December 13-, 1894 THE WEALTH MAKERS OTfl SETTLERS mm GRAVE TROUBLE LOOKED FOR IN THAT TERRITORY. TZSUTE INDIANS MOST BE EEIOYED Til White Settlera liar Notified Every bodf to Have the Women and Chil dren Bansoved to flUN of Safety Thar lotaad to Drive tha Indlani Back Into Colora do or Oot of Utah. Washington. Uea 10 Delegate Raw lins of Utah says ha looks for war in Utah before the Ute Indian difficulties are settled. The latest reports that he has received show that the Indians have advanced within thirty miles of Moab and bare caused the settlers a great deal of tronble, rob Ding and "pillaging and driving off stock. The whits settlers have noti fied everybody to have tho women and children removed to places of safety, and are arming and intend to drive the Indians back into Colorodo, or at least ont of Utah. Rawlins has called the attention of Secretary Smith to the anticipated troubles, and told him that the settlers will remove the Indians if the government does sou - KNIGHTS OF PROTECTION. Cyros Bauer Explain! at Length the Objects of the Maw Order. Washington, Deo, 1 a General Cy rus Bussey, assistant secretary 01 tne interior under President Harrison, has been elected president of the . h a . . at sav a a. IS "American Knignts 01 rroicction, whlch has just been incorporated Un it, tha lawa nf Mnrvlanrl. "The order." said General Bussey, Ha a nnn. ant.rin. linn .an i ret rjatrl- Mfln nrmnliiflnn fnunrlrl nnnn broad American principles and, In order to make it more cohesive and perman ent, its constitution and character provide for a. financial beneficial feature to its members. Its declara tion of principles includes adherence to the doctrine of protection to Amer inrinafr'Aa and homea 1. will bmV thrnnrrh ita Inderal). Ita literature, the courses of educational discussions which it will inaugurate and the fraternal co-operation of its members to organise all believers in Its creed throughout the United Rtafjta Intn a rwrmnnt. organization. - i It will advocate and support the con- tlnmitM a tnrlrV arl-fnfttafl t.n tha necessities of protection to American InfjtrABt. raBfraln fnralirn 1 mm Iff ra tion, so that neither pauper labor nor its products snail come untaxed w our country; purity oi elec tions through intelllirent exer cise of franchise anrl the prose- ' ,irt,n Af all franilHlAAf nru - tices, defense of the integrity of ..t.l! 1 , A . 1 it.-. puuiio acuooi ay stem, idg stuuy oi me constitution ana American mstcry, It will seek in various ways to revive an 'I ortanrl tha trim anirit ctt A mart. Mn nafvlnf ta.vt anil fina.Ua will rrf vide a system of practical financial banaftta ij tltA familla f l.a mam. bers, in case of sickness, accident or oeato. VOTES FOR CONGRESSMEN. Official rirarat of tha Kaaalte la tha Varloai Kama Dlatrtata. TorzKA. Kan., Dec. la The clerks 1 in the office of the secretary of state have completed the footings of the vote in the congressional districts and the results are as follows: First district Broderick, Republi can 10 202; Solomon. I) moera t-Podu- list, 15.844: Stone, Prohibitionist. 385. Broderick's plurality 3,398. Second district Miller, Republican, 22,703; Willard, Populist, 13.811; Moore, Democrat, 4,780; Hopkins, ProhibitioniBt, 883; Miller's plurality, 8,053. -Third district Kirknatrick. Repub lican, 20,631; Botkin, Populist, 18,505; Sapp, Democrat, 2,605; Newton, Pro hibitionist, 16. Kirkpatnck's plur ality 9. 19n Fourth district Curtis, Republican, .... 4 a. a. a Mikn. y1 VT f 1 zs,l."4; scou, ropuusi, io, tw, uixeii, Democrat. 2,546; Leonardson, Prohi- MtlnnUt BQK." nlnralitv. A.3fU. Fifth district Calderhead, Republi can, 18,428; Davis, Populist, 15.831; Rrandenburir. Democrat. 2.788: Dur- kee. Prohibitionist, 63. Calderhead's nlnralitv. 2.597. Sixth district Ellis. Republican. 16.391; Baker, Populist, 16,586: Heard, Democrat, 2,934; Brewer, Prohibition ist. 9OT. Ttalrer'a. nlnralitv. 194. Seventh district LoDg, Republican, 27,444; Simpson, Populist-Democrat, 25,459; Neai, Prohibitionist, 1,004. Timir'i nlnralitv. 1.BRX. In the four districts in which judges , . . S . 1 J 9.1 . were elected, ino lutsjuriiies or plu ralities were as follows: Eleventh district Skidmore. Re publican, over McCue, Independent, 2,775 majority. Twantv-.econd district Emerv. Republican, over Thomson, Populist- Democrat, 1,598 majority. " ( Tnrontv.thlnl rHt.rirt MonriM. Rn publican, over Saum, Democrat- Popu- iiai.. 1H4 ninrsi it. Twenty-fourth district McKay. Pnnu list-Democrat over Snellinir. Republican, 54 majority.- EMBARGO ON CATTLE. Ona of tha Qoeatloni Dlseuased. at the National Live Stock Meatlnic. St. Loins. Mo.. Dec 10. The time at the afternoon and evening seasions of the National Live Stock Exchange was taken up with the discussion and settlement of three Questions. The first of theae was the embargo of for eign countries on American live stock and meat products. It waa decided to petition congress and the depart ments to take such action as wm tend to lift the embartro. in regard to tne second question- government inspection it was de cided to address a set or resolutions to Secretary J. Sterling Morton of the agricultural department, requesting that the system of government in anection of cattle and meat products be made uniform as far as local onnditlnna will mrmit! that Inspec tors be appointed only with regard to fitness ana oe removed oniy ior cause a at V . i (incompetency ana negligence;, ana that tha avatam of inspection be ex tended to all slaughter houses within tha mriRdie.tinn or tne aenarimenb The subject of chattel mortgages on a a til a was submitted in the ahaoa of a report from a committee which favored the amendment ox tne laws relating to the subject at the next session of the different state legisla tures. The report was adopted. You Can Secure . - . .mrieai) Jfogeopformist and naa-alataian ' ' wife Both One Year . . . . for Only By sending that amount Immediately to the publishers of this paper. Everybody knows What the Nonconformist is our National Paper. Gives all the news fresh from the battle-fields. It is f 1.00 per year, so is The Wealth Makers, bnt by special arrangement with the Non Con we are enabled to send you both papers for one year for only 1.55. Old subscribers may take ad vantage of this offer as well as ne ones. You Ought to Have It Send us fl.85 immediately and get these two great papers Wealth Makers Pub. Co. Lincoln. Neb. REPRESENTATIVE, Prairie 5armer. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Tha Greatest Reform Paper in tits Northwest. tatabllabad la MM. THE A Weekly Joaraal (or TUB FARM, ORCHARD & FIRESIDE, PakUabad by Tn Painus Fabmss Pnusawe Co., us-lM Adams Strati, Chleaco. It is less than a year and a half old, and has rixen to an immense circulation. The weekly page of contributions from Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, author of "Cwaafa Col umn" and the Preamble to the Omaha Platform, is aloue worth many times the subscription price; while our "Forum" contains every week, contributions from the brightest miuds in the People's Party, not only in Minnesota, but throughout the country. Per Year. Six Months. ........................ Three Months $1.00 .50 .25 MERELY A BRUTAL MURDER. Hox Lit t la Mystery About the Packing Tragedy in Chicago. Chicago. Dec.10. Edward Jordan. assistant janitor of the Hiawatha building, and Lewis Jersey, a dls renutable character, have been ar rested, charged with the brutal mur der of A. D. Barnei, whose mutilated body was found in a packing case in an alley here. To-day Jersey coniessea that ne and Jordan murdered Barnes. Rival ry between Jordan and Barnes for the chief lanltorshin of the Hiawatha building waa partly responsible BOUND TO CET THEM. The Tazaa Authorities Determined to Se cure tha Standard Oil Men. , Ttleb, Texas, Dec. 10. Attorney General R. L. Turner, asked to-day as to the future action oi ine state against the Standard Oil magnates said: "I am not at liberty lust now to ffive out the precise .. . ... V course tne siate win pursue in tne Standard oil nrosecution. but their efforts to avoid coming to Texas will be futile, for sooner or later they will be brought to trial and the law will be enforced." Murdered by White Caps. Springfield. Ky., Dec, 10. Two masked men forced an entrance into the house of Thomas Ldinsrton be tween 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday morning and in the presence ol nis wife and children shot him dead. Kdincrton had been auonvmouslv warned several times about abusing his family. Minneapolis, Minn , Dec. 10. Adry Havward. whose confession led to the solution of the Catherine Gin? murder mvsterv, has been taken to St Paul for the pres ent When he was firs( examined ha denied strenuously all knowledge of the crime. When, however, he was finally confronted bv Levi M. Stew art, he cave wav and told the whole story as he knew it The plot, he aaid. was for Blixt the engineer of the Ozark buildinir here, and Erick- aon. a disreDutable character, to do the job, the woman being decoyed into Blixt's company. Kvervone should see what the new nartv has cot to sav for itself. through the mouth of one of its ablest organs. Tne People's rarty will , . - Carry the Nation in 1896. Come in and be one of onr family nf random. This battle is raging over the whole world, and it will yet revolu tionize tbe whole world. You are behind the aire if you are not "posted." ROBERT ECKFORD, Business Manager. Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota. -- I .OO A YAR.m-J- This great farm Journal is head and shoulders above any agricultural paper of the day. Bright, Clean, and is just the paper for the wide-awake farmer and his bunny. , New Writers for 1 804-'0S. PROP. GEORGE E. MORROW, KrwuiHl atnff writer. a P. GOODRICH, E. H. FARR1NGT0N, rt i T-fc special writers on dairying. WALDO BROWN, P. B. MUMFORD, IUU8. SUAW, Special writers on Live Stock. JOS. MEEHAN, Special writer on uorrocuinire. CHARLES DAD ANT, special writer on cees. The Household department is eon AnotmA hr ainerienced writers, and ' the ioung Folks department is in competent hands, in snort, were is everyunns necessary to a firatrclass agricultural paper. ' THX BXST C&USBXVO OOT MASS 306 www DID THB COOK9 DO IT? These Desperadoes Are Credited With the Bombs Tana Holdup. Fom Worth. Texas. Deo. 10. The lnnal manasrera of the Pacific Express company say that it is impossible to tell juBt how much the robbers wno heldnn the Texas and Paciflo train west of here Thursday got away with, as all the way bills are missing. They got very little booty, however, is their impression, aa it was mostlv local ex press matter. The contents of the iron through package box arrived Here intact a snerin s posse oi m teen men. headed bv Deputy Will- lam Raa and Police Chief Mad dox, have been out with a paok of bloodhounds since Thursday night and word received from them ia to the ffaiil that, tha Tinua ia nn a hot trail following the three robbers, who are well mounted and armed, and are traveling sonthwestwardly. The safe that tha mtthara looted was the same one opened in the Gordon robbery a short time ago. The best information obtainable warrants placing the amount of booty aaminri hv tha rnhhara at t40 000. The officers engaged in the pursuit are connaent tne aesperaaoea are mem bers of the Cook gang and that they an malr!n tnr tha Indian TerrltOrv. A detachment of state rangers had started irom vjuanan to cut on iua retreat In the direction raentionea. , CHAMP CLARK BREAKS LOOSE. Tho Mtasourlaa. rights a B1U for Retire ment af Kevenua Marino Omoors. Washington, Dec 10. Less than twenty-five members were pres- nt hen the house was called t nrdar at noon to-dav. In the n hnnr. Mr. Mallorv of Florl e .. - da from tne committee on luionwro commerce called up the bill to pro- mnto tha ffiiinncv of tne revenue niittar aervlce. It nrovldes lor tne nf tha nmotri OI tne 1 c vat vu-vu w w - - service incapacitated by reason oitne infirmities oi age or pnysicai or men tal uahiiitia. Mr. Mallorv. Mr. Enirlish of New Jersey and Mr. Covert of Jew xoric supportea ibb oh v.. It mat antairnniaad BV Mr. Clark of Missouri, who deliberately avowed his intention of talking it to death. His speech was a character istic i..linmniim and andaclOUS to MW-V " . the point of sensationalism and it vnt. tha hmiH in a confusion of unirhfAr nhnAm inn leera. .VMK V . . The mormnir nour expirea wiinwu action and Mr. Brown of Maryland Mt. nnta that next Thursday be a .. . . . . . 4 ! would call up tbe contested eiecwuu case of Williams vs. Settle. DRUNKEN MEN PIOHT. Burar Tract Caie Afatu Delayed. Washington, Dec. 10. The cases of President Havemeyer and Secretary Searles of the American Sugar Refin ing company, Brokers Seymour and and Young and Correspondents E. J. Edwards and John S. Shriver, In dieted for refusing to testify before . t iMMattiMftn- MM. mittee was called in the district su preme court to-day. ; The argument in the cases of all but newspaper men , II . 1 MM A. was postponed until uecemoer aa, ous Judge Dittonhoefer of New York noke on the demurrers to the two written indictments. Ihe Brookljn Tabaraaole 8old. -RnnoKLTN. Dec 10. The Brooklyn tabernacle property was sold last night under forclosnre proceedings in the old auction room oi cnanes u Wills, who held a second mortaage on the property. There was only one bid of 110,000 and it was made by Wills over and above the amount due to Russell Sage on the first mortgage. Aa tha amonnt due Sa?e IS 861,560, wnia D-ata the biir plot for about ?t nnn which is S17.000 less than it cost the tabernacle Aa I nf or mar Shot Dowa by Bandits. O0THBiE,0k.,Decia News reached tha ritv last niirht that Kino- Berry, who lives on a claim near uismng. . - . m a. i aa killed bv a tranir OI outlaws. narrv haa been olayinsr tho informer . - - . , i,. . nrl rrva the deDUtv marsnais tips as """a-v r. .... - y tha lav oi tne uesDerauuea wm vamad several times to leave but re- nlai Vacterdav he was called to hia door and shot down by tne ban dits. w J You may have both tyl leprseijtatiue f t t f t Toaeaahave ; Tha Wealth Makers .. . and Tba Prairla Farmsr both One Year for............$1.30. This offer is to old subscribers as well as new ones. Just think of it I Two such papers as Tn Pbaibh Fabmeb and Tbb Wealth Makbbs one year ior 91.80 1 Send in your Subscriptions J.lataly - a. MT She Uyaltlj TaKrs One Year for $ 1 .55 By addressing Wealth Makers Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. This offer iB open to old sub scribers as well as new ones. We do not know how long we can af ford to make this offer. Address, WEALTH MAKERS PUB. CO., Lincoln, JTab. ft 2 laiMim a vnnn a. J.TT) Hfe Warrant J ;-! J The Reliable Z.l TT V' I l DutbU, Com I.!.. L-lnJL 7 a ml HM-m Wklr. ita. I. am tor . If Iota.. POClTRY rOI PSOriT mml puW. IW-llwk Uf.rm.tloo. if nenanie mcuoaior ana Draar'ntj, in. -m Buy "Diiiect From Factoby" Best MIXED Paints. At WSiiUSAll PRIOrS, DenTaMraFraa, For HonMa. Barna, soon, an coiora. aou o uuji....', n.nflia. Is naa 61 Teara. Endoraaa by Oraaaa aad r'snoari' Alliance. Law prlMO . .. aa ValtA lni afStmnlStaL CJ. W. Will Burpnsw fun. ttvw aw. .......... - - INGEK.sOLL, 26S Plymontk St., Broofcly. H. T. Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep. Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen: I bare been taking your Restorative Nervine for tbe past three months and I cannot say enough in its praise. It has Saved Hy Life, for I bad almost given up bope of ever being well again. I was a chronic sufferer from nervousness ana could not sleep. I was also troubled with nervous headache, and bad tried doctors In Tain, until I used your Nervine. Yours truly. MBS. M. WOOD. Blngwood, 111. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. THE FASTEST BICYCLE Tint ON EARTH U called the : G.& J. Pneumatic Tire" the most serviceable foi every day use because of its relia bility and ease of repair when damaged. "A CHILD CAN MANIPULATE IT." Being the "best that can be purchased" it is used on all j Nt BICYCLES which ire made af the "best of everything from tube to tires." r- uiw Marvin, la .old on a positive Sisrantee tha tbe erst bottle will Deneflt. lldrugtlatssell ttatH. S bottle. ft Si, or LABOR UNION CHARTERS. Cvarament Coatrol of Orcaalaatloas of WorklSKBMa Provide Tor. WAsmireTOS, Dee. 10. Two im portant changes in the bill for na tional arbitration of strikes have been made aa a result of the conference be tween Labor Commissioner Wright and Representatives McGsnn, Spring er and Erdman. They are, that la bor anions be chartered bv the gov- avnmant and that the charter of a lahnr nninn ba forfeited When its members resort to violence in the Int.vncf ni atrSknn. It is probable that the measure as thus amended win oe iaia oeiora congress. Commissioners Wright and Kernan, wno maae me recent- iu- wntlrratinn nf the Pullman Strike. . aalll anrsnar hefora the labof COm mittee Tuesday, to state their views on perfecting tbe dm. Hie Model Not a Good Wife, New YoBK,Dec. 10. Judge Beach of the city supreme court has annulled the tnarrlaire of Walter M. Dunk, the artist and magazine illustrator, to Klaanor Gilmore. The woman was bis model for some time and be mar ried her after she had claimed to have secured a divorce from her first hus- hand. Thia nroved utterlv false. She has gone to Europe with a wealthy Two Killed Oatrta-ht, Oa. Maimed for Ufa, Two Sorloaaly Wounded. Guthbis, Ok., Dee 10. A regular pitched battle took place yesterday morninrr on tbe h tarn way netween Alva and Easrle Chief. James Krown, J. S. Knio-ht Charles Kitchen, Sam Wescott and a man called One- Eye Taylor, who lives near Hgie Chief, were returning home with their bodies soaked with whisky. Un the road thev met Sam Crocker, a kill- r and thraa rano-era en route 10 Alva. The drunken men stopped and one without provocation opened fire on Crocker, immediately a insuaae of shots followed and a regular battle ensued. Kitchen and Brown were killed outright, Sam Wescott was maimed for life and Taylor was badly . . .1 1. i J . wunnded. uuring ine ngat a uepuvy United States marshal rode along and received a severe wound from a stray bullet The whole difficulty was brought on by liquor. FULL HEARINGS DESIRED. AU Saetloas of tha Conatrr Invited te Civ. Their View oa tho Carrency Plan. WASHraatos, Dec 10. Csre is being taken to have all sections of the country heard from before the house banking and currency committee meets next week, concerning the proposed currency system. Chair man Springer is not confining bis invitations to Eastern finan ciers. He has sent to Chi cago, St. Louis and Cincinnati as representative Western cities, and to Nashville, Tenn.. and to other Southern cities. ... v .-;.T - it will be sent, prepaid. on.racelpS. of price h tha Dr. Milaa1 Medical UO.. Aiuari, aou. new cTLoawc bmot Ma. iar. oormully a jsrrtav mfo. co. I Chicago. Boston. Washington. Brooklyn. Be troll. vovoy.. K. R. OBTHR1E, A Rent, Lincoln, Neb. jfon-Cltlien Employes forbidden. Talequah, Ind. Ter., Dec. 10 A kin haa nasaed both houses of the Cherokee council prohibiting the em- a a 1 a S ployment by mercnants ana iraaers of this nation of non-citizen clerks, bookkeepers or business managers. If it should be signed oy tne cniei and thns become a law, it will espec ially effect tne aruggisw, wno aro compelled to employ non-citisen . . 1 ? 1 A, af ... Mas. druggists, tnere neing uu hw w tives educated in pnarmacy. Indians In Montana Cnroly. Ottawa, Ont, Dec. 3. The depart ment of Indian affairs was informed by telegraph from Butte City, Mont, yesterday that 300 Canadian Cree In dians were up in arms agin u !.!,,.. A.tflo nrnra beinrr killed nuiw u w v h.v - c and stolen. The department offioiau are of the opinion that tne Indians m not r.anarliana- but those Who mirratd after Eiel's rebellion ended. Charred V.lth Araon and Mnrder. Caps Gibadkatj, Mo., Dea 10. Mar shal Grieb has arrested two men and on woman who are susDected of be in? imnlicated in the murder of the saloon-keeper at Bonne Terre rail road deDot at Festus. and the burn ing of the building on the night of November 25. , A tw Trial for Oaborn., Topeka, Kan., Dec 10. The su nreoe court to-day handed do'vn a decision granting to R. S. Oslorn, -.r . J. i -..i.i.5.W-.: ceWnaau v j it . a ,;i i : r r y n' A - , . . ... llUUg" DkBVl uiiugvrus Miau, WPITPATATA inmd bv Dr. Miles' FAIVI B. .!-, " Tiai nsM wn . ii y This . . Rattan Rocker 4.50. Anm MOOT IK NOW TOIM Wlft IT AKD FAT f IIUHT. T$Ht ow 1 atawsr whal ar oak ta .ear latK .ltJttli '-aaat, wt of WmI ilts,ana. shippMlaay TJSli" MH BJSa arlSVas mnjnNf fwmtwm ass " OXFoVo'.CoTwVACHICAIO.IU. r7 YIIICER'S CTSa. FEED GRIHDER uh MONET MAKER AND SAVER." A double Grinder with three burrs. Center draft. Uan be attached to any make of pamrv ingwindmill. E. fi. WINGER, f 632 Kenwood Terrace. Chicago, IIU liLaea Smcivio Co,rHitA-" f nUTI Q PavdersevrlrTimir II I aaaaaaaaaassaa.aaaasaaBa, Safe and an (after tailing t IM. u. I . auJL, aaas bj, mommrn. H. S. Aley, M. D , Treats Soeeaaaially Nervous, Fesiali & Chronic Diseases by attain ol ELEcrriiiciTir aadth. , Dostmetrlo Byetem of Medication. OFFICE: MS O ST.. LINCOLN. NEB. s-r SPECIAL SALE. ...... BetrinninsDe cember 3, and con- tinning - until Christmas we will make Special sale tirices on all our new line of Combi nation Cases, Fold ing Beds and Bat tan Goods. With everv our- chaseof $1 or over we give b a chance on a. Parlor Suit, worth 175.00 Call and see it. HARDY FURNITURE COMPANY, 2USonthllthSt LINCOLN. NEB. si lilllllllplii BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND young rniladeipnian. ' assjiaa. wm. w www - r. ur. n Arm " At ail dravrliita I "v " " V