THE WEALTH MAKERS December 20 1894 ' ' i 1J PUNCHED TO DEATH PRIZE RING. IN THE fliYOTS BLOWS WERE FAT1L Tka fight M a Mwt DP"I Ob, la Which Lavlfaa Mad All the Bwl of It lUpcatedly Strach His Ad versary over id win Held In Defl of 10.000 Ball. Miw Orleans, La., Dec. 1?. Andy 1 Bo wen, tbe lightweight champion pugilist of the South, died at 7 o'ciock this morning from the effects of the punishment received in his fiffht with George Lavigne of Sagiraw, Mich., Wore the Auditorium Athletic club last nifrht The light was a most desperate one, in which Lavigne had all the best of it after the first round and made a chopping block out of the fame but out-classed Crescent city fighter. The knockout blow was delivered in the eighteenth round when Lavinge fplanted his left heavily over Bowen'a iheart and crossing savagely with his fright, landed a terrible O'Ovv on the 'ano-le of the jaw. liowen felt back 1 "i 11 J anI kin Vi A Ck ) BtPHaIt 11 KO 4 IOiiCU VIOC aUa M "vv ova uvm the floor heavily. Lavinge walked to his corner, while Referee Duffy count ed the ten seconds. The beaten man was picked np limp and to all appearances lifeless, by his handlers and carried to his dressing room. He remained uncon scious from the time he received the blow and was conveyed from his dressing room at the club to his home Ion Thalia street near Magazine. I The scene at the house this morn- i. ing was a most pathetic one. Dr. Ed. Martin was called in at an early hour land did all that human skill could ; do to save the life that hung in the balance, but to no avail The mother, of the pugilist, when he was carried into the house, predicted that he Iwould never recover, while his young "wife grew hysterical in her agony. ;They sat beside the unconscious man and wept and prayed as only women can, but of no avail. His eyes had looked on them for the last time and he never opened his lips. I At 5 o'clock Dr. Finney thought Bowen had improved and at that hour he did not think that the fight would have a fatal termination. n reply to a request from the chief of police. Dr. Finney sent a certificate paying that Bowen was better. It was a message of relief to Lavigne and Duffy and the seconds, who had been arrested when Bowen'a condi tion became alarming. The doctor remained with Bowen the end. Just as the hands of the ock were nearlng 7 Mrs. Bowen eaned over the bed and said: "Oh, Andy, say something to me." Andy shivered and groaned, his frame shook and then, without ever having come back to consciousness after La vigne had landed, he breathed his last i i ... a vn minn A novel. i The news of Bowen's death was ade known to Lavigne and his party hortly after it had bsen communi- ated by telephone to the central station. Lavigne had been detained ;;at the station with his seconds and 'and attendants all night and he slept but little, being anxious every mo ment to get tidings from the bed side of the wounded pugilist La eigne, when he heard of Bowen's death, expressed his profound sym pathy for Bowen's wife. ,. In answer to a question he said that he did not feel that he had been the direct cause of the death of the pugilist; in other words, the blow iwhich he delivered on the jaw of the dead man, he did not consider, had 'been sufficiently forcible to have car fried with it fatal consequences. He . said he believed that when Bowen fell that his head had struck the pine flooring and that the concussion had been the cause of his death. He was inot oniy sorry ior uowen s death, but he ' was in much apprehension as to what would be- come of himself in connection with ithe fignt and how long it was likely rthat he would be kept it prison. Friends assured him that he would jprobably have no difficulty in obtain ing bis release after the usual formal ities of the law had been complied with and that he need have no fear of lack of friends and influence to help him out of his unfortunate di lemma. f Lavicrne was admitted to bail in the turn of (10,000, the others $5,000. Duffy, the referee, and Spitzfaden Were the only ones to furnish bond. Spain Kaltes Its Wool Dot lot. Madrid, Deo. 17. The chamber of deputies has adopted a motion to jraise the import duty on wool, the Krote standing S3 in favor to 30 iairainst When the result of the vote bras known the minister of finance, iKnor Salvador, announced his resig (nation. The Conservatives then left 'the chamber and the Liberals threat ened to do likewise. Finally the President irave the preference to SEOtion to suspend the tariff debate nendin? the appointment oi a new minister of finance. : THE YELLOW EAGLES. The Gold Reserve to Being Depleted at Very Rapid Rate. t Washixgtox. Dec. 17. The gold re serve yesterday took another down Ward plunge ly the withdrawal of $4, 875,000, leaving the net reserve at the close of business $96,341,834, or 13.658.116 below the 8100,000,000 limit, . iOf this amount withdrawn, $4,530,000 .went from the sub-treasury at New (York and $325,000 irom boston. Tan Lenven Found Guilty. Dcbcqce, Iowa, Dec. 17. After an .hours deliberation me jury in tne iLeuven for conspiracy witfi John Ran 'idn to bribe the Cresco board of exam ining surgeons returned a verdict of i mi nn'-in if nirn uur" "" uoi iiUiicii niLim Pay Roll for ovemhr Show an lav ereaae of Earning of IB Per Cent. New York, Dec 17. R. G. Dun & Ox's weekly review of trade says: Dun's review is enabled, by the kindness of several thousand manu facturers who have forwarded state ments of their pay rolls of November, this year, in 1803 and in 1803, to make a very encouraging comparison of earnings for that month, which shows an increase in total payments of J5.8 percent over last year, but a decrease of 18.3 per cent in compar ison with 1802. A statement of bands employed shows that in tbe same es tablishments 10.3 per cent more per sons were employed than a year ago, but 8.S per cent less than 1893. The average of earnings for over 350,000 hands is 4 per cent larger than in 1893, but 13.5 per cent less than in 1893, and this statement takes no account of hours of work in the months com pared, or of the establishments now working at all this year. In some of the industries more hands are at work than in 1893, but in others the de crease is large. Contradictory changes in business are quite in order at in is season. Neither the larger orders in some branches nor the depression of prices in others afford a safe indica tion of the general movement But the working foroe does not lessen more than usual for the time of a year and the demand for goods does not seem to diminish, though in some departments it is considerably below the capacity of works in operation and the volume of business transacted is a little larger in comparison with last year than in November. The speculative markets have ad vanced a little, through reasons hard to find. Whea t is unchanged in price, although , Western receipts are as large as they were last year and At lantic exports are 831,305 bushels, against 1,039,000 a year ago. Corn is a fraction weaker without any im portant change in movement though the receipts continue - remarkably large. The heavy receipts of cotton have broken down the price to $5.75 in spite of a strong speculative in terest looking for some recovery from the lowest point on record. HER LOVE HAS COOLED. Sirs. Brandt, Who Eloped With Preach er Haney, Leaves Him In Anger. Chicago, Dea 17. A morning paper says that the Rev. Conrad Haney of the Lake Avenue church, who de serted his wife and children and fled with Mrs. George V. Brandt has in turn been deserted by . the woman, the pair separating in Cincinnati af ter a stormy interview between the fuilty couple and a Mr. Huttig of luscatine, a brother of Mrs. Brandt The paper continues: "Mrs. Brandt returned to Chicago last Thursday night for a final leave taking of her children and last night left the city alone. She was accompanied to the train by Mr. Brandt, who purchased her a ticket to an Eastern seaport, from whereit is said, she will take a steamer to Europe. Those who saw the parting say it was a tearless one."1 Where Mr. Haney has gone :s be yond the knowledge of his friends in this city. ; -. , , Experimental Agricultural Stations. Washington, Dec. 17. Acting Sec retary of the Interior Sims has ap proved a report of the commissioner of education favoring resolutions re cently adopted by the association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations. He thinks the appropriation by congress of $6,000 a year for the purpose, as recommended by the report, would prove of inesti mable advantage to the cause of agri cultural and mechanical schools. Mr. Harrison Will Not Ban Again. Boffalo, N. Y., Dec. 17. Colonel D. S. Alexander, who was United States district attorney for Northern New York under President Harrison, returned from the West yesterday. He stopped for two days in Indianap olis and spent some time with ex- President Harrison. He said that General Harrison assured him that under no circumstances would he be a candidate foe tbe nresidencv acain. , Cook Outlaws Safe Id Prison. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 17. United States Marshal Crump of Arkansas and deputies arrived last night with the thirty-two Federal prisoners from Arkansas and the Indian territory who were recently sentenced to vari ous long terms in the Detroit house of correction. Three of the prison ers are ex-members of the Cook gang. Pawnbrokers Defrauded. St. Joseph, Ma, Dec. 17. The man known as J. M. Black of Atchison, Kas., who defrauded Kansas City pawnbrokers with a duplicated watch, worked the same trtclc on a number of St. Joseph pawnbrokers, secured several hundred dollars and then disappeared. , Socialists Protected. Berlin, Dee. 17. The Reichstag, by a vote of 168 to 58, adopted the re port of the committee which recom mended that permission be not grant ed to the public prosecutor to take action against the Socialist members who refused to rise and cheer for the emperor. Ctes Agree to Leave Utah. Monticello, Utah, Dec. 17. The Ute Indians ajrreed yesterday to move out of Utah at once. As soon as the conclusion was reached signal fires were seen from some of the adjoin ing mountains. The people are well satisfied and feel secure. All Released. New Orleass, La., Dec 17. This afternoon all the participants in the Bowen-Lavigne fight were released on bail, after they had spent some hours in jail. A Denver Millionaire at Rest. Dexver, Col., Dec. 17. Dr. (hear Cass, a millionaire, died yesterday, aged 71 years. The lowest order of animal life is found in the microscopic jellyfish. It is simply a minute drop of gelatinous matter. Our Great Clubbing You Can Secure Jr)? Imriear d and. Pi By tending that amount immediatelj to the publishers of this paper. Everybody knows What the Nonconformist is our National Paper. Gives ali the news fresh from the battle-fields. It is f 1.00 per year, so is The Wealth Makers, bnt by special arrangement with the Non Con we are enabled to send you both papers for one year for only $1.55. Old subscribers may take ad vantage of this offer as well as new ones. , You Ought to Have It Send us $1.55 immediatelj and get these two great papers Wealth Makers Pub. Co. Lincoln, Neb. THtterTi FIFTY CENTS -eTCL.' Issued by page publishing CO.. times building, new York. A Novelty In Magazines. All Illustrations with Brief Descriptions. " It's a good thing, pass it along," ONE OF THE MOST UNIQUE PUBLICATIONS IMAGINABLE. Every Issue a Veritable Curiosity 5hop. The great big directory of everybody, everywhere, does not mention the name of anybody of any size or age who doesn't love pictures. Vs 59 HERE IS A MINE FULL-1000 A YEAR. The "Pai er World" savs ! "The RmrwMAeaniitslneepuMr with tes true, amuazmeor pictures ; pot they are not the ordinary kind. Instead, the closely printed pages are luiea wiu oaa. L trr thf, initial nnmher t year. ttck number contains 10 large pages, and It is not too mnch educational food that causes mental dyspepsia. Ira how it is cooked and served. The Picture Magazine is done to a turn." The Magazine of type must be seen and read; this needs to be seen only. Interests and pleases everybody. Is all digested ready for assimilation. The best pictures that the world has are gleaned and packed in solid pages, with briefest possible descriptions, and it Is guiltless of what the late James Russell Lowell was moved to call " the modern plague of printed words." EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER WAHTS THIS NOVELTY. By special arrangement with the publishers, we are enabled to send both "Tni Pictdrs Maoazinb" and Thb Wealth Makers to any subscriber, new or old, for one year for only fl. 20. Who will be tbe first to send and get this fine magazine and The Wealth Makers (or one year for only 11.207 Address, WEALTH MAKERS PUB; CO.. Lincoln. Neb. J. W, Caitok. Tres. J. P. Rovse. Vice-Pres. W. B. Likch, Sec'y. A. Gbeenimyer, Treas O. L. Linch. State Agent. The Farmers' ! Tbe Largest, Best and Cheapest in the Over 0 4 AA AAA t Z'r-'s insurance ijci Now in Effect . H - fK":.' l j .-. - s i is .. VflBasssss-a Losses Paid More Promptly tban Anj Old Line Company Doing Business. Insnres airainst Fire and Llghtnlnft, Wind and Tornado, at One Per Cent. Has ron Three years without any Assessment. Fnrnlshes Insurance to tbs Farmers at Actual Cost. All Losses Paid In Fnll and no debts standing against the Company. Home Office: 245 So. 11th St, PURELY II ss SS itthdiiivi MT-TTTAL FIRE. LIGHTNING i half mlliioB insnred. Have paid over 1500.00 In losses. Have had but one assessme: 10c per 1100.00. J. Y. M. BwiQART, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb. lafARents wanted. Seelcy nld In 928,000 Da II. ICkw York, Dec. 17. Samuel U Seeley was arraigned this morning and bound over under $25,000 bonds, lie was taken t jail in default of bail. Jforeorformi5t Both One Year ... for Only $1.55 D & torn. PER YEAR. Yet Soot toe wlUmstcaidroU,lisaaremustJOona." Farm Mutual Insurance Company State. Over $7,000 on hand. Thirty-two Losses Paid m 1894 . LINCOLN, NEB. MUTUAL ZT1 CO n cr P o o n 2" fa a o 3 & CYfiLONE INSURANCE COMPANY. Over TTiacIier a Candidate for Senator. Topeka, Kan., Dec 17. Colonel O. E. Leonard, of Lawrence, says tle State Senator Solon Tnenh.r nf riniltrlaSS COimtT, for United s'tates senator will probably be announced within a very few davs. tlutnal Insnrapce Company of Nebraska Established la 1ML -THE Prairie 5armcr A Weekly Joirmal tor ' THE FARM, ORCHARD k FIRESIDE. PskUsked by Tea Paaiata raaHaa Prausawe Co.. MS-laf Adams Street. Catcac. I.OO A YEAR.- This great farm journal is head and shoulders above any agricultural paper of tbe day. Bright, Clean, and ia just the paper for the wide-awake farmer and his family. New Writer for I894-'0B. PROF. GEORGE E. MORROW, Special staff writer. C. P. GOODRICH. E. H. FARR1NGTON, Special writers on Dairying. WALDO BROWN, F. B. MDMFORD, THOS. SHAW, Special writers on Live Stock. JOS. MEEHAN, Special writer on Horticulture. CHARLES DAD ANT, Special writer on Bees. The Household department is eon ducted by experienced writers, and the Young Folks department is incompetent hands. In short, there is everything necessary to a first-class agricultural paper. m BEST CLUBBI1TO HAOB omx BYXB Toa eaa have The Wealth Makers ... and The Prairie Farmer both One Tear for fl.30. This offer is to old subscribers as well aa new ones. Just think of itl Two such papers as Thb Prairie Farmer and Tbk Wealth Makers one year for $1,801 Send in your Subscriptions Immediately .aaXL- We do not know how long we can af ford to make this offer. Address, WEALTH MAKERS PUB. CO., Lincoln, Ben. BOOKS FOR THE MASSES. Get these books and our paper as fast as you can into the bands of tbe people, friends. Buy, read and circulate. Ad dress all orders to the Wealth Makers Pitb. Co., Lincoln, Neb. The New Rwdeniption . . . ... .$0.75 A Plea For the Gospel . V .j Civilization's Inferno 50 Looking Backward 50 The Dogs and the Fleas 50 Ai; A Social Vision 50 Co-Operative Commonwealth 50 If Christ Came to Chicago 50 Political Facts, 25c, 75c and........ 1.00 Ten Men of Money Island 10 Stockwell's Bad Boy 10 Seven Financial Conspiracies. ..... .10- MYfnflVIFE CANNOT IK HOW VOd DO CIABi; tmr dr.w.r wlnol or ck Im rTmiw High kwm StefWKwtaf mickiM ncl, tiniihi. nick.l to Uehl ii siu rsi iiuini. NT A4 Inloull.BotM. Hlvtar, Bir-Thr..dl.(C7ll a EbSAA " Skattl. 8lf-8ttlng IfMdl Hd eompleU 3 fJ""'"rVrt ' Stwl ilt.ehM.lil (hipped oT hen " SO Dmv'a Trial. No money required la advaac 76,000 bow IB ox. World! Fatr Medal awarded machine and attach. meota. Boy from factory and aava dealer'! and agent'i profit, rnrr Cat ThleOot and aend to-day for machine or larre fra) I K t C catalogue, teothnonlala and Gllmpaea of the World', Fair. OXFORD MFB. CO. 312 W.Uih Art. CHICA60,!LL A -INCUBATORS! .TT) f We Warrant Jvanhj J . The Reliable 4t "'a., rT" ".I ToHeteb fcoper cnktLrKauuLiT!MG 4r J'aMJBV "sjl Durable, Comet la PrtKlfle. Imiet JL, fawll X f u World't 6a to Hemp! for ? w NS--1 new U2 page Pooltry Guide td C.ta- it lone. POr LTRT FOR PROFIT nude pleis. fied.Bork laformetioii. w ir Reliable Incubator and Brooder CcQuincy, III. AGEMTS$75 JIMDK or aeliil.( PRACTICAL PLATING DYNAMO.ThrmM era meihod, uwd Id all factcrici to iilatc new sooua, Fine told. tilrer, nickel, etc , on wtichf, Jewelry, tavble-wm, fcicjcl'fi aud an meiu ttxKia; Dueouiuu ror aenu; 4iffereot alzi; alwayi rewiy; no bcutry; 00 toy; no xperienoe; no limit to p)&iiug rjeid-il: a rw B"wt umit r. W. P. HARRISON A CO Clerk No. IB, Columbus, Ohio. Agreeable recreation is that which least resembles work, diverts the mind, and smooths on rough edfces of life's cares. Bloycle tiding is a boon to busv brain workers, in school or office especially to ailing women. In s BICYCLES most highly honored by World's Fair judges has been attained the acme of perfection in "easy run ing," light wheel construction. (125 FOR ALL WEIGHTS AND STYLES. Book of Rambler free at Ramhlrr ajrencies, tf ty mail for two 2cent stamps. Gormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co. Chicago. Boston. Washington. New York. B R. GUTHRIE, Agent, Lincoln, Neb Mir , J jsr"! a Offer! -5saWrHValJ- REPRESENTATIVE, v V -OF- MINNEAP0LIS, MINN. The Greatsst Rsform Paper in the Northwest. It is less than a year and a half old, and has risen to an immense circulation. The weekly page of contributions from Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, author of "tasdr'a Col umn" and the Preamble to the Omaha Platform, is alone worth many times the subscription price; while our "Forum" contains every week contributions from tbe brightest miuds in the People's Party, not only in Minnesota, but throughout tbe country. V Per Year .............$1.00 Six Months. 50 Three Months . . ... .25 Everyone should see what the new party has got to say for itself, through the mouth of one of its ablest organs. The People's Part v vi ill Carry the Nation in 1896. Come in and be one of our family of readers. i This battle is raging over the whole world, and it will yet revolu tionize tbe whole world. You are behind the age if you are not ; posted. ROBERT ECKFORD, 1 n . a V Dusines. manager, 306 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota. You may have both ! 51? reprseQtatiue 5r;e Ucaltr; Iak;er8 One Year for $1.55 ' -j By addressing m t Wealth Makers Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. This offer is open to old sub scribers as well as new ones. Buy "Direct Fkom Factory" Best MIXED Paints. At WEOLE8ALI PRICES, Delivered Free. For Hoimea. Barns, Roofs, all colors, and SAVE Middlemen's profits. In nse 51 years. Endorsed br armies and Farmers' Alliance. Low Drlcea will surprise you. Write Jor samples. O. W. INHEKhOLL, 253 Plymouth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. iAnsv PILLS? Safe and sure, send c. foruwoman s safe GUARDS' Wilcox 8pecific Co,fila..P. Celebrated Female Powders never fail safe and tun (after tailing with Tanar and Pennyroyal Pilli), particular, i omta Dr. S. T. SIX, BsckBay, Boaton, Mua. H. S. Aley,M.n, Treats Snccesslnlly Nervous, Female & Chronic Diseases by means ot ELECTRICITY aad tbs Dosimetric System of Medication. OFFICE: 1215 0 ST., LINCOLN. NEB. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND Eeadacbe b? Get Br. Miles' Pain Pllla. onus I I STDCUU MDIII'S lllllllliplll lite UlllUMIil! 1 H fuilty.