The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, December 13, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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December 13, 1894
Issued by page publishing CO.. times building, new York.
A Novelty In Magazines. All Illustration with Brief Description.
"It's a good thing, pass it along."
Every Issue a Veritable Curiosity Shop.
The peat big directory of everybody, everywhere, does not mention the name
of anybody of any aixe or ago who doeant love pictures.
HERE 13 A MINE FULL-1000 A YEAres-
The "Paper World "sarst "The PicrnmaMAaiziwalsIn keeplnsr with Its title, amsgMlMOf
pictures s bat they are not the ordinary kind. Instead, the closely prtnted pages are filled with odd,
?roteaque, quaint things eulled from all sections of the earth not aiming especially at art ' per
ectton. but seeking rather the uncommon and fantastic. It must require a world-wide research to
maintain the standard set by the initial number ; yet the price Is only the modest one of W cU a
year. Each number contains at large pages, and 80 of. the whimsical, droll, bliaare Illustrations.''
It Is not too much educational food that causes mental dyspepsia. It's how
it is cooked and served. The Picture Magazine is " done to turn."
The Magazine of type must be seen and read; this needs to be seen only.
Interests and pleases everybody. Is all digested ready for assimilation.
The best pictures that the world has are gleaned and packed in solid pages,
with briefest possible descriptions, and it is guiltless of what the late James Russell
Lowell was moved to call the modern plague of printed words."
By special arrangement with the publishers, we are enabled to send both "Thk
Picture Magazines" and Thk Wealth Makers to any subscriber, new or old, for
one year lor only f 1.20. Who will be the first to send and get this fine magazine
and The Wealth Makers for one year for only $1.20? Address,
a Lincoln. Neb.
By Thomas E. HilL
This is a large octavo book of 450 pages, condensed by tabulation
into a small book that it may be universally sold and circulated at a
low price. ; ,
Its purpose is to clearly present, in a manner entirely non-partisan,
the merit attaching to each party. Ne partiality is shown in behalf
of any political organization. Like the dictionary, it simply defines.
It gives the best-known argument in favor of each, and leaves the
reader free to choose which he will serve. ' .
It treats upon the important live issues of the time, and is an indis
pensable work to people who would intelligently discuss the political
situation. It is a very exhaustive compendium of Political Facts,
and literally answers thousands of questions. To illustrate:
What are Democratic principled
What doe. a tingle tax advocate propose'
If all tax waa placed on land, what would
be the tax on the farm!
What would be the tax on suburban prop
erty, and how mnchon the acre worth two
million dollar in the center of the city t
What does a Republican believe! '
Why be a Republican and favor high pro
tective tariBI
What are the argument for and against
What do the Socialist want!
What would be thecondition If Socialistic
principle prevailed!
.. What do the Populist, desire!
If government owned and operated the
banks, and bank never failed, and people
never hid their money and all money came
out and into active circulation, and money
; was so abundant that interest became low,
and all enterprise started up and every body
had employment, what then!
' What do the Nationalists want!
Why nationalise the railroad, the coal
mine and various Industries!
What do the eight-hour advocate pro
pose! If working certain hour yield cer
tain profit, how could working leas hour
yield more profit!
How could women be benefited by voting!
What started the financial panic of 1893!
Who commenced the tirade against silver,
that resulted In the repeal of the Sherman
Who started the stampede on the bank In
1893, by which 714 of them failed In eight
months, and tour hundred million dollar
Bound in fine morocco, stamped in gold, convenient and durable
for editors, public speakers and others who wish to use it constantly
as a work of reference fi.oo
Bound in substantial, elegant cloth -75
Bound in paper cover 25
And ila) tot nit it tat offlet of tall FubUotttn.
Get these books and our paper as fast
as you can into the hands of the people,
friends. Buy, read and circulate. Ad
dress all orders to the -
Wealth Makers Pub. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
The New Redemption
A Plea For the Gospel.
Civilisation's Inferno
Looking Backward
The Dogs and the Fleas
... .75
... .50
... .60
... .50
c Ai; A social Vision....
Co-Operative Commonwealth
m Tl r x ru:
ii vunsii vaun hi vungu.
Vfe 1 . ' T .
ipuricai pacts, a&c, toe ana
Yen Men of Money Island
Stock well's Bad Boy. ... .
Seven Financial Conspiracies
The North-western P. ft M. V. R. R.
Nsw Tints Card A New Train
Faster Time, Better Service.
For the benefit of the traveling publie
this line has made important changes
and improvement in its train service.
The 7:25 a. m, week day train is made
a Chicago connection. Besides taking
passengers for as far west as Norfolk, it
takes them for Blair and all Northeastern
Nebraska points; Sioux City and points on
diverging lines; Omaha, Mo. Valley, Ona
wa, Carroll, Boone, Ames, Des Moines,
and all Northwestern and Central Iowa
and III. points through to Chicago. The
Chicago Limited leaves daily at 1:25 p.
m. and takes passengers for Chicago and
East, and intermediate points; for Oma
ha, Sioux City, St Paul, Duluth and all
points iu the Northwest.
Faster Tims Better Service,
The Black Hills passenger now leaves
daily at 1:25 p. m. and will land passen
gers at Hot Springs at 8:05 a. m., and
at Dead wood at 11 a. m. next day.
From Chicago two fast trains arrive
here week days, one Sundays.
For further information apply as be
low. A. 8. Field iko, City Ticket Ant.
8. A. Moshkr, Gen'l Agt,
117 So. 10th St
were drawn out of the banks and bidden
within a period of ninety days!
Who wa President of the United State In
1849 1858 18881
Who have been the occupant of the presi
dential chair since 18791
Who have been member of the Cabinet
during every presidential administration!
How many Democrats, Republican, and
member of other parties have we had in
each and every Congress!
How many lawyer in each Congress!
Whence originated the names of "Brother
Jonathan," "Uncle Sam," "Loco-Foco,"
"Silver Greys," etc., etc. I
What were the issue. Involved In the
Missouri Compromise, the Monroe Doctrine,
the Dred Scott Decision, Fugitive Slave
Law, etc., etc.!
What of the biographical record of the
great leaders In our early history, including
Washington, Patrick Henry, Hamilton,
Webster, Franklin, elay.Calhoun, Jefferson
and others!
What has thrown so many people Into
idleness of late years!
Why so many tramps!
What is the history of the Coxsy move,
When did the coal miner' strike begin
and what was the extent of that movement!
What are the fact, abeut the Pullman
strike, the American Railway Union and
the boycott of the Pullman cant
What are the remedies proposed whereby
capital and labor may each have Justice!
See "Hill's Political History of the United
An Ambassador to Be Sent at Once te
Japan With Mew Terms.
Washington, Dec. 10 Information
has reached here that the Chinese
government will appoint an ambas
sador to proceed to Japan to treat for
peace. As China is anxious for peace,
the ambassador will start promptly
for Tokia, or more probably Hiros
chima, where the Japanese emperor
and council now are. .
Homes for Disabled Soldiers.
Washington, Dec 10. The annual
report of the board of managers of
the National Homes for Disabled Vol
unteer Soldiers treats of the twenty
one state homes. The aggregate
average number kept in the national
and state homes was 70,163. and the
whole number cared for during the
year, 35,564. On June 30, the num
ber presented in the several branches
of the National home was 15,373, an
increase in one year of 1,068.
Flnmea of a Year Quenched.
Omaha, Neb., Dec.10. The Union
Pacific will reopen its great mine at
Almy, Wyoming, next Monday. It
was set on fire a year ago by an in
cendiary and had since been sealed
and the flames smothered. One hun
dred and fifty men will- be put-at
work at once.
Excure on for Homeseek-rs.
On December 4th and December 18th.
The Burlington will sell round trip tick
ets to points in Texas, Oklahoma and
Indian territory, to points in New Mexico
on the Pascas Valley railroad; to Dom
ing, N. M.; to points in Arkansas; to
points on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain
& Southern, and Kansas City, Watkins
& Gulf railway in Louisiana; to points
on the K. ft, F. 8. & M. railway in Mis
souri, south of Springfield. To points in
Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Utah,
west bound only. One fare for the round
trip, plus $2.00, provided such fares are
not less than $7. Apply at B. & M.
depot or city office, corner Tenth aud 0
streets, for full information.
25t3 G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A.
Adopted by the Convention at Om
aha Nebraska, July 4, 1802.
Assembled upon the one hundred and
sixteenth anniversary of the Declaration
of Independence, the People's Party of
America, in their first national conven
tion, invoking upon their action the
blessings of Almighty God, puts forth in
the name, and on behalf of the people Of
the country, the following preamble and
declaration of principles:
- The conditions which surround us best
justify our co-operation; we meet in the
midst of a nation brought to the verve
of moral, political and material ruin.
Corruption domiuates the bnllot box,
the legislatures, the Congress, and
touches even the ermine of the
bench. The people are demoralised:
most of the states have been compelled
to isolate the voters at the polling places
to prevent universal intimidation or
bribery. The newspapers are largely
subsidized or muzzled; public opinion
silenced; business prostrated; our homes
covered with mortgages; labor impover
ished; and the land concentrating in the
bands of the capitalists. The urban
workmen are denied the right of organi
sation for self-protection; imported pau
perized labor beats down their wages; a
hireling army, unrecognized by our law,
is established to snoot them down; and
they are rapidly degenerating into Euro
pean conditions. The fruits of the toil of
millions are boldly stolen to build up
colossal fortunes forafew,unprecedeutea
in the history of mankind, and the pos
sessors of these in turn despise the re
public and endanger liberty. From the
same prolific womb of governmental in
justice we breed the two great classes
tramps and millionaires.
The national power to create money
is appropriated to enrich bondholders; a
vast public debt, payable in legal tender
currency, has been funded in to gold-bearing
bonds, thereby adding millions to
the burdens of the people.
Silver, which has been accepted as coin
since the dawn of history, has been de
monetized to add to the purchasing pow
er of gold, by decreasing the value of all
forms of property, as well as human la
bor, and the supply of currency is pur
posely abridged to fatten usurers, bank
rupt enterprise, and enslave industry. A
vast conspiracy against mankind has
been organized on two continents, and
it is rapidly taking possession of the
world. If not met and overthrown at
once it forebodes terrible social convul
sions, the destruction of civilization, or
the establishment of an absolute despot
ism. We have witnessed for more than
a quarter of a century the struggles of
the two great political parties for power
and plunder, while grievous wrongs have
been inflicted upon the suffering people.
We charge that the controlling iufluencs
dominating both these parties have per
mitted the existing dreadful conditions
to develop, without serious effort to
prevent or restrain them.
Neither do they now promise us any
substantial reform. They have agreed
together to ignore, in the coming cam
paign, every issue but one. They pro
pose to drown the outcries of a Dlundered
people with the uproar of a sham battle
over the tariff; so that capitalists, corpo
rations, national banks, rings, trusts,
watered stock, the demonetization of sil
ver, and the oppressions of the usurers
may all be lost sijcht of. They propose
to sacrifice our homes, lives aud children
on the altar of Mammon; to destroy the
multitude in order to secure corruption
funds irom the millionaires. Assembled
on the anniversary of the birthday of
the nation, and tilled with the spirit of
the grand generation of men, who estab
lished our independence, we seek to re
store the government of the Kepublie to
the hands of "the plain people," with
whose class it originated. Weassertour
purposes to be identical with the purpose
of the national constitution: "to forma
more perfect union, establish justice, in
sure domestic tranquility, provide for the
common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty
ourselves and our posterity."
We declare that this republic can only
endure as a free government while built
upon the love oi the whole people for each
other and for the nation; that it cannot
be pinned together by bayonets, that the
civil war is over and that every passion
and resentment which grew out of it must
die with it; and that we must be in fact,
as we are in name, one united brother
hood. Our country finds itself confront
ed by conditions for which there is no
S recede nt in the history oi. the world,
ur annual agricultural productions
amount to billions of doHars in value,
which must within a few weeks or months
be exchanged for billions of dollars of
commodities consumed in their produc
tion: the existing currency supply is
wholly inadequate to make this exchange.
The results are falling prices, the forma
tion of combines and rings, and the im
poverishment of theproducingclass. We
pledge ourselves that if given power ws
will labor to correct these evils by wise
and reasonable legislation, In accordance
with the terms of our platform.
We believe that the powers of govern
ment iu other words, of the people
should be expanded (as in the case of the
postal service) as rapidly and as far as
the good sense of an intelligent people,
and the teachings of experience, shall
Instify; to the end that oppression, in
ustice and poverty shall eventually ceass
in the land.
While our sympathies as a party of re
form are naturally upon the side of every
proposition which will tend to make men
intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we
nevertheless regard these questions im
portant as they are as secondary to the
great issues now pressing for solution;
and upon which not only our individual
prosperity, but the very existence of free
institutions depends; and we ask all men
to first help us to determine whether we
are to have a republic to administer, be
fore we differ as to the conditions, noon I
wuiuu ii in 10 no Buiniuiaiereu; ueneviug
JieH will nnwar omua t.n mnva fnrwRrrl nn. I
ized will never cease to move forward un
til every wrong is righted and equal pri
vileges established for all the men and
women of this country.
We declare, therefore,
First, That the union of the labor
forces of the United States this day con
summated, shall be permanent and per
petual; may its spirit enter into all hearts
for the salvation of the republic and the
uplifting of mankind.
Second, Wealth belongs to him who
creates it; and every dollar taken from
industry, without an equivalent, is rob
bery. "If any man will not work neither
shall he eat." The interests of rural and
civic labor are the saute; their enemies
are identical. . ;
Third. We believe that the time hus
come when the railroad corporations
will either own the people or the people
must own the railroads; and should the
government enter upon the work of own
ing and managing the railroads, we
should favor an amendment to the con
stitution by which all persons engaged
In the government service shall be pro
tected by civil service regulations of the
most rigid character, so as to prevent
the increase of the power of the national
administration by the use of such addi
tional gonernmeut employes.
Wedamanda national currency, safe,
sound and flexible; issued by the general
government only; a full legal tebder for
all debts publio and private; and that
witnout tne use ot banningnorporatious;
a just equitable and efficient means of
distribution direct to the people, at a tax
not to exceed 2 per cent per annum, to
be provided as set forth in the sub-treasury
plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or
some better system; also by payments in
discharge of its obligations for publio
We demand free and unlimited coinage
of silver and gold at the present legal
ration of 16 to 1.
We demand that the amount of cir
culating medium be speedily increased to
not less than $50 per capita.
We demand a graduated income tax.
We believe that the money of the
country should be kept, as much as pos
sible, in the hands ot the people; and
hence we demand that all state and na
tional revenues shall be limited to the
necessary expenses of the government,
economically and honestly administered.
We demand that postal savings batiks
be established by the government for t he
safe deposit of the earnings of the people
and the facilitation of exchange.
Transportation being a means of ex
change and a public necessity; the gov
ernment should own and operate the
railroads in the interest of the people.
The telegraph and telephone, like the
postofflce system, beiug a necessity, for
the transuiissionof news, should be owned
and operated by the government in the
interests of the people.
, . ; LANDS. '
The land, including all natural re
sources of wealth, is the heritage of the
people, and should not be monopolized
for speculative purposes; and alien owner
ship of land should be prohibited. All
land now held by railroads and other
corporations in excess of their actual
needs, and all lands now owned by
aliens, should be reclaimed by the gov
ernment and held for actual settlers
only. .
The following resolutions were offered
independent of the platform, and were
adopted, as expressive of the sentiments
of the convention:
Resolved, That wedemandafree ballot
and a fair count in all elections, and
pledge ourselves to secure to it every
legal voter without federal intervention,
through the adoption by the states of
the unperverted Australian secret ballot
Resolved, That therevenue derived from
a graduated income tax should be appli
ed to the reduction of theburdenof taxa
tion now levied upon the domestic in
dustries of this couutry.
Resolved, That we pledge our support
to fair and liberal pensions U ex-Umou
soldiers and sailors.
Resolved, Tha we condemn the fallacy
of protecting American labor under the
present system, which opens our ports to
the pauper and .criminal classes of the
world, and crowds out our wage-earners
and we denounce the present Ineffective
law against contract labor, and demand
the further restriction of undesirable
Resolved, That ws cordially sympa
thize with the efforts of organized work
ingmen to shorter the hbursotlabor and
demand a rigid enforcement of the exist
ing eight-hour law on government work,
and ask that a penalty clause be added to
said law.
Resolved, That we regard the main
tenance of a ' large standing army of
mercenaries, known as the Pinker ton
system, as a menace to our liberties, and
ws demand its abolition, and wecondernn
the recent invasion of the Territory of
Wyoming by the hired assassins of
Plutocracy, assisted by Federal officers.
Resolved, That we commend to the
thoughtful consideration of the people
and the reform press, the legislative sys
tem known as the Initiative and Referen
dum. Resolved, That we favor a constitu
tional provision limiting the office of a
president and vice president to one term,
and providing for the election of the
senators by a direct vote of the people.
Resolved, That we oppose any subsidy
or national aid to any private corpora
tion for any purpose.
H. E. Taubeneck, Chairman, Marshall,
J. H. Turner, Secretary, Georgia.
Lawrence MoFarlaxd, Secretary, New
If. ft Rankin, Treasurer, Terrs Haute,
All drug elate sell Dr. lilies' Nerve Plasters.
If our advertisers do not treat you
right, let us know. We want no -'fakes'
in The Wealth Makers. Isn't there
something in our "Three Cent Column'
that will profit you?
jErroro of Youth.!
isitous Debility, YsaOM
Ji MscretiCM, Lost laiHood,
Moy men, from th. 9nU of vonOiral Impro- '
. tm-'tvKS. tov Stt alier , tUf nt J V IT .
w that has reduced U general areteta muck
tt they are doctored tor rmythlnf but the right om.W
During our extensive eollegeand hospital praciics
0 we have discovered new and concentrated rem- W
dies. The accompanying prescription is oflered
' W as a ciaTAIM and iriint cube, hundreds ol' v
csms having been mtoird to perfect health by iu A
un sfter all other remedies felled. Perfectly sure
ingredients must be used in the preparation of this 0
0 R Erythroxylon eeea, t drachm.
A Jerubebin,. drachm. am
W Helonias Dloica. 1 drachm, . , ,
Oelsemin, 8 grains. m
Kit ignatiai ainsra (alcoholic), I grain. w
Eat leptandre, 2 scruples. ,
Glycerine, q. s. Hl.
Make pills. Tsk 1 pill at p.m.. and another
ng w oeu. 1 ni. iwiruT i. -.-.j m
cum resulting from imnrutleuce. The recuperativt m
In either
;. ana NDeciaiir i " ww.
W powers of this restorslive sre sMonnnins,. anu
use continued tor a short time changes the languid, am
debilitated, nerveless condition to one of renewed
" To thees whe would prefer to obtain It ofs,r -m
remitting 1, a sealed parkags eontalnf 0 Bills, 9
carefully compounded, will be sent by mail irom
A our private laboratory, or we will furnish pack- W
a.' which will ears meet oaiea, for 4. AUMMr-.
0 ewwtlf eseWntSMI.
m 7 Trsmonl Row, Boston, Mats.
Nltrojrenua. and Carbonaceous Feeds-
Draught Harness fcorichunt
Bell Besnlts From Mlage Farm Motes
and Uome Hints.
Vela of the Legumes.
The nitrogenous are the most ex
pensive and the most necessary foods,
and it is valuable to know that a cer
tain family of common plants. are ex
cessively nitrogenous, says Colman's
Rural World. This family is botau
ically known as the legumes, aud
Includes the clovers, peas, beans,
vetches. C. H. F.verett of Beloit,
Wis., at the Wisconsin dairymen's
convention said on this subject:
"We need to economize in the pro
duction of plants rich in protein. I
do not believe that any man is just
ified in paying $25 a ton for oil meal,
where he can produce pea meal on
his own farm. The chemist finds
twenty-five pounds of digestible pro
tein in 100 pounds of oil meal, and in
100 pounds of pea meal he finds
twenty pounds, which means 600
pounds of digestible protein in one
ton of oil meal, and 40J pounds in
one ton of pea meal. I can produce
one ton of pea meal for about f 12,
or sixty cents per hundred, as
against $1.25 per hundred for oil
meal If I receive no other value
from either of the feeds than the
protein, then I would pay f 8 per
hundred for the 4U0 pounds in the
pea meal, 15 per hundred for the 600
pounds in the oil moal. But in ad
dition to the protein the pea meal
contains 1.160 pounds of digestible
carbohydrates and fat to the tin,
while in one ton of oil meal there is
but H6i) pounds.
The next crop that I consider of
great value to the dairyman is clover.
In 100 pounds of clover hay there
are eight pounds of digestible pro
tein, or 170 pounds in one ton. I
produce three tons of clover hay to
the acre on the average, which gives
mo 440 pounds of digestible protein
from an acre. A good average yield
of timothy hay is two tons per acre.
There is ninety pounds of digestiblo
protein in one ton of this kind of
hay, or 180 pounds in two ions from
the one acre. Now J have 480 pounds
of protein from the acre of clover,
and 180 pounds from the acre of tim
othy. I can produce the three tons
of clover as cheaply as I can
the two tons of timothy, with the ex
ception of the difference In the cost
of seed and harvesting the extra ton.
The two tons of timothy will cost
me in the barn $5.76, or $2.88 per
ton. If I make no. account of the car
bohydrates the 480 pounds ot protein
I get from the acre of clover will
cost me $&75, while the 180 pounds
from the timothy has cost me $5. 75.
To make it more plain, I am paying
$1.43 per hundred for protein in the
clover, and $3. 15 per hundred for
that found in timothy.
"There is still another kind of food
the dairyman can produce with econ
omy, and it has a high feeding value,
being fully as rich in protel . as clo
ver hay. I refer to oat and pea hay.
The chemist finds nine pounds of
digestible protein in 100 pounds of
dried pea vines. In raising this kind
of feed it is best to sow two bushels
of oats and one of peas. In cutting,
no attention should be given to the
maturity of peas, but start the mower
when the oats are in - milk. More
value will be secured in this way
when Intended as a hay crop than if
left for the grain to ripen.
"It is not difficult to obtain three
tons of oat and pea hay to the acre.
It should be cured in the cock, the
same as clover, and that will pro
duce a nice green color, good flavor,
and a palatable food, and, like clover
hay, if cut early it is more digestible
and easy of assimilation. We should
always remember that it is the'
digestible nutrients in any feed that
make it valuable that part that can
be digested and assimilated. I can
produce oat and pea hay, yielding
three tons per acre, for $2. 95 per ton.
"The cheapest way that I can pro
vide the most and beet food of a car
bouaceous character is with the corn
plant and silo Fnsilage is rich in
carbohydrate; it makes a succulent
and easily digested food. There It
no waste in feeding, and it has many
advantages iu economy over the same
plant air-dried. I find it best to
raise the larger corn, that will pro
duce an abundance of well-eared
stalks. This kind of corn ' will al
ways mature with me sufficiently td
make good ensilage, and will yield
fifteen tons to the acre. I advise
dairymen to raise the largest variety
of corn that will mature to the roast
ing stage where they reside. There
are many ways to cheapen the cost
of an acre of corn, or a ton of ensi
lage in the silo."
Iring-ht Harness.
The attachment of the side or tug
straps is an important feature. The
staple on the hames should be neithei
''too-blffe- tMsriMloir,vbufc at just tht
point where the draught will bring
the collar with an even pressure upon
the shoulders. If the hames are
either over large or too small for the
collar, it will be difficult to make a
proper adjustment. For field work
there should be no more gearing
than possible, and when it is seen
that any part of the harness galls,
stop at once and make new adjust
ments. A collar for a horse to work
easily should fit well. Sufficient at
tention is not usually paid to this
point A large horse is made to
wear a small collar, and a small
horse a large collar, a thin that
should not be done. When purchas
ing, got a collar that is well adapted
to the neck and shoulders, then dip
It in water until the leather is mois
tened through, and put the horse to
1 work.
it adapt itself and dry
rill be a good fit ever
Keeping- MUM Fresh.
Here is a little device which has
been invented to keep milk fresh
several day a It consists essentially
in a kind of closed vessel or sauce
pan, with an opening in the top, to
which a glass tube, closed at its up
per end is adjusted, the joining being
rendered air tight by means oi an
India rubber ring. The tube is
marked with two horizontal lines,
numbered respectfully 75 degrees and
80 degrees centigrade. The vessel
is filled with milk up to the edge of
the neck, which is then closed with
the glass tube, and is now placed on
a sand mattress, or bainmarie, over
a fire. The milk rises to 75 degrees
and soon after to 8 J degrees, and
may be removed from the fire after
remaining at the above temperature
from 10 to 20 minutes, and cooled by
placing the vessel iu water of the
tenfperature of from 10 to 20 degrees.
Milk thus treated will keep fresh
from three to four days.
Moles for Farm Work.
The mule is used much more than
the horse in the South, probably in
part because Southern negro laborers
are not to be trusted with the more
spirited and valuable animals. A
Southern planter mentions as advan
tages of mules over horses: Their
feet are smaller, and : so they injure
the crops less when working in them,
and can be used in closer rows than
horses; they are less liable to di-ea-e,
are better feeders, being less fastidi
ous as to what they eat, endure hard
en p better, are not so easily injured,
and are steadier to work at the plow.
The experience of most Northern
farmers with mules is that however
erviceablo for work on the farm it
is less pleasant and less safe to work
among them. Good horses are none
the worse for the farm, because they
require better care than the mule
will put up with
Horsham Molasses.
In making sorghum molasses th
juice should be run into three vats
of sufficient capacity to keep at
least two hours ahead of the boiling.
As each vat is filled stir in unslaoked
lime until litmus paper dipped in
the juice will not change in color.
The lime will neutralize the acid and
cause more impurities to rise with
the scum. After the lime juice has
settled for two hours, draw into a
defactor and boll down. When draw
ing, the tap should be two inches
above the bottom of the tank to allow
the sediment to settle. After use,
the vat should be thoroughly clean
ed. The boiling should be done as
rapidly as possible. It is the slow
and uneven boiling that colors the
syrup. A good boiler will keep the
pan filled with a white foam. Cool
the molasses as rapidly as possible.
Farm and Home.
Heat Results From Silage.
No one thinks of feeding cows ex
clusively on corn silage. They need
some dry feed with it, and this it will
pay to buy if the farm itself does
not afford them. As an instance of
this, Mr. G it Beach of Whitewater,
Wis., grew four and a half acres of
corn silage last year. To make the
best use of this he fed $80 worth of
hay and $120 worth of wheat bran to
his herd of cows. After paying back
the money value of the hay and the
bran the cows afforded a net profit
of $100 for each acre of corn put
into the silo. Corn is not alone a
well-balanced ration for any animal,
and the feeder who does not under
stand how to balance it and get the
best results has neglected the most
important part of his business.
American Cultivator.
F irro Notes.
The refuse of the cider press should
always go to the swine.
When forest leaves can be got they
make excellent bedding for swine.
Everyone must be his own judge
about growing artichokes for swine.
Another man thinks he has found
a way to control sex, but it is a de
lusion all the same.
Idle horses in winter will be bene
fitted by feeding them corn fodder
awhile and then hay.
Breeding animals should have ex
ercise and this necessitates a lot for
them to run in some of the time.
If the horses are worked down feed
generously c n ground corn and oats
mixed with cut hay and well salted.
When calves arj from three to six.
months old and weigh from eighty
five to 100 pounds they are beat for
the market
Home Hint.
Two parts of ammonia with one of
turpentine uiakus a mixture which
will soften old paint and varnish so
that they can be easily scraped off.
Embroidery should be ironed on
the wrong side. It should be placed
upon a piece of heavy white flannel
or flat, covered with a clean piece of
white cotton, and pressed until per
fectly dry. i
Violet and orris make the best
combination for bureau and chiffonier
sachets. The orris imparts a de
licious odor of cleanliness, and the
violet gives just the suspicion of
actual fragrance that is needed.
If ink is spili9d on a carpet or
woolen tablecloth put on immediate
ly a thick layer of common salt.
When this has absorbed all the ink
possible scrape off and apply more.
Keep doing this until all the ink has
been taken up.
To clean white silk lace spread a
piece of white paper with calcined
magnesia, lay thn lace upon it, cover
with another sheet of paper, and
place between the pages of a heavy
dook ior several aays. onaKe on tne
powder and the lace will be whit
id clean. .