The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, December 20, 1894, Image 1

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The Govenimeat, the People and th
PaoiSc Railroad Millionaires.
Taubeneck Imperfectly Reported, bul
He Wants the Money Question
Made the IssueHis Purpose
Right But His Vision
Narrow and Argu
ment Weak. i
Washington Special Correspondent.
For the past week both houses of con
gress have been quite busy. The Demo
crats remind one of the fellows who get
very industrious on Saturday, evening
after being idle all the week. They have
let nearly two years' time run to waste,
and now they have just awakened to the
fact, and are trying to crowd everything
into this short session. The Democrats
of the senate held two caucuses at which
; they discussed the propriety of calling
up the popgun tariff bills passed by th
house during last session. They also
discussed the chances of changing ths
rules of the senate so that the previous
question could be ordered. The caucus
' decided that if the Democrats should
call up the popgun tariff bills that it
would provoke discussion, that that
would consume the entire session, as it
was very evident that the Republicans
would resort to every known method ol
filibustering rather than let coal and
iron go ou the free list. The caucus also
decided that it would be impossible to
adopt the cloture rule in the senate at
this time. The senate has been discuss-
, ing the Nicaragua canal bill for several
days. The bill under discussion pro
poses for the United States to endorse
the bonds of the canal company for $ 70,
0(10,000. Thfs looks very much like
another Pacific railroad steal. The gov
ernment endorsed the bonds of the Union
Pacific railroads for 66,000,090. These
bonds have been refunded, and now
amount to about $ 120,000,000.
The government has bad to pay all
the interest, for allot which the railroads
have never paid one cent, yet the-stock-holders,
such as Stanford, Huntington,
Scott, et al.. have become millionaires.
If the Nicaragua canal should be built,
and would be of such great advantage to
this country, then let this country issue
greenbacks, build the canal, own and
control it fn the interest of the people.
If the government bonds are so good
and safe when they bear interest, why
are they not just as good when they
bear no interest
The corporations are getting in theii
work right along this session.
On last Tuesday the house passed a
bill amending the Inter-State Com mere
law, so that therailroads'will be allowed
to pool. The bill passed by a vote o!
lt)0 tts to 110 nays. 1 am glad to re.
pprt that every Populist in the houst
voted against this iniquity, buch Alli
ance Democrats as Alexander, Branch,
Lawson, Livingston and Moses voted
for the bill. I bis looks very strange, in
deed, when we remember that the plat
forms upon which these men were elected
to congress in 1890, was for the govern
ment ownership straight. It would be
interesting to know how many of the
men who voted for this bill ride on free
The committee of the house on bank
ing and currency, Mr. Springer chair
man, is now at work on Secretary Car
lisle's financial scheme, with the view of
perfecting a bill embodying Cleveland's
ideas. Ihe committee is holding daily
meetings and has invited Carlisle, Eckels
and the bankers of the country gener
ally to appear before the committee and
let it know exactly what the banks
want. Secretary Carlisle has drafted a
bill covering the views of the administra
tion. This bill, if enacted, means the de
struction of our greenbacks, the perma
nent demonetization of silver, a single
gold standard, the absolute control of
the issue and volume of our currency by
national and state banks. It is a con-
j nMWTh .akjJat o, the demoneti-
" itttToiV "Tf! Itr5 1 Tr ' 1 1-to fcei.Vv ed
.tUat the bill will pass the house, and the
only hope for tlie'"cbuuTfyis'that it will
be defeated in the senate.
It appears from some very pungent ed
itorials that have appeared in some of
our reform papers recently, criticising
Chairman Taubeneck, that they are en
tirely mistaken as to his true position.
In reply to a letter from your corre
spondent on this subject, Mr. Taubeneck
"J. II. Turner,
"My Dear Sir: Yours of recent date
came to hand in due time, but the illness
anideoth ofrny brother's two children,
as well as the illness of my father, pre
vented an earlier reply.
"As to Milton Park, I shall make no
reply. I don't care to defend myself
from the attacks of a man who has re
peatedly defended and whitewashed Dr.
McCune in his treachery towards our
party. You know ray views better than
any man in our party. You know that
I have never favored a single silver plank
for our platform, you also know that we
ought to make the 'Money Question' the
paramount Issue.
.. . ...1 ., aL Y t
"The interview puDiisnea in tne ivocKy
Mountain News was uot writteu in my
presence, nor did I see it beforeit was sent
out, but in one sense it is true, and in an
other it is not. The statemeut m regard
to "fancies, schemes, and rainbow chas
ing" is true, that is, I used those words,
but applied them to some of our state
platforms we had this year. Many con
tained fifteen and eighteen planks, in
cluding almost every scheme and freak
ever advocated by socialists and com
munists. I repeat that it was untortu
nateforour cause that this was done.
The reporter made a mistake, as it often
occurs in writing interviews from mem
ory, in not mentioning the fact that this
applied to some of our state platforms
iu tins year s campaign.
"I wish some of our platform buildere
could read the stacks of letters we re
ceived on the subject, from as good Pop
ulists as ever voted our ticket. We must
bear in mind that it requires twice as
much time and work to educate the peo
ple on two issues as on one. If we recog-
nze the tact as we must, tnen now long
will it take to educate the people on fif
teen or eighteen plunks? Do you sup
jose that we could realize any results
short of one hundred years? We must
recognize the great fact, that the plat
orm of a new party is seldom much
stronger than its weakest plank, and it
will only be a question of time until we
will have more platform than voters.
"I am receiving cheering news from all
along the line in regurd to the St. Louis
meeting on December 28th and 29th.
Air. Debs and Mr. Howard of the A. R.
U. will meet with us. Colorado will have
a good-sized delegation. It Will be the
most important meeting held since the
Omaha convention. I feel confident that
we will have representatives from every
state in the Union."
In justice to Mr. Taubeneck I will say
say that he and I have discussed thit
question hundreds of times, and he al
ways expressed himself to me just as he
has in the above letter, and I am satis
lied that the interview in the ' Ilocky
Mountain News, when it quoted him as
wishing to make the silver question
alone the issua, was misleading and un
true. J, H. Turkish.
It Won't Work
The Chicago Times is now trying to
ride two horses going in opposite direc
sious at the same time. It has fallen in
to democratic hands again and is now
trying to hold up the democracy and
also cater to the interests of the People's
party. It now advocates a fusion of
Populists and Democrats to beat the
Republicans in 1896. "Willyou walk in
to my parlor said the spider to the fly."
Entangling alliances have cost us too
much in the past to be advocated for the
future. Had there been no "endorse
ment" in Nebraska the result would have
been different. A fusion or alliance with
the Democrats as proposed by the Times
is a scheme couched in sugar-coated
terms by which the plutocrats hope to
play the same game in the national elec
tion as "lias been played in the Populists
states this year, to befuddle the honest
voters while every element of corruption
unites to sustain the party of the money
trust. No fusion lor us. Keep in the
middle of the road. Those who are not
for us are against us. If the honest vot
ers are for us they will come to us. We
have marked out a straight course to
pursue, leading directly to reform in the
management of public affairs, and any
deviation from the straight path only
makes the journey longer for you must
get back again and pursue the straight
path to reach the goal. Fusion is a sacri
fice of principle for office and is generally
disastrous to reform elements. To fuse,
is to surrender; to surrender ishades. No
fusion, no surrender; no surrender, no
hades. The Calliope.
A Crazy Populist
Mr. Natioual Goldbug, stand up!
Where did you get the currency you
Auswer. From the national govern
ment. What interest do you pay?
A. One per cent cost of making.
What security do you give?
A. Government bonds, upon which I
draw intprost.
What makes your money pass current
A. The fuct that it is secured by gov
ernment bonds.
Then is it not the credit or backing of
the government that gives it its value,
rather than ihe credit of your bank
which nominally issues it?
A. Yes.
Could not the government just as well
back its own notes (greenbacks) as yours,
and save you the trouble of issuing mon
ey to the people?
A. Oh I I see you areacrnzy Populist.
I won't answer such impertinent ques
tions. Friends, paste this in your hat. Now.
Arctics, Alaskni, Rubbers or any thlngyon need.
To M them meanto want them. They Uoo't coit
much. They are at your price. Kecelrer'e 8ho
Bale, 1016 O Street
Co-operatora Who Will Try to Re
dfioe Ideals to Reality
The Altrurians from their colony in
Sonoma county, will publish a paper.
"It will be," says the initial issue, "a
traveler from Altruria, knocking at many
doors, informing the people of the, pur
pose, spirit and progress of ourwork. It
will tell of no more earnest effort to do
right things in a noble and humane
way." L 'f
The promoters of Altruria say that
they have taken the best ideas from
Plato's "Republic," More's 'Utopia,''
Bellamy's "Arcadia," Fourier's "Pha
lanstery," St. Simon's '.'Industrial Sys.
tern," Baboeuf's "Charter of Eqnality,"
Cabot's "Icaria" and particularly W. D.
HoweuV'-Dream of Altruria," and will
attempt to make real the ideals of these
philosophers and dreamers.
The first number of the paper reflects
the scholastic influence of Berkeley and
is inclined to quote from from Elizabeth
an poets.
"It will call attention," says the salut
atory, "to the existing chaos of industry,
trade, civil afiairs and social relations,
and commend and support all wise en
deavors to bring order out of coufusion.
Aud in all this it will aim to be sober,
thoughtful, just, sincere, truthful, con
siderate and wise."
The inevitable reference to misleading
contemporaries is conspicuous. It says:
"While we appreciate voluntary adver
tisements of our contemporaries of the
press, some of them have indulged in im
aginary details as to our methods as
amusing as they are inaccurate and mis
leading. One friendly journal even went
bo far as to accompany a two column
article with a wood engraving of what
purported to be our 'Mountain Home' iu
the foothills of California. As this was
evidently a secondhand woodcut, re
served for duty in an emergen and as
we had not then found . a desirable site
for our colony settlement, it was certain
ly rather premature."
According to the paper's description,
the srtct selected for a beginning is at
the edge of the hills about seven miles
from Santa Rosa. They have secured
2,000 acres, with Mark West creek flow
ing through. The tract is partly wood
ed, but some of the land is now under
cultivation. The hillsides they intend to
devote to fruit, hay. grain and pastur
age. There is an old gristmill on the
place, and this is to be repaired and put
to use. A dam is to be Duiit near tne
mill, and a typical New England mill
pond is hoped for. Thedescription glow
ingly depicts the beauty of thevnlleyand
the fertility of the soil. It is proposed
to found a town either of the Altruris
farm or within easy reach. They have
also a timber tract across the valley,
with a sawmill now in operation. They
expect to set a force of men at work on
both tracts at once. They want as
members of the colony only those who
can be absolutely unselfish.
The declared intention is to engage in
farming, stock raising, horticulture,
manufacturing and general business.
AH labor is to be performed under an or
ganized system, every member being re
quired to work an equal number of days
per annum. Those who chop wood,
plow, harrow, grub roots, brand attle
and other hard work will have fewer
hours a day to toil than those who have
the easy jobs. If a member works more
hours than required by the colony, he
gets nothing for it but gratitude and be
comes a benefactor.
One curious correspondent asks what
the statute of wives will be in the colony.
The editor replies that wives will be
counted as separate members, and the
wife will have her separate income re
gardless of her husband. - ltisnotstated
just what she will do, but will probably
cook, call the men to dinner, wave her
apron and say ' Shoo! to the chickens
when they encroach on the flowers gar
den and the vegetable patch, and enter
tain the preacher and other company,
The importance of infant recruits is rec
ognized by the Altrurians, for they state
that when "a wife is caring for a family
of children she is certainly doing work
for the community."
Members who become disabled through
sickness, accident or old age while in the
service of the association will receive lull
The association, The Altrurian states,
will furnish the nurse, room, medicine
and everything else necessary, but the
patient must do the suffering. Ihe only
unproductive members will be theyoung,
the sick and the aged. A tribunal is to
be established in the Sonoma colony for
the trial of unruly and selfish people.
Any person working fewer hours than are
required will be accused of robbing the
association and must stand trial. In
temperance in any form will be regarded
as infidelity to the association. San
Francisco Examiner.
A complete course in double entry
book-keeping by mail will cost you only
$10.00. The National School ok Book
keeping, St. Louis, Mo., 201 Union Trust
Building, have pupils in all parts of the
country who testify to the merits of their
Bystem of teaching. lou should employ
your leisure moments in fitting yourself
for a good position or to intelligently
manage your own anairs.
Are We Financial Cowards?
Now that the eloctions have cleared the
atmosphere of oratorical smoke and the
red rag of protection versus tariff for
revenue only has been withdrawn until the
assembling of congress, let us turn our
attention to the real cause of financial
depression. A clever man said in arecent
issue of this review that what we need is
a renewal of confidence. How can this
confidence be renewed? I find everybody
in mortal terror of Europe, consequently
I want to know why a republic priding
itself on independence of thought and
character, is so absolutely abject finan
cially. In the presence of a great power
from which we successfully rebelled 100
years ago, we bend the pregnant hinges
of the knee at bare mention of dollurs
and cents'. Why is it? I shall interview
every leader in this country until I find
"Is it true," I asked a great thinker
last week, "that Englandaloneholdstwo
thousand five hundred millions of United
States securities, bearing interest includ
ing exchange of six per cent payable in
"Yea, according to the public state
mentsofliondon statisticians. Thesecre
tary of the treasury says there is no pub
lic record in this country showing the
amount of foreign investments. We
must therefore go to Europe to learn not
only how much we are in debt to Great
Britain.'but that at least five huudred
million dollars additional of United
States investments are held in France
and Germany. This- makes a total in
three countries of three thousand mil
lions, imposing an interest charge, in
cluding exchange, of one huudred and
eighty millions per annum. A nice state
of serfdom, isn't it?" ;
"If this be ttue, does it no fully ac
count for the steady flow of 'gold from
this country?" t
"Of course. It is estimated that ten
per cent of the principal of thjs indebted
ness matures -eacu year, imn yimi;ijui
is generally renewed, dependent, how
ever, on the state of the money market
abroad. If bad investments have been
made elsewhere, United States invest
ments are thrown on the market to meet
whatever losses have been sustained.
"That accounts for our suffering for
the sins of the Argentine Republic. Why
has foreign capital sought our market?"
"Because we hive not enough capital
of our own. The reasou 'why we have
not enough is because we cut off our own
money supply. We possess it but do not
develop it."
The secretary of the treasury declares
that the cause of the investment of so
much foreign money on this continent is
our own inability to invest from lack of
native money. We have the means to
supply ourselves with the additional
amount if we would."
"Then you would liken this country to
a cow that gives a good bucket of milk
and kicks it over?"
"Precisely. Neither English, German
nor French securities are held outside of
the countries producing them. These
countries are not foolish enough to stint
their own money supply to make a field
for investment of foreign money as wedo.
Whether silver be reiuonetized or not,
our present condition subjects us to a
call from foreign money centers of one
hundred and eighty millions in gold per
annum for interest. If ten per centof the
principal of the securities held abroad
matures each year and is not renewed,
we must further pay three hundred mil
lions per year in gold."
"Making a gold drain of four hundred
and eighty millions, not including the in
vestments that may be made in Holland
and Switzerland, and the annual outgo
from American tourists in Europe of at
least eighty millions. This is serious."
"Serious! Let it go on without a
change of policy and itmeans revolution.
There are seven hundred nnd fifty mil
lions of gold in the United States held by
banks, government and people. There is
no week of the year that foreign holders
of cold obligations owed by us, may not
disconcert aud convulse our money mar
ket. If they refrain, it is for selfish rea
sons. Thev have an awful power which
is neither increased nor lessened by the
remouetization of silver. Having the
power to disturb our money market it is
said they will consider our remoneuzii
tion of silver as an occasion to destruct
ivelv use their power against us. Should
thev carry out this threat, they would be
the losers. The remouetization of silver
will not change their contracts to receive
gold. It cannot therefore hurt them for
us to supply an adequate domestic cur
rency with which to develop the country
The on I v effect of the remouetization of
silver and the establishment of nn ade
quate banking system on foreign invest
ors, would be our ability to carry our
own securities by our own means, like an
other great countries. Ihus foreign in
vestments would cease, and the country
would be freed from the domination of
our money markets by foreign money
centers." Kate Field s W ashington
New York Actor Asphyxiated.
New York, Dee. 17. John Hall and
his wife, actors in a small way, were
found dead iu bed early to-day. Hall
returned home late and intoxicated,
carelessly threw off a large stock
necktie, and it landing on the gaa
fixtures turned on the gas.
Labor Commissioner Wright Says
the Strike Was Unwarranted
New Haven, Conn., Dec. 10. Carroll
D. Wright, commissioner of labor, lec
tured before the students of Wesleyan
university in Middletown, under the aus
pices of the Citizenship club. He met
one of the elective classes in political
economy, with several of the professors
and other students. Col. Wright talked
nearly two hours, making his principal
subject the Chicago strike. He began his
discourse by first giving the condition of
affairs in Pullman.
He illustrated the situation by four
piles of pins one representing the $36,
000,000 capital ol the Pullman capital
and the mauagiug ability of Mr. Pullman,
the second representing the $26,000,000
surplus of the Pullman company, the
third the capital of the workingmen
that is, their skill, ability, and strength
and the fourth the surplus of the work
ingmen that is, their savings some
"Now the condition of affairs," he said,
"is this: The labor of the workingmen in
Pullman in connection with capital has
amassed their surplus of $26,000,000.
Everything is running along Binoothly
until there comes a time of stress, when
the managers of the company are obliged
to take contracts at a loss, if they can
get them at all.
"They find that their expenses must be
cut down and they reduce the wages of
the workingmen. With reduced wages
the workingmen are compelled to fall
back on their reserve, and their savings
are wiped out. Theu comes au impair
ment of health and earning ability
through insufficient nourishment caused
bv low wages. .Now the question arises:
'Why should labor be compelled to fall
back on a reserve of savingrto tide over
the depression?
"The Pullman company has a surplus
of 72 2-9 cents for every dollar of capital,
and yet in its last period of depression it
was enabled to keep that reserve unim
paired and at the same time continue to
pa'v divideuds of 8 per cent onthecapital
of $30,000,000." 1 . m, N
"Would there be a$2C,000,000 surplus
if it were notfortheenterpriseaud ability
of Mr. Pullman?" was asked.
Col. Wright replied "No, and neither
would it be there if it were not for the
skill and ability of the workingmen. One
is essential to the other. The mutual in
terdependence of labor and capital is
easily understood. Both are necessary,
and without one the other is powerless.
Now, why should one be compelled to
bear all the burden of mutual distress
and the other escape free?
"This strike is an epoch-making epi
sode. In feudal times physical might
made right. We have outgrown that
stage and are advancing toward a higher
plane. The laws, customs, and public
opinion of today uphold the Pullman
company in its course of action. Will it
continue to do so? Have we notcoine to
the point when we must recognize more
fully the right of labor? Again, the
question is ethical and not economical."
As far as the actual condition of afiairs
go Mr. Wright is of the opinion that the
strike was wholly unwarranted on the
part of the workingmen. It was not only
not justified, but it showed extreme lack
of wisdom and foresight. ,
"The question again is." hesaid,"have
we not reached such a plane where we
must adopt the higher standard and rule
of action. I think in all cases a company
that intends to reduce wages should show
the books to a committee of working
men. The workingmen recognize the fact
that their employers will always reduce
wages when the conditions warraut the
The question was asked: "Do not the
competition of labor and the natural
laws of economics work to regulate the
advantage for each side?"
"They do not," he replied. "The
mobility of labor is a fiction. Men can
not go somewhere else and go into other
business. The strike of the Michigan
Central switchmen some time ago illus
trates, this point. The Switchmen's
union asked for an increase of wages.
Instead of settling this question for them
selves the Michigan Central road brought
the question before the General Manag
ers' association of twenty -four roads cen
tering in Chicago.
"The general managersdecided against
the increase in wages. Now, an econo
mist would let these switchmen give up
their positions and go somewhere else.
Yes, but they simply couldn't do it
The other roads in Chicago would not
employ them. Switchmen can only find
employment in large railroad centers,
but if they were to remove to New York
or Bcstou they would find the market
already overstocked. The combination
of cupital has destroyed the competition
of labor.
"The railroads of this country are driv
ing the people toward state socialism.
Unconsciously, it is true, but, neverthe
less, they are strongly turning that way.
A few years ago the labor organizations
were all opposed to socialism. Nowthey
are all in fuvor of it. They see the rail
roads combining and they are led to
favor a combination of all railroads, tel
egraph, and, in fact, all industrial enter
prises, with the state as trustee. Chicago
Subscribe for Tra Wkalth Makjcrs.
J 3
- i
NO. 28
Send Us Two Her
Names- -
With 2. and yonr own
subscription will be ex
tended One Year
Free of Cost.
James Mahai Dies of Starvation at
tbe Brooklyn County Hospital
New Tonic, Dec. 10. James Mahar died
of starvation today at the Brooklyn
county hospital. . A native American, he
bad walked the streets of New York,
without food eight days look ing for work,
nd last Saturday afternoon fell uncon
jcious at the Brooklyn tower of the great
bridge, A special nurse gave her undi
fided attention to him and nutriment
was administered at frequent intervals,
hut the patient relapsed into insensibility.
Mahar was 85 years old and was single.
He was 0 feet high and had dark hair and
blue eyes. He had no relatives in the
city. Chicago Times.
Fusion la Compromise
Cook, Neb., Dec. 8, 1894.
Editor Wealth Markka:
In yonr issue of Dec. 6, "A View of the(
Battle Field," by A Jackson Democrat Is
well put, though a careful study of the(
figures will show that but about fifteen
thousand Democrnts in the state voted
the ticket nominated by the Democrat,
convention at Omaha. The bolters' can-
didates received less that seven thousand)
The Democrats claim about forty-five
thousand votes in, the state, leaving
twenty-three thousand Demo-Republi-
can voters. Powers' and McFadden'svote
shows that about seventy thousand InJ
dependent voters, which, added to thr
fifteen thousand Democrats, leaves Hoi
comb shy about twelve thousand; ant'
this Rosy chopped off Irom the Republi
can vote with his little hatchet. So thos
Democrats that are asking for patron
age for their work in the campaign (?)
will have to make a divy with the Httl
Bohemian giant, and between then
both they cannot expect more thar
about one-fourth of the patronage, ar
they only furnished about one-fourth o.
the votes that elected. Fusion is com
promise. Compromise , is surrender
Surrender is captivity. Captivity it
hondace. serfdom and slavery. 1 am lot
independence, freedom, liberty though
we do not get any offices lor years
Yours truly,
W. P. Bkooks,
Teala's Oscillator
Telsa's latest invention, the "oscilla
tor," is one of the most remarkable apj
pliances of the age. It is described b
the Boston Transcript as being the cor
of a steam engine and the core of a dyna
mo combined, making a barmoniour
mechanical adjustment. This combina
tion, says an enthusiastic admirer,1 con
stitutesa machine which has in it th(
potentiality of reducing to the rank 1
old bell metal half the machinery at pres.
ent moving on the face of the globe. I.
may come to do the entire work of the
engines of an ocean steamship within t
small part of the space they occupy and
at a fraction of their cost, both of con
struction and operation. It will do thii
worK without jar or pounding, and wil
reduce to a minimum the risk of derangi
ment or breakage. There is nothing ii
the whole range of mechanical construc
tion, from railway locomotives to stain
mills, which such au invention may not
revolutionize. Tbe essential character
istic of the machine is the application of
the pressure of steam to- produce an ex
tremely rapid vibration of a bar of stee
or piston, which, in turn, is so adapted
to a set of magnets that the mechanical
energy of the vibration is converted into;
electricity. The extraordinary result it
that practically and absolutely constant
vibration is established, and a power it
obtained greatly beyond that obtainable
in the most costly expansion engines us-'
ing a similar amount of steam. )
Besides saving in mechanical friction
the 35 per cent of loss in the working o!
the engine, the 15 per cent of loss in bel'(
friction, and the 10 per cent of Ios
wasted in the dynamo, making altogeth
er an addition of 60 per cent totheavail
able energy obtained from the steam for
the purpose of producing electricity, it is
simpler, lighter, and smaller than the.
mechanism it is destined to replace,' ab-J
solutely constant in its action, automati-l
cally regulated, and subject to the least
possible amount of wear and tear. The
utilization of this machine in any branch
of industry would result in an appreciable
lowering in the cost of production, and
it is quite possible that its first general
employment may be in electric lighting.)
In the face of this marvelous invention
a recent t tatement of Tesla seems hardly
no longer visionary. The young Mon
tenegriu said: "I expect to live to be
able to see a machine in the middle o'
this room nnd move it by no othr
agency than the energy of the medium i
notion around us." Chicago Times.
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