The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, December 13, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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December 13, 1894
Hew Bailee at
OoaaoUdattoa of taa
Fumn Afflane und Neb. Independent.
Tk Wealth Maken Fabliahbg Oompany,
UW at Btreet, Nebraska.
tniti Boab emao..
1. B. BT4TT.
.Baelaeee Meaawer
N. L R A.
"II aajr mil noil fall lor me to rise.
Then atk I not to climb. Another's pala
' I ahooae aot for mj good. A goldea ahsla,
A rob of honor, la too good a prlM '
Ta tempt my hut; hud to do a wrong
Uatu fallow maa. This lit hath woe -Baffldent,
wroaxht by mas' eatanle loe;
Aad who that hath haart woald dara prolong
Or add a sorrow to a strlckea eoal
That eeeks a healing balm to make It whole? .
Uj boaom owns the brotherhood of man."
Publlahera' Announcement.
Tha eabeerlptioa prlee of Taa WlLT Vfit
Baa la thvu par year, la ad ranee.
Agents la aolldtlng abaorlptloaa shoald b
Terr eartfai that all nam ara correctly spelled
aad proper poatofBea 1en. Blanka tor ret am
aabeerlptlons, retara envelopes, ata, cao be had
ea application to thla offloa.
Alwati alga yonr nam. No matter ho often
voa write ne do aot aeglaet thla Important mat.
ter. Every week we receive lettere with Incom
plete addreeaea or without aignatarea aad It la
aometlaMS dlfllealt to locate them.
CaARoa or Annates. Snbecrtbers wlehlng to
change their poatotBee addreea maet alwaye rlre
their former aa well aa their p recent addreea when
eaaage will be promptly made.
J. 8. Hyatt, Baelaeee Manager of The
Wealth llakera PoblUhlng Company, being
duly eworn, aay that the aetaaf number ot
fall aad complete eoplea ol Taa Wbalti
Ussas printed daring tht elz month end
lag October It, 18M, waa
Weekly average, 8.123.
Bwora to before ma and anbeerlbed la my
preeeae thla Uta day of October, 18W.
; Notary J-oblls.
til per lach. I cent per Agate line.
14 llaea
to the Inch.
Liberal discount on large (Dace or
Inag time contract.
Address all advertising eommnaleatloaa to
J. 8. Htatt. Bu. Ugr.
Tbb Co-operators' Conference, called to
Convene the 15th and 16th in Lincoln,
will be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlors at
the corner of 13th and N sts. Opening
inset inp; at 0:80 a. in., Saturday, the 15th.
The meeting is open to all who may wish
to attend. Papers of great interest will
be read and plans discussed, and steps
toward organization will be taken.
. "Confidence" doesn't seem to revive
any since the Republican victory.
Good political judges predict that the
present congress will try to cover its sins
by taking the duty off of sugar.
. The People's party in Minnesota doub
led their vote this year, gaining over
47,000. The Democrats lost 88,840 and
ran about 40,000 behind the Populists.
An interesting letter from Mr. Wardall
ot Topeka, reporting the action of the
Kansas State Alliance, will be found on
oar eighth page. Mr. Willits, Alliance
lecturer of the Kansas F. A. & I. U., will
be present at our State Alliance annual
meeting next week.
Eton in Massachusetts we are gaining.
Major Winn, our candidate for governor
in 1892, polled 1076 votes. Cary this
year received 0,037 votes. Falling off
nowhere; gaining everywhere. The Bos
ton Herald concedes that oar vote was
1,050,000 this year.
Co-operation is the only way out.
Co-operation to save money and labor,
and co-operation at the ballot box to
rescue ourselves from tht grasp of law
protected robbers. We are glad to sat
that the Farmers' Alliance is elsewhere
moving along these lines.
"The alleged proposed free silver party
should recognise the fact that it lost its
own strongholds and is hardened with the
defeat of its ablest advocates (Bland and
others) iu their own communities," says
the Brockton Diamond, the state Popu
list paper of Massachusetts.
Tbc Jeffersonian Democrats, who
Adopted the Populist platform and
worked with the Populists for the same
candidates throughout in the last three
campaigns have now dropped their old
same also, and henceforth will be known
M Populists. To a man they all agreed
to the change, and henceforth Alabama
can be reckoned in the Populist column,
Tht Bryan led Democrats should do the
same thing in Nebraska. Will they
doit? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The ladies cf the Woman's Christian
Association of Lincoln art overran with
Applications for work of girls seeking
' employment. Only two-sevenths of the
number seekingemployment in November
could be found placet. The suffering on
, the part of the poor as reported by
visitors is frightful. Families are being
found whose entire possessions of cloth
zi and furniture art not worth five
:!'.ara. and with no food or firs.
The Secretary of the Treasury has pub
lished a plan to get rid of what green
backs we have left, and bestow upon
bankers alone the power to issue flat
money, money that hasnointrinsicvalue
in it, but which, being clothed with the
power to make exchanges, tbey can loan
to the people and draw fruin them for
the use of mere pieces of paper an enor
mous amount of usury and wealth. His
plan is unjust, unequal, unconi titutional.
It would be class legislation of the worst
tort , A better plan for providing safe,
sound, sufficient currency must be found,
and we propose the following:
Repeal all laws permitting private cor
porations to issue their notes for use as
Enact a law providing that every state
may make and deposit non-negotiable
bonds in the United States Treasury in
sums not to exceed in the aggregate twen-ty-flve
per cent of the actual value of its
taxable property, and that for bonds so
made and deposited as security, bearing
an annual revenue to the government of
one-half of one per cent, it shall be per
mitted to draw from the Treusury ninety
percent of their face value in coin or
greenback dollars, which shall be full
legal tender for all debts public and pri
vate. By utate laws that may beenacted such
state bonds shall be in quantity dupli
cates of county bonds deposited with the
state treasurers county bonds to be
issued to provide only what money each
county needs, and to be limited also to
twenty-five per cent of each county's
taxable property, and made to bear to
the state one per cent annual interest.
For each deposit of county bonds with
the State Treasurer the state shall de
posit the same emount of state bonds in
the United States Treasury, and the
money which shall be advanced on such
bonds shall be paid directly to the prop-
er officials of the counties whose bonus
are deposited as seenrity with the state.
The funds so provided and secured by
bonds shall constitute the capital for
county government banks which shall be
in charge ol regularly electea county
(bank) officials whose bonds shall be ap
proved in four times the sum the people
may nave on aeposii at any one nine.
The presidents, cashieis and directors of
these public banks shall be paid reason
able, fixed salaries.
The counties shall each provide their
bauking representatives the necessary
safety deposit vaults, ore prooi sales ana
other needed furniture, blank books, etc.,
to conduct the entire loan, deposit and
exchange business" of the people of the
county, furniture to also include a com
plete set of abstracts of titles of all real
estate in the county.
TI19 county government banks shall be
by law required to receive all surplus
cash which individuals may. wish to de
posit, and to pay back to depositors the
full amount of their deposits, but no iu
terest shall be paid on such deposits.
Loans annlied for shall be passed upon
by a board of three bank directors, who
must be agreed that the security is worth
at least double the amount of the loan
desired. Finding the security amply
sufficient, loans shall be made on im
proved farms in size not exceeding 04U
acres, up to half their selling value, at
two per cent per annum. On homesteads
in town (Iota built on and owned by the
parties living on them), mining towns
excepted, loans limited to 83 per cent
ol their cash value shall be made at two
per cent. On business property up to
83 per cent of its cash value loans at
two per cent may be made, provided the
owner does not possess more than a half
block of such property. On warehouse
receipts for grain and cotton stored in
county, state or government warehouses,
loans at two per cent may be made up to
00 per cent of their market value, rer
sonal security for thirty, sixty and ninety
days, or fractions thereof, may be taken
when notes are signed by three parties of
good repute, two of whom are established
in business in the community and pos
sessed of ample property to collect the
debt by law, such loanstobediscounted
at one-half to one per cent.
Above rates to be reduced to cost of
conducting the business when found
above it, as doubtless would be the case
as soon as all money came to be deposit
ed in the government banks and all loan
ing should be done by the people's
The above plan, would make losses ex
ceedingly small if adopted with all the
safeguards, profits even at these
rates, cut down to perhaps one
per cent, over labor cost, would
much more than make good such
possible losses. The tax-payers would
thus be secured by the profits exceeding
losses, and by ample bonds against the
occasional dishonesty of an official of
their own selecting. The state would be
secured against any fraudulent or over
valuation of particular counties by a
Btate board of tax rate or valuation
equalicen and by the entire taxable
property of each county, and the nation
al government would besecured absolute
ly in its state loans by the Btate bonds
deposited in the U. S. Treasury. There
would be no more money called for, (or
bonds given) than the people with secur
ity judge they individually need to era
ploy labor, and it money could be bor
rowed of county government banks at
rates, say, not to exceed one per cent a
year above the labor cost of loaning it,
all private hioiiey foiuMii wOirid'detfrfwa
out of business and their money would
either be turned into more labor-employ,
ing capital or directly deposited with the
government and so would go into the
circulation without enforcing usury trib
ute. The volume of money would not be
greatly increased by the system we pro
pose, because with government banks
furnishing money at cost it would draw
all money not for the present needed by
individuals to their care for absolute se
curity, and when deposits exceeded de
mands bonds could be paid off and can
celled. But an amount of perpetual state
bonds drawing only one-half ot one per
cent a year and of county bonds drawing
one per cent a year should be kept de
posited and not paid off, to supply se
curity to the government for whatever
money can be used profitably aa capital
and is needed in excess of coin to make
exchsnses and maintain prices. The
half per cent national and half percent
additional state charge would be some
more than the labor cost of this machin
ery of credit, but it would not be a bur
den, for it wonld furnish an income that
would reduce other taiation. There
would be no interest tax, except the
slight one going to the government. '
Now are there any who wiH object to
the above financial system.
Yes, the bankers will object to it; all
who own bank stock will call it frightful
names. It is not in their special interest,
as are the Baltimore and Carlisle plans
Were it to be enacted into law the money
power would be destroyed and honest la
bor would be enthroned. It would pro
vido capital at nearly labor cost for those
who new mast pay from five to a hun
dred per cent a year bonus for it. It
would prevent panics and periodsof com
mercial paralysis and enforced idleness
and starvation. It is a just currency
system that would bring to the masses
unheard of prosperity, therefore the
classes, the bankers especially, will view
it with, alarm and will frighten fools
with their cries of, "Socialism!" "Anar
chy!" "Fiat lunatics!" "Floods of irre
deemable paper!" And for the time be
ing they will have their way, and will put
through Congress a bill to destroy the
greenback and turn over to the bunker
alone the sovereign power to make fiat
money, money which costs them nothing
and which has no intrinsic value, but
which they can loan to the people at
from six to a hundred per cent a year.
And the people, as now, will have to de
posit their surplus cash with the banks,
which, as now, will furnish depositors no
security, and so for all the money in use,
the bankers and everybody's, we shall
have to pay them (-the bankers) a high
rate of interest, besides paying tribute to
all capital at the same rate. ;
Secretary Curlisle has drafted in out
line a plan for currency reform (?) which
Cleveland has endorsed and recommend
ed congress to enact into law. As it is
the Bankers' Association plan adopted
at Baltimore at their annual meeting,
with some immaterial modifications, it
may be expected that it will be put
through the present congress, which is
owned by the money power. The plan is
therefore of great interest to the people
who will be still farther robbed and per
petually enslaved by it, if they continue
to vote the old party tickets. The follow
'ngcurrency legislation recommendations
we clip irom Carlisle s just published re
"1. Repeal all laws requiringor autho
rizing the deposit of United States bonds
as security for circulation.
"2. Permit National banks ' to issue
notes to an amount notexceeding 75 per
centum of their paid up capital and un
impaired capital, but require each bank,
before receiving notes, to deposit a
guarantee fund, consisting of United
States . legal tender notes, including
Treasury notes of 1800, to the amount
of 80 per centum upon the circulating
notes applied for. This percentage of de
posits upon the circulating notes out
standing to be maintained at all times
and whenever a bank retires its circula
tion, in whole or in part, its guarantee
fund to be returned to it iu proportion
to the amount of notes retired.
"3. Retain the provisions of the law
makinx stockholders individually liable,
and provide that the circulating notes
shall constitute a first lien upon all the
assets of the bank.
"4. Impose a tax of one-half of 1 per
centum per annum, payable Bemi-annu
allv. upon the average amount of notes
in circulation, to defray the expenses of
printing notes, official supervision, can
cellation, etc
"5. No National bank note to be of
less denomination than f 10, and all
notes ol the same denomination to be
uniform in design; but banks desiring to
redeem their notes iu gold may have
them made payable in sold. The Secre
tary of the Treasury to have authority
to prepare and to have on hand ready
for issue, upon application, a reserve of
blank National bank notes for each
banking association having circulation.
"6. Require each National banking
association to redeem its notes at its
own office, or at its own offices and at
agencies to be designated by it.
"7. To provide a safety fund for the
immediate redemption of the circulating
notes of failed banks, impose a tax of
per centum per annum upon the average
circulation of each bank until the fund
amounts to 5 per centum of the total
circulation outstanding.' Require each
new bank, and each bank taking out
additional circulation, to deposit its pro
per proportion of this fund before receiv
ing notes. When a bank fails, its
guarantee fund held on deposit to be paid
into the safety fund and used in the re
demption of its notes, and if this fund
shall be impaired by the redemption of
the notes of failed National banks, and
the immediately available cash assets of
such banks are insufficient to re-establish
the fund, it shall at once be made good
by pro rata assessments upon the other
banks, according to the amount of their
oatstaudiug circulation; but there hIiu.II
be a first lien upon all the assets of the
contributing banks. The safety mud
may be invested in outstanding United
States bonds having the longest time to
run, the bonds and the interest upon
them to be held as part of the fund and
sold when necessary to redeem notes of
failed banks.
"8. Repeal the provisions of the Re
organization and Extension act of July
12, 1882, imposing limitations on the
reduction and increase of National bank
"0. Repeal all provisions of the law re
quiring banks to keep reserve on account
ol deposits.
"10. The Secretary of the Treasury
may, in his discretion,, nse any surplus
revenues of the United States in the re
demption ttud retirement of United States
legal tender notes, but such redemptions
snail not in the aggregate exceed an
amount equal to 70 per cent of the
additional circulation taken out by
National and State bauks under the sys
tem herein proposed.
"11. Circulating notes issued by
banking corporation, duly organized
nndsr the law of any state, which tran
acts no other than a banking business,
shall be exempt from taxation under the
laws of the United btates when It is
shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary
of the Treasury and Controller of ths
Currency (I) that such bank has at no
time had outstanding its circulatihc
notes in excess of 75 per cent of its paid-
up and unimpaired capital; (2) that its
stockholders are individually liable for
the redemption of its circulating notes
to the full extent of their ownership of
stock; (3) that the circulating notes
constitute by law a first lien upon all the
assets of the bank; (4) that the bank has
at all times kept a guarantee fund in
United States legal tender notes, includ
ing Treasury notes of 1890, equal to 30
per cent of its outstanding circulation
notes, and (5) that it has properly re
deemed its notes on demand at its princi
pal office, or at one of its branch offices,
u it has branches.
"12. The Secretary of the Treasury
may in proper rules and regulations to
be established by him, permit Statebanks
to procure and use in the preparation ol
their notes the distinctive paper used in
printing United States securities, but no
State bank shall print or engrave its
notes in similitude of a United States
note or certificate or National banknote.
Read again Section 10 of the plan and
notice that it proposes to give the Secre
tary of the Treasury power to retire and
destroy the greenbacks, $346,000,000
of which were by hard fighting with the
money power preserved from destruction
in the '70s.
Notice that this plan gives the banks
power to make paper money "notexceed
ing 75 per centum of their paid up capi
tal," authorizes them to make it out of
nothing, and loan it as capital to the
people. Why should the bankers be
thus given hundreds of millions of paper
money, or any money, to loan at high
rates to the people? Why should they be
allowed to draw interest on their notes
while all other people are forced to pay
interest on theirs? Why should bankers
capital be exempt from taxation? Are
they benefactors ol the nation!
Notice that the above plan provides no
security for depositors and only a partial
security for holders of bank notes.
Will the people of this country ignor-
untly and slavishly allow this worst
possible scheme of class legislation to be
enacted, by which hundreds of millions of
their money will be "redeemed" and re
tired,' i. e., destroyed, and the money
making power of the government turned
over to the Shylock class, to be used by
them to draw a vast volume of interest
and wealth from the people on money
that they simply print, fiat money,
money that they do not labor for?
We may as well come out and say it,
we do not like the indications that some
of our leaders (we do not know how
many) are willing to letslipthecardinal
principles ot the People's party and are
planning to practically switch us off
from our national platform at the un
delegated conference called by our nation
al chairman, Mr. Taubeneck, to meet the
28th at St. Louis. The way they think
it can be done is ta draw tip recommen
dations at that meeting that in all our
educational work between now and '96
we give almost our whole attention to
the money question, making that alone
the issue. Say nothing about the trans
portation and telegraph monopolies to
repel people who will not accept our plat
form utterances calling for the national
zatiou of these monopolies, drop out of
sight everything evcept free silver and an
indefinite demand for "government
paper money to supply the rest of the
currency needed." This they call the
money question.
It makes us heart sick to think of the
folly of this plan. The money question
indeed! The money question compre
hensively understood is the greatest,
most pressing question. The time is ripe
for us as a party to propose currency re
form legislation which shall be adequate
and just. But our party will assuredly
go to pieces aud deserves to if it allows
itself to be tied down to the silver dollar,
Henry G. Miller, of Chicago, just back
from the Bimetallic Conference at St.
Louis said of that meeting, as reported
in the Chicago Times:
"Democrats, Republicans and Populists
represented at the conference all were
animated with the sentiment that the
friends of silver should act in accord and
as one party. To this end the Populists
say they are ready to forego any declara
tion of policy other than the free and un
limited coinage of gold and silver in their
present legal ratio of 16 to 1, and the
issue of all paper money by the govern
ment without the intervention of banks,
This to be redeemable in coin."
This may be an overstatement of what
even the Populists he met are in favor of,
and certainly no great number of Popu
lists attended that conference. Those
who did attend were naturally the men
who magnify the importance of the silver
slUa Ah.'tetlng & the .. .People's
party. The conference is a wise move, if
allowed to be representative, if its
originators, through the national chair
man and secretary, do not by sending
out special invitations to the narrow
minded silver men practically pack it
with men who think the material of
money more essential than government
banks to keep it circulating,' and that
money issued merely paid out by the
government will not only take care ot
itself, but ot all the great monopolies.
The reverse is true. The monopolies will
take caro of the money bo issued, and
drawing it out of the people's banks they
will continue to force us to pay them a
vast amouut of interest, with which they
will go ou baying up our natural resour
ces.' "
We do not question the honesty ot our
men who, we have reason to believe, are
trying to get the Populists to shelve the
land and railroad questions, and the
money question, also, in its vital part.
that part which would, by a perfected
system of government banks, provide
the people loans and discounts at cost.
loans at two per cent or less, and perfect
security for their deposits. These leaders
mean well, no doubt. They do not see
that the scheme would break us up, in
stead of building us up. The Populist
party was the child of the Farmers' Alli
ance and organized labor, and the Ocala
platform ou which it was born and the
Omaha platform on which it was christ
ened cannot be taken fromnnder it with
out scattering us.
The Nonconformist wants to go slow
in its talk about "fanciful and emotional
measures," 'chimerical experiments and
visionary schemes," or else tell us what
it means when it refers to "the money
question in its entirety." The money
question "in its entirety" is all right,
but we are likely to have a lively fight
over what that "the money question in
entirety" embraces.
8n'b dopes are men to cuHtom, nnd so prone
To rev'rence what le oneient, and ma-plead
A co urge of long observimce tor Its utte.
That even servitmlv, the worst of Ills,
Because delivered down from sire to son,
la kept and guarded as a eat red tblng.
The chief feature of the Century for
1895 will be the Life of Napoleon Bona
parte, a just consideration of the man in
relation to his times. It is written bv
Prof. Wm. M. Sloane who has since 1882
occupied the chair of Prof, of the Philos
ophy of History in Princeton College, in
which he has distinguished himself as a
lecturer. He has given years to prepara
tion for the writing of this life, studying
the written records aud making himself
familiar with the fields of Napoleon's con
flicts by traveling over the ground and
studying French life and character. The
opening paper in the Nov. Century gives
an account of the Bonaparte family.
which before Napoleon was obscure and
apparently outside of the main channel
of hnropean history. It tells of his birth,
childhood, and youth and is continued in
the December number with private study
and garrison life, the outbreak of the
Revolution, its effects in Corsica and on
Bonaparte's relation to France, first
lesson in Revolution and traits of char
acter. It is fully, illustrated with por
traits of the period aud pictures by con
temporaries of events described.
Other attractions are "Washington in
Lincoln's Time," by Noah Brooks, "Rem
iniscencesof Hawthorne"by his daughter;
"the Making ol Thieves in Mew lork" by
Jacob A. Riis,and poems by R. W. Gilder,
U.r. Lathrop and JuliaSchayer. Marion
Crawford's new novel "Cosa Broccio" be
gan in November and "An Errant Woo
ing" by Mcs. Burton Harrison in Decem
ber, and there are short stories by Sarah
Orne Jewett, Rudy ard Kipling and others.
The December number of the Cosmo
politan is as usual rich in illustration and
fresh and interesting in its subject mat
ter. The fiction is furnished by authors
whose names guarantee the quality of
their creations. Kudyard Kipling writes
on "An Error in the Fourth Dimension,"
an amusing sketch of the cure of an An
glo maniac. Mrs. Burton Harrison writes
a complete story entitled "On French
man's Bay." Wm. Dean Howells begins
a story called, "A Parting and a Meet
ing." Kathrina.Trask writes of "The
Hall-Mark," and Albion W. Tourgeecon
tinues his war serial, "The Story of a
Thousand. The poems are furnished by
Sir Edwin Arnold, Clinton Scollard, Ed
gar Fawcett, James Whitcomb Riley and
E. C. Stedraan. Other articles are: "The
Relations of Photography to Art:" "The
Tribes of Sahara" (by Napoleon Ney):
"Marguereta of Savoy," "Musical In
struments of the World;" "Great Pas
sions of History;" "Abraham Lincoln m
His Relations to Women" (by Julian
Gordon). And there are the usual de
partments devoted to art, letters and
science. Tha Cosmopolitan costs but
$1.50 a year and ranks in value with the
highest priced magazines.
The New Tork Tribune admitsthat the
Populists have gained in the eastern
states as well as in the west and south.
The Republican vote in all thestateseast
of the Ohio line is about 105,000 larger
than it was in '92; but the Democratic
vote is about 115,000 less in New Eng
land, 123,000 less in New York, 58.000
less in New Jersey and 122,000 less in
Pennsylvania a loss of 415,000 in the
states named. In Ohio the g. o. p.' in'
creased its vote 8,000, the Populists
theirs 25,000 and the Democrats lost
127,000. In Indiana the Reps, gained
25,000, the Populists 7,000 and the
Democrats lost 25,000. The Populist
gains in Minnesota, Illinois and Texas
were, considering the year, wonderful. In
no state have we dropped back in the
total of our vote. The tendency of the
Democrats who fear the Populists to join
the ranks of their ancient enemy, is a
most encouraging symptom. This year
this action elected Republicans and de
feated Populists in many places, but it
was all in the way of final victory for
us and will greatly hasten its coming.
Flour mills shut down in St. Louis to
prevent "over-production," and the same
day women and children in New York
were thrown down and trampled on in a
desperate struggle of the starving to get
bread which was being doled out in
charity. And the hungry are in every
city, our own included. The millers'
trust of the nation is now throwing out
laborers and reducing the output of flour
in order to hold the price up so that the
big capitalists who own the stock can
have their dividends while the people
Within a week from the time of the
bond issue and the completion of t he gold
payments therefor into the Treasury
15,000,000 of the gold paid in was
drawn out by the banking community
which got the bonds. The devil has got
us, sure. , .
The articles which have from time to
time appeared in The Wealth Makhks
on the question of uuitingour means and
energies to provide work and wealth for
all and to teach others the way of salva
tion from selfishness, have awakened
much interest and there is a general ex
pressed desire that as many of us as can
do so come together to talk over the
matter face to face, and to find oat who
are ready to join themselves together in
a Christian corporation.
We therefore call all those who are
moved to join such corporation and all
who are in any degree interested in the
subject to meet with us at Lincoln, as
many as can possibly do so, on Saturday
and Sunday, December 15th and 16th, to
discuss what we ought to do and can do.
The place of meeting has not yet been
arranged for, but all who come from a
distance will please report in person at
The Wealth Makers office, 1120 M. St.,
for the necessary information. The first
meeting will be held at 9:30 a. m., Satur
day, Dec. 15th.
The questions before us Will be:
First The duty of co-operation under
the law of love.
Second The evils ofselfishcompetition
and monopoly, and the various economies
and benefits aud blesseduess of corpora
tion. Third The means we have arid are
ready to put into the proposed corpor
ation to work with.
Fourth The Nebraska law regarding
corporations, and the form of articles to
record that will give us andourcollective
property and labor the pre it etion of the
courts. ,
Fifth Theconstitution and by-laws we
shall adopt, providing for the various
departments of labor and directors or
overseers to be chosen year by year to
have charge of each.
. Sixth The provision for those who can
not at once be provided work except to
continue where they are, doing what they
are now doing, enabling them to be mem
bers of the corporation by booking their
earnings or income aud adopting thecor
poration standard of living, which will be
an equal division of thecommon product
or product of all, after taxes are paid, in
crease in capital provided for, and the
common missionary fund set apart.
Seventh The .plans for immediate
brotherhood labor, the economic and in
creased effectiveness possible with the
means and men united
The editor of The Wealth Makers wilt
read a paper at the opening meeting.
Other papers may beread, but it will not
be a set program. Each one interested
who finds it impossible to be present is
requested to write and so give us the
benefit of what wisdom or suggestions or
inquiries may lie in his or her mind.
Those who can come are asked to come
prepared to discuss the whole matter or
to freely ask questions and make sugges
tions. Bring all the information you can
individually gather up. Invite anyone
and everyone whom you can interest to
come with you. Come prayerfully, you
who speak to the All-Father. Come
lovingly, you who recognise the human
brotherhood. Come rejoicing, you who
see in oar Christian corporation the be
ginning of what shall grow to fill the
whole earth, and fulfill all prophecy.
During the fiscal years 1893 and 1894,
we have paid as tribute' to foreign credit
ors in exported merchandise, including
gold and silver bullion, at least $391-,
600,000, Carlisle reports, this sum be
ing the excess of exports over imports.
We furnish half this sum or more yearly
to the people of other countries and get
nothing in exchange for it. It is one
item, the foreign part, of what it costs
us to ignorantly worship gold. The gold
we borrow of the people of other count
ries, or of gold bugs here, is worth, no
more to us than full legal tender green
backs would be. It employs no more
labor and serves no better purpose as
money. But the gold monopolists have
got control of the government and will
not allow the people to provide for them
selves the currency they need. Carlisle
and Cleveland are simply the agents of
the world's rulers, the gold monopolists,
and are now urging Congress to destroy
our three hundred millions and more
greenbacks, and turn over the right and
legal power of issuing paper money to
the Shylock class.
The Populists of Kansas four years
ago cast 106,972 votes, the Democrats
71,357 and the Republicans 115,025.
This year the Populists cast 118,329'
votes, the Democrats 27,677 and the Re
publicans 148,637. All of which goes to
show that the Populists have made a
gain ot 11,357 votes. The Democrats
have lost 42,680 votes, about 83,000 of
which went to the Republican party and
1(1,000 to the Populists. It was Demo
crats, three to one, joining the Republi
can party which defeated the Populists
in Kansas and Nebraska. The Populists
did not lose ground. And the driving
together of the two old parties is just
what we want.
Under this plan of Secretary Carlisle's
what is to prevent a few unscrupulous
men joining themselves together, start
ing a bank, with a paid up capital of
$100,000, and by depositing $22,500
with the government receiving in currency
$75,000; then, after remaining in busi
ness until they had got these bank notes
in circulation, quietly close their doors
and skip? Would they not make a clear
profit of $52,500 which the government
would lose, which means in the end the
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