no one will love us but our immediate
families, wife and children. But if we
organize ourselves together as equal
brothers and sisters of one greater aifd
growing divine family, living as equals,
bearing burdens proportioned to our
individual strength, exalting labor into
Divine communion and making love it
great reward, we shallbe loved and cared
for by as many as we love and serve.
Who is there who feels entirely indepen
dent and self-suffleient? Who today is
not heart hungry? Who does not wish
to be associated with those who love, in
an unselfish working brotherhood? Who
is there who does not see that theway to
live is to love, and that the way to love
is to serve, and that the way to serve
and be served is to organize ourselves to
gether to economize labor and to do for
each other what each can do best. "Bear
ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill
the law of Christ."
Seeing all this, the way out of the
wilderness of sin seems plain to me.
Those who are "of one heart and soul"
should at once mass their property,
should hold it in common for the good
of all, that none man lack capital, and
should organize themselves into a Chris
tian corporation under the laws of the
state to hold property, provide work
and direct labor to the best possible
advantage, so caring for each and all
always, and distributing equally to all.
Those of us who see that there is no sur
render of self so long as wehold fast what
property we have, and that the pursuit
of private property by individuals is the
source of all temptations and evils, cut
ting ub off from one another's Jove,
making us commereial antagonists,
those who see this clearly, I say, are too
tired of the life of sin to wish longer to
continue it, and it will not be a great
effort for such to give up their private
property in land and capital that all
may be, with them, provided for. Those
of us who are filled with the inspiration
of love to do this, to incorporate, mak
ing ourselves one body o save ourselves
and all who will join us from all the evils
of selfishness, are scattered. As soon as
possible we should come together in
order to economize labor in production
and enjoy the companionship of one
another. We will need to consult to
gether often on the problems of love, oi
labor, of mutual accomplishment, which
will be ours to solve. So it will be neces.
sary for our scattered property to be
disposed of and for us to bring together
as soon as may be our resources, our
means of production. The early Chris
tians who were filled with the spirit oi
love, which is also the spirit of wisdom,
haviug lands or honses sold them and
brought the price, that common provi
sion might be made for all. For fellow
ship, for economic advantage, for greater
use of capital, for contact and inspira
tion of love we must meet often one with
another and all together. Let us there
fore agree upon articles of incorporation
and by-laws and as many of us come to,
gether at once as can, if land for the
best location is to be had. Some of ua
have property that- we cannot immedi
ately sell. Such property and all our
property, might be at once put in the
hands of a real estate committee, select
ed from our number, to be by them sold
or exchanged for land and capital where
we wish to bnild our new Eden, our gar
den of delights. There is another class
which we shall not perhaps for years be
able to provide work for in the commu
nity. For instance: we could not at
once employ any one to do the kind of
work I am perhaps best fitted todo. But
it would be a great grief to me to be shut
our, and I see how such as I may be
members of the corporation while provid
ing our own work or working for em
ployers just outside. The members of the
corporation, or body of Christ as I love
to call it, are to adopt the same standard
of living by virtue of equal division or
sharing of the common product. There
fore if I turn in my property and earning
I shall be doing my share, all I can, and
shall be entitled to an equal share with the
rest and can win the love of my brothers
and sisters who work with the common
capital, under managers of their own
selecting, and iu the constant society of
the unselfish. Unless we plau for this
possible membership, working outside
but for the inside, many wili be shut out
who would like to be one with us, aud
growth of the corporation will be greatly
hindered. It will not do to briug men to
gether and set them at work they are
not by nature or training fitted to do
That is one reason, though not the chief
reason, why co-operative colonies who go
off in the wilderness seem to me to be
unwise. They can provide no sufficient
variety of labor for the people who join
or who may wish to join them. I think
we should not seek some rarely favored
spot where it will be much easier to obey
God and love our fellowmen, partly be-'
cause I do not believe there are such
spots or localities. It really matters but
little where we begin, the one great work,
that of saving society by organizing in
dustry, is before us.
I think none of us expect we shall be
able to better our condition in the dollars
aud cents measurement very much just
in the beginning of our organization, or
that we can reduce our hours of labor for
awhile. Benefits measured in money will
be small at the beginning. But the be
ginning must be made, the social body
for the spirit of love must be born, else
there can be no growth in life and power.
We are but the individual atoms of the
social world. If we stay apart, self
centered individuals, all things will re
main as they are. If we come together
it will enkindle love between ns, and our
love will attract others to us, and as our
numbers increase the power of love will
multiply, and the people will come to us
"as a cloud, and as doves to their win
dows." Love in action is the mightiest
ot attractions, it is tBe all-conquering
power. Love in profession, merely, while"
we continue the selfish strife of the every
day business world, is hateful to God
and man. God says:
Is it such a fast for repentance that 1
have chosen? a day for a man to ulHict
his soul? is it to bow down his head as a
bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and
ashes under him? wilt thou call this a
fast, and an acceptable day to the Lordi
Is not not this the fast that 1 nave
chosen? to loose the bands of wicked
ness, to undo the heavy burdens,
and to let the oppressed go free,
and that ye break every yoke?
Is it not to deal thy bread to tht
hungry, and that thou bring the poor
that are cast out of employment to thy
house? When thou seeHt the naked, that
thou cover him; and that thou hide not
thyself from thine own flesh? We are all
Then by loving instead of professing
shall thy light break forth as the morn
ing, and thine health shall spring lortii
speedily, and thy righteousness shall gc
before ttiee; the glory of the Lord shall
be thy rearward.
Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall
answer; thou shalt cry, and Heshall say,
Here I am. If thou take away from the
midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth
of the finger, and speaking vanity; and if
thou draw out thy soul to the hungry
for love more than for all else, aud
satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy
light rise in obscurity, and thy darknesa
shall be as the noonday: and the Lord
shall guide thee continually, and satisfy
thy soul in drought, and make fat thy
bones: aud thou shall be like a watered
garden and like springs of water, whose
waters fail not. And they that shall be
of thee shall build the old waste places,
thou shalt raise up the foundations oi
many generations; and thou shalt be
called. The repairer of the breach, the re
storer of paths to dwell in."
This working of the spirit of love in our
hearts, prompting us to begin the orga
nization of men into one body, with one
spirit, that of Christ, I cannot doubt is
the spirit and plan of God, which is by
our humble beginning.through attracting
love and increase in numbers to grow un
til it shall gather all men and nations,
making the one kingdom of Christ. The
great light of love which we see ia the
the light of the millennial era, which is to
be brought in, not by supernatural
power compelling men to bow, but by
faithful obedience to the law of love,
which alone can make a new social
atmosphere and "anew earth wherein
dwelleth righteousness. We are not to
pray "Thy kingdom come," simply, but
obey the law of the kingdom and it will
'And they shall build houses, and in
habit, them; and they shall plant vine
yards, and eat the fruit of them. They
shall not build, and another inhabit;
they shall not plant, and another eat;
for as the days of a tree are the days ol
my people, aud mine elect shall long en
joy the work of their hands. They shall
not labor in vain, nor bring forth for
trouble; for they are the seed of the
blessed of the Lord, and their offspring
with them. And it shall come to pass,
that before they call, I will answer; and
while they are yet Hpeaking I will hear.
The wolf and the Iamb the aforetime
usurer and producer shall feed together,
and the lion shall eat straw like the bull
ock; and dust shall be the serpent's or
deceiver's meat. They shall not hurt
nor destroy in all my holy mountain,
saith the lord."
Before me in vision I see a few men and
women who believe that it is safe to "seek
first the kingdom of God and His righte
ousness," and they go to work, each for
all and all for each.1 They begin to serve
one another, unreservedly, and it leads
them to love one another.
Love in action begets love and keeps it
9ourishing. Together they study what
is their common interest. They with
wisdom and greater resources economize
labor and provide work for all the mem
bers of their body. They build and plant
aud manufacture and distribute. They
harness the God-given forces of the sun
light and the soil, gravitation and chemi
sal affinities, to create wealth for
them. They attach the energies of steam
and electricity to their machinery' and
tools. They discover what each can do
best and work together in the natural
order, by an uufolding perfect plan.
They banish selfish strife, and with it
want and woe. They show to the world
the wisdom of love, and the folly of sel
fishness. Those "who labor and are
heavy laden" are in consequence drawn
to them. The rich who prize love more
than money will also join them, and as
their numbers grow they will transform
the earth into a garden of beauty and
fill it with homes of comfort and luxury,
and Love with ever-increasing power tc
bless will go on conquering and to con
quer, until all men shall come to see its
saving power, and "nations shall be
born in a day.
Dependents, Defectives. Deli.vqve.nts,
by Charles Richmond Henderson, A.M.
Dr. Henderson gives in this book a con
tribution to thestndy of Socioloiry touch
ing apart of the subject that has, per
force, become of great moment to this
country. The book is to be commended
for its breadth of view and its accuracy,
both being the result of "twenty years or
more of study and experience end lectur
ing on the subject treated." The writer
brings to the problem rare sympathy
and a personal contact and knowledge
that makes his treatment of the subject
very effective. The chapter on Heredity
and Environment as Causes of Depen
dency is excellent, as are those on the
various forms of charities.
The most profound part is on Crfme
and its Social Treatment, especially the
chapter on Criminal Anthropology and
the Social Treatment of the Criminal.
Such books will be exceedingly valuable
to those interested in prison reform, in
the problem as to how to deal with
delinquent clusses. Each chapter, or sec
tion, has a bibliography which is very
valuable and it would be difficult to find
a book bearing on this subject better
adapted to general readers.
Published by D. C. Heath&Co.,Foston
and Chicago. Price f 1.50.
Shylock's Daughter, by Margaret
Holmes Bates.
The above story deals with conditions
well known to Nebraska people, and in
deed, no one would be surprised if the
scene had been laid here, if it were not
for the introduction of coal mines and
miners into the story. The moveineut is
rapid, is well executed and does what, no
doubt, the writer most desired brings
most clearly to view existing abuses.
The world would indeed bo happy if the
abuses could be corrected as easily as
thev are in the story.
Published by Charles H. Kerr & Co,,
Chicago. Price 50 cents.
Un-American Immigration, by Rena
Michaels Atchison.
This book touches the social problems
from the side of immigration and it must
be owned that the picture drawn is a
startling one. '
The South remains the only distinct
ively American part of the country, and
while we so often pity them because
they cannot attract foreign immigration
it is barely possible we ought to con
gratulate them. The influence of immi
gration upon the "Criminal Belt" and
"Pauper Belt" is practically significant
and ought to be understood by every
lover of his country. All students of in
dustrial problems ought to read what
Mrs. Atchison has to say about the in
dustrial efforts of Uu-Anierican Immigra
tion. She points to the fact, also, that
the fearful condition of our municipali
ties is due to the crowding together in
cities of a great foreign population who
help degrade the franchise and enhauce
the power of the saloon. Altogether it
is a book so crowded with facts as to be
most useful to every citizen. The intro
duction is by Rev. Joseph Cook.
Published by Charles H. Kerr & Co.,
Chicago. Price $1.25. .
The North American Review for De
cember contains some excellent articles.
The first one is by the apostolic delegate,
Satoli, and gives acceptable informa
tion on a subject about which little is
known. "Two Great Authors" is han
dled by Senator Lodne and Professor
Goldwin Smith, the first writing about
Holmes, the second about Froude. They
are well calculated to write with author
ity. The Comptroller of the Treasury
enumerates "Our Experiments in Finan
cial Legislation," and Professor Briggs
gives a very sympathetic and striking
account of that most unique aud power
ful ageutforgood, the "Salvation Army."
"Consular Reform" is treated by Henry.
White, Ex-Secretary of the United States
Embassy at London, and Dr. Louis
Robinson gives a second paper on "Wild
Traits in Tame Animals." Adjutant
General Ruggles discusses "The Pro
posed Increase of the Army," though
why our army should be increased when
it would seem in such a country as ours
the growth of civilization ought to make
an army unnecessary, is not apparent.
Sergius Stepuiak tells about "How the
Czar's Death Affects Europe," and then
"The Meauing of Elections" is ably dis
cussed by Representative Joseph W.
Babcock and Senator Charles J. Faulk-
ner. The Notes and Comments show the
tendency of the Review to afford a fait
and free discussion of questions relating
to women. The North American Review
evidently will continue to hold its present
high rank.
The following sample notices given
Armageddon show how it is appreciated:
ARMAGEDDON, or the final battle between
the wealth-makers and the wealth-takers.
This is a splendid collection of stirring
and patriotic songs with music. It con
tains 140 pages and over 60 songs set to
music besides a dozen not set. A number
of these same songs have been sold by us
at 20 cents each. These songs are George
Howard Gibson's best. Price, post paid
35 cents, or $3.60 a dozen. American
Armageddon is the name of a new song
book published by "The Wealth Makers
Publishing Company," of Lincoln, Neb.,
at 35 cents a copy. Armageddon is by
far the best book of its kind it has ever
been our pleasureto examine. The book
contains 70 songs, 57 of which are set to
music, and every one is a gem. There is
no chaff in the whole book. The songs
are strong and ably written, while the
music is of the very best. George How
ard Gibson, editor of The Wealth Mak
ers, is the author. His name is never
attached to any second class literary
production. There is ever an elevated
tone to his writings. His newspaper ia .
one of the very beet reform papers In
existence and Armageddon is, we think,
decidedly the best book of songs any
Alliance or labor organization can possi
bly find. The Sledge Hammer, Meadville-Pa-No
w is the time to make good use ot
Armageddon. It ought to be in every
Populist's home. If our songs are every
where sung, made popular, our cause
will speedily succeed. Let singing cluba
be formed to master the mueic of this
book. None finer or more effective has
ever been written. "God Save the Pea?
pie" is a mightily stirring piece in both
music and words. "Our Line of Defense"
is another thrilling song set to the finest
patriotic air of Germany, "Die Wacht
Am Rhein." But we have not space to
tell of the merits of each one of tbe 70
songs which the book contains. Humo
rous, pathetic, thrilling, awakeuing, en"
thusing, calling forth all that is manly
and noble, all love of right and justice,
and marshalling the hosts to battle, it
should be sent for and made use of by all
earnest men aud women now. Get
ready this winter to Bing these industrial
gos"pe1 song r jr.'Silie-rsv-e.,,. w