December 13, 1894. THE WEALTH MAKERS. 3 Democracy vs. Populism Until recently we never grasped in its enti rety, the distinctive d ifference between the Democratic and Populist parties. Since that time we have exerted our best efforts in trying to convince the Populists of this city that there can be nothing in common between the two organizations, bo long as each stands true to the funda mental principles on which it is based. In an article fonr years ago we took the position that there are but two distinc tive schools of political ethics in the civ il i red world, viz., individualism, which carried to its logical conclusion leads to ideal anarchy, and cooperation, which carried to its logical conclusion leads to ideal socialism as taught by Karl Marx, Laurence Gronlund and Edward Bellamy. Today we are more firmly convinced of the truthfulness of this position than were we at that time. The tendency of the age confirms our position. At that time we did not recognize in the Demo cratic party the uncompromising cham pion of the individualistic political school, but at the present time we can seeclearly such is the case; while on the other hand we recognize in the Populist party the defender of co-operation, andonethat in order to perpetuate its existence as the true party of reform, must very soon be come the open and avowed champion of socialism, pure and simple. In these or ganizations we recognize the two chief contending factors in American politics today, while the Republican party stands as a band of bushwhackers, carrying on a guerilla warfare against both the other parties. For years it stood as the defend er, and does yet, of a psendo form of socialism, or rather paternalism; but its paternalism was for the few, not for the many. In our opinion as the Populist party (or its successor) becomes more radical in its socialistic utterances, the Democratic party will become more ag gressive than heretofore as thechampion of individualism. Hence the lines will be come so distinct that any fool who runs may read. This is the line along which the economic battles of the future will be fonght,and although the names of parties may chauge, these distinctive principles will continue to exist and be defended by some organizations, no matter what their names. Therefore the teachings of the Demo cratic party being individualistic and the Populist -party socialistic they are the antipodt-s of each other, hence there can be no harmonizing the two. One cannot ride two horses going in opposite direc tions at the same time, and whenever we hear people say that Messrs. Bland, Bry an, Morgan, etc., are almost Populists, we are reminded of the story related of the old colored woman whosaid to some one who told her that they alniOHt loved the Lord: "Almost! why chile, dat's no good. S'pose I almost take a drink, I'se dry still; s'pose I almost go to my dinner; dathelp my stomach any? No, honey, we's got to eat, or else we go hungry. I don't almost love my Lord Jesus; I love bitn quite." Whenever you hear any intelligent man say, I'm still a Democrat.and in the next breath advocate the cardinal principles of the Populist party, you can safely brand him a. demagogue. None would hesitate to denounce any one as sucn who unqualifiedly endorsed the platform on which Grover Cleveland was elected president in 1892, and still claim to be a Populist. As long as grass grows and water runs the Democratic party under some name or other will continue to live, especially under Republican iorms of government that foster the competitive system. It will never die so long as the principles of individualism exist. It is the Populist party's natural born enemy, and none see this more clearly than the leading Democrats, who are now carry ing on a flfrtation with the Populistic maiden, only to debauch and ruin her when they have gained her confidence. North of Mason's and Dixon's line, we can recall not one prominent life-long Democrat who has joined the Populist party and endorsed the Omaha platform unreservedly. Three-fourths of the Populist party of the north is composed of ex-Republicans. The Democratic party during the whole history of its organization, has stood as the defender of individualism, even going so far as to claim supreme sovereignty rested in the individual. Its main reason for opposing prohibition has been that it was sumptuary legislation and inter fered with individual rights. During the civil war it opposed the issuing of the greenbacks as U. S. treasury notes on the theory that the government had no right to issue and make them a legal tender between individuals, but admitt ed its power to issue and make them a legal tender for all debts due the govern ment. It has always stood as the cham pion of state rights, county rights, indi vidual rights and state banks. It has opposed the government doing anything that the individual could do, and were it entirely consistent, when in power, would turn the judicial, school, postal and sig nal service systems over to individuals. In fact, thecardinalprincipleon which the dictrine of free trade is based, is that of individual rights; i. e., the right of each citizen to buy where he can the cheapest and sell where he can sell the dearest. The masses often lose sight of this dis tinctive feature of the Democratic party and are too proud to think thero is littU if any difference between it and its old time enemy, the Republican party. The leaders, however, of that organization see clearly the reason for the faith that is in them. And that reason accounts for the free silver Democrats not joining the Populist party. Wade Hampton a short time siiice in the city of Omaha ' voiced the sentiments of intelligent De mocrats when he said he was opposed to the government ownership of the Pacific R. R. Even Mr. Bryan, who is almost a Populist (?), can go no farther than gov ernment control. Do not think for a moment that any honest Democrat Hill ever join the Populist party until he has met with a complete change of heart. In order to espouse its principles "he must be born again." Water and oil will not mix. The Democratic party will never favor government ownership of railroads, tele graph and telephone lines and municipal ownership of street car lines and lighting plants. In order to do so, it must first surrender the position it has so tena ciously maintained for the past one hun dred years and as an organization droj into oblivion. This it will never do a long as our present economic system lastsjonly under tbecooperativecommon- wealth will it cease to exist. .... then for the first time in the history of the world have true individual freedom through cooperation, and the individual ist (or anarchist) will then have no reason for an existence. H. S. Aley, M. D. Lincoln, Neb. P. S. The above was written shortly after the Grand Island convention, and is published at this time in order to com bat the idea that seems so prevalent, vis. the immediate dissolution of the Demo cratic party. We contend that in spite of its present overwhelming defeat that organization will soon "rise from its ashes," and in the future will be the open and avowed champion of ind ivid nal ism.or anarchy, as against state cooperation or socialism. In other words, the true enemy of the people. H. S. A. SENSATIONAL CHARGES Confiscation That Confiscates Tbbdon, Neb., Nov. 19, 1894. Editor Wealth Makers: As all Populists prophesied before elec tion, defeat the Populists, and Brewer and Dundy would sustain thejnjunction restraining the railroad company of Ne braska from putting into effect the max imum freight bill. Commenting on this the State Journal, Nov. 16th, says: "la grappling with the central idea of ignor rant and irresponsible railroad regula tion, the judge makes the issue plain and clear to the minds of the people that the federal courts will not on a proper show ing permit the confiscation of the prop erty of citizens of tbe United States by a state legislature on any pretext whatever, etc." Mr. State Journal, I have before me a book with the compliments of Philip Andrus (deputy commissioner of labor for the state of Nebraska) for the years 1891 and 1892. This was when we had Mc Kinley tariff in all its glory and before it was threatened by Clevelandism,theyear that John M. Thurston said labor was the most highly remunerated it ever had been in the history of theworld. So from the light shown by Mr. Andrus let's see what about the confiscation of Nebraska property. In bis report be took great pains to find theamount of out shipments from all tbe railroad stations in the state, which amounted to 1117,000,000. This would be a fair showing on its face, but when we come to analyze by counties we find of this amount Douglas 'and Otoe counties show is $60,000,000,leaving on ly 157,000,000 for the rest of the state, or the purely agricultural portion of the state in gainful occupations. I will es timate from the 10th census that there were 200,000 engaged in farming, which would give them $285 each for theirlabor and capital. From this they must live, support their families, pay taxes, keep up repairs, buy new machinery, and last but not least pay interest' on about 178, 000,000 of mortgages, besides innumer able millions of private debts. After all this please tell how much less than con fiscated are the farms of Nebraska. If we, the farmers, only got f 285 for our service and capital that year, what will we get this? To the readers of The Wealth Makers permit roe to recom mend some one or more of you in each community to send to Carroll. D. Wright, Washington, D. C, for abstract of 11th census. It is the best hand book on Populism I have ever seen. Geo. W atkins. What la a Populist? Editor Wealth Makers: A Populist is one who believes in life, . in the useful passing of days, in produc I tive labor, in the emancipating power of , education. He is one who confides him self to the great Will which is the founda tion of all things. A Populist is one who . knows brotherly love, who cannot con ceive of his own habpiness apart from others, who is one with the whole, who marches in the ranks and loves humanity as he loves his family and country, with all the emotion of his heart and all the power of sacrifice. A Populist isone who tries to govern himself not according to his passions, his interests, or the caprice and violence of others, but in accordance with la ws of justice and equity. A Popu list is one who knows how to fight and suffer for what is good, for what he loves, for what he worships. He is one who hates evil and declares againstit without mercy, knowing tnat our greatest fault is a failure to keep God's commandment to "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Yours fraternally, . Wm. H. Crane. A NEW BELLAMY COLONY. Co-Operative Brotherhood Formed to Fat Socialism Into httect In Missouri. Cabthage, Mo., Dec.10. "The Co operative Brotherhood" is the name of an organization now being formed by a number of Missourians of a so cialistic turn of mind, with A. B. Francisco of Clinton as president and George W. William of Humansvilla as treasurer. The .organization is said to bo backed by men of ability. It is proposed to establish a colony where a practical , demonstration of tbe Bellamy idea of life may be given. A great tract of land adjacent to abundant - water power within an hour's ride of Carthage is being ne gotiated for. The colony will live as much as possible without aid of the outside world and will have its own factories, farms, mines and all other things necessary to the wants of man. Inducements will be offered to colonists, but the nature of these are yet a secret COUNTY ATTORNEY BOONE ACCUSED OF BOODLING. STOOD II WITH LAW BREAKERS. Sedgwick County's, Kansas, Preeaoatlag Offleer Charged With Aooaptlag Bribes, Misappropriating Flaes and Doubly Collecting Costs He Deaonnoee the Charges as Blackmail. , Wichita, Ran,, Dec. I 0. Last even ing County Attorney Willard Boone and Attorney W. J. Skelton engaged in a fistic encounter, in which Boone punished Skelton for alleged black mail. To-day Skelton filed proceed ings for disbarment against Boone and Judge Reed set the case for hear ing on December 19. Skelton charges that County At r ney Boone has collected and reta rd for his own use, by virtue of his office, numerous sums of money to dismiss cases pending against criminals, and has collected costs in cases from de fendauts on promises to dismiss crim inal charges against them, has appro priated such costs to his own uses and has caused the county to also pay the same costs; that Boone bas accepted money and payment of costs from fiersons convicted of misdemeanors in ustices .courts who appealed to the district court, to dismiss the cause in the higher court and afterwards in dorsed the bills for the same costs against the county and himself re tained the amounts paid to him personally, that Boone began a number of liquor prose cutions and afterward entered into a compact with the defendants to dismiss the charges on payment of the costs and $35 attorney's fee in each ease and the payments de manded were made and the eases dropped, the money collected being appropriated by Boone to his own uses; that on one Sunday, Boone got drunk in a saloon and when the po lice officers ordered the place closed countermanded the order and agreed to protect the violators of the law, and that he became so noisy that the police officers threw him ont of the saloon into the gutter; that he is a frequenter of joints and is constantly found in them drunk and disorderly, and that he is in the habit of order ing wines and liquors and telling the jointists they would be credited for the same on their fines. The charges are all definite and the names of those with whom Boone is alleged to have entered into these deals are given. Boone denies the charges in toto and he says that he will have Skelton arrested on a charge of blackmail. ' - limn. . , ., i ii J. ... . jgth EPISSEL UV SAMYEWL TEW THE HEETHAN et wuz very kunsideret mi der unkel samyewl tew rite me a letter en yewr oan sine manyewl fer i notis thet peepel hoo think themselves pumkins print most uv ther letters tew uz kuntry bumkins an ime glad tew lern yewve made up yer mind tew Btoddi fynans an things uv thet kind fer ever sins adum went under the stubbel ets munui thets made the most uv the trubbel now et ma seam od er even kwite funni but there onli wun trik in this gameuv munni jus kapcher thet an hole ontite yewl keep on top en every flte ets ez simpel ez simpel ez wel ken be but thats jus the reesen weer awl et see when ye part with a doller get a nuther wun bak an hard tims an poverti fli the trak awl peepel kneeds - ez a chans tew swop on evnn turms krop fer krop an now let me giv yew akwiethint whil yew wach the devvel an see him skwint EF WE DID EZ WEED HKF TEW KF THER WUZ NO QOALI) T1E PORE WOODENT FIND THE WINTURS8EW KOLD sow now deer unk el yew no whi i preech the gospul tew sinners an awl i ken reech tew the rich an the pore an the reverund fawlstaff yer affexshunet neffew sam fonagraf breeder and deeler nv hi grad mewls an suddin deth tew goald base fewls Gold peere All Me; lit Again. Washington; Dec. 3. The cash bal ance in the treasury at the close of business yesterday was $140,887,464; gold reserve, $103,016,178, showing an increase since last Wednesday of $33,863,267. $100 Reward, $100. Tbe renders of this papar will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to care la all its statres and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care Is the only positive core now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being- a eoastitntloaal dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Tare Is taken Internally, actio directly opoo tbe blood and roncons surfaces of tbe sys tem, thereby dretroyln; tbe fonndatioa of tbe disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing ap tbeconitltntlon and assisting natare In doing Its work. Tbe proprietors hare so much faith Id Its enrativs powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to care. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHKNET A CO., Toledo, 0. JWbold by Druggist, 74o. ' Notice onr cheap clubbing rates, with "The Prairie Farmer" and "The Picture Magazine." Send in your subscription. You will want good reading matter for the family during the long winter even. WALTER BAKER & GO. The largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH CRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On this Coctintnt, here received HI6HE8T AWARDS from the (test Industrial and Food EXPOSITION 111 Enropeami Arnica. Unlike the Dutch Proem, ae Atke IliM ot ether Ckemkeleor Drte ere -Nn In nT ef thtir nretwreaoee. Their delMone BREAKFAST COCOA b ebnlaMbr pais sad soluble, end mu Urn thmm im arai e eie SOLO BY OROCERS' BVtSVWrlaRa. III J I kdn tttad atjtrtel I Why Was It that Ayer's Baraaparllla, out of the great number of similar preparations manufac tured throughout the world, was the only medicine of the kind admitted at the World's Fair, Chicago? And why was it that, in spite of the united efforts Of the manufacturers of other preparations, the decision of the World's Fair Directors was not reversed? BECAUSE According to Rule IS "Artloles that are In any way dangerous er offensive, also patent medicines, nostrums, and empirloal prepara tions, whose Ingredients are con cealed, will not be admitted to the Exposition," and, therefore Becauu Ayer's Sarsaparllla is not a patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not a secret preparation. Becaut Its proprietors had nothing to eonceal when questioned as to the for mula from which It Is compounded. Becauu It Is all that It Is claimed to be a Compound Concentrated Extract of Sarsaparllla, and in every sense, worthy the Indorsement of this most Important committee, called together tor passing upon the manufactured products of the entire world. AyeteSarsaparilla Admitted for Exhibition AT THE WORLD'S PAIR appeoooeeooooeooocpeeoc PCPUlilST CONFERENCE CALLED I. W. CAftea, Free. I, f. Ties-Pres. O. L. V. 1. Libs, ftWr. Leaders Requested to Meet at St, Loots in December , St. Louis, Nov. 80. The followingcall has been issued: St. Louis, Mo., Nov., 80, 1894. Byre, quest of the national committee of the People's party, and at the suggestion of the chairman of the state committees, I hereby call a meeting of the national committee of the national People's party to meet in the ladies auxiliary of the Lin dell hotel in the city of St Louis, Mo., December 28 and 29, 1894. In addition to the members of the national committee tbe chairmen of the state committees, members of the "Reform Press Associa tion," People's party senators and repre sentatives in the Fifty-third congress and those selected to the Fifty-fourth con gress, and all others who have taken a prominent part in the organization of the party, and also those who are willing to work and vote with the People's party in the future for monetary reform are in vited. The object of this meeting is to map out a policy for an educational cam paign between now and the meeting of the next national convention, and any other business which may come before the committee. The committee will discuss and act upon every phase of the present industrial condition of thecountry. This will be the most important meeting held since the Omaha convention. Senator Stewart, Lafe Pence, General J. B. Weaver, General J. G. Field, Marion Butler, Harry Skinner, M. W. Howard, J. H. McDowell, Hon. Miles Standish, ex Governor Pennoyer of Oregon, Thomas V. Ca.tor, P. M. Wardell, J. M. Devine, J. L. Johnson, Colonel A. C. Fiske, Dr. A. Coleman, John P. Stelle, M. C. Kankin, J. N. Davis, Thomas Fletcher, H. L. Loucks, W. S. Morgan and many other leaders who are not members of the committee have promised to be present. Hon. J. B. Follette, Equitable building, St. Louis, Mo., has charge of arranging all the details of this meeting. H. E. Tatjbkneck, Chairman of National Committee oi the People's Party. I'rotectlon Against Train Kobbers. Chicago, Dec. 10. A railroad car which is said to be bullet proof is be ing constructed. The new car will be supplied with cages, designed to be opened only from the outside by a station master; In these cages the safe and more valuable parcels are to be placed. The arrangement is such that if robbers succeed in entering the car they will be exposed to the fire of the messenger from a bullet proof compartment in each end of the car, the messenger being also able to shoot along the sides1 of the car to protect the engineer Official 1 ls;ares From Wisconsin. Madison, Wis., Dec. 10. At the of ficial canvass of votes cast at the re cent election, it was developed that the total was the greatest cast in the history of the state, being 3,868 greater than in the election of 1802. Upbwa f or g-ovsrnor h&st 43,1)60 plural ity. Branch for lieutenant governor 61,053, and other Republican candi dates in excess of 59,000. The ten Republican 'congressional candidates are elected by pluralities ranging from 4.380 to 10,783, with the excep tion of Sauerherlng in the Second district, who skinned in with only 265 plurality over Barwlg, Democrat , He Fb Uriel krace tepj of Ri it TU Irgwi, fast sum1 Chupmt Am JL'itaai in toe Sunt. Gatftr Over f' f4.OOO.0C0 ' UxL la-nraae. f C Now la ? Losaai c-i...V fc.UC.. "Cured my cough like magic" is the frequent expression of those who testily to the merits of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. lOEB'S STEEL wit- ': A HI WIR3 BILL H se anal Mransth er " plldiv, annum Stedei end Dip loma a WerU's Fitr. Abe Cel- Tftnlted Steel Teekl. Cftedeis and Rtreleften. PaM Mete rre f r taaa Aay Oie Lkas Cessay Ms lasar-e smtast aa4 IAsBlaeT, Wke aaa Teraade, at Oae Per teat, Ikee ran Tare rears vitaewt ear I Hint Pmraleaes laemraaes to the Parsers at Aetna! Ceet. Al Leases 121 PaM la Pall aaa ae seats i ller.3 C:s: 245 Ca. 11th Si, PURELY MUTUAL it' W pl! glill d x . rrn ! at V im 8 y p;; aatfBatjnsMed. Have paid over fcyf.00 la loess, f jts HI k fcweC i. MepetTevM i. tTm. BwiaAsW, Seratary. Uneela, Mb. tAgtfwut. I b. b. wnraxB. Irrigated Farm Lands IN TH1 FERTILE SM LUIS VALLEY, COLORADO. THHE SAN LDIS VALLEY, COLORADO, is a stretch of level plain about as large as the State of Connecticut, lying between surrounding ranges of lofty mountains and watered by the Rio Grande River snd a score or more of small tributary streams. It was tbe bottom of a great sea, whose de posits have made a fertile soil on an average more than ten feet deep. The mountains are covered with great deposits of snow, which melt and famish the irrigating canals with water for the farmers' crops. " The Climate is Unrivaled. Almost perpetual sunshine, and the elevation of about 7,000 feet dispels all malaria, nor are such pests as ehinch bugs, weevil, etc;, found there. Flo WW O artesian wells are secured at a depth, on an average, of about 100 feet, and at a cost of about 125.00 each. Such is the flow that they are being ntilised for irrigating the yards, garden and vegetable crops. The pressure is suQcient to carry the water, which is pure, all through the farmers' dwellings. Irrigation. Already several thousand miles of large and small irrigating canals have been built and several hundred thousand acres of lands made available for farmlnj operations. Irrigation is an insurance against failure of crops, because suc cess is a question only of the proper application of water to them. The-loss of a single corn or wheat crop in Nebraska, for instance, would more than equal the cost of irrigating canals to cover the entire state, so important is the cer tainty of a fall crop return to any agricultural state. The San Lnis Valley will grow Spring wheat cats, barlsy, pess, heps, bsana, potatcss, vegetables and all kinds cf small fruits and many of tha hardier varieties cf apples, pears and all kinds cf cherries. In the yield of all these products n has nevbb bbek bubpamkd bt ant othkb section on tbe continent. Forty Acres Enough Land. Forty acres is enough land for the farmer of ordinary means and help. Be sides the certainty of return, the yield, under the conditions of proper irriga tion, will average far more than the 160-acre farms in tbe Mississippi and Missouri Valleys, and the outlay for machinery, farming stock, purchase money, taxes, etc., are proportionately less. There are a hundred thousand acres of such lands located in the very heart of the San Luis Valley, all within six miles of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, convenient markets and shipping statious, for sale at $15.00 per acre. Most of these lands are fenced and have been under cultivation and in many instances have wells and some buildings, everything ready to proceed at once to begin farming. A shall cash payment only is required where the purchaser immediately occupies tbe premises, and long time at seven per cent, interest is granted for the deferred payments. 4. A Specially Low Homeseekers Rate will be made you, your family and friends. Should you settle on these lands the amount yon paid for railroad fare will be credited to yon on yonr pay ments; and 'remember the land is perfectly and thoroughly ihhioated, and the land and perpetuel water rights are sold you for less than other sec tions ask for simply the water rights without the land. No betteb lands exist anywhere on earth. For further particulars, prices of land, railroad fare, and all other information call on or address, . (Mention this paper.) BB0W1ELL BLOCK, Manager Cdtrsdo Land A Immlgratiea Ca., LU00LV, KI3 Sulpho-Saline . . SBBB sHanSBB taBBaMaSBB SBSaBSBsBai aBBSBBeiBniisas.M.,,, ,e Bath House and Sanitarium, Corner 14th and M 8U f Lincoln, Neb ' - ' -1 - - ' ""- Open at All Hours Day and Night All Forms of Baths. Turkish, Russian, Romm and Electric Witt special atteatloa to tha application ot Natural Salt Water Baths ersral Ubms stronger taaa sea vater. Raenmatlsm, Bkla. Blood aad Nervons Dis eases, Liver aad Kidney Troablss aad Caroals Ailment are treated saoosscfsll. SjSsa Cathingssy mnr be enjoyed at all seaaoas la oar I are SALT BWIMMINO VOOL, Kaltt last, to 10 leet deep, heated to I altera tenperatsre olf degrees. D3- H. E- and J. 0. EVESSTT, UaaaflBf Pajatdaa. The Uzn Ccrsr.cnwsitfo. mBI great People's party 12L JL York, aad organ et the CsOfr- saaraxoant ot tea UnJtod tttaiae, aadCMias. Prioa, BO Cant Pot Year, ampla Caplaa Fre E7 CC ZwsTl.i mktaceaSv BjeeoaxTa,B.T. kow omia Reduced : Rites 1 lev wand trip ticks ts to Ilany Tourist Points. ... AMONG THSU . . . Hot Springs, Deadwood, Rapid Cty. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulnth, Ashland, Bayfield, Madison, Milwaukee, Ooonomoweo, Wis. Anil other nnlnta too nnmarona to m tion in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ontario, Eto. For rates, maps, eta., see 8. A. Mosreb, A- 8. FreLBiNO, Qen'l Art City T'kt. Axt 117 So. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb. Dipof. Cor. 8 and 8th Eta. I